Vietnamese Perspective

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The Journey of the Hong Hai

The Journey of the Hong Hai After years of fighting the Vietnam war finally ended in 1975 when North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam. Many South Vietnamese feared punishment and thousands fled their country in rickety and battered boats, risking their lives. One of these boats was the Hong Hai, owned by Truong-van Soi who was a fisherman and boat builder. After the Vietnamese war he was told by the new government that all his property would be taken away and he and his family would be forced to move He was faced with this decision: ď ś Stay in his home country and face harsh punishments and a dangerous future. Or ď ś Leave his beloved land and risk his life to travel to a strange country in search of freedom. He chose to travel to Australia in search of freedom and the journey of the Hong Hai was born. Turn the page for seven of the twelve stops made by the Hong Hai.

24 September 1978 • The Hong Hai flees Vietnam with 38 people (33 passengers and a crew of 5.) • The refugees have no maps and the only way to tell the time is by the captains watch.

1 October • The refugees spent two days behind bars in Singapore

14 October

30 October

• The captain and crew are given maps in Cirebon, Indonesia.

• The refugees are given fresh water and supplies on Flores Island.

24 October

13 November

• A sick child is sent to hospital in Mataram, Indonesia.

• The refugees finally land in Darwin and the journey is completed.

Changing Perspectives  The refugees that travelled to Australia from Vietnam have made huge contributions to the way we live.  They have introduced us to their culture and have also made us more aware of their home country and wars overseas.  The refugees have influenced our daily life and their influences have changed our perspective of other countries and of their people.  Anh Do is an Australian author, actor and comedian. He and his family fled Vietnam as refugees in 1980.  Khoa Do, Anh Do’s brother, is an Australian film director, screenwriter, professional speaker and philanthropist who received the Young Australian of the Year Award in 2005.



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