Sew On &
Sew Forth
Lois Williams tried to stop, but the siren song of Quilting proved irresistible.
ois Williams Wrangle is a prolific quilter, but she hasn’t always been. Her quilting epiphany came in 1995. A friend at Church of the Good Shepherd made quilts for annual fundraising raffles. When she had to quit, she asked church women to continue in her stead. Lois didn’t know how to quilt, but she wanted the tradition to continue. On the following Wednesday at 12:30 on a wing, a prayer, and a fat quarter, she walked into the Cashiers Quilters weekly meeting to embark on a new craft. The rest is history.
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The quilters welcomed her with open arms, nimble-thimbled fingers, and yards of fabulous fabric. Today Lois stitches lap quilts, adult and baby quilts, and so much more. If a thing’s not moving she’s likely to cover it with nine-patch, double-wedding ring, or eightpoint star. Her husband once laughingly said, “Okay, let me get this straight. You buy a bunch of fabric. You cut it into little pieces. Then you stitch it all back together again.” Right now, Lois is working on three quilts, shifting one to the other. Her most recent project is a pink baby quilt. Yep, you guessed
90 M AY 2 0 21 | T H E L A U R E L M A G A Z I N E . C O M