The Field School

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FIELDNOTES Autumn 2014

LETTER FROM DALE Our students are brave enough to handle dips in the road, and thoughtful enough to recognize and celebrate when the bravery of their classmates is on full display.


hat advice would you give to a student new to Field? As we began our 2014-15 school year, a randomly selected group of returning students was asked to respond to this question. Some gave practical advice: “go to pre-season sports because it’s a great way to meet other students and teachers” or “get involved in as many activities as possible.” But the most common refrain—heard again and again, from students of all ages—was “be yourself.” In this issue of Field Notes, we observe the strength of Field’s culture—a culture that encourages students and faculty to be themselves at every moment of every day. In Rebels WITH a Cause, you’ll come to see how Field stresses the importance of each student finding their own voice in the world—using the power of their intellect to tear down barriers that perpetuate injustices, and build up ideas and a vision for a better community. With Discovering the Spark, you’ll read about our efforts to seek and recruit extraordinary teachers—teachers who embrace Field’s distinctive approach to learning and come to school each day with fresh ideas and enthusiasm. And finally, The Small School that Plays Big spotlights Field’s running program, which brought home our first ever PVAC banner 25 years ago. In those early years, there was such a great sense of pride that the little school on Wyoming Avenue—with no sports facilities of its own—could put together teams that could compete and win. We were out to prove that we could be serious and do the work required to be successful. We did, and still do. In 2007, we defined among our core values ‘Field Celebrates Individuals’—and it’s the truth. Field is the ideal school to be an individual and to find one’s voice, because doing so requires practice—and practice implies there will be times when things fall far short of perfect. Our students are brave enough to handle dips in the road, and thoughtful enough to recognize and celebrate when the bravery of their classmates is on full display. It’s not uncommon for a brilliant failure to be exuberantly and genuinely

applauded by classmates and teachers—just because of the guts it took to try. While there have always been, and will always be, individuals who achieve at the highest levels in athletics or academics, they are no more highly exalted in our community than the students who create incredible works of art, lead the effort to help restore a school in Anacostia, or guide our robotics team to the national competition in Iowa. Whether it’s students succeeding as individual leaders or coming together to compete successfully as teams, at the heart of The Field School is a philosophy—put into place by our founder, Elizabeth Ely, more than four decades ago—that celebrates and encourages every single member of our community. This magazine arrives on your doorstep just days before we gather together to dedicated our new Meeting House to Elizabeth’s memory. As you turn each page, we hope you feel the warmth and the sense of community abiding in this new space—a space that allows everyone to come together, and for every individual to be his or her self. Please join us on Saturday, November 8th and help us celebrate this amazing tribute to Elizabeth and her legacy. I’ll see you there.

Dale Johnson, Head of School


ABOUT THE COVER On the first day of school, our community assembled to ring in the 2014-15 school year as we have for years: with an all-school assembly in the gym. When students arrived, we revealed a surprise—we would end the assembly in the new Elizabeth Meeting House. As we led students grade-by-grade into the new

space, the energy and enthusiasm was palpable. But nothing could surpass the excitement of our youngest students—the class of 2021—the first class at The Field School to live the entirety of their Field life on this completed campus. To finally see this amazing gathering place in action was a perfect way to begin the school year and this new chapter at The Field School.


CELEBRATION WEEKEND! ALUMNI NIGHT AND REUNIONS Friday, November 7th • 6:30 - 8:30PM Our weekend kicks off with a special cocktail reception and open house for Field’s alumni community and their guests. The evening will finish off with individual class reunion “afterparties” (classes of ’74,’79, ’84, ’94, ’04, and ’09) planned by the reunion classes.

THE ELIZABETH MEETING HOUSE DEDICATION AND OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 8th • 1:00 - 3:30PM On Saturday afternoon, our whole community will gather to formally dedicate The Elizabeth Meeting House! Tours and refreshments will be provided. All are welcome!

IT’S FINISHED FETE! Saturday, November 8th • 7:00PM – Midnight The weekend will culminate with an adults-only party that you don’t want to miss! To mark this momentous occasion, everyone is invited to a celebration, Field-style: with great food, drinks, dancing and surprises. Put on your dancing shoes and celebrate the completion of our campus, together!

