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News from Highgate Wood School arts college


Issue No 21

December 2014

GOVERNING BODY UPDATE Charles Wright, our Chair of Governors, writes: Christmas is almost upon us, and I hope all our students, parents and hard-working staff get a relaxing break. A year can seem like a long time, but the reality is that by the time we all get back to school in the New Year those important exams will be looming. It's good news that more and more of our students have done well over recent years - and a recent report from the Department for Education specifically praised Highgate Wood and our fellow Haringey schools for their efforts to improve results across the board. At the same time the latest "value-added" figures also show how we are improving students' outcomes over and above attainment levels in year 11. All this means that more students are getting good grades and the opportunities those bring, and I think that is what a good comprehensive community school is all about. We're not complacent though. Governors have spent the term looking closely at areas for improvement, and asking some searching questions about what isn't going so well. We believe there is no reason why Highgate Wood should not improve further, and we are setting tough requirements, particularly around ironing out inconsistencies and ensuring that all parts of the school learn from the best. I believe that's the way to make sure that Highgate Wood is the community school of choice for all our community.

Cover picture: The cover features the faces of some of the stars from our fantastic Winter Concert this year—staged in the last week of term. Congratulations to everyone involved. Particular thanks to Fraser Frengley and Lucy Parfitt who compered the evenings so effectively.


Arabella Weir writes: Please support the school when you shop on-line. How it works is really simple. With Easyfundraising you’ll be able to raise free donations when you shop online, without it costing you a single penny extra. If you're buying something, just remember to visit the retailer (such as Amazon, John Lewis, M&S) via Once you've ordered, the retailer makes a donation to the Highgate Wood School PSA. It's a great and easy way to give something back for free! Access Easyfundraising through the Fundraising link on the Parents Tab on the school website, or go directly to:

HIGHGATE WOOD SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY Chair of Governors: Charles Wright (Community Governor) Vice Chair: Imogen Pennell (Representative Governor) Representative Governors: Cllr Eddie Griffith • Oliver Blackaby • Brenda Allan Parent Governors: Diana Brown • Philip Cavendish • Elizabeth Hess • Chris Tully • Rob White • Julia Chalfen • Paul Bennett Community Governors: Phil Cocksedge • Caroline Conlon • Violet HazelwoodHenry • Chris Parr • Headteacher Governor: Patrick Cozier Staff Governors: Audra Daws-Knowles • Emily Ford • Joe Demetriou If you wish to contact the Governing Body please write to the Chair of Governors, c/o Mrs K Ozturk, Highgate Wood School, Montenotte Road, London N8 8RN (

Issue 21. December 2014

MESSAGE FROM THE HEADTEACHER Welcome to the last Insight of 2014! Much has happened since I last wrote to you in October as you will see when you read through this edition. What you will notice is that the achievements of our students, supported by my excellent staff continue to create magical moments and positive experiences that really sum up what Highgate Wood School is all about. We also had very recent confirmation from the Department for Education (DfE), in the form of their latest data release that we are continuing to do well as a school. The data shows that our students are making better progress in their learning than ever, which sustains the similarly positive news I brought you this time last year. The exciting news is that we know that we can still improve a whole lot more! However, our evaluation of how we are doing does not begin and end with the likes of the DfE and Ofsted. Your views are also critically important to us, and having recently conducted our 4th annual survey of parents/carers’ views, we are excited to see what you have told us. Unfortunately, the outcomes have not yet been analysed, so I will need to feed back to you in the next edition of Insight in the spring.

attend Highgate Wood School and students from across Haringey (and beyond). This is a testament to our growing reputation locally. I am proud that more and more we are being considered by our community as the local school of choice. This autumn, the number of students who chose to stay at (or join) Highgate Wood School was the second highest ever (following the record high last year). More of our own Year 11s now stay on and we offer more places to external students who are keen to join us. The trend is illustrated by the table below.

Highgate Wood School Sixth Form Numbers Consequently, we had the unfortunate situation at the start of September of having to let down a number of disappointed students and parents for whom we did not have sufficient places on courses, or where students did not achieve the grades required for their chosen courses. We are keen to continue this trend of as many of our Year 11 students remaining here as possible as we believe that it represents a very good and positive decision for them to do so based upon...

We take great heart from your honesty with us about the things that we can and should improve. We will never be complacent and, as always, we will take on board your comments when reviewing your valued and valuable feedback.

 Our belief in the 7 year commitment that the school has to all of its students that tracks their education, growth and progress from year 7 to year 13 – we see Post 16 as a natural continuation of the learning that takes place in Key Stage 4

Post 16 Open Evening – the natural route from Year 11 into the 6th Form We held our Post 16 Open Evening earlier this term for all current year 11 students (and some year 10s) and their parents to come and view the school and find out more about what we do in the sixth form. Like the previous three years, I was thrilled with the number of people that attended the event – particularly the mix between students who currently

 The benefits of remaining at a school that students know, but more importantly a school that knows them; where their teachers know their strengths and how to build upon them; where their teachers are aware of their areas for development and will not allow these to be overlooked or left unchallenged – our standards and expectations of our sixth form students are high

Issue 21. December 2014


Remaining at a school where they have made good progress, knowing that progress in the sixth form is further accelerated according to all national benchmarks and measures

The knowledge that teaching in the sixth form is of a high quality

The wide (and growing) range of opportunities available to our students at Post 16 to experience leadership roles and responsibilities and to ‘give something back’ to the school community that has helped develop them

A belief that our Year 11s are very much a part of Highgate Wood School and Highgate Wood School is a part of them... a partnership and relationship that is beneficial to all during A’ level study at Post 16

Knowing that at Highgate Wood School, our students benefit from teachers who really do care about them and will go the extra mile to support them throughout their studies

