Extraordinary Stories | High Point University

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These are some of our




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Student Success Coaches


Learn from a Life Skills Leader

Every freshman is supported by a caring, full-time coach. They’ll help you build a personalized path for your educational journey!

All freshmen benefit from the President’s Seminar on Life Skills, led by HPU President Nido Qubein.


Unprecedented Connection to Innovators

Only at HPU can students learn from the Co-founder of Apple, Co-founder of Netflix and dozens of other global leaders.


Life Skills Learning Labs

1924 Prime and Alo Restaurants allow HPU students to build confidence in professional settings beyond the office and gain international cuisine and culture experience.


Accelerated Access to Research

At HPU, students are introduced to undergraduate research opportunities beginning their freshman year.


Live in the Best Dorms in America


Your Guaranteed Tuition-Free ‘Go Global’ Experience

You rise to the level of the environment in which you live, and the Princeton Review has ranked our dorms as No. 1 in the nation. Don’t deny yourself this kind of experience.

Through this tuitionfree opportunity, you’re empowered to see the world while developing the life skills you’ll need to make an impact in your future career.


Your Four-Year Graduation Guarantee

There’s no reason to stress over graduating on time! HPU faculty and staff help you create a clear path to complete your educational goals.


Your Tuition-Free Master’s Degree

You won’t find this opportunity anywhere else! When you complete your undergraduate degree at HPU, you’re eligible for the Tuition-Free Master’s Degree in Communication and Business Leadership — designed to be relevant to all majors.


Instant ROI on Your HPU Degree


A Values-Based Education


Your Internship Guarantee


You’ll Join a True Family

Outperforming the national average by 11 points, 97% of HPU graduates are employed or in graduate school within six months of earning their HPU degree.

HPU President Nido Qubein, faculty and staff model the values of service, joy, generosity, gratitude and respect because they know that students are paying attention to the actions of those around them. Students watch, they listen and they learn.

This program removes the guesswork of how to land your resume-boosting internship and helps you gain valuable real-world experience.

At HPU, we don’t weave students out of the system. We weave them into the family! With 200+ organizations, club and intramural sports teams, leadership opportunities and more, you’ll find your squad and join a true family.


















Career and Professional Development The path toward career success isn’t a straight line from point A to point B. It’s a winding journey with twists and turns on an ever-changing road. The champions of today’s economy embrace the ability to adapt and change with it. For the Office of Career and Professional Development, this means focusing their efforts on the personal transformation, not a single destination, for each student at HPU beginning the day that they arrive on campus. Their approach includes many



resources, all anchored by the Four-Year Career Plan. This plan lays out a roadmap of steps students can take in their career pursuits from freshman year through graduation. Throughout their journey, students are engaged with dozens of the plan’s features, including the Peer Career Advisor program, internship services and one-on-one meetings with career counselors in the Office of Career and Professional Development (pictured below).

AT A GLANCE The Four-Year Career Plan leads students to take action in a variety of developmental steps, including:

FRESHMAN YEAR Explore the Possibilities

SOPHOMORE YEAR Engage and Prepare

JUNIOR YEAR Link up and Connect

SENIOR YEAR Partner and Succeed

Explore academic majors/ minors.

Learn about yourself through informational interviewing/job shadowing.

Visit the writing center to create/enhance your personal statement.

Attend a career expo or focus fair to speak with at least five employers.

The journey from classroom to career begins when you arrive. Every first-year student at High Point University is assigned a personal Success Coach to assist them during the first year of college. HPU Success Coaches are professionals solely devoted to providing transitional support to first-year students in all areas applicable to their development, including academic, social and professional. They are there to assist in the transition to college life. Success Coaches serve as academic advisors for the first year and are assigned based on academic majors.

Create a resume with a peer career advisor.

Schedule an appointment with a career advisor to create a personal network tree.

Schedule an appointment with your career advisor to discuss the internship search process.

Research internship opportunities and conduct informational interviews.

Meet with your career advisor to develop a job-search action plan and timetable.

Participate in at least 10 hours of campus community service projects.

Join campus clubs/ organizations and professional associations for skill development.

Update your profile and search for internships using Handshake.

Search for opportunities through Handshake and other online resources.

Focus on academics and building a strong GPA.

Strengthen your resume and LinkedIn profile to have it reviewed by your career advisor.

Meet with your career advisor to update your resume, create an effective cover letter and practice for interviews.

Polish your resume and create targeted cover letters.

Finalize plans for a summer internship.

