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publ i ccl as sHel l oWor l d{ publ i cs t at i cvoi dmai n ( S t r i ng[ ]ar gs ){ S ys t em. out . pr i nt l n ( " Hel l o,Wor l d" ) ; } }

r emi x edby

Cas eyF i es l er www. cas eyf i es l er . com

T hi snoncommer ci al t r ans f or mat i vewor k cons t i t ut esaf ai rus eof anycopyr i ght edmat er i al aspr ovi dedf ori nS ect i on 107oft heU. S .Copyr i ghtAct .

tbr eakf as tonemor ni ng,Bar bi ei sal r eadyhar datwor k onherl apt op. “Whatar eyoudoi ng?”as ksS ki pper .“Pl ayi ngT heS i ms ? Readi ngF acebook?” “Nope,I ’ m cr eat i nganew game, ”ex pl ai nsBar bi e.“F or ki ds ,s i ncei t ’ ss oi mpor t antt ogett hem i nt er es t edi n comput ers ci enceear l y-es peci al l ygi r l s !Nott hatt her e’ s anyt hi ngwr ongwi t hT heS i msorF acebook,S ki pper ,but youknow,youcoul dcr eat eyour owngameors oci al net wor k s omeday! ”

Ba r b i e ,Re mi x e d! www. cas eyf i es l er . com

“Hey,yourgamehasr obotpuppi es ! ”s aysS ki pper , l ooki ngoverhers houl deratt hear t .“Robot sar es weet ! CanIpl ayi t ?” “Wel l ,i t ’ snotqui t edoneyet , ”Bar bi es ays ,s mi l i ng. “Real l ygoodgamesar emadebyat eam ofpeopl e. I ’ m doi ngs omeoft hecodi ngnow,butS t ephenand Br i anar ehel pi ng,t oo.T her ear el ot sofpi ecest omaki ng agame,l i kear tandmus i cands t or yl i ne.Br i andr ew t hat puppy.You’ r eagoodar t i s t ,S ki pper .Maybeyoucoul d beagr aphi cdes i gnerwhenyougr ow up. ” S ki ppergr i ns .“Il ovear t ,butIr eal l yl oves ci ence,t oo. Phys i csi smyf avor i t ecl as s .It hi nkIwantt obeaphys i ci s t . ”

S uddenl y,Bar bi er eadss omet hi ngonhers cr eenandl ooksups et . “What ’ swr ong?”as ksS ki pper . “Ij us tpos t edas cr eens hotf r om t hegameonT wi t t er , ”s aysBar bi e, f r owni ngdownatt hes cr een.“S omeoner epl i edandas s umedt hat Imus thavej us tdonet hedes i gnbutS t ephenandBr i anar ecodi ng i t . ” “Butyou’ r et heonecodi ng! ”s aysS ki pper .“Whywoul dt heyt hi nkt hat ? ” Becaus eI ’ m agi r l , ”s aysBar bi e.

“Youmeanpeopl ear en’ tt aki ngyous er i ous l yasapr ogr ammer j us tbecaus eyou’ r eagi r l ?Whywoul dIeverwantt ogoi nt os ci ence i fI ’ m notgoi ngt ober es pect ed?”S ki ppers ai dass hepi ckedup hert hi ngst ogetr eadyt ogot os chool . Bar bi ef ol l owedher .“ButS ki pper ,youcan’ tl ets ex i s ms t opyou f r om pur s ui ngs ci ence.Weneedmor ewomens ci ent i s t s .You’ r e j us tt het ypeofper s onwhocanmakeadi f f er ence! ”

“Ugh! ”S ki ppers ai d,s cowl i ngatherl apt op.“Ij us twantt obej udged f ort hewor kIdo,notbas edonwhatgenderIam.Andt heot herdayaboy i nmyphys i cscl as smadef unofmypi nkl apt op. ” “S omet i mesIdon’ tgett akens er i ous l ybecaus eofmycl ot hesandhai r , ” Bar bi es ai d.“Andbecaus eIwearmakeup.Butt hatdoes n’ tmeant hat I ’ m nots mar t . ” “Iknow, ”S ki ppers ai d,cl i ngi ngt oherawes omepi nkl apt op.“Youcan l i kepi nkandbear eal l ygoodcomput erpr ogr ammer . ”

“T i met ogot os chool ! ”Bar bi es ays .“I ’ m goi ngt o hackawayatt hi sPyt honcodes omemor eandt hen meetwi t hS t ephenandBr i ant of i ni s h.Hey!Why ar eyouhi t t i ngmewi t hapi l l ow?” “Oh,s or r y, ”s aysS ki pper .“Iwasj us tt hr owi ngi t ont ot hebed.Whyonear t hwoul dwebehavi ng api l l ow f i ghtr i ghtnow?”