One of the most important things to emerge out of the evening is the clarity that our Year 11s now have about the expectations of them in terms of securing a place in the sixth form. For every student that wishes to secure their place they must... 1. Work really hard between now and the summer exams to secure the very challenging grades necessary to gain access to our Post 16 courses – for many students there is now a realisation of just what it will take to secure their place 2. Understand that not everyone will automatically be offered a place. The days of Highgate Wood Sixth Form being a ‘reserve option’ are long gone – a number of students missed out on places on courses that they wanted to enrol on through using us as a back-up offer 3. Be committed to doing their absolute best in the Sixth Form which includes taking full responsibility for their learning, making learning their first priority and ensuring excellent attendance and punctuality to all lessons/study sessions

We will have, early in the New Year, a whole series of activities for year 11 students which are designed to give them all a taste of what to expect in the sixth form and to aid the choices that they will have to make. I look forward to yet again being involved in the interview process and look forward to seeing our very successful Year 11s here in August 2015 at enrolment. Highgate Wood School students make better progress than ever! At Post 16… Recent figures released from the DFE have shown the progress that students made at Post 16 from GCSE to A’ Level in 2013. Below is a table that shows Highgate Wood School and some other local colleges/schools.

Alexandra Park School

+ 0.11

Camden School for Girls*

+ 0.23

City & Islington College - 0.14 Highgate Wood School (2013)

+ 0.12

Highgate Wood School (2014)

+ 0.13

Highbury Fields School

+ 0.07


+ 0.07

La Swap


Woodhouse College *

* = selective 6th form school or college Source:

You can see that we show up very positively against local providers, with only one school performing better. Our 2014 value added measure is also shown to demonstrate improving performance. At the current time the 2014 data for other providers is not available publicly.

4. Ensure that they continue to make a positive contribution to HWS as a positive reference from their tutor or their head of house is also a prerequisite for entry


+ 0.06

Issue 21. December 2014

At GCSE… The new statistics released by the DfE recently suggest that Highgate Wood School has remained among the top schools in the country according to the progress that students make at GCSE. The unvalidated RAISEonline data that we have received is based upon last year’s year 11 (summer 2014). The table below shares some of the highlights. Category: Progress in Best 8 GCSEs studied

Value: 1014.9

Comment: Highgate Wood School student progress is in the top 29% of schools nationally. Category: Progress in mathematics

Value: 1001.3

Comment: Highgate Wood School student progress is in the top 30% of schools nationally.

Category: Progress in Languages

Value: 1003.4

Comment: Highgate Wood School student progress is in the top 17% of schools nationally. Category: Progress of disadvantaged students

% at HWS making expected progress

% nationally making expected progress

+ or national average









% at HWS making better than expected

% nationally making better than expected

+ or national average









Students making expected progress in:..

Value: 1001.7

Comment: Highgate Wood School student progress is in the top 25% of schools nationally. Category: Progress in Science

In addition, the proportion of students making expected (or better than expected) progress in English and Maths at Highgate Wood School are shown in the following table below in comparison to the national averages.

Value: 1003.0

Comment: Progress of disadvantaged students at Highgate Wood School is significantly better than other schools nationally.

Students making better than expected progress in:..

The above tables are just some of the highlights, and the detailed analysis points to many other very positive areas of the performance of Highgate Wood Students. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my students from last year’s year 11 and year 13 on their achievements and to publically thank my very skilled and dedicated team of teachers for their excellent contribution to these impressive results.

Note: A RAISE value of 1000 indicates expected progress. Anything over 1000 is better than expected. Anything less than 1000 is less than expected.

Ms Copley writes: There has been a case of Chicken pox in school. It is a very common infection, which most children catch sooner or later, and there should be no cause for concern. If you have any worries please contact your GP in the first instance and mention there has been one instance at your child’s school. Issue 21. December 2014


Highgate Wood remains oversubscribed for September 2015 The local authority have recently released figures showing the number of preferences expressed by parents of children in year 6 for secondary schools for the coming September. I am very pleased to report that we have again attracted a high number of parents who wish to send their children to Highgate Wood School. Only Fortismere, Heartlands and Alexandra Park schools have also achieved this overall level of popularity in Haringey.


PAN 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015

Total Preference



879 1009 1001 983




243 1st Choice




This means that yet again, we will be oversubscribed in year 7. I continue to be humbled and enthused by the support that we continue to receive locally from our parents/carers and our community. It is pleasing to know that this (along with other indicators referred to earlier in this message) demonstrates that we are achieving our aim of being the school of local choice. Industrial action at HWS – Situation has been resolved Since the last edition of Insight in October, you will be aware that one day of strike action took place on Wednesday 5th November and two further days the following week on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th November. You will also now be aware that the NUT strike action was called off before the fourth planned day of action on 20th November occurred. The action was called off following a meeting hosted by ACAS between representatives of the NUT and representatives of Haringey Schools’ Forum on Monday 17th November. I attended the meeting in my role as Chair of the Haringey Secondary Heads. These talks were productive and the main outcomes reached were 


The Haringey Schools’ Forum (with the Chairs of the Secondary and Primary Headteacher Groups’ endorsement on behalf of their colleagues)

accepted that it was for the NUT and the NUT alone to decide who would represent their members 

The talks at ACAS resulted in


An agreement by the Haringey Schools’ Forum to fund the Service Level Agreement for the provision of trade union facility time, and


An agreement of a protocol specifying the procedure to be followed when headteachers or trade union reps wish to raise concerns about the behaviours of a trade union rep or a headteacher

