Mrs M Novel Study

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Novel Study Remembering


Challenge yourself and write an acrostic poem on the book using the title to summarise the plot

Create a plot profile highlighting the main events in the novel and the impact they had on the storyline.

Create a literary sociogram to highlight the various relationships that exist between the characters within the novel.

Select a character from the novel and write a Character report . Use the link below to assist you

Create your own crossword on your novel. Devise at least 15 questions about your novel for a fellow group member to complete. Use the link below to assist you. http://worksheets.theteacherscor

Create a comic strip to represent one of the main events in the novel. It may be an event that really impacted on you or somethin g you feel changed the story significant ly. Write a selection of diary entries from a character within the novel expressin g his/her concerns, feelings etc about particular events within the novel.

Make an A-Z of your novel, recalling characters, events and plot features.

Write an autobiographical poem from the point of view of a character within the novel. Use the link below to assist you. pes.html


Select a page from your novel and complete a word study. Using a table record any examples of verbs, nouns and adjectives used as well as alliteration.

Write a news report about a significant event that occurred in the novel. Ensure you use the 5 W’s to tell the story. Once your script has been written, record your presentation to share with the class. ( you can dress up)


Complete a PMI on your novel outlining your thoughts and opinions on its content, how it was written etc

Use a Venn diagram to compare 2 of the main characters in the novel and you! Use the link below to assist you.


Select 2 examples of a simile or metaphor used within the novel and illustrate them clearly showing the imagery they created for you. You are a talk back host and are interviewing a character from your novel. Write questions and responses and then present it to the class.

Write a business letter to a librarian stating why your novel should/shouldn’t be purchased. Use the link below to assist you.

Design an alternative cover for the novel. Make your cover 3D and explain why you believe this is a better alternative.


Create a power point game, such as “”Who Wants to be a Millionaire” to show your understanding of your novel. t%2Fmillionaire_template.ppt&ei=_-xmU-LCEYuUkwWMu4G4BA&usg=AFQjCNF4TjZ-BXH1gJlDQQ_X5diBs3ATtA&sig2=L8CVkNVMtJ_RuxIzXcxhfw&bvm=bv.65788261,d.dGI

Create a radio play using an event from your novel. Use music to help it come alive!

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