Ye portfolio s

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M.L.A. 2013 Edinburgh College of Art


HE Ye +44 7955581623 4/7 Panmure Place Edinburgh EH3 9JJ UK

Being both artistic and strategic, Ye is a creative young designer with a passion for landscape architecture. She has endless ideas and a sensitivity towards aesthetic. As part of a team, Ye can work both cooperatively and independently. She enjoys inspring and collaborating in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams. She is skilled at graphic presentation as well as discussing design philosophy.


selected individual academic works M.L.A.


edinburgh college of art campus design space and place earthwork exercise



beijing steel factories brownfield reclamation urban regeneration ecological urbanism culture landscape finnal project



berlin gatow airfield urban regeneration landscape reclamation

public art strategy scotland landscape strategy creative industry



university island suzhou campus masterplanning planting design detail design

suzhou riverfront park waterfront public realm



other project samples

drawings and artworks

zhangjiagang riverfront eco park waterfornt large park

conceptual drawings working drawings digital watercolour acrylic painting




Permanent parking and pedestrian


Hard and soft activity zones


Matured trees

eca courtyard redesign 2012 Edinburgh, Scotland/ 4850m2 Campus design/ Earthwork/ Detail design Individual 5 weeks







Legends Existing trees

Campus entries

Proposed trees

Building entries Fire Exits







5 2

1/15 Detail of the conten retaining wall







1. Lawn and top soil 2.Concrete retaining wall 3. Conten sheet 3mm thick 4. Concrete base 5. Drainage 6. Motar 7. Concrete paveblock 40mm thick








4 5


1/15 Detail of the seating wall








1. Lawn and top soil 2.Concrete seating wall 3. Conten sheet cover 3mm thick 4. Concrete base 5. Drainage pipe 6. Motar 7. Concrete paveblock 40mm thick 8. 9. Subbase 10. Rainforce hook




A lost steel city in a sprawling mega city

Story: - The heavy mechanical factory is one of the many factories of the Capital Steel Group, locating at the west outskirt of Beijing. First founded in 1919, the steel group was the largest steel producer in China during the economic reform era. Around 2005 for environmental consideration, the Group gradually moved its production to Caofeidian in Hebei Province and a few other locations, letting behind more than 8 square kilometres’ area with huge industrial structures. 83 ha


Context: - The site is surrounded by 4 motor roads. The area is 83 hectares, and the existing buildings have a GFA of 300,000 sqm. About seven hundred and eighty families reside here. Although the production ended in 1997, the existing buildings have large-span spaces that offer high potential for reuse. The site is also surrounded by a green-belt. The regional environment and transportation system is yet to be improved. The steel group wishes this factory can be the pilot program of the overall transiting action and lessons gained from it can be applied to the redevelopment of the whole industry region in the future.

Pilot site for the overall regeneration of the factory region Incubate creative industry while offering flexibility Introduce sustainable solutions


Connect adjacent green patches and provide green infrastructure Stimulate existing and planned residential/ commercial areas

Visions: - The Pilot site of Capital Steel Group Regeneration; incubating design, multi-media, cultural events, commercial and F&B amenities, tourist destination. - The Civic centre of the surrounding communities (existing and proposed), providing large public facility. - The Connection point, tying thoroughly into:1. the nearby community, 2.the city’s existing green open spaces,3. and the proposed industrial recreation network. - The model project of sustainable storm-water management, releasing the city’s storm pressure . Stormwater facilities would be ingrated with space/place making, visible process acting tourism/education role


Design with preexistences Occupy off-scale space while reserve characters and intriguing speciality

Approaches: The ceased factory sits in a quickly shifting urban fabric. I try to give a prospective but honest response to the land. Therefore the design employs natural and social changes, where two main spine works as the catalyst of the overall process. Based on research of the urban morphology, the design works with the legacy of the past and tries to bring them into new life. The pre-existence were reprogrammed in the urban spine. Meanwhile in the park spine they were brought into a tourism and education trail, where the silent epic of deindustrialisation and nature’s reclaiming is narrated.

Above: fieldwork photos

Above: Scaling down objections


2013 Beijing, China / 83 ha Landscape reclamation/ Urban regeneration Individual 12 weeks M.L.A. final project

Nature is reclaiming back at the established wetland which seasonally submerges the factory relics. A backpacker is undertaking his fictional adventure and the pilgrimage towards an unnamed moment in our civilization.