We are very pleased to have reached an agreement that allows the industrial action to be put behind us. I am very aware of the difficulty that partially closing the school placed on our parents and carers, not to mention the impact on the learning of our students. I would like to thank you for your patience during this time. Unfortunately we will be losing five members of staff at the end of this term. Mr Kevin Brokenshire is leaving Highgate Wood School after 11 very successful years at the school. He has fulfilled a number of key roles with the school during that time, most notably, Head of Learning and more recently Head of Seacole House. His work with our students and parents during that time has been exemplary. As a teacher of Business Studies he has also excelled. Mr Brokenshire has consistently been a hard working dedicated member of staff whose contribution will be missed. Ms Kathy O’Borne is also leaving us after being at Highgate Wood School for 7 years, initially as our Head of Media Studies, and more recently as a teacher of Media Studies. Ms O’Borne has served the school well and has led and contributed to the work of a now thriving Media Studies department – far more popular than when she first joined. Her quiet and unassuming, but incredibly passionate manner will be missed by students and staff alike. Mr Rob MacDougall is leaving the school after 5 years of being one of our cover supervisors. Mr MacDougall was our first ever cover supervisor at the school and has done a splendid job. His Issue 21. December 2014

reputation and standing amongst students and fellow colleagues is significant and indicative of the way in which he approached his job and the extent to which he will be missed at Highgate Wood School. Also leaving us after a shorter time at the school are Ms Kayleigh Blackwell in the admin team, after just over a year, and Ms Ashley Nelson in the Maths department, having spent a term with us.

It is largely thanks to Mr Ekstrom’s passion, energy and talent that we have still been able to stage such a stunning Winter Concert this year. Thanks are also due to Ms Dornan, who agreed to return to Highgate Wood School (having left last Summer) to support the Music Department. ... And Finally

We thank all of those staff who are leaving, and we wish them all the very best for the future! Other Staffing Issues for your attention I am delighted to announce that Ms Jennie Burniston, who is currently Head of ECS, will be taking over as the new Head of Seacole House from April onwards. Until then, Ms Sioned Roberts, currently the Deputy Head of Seacole House will be taking on the role in an acting capacity. Unfortunately we currently have one member of staff who is absent on long term sickness. Mr A. Coyle (ECS) has been away for a while, but we are hopeful that he will be back to work shortly.

At the end of another successful and busy year, I thank you all for your continued support. We have also had some testing times this term, which have been played out very publicly, but I wouldn’t want anyone to think that the atmosphere within the school is anything but positive and completely focused on providing the very best learning experiences for our students. As always, I remain filled with the pride and fulfilment that comes with leading such a wonderful school. For those of you who celebrate Christmas, have a good Christmas! For those of you who don’t, please enjoy the break. I wish you all good health for the holiday period and the very best for the New Year ahead.

On a more positive note I am pleased to be able to announce the return to work of our Head of Music, Mr Ed Harlow, after a prolonged period of illness. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Ekstrom for his sterling work in Mr Harlow’s absence.

Regards Patrick Cozier Headteacher


The best way to predict the future is to invent it

From caring comes courage

Success comes from perseverance




so far this year

so far this year

so far this year

Top Vivo Earners Rasheed Kamara Rawan Ataya Ellice Almeida Rebecca Manoharan William Carmichael

Top Vivo Earners Odeja Anderson Randal Harrison Mya Gomez Brandon Durand Freddie Ferszt

Issue 21. December 2014

Top Vivo Earners Umer Khan Jordan Brown Elle-Mae Netherton Euan Escott Zandile Mathebula-Jonah 7


10 days

2 Weeks

50 Lessons


19 days

4 Weeks

100 Lessons


29 days

6 Weeks

150 Lessons


38 days

8 Weeks

200 Lessons


48 days

10 Weeks

250 Lessons


57 days

11½ Weeks

290 Lessons


67 days

13½ Weeks

340 Lessons

Punctuality counts too When a child arrives late at school, they miss out on important learning experiences and opportunities.


Lessons missed :


Days lost in a year:

Number of lessons missed:

Which is approximately:

Equates to days absent:

Attendance during school year:

Effects of non-attendance

Effects of late arrival at school

Minutes late per day:

Ms Christodoulou writes: Attendance at Highgate Wood School improved significantly in 2013-14 and we are working hard to ensure it is even better for 2014-15. Parents and carers can support their children to attend school regularly and on time each day. Did you know that school aged students are required to attend school for 190 days each year and that secondary school aged students should be aiming to attend for at least 95% of that time? You will have received details of your child’s attendance at the recent Learning Review Day. How does your child's attendance compare with this target? The table below indicates how just a few days absence can result in children missing a significant number of lessons. There is a lot of research to show how student attainment is enhanced by good attendance and hindered when attendance is poor.

The table below indicates how frequent lateness can add up to a considerable amount of learning being lost. This can seriously disadvantage children and disrupt the learning of others. Please help children in your care to be punctual.

5 mins

3½ days

17 Lessons

10 mins

7 days

34 Lessons

15 mins

10½ days

52 Lessons

20 mins

14 days

70 Lessons

30 mins

21 days

104 Lessons

What will happen if I want to take my child on holiday during term time? Head teachers can no longer permit parents to allow their children to be absent for the purposes of a family holiday in term time. There are 38 weeks in the year when schools are open, and 14 weeks when families can take holidays. Taking your child out of school during term time for holidays is likely to impact on their attainment. Haringey Council’s advice to schools is not to allow holidays to be taken in term time. Headteachers may allow children to be absent in exceptional circumstance. they will take into consideration:  your child’s attendance history  previous requests for leave in term time  the likely impact on your child’s attainment, and  individual circumstances If your child takes unauthorised holidays or is absent for longer than the time agreed by your child’s Headteacher, this absence will be recorded as unauthorised. This may result in:  your child losing their school place  you being issued with a fixed penalty notice  you being subject to legal action by the authority that could result in a fine of up to £2,500 per child. Issue 21. December 2014



Mr Dobrashian writes: You may have heard of the reforms to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision in the UK and we have already put some information on the school website. These changes will be having an impact on many families at Highgate Wood School and we will be holding a Parent Information Evening on Monday 26th January to help explain some of the changes that are now happening. More information will be available on the school website in the New Year.

