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News from Highgate Wood School arts college


Issue No 13 July 2013

GOVERNING BODY UPDATE The Chair of Governors, Charles Wright, writes: I recently attended two great Highgate Wood events, the Year 11 Celebration Evening and MADfest. Between them I think they summed up the Highgate Wood ethos, of individual and collective achievement to the best of your ability. Many thanks to the staff and PSA members who made these events so successful, and of course to our students for their efforts and enthusiasm throughout. Our Sixth Form is going from strength to strength, and we hope to welcome back many of our Year 11s in September, along with a new influx of sixth formers from elsewhere. So good luck to all who are awaiting those exam results. At the Governing Body we have been signing off the budget, for 2013‐14, which sees us in a healthy state financially, and also looking in detail at the plans for the house system, which will be introduced in the autumn. Basically this is about new ways to ensure that all our students get the maximum support throughout their time at Highgate Wood, as well as new opportunities to work together across the huge range of extra‐curricular activities the school provides. I am confident that it will provide a solid base for us to move forward on helping all our students reach their potential. Finally, can I thank all of you, our parents and carers, for the support you have shown both for your own children and for the school over the past year; it is this sort of support that helps make Highgate Wood the positive community comprehensive school we all want it to be. Have a great summer. Cover picture: The cover features images from MADFest, which included the Post 16 Art, Photography, Design Technology and Media exhibition which so impressed Nick Clegg when he visited the school earlier this month.


The school would like to thank all those involved in the PSA for their contribution to school life during the past year. The PSA has been instrumental in providing funding for a whole range of resources within the school, has run Staff Appreciation events and has also played a key role in maintaining that vital relationship between what happens within school and what goes on at home. We are particularly grateful to the work of Liz Whitlock who stepped down as co‐chair earlier this term, after serving five years on the PSA steering committee. At the last PSA meeting Rebecca Hamilton was elected the new co‐chair. The PSA committee now consists of Co‐Chairs: Jane Morgan and Rebecca Hamilton; Treasurer: Mark Baldwin and Social Secretary: Virle Paterson The best way to contact the PSA is still through

HIGHGATE WOOD SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY Chair of Governors: Charles Wright (Community Governor)

Vice Chair: Imogen Pennell (Representative Governor)

Representative Governors: Cllr Eddie Griffith • Oliver Blackaby • Brenda Allan

Parent Governors: Andrew Boardman • Diana Brown • Philip Cavendish Caroline Conlon • Elizabeth Hess • Chris Tully • Rob White

Community Governors: Phil Cocksedge • Violet Hazelwood‐Henry • Chris Parr • Carol Vincent Headteacher Governor: Patrick Cozier

Staff Governors: Tristan Ashman • Jack Fitzgerald • Saad Gul Mohammed

If you wish to contact the Governing Body please write to the Chair of Governors, c/o Mrs K Ozturk, Highgate Wood School, Montenotte Road, London N8 8RN

July 2013

MESSAGE FROM THE HEADTEACHER Welcome to the last edition of Insight for this academic year. Yet again the year has absolutely flown by. However, that’s not to say that we haven’t been incredibly busy as always, continuously achieving new heights and delivering excellent experiences for our students. It seems like only a few weeks ago that I was writing to you to celebrate another set of outstanding exam results at Highgate Wood School last October. Given the tremendous dedication of our students and staff (and of course the fantastic support that we get from our parents/carers and governors), I am very confident that this August will see similarly impressive results to be proud of. I wish our Year 11s and Post 16 students the very best of luck! You will see in this edition of Insight just how vibrant a place HWS continues to be for all of our students and staff with so many exciting things happening. I think you will get a sense that at Highgate Wood School we are very serious about doing whatever we can to make a positive difference to our students, maintain the highest of expectations and inspire self belief. I hope that you enjoy the read!

School Development Priorities for Improvement for 2013/14 Priority A:

Securing Outstanding Teaching and Learning

Priority B:

Securing Outstanding Leadership and Management

You may recognise that the two key priorities for 2013/14 are the same as those for this year. This is no accident. We are very clear that if we as a school are to give our students great experiences and to ensure their most outstanding achievements at Highgate Wood School, we must ensure that they receive the very best teaching possible; and this in turn is only made possible if the leadership of the school is outstanding. Therefore, we intend to keep

July 2013

our focus on these two core priorities until we achieve them. We have made some good progress this year and we continue to get better, but we know that we are not yet where we are capable of being, so the journey continues. I will feedback to you in the autumn term on some of the more specific focuses that underpin the plan to deliver on Priority A.

Visit to HWS by Rt. Hon. Nick Clegg PM (Deputy Prime Minister) You may or may not be aware that we were visited on Friday 5th July by Rt. Hon. Nick Clegg MP and our local MP, Rt. Hon. Lynne Featherstone. The focus of the visit was to discuss the ways in which the school uses the Pupil Premium funding that we get from the government. This is money that is given to schools nationally to use specifically to close the academic gap that often exists between students who have social and financial disadvantages compared to other students. For the year 2013/14 the funding we have received at HWS equates to approximately £410,000. It was a fantastic occasion, and a true privilege for the school to host such a senior politician as the Deputy Prime Minister. The best part of the visit was when he had an opportunity to view the amazing Art, Media and Technology work from our Post 16 students. Some were present and thus able to show their work to him personally. He was very 3

impressed with the quality of their work and of the school as a whole.

