More Notes Opening Day
September 18, 2009 Issue No. 1
September 9, 2009 Beautiful fall weather graced the campus as freshmen, sophomores and juniors returned to High Mowing. Seniors arrived the day before, and once again the school felt lively with the promise of a new school year. Welcoming words were offered by Doug Powers, Executive Director, to the students, parents, faculty and staff members in attendance. Pat Meissner, Director of Admissions, informed the audience that we are a community of 93 students. And, our students come from seven countries around the world: Mexico, Germany, France, Canada, Korea, Switzerland and Japan. Teenagers from 11 states fill our campus, including California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, Vermont and Washington.
More Notes Opening Day continued
Perhaps the highlight of the afternoon centered around the inspirational words of senior, Dan McGuire, spoken largely to the incoming freshmen. His speech is reproduced below: Ah, High Mowing...where to begin? First off, who’s nervous, besides me? Well, to those of you who aren’t, congrats. You don’t get to feel nervous on your first day, good job. To those who are, congrats. You get to witness the magical thing about High Mowing, whatever it is, that changes your nervousness into a warm feeling of inclusion. That magical thing could be anything from classes to lunch. It could be new friends or new teachers. I was so nervous on my first day I could barely even speak. I remember on the day I visited, I didn’t say a single word. It wasn’t until the orientation trips that I learned the names of any of my classmates. So if you know the name of the person sitting next to you right now, you’re already off to a better start than me. You will meet people here, or maybe have already met people, that you will stay in contact with the rest of your lives. I know I did. The friends you make here will be your friends for the rest of your lives. I have a way at looking at things when I get nervous that helps me feel better. I always think things could be worse. Like I could be standing here in my underwear right now. Or things could be much worse for all of you. Cedar could be in his underwear. When classes start after orientation, try not to think, “Oh man, I’m in high school. I need to step up the game and work absolutely the hardest I can.” Instead try to think, “Ooh cool, I’m on a different planet. And I still need to do my best.” High Mowing is really not a school, sure it’s where teachers and students congregate with intentions of teaching and learning, but you will not find any other place like it on the planet. So go into this year saying that, “I will do my best, and make this school exactly what I
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Dear Parents and Friends, This is our first issue of More Notes for the school year. It’s an exciting time for all of us as we welcome new and returning students, parents, faculty and staff. I am beginning my first full year as Executive Director. The position reflects a steady evolution at High Mowing as the Board and Faculty work to increase the effectiveness and accountability of school governance. The Executive Director chairs the Leadership Team (Faculty Co-Chairs, Dean of Students and Academic Dean). The Board established the Leadership Team to “honor the mission of Waldorf Education and enable High Mowing School to become an efficient, sustainable school in which management processes flow smoothly.” I invite you to let me know if you see an opportunity to make our processes and communication smoother and more effective.
Opening Day continued
dreamed of, because you get out what you put in. The more you put in, the more you will learn, laugh and love.” If you sleep through classes, which I do not recommend, you will not get anything out of it, except bad grades and a messed up sleep schedule, which we probably all have already. So go out, have a great time doing whatever it is you’re about to do for a few days. And remember that people don’t want you to fail here. They want to help you. So if you’re having any trouble at all, teachers and students alike will be glad to help you, and are always willing to at least talk. Some never stop. Also through classes, remember that things could be a lot worse. Because here, things are about the best. — Dan McGuire, class of 2010
We will plan to make More Notes as timely and informative as possible. We are also working on a complete makeover of the website to make it a useful communication and information center for all of us. Launch target date is Parents’ Weekend.
Welcome back to High Mowing for the 2009-10 school year. We’re happy to see you!
Parents’ Weekend is a very important event at High Mowing and it’s coming soon (October 23-25). Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences. See information on pages 5 and 6. Please keep in touch, we look forward to hearing from you in person, by phone or email.
Doug Powers Executive Director High Mowing School 603-654-2391
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes from the Athletic Director
from the Faculty Co-Chairs
Athletic News The men and women’s soccer teams are both off to a solid start with the arrival of two fine coaches. Christian Gulden, a native German, recently arrived in the States with his family after living and coaching for the past six years in the Dominican Republic. He will be coaching the men’s team. Martin Wood recently arrived from Georgia where he was coaching women’s soccer at both the high school and collegiate levels. He will be leading the girl’s soccer team. We offer a warm welcome to both coaches and wish them a successful season—which started this week with a men’s scrimmage against Dublin at HMS on Wednesday, September 16th.
