Highnotes: August 24, 2009

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August 24, 2009

Take Note Save the Date Parents’ Auxiliary Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 8 8:05 a.m. Learning Center Highlands School Sally Foster Catalog Sale orders are due back at school by Friday, August 28! Highlands will receive 50% of all sales. The money raised will help fund field trips for the 2009-2010 School Year.

Attention Learning Center Carpool Families: During the morning carpool on the Learning Center side, please do not block the Family Center drop-off lane. Please keep this lane free for Family Center Families to park and take their children into the Center. The sign that marked this lane was damaged during a summer storm and we are in the process of getting a replacement. Thank you for your help with this matter.

Dear Parents, We are a little more than a week into the new school year; the faculty and students have transitioned smoothly, and I hope that you have, as well. At Highlands School, not only do we want to do the right thing, we want to communicate with you about what, why, and how we do it. We hope that you are taking full advantage of the reworked website, Twitter, and the Highlands Facebook Page, and Highnotes . Health issues, specifically, the H1N1 situation will be a topic of communication for us this year. Highlands Family Center had a case of Type A flu, most likely H1N1, this summer. The case was very mild, and no other children, caregivers, or family members developed symptoms. Many predict that almost every school will have cases of H1N1 this fall. Please think about your childcare plans should your child become ill. Students must remain at home until they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications. For many of us, staying home for a week with a sick child could be very disruptive to our workplaces, so please think through this possibility ahead of time. Please continue to develop and encourage illness prevention habits at home as we do the same at school. Handwashing and hand sanitizing continue to be very effective prevention techniques. We are in close contact with the Jefferson County Health Department and will keep you posted on any vaccine developments that arise. There is a chance that vaccinations will be available at schools. I will continue to post information about H1N1 on the Head’s Page of the website. As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Kathryn Woodson Barr

Calendar Highlights Tuesday

Aug. 25

Camp McDowell 5th Grade Parent Meeting 6:30 p.m. Learning Center Thursday 27 Class of 2010 Leadership Retreat Friday 28 Class of 2010 Leadership Retreat Sally Foster Orders are Due - Last Day Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 3-4 Speech and Hearing Screening Monday 7 Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL/OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday 8 Parents’ Auxiliary Meeting 8:05 a.m. Learning Center


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Cub Scouts Pack 88 New Dens Forming For Boys in 1st-5th Grade Scout Night to sign up for awesome fun and adventure is this Thursday Night at 6:30pm in the Spencer Center. Parents and boys are all welcome – you don’t have to have been in scouting before to begin this great adventure now! Come for information, registration, fun and more! Questions? Unable to attend? Email Ed Sims.

General Carpool Rules During morning carpool on the Learning Center side, please do not block the Family Center drop-off lane. Please keep this lane free for Family Center Families. Please Do Not Use Your Cell Phone Always Display Your Carpool Number Pull forward as directed by the teachers; do not change lanes Put your car in park as children are loaded into cars After loading, exit only as directed by the teachers Please do not get outside of your car while in the car line.

Do You Shop at


If you do, then make sure you pick up a Highlands/Publix Partner Card from the front office. Then, each time you shop at a Publix ask the cashier to scan your Publix Partner card and Highlands will receive 1% of your purchase. This is a great and easy way to help our school. All funds received from this program will benefit the Highlands School Annual Giving Campaign. And don’t forget to ask your family and friends, who may not have students at other schools, to help out Highlands by using the Publix Partner card when they shop at Publix. We began participating in this program during the 2007-2008 school year. Since that time Highlands has received $2,513.30 from the Publix Partners program. Thank you to everyone who is helping Highlands by participating in this fundraising program.

Short Notes Calling All 5th Grade Parents! Remember to attend the Camp McDowell Parent Information Meeting on Tuesday, August 25. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Learning Center. If you have questions please contact Amy Mendel, Lower School Head.

Has your Family made your commitment to the 2009-2010 Annual Fund? There are two easy ways that your family can participate: 1. You can “Pledge Now and Pay Later.” This will count your family as participating and you will have until the end of our fiscal year, June 30, 2010, to pay it off. For your convenience, pledge reminders can be sent on a schedule you choose. 2. Or, you can send your check marked “Annual Fund” to the school office via your student or through snail mail. Thank you for your support of Highlands School!


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Please join us in thanking the following people for the role they played in providing the refreshments prior to the Parent’s Night meeting. From providing food and drinks to helping to move tables and food when the rain started pouring down, they helped the evening begin with a wonderful time of food, fellowship and friends. When you see them around campus please take a moment to express your appreciation. Beba and Tasos Touloupis Ted’s to Go and Ted’s Catering Rebecca Corretti and Ken Effinger Corretti Catering at the Carraway-Davie House Brooke and Joe Maluff Full Moon BBQ Brandi and Greg Yaghmai Parents’ Auxiliary Hospitality Chair Lisa and Victor Altamirano Dorothy Crawford Susan Duong Amy and Howie Fell Liesel and Will French Laurie Hart Leslie Kelly Karen Luce Kiki Scalise Nicole Stewart Kate Walthall Mary Williams And everyone else who helped to move the tables, food and drinks when the rain came down. So many fathers pitched in to help move the tables, and moved them so quickly, that it was hard to see who all helped.

Parents Please Note: Mrs. Han has requested that each student in grades 1-8 have a binder for their Chinese class. Please make sure your student has a binder so that they will be prepared for Mrs. Han’s class. Thank you!


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