Policies and Rules

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  C O N S I D E R AT I O N 

  C O O P E R AT I O N 

Core Information, Agreements and Expectations Expectations COURTESY 


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Highgate Wood School is located at the end of Montenotte Road, which is off Shepherds Hill.



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visit us at our website : www.hws.uk.com follow us on twitter: twitter.com/highgatewood



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Highgate Wood School arts college Montenotte Road Hornsey London N8 8RN Tel: 0208 342 7970




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Where to find us...

The Park Road gate is open early in the morning until 8:30 a.m. It then remains closed until the end of school at 3:10 pm

Bus routes to get to the school… from Finsbury Park W3 or W7 bus from Turnpike Lane 41 bus from Wood Green

W3 or 144A bus

from Archway/Haringay

W5 bus

Highgate Wood School Mission Statement Making a positive difference to students’ achievements and experiences, maintaining the highest expectations and inspiring self belief.


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Attendance and Punctuality

Lesson Times

All students are expected to attend school 8:35 ‐ 9:35 Period 1 regularly and punctually. The school day Period 2 9:35 ‐ 10:35 begins at 8:35 a.m. and students are asked Break 10:35 ‐ 10:55 to be in the playground at least ten minutes Registration 10:55 ‐ 11:10 before then to avoid the risk of being late. Those 11:10 ‐ 12:10 Period 3 who do arrive late are sent to the late room and not allowed into Period 1. Period 4 12:10 ‐ 1:10 We place great importance on regular attendance and Lunch Break 1:10 ‐ 2:10 parents\carers are asked to try and arrange medical and 2:10 ‐ 3:10 Period 5 dental appointments for students outside of school hours. After‐school clubs If a student is absent because of sickness we ask that the (LRC open until 5pm 3 days a week and until 4 pm 2 days a week) parents\carers telephone the school and leave a message on the absence line. On their return to school students should find out about any work they may have missed so Term Dates they can catch up. SUMMER 2013 SPRING 2014 The school may request a Mon 15th April Term Starts Mon 6th Jan Term Starts medical note from the 27th—31st May Half term break 17th Feb– 21st Feb Half term break doctor to automatically Wed 24th July Term Ends Friday 4th April Term Ends authorise absences ‐ and SUMMER 2014 this includes authorisation AUTUMN 2013 for medical and dental Mon 2nd September Term Starts * Tues 22nd April Term Starts appointments during 28th Oct ‐ 1st Nov Half term break 23rd May ‐ 30th May Half term break school hours. Friday 20th Dec Term Ends Wed 23rd July Term Ends Please avoid scheduling Summer Term Timetable Change holidays during term time. The school timetable changes at the half‐term of the summer These do require term when all Year Groups move up, Year 7 to 8, 8 to 9, 9 to 10 and 10 to 11. permission from the school, and such requests are ordinarily refused.

Highgate Wood School Aims At Highgate Wood School the education of every young person is held to be of equal value. The school seeks to create an environment in which all students can…

   

Achieve their full potential, including the highest standards of academic achievement. Feel valued and value others. Become confident, self‐reliant and caring members of society. Understand themselves and develop a critical awareness of the world in which they live.

Highgate Wood School Ethos The principles which form the basis of everything we do at Highgate Wood School are summarised by the four words:   Courtesy Cooperation   Contribution Consideration Courtesy: We expect an automatic sense of courtesy underpinned by the use of “please,” “thank you” and “sorry”. Consideration: We expect our students to always be considerate of each other and their surroundings — walking quietly and sensibly, using the bins provided for litter and holding doors open for each other. Contribution: We want our students to ensure that they are always making a positive contribution to the school community, taking part in as many activities as they can and taking collective responsibility for making Highgate Wood School a better place. Cooperation: We expect all our students to cooperate with members of staff and each other. Even when students are unhappy with a decision, we still expect members of the Highgate Wood School community to cooperate first and then find a way to deal with the situation

Students are expected to:

       

Treat each other with respect. Respect the school. Respect the local environment. Always try their best in all they do. Allow others to do their work. Follow the instruction of adults. Always act in a safe manner. Abide by the home/school agreement.

