2011 Fall - Higher Things Magazine (with Bible Studies)

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(PA) @ University of South Dakota @ University of Tennessee @ University of Tulsa (OK) @ University of Pittsburgh and Other Pittsburgh Area Colleges @ University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee @ University of Wisconsin—Superior @ University of Wyoming @ Valparaiso University (IN) @ Vanderbilt University (TN) @ Wright State University (OH)

@ Air Force Academy (CO) @ Ball State University (IN) @ Boise State University (ID) @ Brock University (Ontario) @ California Polytechnic State University @ Carthage College (WI) @ Central Michigan University @ Chico State University (CA) @ Colorado State University @ Cornell College (IA)

Have You Apologized Lately? The Law and Gospel of Christian Apologetics By Rev. Ian Pacey

Going to college this year? How is your Christian apology? In daily conversation, the word apology almost always means an expression of regret for some misdeed. However, the term as used in Holy Scripture means to provide an answer, a reasoned response, or a defense. The intent here is to provide the briefest of overviews. The Higher Things Magazine spring 2012 issue will be featuring an entire array of articles on the subject of apologetics and it will be there that we delve into more specifics. The best known use of apology comes to us in 1 Peter 3:15 which reads, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense [an “apology”] to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” In these words, God calls Christians to be prepared to make an apology or defense whenever the appropriate circumstances arise. So how is this done? It is one thing to know what we have been called to do. It is another to know how to do it.



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the best response: the Gospel The best response to the question concerning the hope we Christians have is nothing less than the Biblically revealed truth concerning human sin (the Law) and the forgiveness of sin for Jesus’ sake (the Gospel). It really is that simple. Why do Christians have hope? Christians have hope because Jesus, through his death and resurrection, has atoned for the sins of the world! As we all know, not everybody who hears the Law and the Gospel believes immediately or ever, for that matter. Fundamentally, all unbelief is the result of human sin. In practice, the reason for unbelief is as different as the people who do not believe. Some may not believe because they have been taught some falsehood. Others may not believe because they have personally created falsehoods to distance themselves from God. In both cases, the only way to help the unbeliever dig out the error is to dialogue with them; to be willing to answer and ask questions of those who reject Christian truth claims.

Questions for Christians Most questions for Christians from unbelievers fall into three major categories: 1. The Existence of God. The Christian claims that God exists. God’s Word teaches this fundamental truth. Of course, the unbeliever rejects the Word. Purely for the sake of discussion, is there any way the Christian can talk about the existence of God without citing the Scriptures? The answer is yes. The Christian may talk about natural law, the idea of a first cause, or use other philosophical arguments, depending on the person with whom they are speaking. Most importantly, we can speak of Jesus (whom we know as true God) and how His tomb was empty, a fact that can be demonstrated without relying solely on the Bible’s testimony! 2. The Reliability of the Old and New Testaments. When speaking of the Holy Scriptures, Christians use the words inerrancy, inspiration, and others. These terms reflect the origin and the truthfulness of God’s Word. By definition, the unbeliever rejects these concepts. However, when it comes the main criticism against the Bible, very often an unbeliever will set forth the idea that the words of the Bible are not the words of the original authors and/or the original authors are not those normally associated with the individual books. For example, Mark did not write Mark. Is there any way of undoing these views that poison the unbeliever’s view of the Bible? Again, the answer is yes. In fact, there is a science, called textual criticism, that is devoted to the question of text authorship and transmission. When put to the test, the Holy Scriptures pass with flying colors! Not only that, the Scriptures are validated because Jesus rose from the dead!

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Duluth @ University of Minnesota—Morris @ University of Minnesota—Twin Cities @ University of North Carolina—Greensboro @ University of North Dakota @ University of Northern Colorado @ University of Northern Iowa @ University of Oklahoma @ University of Pittsburgh

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