Uniform in September We intend to be strict with our uniform expectations when we come back to school in September. Most students wear the uniform with pride and to a high standard, but not all. As a reminder, our expectations include the following: Blazers are compulsory, but jumpers/cardigans are not – hence if students do not wish to wear two layers on top of their shirts, it’s the jumpers/ cardigans that should not be worn No other alternative to the school jumper/cardigan (with the HWS Blue trim) can be worn:

BLUE HOUSE ‐ HIG Head of House Mr J Rowlands in charge of Student Progress Deputy Head of House Ms K Zwicky in charge of Pastoral Care Form Tutor Same as this year unless there have been staff changes First Point of Contact Pastoral Care Mentors Ms W. Maclean‐Jones Ms K. Roberts Pastoral and Behavioural Support

Assistant Head Ms C Allaway Pastoral Care Lead

Assistant Head Mr D Mansfield Student Progress Lead


Black shoes must be worn – not black trainers


Shirts for boys and girls must be worn tucked in



Ties should be worn to a length where at least five stripes are visible on the wide part of the tie below the knot – the knot must be worn high so that the top button of the shirt is covered up


Girls’ skirts should not be rolled at the top and should be worn so that all four buttons down the side of the skirt should be visible


Short sleeve shirts are a perfectly acceptable alternative to long sleeve shirts for girls and boys

Head of House Mr K Brokenshire in charge of Student Progress Deputy Head of House Ms S Roberts in charge of Pastoral Care Form Tutor Same as this year unless there have been staff changes First Point of Contact


Plain headscarves are acceptable if worn for religious reasons, but not otherwise.

We are very keen to ensure that we set and maintain the highest of expectations for students at HWS, and this includes the way in which the uniform is worn. We thank you in advance for support with this.

New House System – Appointments Have Been Made The progress towards the new house system in September has continued during the course of this term. In the last edition of Insight I shared the structure with you to show you the key posts of responsibility within the system. I am pleased to say that we have now appointed staff to the posts. The following table shows you who will be the main staff responsible for your


Pastoral Care Mentors Mr L Mitchell Ms J Smith Pastoral and Behavioural Support

Assistant Head Ms D Spence Pastoral Care Lead

Assistant Head Mr A Hartley Student Progress Lead

YELLOW HOUSE ‐ WDS Head of House Mr J Key in charge of Student Progress Deputy Head of House Ms A Ryan in charge of Pastoral Care Form Tutor Same as this year unless there have been staff changes First Point of Contact Pastoral Care Mentors Mr A Sturdy Ms D Byfield‐Elizabeth Pastoral and Behavioural Support

Assistant Head Mr T Ashman Pastoral Care Lead

Assistant Head Mr L Pinnick Student Progress Lead July 2013

We are very pleased with the teams that we have put together and are excited about the key role that they will play in launching the new house system and providing the very best support and care for your child. Over the last few days of the term we will be deciding upon what sort of process to go through to name each house. This will happen very early in the autumn term. At the heart of that process will be the students as we are keen that they have the most significant say. In terms of uniform (apart from the PE kit mentioned below), there are no plans to change any items of uniform to represent house allegiance. We are most likely to issue students with house colour lanyards and badges, but that is still to be discussed with the students before plans are finalised.

The cost of the new PE kit is approximately £50 (depending on the size required). However, we are very conscious of the burden of cost to parents/ carers (particularly if you have recently bought the current red and black kit). With this in mind we are looking to heavily subsidise the cost of your first purchase of the new kits for all students in years 8, 9 and 10. The way that this will work is shown in the table below: Group

Compulsory Cost

Year 7


Full Cost

Year 8, 9 10 ‐ eligible for Compulsory FSM and\or Pupil Premium


Year 10 GCSE PE Students



All other Years 8, 9 and 10 Compulsory

£25 discount

Year 11

Full Cost


A Change in the PE Kit We have decided to change our PE kit from September to reflect the new House system. The changes will come into effect for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10. The new kit will be optional for Year 11. The reason why I am insisting that all year groups from 7 to 10 wear the new kit is to avoid a situation where those families who can afford the new kits buy them, and those that can’t continue to wear the old kit, with the possible result that parents/ carers are pressured into buying the new one ‘because everyone else has’. My preference is to avoid such a scenario by making it a complete change for everyone (with the exception of year 11). However, we are intending to help out financially with the change as described in the table overleaf. The new kits will be predominantly black with trim to match the colour of the respective houses. The items that will comprise the new PE Kit will be:


Black Polo Shirt (with House Colour Trim)


Black Hoodie (with House Colour Trim)


Black Tracksuit Bottoms


Black Shorts


Black Socks July 2013

The new PE Kits will be available from the end of August for students in Green House. Unfortunately there is a delay for the other houses. We expect the orders for Blue House and Yellow House to arrive a couple of weeks later. However, you can still come in at the end of August to have your child fitted and to order the new kit, whether or not the correct one has arrived. In the event that the PE kit is not available for the start of term, we ask that students wear the current red and black kit, or a kit of their own that is representative of their house colour until the new kit is obtained. When purchasing the new kit, we would be very grateful if you could donate any items from the current PE kit that are still in good condition. Our intention is to send the HWS red and black kits over to South Africa as a donation to our school charity Hillcrest. A number of our partner schools in South Africa would truly appreciate the kits.


Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Changes

Learning and Teaching Development Team

I reported to you in the March edition of Insight that we had made changes to the Senior Leadership Team, including the appointment of Mr Craig Hewitt as Deputy Headteacher.

In addition to the staffing changes mentioned so far, I would like to congratulate Ms R Howard, Ms W Watkins and Mr N Robertson who have been appointed as our Outstanding Teaching Coaches. They will join Mr D Mansfield and Mr G Contor to form our new Learning and Teaching Development Team. They will lead the school’s development with regards to exploring and sharing the latest teaching techniques and ideas to move our teaching from mostly good to mostly outstanding.

I have now decided how to distribute the roles and responsibilities of the team. This is shown below. Mr Cozier Headteacher

School Development Strategy SLT Performance Departmental Performance

Ms K Christodoulou

Mr C Hewitt

Mr S Hatch

Deputy Head

Deputy Head

Business Manager

Staff Development (CPD)

Whole school self‐ evaluation

Finance and Premises

Performance Appraisal


Health and Safety


Oversight of Managed Network Service

Staffing & Recruitment

Mr D. Mansfield Assistant Headteacher Learning and Teaching

Mr G. Contor Advanced Skills Teacher

Ms W. Watkins

Ms R. Howard

Outstanding Teaching Coach

Mr D Mansfield

Mr A Hartley

Ms L Pinnick

Assistant Head

Assistant Head

Assistant Head

Learning & Teaching Development

Key Stage Four Coordinator

Key Stage 3 Coordinator Key Stage 3 Raising Standards Leader

Numeracy Strategy

Key Stage Four Raising Standards Leader


Literacy Strategy


Mr C Allaway

Ms D Spence

Mr T Ashman

Assistant Head

Assistant Head

Assistant Head

Behaviour for Learning

Inclusion and Intervention

Community & Arts Specialism

Child Protection lead

E‐Learning strategy and E‐Safety Officer

KS2‐3 transition

Pupil Premium Strategy

Communication (including PR) Procedures and Data Protection Student Voice

By keeping a note of the roles and responsibilities above, it should help you in terms of approaching the right person to deal with any queries that you have depending on the nature of your query.