High Mowing Professional Days A distinctive feature of a Waldorf School is that nearly all decisions involving pedagogy and the day-to-day running of the school are made within the faculty circle. At High Mowing, we begin and end our teaching year with three days of meetings known as our Professional Days. The title is apt, because we use this extended, uninterrupted time to look closely at our profession— teaching—and to discuss, debate and brainstorm ideas pertaining to improving and enriching the academic, artistic, social and emotional dimensions of our students’ lives. The 2009-2010 school year began for us on Monday, August 31, with our first Professional Day. Among the many topics on our agenda was a discussion/planning session for a new forum (to be known as “The Academy”) to deepen our study and share our questions around the work we do in the classroom. Taking the time for this sort of conversation will provide both a source of support and inspiration for our colleagues. Our work was not all serious however. Wendy taught us to duel with “air” broadswords and Marybeth coached even our most timid vocalists into creating some sweet harmonies! In addition to the work we do, these days together give us a chance to enjoy each other’s company and to warm the space for our students before classes begin.
return times from trips
Notification of parents The Leadership Team is quite aware of the concerns that parents have concerning notification of trip return times. This came to our attention during the orientation trips. Please look for a new policy regarding this issue in the next edition of More Notes.
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes from the Executive Director: PARENTS WEEKEND October 23-25 Now that the school year is solidly underway, our thoughts have turned toward inviting parents back to the campus! This year Parents Weekend begins at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, October 23, and ends with brunch on Sunday, October 25. The weekend will include an opportunity to visit classes, a general meeting with all parents and teachers, class meetings with parents and mentors, individual conferences between teachers and parents, performances of eurythmy, chorus, chamber music ensembles, jazz, soccer games, an Ultimate Frisbee game (which you can join!), Sinfonietta and more! Of course we will have good food and time for socializing. If you haven’t already, make your travel plans now!
High Mowing Parents Are Invited to Attend Morning Classes Friday, October 23 If you are one of the many parents who has entertained the wish to attend High Mowing School—here’s your chance! As part of Parents Weekend, High Mowing’s faculty cordially invites you to join us for Morning Assembly, Block Class and the first two Track Classes of the day on October 23. If you would like to attend classes, please come to campus in time for Morning Assembly—which begins promptly at 8:00a.m. Parents Weekend at High Mowing School
5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. 5:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 7:30p.m.
Friday, October 23 Parents Attend Morning Assembly and Classes Lunch ($12.00) Pre-scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences Class Receptions for Parents and Mentors 9th grade / 10th grade / 11th grade / 12th grade: Locations to be assigned Pre-scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences Chamber Music and Eurythmy in the Big Room Dinner begins ($12.00) Chorus and Jazz Performance in the Big Room
8:00a.m. - 9:00a.m. 9:00a.m. 10:00a.m. 11:30a.m. 1:00p.m. 2:00p.m.-6:00p.m. 2:30p.m. 3:00p.m. 3:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 5:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 7:30p.m.
Saturday, October 24 Pre-scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent Association Reception and Meeting in the Dining Room Meeting of Parents and Teachers in the Big Room Lunch begins ($12.00) Class Meetings for Parents and Mentors Prospective Parents Math Room in Science Building 9th grade Digital Arts Room 10th grade Center Room 11th grade Auditorium (Science Building) 12th grade Library Pre-scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences Ultimate Frisbee Game (Parents too!) Boys’ Soccer with Holderness Girls’ Soccer with Brewster Academy College Workshop: Guidance Counselor Andrea Badger in the Library Chorus and Jazz Performance in Big Room Dinner begins ($12.00) Chamber Music, Eurythmy, and Sinfonietta, in the Big Room
8:00a.m. - Noon 12:00p.m. 1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. 4:00p.m.