Ms Lacroix writes: The following students have completed the arrangements to sit an exam in a community language this summer: Malina Antochi, Rose Ashworth, Erdem Cavusoglu, Yekda Cosgun, Birhak Dogun, Maya Eagles, Halil Ekinci, Ertan Kiziloz, Sertan Kiziloz, Berivan Korkamaz, Clement LanoeChaumet, Maria Lyons, Neve Maher, Artoo Martinez-Cebrian, Emi Oguri, Ibrahim Orde, Afsun Ozdemir, Liliana Ricketts, Zak Shelly, Nathaniel Stark, Nurselim Tekin and Yoshiki Vernon. If you believe you are signed up for an exam and your name is not on the list please see Mr Demetriou as soon as possible. If you are interested for 2016, you need to be fluent in a community language ( list on the Languages corridor) and in year 9 or older. Please inform me or Mr Demetriou before June 2015 so we can prepare for your exams properly.



Congratulations to Cameron Tomlinson who won our first ever Christmas Card competition. Cameron’s card has now been sent to all the different organisations the school works with, as well as all our neighbouring schools as the “official” Highgate Wood School card. Special mention also needs to be given to Daniel Doggett-Jones in Year 7 and Danga and Stacey in Year 9 for also producing some fantastic designs in the competition.

Mr Demetriou writes: The timetable for public exams during the coming summer is now being finalised and you will be able to access it on the school website from early on in the New Year. The main set of exams will begin on Tuesday 5th May with an English GCSE paper. The season will end for most students on the 19th June. Individual timetables will be issued to students as normal, and it is very important that they check these through carefully and let me know of any errors or omissions.

Issue 21. December 2014

INVIGILATORS WANTED If any parent or carer may be available to invigilate any of the examinations and is interested in doing so please have a look at the Vacancies section of the school website where you will find details, together with an application form. 9


SINGING SUCCESS Mrs Hassan writes: Congratulations to Mia Knight and Rosie Ashworth, who have both passed their Grade 6 Singing with Merit. Congratulations also to Mya Pennicott who has achieved Grade 7 in Singing.


Ms Zwicky, Ms Roberts and Ms Angove write: Congratulations to all those students who received awards this term for their contribution to the success, and happiness, of their tutor groups, Houses and the school as a whole. Tutors were asked to select two students from each tutor group for special congratulations. Sometimes it wasn't easy. Many tutor groups have far more than just two exemplar students. But eventually the decision was made and all 54 students received special certificates and were invited to the Rewards lunch. Well done to all of you! THE WINNERS: Mert Albayrak (8G), Ashie Albo (9I), Molly Aldridge (9I), Rami Ataya (9E), Iman Balit (9W), Jubide Begum (8W), Faber Bell (7W), Ma Bhienilyn Elano (7A), Charlotte Buttery (8T), William Carmichael (7I), Tom Carter (8A), Hugo Clague (7A), Charlie Clarke (9T), Max Cowie (9S), Tallulah Cox (7E), Jasmine Daley (9D), Freya Dougan (8E), Brandon Durand (8T), Maya Eagles (9T), Iola Elson (8I), Euan Escott (8S), Freddie Ferszt (7E), Zak Fowler (7D), Libby Fowler-Guerin (7T), Caitlin Gillespie (7H), Mya Gomez (9E), Matilda Horton (8E), Niall Johnson (9G), Sylvie Keen (7D), Clara Klein-French (7I), Klaidi Kuka (9A), Jean Leika (8D), Adam Lloyd (7G), Sam Marks (7T), Zandile Matheblu-Jonah (7W), Lucas Merriman (9D), Jack Morell (8H), Savannah Mundle (9A), Isobel Murray (9G), Charlie Newbold (8A), Nye Newcombe (8W), Ronan O’Reagan (9W), Yasemin Ozalcin (7S), Mya Pennicott (8S), Daniel Pyszora (7G), Jasmien Restrepo (9S), Thomas Roberts (8I), Kelton Ryland (7S), Stacey Slawinski (9H), Sal Tibbett (7H), Liliane Vitoriano (8G), Yasmin Walton (8H), Kimmone Williams (9H), CJ Williams (8D).


Ms Masters writes: To enter the Young Art competition see Ms Masters in W21 for a copy of the rules. Deadline for handing the finished work in is:


Issue 21. December 2014

A LEVEL TASTER DAY 2015 Mr Charlesworth writes: With their mock exams complete students in Year 11 now switch their focus for a short time to the choices they will make for courses starting in September. Just before the end of term all those in Year 11 completed a session on how to choose the course options for next year in terms of which subjects make good combinations and how universities use A level choices to decide whether to make an offer to students when they apply in Year 13. Students were able to take away a booklet of information that they had worked with so that as they researched their options they could refer back to the information that they need. On Wednesday 7th January students will experience a day as a 6th Form student so that they can have a go at A Level lessons before finalising their subject choices for next year. Students will have full access to all the areas and facilities that are enjoyed by 6th Form students and will take four or five AS Level classes. For those who are looking for an alternative to Highgate Wood a number of Sixth Form Colleges will be in on the 7th giving presentations to students while Chris Kennington - our resident careers advisor – will be on hand to provide one on one advice to any student who needs it. The opportunity to take A level lessons for a day has been a popular one for students over the last few years as they report the positive nature of the day in terms of really getting them thinking about options for next year. If you want any more information on Highgate Wood School Sixth Form please visit the website or speak to any member of staff at the school. Issue 21. December 2014

Ms Johnson writes: The English department are pleased to announce that the following students have had a poem accepted into the War of Words Anthology. Each student submitted a poem based on the theme of conflict. Sydney Aarons, Darren Adjei-Frimpong, Lila Amriche, Louis Ashworth, Rosie Ashworth, Stefan Avramov, Darien Bailey, Scarlett Basham, Sam Beach, Honor Beeby, Ma Bhienilyn Elano, Sophie Boon, Youssef Boukssid, Jura Brogan, Jermaine Brown, Joe Bruce, Jhona Buenaventura, Meshech Chang, Hugo Clague, Libby Claire-Smithson, Madeleine Cormican, Eddie Crompton, Eve Cumming, Daniel Doggett-Jones, Eden Ferreira, Zackhala Francis, Jack Gordon, Alland Hemerashid, Isabella Hohmann, Millie Jenkins, Osee Kabamba, Gloria Kelly, Keje Koca, Jake Milligan, Johan Miranda Franck, Phoebe Mort, Klodian Mustali, Heaven Myers, Trulie Mynott, Abdullahi Shire, George Stoakley, Melissa Tepe, Sian Walker-Evans, CJ Williams.


