January 2012 School Newsletter

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Clarence Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B74 4LD Telephone: 0121 308 5392 Fax: 0121 308 5061

Tuesday 10th January 2012 DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES I hope that you all had a very good Christmas break and wish you good health and happiness in 2012 Tue 10th Jan Wed 11th Jan Thur 12th Jan Fri 13th Jan Mon 16th Jan

Tue 7th Feb Wed 8th Feb Thur 9th Feb Fri 10th Feb

PTFA Meeting – 7.30 pm Year 2 Parents’ Meeting – SATS - 6.45 pm - KS1 hall Parent Council Meeting - 2.00 pm Crescent Theatre visit for Years 4/5/6 - 1.30 pm Foxes MATHS INSPIRE – 9.00 am to 11.00 am - KS1 hall Otters MATHS INSPIRE - 1.15 pm to 3.15 pm - KS1 hall Hippodrome Theatre visit for Reception, Y1/2/3 - 1.00 pm Zumba Fundraising Event – KS1 hall - 7.15 pm - all welcome Swallows Class Assembly - 2.30 pm – KS1 hall Year 2/3/4 Parents’ Meeting - Numeracy - 6.45 pm - KS1 hall Swallows Class Assembly - 2.30 pm – KS1 hall “Chinese New Year” Lunch Swifts Class Assembly - 2.30 pm - KS1 hall KS2 Parent Meeting - Internet Safety - 6.45 pm - KS1 hall Swifts Class Assembly - 2.30 pm - KS1 hall Hares MATHS INSPIRE– 9.00 am to 11.00 am - KS1 hall Badgers MATHS INSPIRE 1.15 pm to 3.15 pm - KS1 hall Hedgehogs Class Assembly - 2.30 pm - KS1 hall Year 6 Parents’ Meeting – SATs - 6.45 pm - KS1 hall Hedgehogs Class Assembly - 2.30 pm - KS1 hall PTFA Valentines’ Disco Parent Council Meeting - 2.00 pm Gymnastics Festival for Four Oaks Cluster - 2.30 pm “Valentines” Lunch BREAK UP FOR HALF TERM

Mon 20th Feb

Back to School

Tue 17th Jan Wed 18th Jan Thur 19th Jan Fri 20th Jan Tue 24th Jan Thur 26th Jan Fri 27th Jan Mon 30th Jan Thur 2nd Feb Fri 3rd Feb

SATS PARENTS’ MEETINGS KS1 On Wednesday 11th January there will be a short meeting for the parents of children in Year 2 taking their KS1 SATs this year . The meeting will be held in KS1 hall and will start at 6.45 pm. It will outline the schedule for conducting the tasks/tests the children will be required to take and give you opportunities to ask any questions you may have.

KS2 On Thursday 2nd February there will also be a meeting for parents of children in Year 6 taking their KS2 SATs this year . This meeting will be held in the KS1 hall and will start at 6.45 pm. Again you will have an opportunity to ask questions. The evening will also outline the progress of booster work undertaken by the children in the run up to the tests. We hope to see as many of you as possible on the night - however, if you cannot attend but would like any relevant documentation then please contact your child’s class teacher.

Late Arrivals If your child arrives late to school they should be brought to the school office so they can be entered on the register as part of the school’s Fire Regulations. Children should be on the playground no later than 8.45am. The bell sounds at 8.50am for the start of school. After this time all children who enter school via the main entrance will be recorded as late. As part of our commitment to ensure all children have full attendance we carefully monitor lateness and will be contacting parents of children who persistently arrive late to school to offer support in achieving punctual attendance each day.

HILL WEST PTFA As you know we have an active PTFA at school. If you would like to join or feel that you might have fund raising ideas to contribute then please feel free to attend both or any of the meetings below. Thursday 23rd February Wednesday 21st March 7.30 pm start Congratulations to all of our Year2 children for their super Nativity performances before the Christmas break. You are all stars in our eyes.

Thank you to all those parents who are registered to receive ParentMail. There are still however just over 100 families in the school who do not receive communication in this way. As you know we have been sending our monthly newsletters via email for some time now and it has proved a very reliable way of parents receiving information on time. Those of you who have not registered will shortly receive a letter from us giving you further details. You will continue to receive paper copies of correspondence but, if you do have access to emails (whether at home or at work, or both), we would urge you to join ParentMail by letting us have your email address. This method of communication is particularly useful in inclement weather. Remember you can also register your MOBILE PHONE number for text messages

SCHOOL UNIFORM Could we remind parents that the school uniform is: Green school sweatshirts/cardis Grey trousers/skirts White polo shirts and Black shoes For health and safety reasons we would kindly ask that your child’s jewellery remains at home.