Sunday, October 25 10:00a.m. – 12:30p.m. Brunch ($12.00)
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Parents Weekend continued
How to schedule Individual Parent/Teacher Conferences Individual parent/teacher conferences are pre-scheduled 20 minute meetings during Parents Weekend (October 23 – 25) between advisors, teachers, dorm counselors, our guidance counselor and parents. We will also have some time available the weekend after Parents Weekend (October 30 and 31). We will make every effort to accommodate as many of these conferences as we can. However, we will begin with scheduling four teachers per parent (or set of parents). If there is time, we will schedule more. We will begin scheduling Wednesday, October 14. Requests after 9:00a.m. on Monday, October 19 will be filled on a space-available basis.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To arrange appointments for parent/teacher conferences: Note the slots for conferences: • Friday afternoon, October 23, between 1:00p.m. and 5:00p.m. • Saturday morning, October 24, between 8:00a.m. and 9:00a.m • Saturday afternoon, October 24, between 2:00p.m. and 6:00p.m. • Friday afternoon, October 30, between 4:00p.m. and 6:00p.m. • Saturday morning, October 31, between 8:00a.m and 12:00a.m Determine the times during those slots that you are available for conferences. If you want to go to performances at 5:00p.m. on Friday or Saturday, watch the soccer or Ultimate Frisbee games on Saturday afternoon, or attend the College Prep Workshop at 4:00p.m., on Saturday, please do not request a conference during those times. See the Parents Weekend Program on the previous page. Make a list of the teachers (including advisor, dorm counselors and guidance counselor) that you would like to see, and prioritize it: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Communicate your priorities to us when you request your conference. E-mail Dianna Normanton, with your list of teachers, which day(s) and times you are available for conferences, or call our receptionist, Lori Way (603.654.2391). Dianna will reply to all emails within 24 hours to indicate receipt of your request. If you do not get a reply, please email her again. Be specific as to which weekend you are requesting (and please, do not call Dianna). Dianna will collate all of the information from you (and the teachers) and will schedule all parent teacher conferences (a rather monumental task as you can see!). You will be emailed and/or called with your schedule a few days before your appointment. (If you don’t receive an email by Thursday afternoon, October 22, let Dianna know by email.) Please know that every effort will be made to meet as many requests as possible, but compromises will inevitably have to happen!
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes from the Dean of Students: H1N1
Letter to Parents September 8, 2009 As you are certainly aware, there has been much in the news about the H1N1 virus and its projected resurgence this fall. High Mowing personnel have been following this closely and have been particularly mindful of the recommendations being given to schools. We have developed a plan of action for our school, which we would like to share with you. At High Mowing, as elsewhere, we will be placing a strong emphasis on prevention. This virus causes a respiratory infection with the primary symptoms including fever (100 degrees or greater), cough, stuffy nose, body aches, headache, and extreme fatigue. Some may also experience vomiting and diarrhea. To support prevention the following will be emphasized: • The importance of maintaining a strong immune system through healthy habits like good diet and adequate sleep. • The importance of washing hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. The school is installing a number of hand sanitizers throughout the campus. • The need to practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette. Coughs and sneezes must be covered using elbows, rather than hands. Alternately, tissues may be used, and then promptly discarded. • The need to avoid sharing personal items such as drinks, food, or utensils. • The critical importance of staying away from school if symptoms are present – and of remaining at home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone (without the use of fever-reducing drugs). In addition, although there are no specific protocols given for cleaning, our staff will be stepping things up a bit by, for example, using a Clorox solution on door knobs, handrails, and counter tops. Given these precautions, we are hoping for the best! However, should a dorm student come down with H1N1 flu symptoms, we are prepared to respond appropriately. For students who live within a reasonable driving distance, we will phone the parents and ask that the student be picked up so that he or she can convalesce at home. If this is not possible, the student will be cared for here at school, according to the protocols recommended by the Public Health Department. These include: • Isolation from others. Students with single rooms will remain in their rooms,
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Dean of Students H1N1 letter continued
High Mowing’s Holiday schedule Please note that High Mowing School is in session on the following dates (these days are not school holidays): Columbus Day October 12, 2009 Monday Veterans Day November 11, 2009 Wednesday Martin Luther King Day January 18, 2010 Monday Presidents’ Day February 15, 2010 Monday Memorial Day May 31, 2010 Monday
Cary Hughes Dean of Students High Mowing School
while those with roommates will be moved to an empty room for the duration of the illness. • Fluids offered frequently, healthy food offered at mealtimes.
