Sixth Form Prospectus 2012

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Key Dates Application for 2012/13 Year 12 places starts on Thursday 1st December 2011 6th Form Open Evening and meeting for students and parents Thursday 8th December from 6:00 to 8:00pm Deadline for 1st Round applications Friday 10th February Interviews will be held during late February and March in 2012. All applicants will be interviewed by either: Mr. Charlesworth – Head of 6th Form Mr. Cozier – Head Teacher Mr. Guenault – Deputy Head Teacher

Start of enrolment for the Sixth Form will be GCSE Results Day 2012 (Thursday 23rd August)

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Highgate Wood School arts college Montenotte Road London N8 8RN Tel: 02083427970 Email:

“I went to an ordinary school that was also amazing in many ways." Robert Peston ex Highgate Wood School student

Highgate Wood School is certainly an amazing place, with amazing staff and amazing students. We have played a part in the education of some very remarkable individuals. From Robert Peston, the BBC’s business editor who played a key role in breaking the banking crisis story, to Gary McKinnon, allegedly the biggest military computer hack of all time, and from the actress Scarlett Johnson, currently starring in the film Panic Button, to David Tims, now making the headlines for his work to alleviate poverty in South Africa, Highgate Wood School has been a lasting influence. And we continue to support extraordinary people and impressive achievements. This summer our Sixth Form maintained SUMMER 2011 RESULTS HEADLINES its five year trend of success and • A* to C grades up for the fifth year running improved performance with 78% of to 78% of all exams taken (2010 71%) all courses examined achieving a • A* grades in Art, English Literature, Product grade at A* to C, up from 71% in Design, Economics and Music Technology. 2010. As a result students from • Students win University places at Russell Highgate Wood will take degree Group Universities including Manchester, places in a wide range of Liverpool, Birmingham and Nottingham. disciplines from History, Politics, Economics, Maths and English to Biochemistry, and Chemical Engineering. Other popular options are Psychology and Media Studies while a record number of Art students move on to Foundation Degrees in Art or Photography. Head Teacher Patrick Cozier, while being pleased with the results from the perspective of the school, has also seen the effect of waiting for results on students, “The rush for University places this year meant that students were under more pressure than usual and so getting good results comes as a relief. The wide range of degree options suggests our students face a challenging and exciting future and we are certainly proud of them all.”

Our Alps score shows Highgate Wood School Sixth Form is in the top 25% for added value. Our students have consistently achieved better grades than they would have at most other schools and colleges .

Head of Sixth Form Nick Charlesworth knows the stories behind this success and the efforts that were involved. “Students and staff worked incredibly hard for these results and it is nice to see such hard work rewarded.“

LEADERSHIP and ENRICHMENT In addition to Highgate Wood School’s well-established range of activities in Music, Art and Drama there are many other ways through which our Sixth Form students can develop their character, skill and experience during the time they are here. We have a leadership and mentoring programme, a debating society and a current affairs club. New for 2011 are 6/8 week courses in Fencing and Martial Arts/Self-Defence. For those who like a sports option we have a slot each week staffed by PE where Sixth Formers can play football, badminton, table tennis, basketball and netball. Away from sports Sixth Form students can participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and this year almost a quarter of students completed the scheme. The school’s involvement in Model UN led to a team of our Sixth Formers taking part in a Model UN conference in Poland, while others travelled to South Africa over the summer to support the work of the Hillcrest Charity. FACILITIES and STUDENT LIFE Students in the Highgate Wood Sixth Form enjoy the exclusive use of two purpose-built spaces. The Sixth Form Common Room is a social area with freeview television, a Wi-Fi network and some internet-enabled PCs. The Sixth Form Study area is accessed using your Sixth Form smartcard. It is a space with over with 30 workstations for private study and research. Your Highgate Wood School Sixth Form smartcard also gives you access to photocopying and printing facilities at the school. The school Dining Hall is open to Sixth Formers throughout the school day, and the space is frequently used by students who wish to study, as well as to relax and have coffee. More information about extra-curricular and enrichment activities can be found on the Sixth Form website.



Entry Requirements: * C in Geography and C in English as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: At A Level Geography interlinks with a variety of other academic disciplines including economics, science, politics, environmental subjects and geology. It requires you to draw on a wide range of skills, including literacy, numeracy, group work, communication and presentation. The study of geography helps develop a more open and informed view of the world in the 21st Century and provides an excellent grounding for further study at university.