Outstanding Teaching Coach

Mr N. Robertson Outstanding Teaching Coach Goodbye and Good Luck to leaving colleagues

As always, the end of the summer term is also a time for farewells. We are saying goodbye to a number of staff at the end of this term. Adam Jivraj (Psychology), Laura Brain (Ethics and Cultural Studies) and Jess Canty (English) have been with us for about a year. Mr Jivraj has been an important part of the Social Science department. Ms Brain has similarly made a significant contribution the to ECS department. Mr Canty has worked well in the English department, but has also made a much wider and more significant contribution to HWS by covering as an Assistant Headteacher during Ms Spence’s absence earlier this year. We thank them all for their time and energy at HWS and wish them well for the future. Donnie Maclaren (Art), Ines Taylor (Science), Jack


July 2013

Fitzgerald (History) and Saad Gul Mohammed (Maths) have all been with us for two years. In the time that they have been here they have made a significant contribution to HWS. Mr Maclaren has been an excellent teacher of Art, but demonstrated his excellent versatility by taking on ICT teaching this year. Ms Taylor has been a really positive addition to the Science department and has built up excellent relationships with her students who will miss her when she goes. Mr Fitzgerald has been influential as the Student Council lead this year as well as being a staff governor. Mr Gul Mohammed has made his mark in Maths in addition to organising and leading the daily prayers for our Muslim students, as well as being a staff governor. We wish them all well for the future, and know that they are bound for success. Joss Keates (Drama) has been at Highgate Wood since September 2005. In that time she has made a huge contribution to the Drama department and the school as a whole. She has been fully involved in a number of Drama productions and musicals. Ms Keates has a fantastic relationship with her students and will be very much missed by them. We will miss her too, but we wish her the best for the future. Richard Ampomah (Science) has been at Highgate Wood since November 2004. He has a very calm manner and joined the Science department at a time when stability was very much needed. Well, he did just that giving us nine years of loyal service, working very hard to contribute to his department and support his students. We are saying bye to him this summer as he moves on to new pastures. We wish him the best of luck. Chris Wheeler has been the Site Manager at Highgate Wood for a massive 18 years. His commitment to the school has been magnificent and his loyalty is hugely valued. Everyone who has worked in a school will know that the Site Manager can make your experience amazingly good or amazingly bad. Mr Wheeler fits into the former category. He is hardworking, patient, accommodating and very skilled. He is leaving HWS to begin a well earned retirement. We wish him July 2013

and his family all the best for the future. All those who are leaving have made Highgate Wood School a richer place and we are very grateful for that contribution. We offer our very best wishes for the future. During the course of the year several staff took on roles above and beyond their usual responsibility. I would like to thank Mr. Odei for so capably stepping in to lead the ICT department, and Mr. Robertson and Ms McGurk for providing leadership in Sociology and Psychology respectively. Thanks also to Ms. Harding for managing the History department during Ms. Kingston's maternity leave, and Ms. Breed for covering Mr. Howley's absence as Head of Learning for Year 9. Earlier this year Ms. Christodoulou stepped in to lead the English department, Mr. Mansfield became an interim examinations officer, whilst more recently Ms. Ryan supported us by becoming acting Head of Year 10. Thanks to you ALL, and the rest of the staff, for helping ensure that Highgate Wood School provides not only a successful and happy learning environment, but a stable and secure one too.

Amazing Students!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate some very special students. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Joe Dodd for being awarded the Pauline Ashbee 4Cs Award at the Year 11 Celebration Evening. This was a well deserved award for a top student. We are proud that he is a Highgate Wood Student. 7


I also want to thank three very special young women who came to the rescue of one of our students who sustained a very serious injury in an accident on site. Whilst others (understandably) panicked at the sight of the injury (and the blood that was present), Charley Edgecombe, Monica Nicolaou and Magda Zieja applied some immediate basic first aid and comforted him whilst the school’s first aid staff were on their way to the scene. These girls were truly heroic, and I am proud of them all. They deserve all of our praise for their swift, calm and helpful reaction to a difficult situation. ... And Finally – Thank you for your support! I would like to thank you all again for your valued and continued support. I wish you and your families a pleasant summer holiday. Please remember, we return on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 (please double‐check the start times for each year group on the back page of this edition of Insight). Regards Patrick Cozier Headteacher


Ms McConville writes: Our Year 11 Celebration Evening took place on Friday 21st June 2013 in Union Chapel, Islington. Year 11 students did the school, their parents and themselves proud and made an incredible effort with their outfits – lots of amazing dresses and dapper suits were on show! The music acts showed the astonishing talent within the year group with four bands and artists performing a wide range of songs. Our special guest, the Radio One DJ, Gemma Carney spoke about her road to success and describe the highs and lows she has encountered in her life so Radio One DJ, Gemma Carney, our special guest. far. Joe Dodd, 11G, was announced as the winner of the annual 4Cs award by Mr Cozier. Speeches were given by all the form tutors, Mr Cozier and Miss McConville. Lois Green, 11H, and Conrad Lee, 11W, entertained us at the end of the evening during the Order of Thanks. Afterwards, students and staff enjoyed food and drinks in the exclusives bar at Union Chapel. Overall a thoroughly memorable evening. Many thanks to all members of staff who were involved in the organisation of the evening – it was fabulous. July 2013


Ms Dornan and Ms Ryan write: We would like to say a big thank you to all the students involved in performing at the Crouch End Festival in the second week of June. Those who played with the Haringey and Young Persons’ Big Band were really impressive. The choir sang brilliantly and the band ‘Little Folk’ played and sang professionally and beautifully. We had lots of comments from members of the public about how high the standard of the music was. Everyone was so proud. Well done!


