Highgate Wood School Prospectus 2012

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Highgate Wood School arts college

Montenotte Road Hornsey London N8 8RN

POST 16 Page 7

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Highgate Wood School arts college

MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD TEACHER I wish to extend a very warm welcome to you from all here at Highgate Wood School. I am intensely privileged to be leading this wonderful school community. We are a truly comprehensive school, and I believe passionately that this is one of our major strengths. Our students are fantastic, and consistently represent themselves and their school positively. They are at the very heart of our vision for the school. We also benefit from magnificent support from our governing body, our parents and the wider community. However, the people who really make the difference at the school are the staff who are all absolutely committed to making Highgate Wood School the very best school that it can be, serving at the heart of our local community and giving our young people the best opportunities to fulfil their potential and enjoy their learning. This is a wonderful time to be a part of the Highgate Wood School community and I trust that all those who choose to join us on our journey will enjoy the Highgate Wood School experience.

“The parent who described Highgate Wood School as moving in the right direction to be a really good school was absolutely right.� Ofsted 2009

Patrick Cozier Head teacher

Highgate Wood School arts college



Arts Mission Statement

The School

Highgate Wood School arts college will raise standards of achievement and the quality of learning in their chosen areas of the arts for all our students, leading to whole school improvement in performance. • We will nurture within our students a lifelong passion for, and appreciation of, the arts as both participants and discriminating audiences. • We will be inclusive by promoting enjoyment of many different artistic forms and encouraging participation in a wide variety of artistic activity for all students. At Highgate Wood School the education of every young person is held to be of equal value. We have always sought to achieve the five outcomes of Every Child Matters and these are reflected in our school aims. At the end of seven years at Highgate Wood School we want our young people to:

• We will be innovative in finding new ways for learners to learn well.

• Have high expectations of themselves and of others

• We will enable students to work in school with professionals involved in the arts and creative industries and to enjoy artistic experiences outside the classroom.

• Thrive on their passion for learning • Demonstrate high quality in whatever they do • Take their place in society with a set of principles underpinned by the importance of contribution, courtesy, cooperation and consideration • Show and display an appreciation of justice and morality • Choose a healthy lifestyle underpinned by good eating habits and regular exercise • Have the skills, abilities and qualifications necessary to achieve economic well-being • Be positive and confident in their approach . . . to be a living, breathing example of the Highgate Wood School ethos reflecting our Specialist Arts College Status


• We will identify ways in which the arts can improve learning in other curriculum areas. • We will take a lead in using ICT as a means of enhancing learning in the arts and other subjects.

“Specialist arts college status makes a very strong contribution to the quality of the curriculum, from the enrichment days for the youngest students in Year 7, through to a range of popular and successful courses on offer in the sixth form.” Ofsted 2009 Highgate Wood School is a centre of excellence for the arts, sharing resources and developing and sharing leading practice with other schools and their communities.

Highgate Wood School arts college is an 11-18 mixed comprehensive school providing secondary education to 1425 students. We underwent our last OFSTED inspection in February 2009 where we were described as a school ‘moving in the right direction to be a really good school’. The school serves a multicultural community and many of our students are bilingual. The school is over subscribed. Just under half our students are drawn from a wide variety of minority ethnic groups, including BlackCaribbean, Greek and Turkish Cypriot, as well as from the Turkish, Kurdish, Black-African, Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Chinese and Somali communities. Historically, we have had more boys than girls (with an all girls school being so close by), but this has changed in recent years as the excellent performance of our girls has encouraged more parents to send their daughters here.


Highgate Wood School arts college

OUR CURRICULUM—KS2\3 TRANSITION Starting Secondary School Starting secondary school or changing schools is a big step and we do all we can to aid the process and make it easy and enjoyable. We pride ourselves in ensuring that we visit each and every Year 6 student in the summer term before they start in September. Students joining other A handbook is provided year groups are also to all Year 6 students on their encouraged to visit induction day in July to help them have a confident start . prior to taking up a place and their Head of Learning ensures that they have a structured start.

