June 2012 School Newsletter

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Clarence Road,Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B74 4LD Telephone: 0121 308 5392 Fax: 0121 308 5061

Friday 1st June 2012 Mon 11th Jun Tue 12th Jun Wed 13th Jun Thur 14th Jun Fri 15th Jun Mon 18th Jun Tue 19th Jun Wed 20th Jun Fri 22nd Jun Mon 25th Jun Wed 27th Jun Thurs 28th Jun Fri 29th Jun Sat 30th Jun Mon 2nd July Tue 3rd Jul Wed 4th Jul

Thurs 5th Jul Fri 6th Jul

Sun 8th July Mon 9th Jul Tue 10th Jul Wed 11th Jul Thurs 12th Jul Fri 13th Jul Tue 17th Jul Wed 18th Jul Fri 20th Jul Mon 3rd Sept

PUPILS RETURN TO SCHOOL SRE for Year Six – Life Line SRE for Year Six – Transition Parent Council Meeting - 2.00 pm SRE for Year Six – Body Parts SRE for Year Six – HIV Badgers‟ Class Assembly – 2.30 pm KS1 hall SRE for Year Six – Prejudices Badgers Class Assembly – 2.30 pm KS1 hall Year One Phonics Screening Test this week PTFA Meeting – 7.30 pm “Olympic” Lunch Netball Tournament at Four Oaks School - 4.00 pm Whole School Takeover Day National Day of sport New Intake Parents’ Evening – 6.45 pm Oxfam Day Cluster Schools Athletics at Wyndley - 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm Olympic Torch arrives in Birmingham Parent Council Meeting - 2.00 pm Cluster Day - Yr 3 and 4 Cluster Day - Reception, Year 1 and 2 Year 6 induction day at secondary schools Activity Afternoon for new Reception Transition Parents Meeting for R/2/6 KS1 Hall 6.45pm Cluster Day -Yr 5 and 6 Activity Afternoon for new Reception Reports available to Parents PTFA Quiz Night PTFA Summer Fayre Leavers Assembly – am and pm for children KS1 and KS2 “Drop In” Parent Consultations 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm PTFA Meeting – 7.30 pm Leavers Assembly – 9.00 am – KS1 hall Leavers Assembly – 7.00 pm – KS1 hall Activity morning with Lunch for New Reception Awards/Attendance Ceremonies – 9.00 am KS2 – 2.30 pm KS1 Year 6 Graduation Ceremony – 7.00 pm – KS1 hall “Year 6 Leavers” Lunch PARTY AFTERNOON BREAK UP FOR SUMMER PUPILS RETURN TO SCHOOL


BEHAVIOUR FOCUS - Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural With our continued focus and drive towards ’Outstanding behaviour’ at Hill West, this month’s Focus is about demonstrating respect for each other and our differences. We encourage all children at Hill West to be aware that we are all different and that we are all equal regardless of these differences. During citizenship lessons, children are encouraged to talk about the differences they may have, and to talk about their personal feelings. Our assembly themes also provide opportunities to listen to stories and to reflect and express our views about how this behaviour should look at Hill West.

Please note that Mr Jeffries will not be in school On Tuesday 12th June. All his music tuition will take place on Friday 15th June instead so please bring your instruments along then. Choir will still meet on Tuesday 12th June and will be led by Miss Head. FREE Moving Forward Workshop A workshop will be held over five Wednesday evenings starting 1st August, 6.30pm to 9.00pm at RELATEs Birmingham office, 111 Bishopsgate Street B15 1ET. The workshop is free to Birmingham residents and is designed for individuals wanting to take positive steps to rebuild a life after divorce or separation. You can book a place on this course by calling 643 1638.

Junior Masterchef are looking for budding young chefs aged between 9 and 12 years who have real talent and potential. For anyone interested please contact Shine TV. sophie.kelly@shine.tv

University of Birmingham Open Day 11.00am to 4.00pm Due to the warmer weather, we would like to ask parents to apply ‟once only‟ sunscreen to children before school. Children should bring a hat when necessary and should make sure that they have their named water bottle too.

