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Inside This Issue!
• The Gift of God’s Dos and Don’ts • Being a Perfect Lutheran • The Morning Rush • Sheep Don’t Keep Track www
. h i g h e r t h i n g s . o r g / FA L L / 2011
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Contents t a b l e o F
Volume 11/Number 3 • Fall 2011
Features 4
I’m Adopted
by rev. Joel Fritsche Nowadays adoption is often in the spotlight because one celebrity or another has decided to adopt a child. Well, it’s always been big news for God! Rev. Fritsche gives you a window into his own rewarding experiences with adoption and shows how precious your adoption in Christ truly is.
Sheep Don’t Keep Track
by rev. todd Wilken Sheep are not known for being the smartest animals in the world, but they have a special place in God’s Word. Our Shepherd, Jesus, who cares for us, uses them many times in His parables and illustrations. Rev. Wilken expounds on one such instance, and in doing so, will make you revel in your sheephood.
The Gift of God’s Dos and Don’ts
by rev. George borghardt Someone just gave you a lovely, beautifully wrapped gift. You tear open the paper with enthusiasm and look at it, stunned...it’s God’s Law? How can it be that the very thing that St. Paul calls a ministry of death, is a gift from God? Learn why this is a reality as you read this article crafted in true Rev. Borghardt fashion.
10 Genetic Engineering: Blessing or Curse?
by rev. dr. John I. lamb “Hi, I’d like one baby boy with blue eyes, blond hair, and athletic ability on the side.” Going through the drive-through to order your baby? That may seem far-fetched, but as Christians, we need to tread lightly when it comes to the topic of genetic engineering. Dr. Lamb carefully navigates through the final part in his series and grapples with the question: How far is too far when it comes to genetic engineering?
12 The Morning Rush
by Christina harman Whether it’s Starbucks or a 3-mile jog, a protein shake or Good Morning America, nearly everyone has something in their morning routine that they find it very hard to manage without. Christina presents a Christ-centered, compelling case for making time with God an essential start to your day.
20 Christ on Campus Have You Apologized Lately? The Law and Gospel of Christian Apologetics
by rev. Ian Pacey Whether you’re in college or not, at some point your faith in Christ will be challenged. Scripture calls us to be able to give a reason for the hope that we have, so where do we start? Rev. Pacey gets the ball rolling for you as he provides some basics.
22 Put Me in, Coach! I’m Ready to Live the Christian Life
by rev. Chad hoover For nearly as long as there has been American football, there have been Christians attempting to use it as a picture of the Christian life. Rev. Hoover has a unique twist on this analogy and shows us that perhaps it has a place after all, which gives us a real reason to celebrate!
24 Green Without the Black
by rev. alan Kornacki As Christians, where do we find that middle ground between apathy toward the environment and screaming obscenities at folks who wear fur, neither of which are acceptable? Rev. Kornacki lays out an approach to being the wise stewards God calls us to be and to care for this groaning creation that awaits the glorious coming of Jesus Christ!
28 Being a Perfect Lutheran
by Scott Johnson Overachiever. Task-oriented. Hard on yourself. Do these sound familiar? If you find yourself constantly trying to see if you measure up, then Scott’s words will gently remind you where your value lies and how that can bring you peace.
30 Catechism Thy Will Be Done
by rev. William Cwirla These words in the Lord’s Prayer are not some sort of complacent surrender...they are a battle cry, but also a source of great comfort. Rev. Cwirla sweeps away some of our misconceptions about these four words we often tack onto the end of our prayers.
Volume 11/Number 3/Fall 2011
Bible Studies for these articles can be found at: higherthings.org/ magazine/biblestudies.html Editor
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I’m Adopted By Rev. Joel Fritsche
y older brother always refers to me as the “chosen one.” He and my two other older siblings were adopted before I came into the picture. I was my mother’s case of “the flu” four years after their third and last adoption. Hmm. If I was the “chosen one” simply because I was the biological child of my parents and the baby, why are there fewer baby pictures of me? In fact, I would argue the opposite of my dear brother. I am not the chosen one. By virtue of their adoptions, they are the chosen ones. And I’m fine with that.
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My parents made sacrifices for all four of their children, whom they love equally, by the way. Parenting, like other vocations, involves the giving of oneself for another. Adoption absolutely includes sacrifice. Birth parents make sacrifices when giving up a child for adoption, despite the different circumstances of each child’s birth. Adoptive parents make huge sacrifices, especially with all of the legal and financial challenges that adoption can bring nowadays.
I may not be adopted, but I am an adoptive father. In 2008, my wife, Clarion, and I adopted two boys: biological siblings from Russia, ages 3 and 5. We’re currently adopting their younger biological brother, age 2. I can’t begin to tell you what we’ve been through to bring these boys home—into our family. There are mountains of paperwork, done and re-done, notarized and processed, mailed to our agency and then “FedExed” to far eastern Russia. There are huge checks to write and mounds of cash to stuff in my luggage and other places I won’t mention. We have been poked and prodded, given blood, been fingerprinted more times than a convict and our backgrounds thoroughly checked. Why? We desire to have children! The Lord also desires to have children. In fact, when He breathed life into man, He created human beings in His image just as children are images of their parents. Even after the fall, out of pure grace, He redeemed us through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. The analogy of adoption is part of Holy Scripture’s treasure trove of redemption language. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5 ESV). It isn’t something God did on a whim. He deliberately chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world and predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:4-5), to be His holy people. The price was hefty: the precious blood, the innocent suffering and death of His perfect, onlybegotten Son. Adoption is all about sacrifice and it’s all about grace! We don’t even have to do the choosing. God chooses us! My wife and I retell our family story again and again to my sons. We look at the pictures and videos from our trips to Russia. We talk about where they came from, their orphanages and what little we know of their birth mother. They have the privilege to watch as we bring home their brother, to witness for themselves the sacrifice and to rejoice in what they’ve been given by grace. Their orphanages were not horrible places. The children are loved and cared for by some wonderful people. We took great comfort in that when we had to say goodbye and go home without them in order to wait for our court date. The survival rate of Russian orphans once released from the orphanage is terribly low. Many turn to drugs, prostitution, crime and die young and alone. Kyrie eleison! What a gift to be chosen—adopted! Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18). Through our adoption into Christ, God has given us a new birth “from above” by water and the Spirit (John 3:3, 5). The devil, the world and our sinful flesh tempt us to crave our former, sinful way of life. Fear not, dear child of God. You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15). We daily rejoice in our adoption as we return to our baptism through the Holy Spirit’s work of contrition and repentance. Daily “we groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies” (Romans 8:23). For He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). Our Lord will come to us, just as He promised! So the reality is that my adopted siblings may truly be the “chosen ones” in my family. After all, I wasn’t adopted by my parents. They were stuck with me and still are! However, in Christ, I am adopted. I’m more than fine with that! Rev. Joel Fritsche is an adopted child of God, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Staunton, Illinois, and a member of the board of directors of Higher Things.
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Sheep Don’t Keep Track
By Rev. Todd Wilken
It is Judgment Day
, and Jesus is separating the sheep from the goats:
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He will place the sheep on His right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me’ (Matthew 25:33-36). The sheep are surprised. They don’t remember doing any of these things. They ask, “When did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?” How could the sheep get to Judgment Day unaware that their earthly lives had been filled with good works?
Keep-track Christianity If you had been a Christian in the years leading up to the Reformation, your life would have been all about keeping track of your good works. You would have been taught that your salvation depended on it. At the time, Martin Luther made a bold statement in the Heidelberg Disputation: Although the works of man always seem attractive and good, they are nevertheless likely to be mortal sins… they appear to the doer and others good and beautiful, yet God does not judge according to appearances but searches the minds and hearts. Luther was saying that your good works may not be good at all. And if you couldn’t tell if your works were really good, then how could you keep track of your good works? Even today, many churches teach that, as a Christian, you need to keep track of your good works. They are wrong. What Is a Good Work? God doesn’t grade on a curve. With God, good means perfect. God says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). All means all, and anything less than all is sin. You see, your good works aren’t measured by comparing yourself with your past, with others, or with your own moral goals. Your good works are measured by God’s perfect standard. If God’s standard is perfection, are any of your good works good enough? No. Whose Good Works? Don’t get me wrong, Christians do good works. But I am saying that you don’t need to keep track of your good works. First, your good works aren’t the result of your effort; they are God’s doing. Paul tells the Philippians: ”I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1: 6) and, “It is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). Good works are a promise of God. And as with every promise of God, we walk by faith and not by sight. Second, your good works aren’t good because they are perfect. They are good for another reason. Scripture says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). But with faith in the perfect good works of Jesus Christ, it is impossible not to please Him. What pleases God is Jesus. You are pleasing to God because of what Jesus did for you. Jesus met God’s perfect standard. Jesus’ perfect good works substitute for your life of sin and less-than-perfect good works. This is why you don’t need to keep track of your good works.
What are Good Works Good For? You may ask, “What good are my good works, if I can’t use them to keep track of my moral progress?” The truth is your good works aren’t for you; your good works are for your neighbor. This brings us back to the surprised sheep in Jesus’ parable. They are surprised when Jesus tells them about their good works. They don’t remember doing any of them. Why not? The sheep didn’t spend their lives keeping track of their good works. The sheep spent their lives trusting in the perfect good works of Jesus. Therefore, they were free to do good works for “the least of these my brothers.” But the sheep aren’t the only ones surprised on Judgment Day. The goats are also surprised, but for a different reason. The goats were careful to keep track of their good works. They were certain that if they had seen Jesus hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick or in prison, they would have helped Him. Think about it: Some of the greatest philanthropists and humanitarians will be among the goats on Judgment Day. They will be able to recite long lists of their good works. They will ask, “When did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not minister to you?” Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life (Matthew 25:45-46). So much for keeping track of your good works. On Judgment Day the goats will have their works, but that is all they will have. But sheep don’t keep track. So remember, you’re a sheep, not a goat. Don’t waste your time and effort keeping track of your good works. Instead, trust in Jesus; live for your neighbor. Spend your time, effort and works on your neighbor in need. Sheep don’t keep track, because they know they don’t need to. They’re already sheep in Jesus. Todd Wilken is host of the radio show, Issues, Etc. He is also the assistant pastor of Trinity Lutheran-Millstadt, Illinois, and believes that he can hug every cat.
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The Gift of God’s Dos and Don’ts By Rev. George F. Borghardt
“Do this....Don’t do that.” And if you don’t do, you go to hell. If you do do, or you don’t do it well enough, completely enough, you still go to hell.
