E-Safety Policy

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HILL WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL E-SAFETY POLICY The safe use of information and communication technologies WHAT IS E-SAFETY? E-Safety encompasses internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile phones as well as collaboration tools and personal publishing. It highlights the need to educate pupils about the benefits and risks of using technology and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experience. The E-Safety Policy will operate in conjunction with other school policies including but not limited to: Child Protection, Health and Safety, Home School Agreements, Anti-Bullying, Data Protection Policy and our curriculum statement.

WHY DO WE USE THE INTERNET AT SCHOOL? “Schools have a responsibility to educate young people and provide a safe learning environment, increasingly, ICT is used as an integral part of teaching and learning, and evidence shows that it can have many important benefits. Schools, therefore, must also play a special role in educating children and young people about the safe use of the Internet and related technologies” BECTA (BECTA has been replaced by NAACE). 

The use of ICT (Information – Communication - Technology) is embedded in the curriculum and is now a statutory requirement, pupils require the knowledge to use existing and new technologies to communicate, exchange, locate, retrieve and manipulate information in the form of digital data, to enjoy and appreciate the opportunities and knowledge that the World Wide Web/Internet can provide them, understanding how to use the interaction and collaboration abilities available, and keeping a safe online presence. ICT skills are now seen as an essential part of lifelong learning and employment.

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To raise educational standards, to promote pupil achievement, to support the professional work of staff and to enhance the school’s management information and business administrations systems. To set homework for children via Mathletics in order for pupils to extend their curriculum learning beyond the classroom and work in partnership with parents

BENEFITS AND RISKS OF USING THE INTERNET Technologies provide benefits, some also present risks. The use of the Internet and the World Wide Web for home, social, work and leisure is ever expanding across societies. Pupils use computers as tools, to communicate and handle information and present it in a variety of ways, they engage with technology and learn through it without realising. The internet provides us with:      

Access to relevant world-wide educational resources to enhance programs of study. Educational and cultural exchanges on a global scale. Access to experts in many fields for pupils and staff Staff professional development through access to national developments, educational materials and good curriculum practice. Improved access to technical support including remote management of networks. Communication with support services, professional associations and colleagues

Sometimes the influences available on the internet may be unsuitable, knowledge is required to develop the understanding of how to be e-safe, not just in school but in everyday life. This policy will outline how the staff, pupils and Governors at Hill West Primary School will adopt strategies for the safe and responsible use of the internet, World Wide Web and corresponding technologies. A lot of the material available on the internet is created for adult consumption, unsuitable for young people. Hate, violence, crime, racism, abuse, etc. would be more restricted without the ease and availability of the World Wide Web, the anonymity of chat rooms, email and other forms of social media provide opportunities for adults to make contact with young people for inappropriate reasons. Hill West Primary School recognises the requirement to provide pupils with as safe an internet environment as possible and the need to teach pupils to be aware of the risks and how to respond responsibly to them.

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SAFEGUARDING School must decide on the right balance between controlling access, setting rules and educating pupils for responsible use. Undoubtedly, we will all come into contact with something inappropriate by the most innocent of searches or actions, this is something that is unavoidable and under such circumstances we encourage our students to report incidents with the confidence they will not be blamed, educating and encouraging them to deal with issues in a sensible and appropriate manner. We do not believe blocking access is always the answer, our internet connection is heavily filtered externally and monitored with Policy Central Software, something that is not readily available in most homes, therefore we view the education of our pupils is paramount to keeping them safe in the real world. Together, education in e-safety and providing an understanding of our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) will help keep our students safe while using information technologies. To ensure the safeguarding of all stakeholders it is our school policy that personal mobile phones are not used during the school day when children are present. If children have access to a mobile phone they are required to hand it in at the school office before the start of the school day and collect it after the school day has finished. The internal school telephone system can be used to make and receive necessary phone calls. If staff wish to check their mobile phones during the working day they must do so during designated break times and away from children; where possible mobile phones should be used in staff only areas. (There are a small number of staff who have ‘school’ mobile phones who use these during the day for communication across the site and to enhance safeguarding.) Staff are required to only use school owned devices to take photographs or videos, including digital cameras and iPads. Resources used by pupils in school are carefully chosen by the teacher and determined by curriculum policies. Use of the Internet, by its nature and speed of change, will provide access to information which has not been selected by the teacher. Whilst pupils will often be directed to sites and web pages which provide reviewed and evaluated sources, at times, they will be able to move beyond these, to sites unfamiliar to the teacher. It is also possible that a search term used one moment can bring up different results the next time it is used, due to the speed at which new information is introduced.