Apply to graduate school if that is your path; pay close attention to all deadlines.

www.highpoint.edu/careerinternships WWW.HIGHPOINT.EDU



ACADEMIC ADVISOR Success Coaches meet with each freshman before they arrive in the fall on a monthly basis to help them select and register for classes and begin the creation of their four-year academic plan. Success Coaches are professionals with master's or doctoral degrees with no teaching load at HPU. Their time is 100% focused on each student’s success. LIFE MENTOR When first-year students arrive, they may experience a variety of emotions — homesickness, roommate issues, difficulty fitting in, etc. Success Coaches encourage students to find their own niche, help guide them to get connected on campus and build a circle of like-minded friends within clubs, intramural sports or other campus activities. UNIVERSITY LIAISON Success Coaches help students make connections with other faculty and staff on campus. Success Coaches refer students to the Offices of Career and Professional Development, Student Life, Counseling Services, Financial Aid and other offices on campus to ensure that they receive the support, advice and encouragement they need. ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR Success Coaches assist in the implementation of programs and services designed to promote the academic, personal, social and emotional success of first-year students. In short, they focus on guiding students to lead a life of success and significance.


HPU students who apply are accepted into graduate school


HPU students accepted into their first-choice graduate school


HPU students employed or continuing education within six months of graduation 11 points higher than the national average





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HPU graduates are coachable and willing to grow, which is why they’ve been phenomenal in our leadership program.


within 6 months of graduation TS




High Point University graduates have found success in industries and organizations across the globe. Here is a glimpse of how HPU prepared them. To view more success stories, visit www.highpoint.edu/outcomes.

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High Point University showed me my academic potential and what I could achieve if I challenged myself every day. I learned through classes, professors and friends that I am capable of being so much more than what I gave myself credit for. It gave me self-confidence, which has helped me achieve my day-to-day tasks and my long-term goals. CAROLINE TUCKER, ‘17 SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER, AMAZON



HPU is focused on your HPU helped me build confidence in my professional abilities, which helped me succeed after I graduated. ALEX PALMER, ‘13 SR. SOFTWARE ENGINEER, APPLE

One of the things I love so much about HPU is the willingness to give back to others. I was involved in Alpha Phi Omega, which is a co-ed service fraternity. It gave me abundant opportunities to help people in the community. I also learned ways to communicate with different people. HPU’s culture of wanting to help others is contagious. DR. MARY FUNKE, FUNKE , ‘13 EMERGENCY MEDICINE RESIDENT DOCTOR, DUKE HEALTH



By far one of my favorite lessons from Dr. Qubein is establishing great communication skills. Networking comes organically by having great communication skills, and this has been revolutionary in my career. JAMES JADOTTE, ‘13 PROGRAM MANAGER, HIRING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY, GOOGLE ™

SUCCESS HPU prepared me to work on cross functional teams at all times. My communication level is at its top, and that is because of how much HPU taught me. Every class I took broadened my horizons to find my true niche. ALEXI BECER, ‘18 MARKETING COORDINATOR, CALVIN KLEIN

The physics and computer science departments at High Point University played a big role in helping me land an amazing position at my dream company. Both in the classroom and outside of it, professors were always willing to help me work through my questions and provide insight on how to achieve my career goals. SAM MYCROFT,, ‘21 SATELLITE SOFTWARE ENGINEER FOR SPACEX

At HPU, you are taught that small milestones contribute to your overall success. That prepared me to set achievable goals to pace my personal and professional development. MITCH RISSMILLER, ‘19 ASSOCIATE PRODUCER, THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW AT CBS



Dr. Gavin Coombs, ’14

Yale University Doctoral Graduate Gavin Coombs, a 2014 High Point University graduate who majored in biochemistry, is a doctoral graduate from Yale University’s Department of Chemistry. Now, Coombs serves as a research chemist at Eastman Chemical Company in Tennessee. During his undergraduate preparation at HPU, Coombs benefited from impactful mentorship. He also garnered a list of awards and research opportunities, including a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Johns Hopkins University.

After graduating from HPU, Coombs was also accepted into MIT, Duke, UC Berkeley and UNC Chapel Hill. “The importance of HPU’s strong mentors can’t be overstated,” said Coombs, who is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. “That is the biggest theme that characterized my time at HPU and informed my decision to go to Yale and further work with excellent mentors. There was a palpable dedication to pedagogy from the professors at HPU.”