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A DREAM REALIZED: The Elizabeth Meeting House & New Spaces on Campus

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Dale T. Johnson Head of School David Buffum Associate Head of School

Finding and nurturing a multi-talented and vibrant faculty


Nancy Anderson Director of Finance and Facilities Anne Foley Academic Dean


REBELS WITH A CAUSE Field’s strong student leaders, harnessing the power of their community

Maureen Miesmer Director of Admissions




Will Layman Director of Institutional Advancement

JoAnne Scribner Director of Development



Stephanie Havenstein Assistant to Head of School


Ben Van Dusen, Chair Allison Madan, Vice Chair

 Claudia O’Brien, Secretary Bill Isaacson, Treasurer Christine Baskin Ken Fuller Bill Gallagher, Ex Officio Matthew Gould ’86 Josh Harris ’82 Ricki Helfer Henry Howard Dale Johnson, Ex Officio Bernie McDermott Cindy Sanchez Bob Shorb Julia Tolkan Timur Tunador Katharine Weymouth FIELD NOTES


Head of School Dale Johnson

Letter from Dale


Editor JoAnne Scribner

Alumni News and Notes


Assistant Editor and Writer Alex Gnafakis

“Aude Sapere”: A Final Word


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Design Alex Gnafakis Hillary Reilly Design Photography Alex Gnafakis

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5 1. Our lush new courtyard—just outside the Art Room and 9th grade area—connects our Bridge Building to The Elizabeth Meeting House. 2. All day long beautiful tunes emanate from our new, state-of-the-art music room. 3. The portrait of Elizabeth—painted by Field alum Nathan Silver ‘06—hangs proudly above the Meeting House fireplace. 4. Each day, our “Dare to Be” kinetic sculpture—created by Field parent, Barton Rubenstein—can be seen rotating gently in the wind. 5. The Elizabeth Meeting House’s green roof is a perfect place to gather the community on a sunny day. 6. On the bottom floor of the Wonder Building, SAM (strength and motion) provides a space for Zumba, Dance, and training. 7. Before school, between classes, in the afternoon—there are always kids gathering in The Elizabeth Meeting House, owning their new space and enjoying each other’s company. 8. The Meeting House’s curved staircase leads to landing that is a perfect stage for events and all-school meetings.

A DREAM REALIZED THE ELIZABETH MEETING HOUSE & NEW SPACES ON CAMPUS After twelve years and numerous construction projects, our dream for a large space where the entire community can gather comfortably has been realized. The Elizabeth Meeting House—a tribute to our founder and consummate community-builder, Elizabeth Ely—is a beautiful, lightfilled space for classes, studying, and events, and it’s already become a favorite hangout spot for Field kids of all ages. And that’s just the interior! The Meeting House’s green roof is absolutely beautiful with green grass and comfy furniture. It’s also the best spot on campus to watch a sports game!


The Meeting House isn’t the only new space. New, state-of-the-art science labs and classrooms pepper the campus, offering safe environments for students to exercise their minds; our new fitness room—nicknamed SAM, Strength and Movement—is a perfect place for students to exercise their body; and our new music room provides a large space for our musicians to play and record.

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ow in his sixth year of hiring at The Field School, Associate Head of School David Buffum is always searching for the perfect fit—those individuals who enjoy Pokémon as much as they do Chemistry; teachers as happy on the field as in the classroom.

“Since I arrived at Field 24 years ago as a new teacher, right out of college, I have always heard prospective Field parents question the apparent youth of our faculty— only to later rave about the outstanding and transformative impact Field’s faculty have had on their children.” Dale Johnson, Head of School

Each year, Field receives between one- and two-thousand applications for general teaching positions. Of those thousands, 50 to 80 will spend an interview-light and observation-heavy day on campus, giving candidates a real opportunity to see Field classes in action and interact with Field kids. Field is a community with a wide variety of learners and our kids respond well to teachers who get their hands dirty every day of every week. It’s essential for potential teachers to decide for themselves if they love Field—if this unique environment is the right place for them.

A History of Hiring Beginner Teachers What sets Field apart when it comes to recruitment is the commitment to hiring beginner teachers. These aren’t just teachers new to Field, but teachers new to teaching. A willingness to hire and train inexperienced teachers has truly been a pillar of Field’s success over four decades. It’s almost a part of the mission to provide beginning teachers with real responsibility and enough support to develop their teaching into a high-level craft. Elizabeth Ely would always say, “I don’t have enough money to hire experienced teachers, but I can afford to hire new ones and provide them with the training they need to be successful.” Over time, Elizabeth entrusted the coordination and oversight of the recruitment process to others. Robert Hoffman hired and trained a number

