HC Fall 2012

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2013 Legislative Breakfasts



Monday, January 28 Monday, February 25 Monday, March 25 Monday, April 22 Time:


Complimentary breakfast at 7:00 am Place:

Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds Conference Center RSVP: For reservations, please contact the Hendricks &RXQW\ )DUP %XUHDX RIÀFH DW E\ WKH Thursday prior to each breakfast. We have invited Representatives Bob Behning, Greg Steuerwald and Jeff Thompson to join us, along with Senators Pete Miller and Mike Young.


Take advantage of this opportunity to interact with your representatives at the Indiana Statehouse! Sponsored by:

WHO IS YOUR LEGISLATOR? www.IndianaVoters.com

* If schools are closed due to weather, meetings will also be canceled. *

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“A lot of facilities are done up fancy like you’re at a five-star resort.

place else to go. The transition occurred about 15 years ago. The Rolands’

That’s great and some people like that,

father got a residential license from the

but it’s not us. We like the down-home kind

state’s Board of Health and applied for Indi-

of atmosphere. Our clients want something

ana’s Room and Board Assistance program.

like home. That’s what I’ve always stressed

Originally it was supposed to be just for

— we’re just a big house with a bunch of

seniors, but when the state closed facilities


like Central State Hospital, they started get-

While their father loved ’50s memorabilia, the concept also works because so many

ting that clientele. Dealing with the government often makes

“It hurts when you lose someone, but the best way we can take care of someone is to get to know them,” Jeff said. The reward is meeting a variety of people and making new friends. Jeff has come to know many World War II veterans, even Holocaust survivors. “They want to tell us stories,” Jeff said. “You get anything and everything, and can learn a lot if you just stop and listen.”

Roland residents grew up in that era. Seeing

Julie want to bang her head against the

that theme, like an antique Coke machine,

wall. But there’s also a certain satisfaction

It’s not uncommon for one of them to stay

makes them nostalgic, jogs their memories,

involved with the Speedway location that

after work and have dinner with a resi-

and stimulates conversation.

she doesn’t get anywhere else.

dent. Or crash on someone’s couch if the

“They seem to enjoy it,” Jeff said. “It’s

The Roland staff has taken that to heart.

“There I get a sense of, these people are

weather’s bad. Or even bring one home on a

not often someone won’t come through and

breathing easier because we’re here,” Julie

holiday if they don’t have their own family to

comment on something they see here.”

said. “We’re their advocates and their family

spend it with.

An old kitchen stove at Club Roland Manor has been a particular hit. “The adult child will point it out to their

because they don’t have anybody else.” Sometimes that’s the case with their retirees in Brownsburg and Plainfield. They

Indeed, it’s not a job you have just for the paycheck.

“You have to come to it for other reasons

mom and they’ll start talking about yester-

still see more “drops-and-drives” than they’d

— get some personal satisfaction out of it,”

year,” said Cory Hull, Roland’s community


Jeff said. “When you’re helping someone,

relations coordinator. “It triggers those memories.” Added Julie, “It provides a comfort level you want when you’re moving (a parent) into a retirement home.”

That’s Jeff’s term for families who move in a relative and never return until they’ve passed. “A lot of times we become their extended family,” Hull said.

you get more from that than the pay.” The only job description the Rolands have is take care of the residents. “That’s why we’re here,” Julie said. “No one’s above doing anything.”

That’s OK in a way though. The Rolands

For more information on Roland Retire-

initially catered to seniors too, but now it

have always encouraged their employees to

ment Clubs, visit the website at RolandRe-

mainly serves the mentally ill who have no

interact with the residents.


Roland’s original location in Speedway

ABOVE: Nostalgia is the main motif, including the ’50s-style dining room at Plainf eld. RIGHT: The Rolands emphasize a homely feel at their communities.


Entrepreneurship has been a part of Betsy Bassett’s life long before she could even get into a PG-13 rated movie.

cook, so it’s a unity of the two things.” When Bassett was younger, her parents

“If you want to get something small and have a better aesthetic, we make all

relocated to Rockville where she went to

of our syrups and powders homemade,”

high school and graduated early so she

Bassett said. “We try to make everything

22-year-old Danville native is back in her

could study in New Zealand. From there,

homemade, like our hand pies. And it all

hometown with a new adventure that she

she went to Indiana University in Bloom-

slowly came together. It happened about six

terms a “market cafe,” otherwise known as

ington, which is where more of the roots of

months sooner than I expected it to, but it’s

The Beehive. The business opened just after

the Beehive began to form.

been really busy.”