The Law is a mirror that shows only our sins, our selfish motives, our faults, our deepest secrets. No matter what we do, the DVR of life is always recording—and the Law doesn’t miss a thing— thought, word, deed. It catches it all. Not to mention that even if you do or don’t do all that you are supposed to do, you still go to hell because you were born going to hell on account of Adam’s dids and didn’ts. Yet the Law was given as a gift from God. He’s our God. He protects us from what would kill us and tells us how His people are to live. But the gift has become a burden in our not doing. Lex semper accusat. You learned that in catechism class. I did, too. It means, “The Law always accuses.” There’s never a time in which the Law isn’t accusing us, isn’t condemning us, isn’t damning us. The Law wrecks our style. It tells us not to do stuff we want to do and to do stuff we don’t want to do. And the worst thing about it is that the Law is always true! Its condemnation is right—always right all the time. Some gift, eh? Can we return it? If God would just stop with all His dos and don’ts, wouldn’t our lives be better? Adam and Eve sure thought so. That’s why they did what they did! They believed that their dos and don’t dos were way better than what God had said to do and don’t do. You can try to ignore the Law and act like it isn’t there or put it behind you. But it still speaks truth, still condemns, and still hunts you down. You can jump out of a window, acting as if there isn’t gravity, but you’ll still hit the ground—hard. In the same way, you still get cast out of the Garden when you fall short of God’s Law. You still die. Death. The Law kills. It slays. It’s worse than the Grim Reaper. In the Law, each day, each one of us, every cell in us, is dying. Adam died. Eve died. Do do, and you die. Don’t do, and you die. Jesus first. The Law condemned Jesus first. Christ suffered the punishment for all our dos and don’ts. Every sin, every accusation—He bore it all for you and me. What He has taken upon Himself, He has redeemed, bought back, and forgiven. We would like to hide the Law, ignore it, sweep it under the bed. But Christ has done one better! He has fulfilled the Law. He counts all His perfect doing and don’t doing as your perfect doing and don’t doing. Then He died the death that we deserve for our dos and don’ts. And we, even you and me, are
saved. If He had not fulfilled the Law, it might still be out there, poised to sting, ready to reach out from under the bed and grab your leg and kill you and me. That’s the gift of the Law: It kills us, it slays us, it buries us. The Law kills us so that we can live in Christ. Thank God for the Law! And when you can’t lift up your dos and don’ts before God any more; when you realize that the life that you live before God isn’t life at all but just the death of your dos and don’ts—then you’ll understand all the more that the only hope you have in this world, the only salvation you have, is Christ. Christ has saved you—by His taking on God’s dos and don’ts for you and paying the price for them. His Cross is the end of the Law for you, the end of death for you, and the end of hell for you. In His death and resurrection, you have life—life that the Law could never give you. Life that never ever ends. And since you died to the Law in the waters of Holy Baptism, you can now live to God—not for yourself any more, but for your neighbor. God doesn’t need you to do the Law to make Him happy, but your neighbor sure does. Do and don’t do for those around you like Christ did and didn’t do for you. Sure, the Law will still sting and accuse you. Just ignore it and cling all the more to Jesus’ forgiveness. Jesus for you and Jesus for your neighbor, too. That’s the gift of the Law! The Law is a gift because it kills you. The Law is a gift because after you are slain by it, the Gospel raises you to new life in Christ. Then, forgiven one, the Law is a gift because it guides you in how to live for those around you. Only in the Gospel are the Law’s dos and don’ts a gift! Pastor George F. Borghardt is the senior pastor at Zion Ev. Lutheran Church in McHenry, Illinois, and serves as the Deputy and Conference Executive of Higher Things. His email address is revborghardt@higherthings.org.
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Genetic engineering: blessing or Curse?
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By Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb The Final in a Four-Part Series on the Sanctity of Life
Genetic engineering is extremely complicated to do, but
thankfully it is not too complicated to talk about. As Christians, we don’t need to grasp the intricacies of nucleotides and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to discuss genetic engineering as a blessing or curse. So relax! What follows is very basic. definition Genetic engineering is the alteration of an organism’s genetic material to eliminate undesirable characteristics or to produce desirable new ones.
Is this being done? Genetic engineering in plants and animals has been done for centuries using cross-breeding techniques. Today it can also be done at the genetic level, producing things like crops that are resistant to herbicides or cows that produce more and better milk. Manipulating the genetic code as described above is not being used currently in human beings. Genetic engineering presents many ethical problems including using human subjects in necessary research. Nevertheless, you can be assured that scientists will continue to pursue this, and it is not a matter of “if” it will be used with human beings, but “when.” Young people today may face the possibility of “designing” their children.
not just because it is right, but because drawing lines is at stake.” We live in a society where people do not want to draw lines. Truth and morality are relative concepts. It is considered judgmental to call things wrong, but lines are necessary. Dr. Ian Malcom, from the movie Jurassic Park, asserted, “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t stop to think whether they should.” The Bible speaks similarly, “’Everything is permissible’—but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible’—but not everything is constructive” (1 Corinthians 10:23). It seems the Corinthians had been twisting Paul’s teaching about God’s grace into justifying sinful behavior. “Since God forgives, everything is permissible.” No, Paul says, not everything that can be done should be done. Christians need to draw lines based on the truth of God’s Word. While we recognize science and technology to be blessings from God, we also realize that our selfish, sinful nature can misuse these blessings and take them too far. The potential to use genetic engineering to eliminate disease would appear to be a blessing. On the other hand, this genetic manipulation would need to take place on human embryos created through in vitro fertilization. This process has its own problems with discarding “poor quality” embryos and freezing others. If some of these problems could be eliminated, perhaps blessing could eventually come through the use of genetic engineering to cure disease. But we must be very, very cautious. We need to draw the line, however, when it comes to designing human beings. This takes procreation out of the hands of God. In Genesis 30:1, barren Rachel cries out in anguish to Jacob, “Give me children, or I shall die!” Jacob angrily answers, “Am I in the place of God who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?” Manipulating genes to “create” what we desire puts us in the place of God. It turns procreation into production and the gift of life into a commodity. It puts technology in the place of God. We must draw this line. To have some fun and foster discussion on this issue, I recommend the movie Gattaca. With an adventurous story line, it presents a future with designed human beings and the problems that result.
What is the Christian to do? Joni Eareckson Tada, a quadriplegic and champion for people with disabilities, said,“Drawing lines is necessary,
Rev. Dr. James Lamb is Executive Director of Lutherans for Life. He can be reached at jlamb@lutheransforlife.org.
how is this done? The twisted strands of our DNA contain our genetic code. If stretched out, our total DNA would be 2.0×1013 meters, the equivalent of nearly 70 round trips to the sun! To keep this very simple, think flat—in two dimensions. Think of the DNA as a long strip made up of interlocking pieces like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Our genes, which determine our characteristics, consist of a particular sequence of “pieces.” For example, the gene for eye color might be a sequence of four pieces and the gene for hair color a sequence of six pieces, etc. The Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, sought to identify all these sequences of “pieces” of our approximately 30,000 genes. Once we know their location, it becomes theoretically possible to replace defective genes. For example, if we were to identify the defective gene that causes cystic fibrosis, we could remove that sequence of “puzzle pieces” and splice in a non-defective sequence. It would also become possible to enhance characteristics. Find the gene responsible for muscle strength and replace it with a gene that produces greater muscle strength, and we could produce champion athletes. The whole question of athletes using steroids would become obsolete!
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Mornings can be excruciating, especially if
it happens to be a Monday morning, and particularly if you’ve spent most of the night poring over textbooks instead of studying the back of your eyelids. That snooze alarm is just so annoying, but you know it’s right. You need to snap out of Dreamland, get up and at ‘em, and somehow keep your 100-lb eyelids pried open for a whole day of fast-approaching deadlines. How? With the help of an ever-faithful friend. Hellooooo, caffeine!
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Some choose soda, some tea, and some even down those gag reflex-activating energy drinks. My personal morning priority? Good old, straight up black coffee. If I really need to get a move-on, that’s what I grab. The rush of caffeine, then I’m good to go! Bring. It. On. But, wait. Screech to a halt. Am I really prepared to face this new day? Does a caffeinated drink actually equip me for the next 24 hours of my life? Well... not completely. Coffee is tasty, but when it comes to giving perspective on the day, it’s lacking. Caffeine may clear the grogginess of sleep, but it doesn’t point to the One who turned death into a mere slumber and who gives us eternal life. Our physical bodies may be slightly addicted to caffeine, but our very souls are completely and utterly dependent on the work of Someone Else. Like the woman at the well, what we really need every single day is not an earthly
beverage, but the Living Water. There are many blessings we each rely on to get us through the day, but in the course of a normal morning, there is no greater gift than God’s Word. I have to admit it’s something I struggle with every day. We live in a fast-paced, jam-packed, gotta-run world, and it’s so easy to push Him aside. I have to ask myself: How much time each morning do I spend in front of the mirror trying to make myself look halfway presentable? (Yes, it does take awhile!) And how much time do I spend in the morning in God’s Word? ...And, remind me again...Which of these is more important? Yeah. Oops. Thought so.“But I’m running late!!” I usually think. Well, yes, but who gave us time to begin with? My to-do list may be freakishly long, but it’s time to put first things first. How about you? Would you try to face the day without wiping the sleep out of your eyes, combing your hair, or getting dressed? Would you start your
ng Rush By Christina Harman
morning without some sort of beverage, whether regular or decaf? Of course not. Well, why would you try to face the day without the Lord’s Word? A lot of life is about priorities, and there is no higher goal than starting the morning with your Savior, Jesus Christ. And while the health factor of caffeine-filled drinks is questionable, the blessings of meditating on God’s Word every day are undeniable. So roll out of bed a bit earlier if you have to. Make the sign of the cross, remembering the saving waters of your holy baptism, when God made you His child. Hear from Him in His Word, and ask for His care and guidance throughout the upcoming day. Ask Him to send you out as the baptized child you are. You know yourself well enough to figure out what you’re up for in the morning. Whatever you do, choose something that can become a habit. It doesn’t matter if you pray a psalm, read a couple of chapters in the Bible, or check out the Higher Things Daily Reflections. Try to pick a routine and stick with it. Of course, that goal may sound great in theory now, but as your Road Runner-esque mornings rush by, will you actually take time for personal devotions every single day for the rest of your entire life? Probably not: You’re a sinner. All of us constantly mix up our priorities—despite our best intentions. So often we fail at setting aside time to read God’s Word. But there’s good news: Your Savior is never tired, rushed, or pressed for time. No matter how
often you’ve forgotten God in the past, no matter how many times you will blow Him off in the future, Christ chose YOU as His top priority, and will always choose YOU as His top priority. And He is always advocating for you at the right hand of the Father. Now there’s a realization far more satisfying than the rush of caffeine.
Christina Harman is a coffee-addicted music teacher from Minnesota. If you’d like to make a contribution to her Starbucks habit, please contact her at christina.harman@blc.edu.
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Coram Deo Coram Deo Coram Deo Deo Coram
2011 Higher Things Conferenc
Coram Deo? What exactly does “Coram Deo” mean? Well, it’s Latin for “before God,” as His reign. Think a bit about living Coram Deo, before God. What does it mean that you
2 0 1 1 H i g hthee Law, r Tlife h before i n g God s Cis oterrifying. n f e rIt eis nliving c eunder s His judgment and wrath. But
before God is beautiful, a restoration of what God intended when He made Man in the
2011 Hig
Coram Deo? What exactly does “Coram“Can Deo”mortal mean?man Well,beit’srighteous Latin for before “beforeGod? God,”Can as ina His manpresence, be pure under before his Maker?” (Jo His reign. Think a bit about living Coramreligious Deo, before God. What doesaitsinner meandestined that you to livedie Coram Under question: How can standDeo? before a righteous and ho hthe e rLaw,T life h ibefore n g sGodCis oterrifying. n f e rItthrough eis nliving c efaith s under His judgment for Christ’s sake! and wrath. But under the Gospel, life before God is2beautiful, 0 1 1 aHrestoration i g h eofr what T hGod i nintended g s Cwhen o nHe f emade r e Man n c inethe s beginning.
Coram Deo? What exactly does “Coram“Can Deo”mortal mean?man Well,be it’srighteous Latin for “before God,”Can as inaHis presence, before God? man be pure under before his Maker?” (Job 4:17) This is the core His reign. Think a bit about living Coramreligious Deo, before God. What mean destined that you live Coram Deo? Under question: How does can aitsinner to die stand before a righteous andJuly holy 12-15, God? Only by grace July 5-8, 2011 2011 Coram Deo? What exactly does “Coram Deo” mean? Well, it’s Latin for “before ” as in His presence, under the Law, life before God is terrifying. Itthrough is livingfaith under judgment ButVegas, under the Gospel, life God, for His Christ’s sake! and wrath.Las Bloomington/Normal, His reign. Think a bit about living Coram Deo, before God. WhatNevada does it mean that you live Coram Deo? Under Illinois before God is beautiful, a restoration of what God intended when He made Man in the beginning. University of Nevada Illinois State University the Law, life before God is terrifying. It is living under His judgment and wrath. But under the Gospel, life “Can mortal man be righteous before God? a man bea pure beforeofhiswhat Maker?” 4:17) when This isHe themade core Man in the beginning. before GodCan is beautiful, restoration God (Job intended religious question: How can a sinner destined to die stand before a righteous July 5-8, 2011 12-15, 2011 19-22, 2011 con fand ereaJuly nholy ces@God? higpure heOnly rthbefore inby gs.grace ohis rg Maker?” (Job July “Can mortal man be righteous before God? Can man be 4:17) This is the core through faith for Christ’s sake! Vegas, Bloomington/Normal, Illinoisand holyAtlanta, religiousLas question: HowNevada can a sinner destined to die stand before a righteous God? OnlyGeorgia by grace University of Nevada Illinois State University Emory University through faith for Christ’s sake!