Built Fabric

transformation of matrix - working with time and legacy


Phase1 scenario - Clean and reprogramme

New Built Retained Demolished Roof opened Basement retained

Phase 2 scenario - Insert new development

Green Fabric

Factory built mass Neighbourhood built mass

Retained Demolished Roof opened Basement retained

Mixed woodland Heath land Grassland Wet grassland RemediationWetland garden

Park Shelter belt Single trees and linear trees Sporadic lawns Spontaneous bushes

Remediation woodland Herbaceous flowering meadow Recreational Lawn


Phase 1 action - Insert and connect

Mixed woodland Heath land Grassland Wet grassland Wetland Community garden Neighbourhood woodland Herbaceous flowering meadow Recreational Lawn Green roofs Bioswales

Phase 2 scenario - Maturing

vertical zoning

The chimney forest master plan for year10 o



Summer breeze

Micro climate 15



Canopy floor green matrix - Tree canopy

24 23




Canopy floor green matrix - green roofs


6 5 8



2 20 4

24 8

Built fabric standing




7 4 8

Ground floor urban matrix - an urban spine with new paved

KEYS THE GREEN SPINE 1. Existing railway 2. Existing concrete columns 3. Pedestrian walk way built on existing railway 4. Skywalk built on existing concrete columns 5. Visitor centre 6. Visitor’s platform 12 7. Seating Island 8. Playthings made from found object 9. Kid’s playground 10. Sport facilities 11. Viewpoints 12. Sludge hill 13. Constructed wetland 13 14. Reservoir THE URBAN SPINE 15. Gateway forecourt 16. Boulevard towards neighbouring park 17. Amphitheatre 18. Street plaza with new planted tree matrix 19. Landforms with terrace seating 3 20. Grand plaza 21. Street vending 22. Outdoor Cafe 23. Native herbaceous garden patches 24. Bioswales with urban wild


Ground floor green matrix - wildlife park serve as retention area



1 Remained Former Coking

Former Revelting

Former Casting


Former office & Workers’ housing

Inserted New studios / offices New retail/ resteraunts


3 Trees

Existing woodland Old tree + new shared surface

Paving from recycled wall

Proposed woodland

Permeable paving

Slab paving

Plaza installed with mirror foudary

Hard surfaces



Masterplan Palettes

Seasonal wetland


All year reservoir

Maintained lawn

Urban canal

Crop grassland

Remedy herb

Bioswale and urban wild

Layering makes it clearer on the different approaches regarding the west green spine and the east urban spine. For the green spine, softscape forms the base while ‘’landscapenised’’ factory buildings serve as nodes. For the urban spine, renovated hardscape forms the base while retained arbors forms the canopy. The intriguing spacial quality of the chimney forest is enhanced. Material palette makes a complexion of retained, recycled and inserted. Open-ups in the urban spine considered microclimate. Bio-swales connected urban green patches to the wider green matrix.

Rain water

strategic execution - selective deconstruction a trail of the chimney forest

The relic pavilion beside wetland

The phyto-remediation factory

The wetland factory

The relic platform

The crown block playground

The tree factory

The relic pavilion in forest

strategic execution - selective demolish transforming urban forest

1. Demolished to create open space

2. Demolished to create access & connection

3. Demolished shabby buildings for new development on the spine

4. Sporadic shabby construction suggested to be demolished

The conceptual decision is to structure two matrix, two zones, two centres and two spines of green and urban. To achieve this landscape framework, what to be removed is carefully selected through site-specific investigation as well digital modelling. The diagrams above presented this working process, showing the entire built mass with coloured building representing buildings considered to be demolished. The four colours are representing four catalogue of objectives. While the linework image in the centre of this page shows the result of the removing-adding process.

strategic execution - specific remediation

visible and visitable process


Extabish wet- Remediation & educaland on low tion programme land formed by cutting

The contamination condition of the site was resulted from former usage of the factory built masses. Similar with other factories of Capital Steel group, the heavy machinery factory owned storage zone, coking zone, steel casting zone, iron casting zone, riveting zone, machinery zone and affiliated workers accommodation area. Referred to a quantitative report by scholars from Peking University, the storage zone were generally clean, the coking zone was polluted by organic containments while others were treated by a range of heavy mental contaminants. I selected phytoremediation approaches for area which is intended to be developed as parks, to provide visually appealing landscape background in the remediation phase which usually take over 10 years. Meanwhile in area to be developed as creative industry and urban complex, phyto remediation and soil cover are both employed. The objective is to make most possibility for developing and remediating at the same time, to response the chanllege of urgent urbanisation demand of the region.

p op

e mm



u ort



Xanthium sibiricum


Chloris virgata Swartz

t Cu Indoor contamination - organic dominate ( PAH )