“The school’s care and support for its students is strong.” Ofsted 2009 Mrs Allaway has acquired considerable experience in settling in new students and monitoring their academic and social progress, as well as retaining links with their primary schools. Mrs Allaway is supported by an enthusiastic team of Year 7 Tutors who see their tutor group everyday, as well as a dedicated Head of Learning and a Pastoral Mentor who has oversight of the year group. This helps us get to know our students’ academic and social strengths and any individual difficulties they might face and enables close relationships to be established quickly.

The Year 7 timetable has 50 one hour periods on a two weekly cycle, which includes an enrichment day once a fortnight: Subject* Enrichment Art Drama English Geography History ICT Mathematics French/Spanish ❶ Music Physical Education Ethics and Cultural Studies ❷ Science Design Technology

Number of periods 5 3 3 6 2 2 2 5 4 3 4 2 5 4

French and Spanish are studied in alternate years. For the 2012 entry the language for Year 7s is French ❷ Formerly known as RE

For our new Year 7 students Mrs Allaway, one of our Assistant Head teachers, has the specific responsibility of ensuring that they settle in well and immediately benefit from their time here. A carefully planned induction programme commences in July when they spend a day at Highgate Wood School and this helps them get to know the rest of their tutor group and settle in quickly. Other well developed procedures to help students beginning at the school include: • Established links with local primary schools • Teachers from Highgate Wood visit local primary schools • Meetings are held with our local primary school heads and teachers to discuss curriculum and individual students • Peer mentors are available to support new students

Highgate Wood School arts college


It is important for parents to know what is happening in school. In the second half of the Autumn term they are invited to come and discuss their child’s progress. This meeting is intended to address any difficulties which may have arisen and to help ensure that all Year 7 students are enjoying school and working hard. In the Summer term all subject teachers and other staff are available at an evening meeting to discuss the progress that students have made. During the course of the year parents receive half-termly updates on their child’s progress.

Year 7s benefit from Curriculum Enrichment days that take place once a fortnight during their first two terms at Highgate Wood School. Enrichment includes themed days, subject days, special events, trips and visits from outside experts that provide students with planned curriculum opportunities to extend and broaden their learning. Our belief is that these enhancements to the curriculum mean that our Year 7 students can engage in longer style tasks that give them more scope for developing their skills, e.g. independent learning, research, working in teams, and problem solving, as well as the chance to explore areas of the curriculum in more depth. * Parents are advised of their right to withdraw their child from RE and Sex Education. Pupils will be supervised but no alternative curriculum is available.


OUR CURRICULUM—KS3 The Curriculum - Years 7, 8 and 9

Everyone Matters


Throughout Key Stage 3 we build on each student’s earlier school experiences to extend the breadth and depth of their knowledge, develop their understandings and improve their skills in all areas of the curriculum. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is both challenging and exciting . During the three years of Key Stage 3 we hope to equip each student with the enthusiasm, skills and understanding that will allow them to reach their academic potential and fully develop themselves as creative and considerate individuals. Each year within Key Stage 3 has a different emphasis.

Through Key Stage 3, students are taught in groups designed to provide the best level of challenge and support so that everyone is able to progress and achieve. We set by ability in Maths, Science and English, and group differently in subjects like Drama, Art, Music and Design Technology to make the best use of our facilities. Students with particular learning or language needs are helped within their lessons by Learning Support Assistants and occasionally with individual or group learning by specialist teachers outside the classroom.

Homework is an important part of secondary education. Its purpose is to develop independent learning, improve skills, consolidate classroom learning and enhance knowledge and understanding. It also gives parents and carers the chance to become involved in their child’s education. Through Key Stage 3, students are set regular homework for all subjects. With some subjects this takes the form of regular weekly tasks, but the majority of Key Stage 3 homework takes the form of extended projects. The schedule for these projects is published at the beginning of each term. In Year 7, students should spend about three quarters of an hour each evening on homework. As they progress through Key Stage 3 this should increase to approximately one hour.

In Year 7, the focus is on ensuring those basic building blocks of literacy and numeracy are firmly established while developing mastery of collaborative and individual working.

In Year 8, the introduction of Citizenship supports our focus on the world beyond school. Students in Year 8 are given a wide range of learning experiences to equip them for success in the world beyond the classroom .

