5.18 Senior Issue

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CONTENTS meme-ingful | 4

sibling letters | 12

surviving chs | 19

senior superlatives | 5

a look back | 14

memory lane | 6

hidden talents | 15

dear freshman year me | 20

confessionals | 7

transformations | 16

memories from carmel | 8

a day in the life | 17

senior mentors | 9 athlete commits | 10

prom | 18 distinguished grad | 18

no regrets | 21 free yourself | 21 future plans | 22

FOREWORD Congratulations to the Greyhound Class of 2018! As you prepare to leave Carmel High School, take time to reflect on the memories you have made over the last four years. The joyful times that elevated you, the disappointments that left you feeling defeated, the challenges that escorted doubt into your mind, and—now— the finish line that you have so long awaited have all served to prepare you for life after high school. Celebrate this accomplishment with those you love. Thank those peers, teachers, and family members who stood by you, who gave you a nudge to keep going, and who believed

in you. Those are the people who helped you grow into the person you are today, and those are the people who you will remember as you venture into the future. The entire staff of Carmel High School is proud of your dedication and your accomplishments. We look forward to following your journey as you impact the world. Remember to always give your best, to look for the best in others, and to take care of yourself. Each of you—like those before you— are now Greyhound Alumni. We are grateful for your legacy and for your contributions to the traditions of Carmel High School. -Principal Tom Harmas


Griffin Gonzalez

Sam Johnson

most school spirit, Most involved

most likely to become president

Carlos Burroughs

Natalia Trevino

best-dressed boy

best-dressed girl

Ben Goldberg

Most likely to become a millionaire by 25

Anja Reese

Most likely to make it on broadway

Alex Waples

most likely to be found at the gym

Jack Rodimel & Mikaela Braunecker cutest couple


see more online Additional senior superlatives can be found at hilite.org/superlatives18


April 25 black and blue or white and gold dress debate


Feb 15 Damn Daniel

Sept 18 Pizza Rat Feb. 1 Left Shark


July 31

May 28 Harambe

Drake’s “Hotline Bling” dance

April Netflix and Chill

July 27 Arthur Fist Jan 27 Salt Bae

Feb. 15 FBI agent watching me through my screen

2017 July 4 Snapchat’s dancing hotdog filter

Nov 6 Evil Kermit


January Tide Pods

February Evil Patrick

Oct 9 Ken Bone

March 9 Chum Bucket vs Krusty Krab


Amy Zhou



Rebecca is a photography editor. She will be attending IU in the fall.

Amy is a section editor. She will be attending IU in the fall.



bryce cheng CONTENT

Bryce is a beats editor. He will be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the fall.

What's your favorite memory from your time at CHS? During first semester this year, my friends and I attended the Vanderbilt Model U.N. field trip, and overall it was a good learning experience. But, surprisingly, one of the best parts of the trip was when my friend broke her back, and we were just left stranded on the sidewalk of the campus for quite awhile. We ended up spending time out of our committees for the day, and we just hung out on campus before help arrived. Thankfully, she ended up being perfectly fine in the end, and looking back it now, it’s just a very great moment to look back on and laugh at. We grew even closer as friends and met some fantastic students along the way. Ellen (Ellie) Clark One of my favorite moments ever from high school was when I clinched the State title for our tennis team against Cathedral during freshman year. I just remember the atmosphere being so intense that day, especially since I had never beaten the girl that I was playing before. Also, I never experienced as big of a crowd as I did during that match, and the fact that it was so loud made everything worse. Going into the match, I was so nervous, but as soon as I walked out onto the court, I just focused on the match and played my best tennis. Kiersten Carlson In my AP World History class during freshman year, one of my friends and I were making random, loud monkey noises for no specific reason. The reaction of our teacher was perfect; we were called baboons in front of the whole class. It was just a really fun moment where my whole class could just share a laugh together. I feel like sometimes school can get almost too serious, and so I definitely cherish memories like this where everyone can just enjoy themselves and the environment around them. 6

Omid Hessaraki

senior may zhang




May is a photographer. She will be attending IU in the fall.

Cory is a writing coach. She will be attending DePauw University next fall.

"Carmel has made us pathological liars." Maya Birhiray and Sofia Velasquez

“During Holiday Spectacular rehearsal freshman year, I passed out and everyone thought I was faking [it] because I’m such a dramatic person.” Grace Plaskett “In my four years of high school… I’ve never actually read any of the books assigned in class.”

"I lied about my NHS hours."

Shae Rickel

Leonard Cahya

“I wore my shirt the wrong way to school once, but I didn’t notice until second period.”

“This one time my friend was choking and I thought she was faking it, so I just stood there are took a video of her.”

Min Hua Li

Catherine Qing

What are seniors going to miss the most about CHS?

MEMORIES FROM “I’m probably going to miss the safety net. I feel like it’s a good place to make mistakes, and when I’m going to college, there’s going to be higher stakes... I feel like I’ve worked for this for four years, and now it’s time to go. ” Sophia Gripp

Nyssa Qiao DESIGN

Nyssa is a managing editor. She will be attending IU in the fall.

Shraddha Ramnath CONTENT

Shraddha is a photographer. She will be attending IU in the fall.

Julianna Kessilyas CONTENT

Julianna is a social media editor. She will be attending IUPUI in the fall.


“What I’m going to miss most about Carmel is honestly Yearbook and the people on Yearbook staff. They have made my high school career so much better and so much more entertaining, and I’m going to miss them the most.” Faith Emmons

“Definitely my friends. That’s the obvious one, especially because I’m going to a university where there’s only one other person from CHS going there this year, and so I’m not going to see a lot of the people that I know now for probably forever.” Patrick Simpson

“I’m going to miss the culture that there is here because there’s sort of a sense of pride in being a Greyhound, and that was really something that helped me do my work and do it well.” Sofia Herrera

“The thing I’m going to miss most about Carmel are the teachers here, because they work so hard to help students, especially when you’re struggling, and they really do care about our lives.” Madison Rosen

Junior Ariana Zdobylak & senior Sydney Fox “I’ll probably miss just the upbeatness (Sydney) brings to the program; it’s kind of hard to stay up, and she’s always the person to make a joke or bring people up when they’re feeling down. I think just the lightheartedness that she brings is what I’m going to miss the most, especially me being the only senior (on the team) next year. It’s going to be hard, but I know she did a really great job this year.” Junior Ariana Zdobylak (left)

Freshman Anjali Natarajan & senior Hannah Glazier “(Natalie’s) told me that the little things don’t matter as much as I think they do and that I should just not overstress about situations that could easily be avoided. I’m going to miss her in general and just talking to her and having her around and being able to go to her room and just talk to her about whatever, whenever I want, even if she doesn’t want to.” Junior Joey Gutierrez (right)

“(Hannah) kind of took me under her wing and has shown me all the different opportunities and different activities this school has to offer. And she’s such a funny and nice person (to be around). She’s always got something quirky to say, and if I’m in a bad mood or something not so good has happened, she still always knows how to cheer me up.” Freshman Anjali Natarajan (left)

Junior Joey Gutierrez & senior Natalie Gutierrez

SENIOR Which senior has influenced CHS underclassmen the most and how? 9


Allen is a TOC editor. He will be attending Purdue next fall.

AlIna Husain


Alina is Acumen Editor in Chief. She will be attending Vanderbilt University in the fall.

