Child protection policy

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Hill West Primary School is a member of the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership


Introduction Hill West Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection. Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers attending our school. It was reviewed following the DfE statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education, April 2014.

Aims Whilst the prime focus of Hill West Primary School is to secure the best educational provision for the child, the School recognises that the safety, welfare and care of children is paramount. We are therefore committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care at all times. We will ensure that arrangements are in place for:  All reasonable measures to be taken to minimise the risks of harm to children’s welfare;  All appropriate actions to be taken to address concerns about the welfare of a child, or children, working to agreed local policies and procedures in full partnership with other local agencies;  All persons in regulated activity at our school to be made aware of this policy. We recognise that some children may be the victims of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. This could manifest itself through, bullying including cyber-bullying and prejudice based bullying; racist and homophobic or transphobic abuse; extremist behaviour; child sexual exploitation; sexting; substance misuse, domestic violence, sexual exploitation; female genital mutilation and forced marriage. Staff of the school will often, by virtue of their day to day contact and knowledge of the children, be well placed to identify such abuse and offer support to children in need. In order to protect our children, we aim to:  Create an atmosphere where all our children can feel secure, valued and listened to Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


     

Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse Respond quickly and effectively to cases of suspected abuse Monitor and support children at risk Use the curriculum to raise children’s awareness, build confidence and skills Work closely with parent/carers and external agencies Ensure that all adults within our school undertaking regulated activity have been checked as to their suitability to work with children

Hill West Primary School will support all children by:  Encouraging self-esteem and appropriate self-assertiveness whilst not condoning aggression or bullying  Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the school  Liaising and working together with all other support services and those agencies involved in the safeguarding of children  Notifying Social Care Services via the approved mechanisms as soon as there is a significant concern.  Providing continuing support to a child about whom there have been concerns who leaves the school by ensuring that appropriate information is forwarded under confidential cover to the child’s new school.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Designated Safeguarding Lead (previously known as the Designated Senior Person) is  The Head Teacher Beth Clarke. Other designated staff who have been trained in this role include  Assistant Head Teacher - Mrs Nichola Leeson  Assistant Head Teacher - Mrs Hannah Cook  Family Support Worker – Mrs Karen White  Nominated Governor – Mr Andrew Staples

The role of all staff All staff have a duty to safeguard children. This policy outlines how staff can meet this duty and their need to be: Trained and aware of potential indicators of abuse Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


 Open to hearing concerns from children and others, without seeking to investigate these concerns  Informed on how to report any concerns to their Designated Safeguarding Lead/s  Informed on how to report any concerns relating to staff to their Head Teacher  Informed on how to report any concerns relating to their Head Teacher to the Chair of the Governing Body or the Executive Head Teacher.

As a school we appreciate the need to listen to children. As such we will:  Create the opportunity and environment for children to be able to talk about their concerns  Establish systems to enable cover for the member of staff listening to a child’s concerns. Always:  Report on as soon as you have a concern.  Record information verbatim using the actual words of the child and noting any questions the child raises.  Note dates, times, who was present, positions in the room, anything factual about the child’s appearance.  Pass these notes to the DSL.  If possible use a silent witness. Never        

Ask leading questions. Ask the child to write down their account. Investigate with, or without, others. Take photographs of marks. Attempt any medical judgement. Arrange a medical examination. Tape/video record an interview. Ask a child to remove any clothing.

Staff should always be aware of their own vulnerability at this point and should take steps to minimise risk to themselves whilst supporting the child. We recognise that all matters relating to Child Protection are confidential. The Head or DSL will disclose any information about a pupil to other members of staff on a need to know basis only.

Supporting Staff Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


We recognise that staff working in the school who have become involved with a child who has suffered harm, or appears to be likely to suffer harm may find the situation stressful and upsetting. We will support such staff by providing an opportunity to talk through their anxieties with the Designated Safeguarding Lead and to seek further support as appropriate external to the school.