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CHALLENGING CYBER BULLYING Cyber bulling is particularly invasive and can be very difficult to eliminate. It can begin as a joke or a relatively innocent comment and can quickly escalate into a very destructive and upsetting means of targeting individuals. At Hill West we have an acceptable use policy that outlines our approach to internet and mobile phone use (see Appendix 1 and 2). Cyber Bullying is taken very seriously and the PDW/PHSE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to discuss their use of the internet and some precautions they might take. Pupils know that if cyber bulling is taking place they should notify their teacher immediately. Incidents that occur outside of school but impact on school life should be reported to the Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team who will investigate. If necessary the school will  Confiscate equipment such as mobile phones  Withdraw access to the internet for a set amount of time  Limit the use of the internet or only allowing it to be used under close supervision

INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL The children will be supervised at all times when accessing information from websites. The filtering service provided through BGFL and Link2ICT is very effective, but it may be possible for some content to escape filtering. In the event any content deemed unsuitable escapes filtering, the use of Hector the Protector Dolphin enables pupils to blank the computer screen and inform the supervising member of staff immediately. This should then be reported a member of the Senior Leadership Team or ICT Coordinator to record and deal with the incident as deemed appropriate. Time should be made available for all staff, in order to make evaluations of Web materials that are available to them. Subject co-ordinators should catalogue any sites that may prove useful to staff and help benefit pupil’s learning. School monitoring software continuously works in the background of school devices, checking for misuse and inappropriate usage. Information is recorded of each incident at the time and is checked by the school e-safety officer, we use this information in decisions of inappropriate use and resulting consequences, this also works effectively in helping us realise innocent or unintentional issues when they arise.

MANAGING E-MAIL E-Safety Policy January 2016


It is recognised and encouraged by the government that e-mail should be used as an essential means of communication for staff and for pupils. All use of e-mail within Hill West Primary School, is regulated and monitored. Pupils will therefore:      

be supervised at all times when using the Internet use approved school e-mail accounts based upon the school system have access to individual school email account where deemed age appropriate use email in a polite and appropriate manner access to email account will be removed if use is deemed inappropriate inform the supervising teacher immediately if they receive anything deemed offensive via the Internet

Use of none school email accounts for school correspondence or forwarding of school emails to none school email accounts, could be in breach of the Data Protection Act as these systems are not as secure as school email systems.


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All staff will read the ‘Acceptable Use Agreement’ before using any school ICT resource and will remind pupils of the agreement whenever appropriate. They will need to read this and accept before logging onto a school computer. The school will keep a written record of all staff and pupils who are granted Internet access. This record will be kept up-to-date, for example if a member of staff or pupil leaves. At Foundation level and Key Stage 1, access to Internet will be led by adult demonstration, directly supervised activities and approved online materials. Our pupil’s will only use e-mail accounts under staff supervision.

HOW THE POLICY WILL BE IMPLEMENTED WITHIN SCHOOL All staff must be familiar with the school E-SAFETY policy, prior to using the internet with their pupil’s to enhance learning. Pupils may need to be reminded of the school’s rules at the point of Internet use. Safe practice must be taught to the children prior to internet use, which should inform them of the valuable experience of Internet use and also the dangers, both at school and at home.

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 Children will have to agree to the Acceptable Use Agreement when logging onto computers  Pupils will be informed that the use of Internet will be monitored at all times. Whole school participation in termly e-safety activities, alongside embedded e-safety lessons throughout the school year will help enforce the school e-safety policy and general message of staying e-safe. In order to maintain an effective E-Safety Policy, we will provide opportunities for teachers and teaching assistants undertake e-safety training which will be refreshed regularly. The staff will need to subscribe to its values and methods in order to maintain its effectiveness. Staff will also be provided with opportunities to discuss arising issues and develop teaching strategies. Staff will also understand that the ‘acceptable use policy’ will also apply to them within school. All staff must therefore:     

Accept the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy before using any Internet resources in school. Have access to a copy of the Acceptable Use Policy and related policies, ensuring they fully understand it. Be aware that school computers are monitored and misuse can be traced to its user Maintain professional conduct when using the internet at all times Develop their knowledge of safe and responsible Internet use within the classroom as a teaching tool


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Staff at Hill West are assigned their own personal e-mail account through the school Outlook email system for official correspondence. Staff are to respect eachother’s privacy with regards to any other form of correspondence Staff may access personal e-mail accounts that are not provided by the school, but must agree to the “Acceptable Use Statement” and be aware that the school has the right to monitor internet use via Policy Central and personal accounts Staff at Hill West will NOT attempt to gain unauthorised access to any other computer system through or beyond the school authorised access account Staff at Hill West will NOT access any other person’s account or files as these actions are illegal, even if ‘browsing’ Staff at Hill West will seek advice when wishing to download programs or files from the ICT Co-ordinator/Technician.