2011 Teachers:


Mr Grimmett, Ms Gunes, Ms Hickey


Entry Requirements: * B in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: If you have been fascinated by recent political events - include the Arab Spring, the Occupy London Protests and the tuition fees debate - this could well be the course for you. Government & Politics A Level provides many opportunities for discussion and debate about the “big ideas� and issues of politics and compliments the study of many other AS subjects such as Sociology, History and Philosophy, extremely well. 2011 Teachers: Ms Jacob, Mr Charlesworth



Entry Requirements: * B in History and B in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE Summary: The History course at Highgate Wood Sixth Form gives you the chance to investigate the dramatic political, social and cultural changes that have happened over the past 150 years across Britain, Europe and the World, and helps you understand many of the issues which affect our world today. The study of history also provides you with the tools to develop your understanding and knowledge of many other subjects and disciplines. 2011 Teachers:

Ms Kingston, Mr Charlesworth, Mr Fitzgerald, Ms Georgiadies

TUTORS and PASTORAL SUPPORT Headteacher: Patrick Cozier Head of Sixth Form: Nicholas Charlesworth SLT link: Paul Guenault Admin Support: Nadiege Abolian Sixth Form Academic Mentors: Matthew Astrop, Chris Barker, Owen Brennan, Graham Contor, Audra Daws-Knowles, Hope Hastings, Sonia Jacob, Jennie Kingston, Aude Lacroix, Mikki Patel, Michele Payton, Kalli Stables, Amanda Went.

Highgate Wood Sixth Form has an experienced team of personal tutors. The tutor team includes Heads of Subject from across the school – English, Maths, Science, Social Sciences. History, Art, Media Studies, Drama, Languages and Economics so that the needs of Sixth form students are foremost in the minds of those running the A level curriculum. Sixth form tutors work with students in mixed tutor groups across Year 12 and 13 supporting them from the beginning of their courses here, through to their final exams and their applications to university through the UCAS system. The Head of Sixth Form also manages an additional support programme for Oxbridge, Medicine and Law applicants

The 6th form team at Highgate Wood School

TEACHING STAFF AS and A2 courses are timetabled for nine hours per fortnight with teaching is generally split between two members of staff. Having two teachers provides students with a variety of teaching styles and safeguards continuity should a teacher be away from school. In most instances teachers leading AS courses continue with the same group into A2. There are a small number of courses where the whole nine hours are led by a single member of staff or where at A2, students have different teachers from the ones they had for AS. This occurs only where there is an academic advantage to the teaching group — usually because a member of staff has particular skills or knowledge or because continuity from one teacher matches the specific requirements of the course. Staffing for 2012/13 is not finalised until the Spring but it is expected that the staffing of A level subjects will remain similar to the current allocation in the subject profiles that follow in this prospectus.

OUR CURRICULUM Highgate Wood Sixth Form is fully staffed with specialist teachers for every one of our 27 A Level and other Level 3 subjects. All courses provide the opportunity to continue to completion of the full A Level or Level 3 qualification. While you probably want to reduce the number of subjects you follow in Year 13 we guarantee you with able to continue with any course that you start and successfully complete in Year 12. Students will also have the opportunity to apply to follow the Extended Project course during Year 12 leading to a valuable additional qualification valued especially by Russell Group Universities and Oxbridge. This involves a demanding piece of research that allows you to demonstrate some of the higher skills and capabilities that the top universities are expecting to see.



Subjects are available in Blocks and it is not always possible to take the exact choice of subjects you may wish to. However, we do our best to ensure that every sixth form student is able to take the subjects that will give them the best chance of success. The option blocks below are from the current year and are given only as a guide to the sort of combinations that students often choose. Block A

Block B

Block C

Block D

Block E


Art & Design



Art & Design

English Language


English Literature


Business Studies

English Literature






Media Studies


Media Studies

Government & Politics


Music Technology


Product Design








Business Studies BTEC


New Media Arts


Art & Design



Art & Design



Government & Politics

English Literature


English Language





English Literature



Media Studies




Media Studies

Music Technology




Product Design




Business Studies BTEC



Business Studies BTEC


New Media Arts

GCSE Maths


New Media Arts

Final timetable blocks for 2012/13 will be finalized in early 2012. Students in Year 12 can take up to five AS options – most take four and a small number three along with GCSE Maths. Confirmation of courses is part of the enrolment system when students have their GCSE grades. Together with the subjects listed students can opt for an Extended Project or Further Maths. Both these subjects are timetabled specifically for the students taking them and have specific entry requirements.


Entry Requirements: * B in Art and C in English as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE.