The role of the DSL The Designated Safeguarding Lead is responsible for:  Adhering to the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB), Education and school/service procedures with regard to referring a child if there are concerns about possible abuse  Keeping written records of all concerns about a child even if there appears to be no need to make an immediate referral  Ensuring that all such records are kept confidentially and securely and are separate from child records  Ensuring that an indication of further record-keeping is marked on the child records  Liaison and joint working with Social Care Services, and other relevant agencies  Ensuring that they or the staff member attend case-conference, core-groups or other multi-agency planning meetings, contribute to assessments and provide a report which has been shared with the parents.  Ensuring that any pupil currently with a Child Protection Plan who is absent from school, without explanation, for two days is referred to their key workers social care team  Organising child protection induction and update training at least every three years for all school staff  Providing an annual report to the Local Governing Body detailing any changes to the policy and procedures; training undertaken by the DSL and by all staff and governors; number and type of incidents/cases and number of children subject to a Child Protection Plan.

Reporting Procedures All concerns must be passed to the DSL who will seek advice/make a judgement as to whether a referral should be made to Social Care Services or there is the need for alternative action to be taken. If a disclosure is made or a member of staff has reason to believe abuse has occurred an incident report form available from the staffroom, should be completed as soon as possible and passed to the DSL. Any original notes should be signed, dated and securely attached to the incident report form. All staff must be aware of the high Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


level of confidentiality of notes and individual staff members should pass all notes and records onto the DSL. Upon submitting an incident form the member of staff and the DSL should catalogue the form, sign and date the incident book in order to prove the procedure has been followed.

Staff Allegations All child protection allegations relating to staff must be reported directly to the Head Teacher (and not the DSL) without informing the subject of the concern/allegation. We will ensure that child protection concerns or allegations against adults working in the school are referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) for advice and that any member of staff found not suitable to work with children will be notified to the disclosure and baring service (DBS) for consideration for baring, following resignation, dismissal or when we cease to use their service as a result of a substantiated allegation in the case of a volunteer. The full evidence will be made available to the member of staff subject of the allegation as soon as is agreed appropriate within the on-going needs of any investigation by the Police, Social Care Services, or by any disciplinary process. In some cases it may be necessary for the staff member to be suspended whilst an investigation is carried out. It must be recognised that any decision to suspend a member of staff is without prejudice and on full pay, and is not an indication of any proof or of any guilt. Advice should always be taken from the Human Resources team within the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership (ATLP) in this respect. Any complaint or concern of a child protection nature received by any person and relating to Head Teacher must be passed in confidence to the Chair of Governors / Executive Head Teacher of the ATLP. All staff need to be aware of their vulnerability to allegations and must address their practice accordingly. All staff must adhere to the schools guidance in respect to safe conduct. Children cannot be expected to raise concerns in an environment where staff fail to do so. All staff should be aware of their duty to raise concerns, where they exist, about the attitude or actions of colleagues.

Procedure The school adheres to the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB) procedures Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


and the Birmingham Education Services Child Protection Procedures. Copies of these are kept by the Head Teacher and must be the subject of training and be available to all staff and governors. The DSL will ensure the following reporting and recording procedures are maintained:  

Incident report form (catalogued and cross references to the incident book) Incident book (hard bound, containing consecutive numbers of report forms, name of child, name, signature and date of person submitting the report, name, signature and date `of DSL receiving the report) Child’s school record is marked to indicate that there is a child protection incident form logged with the Child Protection Procedures

(See examples in Appendix A) The Governing Body will receive termly reports on safeguarding developments at our school.

Safer Recruitment The Local Governing Body is committed to the welfare of children and young people in its care. It recognises that the legal requirements for recruiting and employing people to work in the school include provisions specifically to protect children from harm and that following these provisions is an essential part of its duty of care. It also recognises that the legal requirements for checking prospective employees’ right to work in the United Kingdom protect those responsible for recruitment from fines for infringing the law.

Where the Local Governing Body has delegated its power of recruitment and selection to the Head Teacher it requires the Head Teacher to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that  every job description includes a statement that the employee is responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children for whom he or she is responsible or comes into contact.  every person specification includes a clear statement about the requirements for any applicants to demonstrate their suitability to work with children and that this will include motivation, ability to maintain appropriate relationships with children, emotional resilience to challenging behaviour, and attitudes to the use of authority and maintenance of discipline.  unless the Local Governing Body has adopted another application form complying with the statutory guidance, the school uses the current standard application forms prepared by the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