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Staff internet usage will be monitored using ‘Policy Central’ accessible only by the E-Safety Officer.

MEMORY STICKS Pupils must not use memory sticks in school without the authorisation of one of the schools ICT Technicians prior to each use, this enables scanning of the device for potential unwanted materials, viruses, spyware, etc. Staff must not take home memory sticks that have personally identifiable information on them. All memory sticks used for work purposes should be encrypted.

INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR Restrictions against Inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and materials posted on web pages. When acting in an official capacity on behalf of the school, or using school e-mail accounts or social networking sites, the following points are to be noted: Staff and Students at Hill West will not:      

Use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, threatening, or disrespectful language. Post information that could cause damage or danger of disruption Engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks. Harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. Knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organisation. Re-post a message that was sent to privately Post private information about another person

To maintain personal safety pupils at Hill West will not   

Post personal contact information about themselves or other people. Personal information includes address and telephone number etc. Pupils must ask permission before accessing the Internet and have a clear idea why they are using it Attempt to gain unauthorised access to any other computer system through or beyond the school authorised access account. This includes attempting to log in

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through another person’s account or access another person’s files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of ‘browsing’. Download programs or files without seeking permission from the ICT co-ordinator or supervising member of staff Be allowed access to public or unregulated chat rooms, only using regulated educational chat environments when directed by a member of the school teaching staff

SANCTIONS FOR DELIBERATE MISCONDUCT Any staff to be contravening the above and found to be deliberately accessing inappropriate materials should be aware that this is a very serious offence and may lead to immediate suspension and possible dismissal pending further investigations. Any pupils found not complying with the school e-safety policy and related policies may have their internet access removed with further action decided by the e-safety officer and Head Teacher.


Complaints of internet misuse will be dealt with initially by the e-safety officer Any complaint of staff misuse will be reported to and dealt with by the head teacher Complaints of a child protection nature must be dealt with in accordance to the school’s child protection procedures Pupils and parents will be informed of the complaints procedure

PLAGIARISM AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT Staff need to be aware of copyright laws with regards to information on the World Wide Web. The same precautions are to be taken with information from the World Wide Web as those found in print. When in doubt you must contact the webmaster of the site you are using.



Staff will not use the school computers to access material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature).

DUE PROCESS The school will co-operate fully with local, national or international officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through working through the school system.

WORKING WITH CHILDREN When working with children on the Internet, staff will supervise children at ALL times. If children are observed to be accessing inappropriate materials, there are 2 courses of action: 1.

Where a pupil deliberately accesses inappropriate material, they should be removed from the computer and all computer privileges removed for a period of time that is appropriate to the misdemeanour.


Where a pupil inadvertently accesses inappropriate material, the site is to be reported to the Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team to investigate further.


All incoming/outgoing e-mails that are written by pupils will be screened by the teacher. Inappropriate mail will be deleted/not sent.


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Where photos of pupils are to be uploaded then agreement will be made with parents and only forenames will not be published. Surnames should NOT be used in order to minimise identification. Files uploaded will not refer to names. E.g. A photo of Joe Bloggs will not be joebloggs.jpg. Group photos will not contain a names list. Home information and e-mail identities will not be included only the point of contact to the school i.e. phone number, school address, enquiry@hillwest.bham.sch.uk

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Virus detections will be dealt with promptly and where staff laptops are affected staff will be notified immediately and asked to bring the laptop into school ASAP for quarantine. All workstations and laptops in school will be updated with Microsoft critical updates on a regular basis or in the case of an urgent update this will be completed at the earliest opportunity. School security settings for the network, user accounts and folder structures will be reviewed regularly. Any suspected access or security issue will be reported to the head teacher or one of the ICT Technicians at the earliest possible time.