In Year 9, the focus is on completing Key Stage 3 and fully preparing students for the demands of GCSEs. We take particular care to ensure that informed decisions are made on the choice of curriculum for Key Stage 4 and parents are encouraged to play an active role in this process

In all lessons students are encouraged to develop skills for learning and for assessing their own progress and avenues for further improvement. Highgate Wood School is… ‘An aspiring community of learners empowered for the 21st century, built on mutual respect, understanding and imaginative thinking.’


Subjects At Key Stage 3, students are offered a wide range of learning experiences and opportunities both with the subjects they study and through collaborative projects between different subject areas. Through Key Stage 3, students study English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Ethics and Cultural Studies (formerly RE), ICT, Citizenship, Physical Education, Technology, Music, Art, Drama and a modern foreign language. We also give our most able linguists the opportunity to study two languages, French and Spanish. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is delivered across the curriculum for all years, but particularly through Enrichment in Year 7 and Citizenship in Years 8 and 9.

End of Key Stage 3 Key Stage 3 ends at half-term of the summer term in Year 9. This allows an extra half-term for students to engage in their GCSE and other Level 2 courses at Key Stage 4.

Highgate Wood School arts college

OUR CURRICULUM—KS4 The Curriculum - Years 10 and 11

The National Curriculum requires all students to study: ♦ English ♦ Mathematics ♦ Physical Education ♦ Science ♦ Citizenship ♦ Ethics and Cultural Studies (formerly RE) ♦ ICT These are all delivered as separate subjects in Years 10 and 11 with the exception of ICT which is available as a discrete option, but is also delivered across the curriculum to allow students for even greater scope in their choices. Our Key Stage 4 curriculum offers opportunities for students to study a range of academic and vocational courses. They also participate in Work Related Learning projects, including work experience, enterprise days and other curriculum based work. We encourage all students to continue their study of a foreign language, and to gain accreditation in their first language (where applicable). In recent years students have successfully been awarded GCSEs in Greek, Turkish, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese and Dutch.

Highgate Wood School arts college

Optional Subjects

Academic Success

Students are able to choose four additional courses to complement their core subjects. The school prides itself on the range of courses available, which also includes the opportunity for some students to follow alternative courses at partner colleges as part of their full curriculum*.

Highgate Wood School’s exam results have improved over the years with our most recent result of 76% of students achieving 5 or more A* - C grades at GCSE and 68% achieving this including English and Maths representing our best ever result.

Extra-curricular Activities The courses Highgate Wood School currently offers to students at Key Stage 4 include: ♦ Art & Design ♦ Media Studies ♦ Business Studies ♦ Music ♦ Dance ♦ Music Technology ♦ Drama ♦ Physical Education ♦ Economics ♦ Product Design ♦ Food Technology ♦ Psychology ♦ French ♦ Science ♦ Geography ♦ Sociology ♦ History ♦ Spanish ♦ ICT ♦ Textiles ♦ Land Based Studies

* College courses include Construction, Public Services, Hair & Beauty and Motor Vehicle Engineering.

Highgate Wood School offers a wide range of things to do at lunchtime and before and after school. Extracurricular activities include: art, music and drama clubs, a film society and an environmental group, visits to museums and exhibitions, theatres and concerts. Students have opportunities for school journeys both at home and abroad, as well as a range of sports such as athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, dance, football, hockey, gymnastics, netball and tennis. Our students also plan activities with the Parent Staff Association the most notable of which is MADfest, our annual celebration of the creative talent in Music, Art Textiles, Drama and Media Studies that is the pride of Highgate Wood School . As part of our Arts College community plan there is an Adult Arts programme with opportunities in Art, Music and Drama.


OUR CURRICULUM—Post 16 The Post 16 Offer

Extra curricular & enrichment opportunities


Highgate Wood School has over 200 students in the sixth form made up of students who have joined us from other schools as well as those who completed their GCSE courses here. We offer a wide range of A level subjects at Post 16, and also a small number of vocational courses. These include:

Sixth form students have access to a range of enrichment activities including Duke of Edinburgh Award challenges, Model UN conferences, and opportunities for collaboration with schools and organisations overseas through our association with the British Council and our involvement in the Hillcrest Charity in South Africa.