The importance of HPU’s strong mentors can’t be overstated. - Dr. Gavin Coombs, HPU ‘14, and doctoral graduate of Yale University



Rebecca Ulrich, ‘18 Rebecca Ulrich, class of 2018, received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSFGRFP) award to support her doctoral studies. The NSF-GRFP award includes three years of significant financial support, including tuition assistance and a personal stipend meant to help the recipient focus on conducting intensive research. The NSF-GRFP received over 12,000 applications in 2018. Ulrich, from Troutman, North Carolina, was one of 2,000 awarded. In addition to this award, Ulrich was one of 12 students offered an NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholarship and was previously recognized with a Goldwater Scholarship Honorable Mention. Ulrich is now attending the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and pursuing her doctorate in organic chemistry. Her research focus is on drug development for diseases, such as tuberculosis.

Liz Reichart, ‘17 Liz Reichart, class of 2017, was awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant. This award, given by the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, sent Reichart to Bonn, Germany, to study the economics of renewable energy. The Hudson, Ohio, native graduated from HPU with degrees in international business and graphic design. While in Germany, she studied and conducted her research for one year. As part of her research award, Reichart published five articles for the U.S. Sustainability Alliance that chronicled her findings in Germany. Today, Reichart is a senior energy policy specialist at Washington State Department of Commerce.



Alex Sprouse, ’19 HPU’s science faculty helped Alex Sprouse go above and beyond when it came to preparing for medical school. Sprouse majored in biology with a focus in health sciences and minored in mathematics and Spanish. Several professors, including Dr. Brett Woods, interim dean of HPU’s Wanek School of Natural Sciences, guided her throughout her time at HPU to ensure she was prepared for medical school requirements, applications and interviews. “I felt that any professor I encountered at HPU was not only open to academic guidance but also eager to help me succeed in all aspects of life,” said Sprouse. “They were also open to just talking with me if I walked into their office unexpectedly.” After learning from stellar faculty in state-of-the-art facilities and taking advantage of other opportunities, such as studying abroad, Sprouse was a great candidate for medical school. Now, she’s pursuing her goal to become a doctor at UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Medicine.

Daniel Bartlett, ’19 Daniel Bartlett came from Great Falls, Virginia, to pursue his pre-law education at High Point University. Bartlett found a variety of opportunities to grow on HPU’s campus. He majored in business administration, minored in philosophy, served as a Student Justice and played on HPU’s club basketball team. He also worked closely with the Office of Career and Professional Development to plan for his future. Today, Bartlett is pursuing a Juris Doctorate at the American University College of Law in Washington, D.C. “HPU provided an environment that taught me how to fully apply myself in not only my academics but every aspect of my life,” said Bartlett. “I became a much more efficient person in terms of my studies, my work and my involvement in activities.”



Alexys Rahim, ‘19 In Kohl’s corporate offices in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Alexys Rahim works as the senior digital merchandising coordinator to determine the best-selling products and opportunities within that product category. She also works closely with vendors to strategize on product placement. Rahim, who majored in marketing, credits her success to the mentorship and inspiring environment she experienced at HPU. Through the Office of Career and Professional Development and 1924 Prime, HPU’s finedining learning lab, she was also prepared for the job interview process. “Every final-round interview involved some type of dining portion,” said Rahim. “Most interview dinners that I attended were designed to see how potential employees behaved outside of the workplace and how they carried themselves. HPU prepared me to be professional and confident in these settings.”

Madison Sullivan, ‘18 Madison Sullivan, class of 2018, received a B.A. in communication with a concentration in strategic communication and a minor in marketing. Today, she is a 3D model project manager at Wayfair, where she manages highly cross functional 3D initiatives to deliver on-time products to internal and external stakeholders. As a strategic communication student, having the opportunity to hold leadership roles in the American Marketing Association and participate in Ascension 336, a student-run communications agency, provided Sullivan with real-world skills necessary to achieve success.



Marco Sebastian, ‘18 Marco Sebastian is a 2018 graduate and now works for Bloomberg L.P. as a hedge funds account manager. His experiences at HPU led him to where he is today. “There were always chances to get involved and push myself academically, professionally and personally, whether I was in the classroom or doing extracurricular activities,” says Sebastian. “There were so many opportunities to reach out and speak with professionals in a variety of fields.” Those opportunities to connect with professionals across the spectrum led Sebastian to his career at Bloomberg L.P. Through a unique “HPU in the City” experience, in which a group of students travel to New York City to network with various professionals at their place of work, Sebastian met executives at Bloomberg and found his place in the company. The Career and Professional Development Office helped connect Sebastain to the “HPU in the City” program and provided guidance that made a difference in his life, both personally and professionally. “I learned so many life lessons from the variety of mentors I gained during my time at HPU,” says Sebastian.