July 5-8, 2011
Las Vegas, Nevada University of Nevada
confereJuly nces@12-15, higherth2011 ings.org
Bloomington/Normal, Illinois
JulyIllinois 5-8,State 2011 University
Las Vegas, Nevada University of Nevada
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July 19-22, 2011 Georgia JulyAtlanta, 12-15, 2011 Emory University
! D E T I S I V E R
Bloomington/Normal, Illinois
Illinois State University www.coramdeo2011.org
Coram Deo H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 14
July 19-22, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia Emory University
F A L L 2 0 1 1 _ 15
H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 16
Join us for the 2012 TWELVE Higher Things conferences. Watch twelveHT.org for more information!
Maryville, MO
Irvine, CA
Concordia university July 10-13, 2012
brock university July 17-20, 2012
St. Catharines, ON
www.twelveHT.org or email conferences@higherthings.org for more details.
Twelve. The Lord does twelves. He had twelve tribes in Israel. He chose twelve men to be His disciples. Twelve is His Church’s number. His Church was created from His side – from the Blood and Water that flowed on Good Friday when He gave His life for His Bride, the Church. In the Blood and Water, in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, is born the Church. On the Last Day, when the Lord speaks about His church, there is His Twelve once again - a thousand times over. Standing with the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world in the Book of Revelation are the baptized, His “old” Twelve and His “new” Twelve through all eternity.
Wake Forest university June 26-29, 2012
northwest Missouri State university July 3-6, 2012
2012 Higher Things Conferences
Winston-Salem, NC
2 0 1 1 _
Join us for the 2012 TWELVE Higher Things conferences. Watch twelveHT.org for more information!
Co hi nf gh er er en th ce in In gs fo 20 rm 1 at 2 io n
Higher Things Conferences Winston-Salem, NC Wake Forest university June 26-29, 2012
Maryville, MO
northwest Missouri State university July 3-6, 2012
Irvine, CA
Concordia university July 10-13, 2012
St. Catharines, ON brock university July 17-20, 2012
Why Higher Things?
We live in a culture of blurry religious distinctions and do-it-yourself spirituality. Youth, especially, need solid ground that will nurture lasting Christian faith. Rather than treating youth as an adolescent subculture and confusing them with religious experiences that cannot be replicated at home, Higher Things believes in challenging them to learn the pure doctrine of the Christian faith. Teaching youth the same message that they hear at home will help them grow in the fullness of the Christian faith as they come to appreciate historic liturgical practice and its unique focus on God’s gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation for us, delivered in Word and Sacrament.
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The Theme: Twelve
Twelve. The Lord does twelves. He had twelve tribes in Israel. He chose twelve men to be His disciples. Twelve is His Church’s number. His Church was created from His side – from the Blood and Water that flowed on Good Friday when He gave His life for His Bride, the Church. In the Blood and Water, in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, is born the Church. On the Last Day, when the Lord speaks about His church, there is His Twelve once again - a thousand times over. Standing with the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world in the Book of Revelation are the baptized, His “old” Twelve and His “new” Twelve through all eternity. Which makes 2012 the perfect year for the theme of Higher Things’ Conferences to be “Twelve”, centered upon His Church in the Last Days. Twelve is the Church’s number because it was the Lord’s number first.
Registration will open on November 1, 2011 and close on February 29, 2012 – or when a site reaches capacity, whichever happens first. We work very diligently to keep costs as low as possible while providing the best conferences we can – every year! the per-person rates below are based on the date your group’s registration fees are paid in full. Additional fees may apply for registrations and changes made after March 1, 2012. nov. 1, 2011 to dec. 31, 2011 $300
Jan. 1, 2012 to Feb. 29, 2012 $325
after March 1, 2012 $350
Maryville, Mo (July 3-6, 2012)
Irvine, Ca (July 10-13, 2012)
St. Catharines, on (July 17-20, 2012)
Winston-Salem, nC (June 26-29, 2012)
Your registration Fee includes: Conference Programming (Planning, Catechesis, Worship, Entertainment) Three (3) Nights of Housing (double capacity) Nine (9) Meals Conference Handbook Daily Services Book Conference T-Shirt
• • • • • •
Not only can you register your group online at www.twelveht.org, you can pay deposits and your balance online, too! All you need is a valid HT Online account. If you don’t have one yet, you can sign up for one at www.higherthings.org.
Age Requirements
Higher Things conferences are generally planned for high school-aged youth, but registrants may be any youth who have been confirmed prior to the conference, including college students. We recognize that the ages of confirmed youth vary from congregation to congregation, and just ask that if a group is bringing young people who are not yet in high school, the group leaders be prepared to provide additional supervision accordingly.
Higher Things requires a minimum of one (1) chaperone for every seven (7) youth in your group. Each group must be accompanied by at least one chaperone – one male adult for the male youth and/or one female adult for the female youth in your group. Chaperones must be at least 21 years old at the time of registration and must also be approved by the group’s pastor for their role. all chaperones and other adults in a group must complete the registration process. If you are unable to recruit the necessary number of chaperones from your congregation for your youth to attend a conference, Higher Things is happy to help you find other groups from your area who might be willing to share their chaperones with you.
Conference Capacities
The Twelve conference at the Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC has a capacity of 600 registrants. The conference at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, MO has a capacity of 1,000 people. The conference at Concordia University in Irvine, CA has a capacity of 500 registrants. And the conference at Brock University in St. Catharine ON (Canada) has a very limited capacity of 200 and is reserved first for Canadian registrants and American registrants from states surrounding the Toronto/Niagara Falls area.
More information will be available to you very soon! But if you just can’t contain your curiosity and excitement, you may visit www.twelveHT.org or email conferences@higherthings.org to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
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(PA) @ University of South Dakota @ University of Tennessee @ University of Tulsa (OK) @ University of Pittsburgh and Other Pittsburgh Area Colleges @ University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee @ University of Wisconsin—Superior @ University of Wyoming @ Valparaiso University (IN) @ Vanderbilt University (TN) @ Wright State University (OH)
@ Air Force Academy (CO) @ Ball State University (IN) @ Boise State University (ID) @ Brock University (Ontario) @ California Polytechnic State University @ Carthage College (WI) @ Central Michigan University @ Chico State University (CA) @ Colorado State University @ Cornell College (IA)
Have You Apologized Lately? The Law and Gospel of Christian Apologetics By Rev. Ian Pacey
Going to college this year? How is your Christian apology? In daily conversation, the word apology almost always means an expression of regret for some misdeed. However, the term as used in Holy Scripture means to provide an answer, a reasoned response, or a defense. The intent here is to provide the briefest of overviews. The Higher Things Magazine spring 2012 issue will be featuring an entire array of articles on the subject of apologetics and it will be there that we delve into more specifics. The best known use of apology comes to us in 1 Peter 3:15 which reads, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense [an “apology”] to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” In these words, God calls Christians to be prepared to make an apology or defense whenever the appropriate circumstances arise. So how is this done? It is one thing to know what we have been called to do. It is another to know how to do it.
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the best response: the Gospel The best response to the question concerning the hope we Christians have is nothing less than the Biblically revealed truth concerning human sin (the Law) and the forgiveness of sin for Jesus’ sake (the Gospel). It really is that simple. Why do Christians have hope? Christians have hope because Jesus, through his death and resurrection, has atoned for the sins of the world! As we all know, not everybody who hears the Law and the Gospel believes immediately or ever, for that matter. Fundamentally, all unbelief is the result of human sin. In practice, the reason for unbelief is as different as the people who do not believe. Some may not believe because they have been taught some falsehood. Others may not believe because they have personally created falsehoods to distance themselves from God. In both cases, the only way to help the unbeliever dig out the error is to dialogue with them; to be willing to answer and ask questions of those who reject Christian truth claims.
Questions for Christians Most questions for Christians from unbelievers fall into three major categories: 1. The Existence of God. The Christian claims that God exists. God’s Word teaches this fundamental truth. Of course, the unbeliever rejects the Word. Purely for the sake of discussion, is there any way the Christian can talk about the existence of God without citing the Scriptures? The answer is yes. The Christian may talk about natural law, the idea of a first cause, or use other philosophical arguments, depending on the person with whom they are speaking. Most importantly, we can speak of Jesus (whom we know as true God) and how His tomb was empty, a fact that can be demonstrated without relying solely on the Bible’s testimony! 2. The Reliability of the Old and New Testaments. When speaking of the Holy Scriptures, Christians use the words inerrancy, inspiration, and others. These terms reflect the origin and the truthfulness of God’s Word. By definition, the unbeliever rejects these concepts. However, when it comes the main criticism against the Bible, very often an unbeliever will set forth the idea that the words of the Bible are not the words of the original authors and/or the original authors are not those normally associated with the individual books. For example, Mark did not write Mark. Is there any way of undoing these views that poison the unbeliever’s view of the Bible? Again, the answer is yes. In fact, there is a science, called textual criticism, that is devoted to the question of text authorship and transmission. When put to the test, the Holy Scriptures pass with flying colors! Not only that, the Scriptures are validated because Jesus rose from the dead!
20 20
Duluth @ University of Minnesota—Morris @ University of Minnesota—Twin Cities @ University of North Carolina—Greensboro @ University of North Dakota @ University of Northern Colorado @ University of Northern Iowa @ University of Oklahoma @ University of Pittsburgh
) @ Dickinson State University (ND) @ George Mason University @ Grand Valley State University and Calvin College (MI) @ Harvard University and Other Boston Area Colleges @ Indiana University @ Indiana State University @ Lake Superior State University (MI) @ Mississippi State University
Now Available! pus Christ on Camges
Care Packa
Christ on Campus Care Packages will include things such as popcorn, hot chocolate, ramen noodles, and even a Starbucks gift card, but also some devotional aids, and at least two books that every college student should read. They will also include information about Christ on Campus, ways to get connected with other LCMS college students and where possible, information about a local parish they might attend. These make a perfect gift for college students from parents, grandparents, church youth groups, LWML circles, and others. So dare to care about your college students and feed them the Higher Things way!
Questions for unbelievers At this point, in addition to responding to questions, Christians need to be able to ask serious, probing questions of the unbeliever. For example, in response to the question of God’s existence, Christians might bring up the question of why anything exists. In some cases, people believe the universe sprang up from nothing (practically a miracle). In other cases, people suggest an eternally existing universe (so the issue is not eternal existence, but what or who exists eternally). There are many important questions to be asked in the area of ethics. Most people believe in the existence of good. How do we know what is good (or evil) without God? The number of questions can make your head spin. Putting it all together A full apologetic for the truthfulness of the Christian Faith, in support of the Gospel, needs to have both questions and answers at work. In both the answering and asking of questions (as Law), the power of false belief is undermined. We know that the Law does not bring anyone to the Faith. Nevertheless, the work of the Law is the divinely created forerunner to hearing and believing the Good News of forgiveness in Jesus Christ which, in the end, is the goal of all of our apologies. Rev. Ian Stewart Pacey was born and raised in Orange County, California. He holds degrees from U.C.L.A. (B.A.), Concordia Theological Seminary (M. Div.), and Drew University (M. Phil.). Rev. Pacey serves as campus pastor at the University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona.
