This policy has been formulated using the LA guidance, ‘The Administration and Management of Prescribed Medicines’ (March 2004) and ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs’ (DfES 2005). Hill West Primary School maintains very close links with parents/carers and those agencies such as the school nurse/doctors and those involved in providing for pupil health. Our school nurse can be contacted through the main school office. As a school we would seek to support those children with long/short term medical needs and the administration and management of medicines is part of this process. Wherever possible we would encourage parents to ask their doctor to prescribe medication which can be taken outside of the school day. However we recognise that there are times when it may be necessary for a pupil to take medication during the school day. In such cases we will administer medication in accordance with the guidelines laid down in this policy i.e. only prescribed medicines will be administered and only after all other options have been explored. Each case will be considered on an individual basis in line with this policy and the decision of the Head Teacher.
ON ADMISSION TO SCHOOL All parents/guardians will be asked to complete an admissions form giving full details of medical conditions, regular medication, emergency medication, emergency contact numbers, name of family doctor, details of hospital consultants, allergies, special dietary requirements etc.
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Should a pupil need to receive medication during the school day, parents/carers will need to come into school and personally hand over the medication to the Head Teacher or a member of our office staff. The medication should be in the container as prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the pharmacist with the child’s name and instructions for administration printed clearly on the label. The form ‘Administration of Medicines’ should be completed by the parent/guardian. This will be kept with the medicines by the Head Teacher. Unfortunately medication cannot be administered if a ‘School Medicine Record’ form is not completed. A record of the administration of each dose will be kept and signed on the ‘Record of Medication’ form. Should the medication need to be changed or discontinued before the completion of the course or if the dosage changes, school should be notified in writing immediately. Should the supply need to be replenished this should be done in person by the parent/guardian.
Should we be asked to admit a child to school with special medical needs we will in partnership with the parents, school nurses and our medical advisors, discuss individual needs. Where appropriate an Individual Care Plan will be developed in partnership with parents, school nurse and/or medical advisor. Plans are displayed in the staffroom and kept in the child’s class register. Any resulting training needs will be met.
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All medication with the exception of emergency Medication will be kept in a secure cupboard in The Head Teacher and Headteacher Head Teacher’s room. A regular half-termly check will be made of the medication cabinet, and parents will be asked to collect any medication which is out of date or not clearly labelled. If parents do not collect this medication it will be taken to the local pharmacy for disposal or alternatively handed to our school nurse.
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES One member of staff has overall responsibility to oversee and coordinate the medical needs of children. Her role is to liaise with the specialist services, devise care plans, keep staff fully informed and support the Head Teacher in the execution of her duties. All staff who agree to administer specialised medication will receive the appropriate training in how the medication is administered and the risks and legal liabilities involved. They will also be given the skills to feel confident in dealing with an emergency situation should it arise. Regular training relating to emergency medication and management of relevant medical conditions will be undertaken by all staff involved in the care of children on a regular basis.
OUT OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES/ EDUCATIONAL VISITS It is essential that before pupils take part in out of school activities a full risk assessment be undertaken in respect of the possible administration of medicines and medical treatment to pupils. The Head Teacher ensures appropriate arrangements have been made to take account of the administration of medicines to any pupils who are involved in an educational visit. All staff members involved in the activity are made aware of the need for medication and what to do should a medical emergency arise. The accessibility of medication, particularly for use in an emergency must be considered. Prescribed Medicines, November 2013 27/11/2013