More images from the evening will be available on GCSE Results Day\6th Form enrolment Thursday 22nd August.

Gemma Cairney’s tweet following our Celebration Evening July 2013




Ms Harding writes: In May 2013, our year 8 students completed a homework project where they had to write a piece of historical fiction. The story could be set in any country and cover any period from 1500‐1900.The best 3 entries from the Year group were entered into a National Historical Fiction competition, with the chance to have their story published, and win a prize. I am thrilled to announce that Tommy Escott from 9D was one of the winners, with his story, ‘Join or die’. The Historical Association received entries from forty schools, and the standard of the stories was excellent, making Tommy’s achievement all the greater. The judges at the Historical Association particularly liked Tommy’s ‘action sequences’. Tommy received a certificate from the HA, a £25 cheque, and a Bath aqua blue glass paperweight. The history department also receive a year’s free subscription to the Historical Association. Many congratulations Tommy, and thank you for taking part.

Ms Jones writes: The BTEC Sustainability skills students have been doing a Workskills unit 'Working as a team' that includes an enterprise project. The enterprise project is something they have to do from scratch e.g. plant seeds, grow them into vegetables and herbs, then decide on costs and finally manage to actually sell their crops. It is a project that also exemplifies communication skills and tests the students ability to be a good citizen' in the community. Moreover it shows keen enterprise as the students were able to sell all their products. The manager at Waitrose is very pleased with the outcome of the sale and has invited our students back to do 'more business through selling our vegetables at Waitrose.' He has also commended the students behaviour etc. and offered to help us with funding in the future for our produce enterprise!

OUTSTANDING ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Mr Astrop writes: “This is truly outstanding art and photography,” was Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg's assessment our A level exhibition held in the main hall during MADfest. Mr Clegg viewed our exhibition in the final stages of hanging when our teachers and students were rushing to complete the show before the private view that evening. Throughout MADFest visitors confirmed Mr Clegg’s opinion. It was truly a stunning show. 10

July 2013


Ms Allaway writes: On 9th July Year 10 students had a speaker from Speakers for Schools, the organisation set up by ex‐ Highgate Wood School student Robert Peston. Adam Gee, the award‐winning TV producer from Channel 4. Mr Gee spoke about the power of multi platform media to create change and the example he gave was the campaign started on Hugh Fernly Whittingstall’s programme about fish discarding. He showed that by combining TV programmes with internet petitions and other social media campaigns things that people care about can be made to change for the better. For the last part of the session Mr Gee spoke exclusively to the GCSE Media Studies students, talking about the programmes he is responsible for on Channel 4 which are the factual entertainment schedules such as Embarrassing Bodies and One Born Every Minute.



Ms Zwicky writes: Our new year 11 have been visiting the Tate Britain, to build on their GCSE Art & Design coursework. Those who have already been on the trip have investigated the work of William Turner as well as the more modern work by the Chapman Brothers, which they have analysed with great insight, and strong observations contextually as well as visually. Through close investigation, Archie Cartwright discovered additional interactive elements to the sculpture work, unnoticed by all teachers up to that point! We were truly impressed! We were in fact thrilled at the level of detail the student applied to their work throughout the trip. They have been a pleasure to take on this trip, and have been great ambassadors to Highgate Wood School.

Mr Charlesworth writes: Students in Year 12 have completed their Centigrade questionnaires and await the feedback they need on university options. Centigrade is an on‐line facility to provide advice to A level students thinking about university for the first time. Provided by the Institute of Careers, Centigrade matches student interests with university courses while also taking each students academic profile into consideration. July 2013


MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO THE STUDENTS BELOW WHO HAVE BEEN LISTED IN THE PURPLE BOOK FOR EXCEPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS THIS YEAR. Manel Ait Mouheb (8H) for winning the Castle Competition. Marwan Al‐Khalaf (8A) for making very positive progress on a positive report. Andrea Bevilacqua (9H) for excellent languages work, handwriting and presentation of overall work. Desmond Boampong (8E) for making very positive progress on a positive report. Lucas Bolton (8D) for being the runner up for the Castle competition. Dan Butuc (11G) for making impressive progress in English, moving from a grade F to a C in less than a year. Mia Clarke (8G) for excellent and creative design work in Science. Lorcan Duffy (8G) for excellent and creative design work in Science. Emmanuel Dultheo (11D) for producing excellent work in Art, which is very creative and skilled. Tommy Escott (9D) for winning the Historical Fiction Competition. Ashley Forde (8G) for excellent and creative design work in Science. Kate Gosschalk (Post 16) for helping organise the kind donations made to the residents of the YMCA Hostel. Alisa Gudzinskaite (9S) for being the only volunteer at lunch‐time to organise a whole class display. Rory Hammett (10D) for excellent poem in English and a positive star to GCSEs. Sam Holmes‐Kelly (11I) for achieving full marks in Spanish CA and being a 'model of the 4C's'. Kalid Khulatein (11T) for excellent work experience report ‐ you were 'a pleasure to work with'. Jacob Lukaszewicz (8A) for winning the Castle Competition. Christina Lyons (10S) for writing an outstanding essay on female stereotypes in the media. Imogen Marks (11H) for excellent work in Science and consistently demonstrating the 4Cs. Christopher Martenson (8S) runner up in the Historical Fiction Competition. Ishmael Tickly‐Young (8S) runner up in the Historical Fiction Competition. Matthew Mulcahy (11G) for excellent work experience report whilst working at the British Film Institute.