Cost: $40 Per Semester | $75 Both Semesters (save $5). Orders for the Fall Semester Care Packages are being taken between September 1 - october 15.
Learn More and Order Online
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@ The campus ministry arm of Higher Things @ Pastors and laity interested in confessional Lutheran campus ministry @ A great source for campus ministry resources @ Discussion forums for college students and campus ministry workers @ College retreats and service opportunities @ A growing and developing network of campus ministry chapters
Learn More About Christ On Campus: higherthings.org/campus.html
Rev. Marcus Zill Christ on Campus Executive zill@higherthings.org or (307) 745-5892
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@ North Carolina State University @ NW Oklahoma State University @ Pittsburg State University (KS) @ Rhode Island College and other RI Colleges @ Sam Houston State University (TX) @ San Francisco State University (CA) @ Slippery Rock State University (PA) @ South Dakota State University @ Stanford University (CA) @
3. The Problem of Evil. This argument has thousands of variations. Many atheists/agnostics consider the problem of evil to be the best argument against the truthfulness of Christianity. The idea goes like this: Christians believe God is both all powerful and the greatest good. If these two things are true, then evil should not exist. Nevertheless, evil does exist. Thus, God is not all powerful or not good. In either case, He is not a God worth trusting. In a purely formal sense, this challenge is easily undone. God can do things or allow for things which we may not understand while maintaining His omnipotence and His maximum goodness. We can see this demonstrated in the experience of Job in the Scriptures. More importantly, though, we see the problem of evil answered in Jesus, who suffered evil to rescue us from evil forever!
Texas State University (TX) @ University of Arizona @ University of California—Berkeley @ University of Colorado @ University of Connecticut—Avery Point and other CT Colleges @ University of Illinois @ University of Iowa @ University of Louisville @ University of Minnesota
Put Me In, Coach! I’m Ready to Live the Christian Life By Rev. Chad E. Hoover
Vince Lombardi, the former coach of the Green Bay Packers,
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once said, “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time.” Winning is the goal of football. Scoring more points than your opponents and walking off the field in victory after the game (just like the Green Bay Packers did after Super Bowl XLV) is what it’s all about.
Football as an analogy? So, is living the Christian life like football? Do we just have to score enough points with God so that we can achieve our goal and enter into the kingdom of heaven? After all, Jesus proclaims,“Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:20 NASB). There can be no stain or blemish upon your record, otherwise you’re disqualified. Realistically, then, what hope do we have of actually achieving this goal? the quarterback Well, what hope would quarterback Aaron Rodgers have had in Super Bowl XLV if he had been the only man on the field wearing a green jersey facing 11 black helmets gunning for him? He’s good, but he’s not that good. That’s what it’s like for us in this sinful flesh amidst this sin-filled world; the odds are completely stacked against us reaching our goal of heaven all by ourselves. It’s impossible. But Rodgers didn’t win that game all by himself, did he? And the same is true for us. We have fellow Christians to lean on and support us. the head coach Does that make God the head coach? The head coach prepares his players week after week to face off against the opposing teams. As a head coach, God would say,“Here are the tools you need to come out on top. Now get out there and do me proud!” A head coach is also there on the sidelines calling plays, arguing with the refs, and encouraging his players. With all that support, we ought to have a real chance of achieving our goal. However, this scenario falls short—it’s still up to all of us to do what God tells us to do in order to achieve victory. We know that God does infinitely more for us than this. He sent His Son, Jesus, who is the supreme example of righteous living. Because of Jesus, we know what a perfect life in service to God and others looks like. Surely with this example, we can win this football game, right? No, we can’t. “If righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly” (Galatians 2:21 NASB). Reaching our goal of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven requires more than our determination. Because of sin, no matter how firm our resolve, we still fail to keep God’s Law.
the football So . . . living the Christian life is not like football? Then what’s the point of this article? We’re not even in the game! It’s like we’re the fans sitting in the bleachers. There’s nothing the fans can do to affect the outcome. We might as well sit back, enjoy the game, cheer when our team wins, and complain when things aren’t going right. Nice try, but we are in the game. It’s true that Jesus doesn’t need your help to accomplish all that’s necessary for your salvation, but you do have a role to play. You are the football. Does the football do anything to get itself across the goal line? No. But, isn’t it the football that everybody’s trying to gain control of? Yes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy being a football, just like living the Christian life isn’t always easy. All throughout the game the ball’s getting kicked, thrown, manhandled, and spiked. If we’re the football in this prime time game of life, we need not fear, for we have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit surrounding us and protecting us, reigning us in, moving us along, and ensuring that we make it across that goal line, promising us “that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NASB). assured victory Our hope for victory is found completely in Christ, who accomplished all that’s necessary for our salvation. It is His keeping God’s law on our behalf, His sacrifice upon the cross, His blood shed for our sins, His death, and His resurrection that makes salvation sure. And it is our union with Christ through Baptism, our growth in Christ through the Word, and our receiving Christ through the Lord’s Supper that forgives our sins, shares His righteousness with us, and keeps us in the faith. So the next time you hear some analogy about the Christian life being like a football game, remember this: Our victory in Christ is absolute. In fact, it’s already been won. We’re just waiting for the victory party to begin—a celebration which will never come to an end. Rev. Chad E. Hoover is a Cheesehead by birth, which means he was predestined to become a Packer fan. Although he currently serves as the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Kalkaska, Michigan, he will never root for the Lions. Pastor Hoover can be reached at pastorhoover@att.net.
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being “Green” Without the black of Sin By Rev. Alan Kornacki
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went to college in a state that charged a deposit on bottles and cans. I spent a lot of time collecting these items, since there’s usually a lot of empties in college dorms. I’d carry them down the street to the recycling center so I could afford some luxuries (like socks). It’s probably not the noblest reason to take care of the environment, I admit. God gave the earth—the land, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field and every sea-dwelling creature—into the care of man in Genesis 1, so we shouldn’t expect a monetary reward for doing the right thing. God looked at His creation and saw that it was “good,” and there are any number of salutary things we can do to be good stewards of the good creation He has given into our care.
There are some environmental activists, however, who go beyond the bounds of what is proper in their desire to preserve the riches of nature. It’s one thing to shelter animals and protest the abuse of pets. But it’s quite another when fanatics ignore God’s Law in their attempts to preserve nature, and take activism to a place it shouldn’t go. Large companies often face harsh protests over their environmental records. On July 28, 2009, environmental activists from Greenpeace trespassed at Hewlett-Packard’s main building in Palo Alto, California, and painted an enormous “Hazardous Products” sign on the roof. They claimed to be acting in protest of toxic elements in the company’s products. Individuals who wear fur are also popular targets for environmental activists. Fur coats are certainly a luxury in these days when we have so many other materials from which warm clothing can be made. It’s true that the animals whose pelts are made into fur coats are hunted and trapped. No one waits for these animals to die of natural causes before taking their pelts. Undoubtedly these animals feel pain. But that doesn’t make it right to use spray paint to damage a coat that belongs to someone else. Whether or not you would wear a fur coat or leather gloves or carry an alligator-skin purse yourself, you have no right to destroy your neighbor’s property. In fact, Martin Luther tells us in his explanation of the Seventh Commandment, “We should fear and love God so that we . . . help [our neighbor] to improve and protect his possessions and income.” Good Christian stewardship toward the environment doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to be something you do alone. The youth group of Trinity Lutheran Church in Norborne, Missouri, participates together in the Adopt-a-Highway program. Their community relies on the blessings God provides through the fruits of the earth, and so these young people take on the responsibility every year of picking up bottles and cans,
discarded fast food bags, and other litter along a section of road that leads into their small agricultural community. Whether it’s promoting the humane treatment of animals raised for food or safeguarding an endangered species, the preservation of green spaces in the middle of urban areas or the use of environmentally friendly materials in the production of goods, it is not a bad thing to be a good steward of the Lord’s creation. But when we allow our passion for creation to stand in the way of obedience to the will of our Father who created it, we turn creation into an idol. God-pleasing opportunities to be good stewards of creation are all around, if you are so inclined to seek them. You don’t need to break the Law (or the law) to protect this world. By all means, work toward the ethical treatment of pets and other animals. Volunteer at a local animal shelter. Call your elected officials and ask them to work for legislation which would protect the environment. Ask your pastor or youth group to seek out opportunities to help in your community, and ask your parents to participate, too. Pick up those empty bottles and cans— even when you can’t return them for money. You can be a good steward of creation and a good neighbor at the same time. The blessings of the earth are blessings from the same Lord who turned water into wine, the Lord who sanctified the earth with His own rest in the grave, the Lord who daily gives us everything we need to live. More than survival, the delights of creation are good gifts that give us joy and delight, whether it’s the beauty of nature (which even Jesus enjoyed) or the simple pleasure of popcorn during your favorite movie. Thanks be to God for the wonderful gifts of His creation. And remember, above all, that even this creation is passing away but it, too, has been redeemed by the Savior, who makes all things new. Rev. Alan Kornacki is pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Campbell Hill, Illinois. He’s not as “green” as he could be. Send your e-mails of protest to or post a comment at his blog: pastoralkorn.blogspot.com.
F A L L 2 0 1 1 _ 25
The Good Shepherd Institute
Twelfth Annual Conference @ November 6–8, 2011
Presenters PLENARIES
Dr. Scott A. Bruzek
Incarnation and Icon: Jesus’ Way of Being Married
Dr. James G. Bushur
“Beholding with Unveiled Faces”: Marriage as the Revelation of Personhood
Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr.
“Crossing the Mystical Boundary: Marriage as Rite of Passage Signifying Union Between Christ and His Church”
Rev. Richard C. Resch & Kantor Kevin J. Hildebrand
Approaching Bridezilla and Groomzilla: Music for the Lutheran Wedding
Seminary Schola Cantorum Kantor Kevin J. Hildebrand Rev. Peter Bender, Commentator Musik EKKLESIA Mr. Philip Spray, Director Children’s Choir of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Des Peres, MO Dr. Mark Bender, Director
Organ Recital (Sunday) All Saints’ Choral Vespers (Sunday) Hymn Festival (Monday) Noontime Concert (Monday) Choral Evening Prayer (Monday)
A Higher Things¨ High School Youth Retreat
T H I N G S __ 26
Something about Baptism
Pastoral Theology and Sacred Music for the Church Co-Directors: Arthur A. Just Jr. and Richard C. Resch For brochures and more information contact Yohko Masaki at 260-452-2224 or online at www.goodshepherdinstitute.org., or write to: The Good Shepherd Institute, Concordia Theological Seminary, 6600 North Clinton, Fort Wayne, IN 46825.
Risen Savior Lutheran Church Kansas City, Kansas
Dr. Craig Cramer
A Higher Things¨ Junior Youth Retreat
Zion Lutheran Church McHenry, Illinois
For Better, For Worse: Pastorally Preparing Post-modern Partners
November 11-12, 2011
Rev. David C. Fleming
JESUS: The Real Deal
What God Has Joined Together: The Marriage Rites in LSB
November 11-12, 2011
Dr. Paul J. Grime
Zion Lutheran Church Storm Lake, Iowa
The Theology and Practice of Christian Marriage in Rite and Song
Upcoming Retreats November 4-5, 2011
What God Has Joined Together
Dare to be Lutheran ¨
A Higher Things¨ High School Youth Retreat For more information about upcoming Higher Things Retreats, check out www.higherthings.org/retreats or email retreats@higherthings.org.