Ms Jones and Mr Grimmett writes: Highgate Wood School has again successfully won funding from Veolia and their 'War on Waste' schools programme. We will be using this funding to continue our initiatives in recycling and composting as we work towards making our school even more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Much of the project will be led by our BTEC LandBased Studies group however all our students will have ample opportunity to become involved and benefit from the project. If anyone has wishes to become involved or has ideas for green initiatives in our school please contact either Mr Grimmett or Ms Jones. More details to follow next term! 11


Anti-bullying Poem by Ayesha Simmons You punched me, you kicked me You threw me to the ground You spread lies, you spread rumours You called me names that hurt me deep inside

Ms Pinnick writes: Monday 10th November saw Year 7 participate in their first Enrichment Day. Their day began with an entertaining and thought –provoking presentation on bullying by Big Foot Arts Education. This was followed by interactive workshops run by Big Foot and by the Learning Support Department. The level of contribution and consideration for each other was exemplary throughout the day.

WHEN I WAS FIVE Ms Masters writes: 7H have worked hard this term on the formal elements in art. Here are some examples from those who have particularly demonstrated a flair for drawing. They are self-portraits showing themselves under the age of five. Well done!

My heart was aching I was crying behind my smile Yet nobody cared, nobody knew What I was going through But there are people who want to help us People we can trust Never give up, never give in You will get through it.

Social Media Crumbles My Life by Eden Blu Ferreira

I am the voice of those afraid to speak Those of us that social media calls weak Those you upset everyday Are ones who have nothing to say

Camille French

Racist comments Pictures of the past Hurtful texts Everyone has the last laugh Voices in my head Rolling in the deep Falling to the dead Secrets they keep Cyberbullying is wrong Don’t be stuck in the zone


Tasio Nogues-Summerscale

Enver Methoxha Issue 21. December 2014


Mr Talbert writes: Twenty Year 8 students were given the opportunity of a life time courtesy of Apps for Good when we received a special invitation to Number 10 to mark the launch of a flagship digital technology initiative. The twenty girls impressed the Prime Minster David Cameron with their app ideas at a reception in Downing Street on Monday 8th December - marking the start of the government’s National College of Digital Skills as well as’s ‘Hour of Code’ campaign which aims to get more students to learn how to code. At the event our students learnt how to build a website using html code by FreeFormer and also discussed their Apps for Good mobile app ideas with the Prime Minster. Even Mr Talbert and Mrs Allaway had the opportunity to discuss the new computer science curriculum with the Prime Minster and Baroness Joanna Shields. Isabel Poutney (8H) said “It was a really wonderful experience and one that I will treasure forever! I enjoyed talking to the Prime Minister and showcasing my app idea which he was impressed with”. Issue 21. December 2014

Kamille Nicholson Johnson (8S) said “The Prime Minster was very nice. I really enjoyed yesterday as I learnt how to create a website using code”. Rebecca Manoharan (8G) said “It was an amazing experience, we learnt html coding and got to go inside No. 10. It was really good as it showed that computer science is for girls too”. Nino Geliashvili (8G) declared “It was amazing!” For Dani Weiss (8H) “It was a once in a lifetime experience and one I will never forget it”. The day did not end there with both Mr Talbert and Isabel Poutney (8H) traveling to the BBC news centre where they were interviewed live on the BBC News Channel about the event. It was a great experience one that both Mr Talbert and Isabel being treated like celebrities have their makeup done before appearing on television. The event was featured on the BBC website and appeared in local and national press. It showcased the diversity of the computer science and that it is for all students. This highlights the excellent work of the Computer Science Department at Highgate Wood School and the stunning achievements of our students. 13

Mr Adams writes: I am delighted to announce that we have secured our next adventure. In June 2016 Highgate Wood School will be taking 19 Sixth Formers for a once in a lifetime World Challenge adventure in Southern Morocco. This will be a fantastic opportunity for our Sixth Form Students to fully immerse themselves into a country of so many different cultures and lifestyles.

The terrain of Morocco will be the biggest hurdle for them. Listening to the different languages of Arabic, French and Berber will be eye opening. Trekking through the Atlas mountains, wondering across the desert, sleeping under the stars and soaking up the atmosphere in Marrakesh, is why this trip will be one to remember. Over the next few months, the team will be raising money for their adventure. This is the main purpose of World Challenge, to help organise, plan and create fund raising opportunities. With Year group parties, football competitions, Krispy Kreme sales etc. coming up, keep an eye out, and try to help the team as much as possible.

HWS African Caribbean Society


Mr Grimmett writes: A group of our Year 8 pupils are looking forward to leading and launching 'The African Caribbean Society (ACS)' in the New Year. They will be exploring and celebrating different aspects of African and Caribbean heritage in an informative but fun series of meetings held every Thursday Week 2 in P18 from 3.25pm until 4.25pm. Their first meeting will be held on Thursday 8th January 2015 where attendees will be able to help shape the direction the society will take. Current ideas include watching and discussing the film 'Belle' and investigating the legacies of figures such as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. Watch out for future announcements.

Ms Sayer writes: On Tuesday 4th November, Miss Sayer and Mr Pateman took a group of 20 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 to the Debate Mate launch. After an early start, we arrived at the stunning Emmanuel Centre in Westminster. The team introduced the Debate Mate programme and then we were treated to an exciting show debate on the motion ‘This house would name and shame bullies’. It was really inspiring to see students from Little Ilford School competing next to national champions! Maybe next year that could be us! We’ve now had our first few sessions with our university mentor Thos and are looking forward to competing in the Urban Debate League after Christmas!