Home‐School Agreement Our Home‐School agreement is published in the School Journal where it is signed by the student, their parents\carers and their form tutor. It lays down the basic expectations and understanding that we have at Highgate Wood School. STUDENT AGREEMENT As a student I will

              

attend regularly and arrive at registration on time; wear correct full‐school uniform; work hard to achieve targets set with my teachers; do my best to demonstrate the 4Cs; help other students by allowing every teacher to teach and every learner to learn; behave well on the journey to and from school; behave well in and out of class and meet the school’s expectations; respect and care for others and their property (including school property); care for my Journal and record all homework details; give my best effort to all tasks; meet all deadlines for handing in homework; find out what opportunities are available to me and participate where possible; pass all letters, notes and reports to my parents on the day they are issued; talk with my parents and teachers about any concerns in school; observe the school’s policies and advice on e‐safety;

PARENT/CARER AGREEMENT As a parent/carer I will

 take an active interest in all aspects of my child’s school life;  see that my child attends school regularly, on time, properly equipped and properly dressed in full school uniform;

 inform the school of all relevant information which may affect my child’s work or behaviour;

 notify the school if, for any reason, my child cannot attend;  encourage my child to follow the school’s behaviour for learning policy and support associated action taken by the school;

 support the school’s policy on homework, provide suitable facilities at home, and encourage my child to make the required effort;

 do my best to attend parents’ evening and other meetings at which my presence is requested.

SCHOOL AGREEMENT The school will:

 provide a safe and stimulating environment for your child;  ensure that your child fulfils his/her potential as a learner and a member of the school community;

 offer a broad and balanced curriculum to students of all abilities;  encourage all students to take responsibility for their own actions, feel proud of their achievements and enjoy being a student at the school;

 keep you informed about your child’s progress and general school matters;  insist that all students observe the school’s behaviour and anti‐bullying policies;  set and mark regular homework and provide suitable facilities for homework to be done at school.

School Rules On and near the school site you must:

            

Treat other people with acceptance and respect Follow the behaviour for learning policy and cooperate with all instructions from staff first time. Attend all lessons on time. Wear the school uniform correctly in school and on the way to and from school. Treat school buildings and property with care Keep the school and its surroundings clean, using the bins provided. Walk around the school buildings calmly and sensibly on the left. Respect other people’s property Eat only in the designated areas Not obstruct corridors, doors and exits Play and socialise only in the designated areas of the school Not bring illegal, dangerous or valuable items into school Not smoke, drink alcohol or take illegal drugs

School Policies Highgate Wood School policies, including our Behaviour for Learning Policy, Homework Policy and Anti‐bullying Policy, together with other information that is helpful to students and parents\carers are available for viewing on the school website at www.hws.uk.com. If there are any difficulties in accessing these please contact webmaster@hws.haringey.sch.uk

ID Cards Official ID cards are issued as soon as possible after a new student has joined the school, usually on the first day. The card is used to pay for your meals and snacks in the canteen. It also works as a “print card” to collect work that has been sent to the school’s printers and as your library card, allowing students to borrow books and other resources from the Learning Resource Centre. For students who qualify for Free School Meals the FSM allowance will appear automatically on their card at the beginning of every school day. Students must keep their card safely and bring it into school every day. If the card is lost it can be replaced, but there is a charge made if we have to issue a new one.

Uniform Students at Highgate Wood School wear a uniform (which was originally chosen by the school council). Students are expected to wear the uniform correctly, and with pride. Full details of the uniform and the school dress code is on the following page. It is important that all items are clearly marked with the students’ full name. The school blazer, jumper or cardigan, skirt and ties are available to buy from the school office. Other items such as trousers, shirts, socks and shoes should be bought from other retailers. There is no specification as to where you buy these, as long as they are the correct type. Sports kit can be bought from Henry Tilly Ltd at www.htsports.co.uk.

Required Equipment Students are expected to take to every lesson at least 2 pens, 2 pencils, coloured pens or pencils, a highlighter, a ruler, a sharpener and a rubber (correction fluid is not allowed), all kept in a pencil case. A calculator and a geometry set is also required for maths. These, together with the School Journal and other belongings, should be carried in a strong school bag.

Items of value e.g. jewellery, music players, mobile phones, computer games or consoles should not be brought into school. If such items are brought into school it is at the owner’s risk, and they must be switched off and put away. If a mobile phone is seen or heard anywhere on the school site it will be confiscated by a member of staff and returned at an appropriate time