• Creation of an environment where the student can sleep undisturbed. • Monitoring of temperature every 4 hours when awake. • Administering of analgesics, such as ibuprofen, every 4 hours, if desired. • Use of surgical mask by caregiver. • Ideally, a private bathroom. Use of surgical mask by patient if using a nonprivate bathroom. • Frequent communication with parents. As stated above, we are remaining optimistic, but do feel prepared to deal with whatever happens this fall. If you have any questions or concerns, please do feel free to contact us at any time. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Beverly Boyer, Dorm Counselor and Health Teacher Cary Hughes, Dean of Students
Naturalist News
This year’s Naturalist classes are off and running again with a series of outdoor adventures. Beginning students will find themselves deep in the woods practicing aidless navigation techniques, while the intermediate group will revisit various primitive skills learned last year and apply them in the wilds! Advanced students will complete the construction of the Abenaki wigwam started last spring and prepare to use it this winter. The Naturalist Program has evolved over a period of years to intertwine Natural History studies with practical crafts (or woodcraft), wilderness survival skills, rite-of-passage experiences, and placed-based education. In many ways it can be seen as an exploration into the realm of language, as it focuses on relearning the language of Nature, and establishing a living relationship with the world within which we live.
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes from the Admissions Director
7:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
High Mowing School Admissions Events for Inquiring Parents Please encourage your friends, neighbors, relatives or coworkers with children in middle school (or another high school) to attend these upcoming programs for inquiring parents. Participants may attend one or all of the programs listed below to find out more about High Mowing School. Interested parents should contact Kim Govoni, Admissions Assistant, at 603-654-2391 ext. 103, or email her at by the school day before the event to let us know you will be coming. Current parents are welcome, too!
Conversation with Inquiring Parents: The Transition to High School Robert Sim, Dean of Academics Gather for a peek into Morning Roll Call, followed by an overview of what to expect when your student moves from elementary or middle school to high school. How does High Mowing’s curriculum support the adolescent during this important stage of life?
OCTOBER 20 Tuesday 7:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
Conversation with Inquiring Parents: Developing the Capacities of Thinking, Feeling & Willing Judy Wachler, Faculty Co-Chair
When the thinking in the high school years builds upon the feeling nurtured in the grade-school years and upon the will fostered in the preschool age, the result is a mind characterized by creative imagination (thinking plus feeling), coupled with a strong wish to bring ideas into practical reality (thinking plus will). It is a mind that sees relationships between the sciences or the world of nature on the one side and the humanities or the world of mankind on the other. It enjoys the interpenetration of the two. Such a mind also sees human activity, including thinking, as a harmonious art of a greater universal picture. Learn how these capacities are consciously developed at High Mowing.
OCTOBER 29 Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Open House for Inquiring Parents with Presentation on Sciences at HMS Kim McCormick, Science Teacher In the high school, cognitive and intellectual thinking awakens strongly, and students now work with teachers who are specialists in their own subjects. The students are helped to observe phenomena, especially in the sciences, so that they can formulate their own conclusions and learn to explain and defend them. The thrust is toward developing independent judgment in the students, rather than feeding them finished statements. By working with diverse points of view in their studies, the students become skilled in looking at questions from a number of sides and appreciating the differences that are uncovered.
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Admissions Events continued
NOVEMBER 12 Thursday
7:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
Conversation with Inquiring Parents: The Importance of Physical Activity in High School Keith Badger, Athletics Director, and Cedar Oliver, Spatial Dynamics practitioner
What do sports programs (competitive and intramural), and forms of movement including Spatial Dynamics and Eurythmy do to support the healthy development of the adolescent?