Bar bi emakesi ti nt ohercomput ers ci encecl as sr i ghtbef or et hebel l r i ngs .Bef or et heycanj umpi nt ot hei rl es s ononr ecur s i on,Bar bi er ai s es herhandt oas kaques t i on. “Whatmadeyoudeci det ol ear ncomput ers ci ence,Ms .S mi t h?” as ksBar bi e. “Ial waysl i kedknowi nghow t hi ngswor k, ”s aysMs .S mi t h.“Iact ual l y s pentyear smaki ngvi deogames ,j us tl i keyouwantt o.ButIdeci dedt os t ar t t eachi ngbecaus et her ear en’ tenoughCSt eacher si nhi ghs chool sandI deff act or i al ( n) : t hi nki t ’ ss oi mpor t ant .Bes i des ,Il i keyouguys . ”S hes mi l es . i fn==1: r et ur n1 el s e: r et ur nn*f a

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“Di dpeopl eeveras s umet hatyou’ r enotasgoodatcodi ngj us tbecaus eyou’ r e awoman?”as ksBar bi e. “S omet i mes , ”Ms .S mi t hadmi t s .“I twasf r us t r at i ngt hatIf el tl i keIhadt opr ovemys el f . ButIhopet hatgi r l sdon’ tl ett hats t opt hem.Wecanbecomput erengi neer s ,t oo.And you’ r emaki ngs uchagr eats t ar tbyt aki ngmycl as s ! ” “I fgi r l ss t ar tmaki ngvi deogames ,t hey’ l l t akeoutal l t hehotchi cks , ”mut t er sKen.“And t hey’ l l al l beaboutpuppi esandpi cki ngouthai r s t yl es . ” “Don’ tbeamor on,Ken, ”s aysBar bi e.“Yous pendmor et i meonyourhai rt hanIdo. ” Ms .S mi t hl ooksatKen.“Andbas edonyourl as thomewor kas s i gnment ,i fyous t ar t maki ngvi deogames ,t hey’ l l al l havei nf i ni t el oops .Now whydon’ tyoucomeupher e andf i ni s ht hi scodef orcomput i ngf act or i al s ?”

Af t ercl as s ,Bar bi emeet swi t hS t ephenandBr i ani nt hel i br ar yands hows t hem herpr ogr es sont hegame. “T hat ’ sawes ome,Bar bi e! ”s aysS t ephen,andt henbr i ngsupt hecode t hathe’ sbeenwor ki ngons oi tcanbeaddedi n,t oo. T heycompi l et henew codeandwat cht hepuppyr obot sr unni ng ar oundands hoot i ngl as er s .Awes ome!

: e) at St e. at t s sGame( as cl _num =1 evel l ves=3 i l : ) ame( defendG 0: < s e v i l . e fGam i ) e( l t i T . e l t i nt ur et r

“Imades omemor ear tas s et s , ”s aysBr i an.“I ’ ms or r yIcan’ thel p youguysmor ewi t ht hecodi ng. ” “Notever yoneonades i gnt eam hast obewr i t i ngcode! ” Bar bi es ays .“Bes i des ,weneedyourhel pmor et hanever .L ook att hi sawf ul UI .Hey,ni cel apt op,S t ephen. ” “T hanks ! ”s aysS t ephen.“Not hi ngwr ongwi t hadudel i ki ngpi nk. ”

“T hi sr obotpuppygamei st ur ni ngoutt obet ot al l ys weet ! ”s ays S t ephenaf t eral ongaf t er noonofwor k. “Andwe’ r eal mos tdone! ”s aysBar bi e.“I ’ m goi ngt ogohome andgetS ki pper ’ si nputont hephys i csengi ne. ” “Awes ome, ”s aysS t ephen.“T el l herI ’ l l s eeheri nAPPhys i cst omor r ow! ”

WhenBar bi eget shome,s hes howsS ki pperhow t hegamewor ks .T hey wor kt oget hert oi mpr ovet hephys i csengi nes ot hatt her obotpuppi es l ooks uperr eal i s t i cwhent heyj umpands hootl as er satt hes amet i me. Bar bi es howsS ki pperwher es heputhernamei nt hegamecr edi t s . “T hanks ,Bar bi e! ”s aysS ki pper .“Ir eal l yf eel l i keIhel ped.You’ r er i ght ,I s houl dn’ tl etanyonemakemef eel l i keIs houl dn’ tbeas ci ent i s t . ” S ki ppergi vesBar bi eabi ghug.

T henex tdayi ns chool ,S ki pperhast ogi veapr es ent at i on aboutwhats hewant st obewhens hegr owsup. “Imi ghtwantt obeaphys i ci s t , ”s hes ays .“Ormaybea comput erengi neerl i kemys i s t erBar bi e.Def i ni t el ys omet hi ng i ns ci ence,t echnol ogy,engi neer i ng,ormat h,t hough! ” Aboyi nt hebackoft hecl as ss ni cker st hatgi r l sar e bet t eratEngl i s handar tt hanmat h,andt heboybehi nd hi ms ayst hatEngl i s hi shi sf avor i t es ubj ectandgender hasnot hi ngt odowi t hi t ,s os hutup. Ever yoneappl audsatS ki pper ’ spr es ent at i on.

Bar bi egi vesapr es ent at i onont hegames heand Br i anandS t ephenmadet oget her ,andal s ogi ves S ki ppercr edi tf orhel pi ng. Ms .S mi t hs ayst hegamei sgr eat ,andgi vest hem ex t r acr edi tf orBr i an’ sUIandt hephys i csengi ne. “T hanks ! ”s aysBar bi e.“Il ear nedal otmor eabout pyt hon,andI ’ m goi ngt ot eachmys el fJ avanex t s oI ’ m aheadoft hecur vewhenIs t ar tcol l ege i nt hef al l .I ’ m goi ngt obeacomput er engi neer i ngmaj or !T hanksf orbei ng agr eatt eacher ,Ms .S mi t h.Ihope cl as s esl i keyour sencour agemor egi r l s t ogoi nt oS T EM f i el ds . ” Ms .S mi t hs mi l es .Herwor kher ei sdone.

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