Highnotes: January 26, 2009

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January 26, 2009

Take Note Attention Middle School Parents: Mark your calendar to attend the Middle School Trip Parent Meeting on Thursday, February 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Learning Center. It is time for Spring Soccer Registration. Please fill out the form on page 3 and along with a check for $145 (or $135 by February 6th for Early Bird Registration) return to Highlands, Attention: Gabe McCool. The deadline for registration is February 12th. Games will begin the weekend of March 14th. Coaches, please pass this info on to your nonHighlands players. We will assume all coaches from the Fall will continue to coach in the Spring unless we hear otherwise. Coaches will contact you regarding practice day and time and when practice will begin. Thank you! Gabe McCool

Dear Parents, Highlands School seeks to lead and educate students, but fairly often, the students lead and educate the adults. During the interdisciplinary study of Africa that culminated in AbracadAfrica, the middle school students learned about the goals of Invisible Children (http://www.invisiblechildren.com/home.php). Sixth grader, Will Pannell, met with me and proposed a way for the school to help this organization. He suggested that the Highlands community collect aluminum cans from now through May 1, at which time he will take the cans and sell them for recycling and donate the money to Invisible Children. With the help of his parents, Will has already set up two collection spots – one in the copy room in the office and one in the middle school. I am proud of Will for being proactive in helping children in Africa and the environment in our hometown. Will’s initiative is one example of the impact that students can have on the adults around them and on the world. Let’s pledge to ourselves that we will continue to lead and educate our students such that they will turn around and lead and educate us.

Kathryn Woodson Barr

Calendar Highlights Tues. Jan. 27 Noon Dismissal - All Students - Parent Teacher Conferences Wed. 28 No School for Students - Parent Teacher Conferences Fri. 30 ASCM - Black History Month Presentation by Karen Morris 8:05 a.m. Spencer Center Thurs. Feb. 5 Middle School Trip Parent Meeting 6:30-7:30 p.m. Learning Center Fri. 6 Altamont to perform at All-School Community Meeting Spencer Center 10:00 a.m. Thurs. 12 Soccer Registration Form Due 4th - 8th Grade Field Trip to Symphony Fri. 13 Weather Make-Up Day Mon. 16 Presidents’ Day No School and Offices Closed Wed. 18 3rd - 5th Grade Field Trip to Children’s Theatre


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A Note from the Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees is interested in helping high performing students access the challenging academic program at Highlands School. On occasion, families may not be able to pay full tuition on the school’s annual or semi-annual schedules. In response, there are established policies for helping families find alternative resources which may include tuition payment plans, financial aid or a combination of both. Information about enrolling in a 10-Monthly Payment Plan through Tuition Management Systems (TMS) will be included with all 2009-10 enrollment contracts. New for 2009-10, parents may enroll with TMS for credit card payments. And finally, limited funds will be available in 2009-10 for need-based financial aid; these funds are awarded through an assessment process on a first come, first served basis for students entering kindergarten through eighth grade. The Highlands School need-based financial aid season began December 1, when assessment forms were first made available through the Business Office, and runs through March 1, when need-based award notices will be mailed. If you’d like a complimentary copy of A Family Guide to Financial Aid or if you’d like to receive a financial aid packet, please visit Jane Jenkins in the Business Office. More information about paying for an independent education is available at www.nais.org/financialaid/sss. Or, you may email sssfinancialaid@ets.org.

Fifth Grade presents The Adventures of Lewis and Clark

Short Notes Calling All Swimmers! The Shades Valley YMCA Swim Team is growing and looking for more swimmers. Get your kids in the best shape of their lives. Sign up for a workout that will improve their cardio level, get comprehensive stroke work and competition level conditioning. The next tryout is Wednesday January 29nd. Come to the Shades Valley YMCA pool between 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. If you need more information, please contact Coach Jim at 799-6433.

In 1804 President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the lands of the Louisiana Purchase. Their group of 47 men, 1 Native American woman and her baby, and a huge Newfoundland dog named Scannon traveled across the country to the Pacific Ocean. According to reports it was a “ruff” trip but their story became great entertainment in the hands of the fifth grade. The play was based on information from the journals of Lewis and Clark but we are sure they did not have as much fun as the performers and audience involved in the production. Great job students and thank you for an incredible look at an important part of our history.

Girl Scout Cookies are now on sale through the Highlands School First Grade Troop #32. Cookies are $3.50 a box. Contact any of the Troop Leaders (information below) to place your order. Mandy Vinyard (avinyard@bellsouth.net), Tanya Nix (tanya06@bellsouth.net) or Kellye Allen (kelleallen@bellsouth.net).


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DATE OF BIRTH:________________



PHONE #’S: MOM_______________________


PHONE #’S: DAD________________________


ADDRESS: _____________________________

CITY, STATE, ZIP: _________________________

SPECIAL REQUEST: _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


DATE: __________


FEE______________ BEFORE FEBRUARY 6TH - $135 BY FEBRUARY 12TH - $145 AFTER FEB. 12TH - $160

Mail Form (w/ Payment) to: Highlands Soccer Club 4901 Old Leads Road Birmingham, Alabama 35213 or you may bring it by the school and leave it for Gabe McCool. Make checks payable to: HIGHLANDS SOCCER CLUB

See soccer information sheet for uniform information and other important information.

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