All our post-16 students have an Academic Mentor who provides support and advice during their time in the sixth form. This includes help with study skills and exam technique as well as providing more general pastoral support. A particularly important role of the Academic Mentor is to assist with the UCAS university application process. We have an excellent record of helping students onto the next stage of their education, at university and elsewhere. Highgate Wood School students have been successful in their application to a wide range of institutions from Cambridge to Falmouth, Warwick to Aberdeen, studying subjects as diverse as Medicine, Fashion, French and Philosophy. We believe that our sixth form not only prepares students academically for the step up to university but also helps them develop socially and emotionally to be successful in whatever they go on to do in the future.

♦ Art & Design

♦ Maths

♦ Biology

♦ Media Studies

♦ Chemistry

♦ Music

♦ Drama & Theatre Studies ♦ Music Technology ♦ Economics

♦ PE

♦ English Language

♦ Philosophy

♦ English Literature

♦ Photography

♦ French

♦ Physics

♦ Further Maths

♦ Product Design

♦ Geography

♦ Psychology

♦ Government & Politics

♦ Sociology

♦ History

♦ Spanish

We also offer Level 3 OCR Nationals in Applied ICT and New Media Arts (Double Award) and Level 3 BTEC in Business Studies (Double Award). The Extended Project, a research-based qualification highly valued by the top universities, is also available to post 16 students. Our results at Post 16 have been excellent over the last five years, consistently placing the school in the top 20% of schools nationally in terms of “value-added” performance. In 2011 our sixth form students again achieved their best ever results: 78% A*- C in examinations that were taken.


to University

Sixth formers enjoy a change of scene working with students at the Alfonso Motolese Media Arts School on an ICT/Media project.

Highgate Wood School sixth formers also have access to a whole range of facilities, including a dedicated ICT study space and the sixth form common room as well as the school’s sporting facilities, music, drama and art clubs and the Learning Resource Centre “The well-led Sixth Form provides a good quality of education for its students [where they] mature as independent and highly motivated learners, make good progress … and are able to access their Higher Education choices.” Ofsted 2009

Each year a group of our sixth formers visit South Africa to help children in schools supported by the Hillcrest Charity.

Highgate Wood School arts college

OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS Working together with parents

Parents and Staff Association

We value our partnership with parents/carers and are grateful for the significant contribution they make in supporting their children’s progress and our school community as a whole.

All parents and teachers automatically belong to the Parents and Staff Association (PSA).

We have a number of ways in which this partnership is supported and strengthened. These include

Parent/carer’s evenings – an opportunity to meet with subject teachers – one for each year group per academic year

Academic review meetings – a chance to discuss early progress in the autumn term with your child’s form tutor

Year 9 options

meetings - an opportunity for parents/carers of Year 9 students to receive information, advice and guidance about Key Stage 4 courses

We encourage parents

to take a regular and active role in reviewing their child’s learning through our school journal and our tutor system.

Highgate Wood School is proud to have the Leading Parent Partnership Award, a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work very closely with the families of their students.

Highgate Wood School arts college

Members of the PSA arrange social events where parents and staff can meet informally. The PSA also organises fundraising activities through which money is raised for extra curricular projects. In the last year PSA support has allowed the school to move forward with a whole range of initiatives that would have been impossible without their help. These include the production of a student magazine, a workshop for Year 9 students on tolerance and mutual respect, equipment for the Media Arts club, our Heritage celebration evening and supporting the successful First Story event. The group is the driving force behind some of the school’s most important events, including the annual Music, Art and Drama festival, the Winter Concert and the School play. Highgate Wood School PSA also provides a means of communication between parents/carers and the school. There are regular meetings (usually two per half term). At some meetings there are presentations from school staff where parents/carers can hear about school initiatives and the work of specific curriculum areas. A member of the governing body is linked to the PSA to ensure there is a clear line of communication between the PSA and the school. There are also “Governors’ Surgeries” during some PSA meetings to allow easy dialogue between parents and school governors.

Communication with parents It is important that parents know what is happening in their child’s school. At Highgate Wood School we use a wide variety of means to help ensure parents are informed and up-to-date with school news and events. We produce a regular magazine, Insight, which is distributed to all students each term. There are also other publications to provide information for a particular event or purpose.

The school uses a wide range of digital tools to improve communication and contact with parents . These include the school website at hws.uk.com, the school newsblog, and the school twitter feed @highgatewood.