TWITTER AND SOCIAL MEDIA The school Twitter account is designed to celebrate the successes of Hill West Primary School  All photo’s tweeted must be within the school guidelines and policies in place to protect pupils  Photos and full names (including surnames) must not be posted together as this is deemed personally identifiable information  Tweets must not include anything listed in the inappropriate behaviour section above  All use must be in line with wider school policy


All staff are to be made aware of the importance of having a secure password All staff are to ensure their workstation is locked when not being used All staff must ensure that they log out of E-Portal when it is not being used All staff must ensure they do not give out passwords to allow access to school systems Personal data must not be saved on shared network drives that students have access to

E-Safety Policy January 2016


Approved/Ratified By

Hill West LGB

Review Date

January 2017

E-Safety Policy January 2016

Date: 26.1.16


Appendix 1

HILL WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT FOR STAFF By continuing to use this computer you are accepting the Hill West Primary School’s acceptable use policy. The computers within this school are for use by staff, students and other authorised adults to further their education or to help with planning, research, administration or management. This policy is in place to protect all users of the computer systems with the school and is reviewed on a regular basis. Staff and other adults who wish to use the computer systems within this school should receive a copy of the Acceptable Use Policy and agree to its terms prior to any use of the schools systems.  All internet activity should be valid and appropriate to the students’ education  Access should only be allowed via an authorised account and password which should not be shared with any other person  Activity that threatens the integrity of the schools ICT systems or activity that attacks or corrupts the schools’ ICT systems is strictly forbidden  Any systems that are accessed that could bring the school into disrepute are strictly forbidden  Users are responsible for all emails sent and for the contacts made through email  The user is responsible for any emails sent from their accounts including the contents of said emails  Staff may access personal email accounts but must adhere to the AUP at all times taking note that all internet access is monitored  As an email can be inadvertently sent or forwarded to the wrong person all emails should have the same level of professional manner, language and content applied as any other publication within the school  Any use of the schools’ ICT systems for personal financial gain, gambling, political or advertising purposes is strictly forbidden  Copyright of any materials should be adhered to at all times in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988  Posting anonymous messages and the forwarding of chain messages is strictly forbidden  Use of the schools ICT systems to access inappropriate content such as pornographic, racist or other offensive material is strictly forbidden E-Safety Policy January 2016



If you access any site which you deem to be inappropriate or offensive, report it in writing as soon as possible to the identified member of staff

Misuse of the schools computer systems, email or internet are serious offences and could lead to disciplinary action. The school reserves the right to monitor and disclose and any information they deem necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal processes or governmental requests. The school may exercise it’s right to monitor the use of school equipment and computer systems, including website access, email interception and the deletion of inappropriate materials where it believes unauthorised use of the schools computer system is or may be taking place, or the system is or maybe being used for criminal purposes or for storing unauthorised or unlawful text or imagery. Basic AUA for computer logon. Staff devices "By clicking 'ok' you are agreeing to use this computer, school network resources and internet in a safe and responsible manner, in accordance with all relevant school policies, which can be found on the Hill West Website or in School Policies area of the 'Staffshared' network resource. Misuse of the school computer systems could lead to disciplinary action and police investigation".

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Appendix 2


These rules will help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe             

I will ask permission before using the internet I will use only my own network login and password, which I will keep private I will not look at or delete other people’s files I will not bring software or memory sticks into school without permission I will not use any form of personal on-line storage whilst in school I will only e-mail people my teacher has approved The messages I send will be polite and sensible I will not give my home address or phone number, or arrange to meet someone I will ask for permission before opening an e-mail or an e-mail attachment sent by someone I do not know I will not use internet chat If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not like, I will use the Hector Protector Dolphin and tell a teacher immediately I understand that the school may check my computer files and the internet sites I visit I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I may not be allowed to use the school computers

The school may exercise its right to monitor the use of the school’s computer systems, including access to web-sites, the interception of e-mail and the deletion of inappropriate materials where it believes unauthorised use of the school’s computer E-Safety Policy January 2016


system is or may be taking place, or the system is or may be being used for criminal purposes or for storing unauthorised or unlawful test or imagery. Basic AUA for computer logon. Curriculum (Student devices) "I agree to use this computer and school internet in a kind, safe and careful manner. I will not share my log on details with other users. I will notify a member of staff if I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable or I know is wrong".

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Appendix 3

Agreement for Loan of Digital Device As part of School Improvement for Hill West Primary School, it has been agreed to provide a Digital Device for designated members of the staff. It has been agreed that one of these devices should be assigned to Full name. This digital device has been loaned to you for school use. Under no circumstances are you expected to carry out duties other than those within your current job role. You are loaned this digital device to aid your professional development and work-life balance.