Order Your
s u p m a C n o t Chris
s e g a k c a P e Car
Christ on Campus Care Packages are designed to include things such as popcorn, hot chocolate, ramen noodles, and even a Starbucks gift card, but also some devotional aids, and at least two books that every college student should read. Fall Semester 2011 Care Package • In the Beginning, God: Creation from God’s Perspective by Joel Heck • Blessings & Prayers for College Students • Religion on Trial by Craig Parton Spring Semester 2012 Care Package • Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Edward Veith • How To Respond to Muslims by Ernest Hahn
Cost: $40 Per Semester | $75 Both Semesters (save $5) Orders for the Fall Semester Care Packages will be taken between September 1 - October 15. All the care packages will be assembled by one of our Christ on Campus Chapters and sent out in early to mid-November. NOTE: There will be another ordering period for the Spring Semester in early 2012, but why wait? Save $5 and sign up for one for each semester now! order noW!!! http://higherthings.org/campus/carepackages
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The dare to be lutheran Club is our monthly or annual giving program. The DTBL Club is a simple, cost-effective way to assist parents, congregations, and pastors in cultivating and promoting a Lutheran identity among youth.
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Your contribution of $1500 lets you choose from these options:
HT Online subscription, Dare to be Lutheran T-shirt and Christ on Campus Care Package*
1. Provide scholarship monies for Lutheran youth desiring to attend a conference but are in need of financial assistance to participate OR 2. One free conference registration for yourself or a family member.
All club members also receive a quarterly email newsletter with Higher Things news and notes. To join go online at www.higherthings.org/support and sign up or e-mail development@higherthings.org with questions. Welcome to the club!
F A L L 2 0 1 1 _ 27
Being a
Perfect Lutheran By Scott Johnson
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Can you think of a time when persistent
badgering seemed to drive you to the edge? Nagging might come from a parent, coach, mentor, friend, teacher, or sibling. It gives no comfort and leaves you feeling inadequate. It places constant demands and offers no forgiveness for shortcomings.
Nagging does not necessarily come from others. It can come from you. When self-nagging is taken too far, it can lead to perfectionism. The perfectionist is obsessed with obtaining an ideal life. Anything short of “ideal” is viewed as a failure. Perfectionists often concentrate their attention on one aspect of their lives. This could be in athletics, schoolwork, club service, or body image. Since their “ideal” is ultimately unattainable, perfectionists may spend countless, painstaking hours trying to reach their goals. Perfectionism always begs the question, “Am I good enough?” Perhaps you seek perfect scores in every class, to do a faultless job at work, to perform flawlessly on the athletic field, or to be a perfect son or daughter. How has this worked out? You are likely left feeling far short of perfect. an Impossible burden “So what if I’m a perfectionist? I just have high standards,” some might say. Perfectionism is more than having high standards; it is a consuming set of impossible standards. The ongoing worry of perfectionists makes them vulnerable to depression, overwhelming shame, anxiety and dissatisfaction. These emotions may also lead to destructive behaviors, such as self-isolation. In reality, perfectionism is an extreme response to the demands of the Law written on our consciences. The Law demands perfection. “You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy” (Leviticus 19:2). Convicted by sin, humans attempt to liberate themselves. Perfectionism is one of humanity’s various attempts to satisfy the Law’s commands and prohibitions. Unfortunately, that is impossible. King David assessed the situation this way, “They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one” (Psalm14:3). relief anyone? So what do you do? If you are a perfectionist, I am sure that you have been told countless times that all you need to do is lower your standards. But this doesn’t work! This is the same as telling a sick person, “Stop being ill.” Furthermore, God’s Law cannot be relaxed; it still demands perfection. Perfectionists, and all humans for that matter, cannot find relief in the Law. We need to be reminded that we are forgiven and cared for by a loving God. His compassion is unconditional. God has absolved our
faux-pas, foul-ups, and all our imperfections! While it is impossible for us to be perfect or justify ourselves, Jesus already accomplished this: [Jesus], in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. (Hebrews 5:7-9 NKJV) As sinners we are bent on trying to paint a “perfect picture” for ourselves and others to gaze upon. In the scriptures, our attention is instead redirected to the life and death of Jesus. Jesus accomplished total perfection on the Cross: “It is finished.” By baptism, absolution, His Word and Supper, He offers the perfection of the Cross to all. By His perfect work, He makes you perfect. learning Patience Perfectionists often deal with a lot of anxiety. Even after hearing the Gospel, their uncertainty doesn’t go away overnight. These feelings of inadequacy can be overcome! If you or a loved one struggle with such feelings, I offer my simple advice: Be patient. Get in the habit of frequently attending the Divine Service, where God’s perfect gifts are freely shared. Don’t be afraid to seek individual care from a pastor. Remember, God uses your weaknesses in this life to shift your trust to His unsurpassable perfection. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4) As a Lutheran, you do not need to put on a pious facade or obsess over your imperfections. In Christ, you are not simply good enough, you are perfect! Scott Johnson is a second-year seminarian and a recovering perfectionist. Currently, he is studying at the Westfield House, a Lutheran seminary in Cambridge, England. He invites your questions, comments, and feedback at scott.johnson@ctsfw.edu
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Thy Will Be Done It happens without our prayer. God’s will is done. So why bother praying it? Well, Jesus said to pray it, so that should be enough. But there’s more. He wants us to pray “Thy will be done” for a reason. Jesus wants to actively engage us in the struggle. Too often this prayer is seen as weak resignation.“I did all that I could do and just messed it all up. Thy will be done. You win, Lord. Do whatever you will.” That’s not the spirit of this petition at all! This prayer is meant to be shouted, not whimpered. It is a declaration of war, not surrender. That “unholy trinity” of the devil, the world, and our own sinful selves is at war with Christ. The devil wants us to distrust God’s Word—to doubt His goodness and mercy. The world wants us to despair of any good
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happen to me? We may doubt and even despair and wonder if God is in charge, that Jesus is Lord, that all things are under His feet and that He exercises His Lordship for our good and our blessing. The only way to know God’s will is to look to Jesus, crucified and risen. Look to Jesus in your Baptism and in His Supper. Look to Jesus in His Word that forgives you. The will of God is always good and gracious. That doesn’t mean that we’re always happy, healthy or wealthy. It may mean suffering, sickness and poverty in this life. When we pray, we often say,“If it be Thy will,” knowing that we do not know God’s will beyond His will to save us. We may be called to forsake possessions, honor, house, home, husband, wife, children, body, even our lives. We may experience great grief in this life, as did many of the saints who came before us, including Luther. For this reason alone, we must daily learn to pray,“Our Father in heaven, Thy will be done: not the will of the devil, nor the will of those who hate the Gospel, nor the will of the world, nor even my own stubborn will. Thy will be done.” For we know that when the will of the devil, the world, and our sinful flesh is broken, and God’s good and gracious will is done, we will be forgiven, justified, sanctified, and glorified in Jesus, our Savior. Your gracious will on earth be done As it is done before Your throne, That patiently we may obey Throughout our lives all that You say. Curb flesh and blood and every ill That sets itself against Your will. (Lutheran Service Book #766:4) Rev. William M. Cwirla is the pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Hacienda Heights, California, and the President of Higher Things. He can be reached at wcwirla@gmail.com.
From Lutheran Service Book, Our Father, Who from Heaven Above #766 (st. 4) © 1980 CPH. Used with permission. www.cph.org.
Aert de Gelder. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. 1700. Oil on wood. New York, collection of Richard L. Feigen.
and even to despair of God. And our own sinful selves, the “old Adam” in us, would tempt us with all sorts of shame and wickedness. “Thy will be done!” we shout in baptismal faith, against the devil, the world, and even our own flesh.“Thy will be done!” Not the devil’s will, not the world’s will, not even my own will, but Thy will, O Lord, be done!” What a great and powerful petition this is! Martin Luther said that even a couple of Christians armed with this single petition are a mighty fortress against anyone and anything that would rage against the Gospel of our salvation. And that’s what the will of God is really about—the Gospel of
our salvation.“God would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) God’s will is that everyone would look to His Son, Jesus Christ, for salvation and live. God’s will is that you be saved from sin and death by the death and resurrection of Jesus. “Thy will be done!” Jesus prayed this petition in His darkest hour in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was facing His death, the bitter cup that was His alone to drink for us and for our salvation. He sought another way, wrestling with His Father’s will. But in the end, He prayed,“Not my will but Thy will be done.” That prayer took Him to His cross where the will of God to save the world was done to death. “Where God’s Word is preached, accepted or believed, and bears fruit, there the blessed holy cross will not be far away,” Luther wrote in the Large Catechism. He knew that from personal experience.“Let no one think that he will have peace.” In the daily struggle against sin, death, and devil, this petition stands strong and mighty.“Thy will be done. Have your way, Lord. For when you have your way, I know that I am justified before You and rescued from everything that would bring me eternal harm and ruin.” The will of God is always good and gracious. We need to remember that and believe it, because it isn’t always apparent to us. When we look around the world and see all the terrors and troubles, the senseless murders, the violence and oppression, the suffering and evil, the disasters both natural and manmade, we may well wonder, “What is God’s will in all this?” We may wonder for ourselves sometimes. What is God’s will for me? What would He have me to do? Why does He permit these things to
By Rev. William M. Cwirla
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Twelve. The Lord does twelves. He had twelve tribes in Israel. He chose twelve men to be His disciples. Twelve is His Church’s number. His Church was created from His side – from the Blood and Water that flowed on Good Friday when He gave His life for His Bride, the Church. In the Blood and Water, in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, is born the Church. On the Last Day, when the Lord speaks about His church, there is His Twelve once again - a thousand times over. Standing with the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world in the Book of Revelation are the baptized, His “old” Twelve and His “new” Twelve through all eternity. Visit
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“I’m Adopted” Fall 2011
1. Read Galatians 3:26-4:7. How does St. Paul say we are made children of God? St. Paul says that we are “sons of God through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” God the Father places us into His Son, Jesus Christ, through baptism. Baptism gives the Holy Spirit, who creates faith. See also John 3:1-8. 2. Read John 14:18-20. Discuss how this Bible passage plays out in your own lives. (Answers may vary.) Though we are adopted as sons in Christ, we oftentimes feel as though we are alone, that we are not part of a family. We can sometimes feel disconnected. We might even ask questions like “Who am I?” or “Why am I here? Where do I belong? How do I fit in?” Even though we may feel alone, even though we may feel orphaned, Jesus promises that he will come to us. Jesus tells us that He comes to us in His commandments. That means he comes to us in His teaching, in His Word. Those who have that Word—in preaching, in the Scriptures, in the Sacraments—have Jesus. And if we have Jesus, we also have His Father. We have a family in Christ. He gives us His Name in Baptism. In the Lord’s Supper, we are His blood brothers. We are not orphans.