CONGRATULATIONS FIRST STORY‐ERS! Mr Russell writes: “Working with the young writers at Highgate Wood School has been a complete joy. The group have shown an indefatigable zeal for learning, understanding and exploring” – Anthony Anaxagorou From October 2012, there has been an exciting project taking place every Thursday afternoon. Eleven dedicated pupils have been working with Anthony Anaxagorou, a spoken word artist who has worked with notable musicians and artists and featured in The London Mayor Poetry Slam, BBC London Radio, BBC Youth Nation and the Royal Shakespeare Company. Alongside The First Story Project, Anthony has help these pupils publish their work in a brand new anthology entitled: Metrophobia. The book itself was presented to each pupil by Ali Nightingale from First Story at the successful Highgate Wood School evening book launch on Tuesday 16th July.

Well done to the following students: Yoshiki Vernon, Caleb Wyckoff Smith, Lily Roberts, Sina Nafissi, Jace Griffiths, Max Currer, Alicia Lerche, Hannah Crabb‐Krivine, Martha White, Sim Farhad, Ruth Ollier and Amber Paterson. It’s been a pleasure to work with you all throughout the project. Metrophobia will be available in the LRC and from First Story. July 2013


The surprise visit of the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, to the school caused a few shocks for some of our students as he walked into their classrooms. Together with local MP Lynne Featherstone, he visited History, English and Food Tech lessons where he asked questions and tried to get a flavour of what happens within the school. He was fortunate enough to come at a time when we had the A Level art exhibition being displayed and seemed particularly impressed with the work of Adan Abdiqanni. “I was really surprised when Nick Clegg came in and started speaking to me about my designs,” Abdi told the Haringey Independent. “He has really inspired me and encouraged me to give my all in my future studies.”

STUDENT PRESS TEAM A small group of A Level Media students were invited to join the Press Team that was with Nick Clegg on his tour of the school. Chase Teera writes: The experience we had of being part of the camera crew as well as working with professional journalists was educational and exciting. It allowed us to see the kind of professionalism that these reporters work with. They could quickly adapt to different scenarios and were well prepared for anything. We followed their advice in taking as much footage as possible, and gave ourselves enough options to cover different possibilities. We followed Nick Clegg on his tour of the school and saw how well he engaged with students in different lessons, admiring and appreciating their hard work. There was also a glimpse of his personality when he asked for the tennis scores with a student as he left the school despite being tightly scheduled. All the members of the press team realised that Mr Clegg was genuinely impressed by our school and this was reflected in their reports in the papers, as well as our own planning for our video report.

Mr Clegg visiting Food Tech

The purpose of the visit was to see at first hand how Pupil Premium funding can make a difference to student’s lives. This is an initiative that Nick Clegg has personally championed and he told the press he was “chuffed” to see it “making a difference on the ground” in a school like Highgate Wood. But it was also clear that Mr Clegg wasn’t just impressed with what is happening with Pupil Premium in the school. He was genuinely excited. July 2013

Visiting a History Lesson

“Highgate Wood is great, it’s fantastic,” he raved to the Ham and High. “It’s got a wonderful atmos‐ phere ‐ and it’s really hugely impressive to see these outstanding works of art [at the post 16 art, photography, design and technology and media studies exhibition]. 13



Ms Ford writes: Over the last half term in English, the new Year 8 have been reading and learning about A Midsummer Night's Dream.

We have taken a creative approach and students have enjoyed activities such as drama and set design to support their understanding and enjoyment of the text. Ms Emery's class have made some wonderful stages showing the magical world and characters of the play and have incorporated elements such as glowing moons, flying Pucks and real flowers! Congratulations to everyone in 8T for their amazing work, but particular mention must be give to Sonny Bailey‐Davis, Isobel Crompton, Maya Eagles, Finn Linburn, Daniel Litviniuc, Vincent Davies, Stanley Adepegba‐Ogidan, Kerise Granfield, Armelinda Idrizi and Maria Lyons, who have been particularly creative and industrious.


Ms Robertson writes: On Tuesday 16th July, we welcomed visitors from Fashion Enter, a government supported fashion consultancy and manufacturer that gives advice and exposure to some of today’s most talented designers and manufacturers. Year 10 and Textile GCSE students listened attentively as they were told of the many career prospects within the textile industry. Fashion Enter offer Appenticeships to young people where they work four days of the week and are in college for one. And they get paid. Students listened to two ex‐apprentice employees from the on‐line fashion store ASOS, who are one of the numerous companies that work with Fashion Enter. They explained how apprentices can move on to many different positions from production pattern cutter to fabric technologist to textile designer. Our visitors were so impressed with the quality of students work at Highgate Wood that ASOS are being approached to put Rebecca Frank’s skirt design into production, and they are also now exploring the possibility of launching a competition to get student designs onto the ASOS website. We are looking forward to our relationship with Fashion Enter developing in the coming year.

July 2013



Mr Fitzgerald writes: On the 15th July 25 excellently behaved new Y11 students spent an enjoyable day at Magdalen College, one of the 38 colleges that make up the University of Oxford. They had the chance to question a current History Fellow (tutor), struggled with a moral dilemma as an example of the logical discussion that students are expected to demonstrate at interview, and had the opportunity to enjoy Oxford in the sun. It seems that students took away two important messages from the trip: firstly, that Oxford, Cambridge and many other great universities are attainable goals for Highgate Wood School students; and, secondly, that being able to demonstrate an active interest in your subject through what you've read, visited, seen and researched (and how you responded to each of these things) is the most important thing that admissions tutors are looking for evidence of. As Harvey Clements comments: "It scrapped a lot of what people thought about Oxford beforehand... Even though it is a massively elite university you don't have to get A*s in everything to go there...You just have to be clever and love your subject, not a complete genius..."

QUIZ NIGHT Ms Osborne writes: Well done to all those involved in the Quiz Night for South Africa. The students managed to raise nearly £1,000 towards their summer project to support the Hillcrest Charity.