Issue 21. December 2014


Ms Ahmet writes: Our Year 7 students were invited to attend the British Library for a fantastic opportunity to visit Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination exhibition. The students got to see two hundred objects that trace 250 years of the gothic tradition, exploring our enduring fascination with the mysterious, the terrifying and the macabre. The exhibition included clips of films like Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Birds’, original books, letters and hand written drafts of stories written by Mary Shelley as well as explorations of how contemporary fears

have been addressed by different generations, including the current popular ‘Twilight’ series. The trip was well received by our students, seeing their imagination wonder, as they continue with their scheme of work inspired by the supernatural and all things gothic!

RECORD NUMBERS AT OUR SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING Mr Charlesworth writes: The opportunity to meet 6th Form teachers and students was taken by over 500 visitors to the school on the 26th November as the 6th Form staged its annual Open Evening. For parents it was a good opportunity to see the challenges that their daughters or sons will face in the year after completing GCSEs while for students the evening gave the chance to discuss possible A Level courses and chat to the staff who will be teaching them. The presentation included talks from two students – Sahar in Year 12, who came to Highgate Wood from Hornsey School for Girls and Jake in Year 13 who has been a student here since he was eleven. Part of the information shared with the audience was a summary of how well students in the Highgate Wood 6th Form do compared with other local schools and colleges. New figures from the DfE demonstrate that our Sixth Form performs above national average which we have known for many years. We also perform above the more local average. Issue 21. December 2014



Ms Gomez writes: I am pleased to report that the trip was a great success; every part of the journey and our stay at the educational complex in Requena, as well as the two days spent in the city of Valencia ran smoothly. The twenty Year 11 students we took have made us proud and the staff in Valencia were truly impressed with our students' character, conduct and abilities. They said that this has been one of the best groups they've had in Campus to date and were sad to see us leave. Overall, the trip was a very productive educational experience that has allowed students to come out of their shells through creativity in a nourishing and caring environment. Our students' feedback couldn't be more positive, not least because most of their comments were originally given in Spanish!

"Whilst we were there, we became closer as a group and we were given the opportunity to communicate with other Spanish pupils, and we are still in contact." Eve. "Spain was an amazing experience and it was so fun and exciting. I will never forget it." Mayan. "Campus Moragete was an amazing experience. I learnt so much and met great people.� Christina

INSPIRED BY DESIGN Mr McDonagh writes: A group of Year 13 Product Design students recently attended the 'Inspired by Design' study day at the Institute of Education. The keynote speaker was Wayne Hemingway, an influential figure in the world of design, and there were also presentations by successful young product designers currently making a name for themselves in British and international design. 16

The day was designed to highlight the clear progression route that moves from GCSE to A Level Product Design and then into the field of commercial design and the realities of being a professional in a highly competitive industry. Issue 21. December 2014


Mr Talbert writes: Two teams of Highgate Wood students walked away with a bevy of prizes at the first Appathon competition, beating off entries from around the country. The students used their App for Good entries for the competition and were invited to an event at the House of Commons with the Speaker of the House John Bercow presenting the prizes.

The first entry was Green Seed, an app idea devised by Jasmine Bell (9E), Joe Trainer (9E), Greta Irving (9E) and Tony Tyler (9E) which is designed to help people find out what, when, where and how to grow all sorts of plants including fruits and vegetables, while also letting people know where the nearest allotment is using GPS. Green Seed won the prize of helping SmartStudy with the development of a work experience app for students, and being credited with its development. The second Highgate Wood School entry (which impressed judges so much a prototype was built by University of Edinburgh students) was Apps for Good 2014 finalist WaterWorks. The app idea devised by Nancy Levy-Vegh (9A) and Rhea Patel (9A) allowed people to find out whether the water in their location is safe to along with key facts about that country or area. Though WaterWorks missed out on the top prize of a trip to Silicon Valley they did receive recognition in the form of an invitation to the “Silicon Valley comes to the UK” dinner at Queen’s College, Cambridge.


MICROSOFT’S DIGIGIRLZ 2014 Mr Talbert writes: In November, eight Year 9 students travelled to the annual DigiGirlz event at Microsoft’s London headquarters. It was aimed at giving girls an insight into working at a large enterprise organisation like Microsoft, whilst challenging female stereotypes of the high-tech industry. The girls got an inside look at working at Microsoft and the opportunity to work with Microsoft staff and experience the realities of life in business and technology. They really enjoyed themselves working in teams to come up with an idea for a new mobile phone app. Isobel Murray (9G) and Aiesha Shallo (9S) both said that they found the experience enjoyable and fun but also educational as they got a detailed insight to how a technology business works. Issue 21. December 2014

Ms Daws Knowles writes: In the last week of term over sixty AS and A2 students attended the 2014 MediaMagazine Student Conference at the Institute of Education. It was a fascinating and stimulating event. Guest speakers included: Jon Snow on the future of news; Destiny Ekaragha on independent film; Pete Fraser on brilliant production work; Jake Wynne on music video ; Owen Jones on media, class, and identity; university stalls, careers. The perfect event for a Media Studies student to finish off the year!. 17


Jake Hamilton writes: This term, the feminist club decided that it was important for boys in the school to understand and become involved in feminism, leading to mixedgender meeting branded Boys Need Feminism. So many students turned up wanting to learn about about Feminism was and what it had to do with men that they could barely squeeze into the classroom. The group watched a video about the sexism that people experience everyday before engaging in animated and enlightening discussions about their own experiences. Particularly noticeable was the number of boys who didn't realise that feminism was about improving the lives of men as well as those of their female friends and family. They came to understand that feeling as though they shouldn't be able to express emotions, or feeling that they are forbidden from having certain interests, are all issues that feminism is attempting to eradicate. Following these conversations, the boys took photos of themselves holding placards that started with the sentence 'I need feminism because...' and finishing with their own personal reasons, which many of you will have seen on the TVs around the school. All in all, the meeting provided a unique opportunity for boys to learn about what feminism really is, and from the fascinating conversations it sparked, it looks as though it is just the starting point for a new generation of male feminists at Highgate Wood. 18