Please note that the final day to submit applications for Reception 2012 places is January 16th 2012. You can apply online at www.birmingham.gov.uk/ schooladmissions or contact School admissions on 0121 675 0555

We are pleased to welcome Miss Kelly Stone to school. She will be teaching Robins class until the end of the year supported by Mrs Page and Mrs Thomas

SNACKS AND DRINKS We have noticed that children are bringing into school sweets, crisps and chocolates for their break time snacks. As you know, we have a “Healthy School” policy and if children do bring in unhealthy snacks we will be pointing this out to them. Also children’s water bottles must only contain water not squash or fruit drinks as these can be very sticky if the bottles get tipped over. Children may, of course, have a fruit drink at break time or with their packed lunch.

SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBERS Do you know who the senior members of staff are in school? Miss Beth Clarke – Head Teacher Miss Fiona Marsh – Deputy Head and lead on Behaviour & Safety Mrs Joy Tombs – Assistant Head, Inclusion Manager, and SENCO Mrs Nichola Leeson - Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning Mrs Lisa Pardo - Enjoyment and Enrichment Manager Mrs Tracey Willmore - Basic Skills Manager Mr Steve George - Strategic Achievement Manager


Friday 3rd February 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm Nursery and KS1 only 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm for all ages

ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL If your child is absent from school please telephone on the first morning so we can accurately complete our registers. On return to school it is essential that you send a written note giving the reason for the absence. Thank you.

KS2 hall

STUDENTS FROM BIRMINGHAM CITY UNIVERSITY We are pleased to be supporting the following students from Birmingham City University this term. Amy Harwood will be working with Mr Hamilton and Mrs Pick in Hedgehogs Charlotte Hickey will be working with Miss Longden, Mrs Maddox and Mrs Scandrett in Owls Alexandra Sawyer will be working with Mrs Sharp and Mrs Pick in Rabbits Leah Reynolds will be working with Mrs George, Mrs Pardo and Mrs Rahman in Wrens We know you will join us in wishing them every success

THANK YOU Zumba Would you like to learn how? Or would you like to show off your Zumba skills? On Wednesday 18th January from 7.15 pm to 8.00 pm in KS1 hall we will be running a Zumba Dance event to raise funds for the Bockleton Trip in April. Everyone is welcome and the fee of £4.00 is payable on the night.

Thank you to all those parents who attended one of our festive gatherings before the holiday. We hope that you enjoyed your time spent in school with us. We would like to thank our cook Anita Gould and all of the staff in the kitchen for the delicious Christmas Dinner. Thanks go to Mrs Maddox for organising a super Santa’s grotto again this year. Thanks also go to the staff in Year 2 for a thoroughly entertaining Nativity performance. We now look forward to the events of this term which start in earnest with the pantomime next week.


PAYING MONEY TO SCHOOL Can I thank all those parents who send money into school in a marked envelope with the child’s name, class and what the payment is for clearly marked on the outside. This really does help our school office who as you can imagine receive lots of money for lots of different things and from different children in different classes. We would also kindly ask that you ensure that all envelopes are sent in to school with your child and that you remind your child to hand these to the class teacher during Registration as this helps to develop your child’s growing independence. The Office will no longer accept payments or paperwork in the morning as notified in the last newsletter

Pantomime Just to remind you the children are visiting The Crescent Theatre to see Sleeping Beauty on 13th January (Yrs 4,5,6) and Birmingham Hippodrome to see Cinderella on 17th January (KS1 & Yr 3) Each child should bring a packed lunch and a drink.

INCLUSION FOCUS Gifted and Talented Our parent council at a recent meeting thought that you would appreciate knowing more about our gifted and talented policy. At Hill West Primary School we use the Excellence in Cities definition to allow us to identify those children who are gifted or talented; The GIFTED are those with exceptionally high ability in one or more academic subjects. The TALENTED are those with exceptionally high ability in sport, music, visual and/or performing arts. At Hill West however we have decided to identify all our exceptionally able pupils and our gifted and talented children form part of this group. This allows us to include a broader spectrum of pupils including those with an aptitude for a particular subject or area of learning. We use a variety of strategies and data to identify our exceptionally able pupils. But since children develop at different rates identification is an on-going process and teachers are asked to signpost exceptionally able pupils to suitable enrichment activities throughout the year. These currently include events and activities organised by the school such as Year group enrichment activities / mini-enterprise projects Maths classes at Arthur Terry Literacy classes at Arthur Terry Modern Foreign Languages teaching with specialist teachers Extra curricular activities e.g. football, art Specialist drama classes and clubs or tutoring external to school that families are signposted to. If you would like to know more about our exceptionally able provision please speak to Mrs Tombs our Inclusion Manager.