SOCCER Ben Godden (University of Evansville) Ethan Lee (Xavier University) Lucy Lyon (Samford University) Emily Melchi (IPFW) Taylor Rudin (Wheaton College) Oliver Shebek (DePauw University) Riley Shives (IUPUI) Katie Soderstrom (Butler) Brooke Spencer (Marian University)

TENNIS Kiersten Carlson (University of Toledo) Patrick Fletchall (IU) Lauren Lemonds (Michigan State University) Drew Michael (Butler)

Stefano Batista (Ohio State University) Alyssa Conley (University of Pittsburgh) Andrew Couchon (IU) Katie Dougherty (Rutgers University) Grace Estabrook (University of Pennsylvania) Malak Hattab (American University) Drew Kibler (University of Texas) Trude Rothrock (University of Tennessee) Brett Sherman (Georgetown University) Samantha Swingewood (Albion College) Courtney Swingewood (Albion College)

BASEBALL Jack Van Remortel (University of Michigan)

WRESTLING Jack Eiteljorge (University of Indianapolis) Jack Williams (University of Indianapolis)

GOLF Erin Evans (University of Cincinnati) Haylin Harris (Michigan State University)



Amy Dilk (University of Michigan) Eddie Gill (Grace College) Cole Jenkins (DePauw University) Vanessa Mullins (IU Kokomo) Blake Smith (Ball State) Tomi Taiwo (University of Iowa)

Maddie Dalton (IU) Kara Deady (IU) Keelan Grant (IU) Spencer Gudgel (University of Iowa) Jerome “Trey� Harris (Butler) Amiyah James (Indiana State) Anna Kmec (Trine University) Molly Kracht (Butler) Ben Miller (IU) Anna Morozov (Purdue) Colin Murphy (IU) Adam Saleh (Bethel College) Zane Williams (DePauw University)



Mark Allen (Canisius College) Kelly Csenar (Lincoln Memorial University) Kate Hettiger (Augustana College) Chad Kittaka (Lehigh University)



total student athletes who committed to a school


sports with seniors who committed


different schools CHS athletes have committed to


students committed to schools that are in Indiana


athletes committed to NCAA Division One schools for their sport

What would you say is the main factor that contributed to you running at a college level? “I’ve loved running since I got into high school; I didn’t like it so much in eighth grade, I thought it hurt a lot. But when I met all the people that I hang out with, I met my best friends in running so I grew to love the sport a lot because I got to hang out with them and then I eventually got better at it as time progressed. I just have this love for the sport so I knew it was something I wanted to keep doing past high school.”


What was the main motivating KEELAN factor in you continuing to run? “(I want to keep running) just to see how good I can get, just that feeling of getting better after every race or every practice, knowing that you can be better than you were the week before is just an awesome feeling.” Do you think you’re going to continue running indefinitely? “I think I’m going to continue running no matter what. However far college takes me, I think running is just a thing that I love and is something I will probably do for as long as I can.”

Why did you decide to continue playing tennis at a college level? “In my freshman year, I realized that you could get a full ride as a female athlete, that really motivated me. (Getting a full ride) really expands your horizon to where you can look to go to school so you normally have to go in-state but (with a full ride) you don’t have to really worry about costs.” Will you continue playing indefinitely? “I’ll probably take some time off after college, but then get back into it.”


(ABOVE) Senior Keelan Grant has committed to attend IU next year to continue his running career. Grant ran on both the mens’ cross country and track and field teams at CHS. (LEFT) Senior Lauren Lemonds plans to attend Michigan State University next year to continue both her academic and tennis career. While a member of the womens’ tennis team here at CHS, Lemonds won a State Championship in singles. (BELOW) Twenty-six of Carmel’s committed senior athletes signed their letters of intent in November. The students seen below were involved in sports including swimming, tennis, lacrosse, soccer and others.


SIBLING Seniors Lucy and Grace Buckhout


Allison is an online editor. She will be attending IU in the fall.


Allen is a managing editor. He will be attending MIT in the fall.

Dear Grace, You are my best friend; every good memory I have, we shared. It’s hard to imagine what college is going to be like without you next year. I am going to miss you so much more than I can put into words. You have always been there for me through every first day of school, and it is hard to imagine being apart for one of the biggest. You have been my biggest supporter and my rock throughout high school, and I can never thank you enough. You inspire me to be a better person because your happy energy and attitude is contagious. I don’t know what I am going to do next year without you, but I also know that distance will not impact how close we are. I am so excited for you, and I know that Purdue is the right place for you. I can’t wait to see all that you will accomplish next year. I love you so much. Love, Lucy

Dear Lucy, I joke that the five minutes before you were born were the best five minutes of my life, but I think we both know that isn’t true. I can’t remember a time when you weren’t with me, there to share the experiences that have shaped my life. Growing up with you has been full of laughter, arguments and the constant asking of, “You guys are twins?” I could not have asked for a more amazing sister, or a better twin ... You’ve been my safety net, the person that kept me from being nervous when we went into new situations because I knew you were going to be there with me. I don’t know what I’m going to do next year at college without you, but at least you won’t be able to steal my clothes anymore. I know you’re going to be amazing and successful in anything you do, and I want you to know that I’m going to be there for you, even though we’re going to colleges that are exactly 178.8 miles apart. Love, Grace

Senior Lisa Pearsall and her brother, freshman Emanuel Pearsall

GRAphic Title


Dear Lisa, I know we haven’t gotten along that great, but I think I’m going to miss you when you leave for school. It’s going to be weird not having you around to bug me next year, especially with all the attention from Mom and Dad. Enjoy college, LiLi. Love, Emanuel

see more online Additional letters can be found at hilite.org/sibling18

Senior Julianna Kessilyas and her brother, sophomore Elias Kessilyas Dear Julianna, Although you annoy me sometimes—by sometimes, I mean all the time—I wish you nothing but the best for you in the future. Thank you for preparing me for high school and helping me get past all the obstacles that I come across in my life. I also want to thank you for driving me everywhere for the past couple of years.

I wouldn’t ask for a better older sister than you. The house will be much quieter without you here all the time, but I know you will be doing great things in college. I am so proud of you for getting to this major chapter in your life and going onto pursue your dream career. I love you and will miss you. Have fun in college! Love, Elias ja boy

Senior Min Hua Li and her brothers, sophomore Zhi Li and 28-year-old Sean Li Hey sis, You are a very unique individual, that once you set your mind to something, you’ll follow through with it with devotion. You always bring a smile to my face, like when you get all cheerful because you get to eat sweets such as the infamous macarons that you love. I’m going to be very lonely without you around. I’m really going to miss having such a great sister around the house next year. Adieu, your lil bro Zhi

To me, you will always be my little sister, no matter how many more years pass or how far you are from home ... As the years have continued to pass with each season since you were born, I can still vividly recall going to the hospital for the first time, seeing the cute little bundle with puffy eyes. I also recall this certain someone having a cry that could send sonic waves throughout the house. As you continue on with your journey through life, be proud of who you are, all that you have and will accomplish, and for crying out loud—keep making waves. Much love, Your big bro, Sean

Senior Talha Ahmad and his 6 year old brother, Fazal Ahmad



Pranav is a Just a Minute editor. He will be attending Stanford University in the fall.


9TH GRADE FIRST HOMECOMING “I got to go with all my friends...it was a nice break from school. It was just a fun experience to be there and be with all the rest of Carmel High School and see the fun things, like the trike races and the awards.” Nicholas Gemelas


“I like to crochet where I make a lot of little stuffed animals. I’m making stuffed bears for my friends at graduation.”


Darrell is a writing coach. He will be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the fall.

Jarin Harrell

“I can blink my eyelids really fast. It has no purpose, really—it just looks weird.” Sophie Vincent


May is a photographer. She will be attending IU in the fall.



Jessica is a managing editor. She will be attending Vanderbilt University in the fall.


