The Social Science Fellows Program, for those majoring in the Behavioral Sciences at High Point University, provides students with collaborative and interdisciplinary experiences, with majors in Criminal Justice, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology/Anthropology. Social Science Fellows will grow within a cohort experience. Social Science Fellows have enhanced opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and apply that knowledge to their own growth and scholarship. Working with committed and enthusiastic faculty, Social Science Fellows are immersed in the research and study of professional topics that explore interpersonal dynamics within the behavioral and social sciences, celebrate the shared constructs studied by students involved in the program’s majors, and benefit from the synergistic effects that come with understanding human behavior. Using a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary, and experiential approach, Social Science Fellows enrich their current academic experience and enhance their post-graduate options.
Successful applicants to the Social Science Fellows program will have a declared major in Criminal Justice, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology/Anthropology. The program is highly selective and is limited to the top 35 incoming students in these four majors in each entering class.
Social Science Fellows will receive a $3,000 SCHOLARSHIP renewable annually based on academic performance and continued participation in the program. This is in addition to any Presidential or High Point Scholarship.
To be considered for membership into the Social Science Fellows Program, you must first submit your High Point University undergraduate admissions application. Then, please complete your Social Science Fellows application through your PantherPage. You may apply to multiple Fellows programs, but students are only offered admission into one program.
n Work with faculty who are experts in their perspective fields, with unique opportunities to delve into research and utilize statistics.
n Experience greater depth across a breadth of training, through workshops and seminars.
n Discover connections across broad fields of study, through on-campus and off-campus experiences.
n Have exclusive opportunities for directed mentorship in the research process.
n Encounter and consult with external experts for exposure to additional knowledge and singular experiences in the field.
n Get hands-on exposure to advanced work.
n Receive exceptional opportunities to attend and present at conferences.
n Build a resume for success.