Indoor contamination - heavy mental dominate ( Ge, Pb )





Uncontaminated bareground

Outdoor organic and heavy mental contamination

Lolium perenne L.


ta on


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Phragmites australis

C Mapping Phragmites

Remediation Phase - Chimney Forest The ceased factory sits in a quickly shifting urban fabric. I try to give a prospective but honest respons,therefore the design employs natural and social changes, where two main spine works as the catalyst of the overall process. Based on research of the urban morphology, the design works with the legacy of the past and tries to bring them into new life. The pre-existence were reprogrammed in the urban spine. Meanwhile in the park spine they were brought into a tourism and education trail, where the silent epic of deindustrialisation and nature’s reclaiming is narrated. The middle zone of green spine in remediation phase is featured with education and experiential programmes : remediation gardens Skywalks and remediation factories. After 10 years’ remediation and harvest, level 0 become fully accessible,expanding the recreation spaces for the new neighbourhood communities.

Skywalks on existing columns, space beneath is remediation meadow with Brassica and Chloris virgata

Boardwalk and Brassica farmland

1: 500 Green spine section bb’

The Green Spine

Unprogrammed building left for wildlife and hiking

The earthwork required for remediation provide opportunity for mini-landforms in streetscapes. As selected reprogrammed factories would be covered with approximately 0.3m thick clean fill, there will be necessities to design terraces and slopes connecting these building with the boulevard. Grass terrace with seating steps and barrier-free accesses will be new character of the upgrades spine for a rejuvenated urban complex, which will be occupied by creative industry, culture and retial. The centre plaza is suggested to employ an impermanent water feature that create a thin layer of water mirror in summer or festival time. The mirror will evoke a stimulating and speculating image of the pre-existing factories and colums, which is fictionary and symbolic, to arouse new vision to our past lessons.

Development Phase - Urban Forest

Urban streetscape, terraces utilised the soil fill for remediation

The former power-station zone and material storage zone now become recreation engine and ecology reservoir. On hydrology aspect, the green zones could be perceived as a huge run-off retention area, which utilised the site’s original sloping and the soil cut made by capping. While the central remediation factory now became a centre for exhibition and festival activities, with the ground floor remain an museum to memorise its industry past, as well as to learn and even experience its remediation process.

Reflection plaza and seasonal events

Preserve a groundfloor as remediation museum and education centre

The Urban Spine

detail development

Celebrate the significant moments of the reclamation process: This is the threshold of the wildness park and the community. This platform is intended to built on a relic of an basement, which was an affiliate building of the vanished factory. The concrete columns in the centre are recycled nearby. Their role include sculpture , land-art, play objects and plant bedding. Their amphiboles look is intended to reserve the mysterious amour of this fansinating site, meanwhile emphasizing the speculate scale. Former muddy area resulted in abundance now are blossomed with native clovers. Their subtle saturation and textures, along with those of the new paved brushed concrete and retained of railway, create a contemplative atmosphere.

1: 500 Section a1 - a2

1: 500 Section b1 - b2


Angle frame, nonalloy, 80 * 80 * 7mm


U molding, nonalloy, 180mm


Galvanized grating, MW 31/9 mm, 1000* 1800 mm


U - steel, nonalloy, 80mm


Recycled steel pipes, typical 450 * 6.3 mm, length 200cm


Exsiting rails


Exsiting rails’ foundation


Handrail, nonalloy, 950 * 80 *7 mm

1 : 50 Section c-cĘź Construction detail


4 1 2

3 5 6


1: 200 Section c1-c2

Material Pallette Canopy


Black Locust


Staghorn Suma

Existing Existing steel strucconcrete tures revealed columns

Tree of Heaven



Dandelion Festuca

b1 c1 c2

Hard surface Railway

Habitat phasing Existing

Year1 action Pioneer woodland estabishing Soil cutting & wetland establishing Grassland stripcroping


Brushed insitu concrete


Existing concrete columns

Remained build- Concrete Brushed insitu ing walls bench with concrete wooden surface

After 5 years dig out the sludges produced by wetland, nutrient-demanding species could be planted

Floating path on exsiting railway


Improved biodiversity and various texture along the route



Memoryscape entering wildlife park

berlin gatow airfield regeneration 2012 Berlin, Germany/ 79 ha Urban regeneration/ Landscape reclamation Group fieldwork and research 3 weeks + Individual design 5 weeks

Located in the Spandau borough of Berlin, Gatow Airfield is a retired RAF base currently being used as a Luftwaffe museum and German military barracks. The relationship between the site, the Luftwaffe museum and the local community were urged to be improved. My project aims to create flexible landscape framework derived from historical patterns to stimulate the area in the first phase, preparing to host urban agriculture in the future. Ecology preservation, reclamation and aesthetic character of the land are the focus of my skeme.

