Australia as a Nation Complete Worksheet 1 on the Different Forms of Government that exist. Once completed create/select political cartoons to represent each of their characteristics.
Outline responsibilities of the 3 tiers of Australian Government using a Venn diagram Worksheet 3
Read the words to ‘Advance Australia Fair’ This is described as a patriotic song. What does this mean? Discuss how ‘Advance Australia Fair’ reflects an Australian identity. Represent your understanding of a particular stanza in pictures. Highlight and explain any unusual words eg,girt
Read the poems “Our Own Flag” by Banjo Patterson , “Our Flag” anonymous and “Flag” by Stephen Herrick and discuss the writers’ views of the flag and what it means to them.
Complete a PMI on Australia’s form of Government. Research an Australian Prime Minister. Then create a rhyming bioriddle outlining significant events and achievements of this PM’s life. Present your bio-riddle and then draw a caricature reflecting their achievements.
Complete the General Knowledge questionnaire on Parliament members Worksheet 2
Write a formal letter to a member of parliament on an issue/concern to you. Remember your aim is to persuade or support their stance.
Complete the floor plan of Who’s who & who’s where in chambers. Worksheet 4 House of Reps Senate
Watch the following link u4aZhiK0c and complete a Y chart outlining what this parliamentary session looks like, sounds like and feels like. Use quotes and examples Do you think Politician are credible? Why/ why not? What does the Australian flag mean to me? Discuss the Australian flag, its history and meaning, and your feelings about it. Prepare a spoken presentation to an overseas visitor or create an information brochure for new citizens.
Construct a table to Watch show the history of You are to create a new Australian flag. the Australian flag, You must write an accompanying including; The Herald brochure to explain the federal flag, the significance/symbolism of each element Aboriginal flag, the of your flag and design an advertising Eureka flag, the campaign/ slogan to promote it. National Colonial flag, the Federal flag, the Torres Strait islander flag, the Union jack The “Stolen Generation “ is a tragic part of our Australian history. View the following m/ and Using your understanding of the website Difference Differently and others Complete a SWOT Analysis w on the White Australia policy. Would such a policy Create 2 diary entries explaining your be tolerated today? feelings as a mother, and a child. Create your own song or rap from an Indigenous Point of view or from your point of view today. Sharing events, feelings etc. including the introduction and outcome of “Sorry Day”.