BEHAVIOUR UPDATE As you will know we have had a heightened focus on behaviour this academic year so that all children are viewed by their peers as behaving well. This focus doesn’t simply involve working with those children who find it difficult, for whatever reason, to conform. It has been a whole school approach which has asked the children to think carefully about their own behaviour and how this impacts on those around them. We are encouraging all our children to be self-regulating and this has been a topic for discussion in assemblies. Something as simple as walking around school when supervised or un-supervised can reduce the number of accidents or inappropriate behaviours. It is good to know that you appreciate and recognise this drive with 97% of you on the most recent questionnaire believing that teachers promote good behaviour at Hill West.

This year I want to learn more French.

This year I want to stop being slow at getting ready for dance.

In Year One we have written our own New Years resolutions. We had lots of fun doing it. Miss Head wants to stop biting her nails and Miss Roberts wants to go to the gym more. Here are a few of our New Years Resolutions. The rest we have up in class to remind us! We hope you enjoy reading them!

This year I am going to walk Bobby and Monty more.

This year I want to stop sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed.

This year I want to stop eating sweets.

This year I am going to help with the housework.

This year I am going to play rugby.

This year I want to stop eating eggs.

This year I want to learn how to wash the dishes.

This year I want to see my friends more.

PARENT QUESTIONNAIRES Can I thank the 46% of families who completed the parent questionnaire before Christmas. Comments made were very constructive and we will discuss them at this month’s parent council meeting. We have attached a staff list to the back of this newsletter for those parents who were unsure of our staffing arrangements. We agree that children arriving late to school is a serious concern and we are tackling this pro-actively. We also agree that parking on Clarence Road continues to be hazardous and are in discussion with our local constabulary to ensure regular visits. One of the members of our parent council is taking a lead role on this issue. We were surprised to read that some parents have not had the opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher. Please do ring the office to make an appointment if this is the case. Although we note the concern regarding newly qualified teachers I would like to reassure parents that all of our newly qualified teachers teach good or outstanding lessons on a daily basis as witnessed in lesson observations. This is not always the case for those teachers nearing the end of their careers, although not necessarily at Hill West. I would like to assure parents that the children who receive awards at the end of year do so on merit. We take time to ensure that the same children do not receive awards on consecutive occasions.

Community Aspirations Day Saturday 25th Feb CALLING ALL EX PUPILS OF HILL WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL Were you a pupil at Hill West or do you know anyone who attended the school? We would like to know what you decided to do after you left school. Whether you left 10 years or 40 years ago please come and share your experiences with us on Saturday 25th February 2012. We will be serving Coffee, tea and cake and it will give you the opportunity to meet up with old friends. Drop in anytime between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm. We will have a professional photographer on site to make a permanent record of the day.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We will be running the following clubs this term MONDAY Samba Drumming for KS2 Body Combat KS2 ECO Club by invitation TUESDAY Hill West Singers for KS2 children Cross Country Training for Yrs 4,5 & 6 German for Yrs 4,5 & 6 WEDNESDAY Drama for KS2 Body Combat KS1




STAFF LIST Head Teacher -

Miss Beth Clarke

Deputy Head Teacher Behaviour Lead

Miss Fiona Marsh

Assistant Head Inclusion

Mrs Joy Tombs

Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning

Mrs Nichola Leeson

Teaching Staff -

Mrs Leigh Beesley Mrs Hannah Cook Mr Nathan Cross Miss Clare Doyle Mrs Rose Everton Mrs Rebecca George Mr Steve George

Mr Thomas Hamilton Miss Charlotte Head Mr Richard Jeffries Mrs Nichola Leeson Miss Sarah Longden Mrs Jessica Munro

Mr Adam Pattinson Miss Sophie Roberts Mrs Meryl Sharp Miss Kelly Stone Miss Natalie Wilks Mrs Tracey Willmore

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Avril Anderson Mrs Lucy Bakewell Miss Katie Durber Mr Paul Fennel

Mrs Diane Hardeman Mrs Sue Maddox Mrs Karen Page Miss Gurpreet Patter

Mrs Wendy Pick Mrs Mel Rahman Mrs Sonia Scandrett Mrs Julie Thomas

Administration Team

Mrs Karen Balla (Office Manager) Mrs Jane Connop (Clerical Assistant) Mrs Dawn Griffiths (Admin Assistant)

ICT Team

Mr Adam Hall Mr Stuart Stanway

Building Services Supervisor Mr Tony Botterill

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Nadia Ahmed Mrs Zoe Bowen Mrs Rachel Carter Mrs Annette Cole Mrs Julie Durkin

Mrs Sarah Foran Miss Carly Harris Mrs Afshan Khan Mrs Shivani Mehta Mrs Katie Miklasz


Mrs Sandra Curtis Miss Carly Harris

Mrs Sonia Scandrett Mr Ben Watts


Miss Claire Jones Mrs Louise Pugh

Miss Tracey Sutton Miss Victoria Wakefield

Mrs Toyin Orymoyegun Mrs Wendy Pick Mrs Gurdeep Sidu Mrs Eileen Sivertsen Mrs Parm Sohal

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