“I tried way harder and I found a reason why I was doing what I was doing for the kids at Riley. And it culminated to the night of Dance Marathon, and it was great to see all of our hard work pay off and all the late hours we spent at school together driving each other crazy but also having the time of our lives.” Laura Burnham



MARCHING BAND: GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONS “The crazy part about that was that it was down to the wire because we weren’t even projected to win, and we won off of a tie and a very small rule...that was incredible.” Joshua Fogel


“I can do front flips, which I think are really fun but don’t have an actual purpose. In middle school, my friend did a front flip so I got really interested. It took me two days to master it.”





Haggan Julijanto


“I can vibrate my eyes, and if I focus really hard it just naturally happens.”


Alexis O’Brien


STATS CARNIVAL “Our group lost a lot of money initially but the people winning felt bad for our group and decided to leave so we (could) earn back the lost money.” Jeffrey Liu

“HELL WEEK” “Many of my classes were only half-filled, and walking through the halls during passing period was a completely different experience. For one thing, the usual noise and crowds were completely gone, and the halls seemed eerily empty.” Kevin Chen


Kalea Miao DESIGN

Kalea is a managing editor. She will be attending IU next fall.


Hannah is a social media editor. She will be attending IU next fall.






in the



Amberly is a graphic artist. She will be attending IU next fall.

Lauren Roop: Swimmer & Accents member

5:05 Wake up 5:30 Leave for practice 5:40 Morning practice 7:00 Shower and change 7:50 School 3:20 Afternoon practice 5:30 Shower, change, dinner 6:00 Accents rehearsal 9:20 Get home, do homework 11:45 Go to bed Lio Krieger: Marching Band member

5:30 Wake up 6:15 Leave for school 7:00 Morning band practice 7:50 School 3:30 Marching band practice 6:00 Dinner 7:00 Symphony rehearsal 9:20 Get home, do homework 11:30 Go to bed Ben Goldberg: Student Body President

6:50 Wake up 7:25 Leave for school 7:50 School 3:15 Extracurriculars 5:30 Nap or play PC games 6:00 Dinner 7:15 Homework 10:15 Relax 11:00 Outside Work (e.g. cryptocurrency) 12:15 Shower, get ready for next day 1:00 Go to bed

Q&A with Prom Queen Kacey Mullens and Prom King Diego AranaGomez




Rebecca is a photo editor. She will be attending IU next fall.

How did you feel when you found out you and Diego AranaGomez had been nominated for Prom Court? Kacey Mullens: Honestly, to me it felt kind of comical, because I just never really saw myself being nominated for prom court. I kind of like laughed at the lady when she told me that (Diego and I) were nominated. Diego AranaGomez: I was just really surprised, because I honestly wasn’t expecting it. Even though there were people campaigning for me, (winning) was still kind of unexpected still. When you found out you had won, what were your initial thoughts and reaction? KM: I guess shock, again. I don’t know...out of all the people who were on prom court, me and Diego just seemed like the least likely people to win. DA: I still didn’t believe it when I was being crowned, it all happened so fast. Any advice for the underclassmen who wish to be nominated

and to win the title of Prom Queen for their year? KM: I would say just ask your friends to vote for you. In my case, everyone in my SRT just didn’t know who to nominate for court when the ballots came

DISTINGUISHED Q&A with Distinguished Graduate Rachael Tan How did you find out you were the Distinguished Grad? I was handed a pink slip (during fourth period). To be honest, I was kind of scared because usually pink slips mean not good things....So I went down and sat (in the main office), and then Dr. Harmas invited me inside. We sat down, he asked me my future plans and then he was like “Oh! How would you like to know that you are the Distinguished Grad?”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you were the Distinguished Grad? I was just straight up in disbelief, and then I got home and was like “Oh my god,”...but I’m excited and very honored to be it. Was Distinguished Grad a goal you had through high school? It didn’t really occur to me as something until maybe around junior year...

out, so they just wrote down Diego and me, like “Oh, it will be super funny,” and we ended up getting nominated. DA: Just have good friends who will campaign with you and a nice girl as your date.

when I was thinking about activities...So at that point I was like ‘Oh, that’s a thing, maybe I should apply for it and see how far I’ve gotten.’ What advice do you have for others who hope to be the Distinguished Grad? I guess being Distinguished Grad isn’t an award I would necessarily say to strive for. I think, by all means, challenge yourself to do new things and try them out, but if you participate in an activity with the sole purpose to be Distinguished Grad, you need to rethink your priorities...Do what you like first. Do you feel like this award means more to you because your brother, Patrick Tan ‘14, also got it? I think it’s kind of cool, just because this is almost kind of in a sense



Carolyn is a social media editor. She will be attending Ohio State University next fall.



where’s my locker?

congratulations on making it here! now marks the time when you embark on your own journey

please not the third floor A rooms

AP exams

I’ll just guess on this college decisions? one, this one and just don’t regret what you this one... have done or where you go

didn’t know anything beyond the freshman center

don’t worry — you’ll get to class eventually

first finals week

crowded hallways

start studying early and drink coffee


college essays (regular)

lost part II


navigating these will take a week or two

college essays (early)

spend summer racking your brain for good essays




food people (and advice?)


the Princeton Review is a wonderful pillow to rest your head on (and absorb your tears)

CHS offers so many clubs and sports so choose wisely!


at least the memes are good

RELATIVE EMOTIONS OVER TIME enthusiasm senioritis


cry to cope (bathroom stalls can muffle sounds quite well)

driving to school

walking up and down the trail will get you your daily steps

AP exams/finals AP exams/finals


AP exams/finals


making your own family’s history. It kind of does feel a little bit more special...There’s that little tinge of pride where it’s like ‘Hey, my brother made it and I did too.’ So, I definitely felt something additional other than just excitement of being the Distinguished Grad. What are your plans for next year? I have decided to attend Purdue University (for) engineering. Here are some of the activities Tan was involved in: -Chemistry Club -Science Olympiad -Math Club -HiLite -TedX -Cross-country -NHS -GKOM


give up and write them the night before

dying from work


college acceptance

Daniel is a graphic artist. He will be attending Purdue University next fall.


dear freshman year me You’ve made it to high school. After haphazardly attempting to follow the maps handed out at orientation to get to all of your classes, you wonder how you will be able to balance it all. The difficult classes, the seemingly hundreds of flyers passed out at frosh rock and, most of all, not being familiar with your home for the next four years is a concept that makes you just a bit uncomfortable. Thankfully, after that first week, you do find that you get into the rhythm of things and, gradually, begin to grasp what being a Greyhound truly means. Yet the road you will take over the next four years will not be one without bumps. At times, you will find classes to be much more difficult than you imagined. You will feel as if balancing all of your extracurriculars along with your academics induces a bit more stress than you anticipated. However, during these times, you will find that not only your peers and relationships you form at Carmel will help you withstand difficulties, but also serve as your personal cheer team during your triumphs as well. So don’t be afraid to just keep on going. For every one of those unanticipated moments of difficulty, there are lots of other moments you will continue to cherish. Whether it’s simply belting out a childhood classic on a car ride with your friends or just walking down the dreaded trail every afternoon, soon you will yearning for a little more time here. Although it may seem easy to continue fostering relationships you had in middle school, don’t be afraid to meet new people as well. That girl who you timidly introduced yourself to on the first day of track practice may just become one of your closest friends. So initiate that first conversation. Invite over the girl who you sit next to in English. You won’t regret the power of a simple introduction. Immersing yourself in the Greyhound community, you

Beth Daniel CONTENT

Bethlehem is the business editor. She will be attending Vanderbilt University.