Full name ("First name") and Hill West Primary School hereby agree as follows: 1 The Digital Device identified below shall be loaned to First name. The loan shall terminate when First name ceases to be employed at Hill West Primary School or is on long term leave unless agreed otherwise with the Head Teacher, should the School deem the loan to be terminated by breach of conditions in which case it will terminate forthwith. On the termination of the loan, the Digital Device shall be returned to the School and checked by a school ICT Technician. 2

The Digital Device is not covered by insurance but Hill West Primary School will make good any loss or damage involved unless it be due to the negligence of First name, in which case such loss or damage shall be made good by First name. First name is aware of the level of risk she/he undertakes by virtue of this provision.

3 First name agrees to abide by the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership and Hill West Primary School’s policies in respect of 

observance of requirements in respect of the Data Protection Act 1998, for further information see: o https://www.gov.uk/data-protection o http://ico.org.uk/for_organisations/data_protection o http://www.bgfl.org/services/editdata In particular the specific requirements under the Act imposed by the School’s registration with the Information Commissioner. In practice this means that staff members should refrain from using, on their Digital Devices, information about identifiable individuals: if they do (e.g. assessment data exported from CMIS, they need to exercise great care in keeping their work secure using a

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secure password and or encryption, which is not known to other users of the Digital Device such as family members. The digital device will be used in accordance with all current school policies and agreements, including but not limited to the “e-safety” policy and ”Child Protection” and “Safeguarding” Policy. First name will, in addition, take all reasonable steps to ensure that any other user of the Digital Device will also abide by these requirements.

4 First name agrees to pay any data charges incurred in connecting the Digital Device to private or public networks, except in the case of connection to the Local Area Network of any school in connection with professional duties. First name understands that the supply and use of consumables used at home are the staff members’ responsibility. 5

In the event of the Digital Device requiring repair, First name will return the Digital Device to school. First name undertakes NOT to attempt any such repair him/herself, if any attempt is made First name will undertake the cost of any further repairs resulting. In this event, First name agrees that software repair may be limited to restoration of the computer’s original software image and therefore that responsibility for regular backup of data and validation of backups rests with him/herself. Hill West Primary School’s ICT staff will facilitate network backups and validation, where data is stored to a network share location.


First name undertakes not to install any software on the Digital Device without the written sanction of Hill West Primary School. The school technicians, in conjunction with the ICT Co-ordinator, will ensure that the Digital Device antivirus software is regularly updated. First name will produce the Digital Device if requested by Hill West Primary School for anti-virus checking and updating when required to do so.


First name and Hill West Primary School agree that the staff member may use the Digital Device for any purpose s/he wishes, provided solely that it shall not result in personal financial gain for the staff member or any of his/her family or associates, but the expectation shall be that such purpose shall primarily be for the staff member’s personal and professional development in connection with her/his duties in the school, and that both parties shall collaborate in recognising what activities might produce outcomes beneficial to both the staff member and the school. To this end, Hill West Primary School will endeavour to provide any training mutually agreed to be necessary.


Where the digital device is an iPad:

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The iPad will be synchronised with the Hill West Primary School iTunes account prior to allocation.

Staff WILL NOT be provided with the main school iTunes account details, if an app is thought to be useful and required, a request shall be submitted to the Head Teacher and to the ICT team for investigation, purchase and installation. A free iTunes account is available for staff to try free apps that are of educational use, any apps installed will be removed (including any data pertaining to the removed apps) when the iPad is synchronised with the main school iTunes account.

Staff members will not be expected to pay for their own apps for use on the iPad.

Where necessary, the iPad will have restrictions enabled preventing the use of content unsuitable for children above primary school age.

Staff iPads should be protected with passcodes preventing unauthorised access.

Agreement for Loan of Digital Device: Make – Model – Serial number – Device Name (School Inventory Name)-

Staff Member’s name: -

Post: -

Signature: ……………………………………..…………………………………..Date: ………………………………………….. Authorised by on behalf of Hill West Primary School

Name (printed): …………………………………………………………………….

Signature: …………………………………..……………………………………..Date: ………………………………………….. E-Safety Policy January 2016


Returned and Checked by: (print name) …………………………………………………………………………………… Reason for return: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. Signature: ……………………………………..……………………………………..Date: ………………………………….……….

E-Safety Policy January 2016


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