“I’m Adopted” Fall 2011
1. Read Galatians 3:26-4:7. How does St. Paul say we are made children of God?
2. Read John 14:18-20. Discuss how this Bible passage plays out in your own lives.
"Put Me In Coach: I'm Ready to Live the Christian Life" Fall 2011 Introduction: Pastor Hoover discusses several different football analogies that have been used to try to describe the Christian life. Ultimately the best one isn't some sort of team analogy where we take part in our salvation but rather on in which we are the ball, carried by Christ across the goal line. 1. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. What does St. Paul say about our part in our salvation? What conclusion can we draw about the different analogies in the article used to describe the Christian life? Paul makes it clear that salvation is not our doing. It is not a choice or an act of free will. It is a gift from God who claims us by His grace in and through Jesus Christ. The analogies that Pastor Hoover describe all fall short since they involve US somehow. 2. What does Hebrews 12:1-2 say about what we're surrounded with? Does that mean we just need encouragement from others to live a Christian life? What does v.2 say about the beginning and ending of our faith? The “great cloud of witnesses� are the saints of this age and past ages, that is, the whole church that has suffered and lived as we have lived. This is great encouragement to know that we are not alone and are not the only ones to have faced the struggles we do. Nevertheless, it is Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Thus, our true encouragement isn't that others are like us but that, just as Jesus saved them, so He saves us, too. 3. Many who call themselves Christians claim that to live as a Christian means following Jesus' example--that if we just live like He lived, we'll be righteous. How does St. Paul answer that? See Galatians 2:19-21. Jesus did not come to save us by giving us an example to follow. He came to save us by being the sacrifice for our sins. If all we had to do was follow the commandments, and we COULD do that, we wouldn't need Jesus to be our Savior and die for our sins. 4. One might draw the conclusion that if we're not on the team, we can just sit back and watch it all unfold and that it doesn't matter what we do. How does St. Paul describe the Christian life to the contrary? Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 for the answer. Paul compares the Christian life to a race. His point of comparison is not that we run as
if it is us who win it but that we struggle and discipline our bodies against the things that threaten to trip us up. That doesn't mean we live in such a way as we think we're going to save ourselves. But it means our struggle is that we fight against the things that want us to fail: the devil, the world and our sinful flesh. The HOW of this struggle is dealt with in the next question. 5. Read the Sixth and Seventh Petitions and Explanations in the Catechism. How do we “run the race� we heard about above? It is only the Lord who can truly guard us against the devil, world and sinful nature. He is the One who, in Christ, protects us from every evil and finally preserves us in the faith unto eternal life. 6. What analogy does the author finally use to best describe the Christian life in terms of football? Does this surprise you? How might Jesus' words in John 15:4-6 be related to this football picture? As the branch can't do anything apart from Christ, the football doesn't go anywhere unless it's carried. The Scriptures constantly teach us that apart from Christ we can do nothing. The Christian life isn't measured by our obedience but in Christ accomplishing our salvation--not only at the cross but also by bringing us into the faith and preserving us in the faith until everlasting life. 7. Discuss how you might respond when someone uses an analogy of salvation and the Christian life that makes US the center of the action. Consider the prayer of Psalm 43:3. We need to object to such analogies because they take the focus off of Christ and His work. The prayer in Psalm 43 is a good one which reminds us that the Lord needs to send His Light and Truth (Jesus) and it is Jesus Himself who brings us to the Lord, just as the team carries the football forward and to the goal!
"Put Me In Coach: I'm Ready to Live the Christian Life" Fall 2011 1. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. What does St. Paul say about our part in our salvation? What conclusion can we draw about the different analogies in the article used to describe the Christian life?
2. What does Hebrews 12:1-2 say about what we're surrounded with? Does that mean we just need encouragement from others to live a Christian life? What does v.2 say about the beginning and ending of our faith?
3. Many who call themselves Christians claim that to live as a Christian means following Jesus' example--that if we just live like He lived, we'll be righteous. How does St. Paul answer that? See Galatians 2:19-21.
4. One might draw the conclusion that if we're not on the team, we can just sit back and watch it all unfold and that it doesn't matter what we do. How does St. Paul describe the Christian life to the contrary? Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 for the answer.
5. Read the Sixth and Seventh Petitions and Explanations in the Catechism. How do we “run the race� we heard about above?
6. What analogy does the author finally use to best describe the Christian life in terms of football? Does this surprise you? How might Jesus' words in John 15:4-6 be related to this football picture?
7. Discuss how you might respond when someone uses an analogy of salvation and the Christian life that makes US the center of the action. Consider the prayer of Psalm 43:3.
“Genetic Engineering?” Fall 2011 1. Dr. Lamb points out the progression of manipulating genetic material first of plants and animals, and now to human beings. Read Genesis 1:27-30, & 2:7. What is the relationship between man and the plants/animals God created? Is there anything unique about the creation of man?
2. Joni Eareckson Tada is quoted about the importance of “drawing lines." Read Matthew 6:10b & Luke 22:42. Where is a Christian to “draw the line” concerning such issues? How, specifically, do we know whether such a line has been crossed?
3. Dr. Lamb points out the challenge of “could vs. should.” What does one do when God’s word does not clearly forbid something? Read Matthew 23:23. What biblical principles are we given to apply to difficult choices like genetic engineering?
4. Much of genetic engineering is in the realm of “adiaphora'“ which means God‘s word has neither forbidden it or commanded it. Read Romans 14:19, 1Corinthians 6:12, 8:9, 10:23. What principles do Christians follow when God‘s word is silent on the specifics of a matter?
5. Dr. Lamb addresses the assertion that some things from science are indeed “blessings“ from God. Read Proverbs 3:13 & Acts 20:35. How does one determine what parts of genetic engineering are “blessings?” What principle helps us to consider God’s work of blessing?
6. Dr. Lamb addresses the problem of “selfishness“. Read Philippians 2:3-4. How do we keep from thinking only about our own desires and needs when it comes to genetic engineering?
7. Dr. Lamb cautions us against the temptation to “play God“. Read Genesis 16:1-2 & 30:1-6? How did Sarah & Rachel attempt to bypass God’s plan? Does God need man’s assistance to carry out His will? How does God sometimes permit us to work with Him?
“Genetic Engineering?” Fall 2011 1. Dr. Lamb points out the progression of manipulating genetic material first of plants and animals, and now to human beings. Read Genesis 1:27-30, & 2:7. What is the relationship between man and the plants/animals God created? Is there anything unique about the creation of man? Mankind is given by God to have dominion over the plants of the field, and over the animals of the earth. God provides them to serve our needs for food, clothing, etc. In this context, genetic engineering has its place. But man is a different sort of creature. Mankind is made in God’s image, and human souls are unique, having been Godbreathed into man. Much more caution and consideration must be taken with human genetics. 2. Joni Eareckson Tada is quoted about the importance of “drawing lines." Read Matthew 6:10b & Luke 22:42. Where is a Christian to “draw the line” concerning such issues? How, specifically, do we know whether such a line has been crossed? A Christian draws the line wherever an action is contrary to God‘s clearly revealed will in Scripture. But sometimes the will of God is difficult to determine, especially when the Word of God appears silent about the specifics of a certain matter. So a Christian does well to thoroughly seek out the Lord‘s wisdom from His Word (Ephesians 5:17) before determining where God‘s lines are drawn. Sometimes, God has not drawn a line in the sand about an issue. Then, we proceed in Christian liberty. 3. Dr. Lamb points out the challenge of “could vs. should.” What does one do when God’s word does not clearly forbid something? Read Matthew 23:23. What biblical principles are we given to apply to difficult choices like genetic engineering? Just because God‘s word does not specifically *forbid* an action, doesn‘t mean that scripture condones it. God‘s Law is a *servant* of the Gospel, and guides our decision making accordingly. So we are given to ask such questions as, “Is this the just and fair procedure?” or “Is this the merciful and compassionate thing to do?” or “Can we do this and remain faithful to God and His will?” If we can answer all such questions with a strong “yes,” then we may proceed with an action. 4. Much of genetic engineering is in the realm of “adiaphora'“ which means God‘s word has neither forbidden it or commanded it. Read Romans 14:19, 1Corinthians 6:12, 8:9, 10:23. What principles do Christians follow when God‘s word is silent on the specifics of a matter?
Matters of adiaphora are not things we should consider “indifferent”. Like genetic engineering, we do well to take these matters seriously, with extreme caution. Christian liberty is not “do whatever you like,” but rather to take into consideration what promotes peace. A Christian works toward what builds up and profits the neighbor. A believer considers those things which refrain from binding consciences and keep people from being enslaved or bound by such decisions. Christian freedom seeks to edify everyone in whatever actions are pursued. 5. Dr. Lamb addresses the assertion that some things from science are indeed “blessings“ from God. Read Proverbs 3:13 & Acts 20:35. How does one determine what parts of genetic engineering are “blessings?” What principle helps us to consider God’s work of blessing? First and foremost, one is blessed who receives God‘s wisdom, and understanding from the Lord. So, receiving God‘s revealed will from Holy Scripture is paramount. Many questions about the particulars of genetic engineering will be answered in God‘s word. God‘s blessings are always about His “giving." So we do well to keep in mind what potential good things God may be doing in a genetic procedure. 6. Dr. Lamb addresses the problem of “selfishness“. Read Philippians 2:3-4. How do we keep from thinking only about our own desires and needs when it comes to genetic engineering? We are by nature “belly-button gazers," leaning over to look at ourselves. But we are warned by God‘s word to avoid conceited thoughts and selfish actions. So if you are wanting to use genetic engineering to be the strongest athlete, or to have the most beautiful children, such decisions are not given to Christians to choose. 7. Dr. Lamb cautions us against the temptation to “play God“. Read Genesis 16:1-2 & 30:1-6? How did Sarah & Rachel attempt to bypass God’s plan? Does God need man’s assistance to carry out His will? How does God sometimes permit us to work with Him? These women used surrogate mothers in attempt to have children. God proved Himself to be quite capable of given children to these women, naturally (or super-naturally). God does give us a role to play in the procreative process. But we must be cautious not to assume that God couldn’t accomplish His will without our aid. After all, He did cause His only-begotten Son to be born as a perfect man, even without the inclusion of a human father! With God, all things are possible! 8. Close with the following prayer. Grant, almighty God, that the birth of Your only-begotten Son in human flesh may set us free, who through sin are held in bondage, so that in all our actions by your gracious favor You would further us with Your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Your name, we may glorify Your holy name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
“The Gift of God's Dos and Don'ts” Fall 2011 Introduction: The gift of the Law is that it kills us. That prevents us from trying to put our works before God as the basis for our salvation and standing with God. The Law is fulfilled in Christ and so through our forgiveness from Jesus, the Law becomes a gift which teaches us how to live, not in order to save ourselves, but to glorify God and serve others. 1. Consider St. Paul's dilemma in Romans 7:15-25. What does Paul want to do and what does he end up doing? Why do we sin if we know that it's wrong? What is the way out from this misery? Paul does the “don't dos” and doesn't do the “do dos” and so he's in deep doodoo! That is, he knows what he should do but doesn't do it. The Law is doing i's work of always accusing him and keeping him from saving himself. He acknowledges that this is the battle with his sinful flesh and the only way out is to be rescued by Jesus. 2. Some people think the Law and commandments were given so we can strive to live a better life. What does God's Word conclude? See Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:10-12. God's Word is clear that even what we would consider “good works” are filthy rags. The Law puts everyone under sin so that no one can claim to be righteous or holy. The problem with people is not that we're “not perfect” it's that we're sinners deserving nothing but everlasting death and condemnation and God's wrath. 3. What does the phrase “lex semper accusat” mean? Hear Jesus' words in John 5:45 and Paul in Romans 3:19. The Latin phrase means “the Law always accuses.” Even when we have good intentions and try to do the right thing, the Law reflects that we have the wrong motives or intentions or that we become self-righteous. Jesus points out to the Pharisees that Moses (the Law) condemns them and they don't realize it. Paul explains that the Law's purpose is to shut our mouths before God to stop saying we're good enough or pleading that we've tried hard enough. We need to be silent so that the word of Christ may be declared and our sins forgiven. 4. What does Jesus say about the Law in Matthew 5:17-20? How does our righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees? The problem the Pharisees had was not making the Law too hard but too easy! They could, with their many other laws and commandments, make some outward impression, but they never got to heart of the matter. You can demand that someone be in the synagogue on the Sabbath but you can't turn their heart to love God and His Word. Jesus' explanation of the
commandments in the rest of the Sermon on the Mount teaches us that the Law is far more dangerous than we thought! Even our thoughts are sinful! The key to our salvation is in Jesus not getting rid of the Law but fulfilling it, that is, not only DOING it but being punished for our NOT DOING it. 5. What must happen to us for breaking God's Law? What does happen? See Isaiah 6-10. We should be punished. Instead, it pleased the Lord to lay our iniquities and punishments on someone else, namely, His Son. Jesus is our Savior because He does what we should do and takes what we deserve for not doing it. His salvation is both in keeping the Law for us and in paying the price of our sins against the Law. 6. Read Galatians 2:19-21. How is Christ's fulfilling the Law worked out in our lives? In Baptism, Christ dwells in us and His righteousness is bestowed on us. Now whatever we do that is sinful is forgiven and blotted out. We have died to the Law. Whatever we do that is good is Christ living in us though His Word and faith. So it's not just that Jesus fulfills the Law for us, it's that He Himself who did that actually lives in us and through us. Therefore, we don't take credit for anything that we believe or do but give thanks to Christ who lives in us. Since He does, we, too, have fulfilled and kept the Law. St. Augustine says it this way: “Every commandment is kept when what is not kept is forgiven.” 7. Evaluate this statement in the light of what you've heard and studied so far: “God would not have given us the commandments if we could not keep them.” This statement, popular in some “evangelical” circles, is based on the false assumption that we can keep the Law. We cannot. If we could, all we would need to do is straighten up and keep the commandments. We wouldn't need a Savior! God gives us the commandments precisely because we cannot keep them in order to show us that we cannot trust in ourselves, that we have no way to save ourselves, to break and kill us so that Christ may give us life in His forgiveness. 8. Aside from accusing us, does the Law have any other use for us as Christians? See Psalm 19:7-13. The commandments are a guide for us. They give us wisdom in how to live and love others. We are blessed in keeping them because the Lord only has good in mind for us to live as He has told us. The commandments keep us from false works and teach us what true good works of a Christian are. Yet notice, even with that blessing, the commandments are always accusing and so the Psalmist, even as he extols the Law as a gift, recognizes that He needs forgiveness for his transgressions. 9. To close, sing or read “The Law of God is Good and Wise,” LSB #579, noting especially how God's Law is used for different people and where our ultimate comfort is found.
