2009 Spring - Higher Things Magazine (with Bible Studies)

Page 22

If Luther were on Twitter, maybe he’d send tweets like this. Or maybe not.

Name: martin.luther Location: Germany Web: www.higherthings.org

@FredDaWise Love the hat! And the beard! about 16 minutes ago from TwitterFox

................................................................................................... I’ll never finish this hymn! What rhymes with “ineinandergeknüpft”? about 17 minutes ago from web

................................................................................................... And does “Melanchthon” rhyme with “spelunkin’”? about 18 minutes ago from web

................................................................................................... Karlstadt has an IMAGE problem. Ha! I amuse myself. about 2 hours ago from web

................................................................................................... What if we took peanuts, crushed them to a butter, and spread it on bread? Never mind. Stupid idea. about 24 from web

................................................................................................... We have the Formula of Concord. The Turk has the formula for coffee. Hmmm . . . 7:29 AM yesterday from web

................................................................................................... That mutton-loaf was amazing! Katie is nun of the above! 7:30 PM March 2nd from web

................................................................................................... No, Philipp, I do NOT want a SKINNY latte. 9:00 PM Feb 28th from web

................................................................................................... How come the kids giggle when I mention the Diet of Worms? 11:36 AM Feb 20th from web

................................................................................................... LOL? HTH? What are these riddles?! 6:56 AM Feb 4th from web

................................................................................................... When I said “Zwingli IS a knucklehead,” I meant “represents.” Ha! There I go again! H I G H E R T H I N G S _


10:38 AM Feb 1st from web

................................................................................................... Bacon! Glorious bacon! 6:37 AM Jan 31st from web

................................................................................................... I think I am working at CROSS-purposes with Leo. Ho-ho! I need a nap. 11:02 AM Jan 8th from web


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