Mr Robertson writes: On 4th November, Year 12 students Lucy Parfitt and Rosa Tully were invited to speak on a panel at the Marx Memorial Library in Clerkenwell. The event was organised by Middlesex University and included four generations of feminists from academia and activism, including leading psychologist Lynne Segal and Jessica Ringrose from the Institute of Education. Lucy and Rosa were invited to speak at this event after Dr Ringrose visited our feminist group last year and was inspired by the thoughtful and passionate conversations she witnessed. They spoke eloquently about what they saw as the main issues for teenage girls today, their experiences as being a part of a school feminist group, and their hopes for overcoming sexism & gender inequality. Their contributions to the evening were exceptional and we are extremely proud that they are Highgate Wood students. Issue 21. December 2014


Ms Angove writes: This was the 15th year that Highgate Wood School has taken students to the Clothes Show at the NEC. This trip is a great opportunity for students to experience a fashion show and begin to understand that a career in the textiles industry does not just mean becoming a fashion designer! This year Ms Smith, Ms Allaway, Ms Sinada and I were able to take 45 students to the NEC, with everyone managing to make it into school bright and early in the morning to make the 2 hour journey. As ever, the students had a great time. Throughout the day there was a non-stop parade of catwalks and fashion shows, with the college show and people’s catwalk, university work, make overs and designer brands all on display.

Sadie May writes: I found the clothes show interesting and enjoyable. It was very good at giving me inspiration for things I could make. There were many things to look at that would interest different people. There were many things to do and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The show itself was very good and entertaining. I had a great time! Bryony Hillman writes: Visiting Birmingham on the textiles trip to see the Clothes Show Live was a great experience. There were lots of clothes stalls and at around 12pm we went to see the catwalk show. The catwalk was great, with lots of bright lights and dancers were modelling all sorts of clothes for all seasons and events. Overall the trip was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone!


Ms Ereira writes This term our Year 7 students have read hundreds of books and taken hundreds of quizzes using the Accelerated Reader programme. In recognition of their very impressive efforts, certificates have been awarded to the top quizzers in each Year 7 tutor group Well done to:

Issue 21. December 2014

Yusro Abdi Aweys, Louis Ashworth, Ramneet Bains, Naima Boukhemal, Aoife Davey Gunn, Ella Bullard, Alabama Cawley, Melika Chambers, Maya Culverwell, Joe Ewbank, Lottie Ezer-Ahern, Ben Farrier, Zak Fowler, Caitlin Gillespie, Max Hanson, Isabella Hohmann, Kleon Hystuma, Stevan Kennedy, Joshua Kingston, Leila Lerari, Leo Lynch, Toni Mallon, Samuel Marks, Willow Miller-Teece, Klodian Mustali, Sinead Newland, Isaac Overton Farnham, William Owen, Elizabeth Polat, Marie Repole, Louise Roberts, Joseph Screene, Alfred Sedley, Anya Seymour, Carlias Simeone-Murrells, Jago Strongman, Leah Whittaker and Vukasin Winrow.



Esme Cavendish writes: No matter how much you have learnt, read, and watched about the Holocaust, one is completely unprepared for how deeply overwhelming and unsettling it is to visit an authentic concentration camp. The visit to Auschwitz will undoubtedly haunt me for the rest of my life as an experience that gave me a terrifyingly real insight into the human capacity to cause such shocking tragedy. Words are almost useless to describe the unique emotional effect that the trip had - it is definitely

The slogan "Arbeit macht frei" (Work Makes You Free) was placed at the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz, where it can still be seen.


an experience that I would recommend to anyone in order to put life into perspective. Whilst it was a very intense trip, the organization of all the different museums and tours was incredible and I am so grateful to have been able to take advantage of this opportunity.

Ellen Boardman writes: In November, a large group of Philosophy and History students travelled to Krakow in Poland to visit the concentration camp of Auschwitz. After a long morning of travelling we finally arrived, the experience was harrowing, one that I will never forget. The impact of seeing where such atrocities took place is overwhelming and hit everyone hard. The rooms full of the personal goods of those who were held there were extremely difficult to look at. Issue 21. December 2014


The next day was very busy starting at the Jewish Ghetto travelling to Schindler’s Factory Museum and finishing the trip listening to the remarkable story of a Russian Holocaust survivor, who told us what it was like in the camp and how she was able to survive at the age of four. Overall it was a brilliant trip that despite causing us to be emotionally drained really changed our concept of the world. Fionn Reidy-Martin writes: The experience of visiting Auschwitz is something which is pretty hard to put into words. It is something which you can’t really imagine until you’ve actually visited the camp and the surrounding area. Before we went I had some knowledge of what camp was like, nothing could really prepare me for it. All I can say is that it was an incredible experience, one which I highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t been. It was incredibly chilling and sobering, yet eyeopening and worthwhile. It really makes you change how you see things and the sinking reality of hearing the true story of a holocaust survivor really strikes home. It was an experience which I will never forget and the things I have taken from the trip will never leave me. It was an incredible encounter, which words cannot do justice. I’m thankful to Highgate Wood School and all the teachers that made the trip possible. Issue 21. December 2014

Mr Robertson writes: On 4th November, St Paul's Cathedral celebrated the 50th anniversary of a sermon Martin Luther King gave on the topic of civil rights. The occasion was commemorated with a panel debate featuring Guardian columnist Hugh Muir, sociologist Heidi Mirza and Baroness Doreen Lawrence. Speaking before a packed audience which reflected the diversity of the city, the panellists were asked to consider what Dr King would think of Britain in 2014. They agreed that he would be impressed by the progress that had been made towards a multicultural society, but also saddened that debates about racism still needed to be held. The 10 Sixth Form sociologists who attended the debate were in awe of the auspicious venue, keenly interested in the topics discussed, and deeply moved by the passion and determination of Baroness Lawrence, whose son, Stephen, was murdered in a racist attack in 1993.