“The Gift of God's Dos and Don'ts” Fall 2011
1. Consider St. Paul's dilemma in Romans 7:15-25. What does Paul want to do and what does he end up doing? Why do we sin if we know that it's wrong? What is the way out from this misery?
2. Some people think the Law and commandments were given so we can strive to live a better life. What does God's Word conclude? See Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:10-12.
3. What does the phrase “lex semper accusat” mean? Hear Jesus' words in John 5:45 and Paul in Romans 3:19.
4. What does Jesus say about the Law in Matthew 5:17-20? How does our righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees?
5. What must happen to us for breaking God's Law? What does happen? See Isaiah 6-10.
6. Read Galatians 2:19-21. How is Christ's fulfilling the Law worked out in our lives?
7. Evaluate this statement in the light of what you've heard and studied so far: “God would not have given us the commandments if we could not keep them.”
8. Aside from accusing us, does the Law have any other use for us as Christians? See Psalm 19:7-13.
9. To close, sing or read “The Law of God is Good and Wise,” LSB #579, noting especially how God's Law is used for different people and where our ultimate comfort is found.
“Being ‘Green’ Without the Black of Sin" Fall 2011 1. What is man’s relation as man to all of God’s creation according to Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 2:15? God gave Adam dominion over the whole earth and all that is in it. To have dominion over something is to have something as part of your household. Adam received the whole creation as a gift from God, a gift that he was to guard over, watch over, to tend to, to work for. Adam served the whole creation by this. 2. How does this go wrong? Read Romans 1:18-25; 2 Peter 3:13 and Isaiah 65:17-25. We can fall off into the ditch on both sides of the same sin: idolatry. We can dominate the creation by doing whatever we want to it, thinking that we own it. This puts us in the place of God, and it makes us into idols. But we can also make the creation into an idol, placing that higher above what our Lord commands and teaches us in His Word. This is why we look forward to the new heavens and the new earth, when we shall dwell in righteousness.
“Being ‘Green’ Without the Black of Sin" Fall 2011 1. What is man’s relation as man to all of God’s creation according to Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 2:15?
2. How does this go wrong? Read Romans 1:18-25; 2 Peter 3:13 and Isaiah 65:17-25.
“Being a Perfect Lutheran” Fall 2011 1. Seminarian Scott Johnson notes how your tendency toward perfectionism is like “selfnagging.” Read Luke 10:25-29. What did this expert in the Mosaic Law want to know? What was behind his “follow-up” question to Jesus? This lawyer was looking inwardly toward himself. He wanted to know what He could *do* to inherit eternal life. He didn‘t even consider that an inheritance is an unmerited gift. So Jesus plays along, telling him to love God and his neighbor perfectly to live. But the lawyer knew the task was too great, so still wanting to “justify himself" he hopes for a narrower definition of “neighbor"... 2. Striving for perfection is often an “ideal” or the “goal” Christians pursue. Read Philippians 3:7-16 How is the goal of resurrected life and complete perfection finally reached? How is it *not* able to be achieved? While you remain on this earth, in a body of sinful flesh, you cannot obtain righteousness by following the Law, nor can you cleanse yourself from your imperfections. And you certainly cannot raise yourself to new life. These things are all accomplished in Christ Jesus. You “lay hold“ of these blessings because Jesus has already “laid hold" of you at the cross, bringing you to it in your baptism, and bringing its fruits to you in the Lord‘s Supper. 3. Perfectionism is often equated with being *faultless*. In Jesus’ day, some learned laymen from the synagogues were considered to be faultless--the Scribes and Pharisees. Read what Jesus says about them: Matthew 5:20. Just how righteous does Jesus expect a Christian to be? It‘s not just about avoiding the wrong things. If you do no sins of commission, sure, people can‘t see your faults, but that doesn‘t make you perfect. There are also sins of omission, where you‘ve failed to do the good works God has prepared in advance for you to walk in. That‘s a tall order, to continually avoid the wrong thing, and also to do all the right things. Only a perfect person could accomplish that. This is why the Righteous One, Jesus, hints here about a much better righteousness... 4. Scott Johnson writes of how the perfectionist in you tries to live up to impossible standards. Read Luke 18:18-27. What does this rich man want? How does he want to obtain it? How did he respond to Jesus’ answer to him? This rich man wanted to obtain eternal life by his own efforts. Jesus shows him the futility of striving for this on his own, since he would have to be perfect to obtain everlasting life. He was not able to obey all of God‘s commands, and went away dejected. It was impossible for
him, or for any other person to live forever by their own efforts. But with God, it remains possible! 5. The good seminarian teaches you that you must be holy, like God, but yet there are none found who do good. Read Mark 10:17-18. What does the young ruler say about Jesus? How does Jesus respond? What important lesson does this teach? This rich ruler calls Jesus a “good teacher." This is not just “pretty good," but more like “excellent." Now this man is quite correct in calling Jesus a good teacher, because Jesus‘ instruction is perfect. Yet Jesus asks him why he uses this term. He does it to prove that He Himself is indeed a “good teacher" taking this as a teaching moment to emphasize that only God, alone, is good. Only God can do the good works which merit eternal life. This is what Jesus Himself did, living perfectly as “Israel-all-rolled-up-into-One," keeping the commandments flawlessly his entire life to earn heaven for you. 6. The Law of God demands perfection. See Hebrews 7:11-19. Why was the priestly system set up under Moses? How is it that a *new High Priest* arises? How is His way so very different than the Levitical priests? The priests from the tribe of Levi were to sacrifice to God in order that His people be forgiven, and their sin atoned for. The Israelites could not be set right with God without the shedding of blood. But as your new High Priest, Jesus offered a once-and-for-all sacrifice for sin-Himself--at the cross. Jesus is the Lamb of God whose blood takes away the sin of the world. So no longer is the Law needed to compel you to offer a sacrifice to God for your sin. Jesus has offered Himself in your place at Calvary. 7. With arms outstretched at the cross, Jesus declares, “It is finished!” See Romans 10:1-4. What did the Israelites pursue to become righteous? Could they obtain it by trying to obey God’s law? Where alone can such righteousness be found? What has Christ done to the Law? Israel tried their best to achieve their own righteousness by what they did, yet they failed each and every time. So God provided them a righteousness from heaven in the person of Christ Jesus. He was perfectly obedient, even unto death, for their sake, and for yours. Only in Him, the God-man, can true righteousness be found. In blessed exchange for your sin at the cross, which He became, you receive His holy righteousness credited to your account by faith. Having fulfilled the Law for you, the way of the Law toward righteousness is now ended! 8. Close with the following prayer. O God, the Strength of all who put their trust in You, mercifully accept our prayer, and because through the weakness of our mortal nature we can do no good thing without Your aid, keep us ever by Your help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
“Being a Perfect Lutheran” Fall 2011 1. Seminarian Scott Johnson notes how your tendency toward perfectionism is like “selfnagging.” Read Luke 10:25-29. What did this expert in the Mosaic Law want to know? What was behind his “follow-up” question to Jesus?
2. Striving for perfection is often an “ideal” or the “goal” Christians pursue. Read Philippians 3:7-16 How is the goal of resurrected life and complete perfection finally reached? How is it *not* able to be achieved?
3. Perfectionism is often equated with being *faultless*. In Jesus’ day, some learned laymen from the synagogues were considered to be faultless--the Scribes and Pharisees. Read what Jesus says about them: Matthew 5:20. Just how righteous does Jesus expect a Christian to be?
4. Scott Johnson writes of how the perfectionist in you tries to live up to impossible standards. Read Luke 18:18-27. What does this rich man want? How does he want to obtain it? How did he respond to Jesus’ answer to him?
5. The good seminarian teaches you that you must be holy, like God, but yet there are none found who do good. Read Mark 10:17-18. What does the young ruler say about Jesus? How does Jesus respond? What important lesson does this teach?
6. The Law of God demands perfection. See Hebrews 7:11-19. Why was the priestly system set up under Moses? How is it that a *new High Priest* arises? How is His way so very different than the Levitical priests?
7. With arms outstretched at the cross, Jesus declares, “It is finished!” See Romans 10:1-4. What did the Israelites pursue to become righteous? Could they obtain it by trying to obey God’s law? Where alone can such righteousness be found? What has Christ done to the Law?
A HIGHER THINGS BIBLE STUDY “The Morning Rush” Fall 2011 1. Read Exodus 20:1-3, 7. What do the Israelites receive here? God gives the Israelites the gift of His name: YHWH (or the LORD as it’s often translated). In so doing, God gave them access to call upon His name in every trouble, to pray, praise, and give thanks. This is the positive gift of the First and Second Commandments: God gives us His name so that we may call upon Him to come to our aid and to ask for every blessing. But we quickly realize that we don’t observe this as we ought. We don’t like to ask anyone, even God, for help. We know that we should pray. We even desire to pray more regularly, more ardently, more spontaneously. Yet, the harder we try, the more we seem to fail. 2. Discuss what the following verses have in common: Luke 3:21-22; Luke 5:15-26; Luke 6:12-16; Luke 9:28-36; Luke 11:1-13; Luke 22:41-46; Luke 23:34, 46. Here we see that Jesus didn’t pray occasionally. His entire ministry in both word and deed, from His Baptism to His death on the cross, is an act of intercession. He prayed for us while He was on the earth. That means that Jesus not only prays for us in the sense that He prayed for our benefit. It also means that Jesus fulfilled the Second commandment in our place, on our behalf. When you fail to pray, Jesus prays in your place. 3. Read Hebrews 7:25. Does Jesus still pray for us? The author of Hebrews makes clear that Jesus “lives to make intercession for us.” The resurrection of Jesus is so that He can continue to make intercession, that is, pray, for you. And when Jesus prays for you, He doesn’t just pray to His Father for your benefit. He also steps in to pray in your stead. So whether you’re awake or asleep; whether your mind wanders or it’s focused, Jesus prays for you—for your benefit and in your stead. 4. What implications does this have, then, for when we do pray? This means that when we pray, we don’t pray alone. Jesus prays with us. When we fail in prayer, we rest surely in Him, who lives to make intercession for us.