 any gaps in education or employment, or discrepancies between information on the application form and references are investigated.  at least two job-related written references, including one from the current employer or most recent employer (or training establishment in the case of a newly qualified teacher or school for a young person with no previous employment experience) or most recent employer in respect of employment with children, are always obtained before interviews take place and preferably before short-listing, that relevant questions are asked of the referee and employee in accordance with statutory guidance and any discrepancies are investigated (having regard to the statutory guidance that it is up to the person conducting the recruitment to decide whether to accede to a candidate’s request his or her current employer only if he/she is the preferred candidate after the interview but that this is not recommended as good practice)  a job is never offered subject to satisfactory references and that if written references are not available before an interview selection of a candidate is deferred, with the panel adjourning and reconvening when the written references are available.  all persons invited for interview are informed in writing of the required preemployment checks and asked to bring relevant documentation with them on the day of the interview.  choose suitable people, all of whom have completed the required training in safer recruitment, to interview candidates with the head teacher or on the head teacher’s behalf and that the interviews are supplemented by other tasks and assessment as appropriate.  the recruitment and selection process is monitored in accordance with the Local Governing Body’s policy on the various equality duties required of schools.  The Local Governing Body will arrange as necessary for some or all governors to undertake the training in safer recruitment specified in the School Staffing Regulations.  The Head Teacher will arrange for at least one of the School’s Designated Safeguarding Leads to introduce himself or herself to each new employee before they take up employment and ensure that all induction programmes include child protection training.

Parents and carers Parents and carers will be made aware of the school policy through published information and in initial meetings with parent and carers of new children. Parents and carers will be informed that in certain circumstances there may be a need to contact other agencies without first notifying them. This decision will be made in partnership between Education Services and Social Care Services. It will be made clear that this is a legal obligation and not a personal decision. Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


A copy of this policy is available to all parents, carers and children via the school website or upon request.

Teaching and Learning The curriculum will be used to raise children’s awareness and build confidence so that they have a range of strategies to support their own protection and understanding of protecting others. The school will promote child support services through assembly and our citizenship curriculum including PHSE.

Training All members of staff and the Governing Body will receive training on child protection procedures and will receive updates and refreshers at least every three years. In some cases and where practically possible this will occur bi-annually. The DSL and Head will be provided with Education Services core training in order to carry out their role and will attend refresher training updates every 2 years. Child Protection training will be clearly cross referenced and supplemented by other areas of staff training and school policy including positive handling, behaviour management and risk assessment.

Visitors and Volunteers A summary of the schools procedures and the name of the DSL are displayed for the information of visitors to the school.

Review This policy will be reviewed annually


A. Staples


3rd June 2014


B.M. Clarke

(For the Local Governing Body)

(Head Teacher)

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3rd June 2014

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Summary of Child Protection Information for Visitors and Volunteers Hill West Primary School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care. Our school/service will support all children by: • Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the school • Encouraging self-esteem and self-assertiveness • Effectively tackling bullying and harassment We recognise that some children may be the victims of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Staff working with children are well placed to identify such abuse. At Hill West Primary School in order to protect our children, we aim to:  Create an atmosphere where all our children can feel secure, valued and listened to  Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse  Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to cases of suspected abuse If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact the following staff member as quickly as possible. Designated Safeguarding Lead: Dr Beth Clarke If this person is not available please contact DSL name Assistant Head Teacher – Mrs Nichola Leeson Assistant Head Teacher - Mrs Hannah Cook Family Support Worker – Mrs Karen White Everyone working with our children their parents and carers should be aware that:  Their role is to listen and note carefully any observations which could indicate abuse.  They should not attempt to investigate once the initial concern is raised  They should involve the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) immediately  If the DSL is not available the Deputy DSL should be contacted.  Disclosures of abuse or harm from children may be made at any time.

If anything worries you or concerns you, report it straight away.

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All child protection concerns must be reported immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for child protection


Record facts and do not make judgements (state dates, times, places, actual words used, what was observed, who was present, questions asked, etc).


If support is needed filling in this form do not delay, the DSL will help.


Any concerns about staff should be reported directly to the Head Teacher. Concerns about Head Teachers should be reported directly to the Chair of Governors or the Executive Head Teacher.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: are:



Beth Clarke (Head Teacher) Nichola Leeson (AHT) Hannah Cook (AHT)



SIGNED (Attach and sign additional pages if required)


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Policies/Child Protection 3.06.14


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