Mr Talbert writes: In December, thirty-one students attended the annual Microsoft Research’s Think Computer. This one-day event was held at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford, Cambridge and was an inspirational day that showcased the field of computer science through a programme of exciting talks, demonstrations, competitions and workshops to help students realise the fantastic opportunities available to them in becoming part of the next generation of computer scientists. In addition to the main event a few of the students presented their entry for the Makey Makey competition. They devised a way to help individuals paralysed from the neck down by having a robotic arm that responded to facial movements. Their idea was so clever and innovative that it came third and won them an array of Microsoft prizes which included a limited edition Microsoft Research hoodie. Caleb Wyckoff-Smith (9I) said “I am so pleased that we got this far. It was a great idea that brought a great team of students together and showed what Highgate Wood School students can do in computer science”. Ashley Forde (9G), Abirami Karunanithi (9G) and Jade Sollinger (9E) said that they really enjoyed the day, especially the wonderful talk from Stemettes who encourage girls into Science. Eleanor Jones (10S) was even interviewed in Stemettes’ vlog (video blog) of the event talking about her team’s robotic arm entry into the Makey Makey competition.


Ms O’Borne writes: A group of year 10 Media Studies students took part in a practice day for BBC School Report in December. They reported on three stories: Mr Talbert and year 8 coders who met David Cameron on Monday, feminism and its place within the school curriculum and how students cope with exam stress. The students really enjoyed the day. Alice Bowen said " I thoroughly enjoyed my day making BBC News Report " Dilar Karadag said " I really enjoyed working with so many talented people". The reporters now have time to reflect and prepare for the real day on 19th March next year.

Our reporters were: Lloyd Bolton Isabella Walton Harrison Grant Alice Bowen Maddie Stott Amber Barnett Rafaella Stokes Kiehm Asare-Sonkour

Noor Singleton Trieu Blyth Foster Ella Pollack-Fleming Caylan Samuel Ruby Kelly Dilar Karadag Rosa Salonen

Issue 21. December 2014



Tommy Pegler and Lily Roberts write On 9th and 10th December we visited the International Maritime Organisation for the annual Model UN Global Classrooms conference. The IMO is where the UN is based in London, and its location overlooking the Thames and Houses of Parliament is really impressive. The topic for the conference was to celebrate 25 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To prepare, we had to research which of these rights children still lack around the world, and debate what should be done about it. This is not always straightforward - we were asked to represent Saudi Arabia, which meant that many countries disagreed with our positions. Model UN is good because it encourages you to learn in a way which is different from the classroom, it develops your research and debating skills, and gives you the opportunity to meet new people.

Ms Birnie writes: Well done to our Post 16 students who took part in a weekend of debate and negotiation as part of the Model UN at Woodhouse College. Throughout the conference 6th Form students from across North London, discussed a vast array of issues including LGBT Rights, international terrorism in Syria, the sovereignty of Ukraine, the global issue of child soldiers and cybercrime. Andrew Grice, Political Editor for The Independent, presented the awards and commented that as part of his job he had attended actual United Nations Conferences in New York. He said “ that even career diplomats would have found it difficult to match the level of research and debates that students had shown in the course of the weekend”. A particular well done to Rubell Ahmed, Sahar Shah, Ellie Hall, Eleanor Brady, who were first time delegates to MUN. Jonah Berman, Rosa Tully and Alex Ahern gained Honourable Mention Awards and Blue Weiss and Ellie Delamere won Best Delegate Awards. The final award of the day was for Best Delegation awarded to Russia……Highgate Wood School!

Issue 21. December 2014


Mr Robertson comments: The IMO is always the most challenging of the three conferences we attend. The standard of debate is incredibly strong, with committees full of wellresearched, impassioned, imaginative and mature delegates who represented themselves, their schools and their countries (whether they agreed with them or not!) with conviction. I am proud to report that our delegation matched these high standards; in every room you could find a Highgate Wood student leading debate, contributing to a resolution or negotiating in their country’s interests. I was also proud to see 4 of our experienced sixth form students continuing the Highgate Wood tradition of chairing some committees, a task they carried out with utmost professionalism.


Term begins again on Monday 5th January 2015

at 10:55am It will be Week 2 Monday 5th January

Spring term begins

Monday 5th January

Year 12 Mock Exams

Thursday 15th January

Year 11 Mock Results Day & Parents’ Evening

Monday 19th January

HWS Sixth Form interviews begin

Monday 19th January

Year 13 Mock Exams

Monday 26th January

SEND Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 27th January

Year 12 Parents’ Evening

Monday 9th February

E-Safety Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 10th February

Year 13 Parents’ Evening

Mon 16th—Fri 20th February

Half Term

Tuesday 24th February

Year 10 Parents’ Evening

2nd—6th March

Year 10 Work Experience Week

Thursday 5th March

Year 9 Options Evening

Friday 27th March

Term Ends

Parent\Carer Evenings Wed. 20th May 2015 Year 7 Tues. 21st April 2015 Year 8 Tues. 24th Nov 2014 Year 9


Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13

Tues. 24th Feb 2015 Thurs. 15th Jan 2015 Tues. 27th Jan 2015 Wed. 10th Feb 2015


Mon 5th Jan

Term Starts

Mon 13th April

Term Starts

16th Feb– 20th Feb

Half term break

25h—29th May

Half term break

Friday 27th March

Term Ends

Friday 17th July

Term Ends* * Term ends for students

The school calendar is available on-line at

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