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of new teachers in the early 1980s—including Mike Peterson, who was recruited while a senior at Williams College in 1981. Years later, Mike became Dean of Faculty and recruited Dale, and later, Carolyn Law. Carolyn succeeded Mike as Dean of Faculty in 2005 and led the recruitment and hiring efforts for a number of years. Today, David Buffum steers the hiring ship; but all along the way, the Head of School—first Elizabeth and then Dale—has been a key part of the hiring practice, interviewing each and every candidate. It’s a highly collaborative effort. Department Chairs are relied upon to determine that a candidate possesses a command of the subject, and David keeps his eye on their grasp of the mission and fit as a potential colleague. “These things are very important to me too,” says Dale, “but with David and the Department Chairs on the case, I’m freed to focus even more on the personal qualities of the teacher—to get a sense of the depth of not only their intellect, but also their compassion, their character, and their potential to bring life and imagination to the classroom and the community.” It may seem obvious, but there is no greater effect on school culture than the kinds of students and kinds of teachers that are brought into the community. The dedication to chasing the spark, finding the right fit, makes Field teachers exceptional.

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“In hiring at The Field School, mastery of a subject is, of course, relevant—but to a point. What trumps that is the spark. We’re looking for someone who is going to be invested and engaged and get our kids excited about learning.”

Theater teacher, Allie Heiman (right) and History teacher, Hana Carey (left) explore their creativity during a Studio Department meeting at the end of the summer.

David Buffum, Associate Head of School

Supporting Our Teachers The Field School expects the teachers—just as they expect the kids—to grow and learn by doing, and there is a strong structure in place to support that growth. Field has always had a new teacher

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program, but it really took flight under former teacher Nate Edmunds, who reimagined and further developed the New Teacher Orientation program and a yearlong curriculum. Today our New Teacher Orientation Program lies in the capable hands of long-time teacher, Gil Gallagher.

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ield makes a conscious effort to hire faculty of color—not to meet an arbitrary quota, but because the school is dedicated to creating a more multiculturally competent community. Each year, several faculty members attend the Carney Sandoe & Associate’s annual teacher recruitment

conference in Boston, the Nemnet diversity recruitment fair, and the Eastern Educational Resource Collaborative fair to meet candidates of color who would be a perfect fit for Field; candidates with the spark. In the past three years, over 50% of new faculty hires have been teachers of color.

Above) Veteran Field teacher, Natalia Kormeluk, teaches the basics of ceramics to our youngest students. (Below) In an exciting lab about acceleration, Physics teacher, Sky Lessick gives one-on-one help to students.

Our Multicultural Coordinator, Desmond Beach, celebrates our annual Diversity Day with the 2014 leaders of AWARE (“Always Wanting Acknowledgement, Respect and Equality”). (L to R) Saanya Ali ’14, Desmond Beach, Sam Craver ’14, Daniel Antebi ’14, Gabe Coleman ’14.

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For two weeks at the end of each summer, new teachers come to campus to absorb everything they can about Field before they’re thrown to the wolves—or, in this case, the students—on the first day. The first several days of orientation are very broad: who are ‘Field Kids’ and what makes them tick? What is Field’s mission and why is it challenging and wonderful? Then, new teachers are introduced to the people who will support them throughout the year—mentors, second-year teachers, co-teachers, and even office-mates. This group of colleagues provides weekly—and sometimes daily—support and encouragement, offering advice about every aspect of teaching:

grading, one-on-one interactions, and classroom dynamics. They are an indispensable resource. Co-teaching—or Team Teaching, as it is referred to at Field—is required for all new teachers. Team Teaching originated as a way to give new teachers a built-in support system in the classroom—a place where they can learn the curriculum, see a certain subject taught by a veteran teacher, and receive feedback. But it’s not all about the young teachers. In recent years, the Team Teaching model has evolved and an increasing number of veteran teachers have been paired together to explore the creative possibilities in the classroom. F

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his year’s most dynamic duo is veteran teacher, Fred Tyner, and first-year teacher, Sophie Sommer. Fred and Sophie Team Teach statistics, a course designed and taught by Fred for the past eight years. For Sophie, as a new teacher, it’s a wonderful learning experience: “It’s great for me because I never took stats in High School. Over the past year I’ve worked for a company that did statistical analysis of clinical trials, so I’ve been exposed to the material but never learned it in a classroom setting. These concepts come very naturally to me, and I’m learning from Fred how to present them in an organized way for students.” It’s easy to assume, with this sort of veterannew teacher pairing, that it’s the new teacher doing all of the learning—learning how to teach a new subject, learning about the school culture. But in this case, working with Sophie has been just as much a learning experience for Fred. Fred has taught a bevy of courses: Science 9, Advanced Chemistry, Intro to Chemistry, Statistics, and Neurobiology. In all of his eleven

