Survival Plan Aoife

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What to read if a Bushfire is coming at you.

Bushfire Survival Guide PREPARE, ACT, SURVIVE Aoife Sherry


This book will tell you all about Bushfire and what to do if you get caught in one.

Protect Your Family, Protect Your Life! Prepare P2-P3

What to pack P4 Survival Guide

Should I stay, or should I go and how should I act? P5-P6

Useful phone numbers and get ready to Evacuate. P6-P7

Bushfire’s are extremely dangerous. Spreading from the ground, to the tree canopy. They are slow moving but can get very hot. They pass in 2-5 minutes demolishing everything in their path, but can smoulder for days, which means if a strong wind comes the fire can start up again. Bushfires need fuel, oxygen and an ignition source to start. Most bushfires are started by lightning, next is human caused. 1

Prepare Prepare Your Home

With permission see if you can do a burn off (that is when you need to burn the area around your house in necessary areas) only do this if you have a large area of land or are surrounded by bushland.

Fix broken tiles Rake up dry leaves to one area Mow long, dry grass Remove petrol cans Get a wire doormat Store lot’s of water in your Water Tank (if you have one) Remove litter from gutters and lawn Store wood far away from your house 2

Prepare Your Family

If you are in an area where Make sure your family are aware Bushfires have occurred before, occur often or live in or near dense bush/ forest, you should consider making a Bushfire Survival Plan, if you have to evacuate. The plan is the best way to stay safe from a Bushfire. In it include things like family or friends contacts, where you will go, what you will bring and finally how you will get out, if you have children, try to make the plan as fun and easy to read, not scary and boring. If you have a Plan you have a 75% chance of escaping than without a plan.

Bushfire Risk Fire Gauge


Make sure your family are aware of what could happen and teach them about could happen in a fun way. Make checking the Bushfire Risk Fire Gauge a game and listening to the weather exciting. Most of all, even if worst comes to worst and you have to evacuate, don’t panic.

What to Pack

General Items Portable battery-operated radio waterproof torch Spare batteries first aid kit with manual candles with waterproof matches Woollen blankets emergency contact numbers Waterproof bag for valuables

Before You Leave Add: cash, ATM cards, credit cards Medications, toiletries and Sanitary supplies Special requirements for infants, elderly, injured, disabled Mobile phone and charger Important documents, valuables and photos (in waterproof bag) change of clothes for everyone Drinking water (at least three litres per person per day)


Should I stay or should I go? Staying or going mostly depends on the

FIRE DANGER RATINGS The Fire Danger Rating gives you an indication of the consequences of a fire, if a fire was to start. The rating is based on guessed conditions such as the temperature, humidity, wind and dryness of the landscape. It tells you how a bush fire may move, what damages there might be on the community if a bush fire were to start and when to start using your Bush Fire Survival Plan (if you have one).

Be ready to act, whatever the weather. For your survival, leaving early is the only choice. Leave the area the night before or early in the morning– do not just wait and see what happens. Homes are not designed to withstand fires in hard conditions so you should leave early. Leaving early is the safest option for your safety. If you are not prepared to the highest level, leave early in the day. Only think about staying if you are prepared to the highest level. For example, your home is specially designed or specially built, and ready to withstand a fire; if you are well prepared you can stay and actively defend it if a fire starts. Leaving early is the safest option for your safety. Well prepared homes that are actively defended can provide safety, but only stay if you are physically and mentally ready to defend in these conditions. If you’re not prepared, leave early in the day

Review your Bush Fire Survival Plan with your family. Keep yourself informed and monitor conditions. Be ready to act if necessary.


If you decide to stay Only think about staying if you are prepared to the highest level. For example, your home is specially designed or specially built, and ready to withstand a fire; if you are well prepared you can stay and actively defend it if a fire starts. If you don’t have just one of these things, it is safer for you to leave.

How to Act 1. Stay calm 2. Do NOT panic 3. If someone gets hurt, try to help them first, then if it is serious take to the hospital 4. Do not believe that you will not make it through 5. Be optimistic 6. Find the nearest safe area

Get Ready to Evacuate Check your Survival Plan and Survival Kit. It’s time to add those last minute items. Look at the Bushfire Danger Rating and at your house. Can it really withstand a fire? Check your contacts; tell them that you may be visiting. Smell the air, can you smell smoke? If so leave for a safe area. It could be your only choice. Fill your sinks, baths and showers with water so your house can stand some of the intense heat.


Wear a pair of heavy cotton Jeans (denim), leather boots with woollen thick socks, a longsleeved shirt made from cotton or wool, a mask or cloth to cover your nose and mouth will protect you from inhaling smoke, ash and embers, a wide-brimmed hat or hard hat can stop embers from dropping onto your head or down the back of your top, gloves in case you have to move around bits of hot metal or rocks.

Useful Phone Numbers Call 000 in emergencies for fire fighters, ambulance and Police. If you see a bushfire call 000 and inform the Police and Fire Fighters.

132 500 for SES (state emergency service) assistance 1300 657 209 for emergency information


1. Prepare your HOUSE

2. Prepare Your Family, by checking the Fire Danger Ratings.

If you are unsure whether to stay or go answer these questions, honestly. Your life may depend on it! 3. Pack a Survival Kit, with checklist.

4. Get ready to evacuate, and don’t,

Do you have Children? Do you live with the elderly or are you elderly yourself? Is your house made of wood? Would you choose your family over your house? Are you not fit (mentally 8 and physically) to defend your house, in any case?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you should leave, now!

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