On Sunday 10th June a free event for all the family is being held at the University. There will be a funfair, baby gym, BBQ, live music, dinosaur dig and much more! For more information visit www.birmingham.ac.uk/oncampus/index.aspx or call 414 8130

A polite reminder to parents that you should not accompany your child into their class room in the morning. If your child arrives late to school you must bring them to the school office to be added to the late list for fire records and then KS2 children will be taken to class by the office staff and KS1 will go down to their classroom on their own. Thank you.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We still have some spaces in a few of our After School Clubs for the next half term. Please contact the office if your child would like to join. Mondays - Cheerleading KS1 children Tuesdays - Choir KS2 children Wednesdays - Frisbee KS2 children

REPORTS Once again this year you will access your child’s report on-line. Letters will be issued to you via your child on Wednesday 4th July and these will contain your secure password enabling access to the report. This letter is extremely important as without it you will not be able to log on to the secure area and view the report. Although letters are being issued on Wednesday 4th July reports will not be available to view until 12pm on Friday 6th July. Your on-line reports will also include your child’s class and teacher for September 2012. If your child is away on the day your password letter will be posted. If you do not have access to the internet then you are welcome to come into school on the afternoon of Monday 9th July between 3:00pm - 4:00pm to collect a copy of your child’s report from the KS2 building entrance.

PTFA SUMMER FAYRE Change of date to Sunday 8th July - 11.00 am. Can you help man a stall? All help gratefully received please let your child’s class teacher know or contact Miss Marsh with your availability


We strongly advise you to include an ice block in your child’s lunchbox, especially during the warm summer months.



PTFA FUN RUN We would like to say a big thank you and well done to all the children at Hill West who took part in the PTFA Fun Run on Sunday 20th May. A big thank you also goes to the organisers of this years Fun Run, we really appreciate all your hard work.

CLUSTER CHOIR and HILL WEST SINGERS The Cluster Choir will be busy this summer with a tour of nine cluster schools on 22nd June, a performance at Birmingham’s Adrian Boult Hall on 1st July and a performance in the National Festival of Music for Youth on 3rd July at the Symphony Hall. Our own Hill West singers will be performing at both the Hill West Fayre on Sunday 8th July and also the Little Aston Fair on Saturday 14th July.

10 TO 9

Our Sports Day this year will be on Monday 25th June for all of our pupils. The last race of the day will be an obstacle course especially for our parents to take part in. We look forward to seeing you! KS2 - 9.30 am KS1 - 1.15 pm

CLUSTER SPORTS EVENT Just a reminder that our Cluster Sports event will be taking place at Wyndley Athletic track at 1:30pm - 3.30pm on Friday 29th June. Further details will be issued via letter from Mrs Sharp

Dinner Money The costs of school meals next term will be £60.00. This should be paid in advance either weekly or half termly on the first day back after half term on 11th June 2012. Cheques should be made out to „Birmingham City Council‟ as we collect this money on their behalf. Details of any credits owing have been sent home with your child. THANK YOU.

LOST PROPERTY We have a great deal of lost property in both KS1 and KS2 waiting to be collected. Please pop in after school to see if you can find any lost items.

Can you please bring in any unwanted PE clothing or pumps for use as spare kits in school. Many thanks.

RETIRING COLLECTION BOXES All proceeds collected following events held at Hill West this summer will be donated to Oxfam who we have been supporting recently. Please bring any spare change along to parent events to help us raise as much as possible.

