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Christ on Campus

By Rev. Ian Stewart Pacey

All of us have had to say we are sorry or make an apology at some point in our lives. Normally, we do it because of some offense we have caused another person. Although this is the normal way we use the word apology, it is not the only way. In certain contexts, an apology does not mean to say one is sorry. Instead, it means to make a defense, to attack presuppositions, and to give reasons to believe. This is the case for the court room,for the Holy Scriptures (1 Peter 3:15), and also for Christian apologetics.


Christian apologetics is in need of a defense. Amazingly, the defense is not needed from any charge made by the outside world but from within the Church itself. In my experience as a campus pastor, I hear and read all sorts of complaints against the study and the practice of Christian apologetics like, “Nobody can be argued into the faith,” “Just proclaim the Gospel and the Holy Spirit will do the rest,” or “The only person convinced by apologetic arguments is the person giving them.”

There is a little truth in all of these statements. It is true that nobody is argued into the faith, that the Holy Spirit does work faith, and the arguer is usually convinced by his own arguments. Nevertheless, none of these complaints really undermines in any meaningful way the study and practice of Christian apologetics.

Defining Christian Apologetics

Defining Christian apologetics is the key to a proper understanding and answering the charges made against the discipline.

First, we must understand what it is. Rightly understood, Christian apologetics is the attempt at making a reasoned defense of the faith against challenges, misunderstandings, and false understandings. Second, we must know what it is not. Christian apologetics is a division of Christian theology alongside dogmatics and ethics. It is neither dogmatics nor ethics.

What this means is that apologetics can only answer certain kinds of questions, those within its own field. For example, when it comes to the creation of “all things visible and invisible,” the apologetics arguments available to us only speak to the existence of a Creator (theism or deism perhaps). What apologetics cannot address is the reason why God created. Or consider this: from the time of the resurrection of Jesus, there has been a debate concerning the empty tomb and what happened to our Lord’s body.

Christian apologetics sets forth the argument based on the available material that Jesus came back to life and rose from the grave. This is the best explanation that fits the facts. What apologetics cannot do is tell us the meaning of this resurrection.

Who cares?

Now, why does any of this matter? Why go to the trouble of careful definition? Why care about Christian apologetics at all? Here, I write as a campus pastor, one who speaks regularly with students about religious issues. In the past, there may have been a time when people (even unbelievers) generally knew and even accepted the basics of Christianity (e.g. the existence of God.) This is absolutely no longer the case. Culturally, this is no longer a given. Christians are now compelled to lay out why they believe these most basic ideas. Furthermore, when people engage in a religious dialogue and are willing to ask serious questions about the faith, what they expect in return are serious answers with greater depth than “This I know for the Bible tells me so.”

The Need for Apologetics

With this kind of a situation, the need for Christian apologetics is made clear. Along with the normal catechetical practices, we must now include Christian apologetics. Indeed, it is true that nobody is argued into the faith, the Holy Spirit does work faith, and the arguer is convinced by his own arguments. Nevertheless, false beliefs concerning the faith must be addressed and knocked down. It was in this sense that sainted Fort Wayne professor of dogmatics and apologetics Kurt Marquart used to refer to apologetics as “pre-evangelism.” His point was that Christians need to respond to the charges against the faith and clear away all the barriers preventing a person from hearing the Gospel so that when the time came, the person would hear accurately what the Gospel really is and by the power of Holy Ghost to come to believe it.

For further reading:

Nash, Ronald and Samples, Kenneth. Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions. Baker Books, 2004.

Parton, Craig. The Defense Never Rests: A Layer’s Quest for the Gospel. CPH, 2003

Powell, Doug. Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics. B&H Academic, 2006

Samples, Kenneth. A World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test. Baker, 2007

Rev. Ian Stewart Pacey is campus pastor at the University of Arizona in Tuscon, Arizona.

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