number of school sponsored clubs

49 number of student interest activities CCS.K12.IN.US | SOURCE

will find your home in the countless amount of organizations available to you. You will learn early on that the activities you are truly passionate about are those that you will continue to devote countless hours. Don’t be afraid to quit things you don’t find it enjoyable, and spend time on those activities that you do—you may be surprised by the end result. That newspaper staff you joined on a whim? You will find that to be one of your most important activities of high school experience. Go to every sporting event, tailgate, concert, fundraiser and any other activity sponsored by Carmel that you can. Go all out for Homecoming spirit days; there’s only one week a year where you can play dress up, with school pride on your side. Don’t be afraid to try new things; there won’t be any other time in your life to immerse yourself in so many opportunities. Put yourself out there. Amid all of this, cherish the moments you spend with your family as well. Although sitting in 90 degree heat watching a U9 soccer game may not be your ideal Saturday morning, you will find these little moments—and the many more you make with your family—incredibly fulfilling later on. Over these next four years, remember you are beyond accomplished and will continue to do great things throughout your time at Carmel. Although there will be bumps along the road, know that some of the best memories of your life will be made here and live everyday day knowing and embodying that crazy and amazing thing called being a Greyhound. I most definitely will continue to do so as well. Best of Luck, Senior Year Beth The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the HiLite staff. Reach Beth Daniel at bdaniel@hilite.org.

CHS has 41 schoolsponsored activities CCS.K12.IN.US | SOURCE

Freshman Year Joy Sleep Stress


Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year

Joy Sleep

Joy Sleep

Joy Sleep




Free Yourself In high school, it can seem like everyone has their life figured out. But at 18, I’m still not completely sure of my place in this world. Believe it or not, the world expands beyond the halls of CHS. Really. So if you ever find yourself thinking that you don’t fit in you’re not alone. It’s ok if you haven’t found yourself yet. When I entered high school, I wanted to impress everyone. I felt like I had to fit into a box. As a result, I started hanging around people who were very different from me, and I couldn’t really be myself around them. I realized that this person I was becoming wasn’t me, and this led to one of my biggest regrets in high school: I wish I would’ve taken the time to allow others to see me, and for me to see myself. There is so much joy in being yourself. I know it sounds cliche, but it feels so freeing. You don’t have to hide behind a fake personality just to fit in with others. For me, as a black woman, being yourself can come with

Jordyn Blakey CONTENT

Jordyn is the 15 minutes of Fame editor. She will be attending DePauw.

“You are worthy; believe in yourself.”

stereotypes, and that was one of my main concerns as a student at this school. However, I learned I couldn’t let ignorant biases of others control my life. High school has taught me that others’ thoughts shouldn’t be the focus of your life. People have told me that they “found themselves” in high school. While for some people this may be true, I still haven’t really found my true place To that end, it is unfair to give teenagers the task of discovering themselves in such a short time. While in high school, I discovered certain parts about myself. I learned that procrastination is my worst enemy and that my perfectionist mentality can be damaging to my overall mental health—but I didn’t find out about myself as a whole. High school can be intimidating, but it is just a small slice of how the real world will be. Trust the process, you will find yourself eventually. The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the HiLite staff. Reach Jordyn Blakey at jblakey@hilite.org.

no regrets? As I look back on my high school experience, an overwhelming number of memories floods my brain—both good and bad. Of course I remember all the late-night cramming sessions, near mental breakdowns, getting jostled around in crowded hallways and other typical high school problems. But more than that, I remember the good things. I remember getting my first role in a CHS show. I remember attending Homecoming games with my friends and dressing up for spirit days. I remember feeling like an absolute princess on prom night. I remember laughing with my friends until it hurt. I can’t help but ask myself if there was more I could’ve done, if I could’ve made a bigger difference or done more to make myself happy or gotten better grades junior year. But when I look back, I realize that everything I went through in high school—the good, the bad and even the horribly ugly—made me the person I am now. Everything that happened to me in high school taught me more about myself and

Emily Worrell CONTENT & graphic Emily is a Perspectives editor. She will be attending Ball State.

“Can I just graduate now? Please?”

who I want to be. It’s made me a more confident and independent person. While I can’t say that I will miss everything, I do think it’s important to recognize that even our lowest of lows in these four years serve a purpose and make us stronger and more ready to go off and live our own lives. Live your life in high school to the best of your ability, and don’t beat yourself up for mistakes. They happen to everyone, especially in high-pressure environments, which CHS certainly can be. Know that someday you’ll look back on it and realize that it served you well. So when you look back on high school, remember the things that were good and the lessons you learned. Don’t focus too much on the negatives and grow them into regrets. Be kind to yourself in these four years, and don’t sweat it too much. No matter what happens, you’ll learn, you’ll grow and you will move on. The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the HiLite staff. Reach Emily Worrell at eworrell@hilite.org.


Future Plans Abbenhaus Abedali Abraham Abshire Abu-elreish Ackerman Ackerman Adams Adams Adaniya Agada Ahmad Aitken Akella Akins Al-ejel Alexander Alexis Allen Allen Altavilla Altenburger Amaral Amet Anand Anand Anderson Anderson Anderson Ankaraju Arakawa Arana Gomez Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Arnett Arnold Arnold Arredondo Arreola Asad Audia Avagian Ayres Baig Baker Baker Bakhtiyorova Balachandar Ball Ball Ban


Thomas Tawfik Nithin Stephen Heba Bethanie Brooke Cameron Hailey Catherine Ikoojo Talha Skye Sandhya Kailey Linda Lauren John Mark Mel Anna Jack Drew Courtney Aneesha Rohil Alyssabeth Cameron Michael Alekhya Keita Diego Caroline Madeline Mitchell Jena Kara Lauren Dalton Roberto Iqra Alexander Ellie Rhiannon Zain Catherine Kendal Malika Sanjay Gabrielle Hayden Mahan

IU Butler IU Purdue IUPUI Ball State Ball State IU Brigham Young University

IU New York University Purdue IUPUI Butler University of Cincinnati

IUPUI DePauw University IU Canisius College IU IU Purdue

University of Connecticut

IU IU IUPUI Marian University Purdue Purdue Purdue IU IU IU Ball State University of Texas Austin

College of Charleston


Indiana State IUPUI IUPUI IU IU Purdue The College of Wooster Tulsa Welding School


IU IU Gap Year

Barnes Barrett Barrett Barrett Barton Bateson Batista Battina Bauschka Baxter Bedford Belamkar Bell Bembenek Benedetto Bernard Berry Bettner Betzold Bhargava Biggs Bilek Bilsland Binder Birhiray Bisariya Blake Black Blakey Bledsoe Block Bogner Boles Bonner Booth Bormett Bourke Bowman Bracken Bradford Bradford Bradley Brady Braunecker Bravard Breeze Brevard Bridges Bromm Brough Brown-Baez Browning

Luke Grant Joel Richard Brinley Keaton Stefano Hanisha Regan Isaiah Chance Aditya Tyler Eric Victoria Reagan Derek Andrew BethAnne Anika Mia Ryan Scott Brianna Maya Jaanvi Joseph Meredith Jordyn Jonathan Rachel Joshua Karl Hayden Alec Daniel Kenneth Zachary Morgan Kaitlyn Sean Zachary Rachael Mikaela Caroline Ryan Bradford Oscar Hannah Thomas Alexander Casey