We also help parents keep up-to-date by the use of text messages and email communications. If you wish to sign up for school news and you are not yet a member of the Highgate Wood School community please email news@hws.haringey.sch.uk



Students at Highgate Wood School benefit enormously from opportunities to become true global citizens. Through the curriculum they follow, and the development of partnerships with schools across the world, we recognise our students’ enhanced enthusiasm for learning and their openness to new ideas. As a result our students have a greater awareness of themselves, as well as a greater respect and appreciation of others. This is clearly demonstrated by the ways in which they apply critical thinking to local and global issues. Working on projects with peers from different countries has enabled our students to become even more confident and articulate. Our school is involved in a number of prestigious projects with many international partners. We are currently working with schools in six European countries as well as schools in Tunisia, India and South Africa. Our excellent record of effective and sustainable international work has been recognised by the British Council. In September 2011, we received The International Schools Award for a second three year period, something we are extremely proud of.


Model United Nations A key element of our commitment to global citizenship is the Model United Nations programme that we have participated in for the last six years. At Model UN, students take on the role of ambassadors for a particular country and then debate in one or two day conferences around a particular topic. Their goal is to resolve global problems using the structures and formal debating procedures of the UN. Highgate Wood has competed very successfully in Model UN, winning the ‘Best Delegation’ award in the London Conference at their first attempt (and many times since). We have competed internationally, and have helped develop a sister programme in Poland through a Comenius Regio grant. So popular is the programme with our students that we have held our own North London conferences at Highgate Wood School with around 15 other schools involved and 250 – 300 students participating. The Haymarket Theatre Highgate Wood School has a professional industry link with the prestigious Haymarket Theatre. Twice a year, selected Drama and Theatre students are invited to train in acting and production skills at the theatre on Saturdays. The Haymarket Learning training scheme is a huge benefit to the students who are keen to refine their performance skills and develop their confidence at a very professional level. To date, six of our students have performed to large audiences at the theatre and some have become permanent members of the training scheme.

The Saatchi Gallery Our Art Department has long established links with the Saatchi Gallery, one of the world's leading collections of contemporary art. A Key Stage 3 collaboration of sculptures made from recycled objects was recently exhibited in the gallery's education exhibition space. Young Leaders in Haringey Sports Highgate Wood School is one of the leading schools for sport in Haringey. We host the School Games Organiser, coordinating competitive sport for half of the borough. Highgate Wood School works closely with four feeder primary schools; Coleridge Primary, Rokesly Junior, Weston Park Primary and St Aidans Primary and provides ongoing support for these schools to enable primary students' to participate in a high quality PE activities every week. We also coordinate intra school and inter school competition within Haringey providing primary students with the opportunity to compete in a range of different sports and in turn allowing our Highgate Wood School Young Leaders to gain qualifications, skills and experience in volunteering, officiating and leadership.

Highgate Wood School arts college


Highgate Wood School’s Dining Hall

Highgate Wood School completed a major modernisation programme in September 2010 that has transformed the school into an attractive and effective modern learning environment. The school has a state-of-the-art managed computer network contributing to learning and teaching across the school. Most classrooms have an Interactive Whiteboard that supports learning, whilst around the school we have several dedicated ICT areas, including four ICT suites equipped with PCs, three equipped with iMacs for media, music and graphics work. We have five ICT-rich vocational classrooms and further ICT spaces in the Learning Resource Centre and the Staff Sixth Form Study Area. Our computer network extends to the Dining Hall where it supports the system of cashless catering which has removed the need for students to bring money into school. Highgate Wood School works with Wisepay to allow payments to be made on line. The Dining Hall is a bright and airy space, allowing it to be used not only for mealtimes but also as a social space. Catering in the school is now provided by Wilson Jones caterers.

Highgate Wood School arts college

Our Learning Resource Centre offers much more than the traditional library. Here students are able to get support with homework as well as access a whole range of resources to support them in their independent learning and research during the school day and after school. The LRC is also used increasingly to host talks by visiting authors and other similar events.

Early morning football on the all-weather pitch

Our all weather pitch and tennis courts form part of the school’s substantial open spaces. There are sports and training events for students from early in the morning, whilst in the evening and at weekends these facilities are used by the school and also by the wider community.