School Uniform Dress Code We expect all students to wear the correct uniform with pride and for it to be kept clean and smart at all times. This includes to and from school, the playground, corridors, classrooms, when attending school visits/trips and other school related external activities and for all external examinations. Boys Shirt: Plain white, tucked into trousers at all times. Trousers: Plain black tailored, not to be worn below the waist, i.e. no visible underwear. NO JEANS, TRACKSUIT BOTTOMS or CORDS. Ties: The school tie must be worn, pulled smartly up to the top shirt button. Ties should be at a length so that at least five of the black and white stripes can be seen of the thick edge of the tie. Pullovers\Cardigans: HWS Plain black, V‐neck with HWS blue trim around the neck to be worn in cold weather as needed. No other form of jumper or cardigan is acceptable. Jackets: Plain black HWS blazer with school logo on breast pocket and HWS blue lining. This must be worn at all times except inside a classroom where they may be put on the back of a chair (or coat hook). Shoes: Plain black design. Socks: Plain black or grey socks. Girls Shirt: Plain white, tucked into trousers/skirt at all times. Trousers: Plain black tailored (check guidance on the school website for more information), not to be worn below the waist, i.e. no visible underwear. NO JEANS, LEGGINGS, TRACKSUIT BOTTOMS or CORDS or Skirt: School skirt Ties: The school tie must be worn, pulled smartly up to the top shirt button. Ties should be at a length so that at least five of the black and white stripes can be seen of the thick edge of the tie. Pullovers\Cardigans: HWS Plain black, V‐neck with HWS blue trim around the neck to be worn in cold weather as needed. No other form of jumper or cardigan is acceptable. Jackets: Plain black HWS blazer with school logo on breast pocket and HWS blue lining. This must be worn at all times except inside a classroom where they may be put on the back of a chair (or coat hook). Shoes Plain black with flat heels. Plain black (low‐heeled boots are also acceptable). Tights Black, white, grey or flesh coloured (no patterns). Socks Black, white or grey ankle socks or below the knee socks. NO OVERKNEE SOCKS. All Religious Wear: Religious wear is acceptable, although the school does request that items be restricted to black, navy or white Equipment: Every day students must bring the following: Journal, pencil, eraser, ruler, pencil sharpener, black or blue pen, calculator, geometry set, pencil case, dictionary, reading book, PE Kit (including trainers, on the appropriate days), and any other necessary item requested by staff. Bag: Students must have a bag that is large enough and strong enough to carry all school books. Coat There is no uniform coat. However if students choose to wear a coat, it should be plain coloured with no offensive or obvious logos or slogans. Dark colours are preferred. Coats must be large enough so uniform jackets can be worn under the coat. Coats must be taken off in buildings. NO HOODIES. Headwear: Hats/caps can be worn outside and in the playground, but must be removed inside the building. Jewellery: Large items of jewellery should not be worn, e.g. large hooped earrings (earrings bigger than that which comfortably can fit a finger between the ear lobe and the earring), large bracelets or rings. Necklaces/ Chains should be worn under shirts so that they are not visible. Makeup: Teachers reserve the right to ask students to remove excessive makeup at their discretion. Light touch subtle make up is acceptable. If there is any doubt about whether a particular item is acceptable parents should check with the school before purchasing. The Headteacher reserves the right to exercise his discretion over any specific item in relation to whether or not it is an acceptable part of the school uniform

Use of Photographs Highgate Wood School makes use of photographs of our students for educational, information and publicity purposes in our publications, including our website and school magazine, and also on school displays. We ask that parents\carers give us their permission to use photographs in this way and contact us specifically if they do not wish to grant such permission. From time to time photographs from the school, including those featuring students, are made available to other appropriate organisations, eg Haringey Council and the local press. Again we ask that parents\carers give us their permission to use photographs in this way and contact us specifically if they do not wish to grant such permission. The school has a policy to never directly indentify students appearing in photographs that appear on our website by their full name.

Computer Rooms Highgate Wood School has an extremely well‐ equipped computer network which extends to the Learning Resource Centre and most departments. All students have their own username and password which gives them access to the school network as well as their school e‐mail account and our Managed Learning Environment. The MLE is where an increasing number of learning resources are available to help with homework and classwork.

The Learning Resource Centre The Learning Resource Centre is well‐stocked, well used and offers a service which will encourage you to become an independent learner, a capable ICT user and an enthusiastic reader. The LRC opens at 8 o’clock in the morning and closes well after school finishes (until 5pm Monday‐Wednesday and 4pm Thursday ‐ Friday). Everyone at Highgate Wood School gets regular information and training on issues surrounding the safe use of technology. It is important that we all understand the risks and dangers on‐line, and are able to deal properly with any issues that arise. If you come across anything that worries you or gives you concern you should let someone know ‐ usually the best person is parent or carer, a teacher or another trusted adult. On the school website and also on the school Intranet there is a button that allows you to report your concerns directly to the school management. This can be used for all issues of concern, not just those to do with e‐safety. It is important that students behave as sensible and considerately on‐line at home as they are expected to behave in school.