University of West Florida

IU University of Southern California

University of Hawaii Gap Year Hanover College Ohio State University

IUPUI Indiana State Olivet College IU

Belmont University Ball State St. Cloud State University

Purdue IUPUI Purdue IUPUI Cross-Country Bike Tour

Ball State Workforce Purdue IU Purdue IU DePauw University Valparaiso University

IU IU IU IU Purdue Purdue Ivy Tech DePauw IU Workforce IUPUI Indiana State IU IU Ivy Tech Ivy Tech Ball State IU Purdue CHS

University of Indianapolis


Bruder Bruns Bruun Buba Buck Buckhout Buckhout Bullard Burdick Buresh Burke Burnett Burnham Burroughs Butterworth Cahya Calaway Capuano Capuano Cardenas Carlile Carlson Carlton Carson Carson Carter Cenova Chapman Chappell Chari Cheesman Chen Chen Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheslock Chezem Chia Chilemba Chin Chitturi Chu Chu Clark Clark Clarke Clarkson Clemens Clement Clouse

Amy Samuel Jackson Stefan Carson Grace Lucy Austin Audrey Mitchell Nathan Benjamin Laura Juan Kyle Leonard Brooke Emma Noah Sydney Kelsey Kiersten Ryan Matthew Nicholas Lewis Sophia Mallory Jacob Rithika Lydia Jenny Kevin Bryce Darrell William Jarod Margaret Carly David Christan Lahiri Joshua Rachel Benjamin Ellen Mitchell Analeyce Nora Emma Atticus

Tulane University Purdue IU IU IUPUI Purdue University of Cincinnati

Purdue University of Cincinnati University of Indianapolis

IU IU Butler Purdue Gap year Purdue Ball State Wittenberg University

CHS Ball State Loyola New Orleans University of Toledo Kent State University

Ball State Wabash College Purdue Ivy Tech CHS IU IU Purdue Purdue

Washington University in St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis

Northwestern University Northern Illinois University

Ivy Tech IU IU Anderson Purdue Purdue IU IU University of Indianapolis

University of Arizona


Louisiana State University


“Was released from a 4-year sentence!” -Submitted by Mark Allen

Cobb Coghlan Colbert Cole Coleson Colvin Concepcion Vega Conley Conn Conners Conteh Conway Cook Cooper Corra Couchon Counen Couture Coveney Cox Crookshanks Crowley Cruz Csenar Cummings Cummins Cundiff Daet Daeuble Dai Daily Dalton Daniel Darnell Das Das Dauby Dave David Davis Davis Davis Davis Deady Dearing Deen DeHeer DeJohn Dengler Denkmann Desai DeVoe DeVries Dewar Dexter Dholu Didonna

Milton Conner Carolyn Ryan Hallie Ethan Jean Alyssa Jacob Charles Rashid Michael Olivia Kamara Alexander Andrew Ethan Alexander Colleen Joshua Alexandra Michael Kiana Kelly Clark Erin Scott Zoey John Chelsea Danielle Madelyn Bethlehem Aeryn Rishi Sanyukta Blake Neeti Anderson Breana Jake Jordon Mitchell Kara Grace Kate Brian Cole Alexis Julia Ruchal Tatum Brent Michael Julia Shubh Nicole

IU IU IU IUPUI Gap year IU Marine Corps University of Pittsburgh

IU Navy Travel IU IUPUI DePauw University IU IU Purdue Purdue Marquette University

Ball State IU IU Purdue

Lincoln Memorial University

Workforce Gap year Liberty University IU Rhode Island School of Design University of Southern Indiana

IU Vanderbilt University

Purdue IU Workforce Purdue Purdue IU IU Ivy Tech IU Anderson IU IU Miami University Moody Bible Institute

Butler IU IU

University of Chicago



Dietrich Dietrich Dilger Dilk Dillow Dobie Dobie Dodson Dodson Doman Dougherty Dow Downey Du Dube Dulin Duncan Dunn Dunn Dusharm Dziwlik Earnhardt Eastes Easton Eaton Eckl Edwards Edwards Eichman Eiteljorge Ellery Elzinga Emberton Emerson Emmons Emrick Enderle Engledow Erickson Esrael Estabrook Estabrook Evans Evelo Everitt Ewing Fagin Fahey Fairbairn Fairweather Farrow Faulcon Fecht Fein Fellabaum Fernandez Fickle Field


Jesse Samantha Jessica Amy Caroline Laura Michael David Jackson Michael Kathleen Alexa Carson Qitao Dumisa James Macy Connor Marren Hallie Mary Allison Roma Alyssa Grace Brooke Kerry McKenna Gannon Jack Lauren Frances Gabrielle Jamie Faith Taylor Erika Jack Dylan Robert Claire Grace Erin James Shelby Daniel Anna Kendall Madelyn Grace Lacey Jalen William Elliott Grant Gabriel Chloe Kennedy

Workforce IU IU University of Michigan

IUPUI Purdue Purdue

IU Rutgers University IU Ball State New York University Gap Year Jacksonville University

Purdue Bradley University

Filler Fiore Firkan Fisher Fleig Fleischer Fleming Fleming Fogel Ford Ford Foster

Aryeh Lillian Alp Scott Ethan Ethan Matthew Taylor Joshua Blake Garrett Molly

Mahlenberg College University of Iowa Purdue Purdue Purdue IU Indiana State Gap year University of Virginia

IUPUI Ball State Miami University

“I didn’t choose the twin life...” -Submitted by Bethanie Ackerman

Brigham Young University Idaho

University of Alabama

Butler Purdue

Valparaiso University

Purdue IU IU Ball State

Adrian College University of Indianapolis

IU Ball State University of Southern University

Purdue IU Bowling Green State University

Purdue Kettering University Taylor Wabash College IUPUI University of Pennsylvania University of Cincinnati

Workforce University of Louisville

Workforce IU

Loyola University Chicago

Purdue Belmont University Ball State Purdue Wabash College IU Indiana State Ball State IU

Fox Fox Foxworthy Frakine Franciosi Franiak Franks Fray Frazer Freeman Frey Fritz Frye Funkhouser Gaebler Gagen Galka Gallagher Gallagher Gamil Gangstad Garcia Garcia Lua Gardner Garrison Gastineau Gates Gaughan Gaynor Geisler Gemelas Gerard Gerges Getz Gibson Gibson Gill Gilliam Gillig

Sydney Caroline Sydney Anastasia Haley Sophia Bryce Windle Julia Samantha John Estefany Jennifer Bailey Ethan Madalyn Michaela Aaron Kennedy Marly Clayton Andrea Jesus Kiley Karlyn Rachel Lily Natalie Gregory Anastasia Nicholas Maxwell Leila Brian Samantha Syrus Edward Kaelyn Molly

DePauw University IU Ball State Gap Year DePauw University Ohio State University

Trine University Purdue Ball State IU Wabash College Ivy Tech IUPUI IUPUI IU Ball State Ivy Tech IU IU IUPUI IUPUI IU IUPUI IU IU

Grand Valley State University

Auburn University CHS IUPUI Purdue Purdue IU IUPUI IU IU CHS Grace College Purdue Purdue

Gladden Glazier Glesing Glock Goble Godden Goggins

Anna Hannah Sarah Jonathan Brent Benjamin Mona Gogulis-Danenman Oskar Gohmann Stephanie Goldberg Benjamin Gonzalez Devin Goldstein Ellie Gonzalez Erik Gonzalez Griffin Gonzalez Mackenzie Goodrich Lara Gosselin Benjamin Grant Keelan Graves Megan Gray Annie Gray Jaylon Gray Reed Green Anthony Gregory Logan Grenci Molly Griffin John Griffin Taylor Grigsby Brooke Grimm Drake Grindstaff Jacob Gripp Sophia Grove Cameron Grubb George Gruning Zachary Gudgel Spencer Guillot Jacob Gulley Nathan Gulliver Rachel Gutierrez Natalie Habegger Molly Haddon Eliza Haden Yuki Hahn William Halbert Chloe Hale Gabrielle Hall Abigail Hall Paige Hamachek Abby Hamachek Luke Hamilton Aubrey Hamilton Grace Hamm Molly Hanna Shady Hanna Youanna Hansen Oscar Hardwick Grace Harenberg Anna Harper Zachary