So it should come as no surprise that the


“I started using honey instead of sugar

Bassett said her business is also a place

in baking and it’s a much healthier alterna-

where customers can quietly lounge and

ness from the time I could get something

tive,” she explained. “Then when I moved

read the paper, shop for healthier alterna-

and sell it,” she said. “I sold sweetcorn

to Bloomington, the local food movement

tives, have some sweets, or simply sit with

when I was in junior high school and then

is huge there. Food is just a big part of the

a cup of coffee and watch television.

when I went to college I would randomly

culture there. There are a lot of great places

sell puppy chow.”

to eat. I loved to try new things and I was

be expensive, but says that even if people

“I always wanted to own my own busi-

Bassett admits that eating natural can

getting into the more natural foods, that’s

don’t go that route exclusively, sprinkling it

foods market, espresso bar, homemade food

what Bloomington did for me. When I chose

into their diet is worthwhile.

eatery, and frozen yogurt shop, all of which

the space I added frozen yogurt and then a

come from meshing portions of her life

market because it makes for a more unique

said. “If you look at all the preservatives



that are in food, they say you shouldn’t eat

The Beehive is a combination natural

“I guess the idea spurred itself when I

The Beehive has a natural foods market

“Your body just processes it better,” she

anything if you can’t pronounce it. Every-

was 17 and my parents started keeping

area on the right side, a cafe on the left,

thing has extra gluten, sugar, and sodium

bees,” Bassett said. “And I’ve always loved

and a frozen yogurt bar right as customers

if it’s not homemade. We eliminate a lot of

to cook. I love to be in charge and I love to


those chemicals.

FEB 2013


HEALTH Health insurance shopping? Start by getting informed

Health care reform is a hot topic, and not just for candidates running

many insurance plans offer incentives and programs to encourage the

for political office. The cost of health care impacts the financial well-

healthy habits and preventive care that can help people stay healthy,

being of most Americans. Even though you may have heard a lot about

feel well, and avoid a costly medical problem.

health care reform, you may be wondering what it all means — or at least what it means for you and your family. From the name of the health care reform law itself, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (which is often shortened to the acronyms PPACA or just ACA), to terminology like “Individual Mandate” or “American Benefit Exchanges,” there’s plenty to be confused about. Starting in 2010, new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act rules,

Those who don’t have health insurance benefits through an employer can purchase individual or family plans directly from many insurance companies. When shopping for health insurance, they need to find a plan that meets their individual needs. Experts advise the following: • Look for a plan that is offered in your state and provides a highquality network of health care professionals, hospitals, and facilities.

called provisions, began to go into effect. PPACA focuses on providing

You can check company websites for information on where they sell

every American with health coverage that they should be able to afford.

individual health insurance plans.

A few examples of provisions that have already gone into effect

• Seek an insurer that offers a personalized website and online tools that can help you manage your health care, including a doctor locator,

include: • Insurance plans must cover preventive care such as routine physicals and immunizations at no cost to consumers. • Emergency services must cost the same in or out of the insurance carrier’s network.

treatment cost comparison charts, viewing your claims history, online bill paying, downloadable forms, and the option to print temporary identification cards. • Even with good online services, sometimes you’ll want to speak to

• Children may now stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26.

someone. Look for an insurance company that offers a 24/7 customer

In 2014, the final provisions of the law will be implemented. Among

service call center.

those are: • The creation of health benefit exchanges (online marketplaces) from which individuals or small businesses will be able to shop for health insurance. • The requirement that insurers may not deny coverage to someone for a pre-existing condition, regardless of age. • Implementation of the individual mandate that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty. The individual mandate has been one of the most debated components of PPACA. But as Lisa Lough of Cigna, a global health service company, explains, “There are many reasons to purchase health insurance, other than the coming federal mandate. Compelling reasons not to go without health coverage include

• For times when you’re not sure if you need to see a doctor, or when the doctor’s unavailable, a 24/7 health information line can be a great help. Look for one staffed by trained nurses. • Seek plans that offer affordable prescription drugs through either a retail pharmacy or home delivery which can save money and provide a great convenience. • Comprehensive plans will offer discounts on health and wellness programs, such as weight management and nutrition, fitness, tobacco cessation, etc. • If you prefer using your smart phone to access information, look for plans that offer tools like mobile apps. “With this check list in hand, people can go online and research plans,” Lough says. “For example, at Cigna we have a website dedi-

accessing care and services that can help improve your health and

cated just to customers looking to purchase individual or family plans

providing financial protection from potential large, unforeseen medical

at www.cignaforyou.com. I also recommend calling the insurance


provider and talking to a knowledgeable, licensed agent to make sure

In fact, medical bills are a leading cause of personal bankruptcy,

you understand all the options and get the best coverage at the best

multiple studies have found. With familiar medical emergencies like

price that makes the most sense for you and your family. There are so

an appendectomy costing $10,000 or more, a single hospitalization

many options now with Health Savings Accounts and other types of

can wipe out a family’s resources. Having health insurance can help

plans offering a variety of coverage and deductible levels, so talking to

mitigate the risk of a health-related financial crisis. What’s more,

an expert to understand which choice is right for you is important.”