Mr Marriot, Mr Maclaren, Ms Zwicky, Ms Masters COURSE:


Entry Requirements: * B in Biology or A in Double Science, together with a B in Maths as part of 5 A* - C grades Summary: The Biology course at Highgate Wood involves a high proportion of practical work and students enjoy a wide variety of lectures and visits. In Year 13 Biology students have a five day field trip to Pendarren which has proved to be extremely popular and also useful for University application. Biology can supplement Chemistry and Physics, but also goes well with studying other subjects such as History or English. 2011 Teachers:


Mr Nayar, Mr Rowland, Ms Smith


Entry Requirements: * D in English

4 A* to C grades and at least a

Summary: BTEC Business Studies is ideally suited for those who have an active interest in how business works, and want to develop their understanding of enterprise and entrepreneurship. The course allows you to achieve a BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business (equivalent to 2 A Levels) or for those who wish to it is possible to complete an additional six units of work over the two years and achieve a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (equivalent to 3 A Levels) and is an accepted route to Business at degree level. 2011 Teachers:

Ms Hastings, Mr Frimpong, Mr Brokenshire


2011 Teachers:


Summary: Art is a very popular and successful subject at Highgate Wood. Over the last few years, we have had two groups at both AS and A2 level, creating a large and supportive art community in the sixth form. Many of our students go onto foundation courses or other art related courses – indeed, we have a 100% track record placing students onto art and associated degree or pre-degree programmes.






Entry Requirements: * B in Chemistry or A in Double Science, together with a B in Maths as part of 5 A* - C grades



Summary: Chemistry A level is a requirement of most science degrees, including Engineering, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Medicine as well as useful for any science career. Our course includes many practical activities which enable you to make your own observations on the concepts taught in the subject. A level Chemistry students have attended lectures run by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chemistry department at University College, London. 2011 Teachers:


Ms Patel, Dr Choudhary, Ms Cline


Entry Requirements: * B in Drama and C in English as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: Drama A Level offers many exciting opportunities. You will develop your practical skills as makers and performers of drama, while also extending your theoretical understanding of the subject. Drama students are expected to work outside lessons, in rehearsals for their performances as well as theatre trips and other activities to expand their experience of drama and the theatre. Several trips to professional theatres are organised throughout the year. 2011 Teachers: Mr Contor, Mr Brown, Ms Stables, Ms Keates COURSE:


Entry Requirements: * B in Maths and C in English as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE Summary: Economics is recognised as a challenging Alevel. It demands the ability to write essays in a concise style, and also the mathematical ability to manipulate numerical data, understand graphs and use basic algebra. Together with developing your understanding of the world, an Economics A-level provides you with a highly valued academic qualification.

2011 Teachers:

Ms Hastings, Mr Frimpong, Mr Brokenshire


Entry Requirements: * B in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE.

2011 Teachers: Ms Wood, Ms Watkins


Entry Requirements: * B in English Literature as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: English Literature offers the opportunity to experience a wide range of literature and students should be keen readers if they wish to pursue the subject. You will enhance your powers of analysis, develop your written and spoken communication skills and broaden your knowledge of literary texts through the study of literature. The department runs trips to the theatre and to seminars to broaden students' experience of the subject. 2011 Teachers:


Mr Barker, Mr Papagno, Ms Watkins


Entry Requirements: * grades at GCSE.

B in French as part of 5 A* - C

Summary: With the increasing influence of Europe on our lives, it is becoming more and more important to be able to communicate in more than one language. Taking French at A level creates opportunities to gain a greater understanding of other cultures and to broaden horizons, as well as making your first steps towards a career or further study using another language.

2011 Teachers: Ms Clyne, Ms Lacroix




Summary: If you’re interested in studying non-fiction texts and speech transcripts as well as literature, and you’re keen on doing some creative writing, then this would be the perfect course for you. You will explore how language works: its structure and function; its development and variation. There will be opportunities for students to produce original work and develop their ability to express themselves in a range of different contexts.




ICT OCR National Level 3 B or Merit in ICT as part of 5 A* -



Entry Requirements: * A in Maths as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. (A* required for Further Maths A Level) Summary: An A Level in Mathematics is a qualification that is in demand by both the employers and universities. The ability to understand logical arguments as well as being extremely numerate is a much sought after quality. Career opportunities range from finance and accountancy through to scientific and industrial research, engineering and computing. For suitable candidates, Further Maths A Level is also available. 2011 Teachers:


Ms Diego, Mr Mitchell, Ms Phillips, Mr Attafuah


Entry Requirements: * B in Media Studies or C in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: Media Studies combines the theoretical understanding of mass media and popular culture through detailed deconstruction and analysis of a wide range of different media texts with an exciting practical element which will stretch your creative and technical talents. You will benefit from an extremely well resourced computer network. Lessons are supported with trips to the British Film Institute, guest speakers and opportunities for students to run media clubs. 2011 Teachers: Ms Daws-Knowles, Ms Pinnick, Ms O’Borne


2011 Teachers: Mr Odei


Summary: This course builds an your understanding of the impact of communication technologies on society, as well as teaching a broad range of competencies in ICT including multimedia, spreadsheets and desk top publishing. The OCR National allows you to develop the skills that are useful for all degree courses and most employment opportunities as well as extending your knowledge and experience of computing in general.


Entry Requirements: * C grades at GCSE.



Entry Requirements: * B in Music as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: If you have a talent for music or aspire to perform and compose, or if you are highly motivated by music and want to develop your analytical and theoretical skills, then a music A level may be the choice for you. You will be working in a highly creative environment which has an excellent track record of success.