Butler IU Ball State Army IUPUI University of Evansville

Ball State Purdue

University of Michigan

IUPUI University of Miami IUPUI IU

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

St. Louis University Full Sail University IU Illinois State University

IU Indiana State Kenyon College IU Ball State CHS Ball State Hampton University Purdue Gap year CHS Purdue Ball State IUPUI Butler University of Iowa IU IPFW University of Indianapolis

IU IU University of Illinois IU Purdue IU Purdue Purdue IU Indiana Wesleyan Indiana Wesleyan Taylor University Marian University Anderson IUPUI IUPUI Denmark High School Aveda Fredric’s Institute

Ball State University Marian University

Harrell Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harrison Harrison Hart Hartich Hartman Hartmeister Hattab Hawkins He He Heber Heckenberg Hedrick Hedrick Heffern Heffern Heinrich Heldt Helms Henderson Hermiller Herrera Hess Hessaraki Hester Hettiger Hettle Heyl Hicks Hicks Higginbotham Highberg Hildreth Hile Hilger Hill Hintz Ho Hoeing Hoggard Holden Holland Holman Holmes

Jarin Autumn Kemoni Maxwell Olivia William Zachary Amelia Bella Mallory Nicholas Austin Samuel Malak Joy Andrew Angela Benjamin Paige Elijah Emma Evelynne McKenna Connor Samuel Jackson Sarah Jake Sofia Kathryn Omid Jessica Kathryn Wesley Cailey Alexandra Malik Riley Alyssa Lauren Paige Zoe Emme Jessica Natalie Benjamin Bradford Timothy Caleb Colin Janine

Purdue IU Trade School IU Purdue Butler IUPUI Institute of Global Outreach Developments International

IU Gap year Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Purdue American University IU Duke University IU Ball State IU Purdue University of Miami Ball State IU IUPUI University of Oklahoma

Ball State Trinity University IU Ivy Tech New York University Ball State Augustana College ITT Technical Institute

IUPUI Notre Dame Purdue Ball State IU Purdue

Ohio State University

Marian University IUPUI IU IU IU IU Butler Purdue IU

Pratt Institute of Fashion

“...the twin life chose me.” -Submitted by Brooke Ackerman


Holtzapple Holtzlander Hong Hook Hoover Horn Hovhannisyan Huber Hughes Hulett Hull Hull Hulse Hurwitz Husain Hussey Hutt Ianigro Iannuzzo Irwin Isaac Iverson Jackson Jackson James Janeczko Janowski Jarding Jarzynski Jayasankar Jenkins Jenkins Jennings Jiang Joest Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Jokovich Joliet Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Joseph Judson Julijanto Julijanto Jun Kaehr Kaminski Kampenga Kannan Kanthala Kaopuiki


Sydney Benjamin Yoomin Katherine Christopher CarynGrace Elen Noah John Laurel Ally Kirsten Daphne Danielle Alina Julia Kevin Joseph Madison Kelsey Steven Alec Alexander Natalie Amiyah Carlie Mason Jacob James Deepa Katelynne Robert Donovan Cassidy John Connor Garrett Lauren Samuel Reaghan Jack Andrew Cassandra Elijah Jarrod Samuel Youselie Madison Bryan Haggan Joshua Nicholas Morgan Marshall Amit Sri Charan Caleb

University of Cincinnati

IU IUPUI University of Miami University of Wyoming Pepperdine University University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Cornell University Ball State Purdue Purdue Asbury University Western Washington University

University of Evansville Vanderbilt University


University of Tennessee Miami University of Ohio

Kent State University Kansas State University

IUPUI Indiana State IU Ball State Indiana State Gap year Ball State IUPUI Ball State Purdue USI DePauw IUPUI New York University CHS Purdue Indiana Wesleyan IU Purdue IU Purdue East Carolina University

Ivy Tech Xavier University Ball State Anderson Purdue IU IU IU Purdue Ball State Workforce New York University Purdue Anderson

Karthikeyan Katyayan Kaufman Keck Keck Keddie Keip Kellermeyer Kelley Kennedy Kessilyas Kessler Khan Khan Khela Kibler King Kiser Kittaka Kleva Kliegl Klima Klineman Klinger Klotz Klotz Kmec Knauff Kocherlakota Kocinski Koniaris Konkoly Koon Kopp Korolev Koss Kracht Kratky Krauter Kreke Kress Krieger Kryjanovski Kubik Kueber Kurniawan Lacy Lacy LaFollette Lam Lam LaMear Lawrence Leatherwood Leavell Ledbetter Lee Lee

Sushma Anisha Payton Matthew Sydney Vladic Sydney Brynn Kaitlan Collin Julianna Lucas Kristian Mir Ali Shady Drew Olivia Abel Chad Keyona Tyler Ellie Chelsea Paul Andrew Emily Anna Samuel Uma Kameron Angelike Matthew Anna Evan Mitchell Austin Molly Benjamin Ashton Alexander Marie Lio Peter James Megan Audrey Rachel Tara Madison Avery Jennie Zachary James Lynde Brooke Blaine Daniel Ethan

IUPUI Purdue Southern Methodist University

Workforce University of Indianapolis

Purdue Ball State IU Workforce IU IUPUI IU St. John’s University IUPUI University of Texas Austin Aveda Institute of Cosmetology

Purdue Lehigh University Butler San Francisco University

IU IU University of Southern California

Purdue Ball State Trine University CHS Washington University in St. Louis

Ball State University of Chicago

Purdue IU Purdue IU DePaul University Butler Indiana State CHS IUPUI Purdue

University of Michigan

IUPUI Indiana State IU Ball State University of Iowa IU

Ohio Northern University

IU University of Alabama Huntsville

Cedarville University Hillsdale College IUPUI Butler Purdue Xavier University

“If there’s a will there’s a way, and if there’s a Quizlet, there’s an A.” -Submitted by Grace Eaton Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Leffler Lehman Lein Leinbaugh LeMieux Lemonds Leonard Leonard Levin Levine Levine Levinsohn Li Li Li Li-Harezlak Liechti Light Linderman Lineback Linville Liu Liu Lobo Locke Loncharich Long Long Lucas Lueking Luo Luros Lynch Lyon Macomber Madden Madduri Magesh Mahoney Majid Makkar Malek Manikandan

Haemin Jin Joey Keona Kris Theodore Cameron Rachel Sarah Nicholas Christopher Lauren Elizabeth Riley Brooke Robert Sandi Alexandra Allison Min Hua Richard Anna Christopher David Aaron Gretchen Zachary Jiacen Jeffrey Megan Julianne Jace Jacob Katherine Eli Megan Olivia Olivia Austin Lucy Abigail Tyler Sathvik Anoop Connor Fezan Renih Naveed Gowthaman

IU Ivy Tech IU CHS IUPUI Ball State Purdue Webster University IU IU Michigan State University

Ivy Tech IU IU IU University of Minnesota

Eckerd College IU School of Visual Arts IU IU Workforce IUPUI Ivy Tech Marian IU Purdue Purdue IU Miami University IU Indiana State IU Ball State CHS Ohio State University