FEB 2013


IF YOU COULD INVENT SOMETHING, WHAT WOULD IT BE? WITH THE POPULAR TV SHOW “SHARK TANK” UNVEILING NEW INVENTIONS EACH WEEK, THE HENDRICKS COUNTY FLYER RECENTLY ASKED THIRD-GRADERS FROM RIVER BIRCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN AVON TO SHARE THEIR INVENTION IDEAS. “If I were to invent something it would be a pet feeder. It would have a clock at the top and 2 tubes, one for food and one for water. You would place the food or water at the top of the tube, set the clock, and move on. When it’s time, the food will drop in the bowl.” — Bailey

“I would invent a flying car. Why? Because you would not have to pay for a plain tiket. It would have wings and some jets on the bottum so it can take off.” — Karabeth

“I would invent a homework doing robot because then the robot would get it done quickly and easily while your playing video “If I could invent something it would be a airplane that people could games.” — Dylan be in but you do not half to contr the plane goes by its self.” — Thad “I am going to invent the candy maciene. It will help your children “I will invent a candy machine because people will get candy any by being paient. The candy machene will keep the candy for 1 time they want to.” minete and if your child isn’t patient it will keep the candy.” — Maylen — Clare “A remote control Frisbee that when you throw it you move the “A school becus i love school so much i wunt to be like mr scinry control around so you can move the Frisbee. I want to invent this and be a princabl.” — Michael because it would be cool in the air.” — David “I would invent a robot that could do things for you. If I had a robot “I would invent DJ PJ’s because who would want to hear the boring I would make it look just like me so I could be in two places at once. old radio when you can make your own on your body, no wires or I’m pretty busy so a robot could be pretty helpful. I also think my anything.” mom could use one too. She is very busy!” — Ryan — Megan FEB 2013


“I would like to make a robot because I’ve done it before and it’s “A giant robot. It would help me do chores.” — Caleb really easy most of all it’s really fun to alot of people, they would love to do it.” — Laiken “A robot that can help you on your homework. The homework can help you but your mom dose not have to help you. The parts you’ll “I want to invent a candy machen that throughs candy at you when need is a meldel box, meldel bars.” — Gavin you want. Because if you are to tired to get up you can just get the remot for and get your candy.” — Mya “A time machine. It could take me back in time so I can get an A+ on every test. I would change everything I did wrong. I would need “If I could invent something I would invent a alien ship.” a lot of electricity, some plugs, nails, steel, wire, electric tape, — Caden screws, tools, and some paint. I would never get in trouble ever again. I would have the best life in the whole entire world.” “A spell machine that makes spells like wizards do.” — Evan — Craig “An electric fish feed machine. The machine can work very well “I would make the world’s smartest robot. It would be able to help becaue using your hand the fish food can will fall right out of your you with your home.” hands so thats why it will work.” — Jenna — Connor “I would invent the Hot Spot. It would keep things like hot cocoa hot “A robot that makes breakfast, lunch, and diner. The only thing at a football game. It would be the shape of a square. It only melts you have to do is eat. The robot will be battery powerd. I will need when it has been a hour.” metle to make it. It might be the best robot ever!” — Abby — Rachel “I would envent ... a macanical kitchen. What I mean by that is you could be sitting at the table and say make tomatoe soup. A pot would pot out and then soup and then the kitchen would serve it to you. That would be great.” — Matthew

“A solar powered flying car. It will be sun powered and moon powered. It will need a solar pannel, 4 car wheels, seats, and solar powered engine. It can help by not polouden the air. No more factorys to make lots of diffent cars.” — Wesley

“A lot more pay phones. It could help so people can coumicate “A dog hair cutting machine. I would make one because when dogs better.” try to bite you. With this machine you don’t have be afraid cutting — Dakota dog hair. This machine comes with sissors, nail clippers for dogs, and for comfort hair washing and nice seating.” “I would even a flying bus. Because you wouldn’t be late for — Olivia school.” — Haylee “An electronic birdfeeder. Any nests that are around with birds in it, will get fed. An arm would crab a half-handful of birdfood “The Robo Butler! It would do all the chores you don’t want to. You and put it in the nest for the birds to eat. When a bird land on it to can just lay down and relax. It comes with a chip you just turn it on get some, there would only one hole: for the electronic arm. How put in and you are ready to go.” will the bird get the food? There will be a nest on top of the bird — Matthew feeders. A bird will set in the nest and the arm wil give the bird the food. You will need: a medal arm, birdfood, a birdfeeder with only “A mega armer suit making machine. The mega armer suit maone hole, a birds nest, and last but not least birds.” — Madelyn chine will make invensable suit if we ever get at war. It will make a super weapen suit for the solgers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. “A helmet that has more armore than reguler helmets. It has It’s bullet proof and nifes can’t go through it. It’s perfect for our music, and it has a drink holder. The helmet was made with armor, natune.” — Mason music, sun glasses, and face protection!” — Sean


FEB 2013

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