Open House for Inquiring Parents with Presentation on the Naturalist Program Keith Badger, Naturalist/Science Teacher
NOVEMBER 17 Tuesday,
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The Naturalist Program at High Mowing combines natural history, field ecology, and experimental archaeology with elements of wilderness adventure. This popular elective program reinforces a student’s understanding of and connection to nature, and supports the student’s healthy physical, mental and emotional development. Find out how.
from the Guidance Office
College Events for High Mowing Students
Reg. Deadline October ACT
Fri Sept 18, 2009
Mon Sept 21, 2009 9:30a.m. - 10:15a.m. Castleton State College (VT)
Where: Guidance Office
Tuesdays, Sept 22 to Dec 8, 2009 juniors and seniors: 7p.m. - 9:30p.m. Ivy Bound SAT Prep Class
Where: Auditorium
Fri Sept 25, 2009 12:15p.m. - 1:15p.m.
Global College of Long Island University
Where: Guidance Office
Thu Sept 24, 2009 12:30p.m. - 1p.m. 7p.m. - 9p.m.
Sterling College (VT) NEACAC College Fair
Where: Guidance Office Where: University of New Hampshire
Mon Sept 28, 2009 1:30p.m. - 2:30p.m.
Cornell College (IA)
Where: Guidance Office
Wed Sept 30, 2009 2p.m. - 3p.m. The Evergreen State College (WA)
Where: Guidance Office
Thu Oct 1, 2009
Reg. Deadline Nov. SAT I/II
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Fri Oct 2, 2009 10a.m. - 11a.m. 12:15p.m. - 1:15p.m.
Bennington College (VT) Hampshire College (MA)
Where: Guidance Office Where: Guidance Office
Mon Oct 5, 2009 12:15p.m. - 1:15p.m. 7p.m. - 9p.m.
Green Mountain College (VT) NEACAC College Fair
Where: Guidance Office Where: Southern New Hampshire University
Thu Oct 8, 2009 12:30p.m. - 1:30p.m.
Wheaton College (MA)
Where: Guidance Office
Sat Oct 10, 2009 7a.m. - 1p.m.
SAT I and II
Where: Souhegan High School
Tue Oct 13, 2009 10a.m. - 11a.m. 12:30p.m. - 1:30p.m.
New England College (NH) Lesley University (MA)
Where: Guidance Office Where: Guidance Office
Wed Oct 14, 2009 8a.m. - 12p.m.
PSAT for juniors/sophomores
Where: High Mowing School
Mon Oct 19, 2009 3p.m. - 3:45p.m.
Earlham College
Where: Guidance Office
Sat Oct 24, 2009 7a.m. - 12p.m.
Where: Dublin School
Tue Oct 27, 2009 1p.m. - 2p.m.
Marlboro College
Where: Guidance Office
College Events for High Mowing Students continued
Fri Oct 30, 2009
Reg. Deadline Dec. SAT I/II May be the last time seniors can take the test in time for college deadlines
Performing and Visual Arts College Fair
Mon Nov 2, 2009 6:30p.m. - 9p.m.
Where: Boston Center for the Arts
Reg. Deadline Dec. ACT May be the last time seniors can take the test in time for college deadlines
Fri Nov 6, 2009 10a.m. - 11a.m.
St. Anselm’s College (NH)
Sat Dec 5, 2009 7a.m. - 1p.m.
SAT I and II Where: Con Val High School May be the last time seniors can take the test in time for college deadlines
Where: Guidance Office
Fri Nov 6, 2009 12:15p.m. - 1:15p.m. University of Tampa (FL)
Where: Guidance Office
Mon Nov 16, 2009 12p.m. - 1p.m. Maine College of Art
Where: Guidance Office
Sat Dec 5, 2009 7a.m. - 1p.m.
SAT I and II
Where: Con Val High School
Tue Dec 8, 2009 seniors, juniors, parents: 7p.m. - 8:30p.m. Financial Aid Night Where: High Mowing School Sat Dec 12, 2009 7a.m. - 12p.m. ACT Where: Dublin Christian Academy May be the last time seniors can take the test in time for college deadlines More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes College Events for High Mowing Students continued
Tue Dec 15, 2009
Sat Jan 23, 2010 7a.m. - 1p.m.
Reg. Deadline Jan. SAT I/II SAT I and II Where: Brentwood School, Merrimack Recommended Test date for juniors to take the SAT I. Last possible test date for seniors.
Sat Feb 6, 2010 7a.m. - 1:30p.m. ACT Recommended test date for juniors
Sat Mar 13, 2010 7a.m. - 1p.m.