Getting A Computer Login We hope we will be able to give new students their network login and password on the first day they start at Highgate Wood School. Before being able to access the school network, however, users are required to agree to the Acceptable Use Policy below:

STUDENT COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Student access to ICT at Highgate Wood School is dependent on you and your parents\carers accepting and signing the following agreement which you will be asked to review from time to time. I understand that access to the computer network at Highgate Wood School as well as my school e‐mail and MLE accounts must be in support of educational research or learning, and I agree to the following:  I will not access or try to access any material on the Internet or elsewhere that would be considered offensive or inappropriate in the judgement of the school’s Headteacher (or delegate) because of pornographic, racist, violent, illegal, illicit or other content.  I understand that I am responsible for the files saved in my user area, my e‐mail account and my space on the school MLE. I understand my activity when using these systems can be monitored and that my files may be scanned from time to time to ensure that I am using the ICT facilities properly  The school has effective web content filtering, but not all offensive or inappropriate material is automatically detected. I will not try to “cheat” the filtering system, or search for information of an offensive nature.  I will be courteous and considerate in my use of ICT. I will refrain from using obscene, harassing or abusive language or images on the computer.  Plagiarism is unacceptable. I will not copy other people’s work and pretend it is my own, nor distribute copyright material without giving credit to the person who owns it.  I am responsible for monitoring and appropriately rejecting materials, links, and information accessed/ received by me through the internet or email.  I will not reveal personal information, including names, addresses, credit card details and telephone numbers of others or myself to anyone over the Internet.  I understand the school has the right to take action against me in incidents of inappropriate behaviour that involve my membership of the school community even when I am out of school (examples would be cyber‐ bullying, or use of images or personal information about people in the school).  I will not attempt to change any computer, monitor or software settings on any school computers, nor attempt to download or install any programs or applications onto the school system.  I will abide by the current sign‐on procedures for access to the computer network and on‐line resources, respect other student’s work and not attempt to access other people’s accounts by using a username that is not mine.  I will not take digital photographs, or edit digital images of staff or students without their consent.  If I violate any of the terms of this agreement, I may be denied access to the schools ICT resources for a time and may face further disciplinary action as determined by the Headteacher. I am aware that each case will be considered on its merits.

Parent/Carer Agreement I hereby acknowledge that I have read the agreement on student use of computers and the Internet at Highgate Wood School and discussed it with my child. I understand that access is designed for educational purposes. I recognise that, while efforts will be made to monitor student use of computers and the Internet, it is impossible for the school to continually monitor and restrict access to all controversial materials. I understand that Highgate Wood School cannot take responsibility for the content of any external website and whilst the school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure students are only directed to appropriate web resources the changing nature of the Internet makes it impossible for the school to guarantee what content will be displayed.

SAMLearning New students also receive their SAMLearning username and password to help with homework, self‐study and revision.

Pupil Premium Did you know … just registering your child for Free School Meals (FSM) means that as well as you getting the benefits, the school gets extra money? Part of the funding for school comes from “Pupil Premium” which is calculated on the number of students in the school who have claimed Free School Meals. This additional funding is designed to allow us support disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. We really believe that everyone matters and the Pupil Premium helps us translate this idea into reality. We use our Pupil Premium funding to improve facilities and staffing for students to study at school, to provide for additional mentoring, guidance and support and for a whole range of other initiatives which are reported on the school website. Those registered for Free School Meals also get subsidised music lessons, subsidies for school trips, 16‐19 bursary grants, and access to many other forms of support. We urge all parents\carers who believe they may be eligible for Free School Meals to register as soon as possible.


No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.


The benefit will be automatically put on the student’s ID card every day so no fuss or publicity.


You don’t need to provide any evidence of your benefits as your eligibility will be checked automatically.


Older students can also register for Free School Meals if they get any of these benefits themselves. Contacts for registration for Free School Meals: Haringey Council 48 Station Road Wood Green London N22 7TY Phone: 020 8489 2135 Fax: 0208489 1945 Email: Student.Finance@haringey.gov.uk Website: http://www.haringey.gov.uk/ and go to ‘Children and Families’ page for link to ‘Free School Meals’ Come and talk to us if you need any help. As the Pupil Premium is paid to the school for all students who have claimed for Free School Meals over a period of six years we also request that you notify us if you successfully claimed Free School Meals in the past.

