C O L L E C T I N G P A Y M E N T S T H R O U G H C A R D S H A S G R O W N A S O N E O F T H E E S S E N T I A L P A R T O F T H E B U S I N E S S . A S T O D A Y P E O P L E P R E F E R T O P A Y T H R O U G H T H E I R C A R D S T H A T A R E , P U R C H A S I N G P R O D U C T O R S E R V I C E S T H R O U G H T H E I R A C C O U N T D I R E C T L Y .
For this the businesses who are practicing the traditional way of business are rapidly changing their working or the start-up businesses who want to have a credit card payment accepting merchant account, needs to deal with a lot of paper work for the approval of a merchant account that is specially dedicated to collect payments through cards. Here we are going to discuss about the merchant account requirements in UK, Ireland and other 26 European countries. For a merchant account to be initiated for collecting card payments the businesses needs to have the following documents to file applications:
For this the businesses who are practicing the traditional way of business are rapidly changing their working or the start-up businesses who want to have a credit card payment accepting merchant account, needs to deal with a lot of paper work for the approval of a merchant account that is specially dedicated to collect payments through cards. Applicant’s bank account: A bank account in any of the European branch. The above are the essentials of the application that a merchant needs to provide while applying for the merchant account. Now, the type of merchant account is categorized under the two basic forms Retail merchant account: This type of account is specifically designated for the merchants that deal with the retailing of products or daily utility services. Plus the account is also for the businesses that have low volume of transaction or sales. This type is more inclined for the products like fashion and electronic items.
High risk merchant account: This type of merchant account is assigned for the businesses who deal high risk business industries like Trial & Continuity, Tech Support and alike or high volume of transactions. Basically the above types of merchant accounts will decide the amount that bank will applied on transactions made and also the bank will decide if the business needs any type of guarantee to use the merchant account services. The above were the prequistes that will act as the deciding factor weather the applicant is eligible to apply for the merchant account. Now, for filing the application in the bank these are the other documentation required to be submitted in the bank:
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