1 minute read
Destruction, Nervosa
from Highwire Daze #143
by highwiredaze
1720, LOS ANGELES, CA., MAY 22, 2022
Review by Tony F. Corpse - Photos by Jack Lue
a surgeon’s tempered steel blade. The lovely metal lasses were victorious this evening. Rebel Souls one and all.
Beheadliner’s Destruction raged like a ravenous pit of vipers trapped in a rusty cage. They approached swinging with thrash’tastic title track Diabolical, loping off a few skulls in the melee, whilst inciting a riot of violence (pun intended and relative band). Their teutonic barrage advanced like a panzer on rocket fuel, essentially decimating eardrums and rattling ribcages in the process, especially during The Ritual off of 1985’s imperial treasure Infernal Overkill. The pit mongers raged like a pyromanic’s victim alight, encircling and flaying in a dance of death. I, being quite inebriated (as one should be at a thrash gathering) howled along succiently during Life Without Sense. Much to my chagrin I matched Schmier’s piercing banshee wails during the refrains Life and Sense. I was a proud wolf, bloodthirstily howling at the moon’s illuminating evervescense. A memorable night of thrashing metal madness!

The night was ablaze with rapturous female strength. Lilith’s ample bosom, gushing forth the blood of thrash metal empowerment and wrath. Brazil’s Nervosa proved with an iron will that the fairer sex cannot be declawed once a conquest is presented. The beauty and beast dwell deep within the nether regions of vocalist Diva Satanica. Her stage presence, a fusion of voodoo trance sways, brutish death growls and banshee witch screeches, co-mingling in perfect unison, especially during the title track of their new opus Perpetual Chaos, and the frantic, piledriving urgency of Time To Fight. Bass ravaging queen Mia Wallace stared downed the ever loyal acolytes with the firey eyed intent of medusa whilst band leader/guitar destructor Prika Amaral trasversed the stage in wild abandon, headbanging like a beautifully primal monstrosity. During Venomous, drummer Eleni Nota displayed a human agility verging on superhuman. Her drum fills as precise and fast cutting as