July 2013

Mr Astrop writes: During this half‐term twenty four art and design and photography A level students devised and taught six two day workshops to Year two, Year four and Year five pupils at Weston Park Primary. The themes covered ideas as diverse as painting with light using digital cameras, identity through mask making and stop frame animation. All the teachers involved were thoroughly impressed by our students work. Ms Stephens said, 'I was so proud of our sixth formers, they were naturally worried about teaching young children but performed magnificently and had a great time.” We also got many compliments from the primary school pupils themselves who thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Alana Leissle writes: I really enjoyed getting to know the children’s individual styles and personalities. And it wasn’t just their artistry that we saw being developed. As the sessions progressed the children also learnt how to cooperate better with each other and communicate with a different age group well. It was a fantastic experience for me and I would recommend all sixth formers getting involved in something similar, whether it is working within the creative arts or doing something entirely different.



Ms Roberts writes: On Friday 21st of June a group of Year 10 students attended the Pan Youth Diversion Day and Public Services Fair at Alexandra Palace. Students spoke to members of the Army, the Metropolitan Police, Fire and Ambulance service and had the opportunity to ask about their work and even try on some unusual uniforms such as the clothing worn by police to protect them from dangerous gas attacks. Students found out more about the London riots and how the services were involved during this time. There were also representatives from numerous sports organisation, with our students playing rugby with some members of the London Saracens and providing support to young amateur boxers battling it out in the ring!


Ms Jones writes: Many congratulations to the BTEC Sustainability Group for receiving their War on Waste Award at the recent Haringey ceremony. Congratulations also to Oliver (BTEC Student) and Elisabetta (Parent Volunteer/Gardener) for your individual successes on the scheme. 16


Ms Osborne and Mr.Williams write: Monday 8th July Miss Osborne, Mr Williams and 20 excited Year 8 students set off to Pendarren House with high expectations of what promised to be a fantastic week of outdoor and adventurous activities, and we were not disappointed. Carrying on the long standing tradition between Highgate Wood School and Pendarren House, students showed perseverance, determination, and team spirit. Throughout the week students were put through a range of challenges in canoeing, caving, abseiling, high ropes, mountain walking, orienteering , and each time they excelled with huge smiles and sense of accomplishment. Students showed great character in the face of fears and apprehension. They also displayed amazing consideration towards each other, whether it be offering a helping hand up to the next rock edge, or an encouraging word when the going got tough. In the words of Nancy Mahon “I'm so pleased I reached the top of the mountain… this means its all downhill from here right?” It is their ability to form new friendships, work with different people and achieve common goals that always makes this trip so special and rewarding. Ms Osborne writes: “It was a real honour to share this experience with all the students and I would urge everyone to snap up the opportunity if it arises. I come away with memories I will always cherish, and have the photos to prove it.” Mr. Williams writes “Possibly the best Pendarren yet, sunshine, smiles and all out fun for everyone.”

July 2013


Rosa Gamble writes: Model UN is a conference that attempts to replicate the conditions of the real United Nations, giving delegates a chance to debate from the positions of real countries in an effort to reach agreements on some of the most important issues our world faces. At the Global Classrooms conference this year the main topic of discussion was the 'water crisis', and many different solutions were discussed and debated with the two days. Model UN was very enjoyable as it gives you the chance to debate topics that affect all of our futures with students from a wide range of different schools.

Mr Robertson writes: Every time we take our students to conference they represent themselves and Highgate Wood superbly well. This conference, however, was even more special. Our delegates were outstanding; they supported each other throughout the two days and were impeccable in the way they negotiated and debated with students from other schools. It was clear that they had prepared thoroughly by researching their topics in depth, and this meant that their contributions raised the standard of debate in their committees. Out of the 15 delegates selected for the conference, 9 won awards, which led to Highgate Wood winning the award for Best Delegation. They were one of the most successful delegations that we have had in several years and Mr O'Connor and I are incredibly proud of them.

HWS MODEL UN DELEGATES ‐ JULY 2013 Beth Gosschalk (awarded Best Position Paper) Jonah Berman Blue Weiss Susie Friedman (awarded Best Delegate) Rosa Tully Lucy Carter (awarded Best Delegate) Ellie Delamere Harry Vinall‐Smeeth (awarded Best Delegate) Sushila Ghose‐Coveny Ellen Boardman (awarded Best Delegate) Alex Ahern (awarded Distinguished Delegate) Patrick Hegarty‐Morrish (awarded Distinguished Delegate) Natalya De La Motte Rosa Gamble (awarded Distinguished Delegate) Rebecca Franks (awarded Distinguished Delegate)

July 2013



Mr Fitzgerald writes: Ms Kingston, Ms Georgiades, Ms Burniston, Mr Hatch and I had the great pleasure of accompanying 43 new Year 9s to France in order to, as one student put it, “walk on land where history was made.”

We were excellently guided around each of the cemeteries, monuments and preserved trenches by the highly conversant Mr Smith who encouraged the whole group to reflect on what they saw; on the scale of the sacrifice made, the conditions of the trenches, the experiences of ordinary men who loyally went 'over the top' to walk across no‐man's‐ land into enemy machine gun fire. Perhaps the most poignant part of the day was our visit to the German cemetery at Fricourt. With its shady trees and black metallic crosses, each bearing the names of four‐not one ‐soldiers, it contrasted with the almost ceremonial atmosphere of the immaculate British graves. We were impressed at the many students who began to ponder the justice of the defeated nation being given much less space with which to honour their own often equally innocent dead. The highlight of the trip, however, had to be Joachim Harris finding the grave of a relative who fell at the Somme and 18

who is now buried at Pozieres. This reminded everyone how the Somme ‐ often remember through casualty numbers ‐ was a battle fought by individuals, many of whom ended up paying the ultimate sacrifice. Hopefully the students' experiences in France will greatly enrich not just their own study of WW1 in the autumn term, but also the rest of their classes’ as they get the opportunity to share some of their feelings, memories and photos.