Sat Jun 5, 2010 7a.m. - 1p.m.
SAT I only offered
Where: Dublin Christian Academy
Where: test at a center near your home
SAT I and II Where: Souhegan High School Recommended test date for juniors to take the SAT II’s
SAT Prep Class for juniors and seniors at High Mowing School There is still time for juniors and seniors to sign up for the SAT Prep class held at High Mowing on Tuesday evenings. The course will provide test preparation for the critical reading and math sections of the SAT I for juniors who will take the test in January and for seniors who would like to try to improve their scores. The Ivy Bound SAT prep course will begin Tuesday, Sept. 22 (not Sept. 15 as previously advertised) and will run through Dec. 8. The class is 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. and will be held in the Science Auditorium. Cost for the course is $1250 (reduced from $1350). An additional preparation for the writing section of the SAT I will be held Sunday afternoons in November and costs an additional $400. For more information about the course or to register call Ivy Bound at 877.975.1600. Representatives from colleges visit High Mowing A number of colleges will be sending admissions representatives to High Mowing throughout the fall. These visits provide juniors and seniors with an opportunity to learn about specific colleges and to make a personal contact with their Admissions Office. These events are posted on the High Mowing website calendar and announced to students at roll call. For your convenience, they are also listed here in More Notes on the previous pages. College Planning Webinars The Center for College Planning at New Hampshire Higher Education is hosting college planning webinars for juniors and seniors and their families. Topics include: Standardized Testing, Financial Aid and Funding, Writing the College Essay, Student Athletes, and College Prep for Seniors. Register today for the free webinars beginning Monday, Sept. 21 at!
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Upcoming Events | September
Event Details
Chapel and Parent Social: Next one September 20th! For students, the evening begins with a dress-up dinner at 5:45 p.m., with Chapel at 6:45 p.m. It usually ends before 8:00 p.m. All students are strongly encouraged to attend—both day and boarding. Day students attending Chapel may eat dinner at no cost that evening.
for more calendar items:
The Parent Association would like to invite parents to gather at the Alumni House for a social time during Chapel. Please join us at 6:45 p.m. More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Event Details continued
David Anderson Music Fund Benefit Concert Sunday, September 27, 2009, 2:00 p.m. In the Big Room Featuring Juri de Marco on French Horn & The Sinfonietta, Mark Ferguson, Director Donations to the David Anderson Music Fund accepted at the door. Juri is visiting from his native Germany, where he plays the French Horn with five orchestras, most notable are the Landesjugend Orchester Baden-Wuertemburg, the Junge Sinfonie, Reutlingen and Okomusica, Tuebingen. He has been playing French horn for seven years and has attended three master classes in chamber music at Jeunesses Musicales International. His most recent teacher was the late Sebastian Schorr, soloist with the Wuertembuger Philharmonic. In addition to playing French horn, Juri is skilled at composition, improvisation and music theory. He is in the 11th grade at the Freie Georgen Schule, a Waldorf school in Reutlingen. The program features a variety of music including Beethoven’s Horn Sonata, Mozart’s, Adagio and Rondo for flute, oboe, viola, cello and piano, as well as Mozart’s Horn Concerto No. 1 for horn and orchestra. Morceau De Concert, op. 94 – Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 – 1921) Horn – Juri de Marco Piano – Mark Ferguson Sonata for Horn and Piano, op. 17 – Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770 – 1827) Movement I – Allegro moderato Horn – Juri de Marco Piano – Mark Ferguson Adagio and Rondo, KV 617 – W.A. Mozart (1756 – 1791) Oboe – Sue Henkel Flute – Elise MacDonald Viola – Christian Hoschek Cello – Zoë Falk Piano – Mark Ferguson Concerto no. 1 for Horn and Orchestra, K.412 – W.A. Mozart (1756 – 1791) Horn Solo – Juri de Marco For more information, please contact Heather Carver at or (603) 654-2391 ext. 135.