DePaul University

University of Alabama

Samford University Purdue CHS Purdue IU Purdue IU IUPUI IUPUI IU

Marchese Markley Marsh Martin Martin Mash Masin Matsumoto Matthews Mattingly McCarley McClain McClaine McCoige McConnell McDanell McDanield McDonald McDonald McDonald McDougall McGhiey McHale McKay Mcleod McMath McNerney McPherson Mcwherter Mears Megenhardt Mel Melchi Melenchuk Melrose Melrose Mendoza Menze Metcalf Meyers Mi Miao Michael Michael Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Mingee Mo Moeller Money Montefiori Moon Moorman

Grace Carly William Erin Hannah Maya Ashleigh Ema Luke Karis Michael Lauren Maci Joseph Terrence Sarah Michael Ben Jacob Luke Jack Aaron Caitlin Blake Makenna Jon Carly Connor Douglas Harrison Peter Matilda Emily Kaitlin Simon Sydney Joseph Elliot Holly Ethan Sabrina Kalea Andrew Trey Benjamin Callan Christina Corrine Frances Julia Sophia Alexis Jessica Hallie Keith Benjamin Matthew Claire

Clemson University IU Ivy Tech Butler Miami University of Ohio

Ball State IU Waseda University Purdue Marine Corps CHS Ball State Belmont University Marian Purdue United States Navy Full Sail University IU Workforce Ball State Ball State Purdue Indiana State Ball State Workforce Ball State Webster University Purdue IU IU University of Iowa IPFW Sheridan College Canada

IU University of Dayton


University of Chicago


Marine Corps IU Ivy Tech IU IU Ball State Purdue Millikan University

University of Michigan Vanderbilt University

Purdue Butler IU Purdue


Moraitis Morales Moran Moroz Morozov Morozov Mosley Mossler Mostafavi Moulik Moulton Moyer Mullens Muller Mullins Mulpagano Mulry Muniz Munshi Murphy Murphy Murray Mustaklem Mustaklem Mwalwa Myers Myers Nadeem Nair Nardi Nelsen Newkerk Newlin Ngooi Nguyen Nguyen Nichols Nichols Nief Nihill Nisenbaum Nisonson Noblitt Noirot Nordeen Noss Nou Null O’Brien O’Connor O’Donnell O’Rourke Oatess Oberoi Ogbeide Olekszyk Ong


Catherine Brooks Shira Denys Andrew Anna Grace Matthew Razmia Pratim Emma Grace Kacey John Vanessa Zoe Olivia Jose Jenna Jackson Colin Jason Basil Richard Joshua Colin Spencer Manahil Lily Christopher Anna Mia Nicholas Justin Ashley Richard Jacob Jarrod Sean Tess Lily Emma Samuel Alexis Reese Meredith Alliyan Eli Alexis Daniel Macy Sean Cooper Jassimrat Osaretin James Allison

Ivy Tech Workforce IU Army Purdue Purdue IU IU Purdue Purdue University of Kentucky

Trine University Butler Macalester College IU Kokomo Ball State UCLA Marine Corps Purdue Indiana State IU

University of Cincinnati

IUPUI Purdue Purdue IU Army Butler DePauw University Pomona College Butler Ball State Ivy Tech Ball State University IUPUI CHS IU IUPUI IU IU Purdue Columbia University IU Purdue IU University of Kentucky

Purdue IU Purdue Indiana State

Ortuzar Outland Owens Oyer Pagan-Marrero Page Palermo Park Parker Parkhurst Parra Parra Delacruz Patel Patel Patel Patel Patterson Patterson Patterson Paul Payne Pearsall Peralta Perel Perin Perkins Perry Perry Pescio Peterson Petruzzi Piegsa Pilcher Pitchford Plaskett Plaskett Platt Plumlee Poulsen Poulson Prall Prati Pratt Presley Price Price Prine Prostyakov Pryor

Jose Emma Alec Ashley Andres Dylan Jace Seong Eon Kyle Keegan Joseline Brandon Priya Purav Ritika Riya Christian Harper Lauren Hannah Natalie Lisa Scarlette Ella Samuel Hannah Alexandra Isaac William Erik Evan Alexander Noah Alexis Emily Grace William Lily Cameron Tyler Anna Tatum Evan Sarah Olivia Sharlie Spencer Anthony Ethan

Western Washington University

IUPUI Ball State Valparaiso University

Indiana State Miami University Ivy Tech New York University Workforce Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

University of Utah University of Arizona

IUPUI IU Ball State

Southern Illinois University

IUPUI University of Chicago

IU St. Louis University National Autonomous University of Honduras

IU IU Indiana State Ohio State University


Valparaiso University

IU IU Ball State Ball State IU Ball State Purdue

University of Southern Indiana

University of Iowa Ball State Purdue Purdue Cornerstone University

IU Ball State Ball State IU IU IU

Aveda Fredric’s Institute

Ball State IU Purdue IU Purdue Ball State

“The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cupcakes.” -Submitted by Kenzie Schaff

Puno Qiao Qin Qing Quiroa Raab Radcliffe Radde Raghuraman Rains Rameswara Ramey Ramnath Rapala Ratekin Ravichandran Ray Raymer Raymond Reese Reichart Ren Renfroe Resener Revard Rice Rice Richey Richter Richter Rickel Riddle Riley Rivera Rivera Rivera Negron Roach Robb Robbins Roberts Robertson Robins Robles Rodimel Rogers Rohrabaugh Roop Rorwick Rorwick Rosen Rosenstihl Rossie Rothchild Rothrock Roudebush Roudebush Roy

Cameron Nyssa Rebecca Catherine Mariella Alexander Brooks Hannah Nikhil Kolbie Lasya Caleigh Shraddha Connor Mitchell Karthik Raja Dawson Jacob Christopher Anja Evan Justin Emma Peter William Grant Noah Esteban Brianna William Shae Emma Duncan Gabriella Kevin Christian Mallory Nathan Cheyanne Darby Derek Benjamin Teo Jackson Hayden Ava Lauren Katie Kelly Madison Brett Lauren Danielle Gertrude Kiana Vance Aakash

Ball State IU IU IU IUPUI IU Purdue Stanford University Ball State IU University of Kentucky

IU Ball State Trine University Purdue Gap year Ball State Purdue University of Miami Ball State Northwestern University Colorado State University

IUPUI IUPUI Vincennes University University of Cincinnati

Purdue Ball State Ivy Tech IUPUI Purdue Workforce Taylor University IU Purdue Valparaiso University

Ball State Purdue

Miami University of Ohio

University of Kentucky

University of Geneva IU Boyce College Florida State University

IU Xavier University Xavier University Purdue IU IU Purdue

University of Tennessee

Taylor University Wabash College Purdue

Roy Rudin Runberg Rushing Russell Saghir Said Salazar Saleh Salerno Salisbury Sallay Salmon Samir Sandefur-Taylor Sanford Sanghani Sanka Sankar Sarsfield Sassman Scammahorn Schaff Scheker Scheker Schenkel Schilling Schipp Schipp Schlebecker Schmitt Schmidt Schneider Schnelzer Schofield Schostek Schostek Schott Schuetz Schuh Schulman Scott Scott Seals Searl Seed Seidensticker Sellers Selvio Sendi Sendon Senuta Serkes Shackelford Shafer Shaw Shebek

Jack Taylor Anna Zachary Payton Syed Noor Brianna Adam Zachary Trevor Christian Lauren Ian Holly Dominick Jai Roopali Meghana Kyle Michael Vanessa Mackenzie Luis Mark Tyler Carson Ethan Nicholas Gabriel Carter William Elena Brian Luke Megan Tyler Alexander Grant Ian Emerson Elisabeth Mallory Melissa Kirsten Molly Charlotte Ethan Kristen Bo Jerome John Silvana Gabrielle Olivia Jason Oliver