Ijes Marshall, Tunrayo Sadiq and Jamila Willcott write: Thanks to Ms DK for giving us the opportunity to participate in the 2013 London Metropolitan University Summer School. We studied criminology throughout the week. However other subjects such as business, human sciences and journalism also took place. We participated in university lectures and discovered information about criminology at a degree level. We tackled questions such as 'what is crime?' and 'who is a criminal?'. As well as this, we learnt about university finances, courses and student life. During the end of the course, we presented our work to the rest of the summer school and received our certificates. We also learnt a great deal. Along the process, we met people from different nationalities and background who have similar interests and beliefs. July 2013



Ms Birnie writes: Students and staff responded brilliantly to the suspected racist attack on a mosque in Muswell Hill in June. On hearing of the incident, the Citizenship, ECS and Sociology Departments organised cards and messages of support from over 500 students and staff in solidarity to those that we affected in the nearby community. In the evening a vigil was held and Ms Birnie, Mr O’Connor and Mr Robertson joined with local parents and students to show their support for the Somalian community that had been targeted. Ms Birnie, Mr O’Connor and William Orchard for Year 8 handed the cards over and spoke at the rally about how Highgate Wood School stood for diversity and tolerance. William’s mother commented: "When I heard the vigil was to be held, I had a very strong impulse to attend, and to take William. It felt so important to actually show our support and solidarity to the Somali community by our physical presence. I also particularly wanted to take William to witness the vigil, to show him how individuals taking a stand matter ‐ I get the impression that so many young people now seem to feel "I can't make a difference so I won't bother" but I've always felt that the whole is a composition of its many parts, and each part is essential. I want to instil in my children the importance and power of having a voice, of standing up for what you believe in, and in what you believe is right or wrong." July 2013

Mr Charlesworth writes: Students in Year 12 spent an engaging day at the University of Essex at their annual ‘Applying for HE’ conference. The day affords an opportunity to look round a campus university which students are often interested in when faced with the prospect of staying in London or leaving home for a large city based university such as Manchester, Leeds or Liverpool. In addition to a full tour of the campus – accommodation options caused more than a little interest – an en‐suite for £40 per week or £40 in your pocket? ‐ Students attended a series of subject specific lectures on subjects of their choice. For those interested in Medicine or Oxbridge there was a seminar on each and those interested in a Gap Year could find out more from a charity running schemes all over the world.

HOLOCAUST — Never Again

Ms Harding writes: Following our Holocaust survivors visit last term the History and Philosophy Department took 30 Year 10 students to the Jewish museum where they learnt about the life of Leon Greenman who survived the holocaust, even though he was moved to five different concentration camps, including Auschwitz. ‘Visiting the Jewish museum was an unforgettable experience. It was very touching learning about how dreadful living conditions, and horror the Jewish community had to go through’, said one of our students. “It made me think not to take for granted what I have and how lucky we all are,” said another. We would like to thank the m all for displaying such maturity and empathy during their visit. 19



Mr Charlesworth writes: To mark the end of A level exams 6th Form students met for a BBQ and a chance to relax after the hard work they put into their exams. In charge of cooking was Mr Pateman who made it through 150 burgers, 90 sausages and a vast quantity of Ketchup. Tropical punch was provided by students raising money for their World Challenge trip to Malaysia and music provided by the South Africa team. Entertainment came in the form of an adult bouncy castle and sumo wrestling suits. The highlight of the evening being Head of Science Mr Brennan successfully flooring Joel Archer after Joel had beaten Head of 6th Form Mr Charlesworth with ease.

Izzi Weir and Lucy Carter write: MADfest this year was a great success! It was a scorching hot afternoon and the acts were the best yet, not to mention Mr Frost in the stocks! The stalls were really well run and there was a fantastic range of things to fill up the day. So “thank you to the PSA (and the Year 11 Committee who did a pretty good job as well!) Activities such as the bungee run and beat the goalie were great, and not just for children either. It was hilarious.

LAKE GARDA MUSIC TOUR For the last week of term , ninety‐two talented music students, together with a select collection of staff (including Mr Cozier) travelled to Italy for the bi‐annual Music Tour to Lake Garda. Here Pat Hegarty‐Morrish describes their outward bound journey. On our 24 hour coach journey to Italy, Lake Garda I cannot even start to explain how much has happened in such little time. Fifty secondary school kids could probably do a lot of stuff if they were on a coach together for as long as we have been! After leaving school yesterday at about 8ish everyone was so hyper on the gallons of sugar smuggled onto the coach, and the excitement lasted well into the journey to Dover and on the ferry itself. When the after sugar slump hit at about 3 in the morning, we had just arrived in Dunkirk, and Mr Cozier's snores echoed through the bus. Obviously he could not be expecting a rest from running the school, because getting 90 rowdy schoolchildren through immigration could be even more stressful. Now we've grabbed a few hours sleep we are regenerated for the next 10 hour’s sitting down and eating. We are all loving each others company and are looking forward to getting to Italy itself and we think its going to be a great week.

Arabella Weir writes for the PSA: This year's MADfest was a huge success ‐ we had boiling hot sunshine all day (a first?), fantastic acts, amazing food and endlessly cheery staff prepared to go in the 'stocks'! We were probably down on numbers this year, which was a shame, but there were so many other local events going on plus the weather we realised this might happen. That said, MADfest still raised an amazing amount ‐ over £6,000 with a bit more coming in, so, with luck, we'll get to £7,000. MADfest really is a whole school effort but special thanks ought to go Nancy Wilde and Helen Franks who really do run the MADfest machine with incredible precision, good nature and ultimately efficiency. The year 11s made a really valuable and much appreciated contribution, too.


July 2013



Ms Breed writes: In the recent Haringey schools swimming championships, we took 6 teams in 3 age groups. Some outstanding performances which resulted in winning 4 of the 6 age groups.

Yr 7 40m Girls Backstroke Rosa Georgiou Yr7 40 m Girls butterfly Megan Boardman Yr7 40 m Girls Freestyle Kate Owen Yr7 40m Girls Breaststroke Rhea Patel Yr7 40 m Boys Breaststroke Callum Paveley Yr7 Girls 4 x 20m freestyle relay HWS

1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

Yr 8 40m Boys Back Nic Lerche Yr 8 40 m Boys Fly Jake Hamilton Yr 8 40 m Boys freestyle Jake Hamilton Yr 8 40m Girls Breaststroke Ruby Neale Yr 8 40 m Boys Breaststroke Tommy Escot Yr 8 Boys 4 x 20m freestyle relay HWS

1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

Mr Ibrahim writes: July 8th hosted the annual school Sports Day which introduced the new House system to the school body. Students from across all year groups participated in a range of sporting activities including Rounders, Tennis and Track and Field athletics. Team selection and organisation of the day was left to newly elected house captains and form reps ensuring that all events and races were fully represented by competitors from each respective house. The good weather played its part in making this a memorable event with Green house winning the Athletics festival and Yellows winning the Games events. A big thanks to all staff and students who made this such a great event. Special thanks to Mr Adams for his hard work in pulling the day together.