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes Event Details continued
High Mowing Parent Association MONTHLY GATHERINGS of the Parent Association will be held at the Alumni House on campus or at local host homes, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted. You will be notified by email with exact location and time. Refreshments are always welcome! You can access and participate in our meetings with our phone conferencing system. Call 1-712-580-7700 with the Password: 444466 on the day/time of the meeting. The following is a list of our monthly gatherings for the 2009-2010 School Year: Should you like to volunteer to host a Parent Association Gathering at your home, please contact Amy Conley or Ellen Friel. Volunteer forms can be placed in the Parent Association mailbox in the main office.
September 29, Tuesday High Mowing Alumni House October 24, Saturday, High Mowing Campus
This is Parents Weekend — time and location to be announced
November 12, Thursday The home of HMS parent Kurt Anderson
706 Abbot Hill Rd., Wilton, NH. 03086
December There is no PA Meeting held in December January 20, Wednesday The Home of HMS parent Susan Danoff
121 Main St., New Ipswich, NH 03071
February 6, Saturday This is Winterfest Weekend— time and location
to be announced.
March 24, Wednesday to be determined
April 15, Thursday to be determined
May 11, Tuesday to be determined
Complete notes from our meetings are posted on the High Mowing website: Please see the next page of More Notes for additional information about the Parent Association.
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes from the Parent Association
The Parent Association The Parent Association is committed to open communication (between parents, students and the school), community development and fund raising. We support the mission, principles and continued growth of High Mowing School.
Chairpersons: Ellen Friel, Amy Conley
Faculty/Staff Liaison: Heather Cochrane, Director of Development and freshman parent Recording Secretary: Donna Brown
Day Student Rep: Bob Meissner
Senior Class reps: Ellen and Phil Friel
Junior Class reps: Michael Moore, Deb Abrahams-Dematte, Evie Johnston
Sophomore Class reps: Paulo Santillan and Michael Dias Freshman Class reps: Kurt Anderson, Mary Graham Parent Volunteers are needed in every aspect of our Parent Association! We have many opportunities to gather and work, and to fund raise for High Mowing. We also have loads of fun! Please look over the PA Volunteer form in your parent packet, and mail or deliver the form to High Mowing School / 222 Isaac Frye Highway / Wilton, NH 03086. Volunteer forms can also be placed in the Parent Association mailbox in the main office. Information regarding the Sunday night Chapel at High Mowing is also included in your Parent Packet. Please take a moment to read this very important info. Quick Notes from our first meeting: Our first PA Meeting was a success. We gathered in the High Mowing Dining Room and there were about 50 parents present. All of our Class Reps were in attendance and were introduced. Elise MacDonald gave a summary of the music program this year. Minutes from this meeting are available at: parents/news-and-calendar.html. Later, we were all treated to a very gracious gathering at the home of Kurt Anderson, Mary Anderson, and Mary Carroll Moore. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food, pool, company and hospitality! Sincere thanks to all who attended! Please see the previous page of More Notes for our monthly schedule of meetings.
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009
More Notes More Notes is published every other week throughout the school year by High Mowing School. If you would like to have an item considered for publication, please submit it via email to: Submission deadlines: Sept 28 Oct 12 Oct 26 Nov 9 Nov 23 Dec 7 Dec 21 Jan 4 Jan 18 Feb 1 Feb 15 Mar 15 Mar 29 Apr 12 Apr 26 May 10 May 24 High Mowing School 222 Isaac Frye Highway Wilton, NH 03086 603.654.2391
Community Bulletin Board House for sale Wilton, NH: Spectacular Brick Front Home with Magnificent Views. In Law Apartment and Separate Office Space. Abuts Conservation Land with Miles of Trails. Many Upgrades. Hardwood Floors Throughout, Granite Counters, A/C. Large Detached Garage and Attached 2 Car Garage. Huge Deck and Brick Fireplace. Laundry Room. 5 Minutes from Pine Hill and High Mowing Schools. $499,500. Contact: 603-654-7083.
Looking for images of HMS events and activities Do you have digital photos of campus activities you’d like to share? If so, we’d love to have them for our new website! Photos are needed throughout the year of students, teachers and parents. Please burn them to a CD and place them in Nancy Tichanuk’s mailbox in the main building. They will be stored for future use on our server. A short note with the name and date of the activity would be appreciated. Thank you!
More Notes from High Mowing School
September 18, 2009