Mikaela Campbell, ‘18 As a student, Mikaela Campbell completed internships with some of the best organizations in sports, including Under Armour, IMG College and USA Track and Field. Upon her 2018 graduation, she secured a position with the National Basketball Association’s headquarters in New York City. Today, she is the global partnerships coordinator for the organization. As she interacts with some of the top names in sports, she often finds herself reflecting on the life skills she gained at HPU and how they helped her get to where she is today. “Every aspect of this university prepares students to go against the best of the best in the workforce,” says Campbell. “I believe the liberal arts education here is even more unique than most universities. We have more resources and connections available that allow students to get hands-on experience and one-on-one time with professionals in any field students may be interested in. That in itself helped me get to where I am now.” Campbell embraced unique leadership opportunities and resources available at HPU. As a member of the Nido R. Qubein School of Communication Advisory Board, Campbell played a role in providing input to the dean of the Nido R. Qubein School of Communication on how to best serve the needs of its students, both academically and personally. This experience was a key moment for Campbell, as she saw that no matter what stage of her career she is in, she can make a positive impact on the world around her.



Courtney Wallen, ’19 Courtney Wallen, class of 2019, came to HPU from Oxford, Connecticut, and found her passion inside the Nido R. Qubein School of Communication’s state-of-the-art TV studio. Today, she’s a multimedia journalist for Spectrum News, where she writes scripts for news shows, organizes the order of stories and pieces together news shows from start to finish. Wallen has also returned to HPU to complete her Master’s in Communication and Business Leadership. Her professors showed genuine care and were there to listen to Wallen’s ideas, encouraging her to dig deeper and transform those ideas into real goals. They motivated her to seek opportunities and positions outside her comfort zone. “HPU’s professors and faculty helped me build the foundation to be a journalist,” says Wallen. “With their experience and vast knowledge, they’ve taught me ethics, problem-solving skills and the high standards I should hold in my career. The Office of Career and Professional Development helped me land the job that kick-started my career. They taught me to network and connected me with Spectrum News to participate in their first internship program. After my 10 weeks as an intern, the news director was impressed by my work and offered me a position as an associate producer.”

Paul Clark, ‘20 After interning with Major League Baseball as an HPU student, Paul Clark landed a supervisory role with Amazon ahead of graduating in 2020. Today, he’s an area manager II in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he oversees hundreds of associates for the e-commerce giant. Clark says he built his confidence and career path thanks to mentorship from professors and guidance from HPU’s Office of Career and Professional Development. “HPU provided many opportunities on campus and outside the classroom for me to gain the skills I needed to stand out,” he says.



Dr. Katelyn Long, ’15 When Dr. Katelyn Long applied to veterinary school, the research she had conducted as an undergraduate at High Point University was a big hit. She studied animal cognition on lemurs and gibbons for three years alongside Dr. Joanne Altman, HPU’s director of Undergraduate Research and Creative Works. Having presented at multiple conferences, she had the confidence to discuss the findings in her veterinary school interviews. She went on to attend veterinary school at Iowa State University. Today, she’s a veterinarian in Mooresville, North Carolina.

Dr. Richard Byrd, ‘16 Dr. Richard Byrd is a dentist currently pursuing his specialization in orthodontia at Howard University. He received his undergraduate degree from High Point University in psychology, a passion he uncovered as a freshman. Byrd always knew a career in dentistry was what he wanted. When he questioned if a major in psychology would set him on the path to dental school, HPU mentors assured him he would leave HPU well-prepared and ready to stand out in the competitive field of dentistry. “A lot of what made me attractive to dental schools was what I’d learned at HPU,” says Byrd. “Understanding how to master communication and knowing the values of teamwork, hard work, time management, empathy, perseverance and selflessness made me an attractive candidate.”



Gabrielle LoCurto, ‘20 Gabrielle LoCurto, class of 2020, earned her biology degree at HPU and is now pursuing her master's degree in biomedical sciences at Duke University's School of Medicine. LoCurto credits her professors and career advisors in the Office of Career and Professional Development for helping her prepare for graduate school and always being available to assist her. “HPU has been a catalyst in so many ways to help me achieve my goals,” she says.