2011 Teachers:


Mr Harlow, Ms Ryan, Mr Guenault, Ms Dornan


Entry Requirements: * grades at GCSE.

B in Music as part of 5 A* - C

Summary: If you want to develop the theoretical and practical knowledge of setting up a sound system and a recording studio, if you have an interest in editing and mixing multi-track recordings and if you wish to improve your musical vocabulary and understanding, then Music Technology could be the course for you. A basic level of keyboard skill and a good understanding of notation are essential. 2011 Teachers: Mr Ekstrom


NEW MEDIA ARTS OCR National Level 3

Entry Requirements: * D in English

4 A* to C grades and at least a

Summary: New Media Arts is a highly practical course with a strong vocational focus on the Creative and Media sector. It is designed for imaginative, hands-on students who want to learn through integrated and interactive units in Media, Graphics, Film and Music Technology. The courses focus on real scenarios and core skills could lead you to a degree and a career in an industry that now comprises about a fifth of the national workforce 2011 Teachers:

Ms Daws-Knowles, Mr Astrop, Ms Dornan


Entry Requirements: * B in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE.



Entry Requirements: * B in Art and C in English Language s part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: Photography is connected to many facets of daily life, including television, film, journalism, art, politics, history and music. Exploring the ideas, history, contexts and techniques of visual representation, as well as helping you develop the practical skills you need in modern photography - taking photographs and manipulating these images - this course will provide a invaluable training for those who wish to pursue a future in art or the media. 2011 Teachers:


Mr Astrop, Ms Masters, Ms Zwicky


Entry Requirements: * B in PE and C in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: The A Level PE course is divided into two section, each worth 50% of the overall grade. The first section is theoretical, exploring the history of sport and the implications of long-term physical activity on the mind and body as well as the scientific basis (physiological and psychological) of top level performance. The second section places emphasis on work as a performer, a coach and an official in a sport of your choice as well as researching the structures and pathways of sports development. 2011 Teachers: Mr Ibrahim, Mr Pryor


2011 Teachers: Ms Lewis, Ms Burniston


Summary: Philosophy is about using rational argument and logical thinking to shine some light on life’s big questions. It will help you to become a better thinker, considering abstract subjects and applying them to everyday life. Topics include epistemology, the study of knowledge, how it is gained and what we can truly know as well as Morality, tolerance, free will and determinism. In A2 you will study an additional two units which includes Political Philosophy and the Philosophy of Religion.





Entry Requirements: * B in Physics or A in Double Science, together with an A in Maths as part of 5 A* - C grades Summary: Studying Physics provides an excellent background for many degree courses, including Engineering, and is also a first-rate preparation for a wide range of careers relating to science. You will build significantly on your Science knowledge from GCSE and will find that at A level, there is a much higher proportion of practical work to complete.



2011 Teachers:


Mr Brennan, Mr Hartley


Entry Requirements: * C in a Design Technology as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE Summary: Product Design is about problem solving, designing, making and evaluating products. It requires imagination and knowledge of materials, techniques and technologies. This exciting course gives talented, motivated students the opportunity to create innovative solutions which demonstrate flair, imagination and practical problem solving skills through a series of design challenges. 2011 Teachers: Ms Went, Mr McDonagh



Entry Requirements: * B in Maths and C in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE Summary: Psychology is the scientific study of how people think, feel and behave. This course provides a fascinating insight into how the mind works, looking at a variety of topics including memory, child development, social influence and anxiety disorders. Learn why some people develop an irrational fear of ordinary objects, what factors led ordinary members of the public to follow orders to electrocute another person to death and the arguments for and against the view that some of us are ‘born bad’. 2011 Teachers:

Ms McGurk, Ms Jacob


Entry Requirements: * C in English Language as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE.

2011 Teachers: Mr Robertson, Ms Jacob



Entry Requirements: * B in Spanish as part of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Summary: With the increasing influence of Europe on our lives, it is becoming more and more important to be able to communicate in more than one language. Taking Spanish at A level creates opportunities to gain a greater understanding of other cultures and to broaden horizons, as well as make your first steps towards a career or further study using another language

2011 Teachers:

Ms Booth, Mr El Gomri

* meeting the entry requirements for a particular course does not guarantee you will be accepted on to it.


Summary: Is there a link between violence in the media and violent behaviour in society? Are the police institutionally racist? Why are girls outperforming boys in education? How can we explain rising divorce rates? If these are questions you want answers for, then this is the course for you. Sociology provides an opportunity to develop a better understanding of our social world and compliments the study of other AS subjects including History, Philosophy and Government & Politics extremely well.



Highgate Wood School arts college

Montenotte Road Crouch End London N8 8RN Tel: 020 83427970 Email:

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