The new Wren building and LRC block

Learning Resource Centre

Highgate Wood School is now developing its on-line presence, include its Managed Learning Environment and web space to support learning beyond the classroom.

Highgate Wood School’s modernisation programme also included the refurbishment of the Main Hall. Our hall is now a functional and attractive performance space that does credit to the high quality of performance and production that has characterised Highgate Wood School for many years.



The Four Cs

School Uniform

The Student Journal, issued to all students at the beginning of each year, helps them organise their homework and their school day. It is also used as a means of communication between parents and teachers. Notes to a student’s form tutor or teacher or to a parent from a member of staff are often written in the journal.

We wish to encourage all our students to adopt the ethos of the 4Cs before, during and after school.

Highgate Wood School has a school uniform and dress code. The design for the uniform was chosen by the school council in consultation with the wider school community and is periodically reviewed by them.

Within the Student Journal we have a Home-School Agreement which students, parents and tutors sign at the beginning of every year. The agreement has been devised with input from parents, teachers and students, and sets out clearly the expectations and obligations we have of each other that help ensure Highgate Wood School remains a successful, healthy and enjoyable learning community. At the heart of the Home School Agreement is our belief in the 4Cs: the need for Consideration, Cooperation, Courtesy and Contribution to underpin everything that we do.

Courtesy Support each other with kindness and courtesy - No one should feel they are on their own. We expect an automatic sense of courtesy underpinned by the use of “please,” “thank you” and “sorry”. Consideration What we think, say and do affects others… choose your thoughts, words and actions carefully. We expect our students to always be considerate of each other and their surroundings—walking quietly and sensibly, using the bins provided for litter and holding doors open for each other. Contribution Make a positive contribution. We want our students to ensure that they are always making a positive contribution to the school community, taking part in as many activities as they can and taking collective responsibility for making Highgate Wood School a better place.

All students are expected to wear their uniform properly and with pride on the journeys to and from school as well as once they are in school. The current uniform is as follows:

Cooperation Harmony comes a little easier if we all operate within the rules. We expect all our students to cooperate with members of staff and each other. Even if things don’t go as planned or things happen that cause upset and disagreement we still expect members of the Highgate Wood School community to cooperate first and then find a way to deal with the situation.


• Black blazer (with Summer Blue lining) with school logo

• • • •

Black sweater or cardigan (with Summer Blue trim). Black, blue and white striped tie Black trousers or skirt

Black shoes Students need to have a school bag for carrying books and equipment. They are also expected to have a pen, a pencil, a ruler and a calculator for use in lessons as a minimum set of equipment.

Highgate Wood School arts college


The Governing Body

Admissions to Highgate Wood School are administered by the Local Authority. For an application form please contact: Admissions Service Haringey Council 3rd Floor 48 Station Road N22 7TY

Highgate Wood School’s Governing Body work closely with the Headteacher, Senior Management and school staff for the benefit of the whole school community.

Admission to Highgate Wood School sixth form should be made directly through the school.

Additional Information The Education Reform Act 1988 requires the school to give information regarding complaints procedures and its Charging and Remissions Policy. Details of these can be found in the Haringey Council Booklet—Secondary Education in Haringey—School Prospectuses and General Information, Appendices 1 and 2 respectively. Copies of whole school policies are available for perusal and can be found in the school library and on the school’s website at www.hws.uk.com Complaints about school issues should be address in the first instance to the Headteacher and then to the Chair of Governors if a satisfactory outcome has not been achieved.

The word parent has been used throughout this booklet to denote parent, carer, guardian or family of students and prospective students at Highgate Wood School

Highgate Wood School arts college

Chair: Imogen Pennell (Representative) Vice Chair: Eddie Griffith Clerk: Mike Woods Representative Governors: Eddie Griffith LA Representative Governors: Oliver Blackaby vacancy Parent Governors: Caroline Conlon Elizabeth Hess Barth Carol Vincent vacancy vacancy Headteacher Governor: Patrick Cozier Teacher Governors: Tristan Ashman Jennie Kingston Community Governors: Phil Cocksedge Janice Dolan Violet Hazelwood-Henry Chris Parr Charles Wright Support Staff Governor: Meltem Erbil


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