Purdue Wheaton College IU Butler Ball State Workforce Yale University CHS Bethel College Belmont University 2-Year Religious Mission

CHS IU Stanford University IU Central State University

IU IUPUI IUPUI IUPUI Purdue Ball State University of Dayton

IU Purdue IU Workforce Butler IU

Gap Year DePauw University Workforce Colorado School of Mines

Airforce Savannah College of Arts and Design

Purdue Workforce IU Vincennes University

IU Ivy Tech

University of Arizona

Ivy Tech CHS Navy Webster University DePauw Workforce Purdue Purdue Purdue Undecided Purdue IU IU DePauw University


Shelton Shelton Shergill Sherman Shinaver Shishikura Shives Shockey Shopshire Short Shou Shoults Shuck Sieber Silverman Simmons Simmons Simmons Simons Simpson Sims Singer Singh Slack Smerage Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Sneed Snyder Snyder Soderstrom Sofianopoulos Sohail Solomon Sorkin Souviner Soyfer Spanenberg Spencer Spencer Sposato Sriram Stafford Stafford Stahly Stanton Stark Staton Steele Stein


Darius Nicholas Doveleen Brett Ethan Sota Riley Taylor Grace Haley Phillip Cole Ashleigh Cameron Hayden Avery Tanner Tavic Isabella Patrick Avery Megan Aakansha Alaina Trinity Alaina Alan Amy Blake Braeden Caleb Cana Christian Haley Scott Madelyn James Summer Katherine Dean Zubia Kamisha Anthony Ashley Leo Alexander Brooke Jackson Zackary Pranav Maxwell Sierra Catherine Riley Naomi Daniel Corinne Addison

University of Indianapolis

Ball State IU Georgetown University

Ivy Tech Purdue IUPUI Ball State IU IUPUI IU University of Toledo Palm Beach Gardens Community College

IU IU Hanover College Wabash College Wabash College Marian University Columbia University IU Purdue IU Gap Year Ball State Undecided Missions Trip Samford University Ball State IU Purdue Ball State DePauw University IU University of Texas at Dallas

Ivy Tech IU IU Butler Purdue IU Ivy Tech University of Denver University of Indianapolis

Butler Marian University Ball State IU Stanford University Ivy Tech CHS Ball State USI Beauty school Ball State DePauw University Belmont University

Stein Stella Stesney Stettler Stiner Stoffel Story Strammello Street Street Strickler Strong Stukenberg Su Sullivan Sullivan Sultan Surati Sutton Sutton Sutton Sveen Sweet Swingewood Swingewood Taiwo Tan Tan Tapia Leon Tawadrous Taylor Taylor Taylor Tejcek Teles Teo Teter Tharp Tharp Theofanis Thikoll Thomas Thomas Thomas Thompson Thompson Thompson Thornburg Thruston Tikhomirova Tippins Tobias Tocci Todd Todd Toomey Tortorice Tragesser

Nicholas Cali Hannah Michael Nicholas Maxamis Matthew Lucas Elliott Jacqueline Madison Sydney Jacob Janet Brooke Erik Alexis Jonas Kylie Matthew Sierra Madison Mary Courtney Samantha Olaoluwatomi Anthony Rachael Dominic Andro Colin Kenneth Lauren Delaney Ana Nikolas Simon Cole Skylar Ellie Brandon Ashley Gabriel Griffin Beverley Dalton Logan Abigail Joseph Polina William Ella Bennett Andrew Grace Emma Audrey Sophia

Asbury University IU Indiana State IU IU IU and Military (Fort Benning)

Purdue Washington University in St. Louis

Ball State Saint Leo University Bowling Green State University

IU Ball State CHS Indiana Wesleyan IU CHS Ball State Ball State Ball State

University of Evansville

Purdue Albion College Albion College University of Iowa IU Purdue Purdue Ivy Tech Ball State Ivy Tech IU Purdue Workforce Purdue Ivy Tech Coast Guard Ball State IU IU CHS Workforce IU IU University of Arizona

Ball State Calvin College Xavier University IUPUI Vanderbilt DePauw University University of Cincinnati Carson Newman University

DePauw University IU University of St. Thomas

Tran Tran Trautman Trevino Amaro Trivedi Turro Tuten Twiehaus Udayan Underwood Uoussa Upton Van Horn Van Meter Van Remortel Van Soelen Vanderveen VanZetta Vasil Veatch Velasquez Vernon Vincent Vitiritto Voor Waddell Walker Walker Wade Walker Wallack Wallack Walls Walters Waltz Wang Wang Wang Waples Waples Watkins Watson Waybright Wede Weed Wei Wei Wei Weiderhaft Weidner Weifenbach Wenthe West Whack White White White Whited

Brandon Devon Jackson Natalia Gabrielle Lucia Zachary Ellie Vikram Benjamin Login Josephine Madison Benjamin Jackson Bennett Kate Jonathan Nicole Evan Sofia William Sophie Vincent Andrew Jefferson Bryn Madison Noah Taylor Ian Lily James Sydney Ryan David Drake John Alexis Samantha Regan Wesley Benjamin Joseph Connally Barry Kelley Xuchen Daniel Andrea Eve Jacob Lauren Jalen Hayden Janeele Jesszca Noah

IU IUPUI Xavier University Fashion Institute of Technology

CHS University of Alabama

Ball State Ball State IU Lipscomb University Ivy Tech Purdue Butler University IU University of Michigan

University of Iowa Ball State Purdue Ball State UCLA IU IU

Mount Holyoke College Arizona State University

IU IUPUI Emory University IUPUI IU Purdue Butler Butler Workforce Ball State IU Purdue IU IU IU DePauw University University of Kentucky Illinois Wesleyan University

IUPUI Purdue IU IU Purdue Stanford University IU IUPUI Gap year IU Indiana Wesleyan IU Purdue IUPUI IUPUI Purdue

Whybrew Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williamson Willman Wilson Wimer Winders Winn Winston Winston Winter Wise Wiseman Witter Wolfe Wolseley Wong Wood Woods Worrell Wrobleski Xie Xue Yang Yao Yeary Yegerlehner Yeoman Yi Young Young Young Yuan Zachman Zaky Zelner Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zheng Zhou Zhu Zhu Zhu Ziegler Zircher Zoccola Zuloaga Munoz

Lily Alesa Brayden Bryan Jack Joel Nyanna Zane Wyatt Brooke Sydney Nicole Zachary Elise Lauren William Patrick Avery Grace Jaiden Matthew Morgan Maxine Robert Levi Emily Karlee Amberly Crystal Denise Lydia Jackson Grace Ashley Hongli Catherine Chloe Luke Catherine Andrew Malak Carson Allen Carolyn Joanna May Allen Amy Eric Julien Shouli Mark Genevieve Anthony Marisol

Anderson Ball State IUPUI Ball State University of Indianapolis

IU Miami University DePauw University IU Ball State Fashion Institute of Technology

IU Army Purdue Ball State Anderson IU IU IU County College of Morris

IU Purdue IU IUPUI Purdue Ball State Purdue IU Harvard University Ball State Purdue IU IUPUI Butler IU Baylor University DePauw University Indiana State University

University of Illinois CHS Ivy Tech Taylor University Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ohio State University University of Michigan

IU Purdue IU Purdue

University of Toronto Washington University in St. Louis

Indiana Wesleyan IU IU IU

Editor’s Note: The HiLite Staff attempted to contact each senior. We apologize for any discrepancies.







staff members

















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