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Auto Pilot Profits to Internet Marketing$$$ by Martel Artis

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About Martel Artis

Burning desire to earn an extra income, Martel Artis started his online business in early 2010. He had a tiring 9-5 working flipping burgers and serving fries. He stayed motivated to building a brand new lifestyle for him and his family after struggling a 9-5 job just getting by. Once succeeding his expectations, Martel started living and never looked back again. Martel has helped thousands of people and has average making a total of $500,000 per year. Success has been nothing but importance to him since he's been mastering every level of aspect in the Auto-pilot profits. Martel has generated traffic from all around the world giving him the salary of what he's making now and now he wants to help more accomplish every aspect he's been through.

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Internet Marketing can be a great way to earn a substantial income. But unless you know how to be successful at internet marketing, you may be missing out on an even bigger income. What you are going to read in the following article will help you have a successful career in the internet marketing field. Include a guest book on your website for people to sign at the bottom of your homepage. If a customer comes on your site and signs a guest book, it makes them feel like they have a stake with your company. Improving the personalization standards on your website is important to hold onto customers. Take the necessary time to learn about web design. There's plenty of information online about CSS or HTML that will help you in web design. Take 30 minutes out of the day to work on your site and you will gain knowledge.

Make use of all of the social media sites for your internet marketing campaigns. Create a like button for Facebook, a share button to Twitter and a Google+ button, as well. These buttons should be on all of your product pages! This will help to spread the word of the products and services that you are marketing. Facebook is a free way to enhance your Internet marketing. Since Facebook is so widely used and massively customizable, you can reach out to a much broader audience while maintaining the personality of your business. This also makes it easier for people on the go to find vital information about your business. Youtube is quickly becoming one of the fastest ways to provide ads to the public for your internet marketing. The user generated network allows for you to create your ad that is thrown onto a YouTube video only if it has reached a certain demographic and level of popularity. A great tip for Internet marketing is to incorporate chat into your web site. Chatting is a great way to connect with people and resolve problems in real time. All you have to do is select a chat program, put a button on your web site, and train someone to use it. Take advantage of the search engines, in order to find out who is linking to you. Many search engines have special codes that you can type before the website, which will give you different information. For example, typing "link:" before including your URL, will give you a list of all of the websites that are linking to yours. When marketing a product or business online, make good use of logos and branding. Having an easily remembered and distinguishable logo will help people remember your business and help them connect your products to your company. People tend to remember pictorial logos better than the name of the company alone. In important tip regarding internet marketing is to attempt to use pay-per-click programs. This is a good thing to try because it is the fastest way to improve your company's search engine results. There are multiple programs that you can sign up for that include pay-per-click advertising. Be sure to do your research. You'll be sure to find the one that best suits your company. For products that do not sell or for ones that are harder to sell, try setting up a bartering system with your customers. Allow them to set the price of what they'd pay for these items using e-mail or a web form, and see if it's to your liking so that you can finally sell these kinds of items.

Do you know how may sales you lose from customers who almost buy from you? Losing "almost customers" is a major source of lost income for most businesses. But few are aware of the problem and even fewer employ a strategy to prevent this unnecessary loss of income. Here are the 3 major buying obstacles that cause paying customers to become "almost customers"...and how you can easily overcome each obstacle. 1. PROCRASTINATION Many prospective customers procrastinate after they decide to buy from you. The benefit they gain from using your product or service fades in their memory as time passes. Other things distract them and they soon forget about you. Procrastination converts your paying customer into another "almost customer"...causing you to lose the sale. You can avoid losing these sales by rewarding customers for taking immediate action and penalizing them if they do not. For example, create the best irresistible offer you can afford. Include a specific expiration date. Give your prospects the option of accepting your offer now or forfeiting it. This will motivate many procrastinators to buy now so they don't miss your special offer. 2. LOW PRIORITY Some prospective customers don't buy from you because they place a higher priority on spending their money for something else. You can save many of these "almost customers" by motivating them to make your product or service their first priority. One way to boost the priority level of your product or service in your prospective customer's mind is to dramatize the good feeling they will enjoy when they use it. For example, a financial planner can describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent lifestyle without debt. Or a network marketing recruiter can describe what it feels like to work at home without a boss. The irresistible offer I described above for overcoming procrastination also helps overcome the "low priority" obstacle. It motivates many "almost customers" to move your product or service ahead of other purchases so they can take advantage of your special offer before it expires. 3. DISTRUST Many prospects are "almost customers" because they are skeptical of your promises. They bought things in the past that did not produce the promised results. They don't want to risk repeating that experience. Some ways you can overcome the obstacle of distrust include:

** Eliminate their risk of loss. Offer an unconditional money back guarantee if your customer does not get the results he or she expects. ** Prove your record of delivering what you promise. Provide testimonials from satisfied customers as evidence you lived up to your promises in the past. ** Provide your customers with direct access to you in person or by phone if they have a problem. Prospective customers feel secure and are more likely to buy when they know they can talk with a real person. TIP: Direct access to a real person is especially effective for overcoming distrust when marketing on the Internet where entire transactions can occur without any personal contact. Many online sales are lost to distrust because a web site does not provide the name of any real person or a phone number to reach a real person at the business. You probably lose more income than you realize from customers who almost buy from you. The 3 major buying obstacles of procrastination, low priority and distrust cause you to lose these sales. Apply the tactics revealed in this article to overcome these 3 obstacles...and convert your "almost customers" into profitable paying customers.

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