August 25, 2008
Thanks for a wonderful first week of school! We thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures from the week.
Take Note Highlands School Parents’ Auxiliary 2008 - 2009 Spiritwear Now is the time to order your Highlands Spiritwear. Orders are due by Friday, August 29 to ensure a delivery date of September 16. The price list and order forms were emailed to all parents this past Friday. If you need another order form or if you have questions please contact Lee Kauper at 937-9102.
Highlands School Sally Foster GiftWrap Sale is now underway! All orders are due back by Friday, September 5. Sally Foster Orders will be available for pick-up on October 22. Don’t forget Picture Day is Thursday, September 11! Wear your best smile!
Calendar Highlights Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs.
Sept. 1 2 3 4
Thurs.- Fri 4-5 Fri. 5 Mon.-Tues. 8-9 Thurs. 11 Tues.
Wed.-Fri. 17-19
Labor Day Holiday - No School & Offices Closed Parents’ Auxiliary Meeting 6:30 p.m. Learning Center New Parent Coffee 8:00 a.m. Learning Center 5th Grade Parents Meeting RE: Camp McDowell Learning Center 6:30 p.m. Class of 2009 Leadership Retreat Sally Foster Sale Ends Speech and Hearing Screening Picture Day! Don’t forget your smile! 9/11 Pledge on the Quad A Day in the Life (K, 2nd, 3rd, MS) Spencer Center 5th Grade to Camp McDowell
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Short Notes
Come Join the Fun with Your Friends in Cub Scouts
If you have a son in 1st grade through 5th grade, please plan to attend the Cub Scout recruitment meeting on Tuesday, August 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the Spencer Center . Currently we are planning Den meetings on Tuesdays (3-4:30 pm for 3rd, 4th, 5th graders with Den Leader Aaron Nafziger, and 5-6pm for 1st and 2nd graders with Den Leader Mike Madden. If we have more than four 2nd and 3rd graders, they will have a separate Den which will meet Thursdays 3-4pm. We will discuss the many activities planned through out the year. Some of the events include: Top Gun BB gun contest Sept 13, Soap Box Derby Nov 15, Overnight at Sequoia Oct 25, and Pinewood Derby held in February . If you are not able to attend the meeting and would like more information, please email
Do You Shop at
If you do, then make sure you pick up a Highlands/Publix Partner Card from the front office. Then, each time you shop at a Publix ask the cashier to scan your Publix Partner card and Highlands will receive 1% of your purchase. This is a great and easy way to help our school. All funds received from this program will benefit the Highlands School Annual Giving Campaign. As of today, Highlands has received $866.67 from the Publix Partners program. Thank you to everyone who is helping Highlands by participating in this fundraising program.
General Carpool Rules No Cell Phone Use Display Carpool Number Pull forward as directed by the teachers; do not change lanes Put your car in park as children are loaded into cars After loading, exit only as directed by the teachers Please do not get outside of your car while in the car line. During morning carpool on the Learning Center side, please do not block the Family Center dropoff lane. Please keep this lane free for Family Center Families. Avary and Bruce Lanier on their new baby brother, Jim. He was born on Monday, August 18.
Registration for the 7th & 8th Grade Cross-Country Team is currently underway. Contact Kage Cavanah, Director of Athletics and Wellness, for more information.