Highnotes: February 17, 2009

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February 17, 2009

Take Note Information about the Southside Baseball Association registration can be found on pages 3 and 4. The summer camp catalog is here! This year, summer camps will be offered beginning June 1st and ending July 31st. We have a lot to choose from so please take a look. You may soon access the catalog on the website www.highlandsschool.org or I can email one to you directly. If you know other children outside of Highlands that may want to attend, feel free to forward on the information; we would love to have them. This year we will host a Summer at Highlands Open House on May 16th from 10am until 12pm. This will give you a chance to ask any questions you may have, tour the campus, or fill out necessary forms. We will accept contracts at this time, but many camps may be full so we encourage you to sign up prior to the Open House. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or concerns. I will also have hard copies of the catalog soon if you need them. I can’t wait to see you all at camp this summer! Gabe McCool EDP/Summer Camp Director

Highlands School Students Dominate Optimist Essay Contest Three middle school students from Highlands School won first, second, and third place in the annual Optimist Essay Contest. The contest was conducted by the Optimist Club of Birmingham. Students were required to write a five paragraph essay on “The Power of Youth” and then Optimist Club judges scored the essays. The results were the following: First PlaceElizabeth Anne Brown (pictured at left with her mother, Haden Brown); Second PlaceCori Mazer (pictured top-right with her parents, Michael and Carole Mazer ; and Third Place-Patrick S. O'Neal (pictured bottom-right with his parents, Carl and Lynne O’Neal). We are so proud of our students for winning all three places since others schools participated! The students, their parents, and Mrs. Darden attended the awards luncheon on February 12, 2009, at the YWCA downtown. The students read their essays and received recognition. The winning essay, written by Elizabeth Anne Brown, will be forwarded to the district essay chair for further competition. Way to go, Highlands School!

Calendar Highlights Wed. Feb. 18 3rd - 5th Grade Field Trip to Children’s Theatre Thurs. 19 Middle School Drama for Parents and Guests 6:30 p.m. Spencer Center Fri. 20 Middle School Drama for Students 10:00 a.m. Middle School Dance 6:30 - 9:30 Mon. 23 5th and 6th Grade National French Contest Tues. 24 Preschool to Children’s Theatre Wed. 25 3rd and 4th Grade National French Contest Thurs. 26 Creativity Convention Middle School Exams Fri. 27 Middle School Exams


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Help Us Celebrate the Twentieth Year for the

National African American Read-In Sponsored by the Black Caucus of NCTE and NCTE

Monday, February 23, 2009 Spencer Center 8:05 a.m. Save the Date! School-wide Grandparents and/or Special Friends Day 2009! Friday, April 3 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Invitations to this annual event will be mailed on Friday, March 13. If you did not provide the Grandparent information on your students’ information form at the beginning of the school year please email it to Peggy Darby at pdarby@highlandsschool.org before Friday February 27. Also, if your student would like to invite a special friend in place of a grandparent please send their contact information before Friday, February 27. Please be sure to include your students name and teacher when you email Peggy. If you have any questions about this event please feel free to contact Peggy.

Short Notes Congratulations to the entire Katz Family on their newest addition! Joseph (PS) and Lawson Katz are thrilled to announce the arrival of their baby brother, Timothy. Timothy was born on January 27, 2009.

Additional Information from the Board of Trustees In previous issues of Highnotes, you read a Note from the Board of Trustees with information about the 10 Monthly Payment Plan through Tuition Management Systems (TMS) and an announcement that in 2009-10, parents may enroll with TMS for credit card payments. Please note that TMS may impose a convenience fee on credit card payments if you choose this option with them. A Direct Debit Option (DDO) is available through TMS at no additional charge. If you have additional questions, please visit www.afford.com or contact an Education Payment Advisor at 800-722-4867.


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Southside Ball Association PO Box 321414 Birmingham, AL 35232

Dear Parents and Guardians, Its baseball season again and we are excited to announce open registration for Southside Ball 2009 season. For the second year, Highlands School is partnering with Southside Ball to offer baseball and T-ball. If you are not familiar with Southside Ball, we are responsible for organizing baseball and t-ball in Avondale Park in the spring. We are excited to announce that the city has approved $3 million for park renovations and we expect to break ground within 12 months. Therefore, we are expecting a record year in player participation and sponsorships. Our motto is “where baseball is fun� and that will continue to be our driving tenent for the next year. We seek to create a relaxed atmosphere that fosters open communication and participation at all skill levels. We are accepting registrations online now for our baseball and softball leagues. Open registration will be available at Avondale Library on February 14th and 21st from 1 to 4 PM, and at the park on February 28th as well as March 7th. Open registration ends on March 7th. T-ball for girls and boys 4-6 years old. Baseball for boys and girls 7-10 years old. Baseball for boys 11-14 years old. Join us for Opening Day festivities on March 28th as we swing in the start of the season with a true community event celebrating the importance of youth sports to our children, family, neighborhood, and city. Please also join us by answering the call to volunteer your time as a coach or team parent. More information can be found online at www.southsideball.com or by calling 205-661-4586. Best regards, Kevin Hodgkins President, 2009 Southside Ball Association P.S. You can also register by turning in the form on page 4 to Kage Cavanah.


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Southside Ball Association PO Box 321414 Birmingham, AL 35232

PLAYER REGISTRATION FORM 2009 (Online registration available at www.southsideball.com) Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Gender: _________ Grade: _________ School: _____________________________________ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): ______________ (If you wish your child to be with particular teammates, please indicate their name(s) here. We will do our best to honor these requests.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Uniform Size (Please circle one): Child S Child M Child L Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL Name of Parent(s) or Guardian: ________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: _______________________ ZIP:_______ Home Phone: ____________________ Work Phone: __________________ Cell Phone: ___________ E-mail Address: _______________________________________ Other Guardian Name: _______________________ Other Guardian Name: ____________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Home Phone: _____________________ Work Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Cell Phone: ______________________ E-mail: ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Parents/Guardians would be willing to volunteer as: Assistant Coach Team Parent Coach Directory Coordinator Opening Day Committee Trophy Coordinator Commissioner Field Maintenance Picture Day Committee Other: _____________________________________________________________________ FEES: Boys and Girls T-Ball (ages 4-6): ($65 participation fee + $20 uniform fee) = $85 per child Baseball (ages 7+) / Fast-pitch Softball (ages 7+): $90 participation fee + $20 uniform fee) = $110 per child A 25% discount for 2nd child and 50% discount is in effect. Payment plans and scholarships are available. Please talk to a league official for more information. Enclosed is $ ___________ for registering _____ child(ren). Enclosed is $ ___________ contribution to the Dick Crittendon Memorial Endowment Fund. Enclosed is $ ___________ contribution to the Richard Albany Memorial Endowment Fund. (We have two endowment funds that provide financial aid for players in need and for capital improvements. Please consider a donation.)

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SOUTHSIDE P.O. Box 321414 Birmingham, AL 35232


I hereby agree to release and hold harmless the Southside Ball Association (the “League”), its coaches, commissioners, officers, officials, agents, and employees from any and all claims arising out of injury to my child except to the extent covered by the League’s accident and liability insurance. I authorize emergency treatment for my child if injured. I further agree to be responsible for the return of all equipment issued to my child or to pay for its replacement. I also agree to abide by the Sportsmanship and Safety Policies of Southside Ball (provided on request or by first game).

Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian __________________________________________________________

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