WANTED A number of different activities and sessions are being run by the Children’s Centre this summer including Dental Health, Baby Signing, Family Guys, Yoga Bugs and Pyjama Drama. Check out their website for further details of these events plus post natal and breast feeding groups, parenting , and employment support meetings. Contact Amanda Lansdown on 323 1121 or alansdown@arthurterry.bham.sch.uk or www.fouroakscluster.co.uk

SUMMER FAYRE MUMS & GIRLS AND DADS & LADS FOOTBALL Keen mums to play football against the girls in our traditional mums vs girls match at the summer fayre this year. Please contact Mr Hamilton in Year 3. We are also looking for dads to play in the Dads v Lads match. Anyone interested should contact Mr Pattinson in Year 5. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ENTHUSIASM A MUST

INCLUSION FOCUS At the end of the Spring Term the children in KS2 were involved in the Birmingham Brighter Futures Well Being survey. Brighter Futures is the name that describes the strategy in Birmingham for improving the lives of all the city’s children and young people. Their vision is for Birmingham to be an inspiring place where all children and young people enjoy living, learning, developing achieving together. The results were very encouraging with children giving very positive responses, particularly about relationships with friends and teachers.

Summer Uniform Can we please request that girls wear summer dresses, skirts or shorts of an appropriate length. Nothing too short please. If your child will be absent from school can you please telephone school before 9.30am advising us of the reason and a likely return date. The switchboard can be very busy first thing in the morning but you may of course leave a message on our answer machine. Thank you .

Cluster Days This year our annual Cluster Days will take place on: Reception, Year 1 and 2 - 3rd July Year 3 and 4 - 2nd July Year 5 and 6 - 5th July This is an opportunity for children in our local schools to work together on shared projects and also have lots of fun. This year there is an Olympic theme with a special ‘It’s a knockout’ event at Wyndley Stadium. Further details to follow

TRANSITION PARENTS’ MEETING This year, we are holding our annual transition evening with Miss Marsh for the parents of children in our current Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 on Wednesday 4th July and parents will be invited to attend at the following times: 5.30 - 6.00 Reception Parents 6.30 - 7.00 Year 2 Parents 7.30 - 8.00 Year 6 Parents We hope to see as many of you as possible

YEAR SIX LEAVERS’ PRODUCTION Our Year 6 Leavers’ Production this year will be held at 9.30 am on Wednesday 11th July and 7.00 pm on Thursday 12th July. Further details/ticket information will follow shortly.

Year Six Graduation This year our Year Six Graduation Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 17th July commencing at 7.00 pm. Further details/ticket information will follow shortly

AWARDS ASSEMBLY KS2 Tuesday 17th July 9.00 am KS1 Tuesday 17th July 2.30 pm If your child is being presented with an award this year you will be invited to attend our Annual Awards Assembly.

YEAR SIX LEAVERS’ FORMAL LUNCH This year for the third time our Year 6 pupils will be invited to a formal sit-down celebration meal at 1.00 pm on Wednesday 18th July. They will choose their 3 course menu in advance and their meal will be accompanied by alcohol free champagne. We will be sending out invitations soon and asking you to reply letting us know if your child would like to take part

UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop will close its doors at 4.00 pm on Friday 13th July. After that date NO UNIFORM WILL BE SOLD. A stock take will take place the following week and this will prevent us from selling any further stock. We can take order forms with payment but will not issue the uniform until the new term starts. SO REMEMBER! FRIDAY 13TH JULY IS THE LAST DAY FOR BUYING UNIFORM FOR NEXT YEAR.

Reception have been exploring other countries and traditions during Culture Week. Below are just some of the activities we got up to. Monday :We learnt all about India and even learnt to count to 3 in Bengali. We talked about the Taj Mahal and built our own using lego. If you were lucky you might of seen us boogieing to some Bhangra too! Tuesday : We explored Jamaica. We made Jamaican flags using bright colours. We also listened to some Patwa, it was a little tricky to understand but we worked it all out in the end. Thursday : Hola! We went fruity sangria crazy and explored Spanish traditions. The girls especially enjoyed the flamenco dancing whilst the boys explored Spanish football kits. Friday : China day. Ni Hao ! We had lots of fun learning about the Shaolin Monks– they are so strong and brave. We also built out own Great Wall, even longer than the one in China I think! All week we have been tasting foods from around the world. We‟ve had prawn crackers , curry sauce , olives and more ! We even tasted some Jerk spice– hot hot! To top it off we had a real ball at our role play Christian Wedding and Wedding Reception. There was lots of love, dancing and party food. Our outfits looked fantastic too!

What a great week!

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