A HIGHER THINGS BIBLE STUDY “The Morning Rush” Fall 2011 1. Read Exodus 20:1-3, 7. What do the Israelites receive here?
2. Discuss what the following verses have in common: Luke 3:21-22; Luke 5:15-26; Luke 6:12-16; Luke 9:28-36; Luke 11:1-13; Luke 22:41-46; Luke 23:34, 46.
3. Read Hebrews 7:25. Does Jesus still pray for us?
4. What implications does this have, then, for when we do pray?
“Sheep Don‘t Keep Track” Fall 2011 1. Pastor Wilken addresses how Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats for judgment in Matthew 25. Read Ezekiel 34:17-23 and John 10:1-18. How are God‘s people described here? Who is it that is caring for them? Who is this Servant--David who comes to be their Good Shepherd? God’s people are described as a flock of sheep, goats and rams. Not all of them are behaving as they ought. God cares for the lambs who are becoming prey, delivering them from being scattered. Jesus (David’s Descendant, for whom King David is a “type”) is the promised Good Shepherd, who will do whatever it takes to protect His flock, even laying down His life for them and taking it up again. 2. Pastor Wilken quotes from Luther in the Heidelberg Disputation concerning how our works may “appear good“ yet they are not. Read Isaiah 64:6 and Romans 3:10-12. Just how “righteous“ are your attempts to do good? Is there any mere human being who can do what is good and right, on his/her own? Your attempts at being righteous in God‘s sight, all on your own, fail miserably. They are like “filthy rags“ which is to say, the rags of blood and death. There isn‘t a single person from earth who is able to do what is right and good in the eyes of God. “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12. 3. We want to do good things. Read Matthew 19:16-17. Who is the only One who is good? Read Leviticus 19:2 and Matthew 5:48. What is God‘s standard for your goodness here? Does He command that you *do* perfection and holiness? In what way can you *be* perfect and holy? Only God is good, perfect and holy. If you were to strive to be as righteous as the Lord requires, you‘d have to be completely good, perfect, and entirely holy. But you can‘t be. This is why God offers you a better way. There is a righteousness, a holiness, and a perfection that you can‘t *do*, but that you can *be* by God‘s grace in Christ Jesus. 4. Pastor Wilken reminds us that God is responsible for your righteousness, from beginning to completion. Read Jeremiah 23:6. Who is your “righteousness“? Read Romans 4:1-8 and Galatians 3:6-14. Whose righteousness was credited to Abraham’s account? Since you are of the same faith of Abraham, whose righteousness is likewise reckoned to you? God alone is your righteousness. His righteousness was reckoned to Abraham, by faith. Jesus, Who lived on earth under the Law, without sinning (1 Peter 2:22) was and is the
only Righteous One. He chose not to keep that righteousness to himself, but becoming your sin at the cross, in blessed exchange, gives you His Own holy righteousness, credited to your account, by faith! (2 Corinthians 5:21) 5. Pastor Wilken speaks also of a 2nd kind of righteousness, which comes as a result of faith. Read Galatians 5:19-25. In whom are the fruits of good works evident? Read John 15:15. What is the only way that one can produce such good fruit? Perhaps the best way to understand good works is to speak of them as “faithfulness." One must have faith first to then be *faith-full*. Your faithfulness is the result of you being saved by Jesus, not the cause. This is why good works are evident in believers like you. For believers remain connected to the “Genuine Vine“ Who is Christ Jesus, the object of their faith. He produces His Spirit‘s good fruit in your life for others to see, and give God the glory! 6. Pastor Wilken notes that the unbelieving goats will also be surprised at the Judgment on the last day. Read Matthew 7:21-23. What did these people strive to accomplish? Do their works sound “good?” Why is their claim of Jesus as “Lord” empty? These false believers wrongly assumed that being a Christian was all about *them* doing miracles in Jesus‘ name. “Look what *we* did!” seemed to be their mantra. They foolishly assumed that God would be pleased with them because of their own attempts at doing great deeds. On the surface, their efforts appeared quite “good,” but they lacked faith in Jesus, and trust in *His* saving righteousness alone. So their calls to Jesus of “Lord, Lord!” are met with, “I never knew you.” 7. Should you be afraid if you have lived an unrighteous life in the past? Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. How does one receive the kingdom of God? Read Luke 12:32. Does one have to *do* anything in order to receive an inheritance? All your unrighteousnesses (wrongteousnesses?) are washed from you in Holy Baptism, for you have been justified by the blood of the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself to death, and shed His holy precious blood for you at Calvary! God has sanctified you for the good works He has prepared in advance for you to walk in (Ephesians 2:8-10). He has bequeathed the inheritance of the eternal Kingdom of heaven to you, as a free gift. He has made you His own flock of faithful sheep, unto life everlasting! 8. Close with the following prayer. Almighty God, merciful Father, since You have wakened from death the Shepherd of Your sheep, Grant us, by Your Spirit, a faith that preserves us until the end, that we may know the voice of our Shepherd and follow Him. Move us by Your Spirit, that our good works continually glorify You and benefit our neighbor; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
“Sheep Don‘t Keep Track” Fall 2011 1. Pastor Wilken addresses how Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats for judgment in Matthew 25. Read Ezekiel 34:17-23 and John 10:1-18. How are God‘s people described here? Who is it that is caring for them? Who is this Servant--David who comes to be their Good Shepherd?
2. Pastor Wilken quotes from Luther in the Heidelberg Disputation concerning how our works may “appear good“ yet they are not. Read Isaiah 64:6 and Romans 3:10-12. Just how “righteous“ are your attempts to do good? Is there any mere human being who can do what is good and right, on his/her own?
3. We want to do good things. Read Matthew 19:16-17. Who is the only One who is good? Read Leviticus 19:2 and Matthew 5:48. What is God‘s standard for your goodness here? Does He command that you *do* perfection and holiness? In what way can you *be* perfect and holy?
4. Pastor Wilken reminds us that God is responsible for your righteousness, from beginning to completion. Read Jeremiah 23:6. Who is your “righteousness“? Read Romans 4:1-8 and Galatians 3:6-14. Whose righteousness was credited to Abraham’s account? Since you are of the same faith of Abraham, whose righteousness is likewise reckoned to you?
5. Pastor Wilken speaks also of a 2nd kind of righteousness, which comes as a result of
faith. Read Galatians 5:19-25. In whom are the fruits of good works evident? Read John 15:15. What is the only way that one can produce such good fruit? 6. Pastor Wilken notes that the unbelieving goats will also be surprised at the Judgment on the last day. Read Matthew 7:21-23. What did these people strive to accomplish? Do their works sound “good?” Why is their claim of Jesus as “Lord” empty?
7. Should you be afraid if you have lived an unrighteous life in the past? Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. How does one receive the kingdom of God? Read Luke 12:32. Does one have to *do* anything in order to receive an inheritance?
“Thy Will Be Done” Fall 2011 Introduction: Pastor Cwirla helpfully points out that “Thy will be done” is too often used as a sign of resignation rather than as it's meant to be: a battle cry for Christians. 1. Review the Third Petition and meaning from the Catechism. Why do we pray that God's will be done if it's done even without our prayer? The Third Petition: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. What does this mean? The good and gracious will of God is done even without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may be done among us also. How is God's will done? God's will is done when he breaks and hinders every evil plan and purpose of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature, which do not want us to hallow God's name or let His kingdom come; and when He strengthens and keeps us firm in His Word and faith until we die. This is His good and gracious will. When we pray for God's will to be done, we are praying for it to be done among us, namely, that He do all those things which will block and hinder our enemies. 2. Have you every heard someone say, “I'm trying to figure out God's will for my life?” How would you respond based on what the Catechism teaches? Some think that “discerning God's will” means God micromanaging every aspect of their lives. Rather, God's will is simple: He desires us to be saved and rescued from those enemies. We know that in Christ His will is done just as He promised and we don't have to worry about His will coming to pass even when things seem against us. 3. Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4. What does St. Paul tell us to pray for? What does He say is God's will? St. Paul tells us to pray for others precisely because God wants them to be saved. To pray for His will is to pray that He would defeat any enemies that would keep people from believing in Jesus and that they would be brought to faith. 4. Read Luke 22:39-44. What does Jesus ask for? What is His conclusion? How does that prove that we can rely on God's will and that it is good and gracious? Jesus asks not to drink the cup of suffering yet He does not do His own will but His Father's. His Father's will is that He go to the cross and save sinners. That Jesus does His Father's will
perfectly means that we are saved and our sins are forgiven. Jesus has triumphed. His obedience to His Father's will is proof that the Lord's will is indeed done and as it is done for Jesus so it is done for you, that His suffering and death would be our salvation and forgiveness. 5. Does God's good and gracious will mean that we will never suffer or be frustrated? For the answer, see 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. How does the Lord say His will is done for St. Paul and for us? God's will is that we are saved. That may or may not mean that we will suffer and bear crosses in this life. In fact, Jesus says we will. But knowing that our salvation is God's will means that none of the things that seem to hurt us can truly harm us. Even the thorn in St. Paul's flesh, whatever it was, is a reminder to St. Paul that God's will ultimately triumphs and we live by His grace and not by getting what WE want. 6. What is the will of the devil, the world, and our flesh? See 1 Peter 5:8; John 15:18; Romans 7:15. How does Christ deal with each of these? John 12:31; John 16:33; John 6:54. The devil seeks to devour us in unbelief; Jesus casts Him out by His death and resurrection. The world hates us but Jesus has overcome the world. Our sinful natures don't will what is right but Christ purifies us by His own flesh that is perfect and holy and which He gives us in the Sacrament of the Altar. The will of these enemies is that we fall into despair and unbelief but God's will is that we be kept safe in Christ. 7. As we learn what God's will is by praying the Third Petition, how do we know it is being answered? Where can we see His will being done? Consider Psalm 40:7-8. The Psalm is talking about Jesus who comes to do the Father's will (as we saw above). The next question is where we see Christ in action. Direct youth to the Divine Service: the remembrance of Baptism, the pastor speaking Christ's absolution, the preaching of Christ crucified and risen, and the Lord's Supper. In those means of grace, God's will is being done because by those things He is overcoming the devil, world and sinful nature and delivering His forgiveness and life. 8. Conclude by singing or speaking “The Will of God is Always Best,� LSB #758
“Thy Will Be Done” Fall 2011
1. Review the Third Petition and meaning from the Catechism. Why do we pray that God's will be done if it's done even without our prayer? The Third Petition: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. What does this mean? The good and gracious will of God is done even without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may be done among us also. How is God's will done? God's will is done when he breaks and hinders every evil plan and purpose of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature, which do not want us to hallow God's name or let His kingdom come; and when He strengthens and keeps us firm in His Word and faith until we die. This is His good and gracious will.
2. Have you every heard someone say, “I'm trying to figure out God's will for my life?” How would you respond based on what the Catechism teaches?
3. Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4. What does St. Paul tell us to pray for? What does He say is God's will?
4. Read Luke 22:39-44. What does Jesus ask for? What is His conclusion? How does that prove that we can rely on God's will and that it is good and gracious?
5. Does God's good and gracious will mean that we will never suffer or be frustrated? For the answer, see 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. How does the Lord say His will is done for St. Paul and for us?
6. What is the will of the devil, the world, and our flesh? See 1 Peter 5:8; John 15:18; Romans 7:15. How does Christ deal with each of these? John 12:31; John 16:33; John 6:54.
7. As we learn what God's will is by praying the Third Petition, how do we know it is being answered? Where can we see His will being done? Consider Psalm 40:7-8.
8. Conclude by singing or speaking “The Will of God is Always Best,� LSB #758