Campus Engagement
Student Competencies and Learning Outcomes
RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL GROUPS The Chapel and Religious Life Office provides students the ability to experience and practice the wisdom of the world’s faith traditions. Ecumenical Christian worship is offered at Hayworth Chapel every Wednesday at 5:30 during the semester. Students may also receive credit through Rel-1019, 1020 and 1021 for attending Chapel. Students may get involved in a variety of faith organizations, including the Board of Stewards, Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM), Hillel (Jewish student group), Interfaith United (Interfaith dialogue and service group), Impact, College Life, Alpha Delta Theta, Alpha Phi Omega, Genesis Gospel Choir, Chapel Choir, and Awake&Alive. For more information, please go to BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • •
Build community with peers who share your interests Understand and articulate one’s own personal belief system and that of others Deepen, expand, and challenge your faith and worldview Serve the community and world through pilgrimage opportunities
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS HPU is home to more than 100 student organizations to serve student’s interests! These include academic, class offices, cultural, fraternal, general interests, performing arts, political, religious and service organizations. Joining a student organization is a great way to get involved in campus life and make the most of your college experience! BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • • •
Build community with peers who share your interests Work with peers toward achieving common/shared goals Enhance your listening, public speaking and communication skills Explore creative solutions Turn challenges into opportunities
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The HPU Student Employment Program (SEP) is designed for experiential learning that will coach students for professional expectations and career endeavors. Positions within the SEP are considered on-campus jobs, with focus on responsibility, accountability, job etiquette, and many other aspects of employment. All student employees will acquire useful job skills and receive guidance and resources that will help them be successful in their job searches and future careers after college. BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • • •
Engage in team building and strategic planning Learn to accept feedback from others Sharpen your communication skills Accept responsibilities and complete them in a timely manner Assess your personal abilities, interests, skills, and values to consider various professional careers
STUDENT ACTIVITIES HPU encourages all students to take advantage of the Campus Engagement Calendar. Each week, there are a variety of events to attend, including: Monday movies in the Extraordinaire Cinema; Wednesday Night Live events, such as coffee houses or karaoke; and Venture trips off-campus to different destinations in the surrounding community. All activities are complimentary to HPU students! BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • •
Build community with peers Decompress and take time to recharge Spend your free time with friends Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new
CAMPUS ACTIVITIES TEAM Members of the Campus Activities Team (CAT), a student-run organization, work together to plan all of the extraordinary activities that take place on and off campus each semester. If you are interested in event planning and management or sharing your creative ideas for campus activities, CAT is the student organization for you! BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • • •
Work with peers toward achieving common/shared goals Design activities and programs to engage students with a variety of interests Manage program development, implementation, and evaluation in an organized manner Cross-program with other student organizations Make connections between your curricular studies and campus/co-curricular involvement
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION The Student Government Association (SGA) exists to assure the voice of the students is heard in the decision-making process at HPU. Students are encouraged to suggest improvements or changes to policies, procedures, practices, or services that would make HPU a better community in which to live and learn. The purpose of SGA has remained the same for more than 80 years: to lead and be the role models and advocates for students on campus. BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • • •
Become a student leader on campus Enact positive changes on campus Work with peers toward achieving common/shared goals Let your voice be heard Make important and informed decisions
Becoming a Student Justice is one of the highest honors a student may achieve at HPU. As members of the Conduct and Honor Court system, Student Justices are responsible for maintaining the high standards expected of HPU students.
Resident Assistants work as paraprofessional staff members in Residence Life. They provide guidance and information for their residents, run hall programs to support their residential community, and act as liaisons between students and the Student Life staff.
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Hold others and yourself accountable Understand the ethical components of leadership Participate in the maintenance of campus and community standards Enhance your critical thinking skills Act and make decisions in congruence with the community standards of HPU
UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS University Ambassadors serve as the face of HPU. They provide campus tours to prospective families and university guests, work admissions events, and have opportunities to travel to conferences and events off campus. BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • • • •
Encourage institutional pride Network with professionals Enhance your listening and public speaking skills Utilize constructive feedback to better yourself
Encourage institutional pride among students Design activities and programs to build community among residents Build relationships with faculty and staff members Understand the importance of civic engagement Enhance your listening and communication skills
FRATERNITY AND SORORITY LIFE Greek organizations provide opportunities for leadership development, scholastic engagement, and lifelong friendships and connections. Greek students are expected to be model students on campus, on the playing field, and within clubs and organizations on campus. BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT • Understand the ethical components of leadership • Create lasting friendships • Network with organization alumni/alumnae and professionals • Understand the importance of civic engagement • Act and make decisions in congruence with the values of your organization
The Volunteer Center partners with a variety of non-profit agencies, including: Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the American Red Cross, Communities in Schools, and Habitat for Humanity. Whether students want to help raise awareness, raise money, or simply raise spirits, there are ample service opportunities available to experience selfless giving. The greatest gift that you can give is your time!
Supporting the mission of High Point University to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities, multicultural and diversity organizations contribute to the co-curricular experience of HPU students. Organizations provide educational, social, and celebratory events and activities promoting inclusion, advocacy and respect, designed to influence meaningful change throughout the campus community.
Work with peers toward achieving common/shared goals Engage others in planning activities and events Make new friends who share your interests Participate in service/volunteer activities Understand the importance of civic engagement
Positively impact others’ perspective on diversity Advocate for equality and inclusiveness Recognize the contributions diversity brings to campus and society Build community with peers who share your interests
Intramural (IM) Sports consist of both competitive and noncompetitive programming for male, female, and coed teams. Some of the IM Sports offered throughout the school year include: flag football, soccer, softball, indoor and beach volleyball, tennis, basketball, ultimate Frisbee, dodgeball, and racquetball.
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• Spend time with friends • Engage in team building/teamwork • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Peer Mentors are upperclassmen who assist new students in their transition to HPU. They provide advice, guidance, and support for students as they learn to navigate the HPU community. BENEFITS OF INVOLVEMENT Positively influence others Create lasting friendships Conduct formal and informal presentations Become more independent/self-reliant
Contact the Office of Student Life | 3rd floor of the Slane Student Center (336) 841-9231 | Email: |