Highnotes: April 13, 2009

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April 13, 2009

Take Note

Highlands School Parents Auxiliary Proudly Presents:

Parents Auxiliary needs you for next year!

Highlands 51st Anniversary Spring Fling Sunday, April 26, 2009 3:00-5:30 PM Come enjoy the Games, Entertainment, Moonwalks, Dunktank, Clowns, Snow Cones and more…

We especially need two Chairs for Spring Fling for next year and a few chair-elect positions. If you are interested in chairing or co-chairing a committee (found in your handbook on pages 4144), please contact Jenny Walker (click on her name to email her or call her at 879-8727). Thank you!

School Supply Orders for the 2009 - 2010 School Year are now being taken. See page 3 for details!

Please fill out the registration form on page 5 or the one that was sent home via student backpack mail. Return your form and payment to the Office or give it to your child’s teacher.

Registration Deadline: April 17, 2009

Calendar Highlights Fri.

April 17 Heads for the Day - William and James Dixon Babe Ruff from the Baron’s will be at afternoon carpool Mon 20 Barons Ticket Orders are due 20 - 24 ERB’s 24 Preschool Play for Parents at 8:15 a.m. Spencer Center Preschool Play for Students at 10:00 a.m. Spencer Center Highlands School Third Annual Night at the Baron’s Game 26 Middle School Spring Trip Students Leave at 1:00 p.m. Spring Fling 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Soccer Field Thurs. 30 Prospective Parent Open House 9:00 a.m. Learning Center Contact Judy McDonald for more information Fri. May 1 Middle School Spring Trip Students Return


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Preschool Welcomes Mr. I Mr. I has arrived from Letter People Land. He is covered with inches. Those inches wanted to measure a giraffe by themselves. Impossible! Not by themselves. With the help of all the preschool students, teachers and some staff, some forty- three people in all, we got that giraffe measured by working together. Highlands Students Achieve Duke TIP Recognition Congratulations to the following students who achieved State Recognition status in the Duke University Talent Identification Program: Henry Bernard, Will Crain, Andrew Denard, Leila Haikala, Jack O’Malley, Emily Polhill, Patrick Scalise, and Maddie Seidel. These students are invited to attend an awards ceremony in Tuscaloosa in May. To qualify for state recognition, seventh graders must score above the 50th percentile for high school juniors and seniors. Emily Polhill (pictured right) also qualified to participate in the Grand Recognition Ceremony in Durham, North Carolina on Monday, May 18. To achieve this recognition, she scored at the 90th percentile for high school juniors and seniors.

Short Notes

Save the Date! Friday, April 24 Highlands School Third Annual Night at the Barons! Tickets are $5 a person The ticket order form is on page 4! Orders are due by Monday, April 20!

Middle School Trip Reminders

The middle school Greenhouse elective class of is up and growing with Celebrity and Better Boy hybrids and Homestead varieties.

-The students and teachers will leave for the Middle School Trip at 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 26 from the Spencer Center Parking Lot.

The students have transplanted and sold over 100 plants for Good Friday plantings and more are available at very competitive prices. All proceeds go into the elective class for soil and supplies.

-The students and teachers will return at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 1.

See any greenhouse student or email Mr. Mac at rmcdonald@highlandsschool.org to place your order.

-Notarized health forms are due on Friday, April 17.

Tomato Plants Up and Growing!


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ERB Testing Students will take ERB tests during the week of April 20. Students in grades 3-5 will test Monday, April 20 through Thursday, April 23. Students in grades 6-8 take tests on Tuesday-Thursday only. Any students needing to take make-up tests will do so on Friday, April 24. See the tips below for information on how you can help students perform at their best. Get a good night’s rest. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Arrive at school on time. Students must wait in the office if they arrive after testing has begun. Avoid absences unless you are sick. Bring two #2 pencils. Teachers are also advising students on how to achieve their best results. If you have any questions, contact your child’s teacher or Shelby Hammer. Order your 2009 - 2010 School Supplies Now Avoid those Back-to-School shopping crowds this summer and let the Parents’ Auxiliary do your shopping for you! Information and order forms for 2009 -2010 school supplies were sent home in backpacks last week. Please read the information carefully and send in your order along with a check made payable to the Parents' Auxiliary no later than Friday April 17. This information and the order form are also available on our school website www.highlandsschool.org. Follow the Parents’ Auxiliary link in the Highlands Parents block on the home page. Questions? Call Carole Mazer at 995-0864.

Time to Register for a Summer at Highlands! Highlands School’s Higher Degree of Learning does not end when the school year is over. A Summer at Highlands offers sixty-seven unique opportunities tailored to your child’s age group with talented teachers and quality resources you expect from Highlands School. We also offer Morning and Afternoon Care for children who are attending camps. Register now - before the camps fill up! Click here to be directed to the Highlands School 2009 EDP Summer Catalog Brochure. Or contact Gabe McCool, Highlands Summer Camp Director, for more information.


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Highlands School Family Night With the Birmingham Barons Catch Great Baseball Action! Friday, April 24, 2009 Gates open @ 5:50 p.m. Game begins @ 7:05 p.m. The Birmingham Barons have reserved a block of tickets for our students, faculty and family members. We can all sit together at the game, be welcomed over the PA system and students in attendance will be able to sing the National Anthem at the beginning of the game. Our discounted general admission tickets are only $5.00 each! This night will be Batting Helmet Night. The first 1,000 kids into the ballpark receive a Barons batting helmet just like the players wear! And make your plans to stick around after the game to enjoy the Friday Night Fireworks Spectacular! Please return the order form below along with cash or checks made payable to: Highlands School. All ticket orders must be turned in by Monday, April 20th. You will be able to pick up your tickets at the WILL CALL Window at Regions Park. There are a limited number of tickets available! Orders will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Tickets must be ordered in advance to receive the discount. See you at the game!

BARONS BASEBALL GAME ORDER FORM Put this order form in an envelope marked “Barons Game�, and have your student return to his/her homeroom teacher. Family Name ________________________

Phone Number ______________________

Number of Tickets @ $5.00 each ______________

Amount enclosed $ _______

Make checks payable to Highlands School.


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Highlands 51st Anniversary Spring Fling April 26, 2009 3:00 - 5:30 PM Please return the completed form by Friday, April 17th to the Highlands School Office or your child’s teacher Please submit payment (checks should be made payable to Highlands School) along with your registration form to the Office or turn in to your child’s teacher. Student Name:




Homeroom/Advisor teacher

Admission and Food options (same price for both children and adults) *each dinner includes a drink


_______ guests @ $10 each = ________

Games, Chicken sandwich dinner

_______ guests@ $15 each = ________

Grilled chicken breast on Kaiser, coleslaw, chips and chocolate chip cookie

Games, BBQ sandwich dinner

_______ guests@ $15 each = ________

BBQ pork sandwich (sauce on side), coleslaw, baked beans and chocolate chip cookie

Games, Hot dog dinner

_______ guests @ $12 each =________

Hot dog, chips and chocolate chip cookie

Total Amount Due = $_________

**Additional drinks and snow cones will be available for purchase at the event.

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