Nick Stigler, ‘17 Nick Stigler, class of 2017, received a degree in athletic training and is now an athletic trainer at Wake Orthopaedics. He works alongside orthopaedic surgeons across the Raleigh, North Carolina, area helping patients recover from injuries, surgery and rehabilitation. HPU’s experiential learning opportunities and incredible mentors provided him with the real-world skills and support needed to succeed in his career. For example, during his time at HPU, he landed an internship with the New Orleans Saints NFL team.

Discover More Success Stories

This publication provides a glimpse of the extraordinary careers that HPU graduates launch, as well as graduate schools and professional schools for which their HPU undergraduate education prepared them. Visit www.highpoint.edu/outcomes to view more of their stories.



Apple Co-Founder = HPU Mentor Steve Wozniak is the co-founder of Apple Computer and is also High Point University’s Innovator in Residence. The Silicon Valley icon joined HPU as Innovator in Residence after serving as the university’s Commencement speaker and being interviewed by HPU President Nido Qubein in the university’s “Access to Innovators” series. HPU students across all disciplines have unparalleled access to world-class innovators such as Wozniak. Their unique, one-on-one interactions provide priceless opportunities to put their life skills into practice while continuing to learn how to hone these skills. Wozniak has worked with computer science and physics students on a driverless mobile kiosk unit that can travel around HPU’s campus delivering campus mail, medicine and other

items. He helped students flesh out designs for their inventions, segment the project into manageable parts and identify relevant technologies to explore. Visit www.highpoint.edu/innovators to see the continually growing list of global leaders who mentor HPU students.

HPU's In-Residence Faculty

These global leaders educate, inspire and coach HPU students to greatness.

Netflix Co-founder and first CEO

Talent Acquisition Expert in Residence Dee Ann Turner

Sports Executive in Residence Cynthia Marshall

Sports Reporter in Residence Bob Ryan

Entrepreneur in Residence Marc Randolph

CEO, Dallas Mavericks Former Chief Diversity Officer, AT&T

Journalist in Residence Byron Pitts

Co-anchor of ABC News’ “Nightline”

Corporate Educator in Residence Scott McKain Bestselling Author, Business Consultant and Trainer

Innovator In Residence Steve Wozniak

Apple Computer Co-founder

Broadcaster in Residence Joe Michaels

Former Director of NBC's “TODAY” Show for 22 years



Former VP for Talent at Chick-fil-A

Former Sportswriter for The Boston Globe; known as “the Quintessential American Sportswriter”

Sales Professional in Residence Larry Quinn

Director of HPU’s Professional Selling Program; Former National Sales Training Manager at Xerox; Former Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Thomson Professional Publishing Group and Duplex Printing Corp.

Global Leader in Residence William “Bill” E. Kennard

Current Chairman of AT&T’s Board of Directors, Former U.S. Ambassador and Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Corporate Executive in Residence Russell Weiner

President and COO of Domino’s Pizza



Our investment in each student’s success goes much deeper than their discipline — we are committed to equipping students with the life skills necessary to be successful within their career and life’s daily interactions. We use common exchanges and connections — an interview over a meal at a fine dining restaurant, for example — to teach the art of persuasion, effective communication and other skills that help HPU students stand out.


High Point University is among the John Templeton Foundation’s Top 100 Colleges That Encourage Character Development. It is in our DNA to graduate learned young people who are grounded in sound moral decision-making and are framed with good character.

GAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Experiential learning accounts for 25% of the academic hours in each major at HPU. Students are educated in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom using labs, studios, career shadowing, internships, research, study abroad and professional settings to gain real-world experience within their discipline.


Become proficient in academic disciplines known as majors taught by stellar faculty with top-notch resources. This is expected at top accredited universities around the world, but this is also where the academic model for some universities begins and ends. At HPU, this is the foundational pillar that supports the pillars above. WWW.HIGHPOINT.EDU


Are you





We encourage you and your student to schedule a personal campus visit at www.highpoint.edu/visit. We deliver every day on our mission statement — every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people. Come experience High Point University's inspiring campus environment today!

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Avoid large walking tours and don’t worry about the weather. Your personalized campus tour will include a covered golf cart for you and your family. Lunch is included! Enjoy a complimentary meal at one of the nation’s best campus dining experiences. Personal connection! At the conclusion of your golf cart tour, you’ll meet one-on-one with an admissions counselor to answer any of your questions. Don’t leave empty handed. You’ll receive a complimentary gift from High Point University.


One University Parkway, High Point, North Carolina 27268 800-345-6993 | WWW.HIGHPOINT.EDU

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