Yr 9 40m Girls Backstroke Raphi Phelps Yr 9 40m Boys Back Martin Donnelly Yr 9 40 m Girls Fly Morwenna Taylor Yr 9 40 m Boys Fly Patrick Heggarty Yr 9 40 m Girls Freestyle Helen Swinton Yr 9 40 m Boys freestyle Billy Scott Price Yr 9 40m Girls Breaststroke Beth Gosschalk Yr 9 40 m Boys Breaststroke Barney Terrington Yr 9 Girls 4 x 20m freestyle relay HWS Yr 9 Boys 4 x 20m freestyle relay HWS

1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

These students should be complimented not just on their swimming ability, but on their conduct, behaviour and presentation. They thoroughly impressed everyone and were perfect ambassadors for the school. Well done! July 2013

RESULTS Athletics

1st 2nd 3rd













Team Games

1st 2nd 3rd Y


B 21



Mr Lamb writes: Conrad Mason, author of The Demon’s Watch, visited Highgate Wood School on Tuesday 25 June to share his writing tips with Year 8s. He explained how he came up with ideas and led a writing workshop. ‘I hadn’t seen an author before and he really inspired me’ Ertan Kiziloz 8I Shrey Sethi 8I was awarded a £10 Amazon gift voucher for producing the best story of the day. An extract from his composition is printed below. Well done Shrey!

Mr Lamb writes: On Thursday 20 June, fourteen of our students travelled to Highgate School to take part in a chess tournament. After 32 matches and much excitement, Highgate Wood narrowly conceded defeat. The team will be returning in September for a much anticipated rematch. Highgate School: 18 wins Highgate Wood School: 14 wins

The Black Rose By Shrey Sethi

The grey clouds snaked across the gloomy sky. Waves bombarded the colossal ship as it fought for its pride. Captain Longbeard had never been so afraid. ‘Stay together...we can get through this!’ bellowed the captain. Boom! The once victorious Black Rose began sinking. ‘What should we do captain?’ cried Jack. ‘Nothing... we gave Mother Nature a good fight and now we’ve lost.’ The captain knew it was the end for him and his loyal shipmates. Or was it...?


OUR CHESS TEAM Madeline Baron

Ertan Kiziloz

Mati‐Ur‐Rahman Sarwa Sertan Kiziloz Harry West

Christopher Martenson

Imaru Lewis

Scarlett Monaighn

Abel Kent

Klaidi Kuka

Daniel Dop

Joseph Nguyen

Leban Mohamed

July 2013

CARNEGIE AWARD 2013 Mr Lamb writes: Students took part in deciding the winner of the 2013 Carnegie novel review. Students posted their reviews on the LRC MLE space and voted for their favourite novel.

DEBATE MATE NOVICE CUP Mr Lamb writes: On Tuesday 18 June the junior debate team took part in the Debate Mate Novice Cup. It was held at the Credit Suisse Building in Canary Wharf. The topics included: Should child labour be legal and violent video games should be banned. After the debates, the CEO of Credit Suisse gave an inspirational speech about success! Well done to the team and congratulations to all Debate Mate participants in what has been Highgate Wood’s most successful year!

CARNEGIE BOOK REVIEW WINNER The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossman is amazing. I love the way that the author splits the story into poem format. The story is about a Polish girl and her mum who emigrated from Poland to Coventry trying to look for a man called Tata. Kasienka (the girl) starts year seven and she is not fitting in. Her mum starts works in a hospital and she is not fitting in either. It’s sad and shows how real life is like for some people. You can skip pages and go to another part of the book and catch up, because each 2 pages have poem titles, such as Starting Year Seven. So to conclude, I LOVE THIS BOOK and I have never come across a book like this before. Talv Bains 9A


Ihsmael Tikly Young

Imran Lewis

Nathaniel Stark

Jace Griffiths

Tre' Jackson

Harry Ghose‐Coveney

CATCH SOMEONE READING! Ms Ford writes: To help promote the joy and fun of reading we are asking students, staff, parents, relatives and friends to send us pictures of themselves reading a book during the summer holidays. July 2013

We hope that this will end up as a display in school for September. Please email your pictures of people reading to: 23

School starts again for students on

Tuesday 3rd September It will be Week One Year 7 arrive for 10:25 registration Other year groups register at 2:10 pm Thursday 15th August

A Level Results Day

Thursday 22nd August

GCSE Results Day and Post 16 Admission Day

Monday 2nd September


Tuesday 3rd September

First day of Autumn Term

Thursday 3rd October

Open Evening (for 2014 entry Year 7s)

Thursday 7th November

Academic Review Day



Year 7

Wed 14th May 2014

Mon 2nd Sept 2013

Year 8

Tues 25th March

Fri 11th October 2013

Year 9

Thur 14th Nov 2013

Monday 2nd June 2014

Year 10 Tue 28th Jan 2014

Monday 21st July 2014

Year 11 Thur 16th Jan 2014

Tuesday 22nd July 2014

Post 16 Wed 27th Nov 2013




Mon 2nd September Term Starts *

Mon 6th Jan

Term Starts

Tuesday 22nd April

Term Starts

28th Oct ‐ 1st Nov

Half term break

17th Feb– 21st Feb

Half term break

27th—30th May

Half term break

Friday 20th Dec

Term Ends

Friday 4th April

Term Ends

Wed 23rd July

Term Ends

* First day for students is Tue 3rd Sept

The school calendar is now available on‐line at

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