Do you qualify for Free School Meals? You can register your child for Free School Meals if you get any of these benefits: 

Income Support


Income‐based Jobseeker's Allowance


Income‐related Employment and Support Allowance


Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (NASS reference number essential)


The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit


Child Tax Credit, provided you do not receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual in‐ come (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190


Working Tax Credit 'run‐on' ‐ the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

Cashless Catering Students use their school ID card to pay for meals and snacks in the Dining Hall. The card is a proximity card and works in a very similar way to the Oyster cards that many students use on public transport. You can “load” it with cash either through the machines at school or on‐line at home. If you are entitled to free school meals that money will automatically appear on your card every day.

Wisepay The service we use for on‐line payments is Wisepay. You can access this from the school’s website at www.hws.uk.com To use Wisepay you will need a username and password. This can be obtain by a request to the school, either by phone or by email to wisepay@hws.haringey.sch.uk Parents\carers can merge their Wisepay accounts if they have more than one child at the school so they only need to log in once. Wisepay records the balance on the account at the end of the day, but it does not provide itemised billing.

Breakfast and mid‐morning Break The Dining Hall is open from 8:00 am until 8:35 am and also through mid‐morning break. Students are able to have healthy snacks and drinks here during these times. Students in the sixth form may purchase food throughout the day, but the Dining Hall is out‐of‐bounds to younger students except at breaks and lunchtimes.

Lunch Break Most students have school lunches from the Dining Hall which has a cafeteria system, others bring a packed lunch.

First‐aid and treating sickness in school We do not have a dedicated nurse or other medical staff at school, though there are several qualified first‐aiders on the staff. If a student fall ill during a lesson or tutor period they are expected to tell their teacher who will decide what to do – and this may involve asking a senior teacher or pastoral mentor to come and make the decision whether the student should stay in lessons, be treated with first aid, or sent home. A similar decision is made if there is an accident or an emergency, when it may be decided that an ambulance or other medical service needs to be called.

Importance of providing accurate contact details: We rely on parents\carers providing the school with accurate details so that someone from home, or someone who has been authorised by the parents\carers, can be contacted in the event of an emergency. It is also important that the school has accurate telephone contact details, address details and, where possible, email details so that we are able to contact parents and carers with important information regarding events happening at the school, their child’s progress and well‐being and any incidents of which they should be informed.

Detentions Students may be detained without notice for up to 15 minutes at the end of the school day. If longer detentions are given for lateness or any other reason, parents\carers will be notified 24 hours in advance for students in Years 7 and 8, For students in Year 9 and above detentions of up to one hour may be given without notice, but the office will send a text message home if such a detention is longer than 15 minutes.

Exemption from Physical Education All students are expected to follow the normal school curriculum. Only in exceptional medical circumstances will the PE staff grant exemption from PE but only with a written request. For longer periods than a week, and in serious cases, a medical certificate is required.

Homework It is school policy for students to undertake homework. This will include a range of different learning strategies a tasks. All students are issued with a Student Journal in which all homework set should be listed. Parents/Carers and teachers are able to monitor homework in this way. Our homework policy is available to view on the school’s website. The Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 handbooks can also be found in the Publications section of the school website, and these include outlines of the courses that the students are following and, in the case of Key Stage 3, the Homework Project schedule for Years 7, 8 and 9.

Anti‐Bullying Code for Students Everybody has the right to enjoy each day free from intimidation, unkind actions or remarks, both in school and on the way to school. Any ongoing, persistent or malicious unkind action of comment will be called BULLYING. We must all help each other to be happy by reporting ALL bullying.

Do you know anyone who is being bullied? What should you do? 1. TELL someone — ANY adult in school A friend A peer mentor A parent or somebody you can trust 2.

Show bullies that you don’t like what they are doing.


Help and support children you see who are being bullied..


Don’t make teasing or hurtful remarks.


Use the online bully box on the school website using the Contact tab. Click the “on‐line alert” button and complete all details. Someone will discuss the issues with you as soon as possible.

Are you being bullied? What should you do? 1. Try not to show that you are upset (this is difficult) 2.

Try to ignore the bully


Walk away quickly and confidently (even if you are afraid inside)


Shout loudly to show that you are not afraid.


Stay with your friends and say NO to the bully. Do not try to buy the bully off with sweets or give them money.


Try not to be alone where you could be bullied.


If you are different in any way, be PROUD of it. It’s good to be an individual. There’s nothing wrong with you!


TELL an adult you can trust. Give us time to find out what is happening. If you are still not happy, see a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

It is EVERYONE’s responsibility to prevent bullying.

Highgate Wood School arts college Montenotte Road Hornsey London N8 8RN Tel: 0208 3427970 Fax: 0208 342 7978 website: www.hws.uk.com twitter: twitter.com/highgatewood

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