The ruderal grass, occurred after disturbance (land-use shifting) is a reflection of the site’s history, a layer of land recording the post-war healing process. Spontaneous vegetation working with bold concrete and metal structure (often industry remains) is a typical Germany way of making public spaces. I want to optimise this special aesthetic of wilderness as well as the poetics of unnamed nature.

In the ecology conservation area the paths is dotted with seatings as bird observation points. Several part of the routes are lifted to allow animals’ passing through.Though the whole site is generally flat , the geographic survey data show some level change in the contaminated area. Thus these lifted paths are actually flat without stairs, then landing on the mound, pple will have the experience of both in and out of the wilderness. Surface material for lifted walkways is metal grill. Sunken paths connect the museum land with the natural conservation park.. But visually the boudary is blured intendedly. These paths create spacial experieance like Mose’s bridge however with grass replacing water. There are also subtle level change to encourage different ways to appreciate the land.

projecting perth a public art strategy

Our proposal was to regenerate abandoned and under-used spaces within Perth to build and maintain a creative industry. This will include the implementation of an artist in residence program and a new media strategy using projections throughout the city that will document everything from the artists’ process to final product.

2012 Perth, Scotland Landscape strategy/ Public art intervention Groupwork 4 weeks

Our inspiring team was made of two M.L.A, two M.Sc and one artist. I was responsible for the mapping work, identifying suitable sites for execute our stratergy, and also enjoyed producing some visuals.

The studios within the city of Perth will be renovated and/or updated spaces that offer a collaborative working environment for artists who will in turn breathe new life into areas of the city they are working in. They will investigate and revive spaces that were previously forgotten. They will transform spaces insides and out. The Landscape studio spaces will be tucked into the Perthshire landscape. They will embrace a natural environment and explore the relationships between work space and nature and the kind of work this relationship inspires.

Execution - Studios

Execution - Small Spaces

The New Media segment of our proposal takes on two forms - the first being smaller screens in smaller spaces. The images projected on these smaller screen will document process, the creation of a product in a studio in Perth. These images will be exhibited strategically throughout the city, in spaces like alley ways which will make spatial connections between process and transient spaces, those we travel through to arrive at a final destination - or in this instance, a final product.

Selected Pratical works

University Island Suzhou 2012 internship campus masterplanning/ 253 ha

Waterfront Park of River Wusong, Suzhou 2012 internship waterfront public realm/ 21.4 ha

I detailed two canals ( approx. 1.4km long, 25m wide ) using gabion embank, under supervision of senior landscape architect and referencing the draft masterplan by urban designer. As my proposal was approved later I proposed related planting design and detail of bridges to suggest the horticulture and engineer team, meanwhile participate the overall

The masterplan is responsible to the netherland team and I worked actively on translation. I also produced sketchup models and presentation graphics.

Other works

zhangjiagang riverfront eco park 2011 Zhangjiagang, China/ 77 ha Waterfront/ Large park/ Urban Periphery group research 4 weeks + group masterplanning 2 weeks independent design 6 weeks This design project referenced one of the research project where I worked as assistance for my undergraduate tutor Dr. Cao. That project gave me opportunity to collaborate with geologist and I was granted to visualise and use their data. The idea was about reusing the abundant fish ponds to establish a educational entertainment park, for a new developed suburban which was former feed on farm and fishing. Now looking back it can be tell that some of my design philosophy such as resusing and visible visitable process began to emerge at this stage. But there was a lack of logic connection between research and design as well as reasonable circulation .

1. 4.




1. CHIMNEY FOREST: Conceptual drawing on site for the wetland-factory idea, 2. CHIMNEY FOREST :Conceptual drawing to discuss a cannal skeme in the urban zone 3. ECA CAMPUS COURTYARD: Working masterplan 4. ECA CAMPUS COURTYARD: Working masterplan to test 2 options of spacial layout Media and tools: tracing paper, sketch book, maker pen Timing: 15-30 min





1&2: Digital watercolour rendering Coral painter, wacom tablet, sketch book and pen 3&4: Acrylic painting on paper


HE Ye Graduate student 2013 M.L.A. Landscape Architecture Edinburgh College of Art 4/7 Panmure Place Edinburgh EH3 9JJ UK +44 7955581623

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