years at Field, he’s never taught an honors class—until now. At the beginning of the year, Sophie proposed a math theory honors course, Can we ever be certain? Weighing the evidence, and Fred agreed to help, despite the fact that he’s never taught math. “Sophie knows a lot more about math than I do,” Fred explains. “I’d be terrified to stand in front of even an Algebra 1 class alone.” It’s the perfect Team Teaching model: two teachers, each with differing strengths and expertise, coming together to teach kids—and teach each other. By actively seeking teachers with the spark, and then nurturing their growth—both at the start, and throughout their career—we build a faculty that is unique and engaging. These teachers bring their varied experience and knowledge into the classroom, and we provide the kind of professional support that builds confidence and allows them to take risks and push their creative boundaries. The result is the kind of faculty that students love, that parents trust, and that alumni never forget.

“In a classroom with one teacher, there’s a limitation to what you can do—in the same way that a teacher with 35 students in a classroom can’t do the same things as a teacher with 11. It’s incredibly valuable for someone who has been teaching a class for a while to have another teacher come in with new ideas, new questions, and new perspectives.” Nate Edmunds, former Field teacher

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Hannah Weissler ’15 and (find out name)’15, two of the twelve leaders of Peer Tutoring, hone their tutoring skills early in the school year.



ebel /n/: a person who rises in opposition against the establishment. Field students are redefining what it means to be a rebel: they’ve shattered the traditional educational mold that dictates that, in a school, it’s solely the teachers and staff—adults—who are responsible for creating opportunities

for fun activities, defining spaces for intellectual exercise, dealing with multicultural issues, or handling academic oversight. Picture a Field student and you may not immediately think, “rebel.” But maybe you should.

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Field’s student leaders are everywhere. They’re striving to change the multicultural landscape of our school in groups like G.S.A (“Gender and Sexuality Alliance”) and A.W.A.R.E. (“Always Wanting Acknowledgment, Respect and Equality”). They’re helping fellow students succeed academically in Peer Tutoring and Honor Council. They’re sharing their interests and having fun in clubs like Sabermetrics, Disney/Pixar, Tea Party (not a political group, but rather, a group that actually gathers together and drinks tea!) and Robotics. Nurtured by a school culture that values and respects student leaders—a culture that stresses the importance of each student finding their voice in the world and using the power of their intellect and character to bring their ideas to the forefront—Field kids have taken their education into their own, very capable, hands.

Multicultural Leaders Every day we take thoughtful and deliberate steps toward making Field a more multiculturally competent community—we organize faculty and student “Affinity Groups,” where those who identify as different races, ethnicities, sexual orientations and more can come together to discuss their individual perspectives and experiences. Faculty, staff and administrators participate in Multicultural Implementation Groups (“MIG”) that meet regularly to discuss issues of diversity in the classroom and the workplace. But our work would be impossible without the support and leadership of our students. When thinking of multicultural work at Field, two student-run clubs immediately come to mind: A.W.A.R.E and G.S.A. This year, these two groups are led by a fearless bunch of seniors—Jack Tobe, Maya Nagan, and Claire Hunter for G.S.A, and Finnian Day, Connor Madan, Aaron Mermelstein, Saige Honig, Sierra Jones, and Sydney Klaiman for A.W.A.R.E. These leaders are the social conscience of the student body. They meet weekly outside of class to plan for upcoming meetings—to set goals, to research material, to prep. Like teachers, these students are expected to prepare for a 40-minute class, and to really own the content and the discussion. Together, they tackle tough issues with their peers—gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ability, and more. These students do for their peers what the faculty

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multicultural team—Anne Foley and Desmond Beach—do for our faculty and staff: they work to create a safe space where everyone has the confidence to be themselves. The trust we place in these student leaders instills a self-assurance in them that allows them to become leaders around campus. They are student government executives, leaders of our Middle School Buddy program, leaders on their sports teams and within their peer groups. The kids who really care about the school feel just as passionate about our multicultural work as the faculty.

Supporting Each Other Academically Not only do Field’s student leaders strive to impact change to benefit their community, they are dedicated to helping each other succeed academically. No one knows Field teachers and classes better than students—they’re the experts! We’ve tapped into that expertise and emerged with two student-driven groups dedicated to academic support and oversight: Honor Council and Peer Tutoring. Honor Council is comprised of Field’s Academic Dean, Anne Foley, and a diverse group of juniors and seniors selected through an anonymous written application process. When cases of academic dishonesty arise, two students are chosen to serve on a panel along with Anne and the appropriate grade head. These gatherings are very student-centric. The student members of the Council ask the majority of the questions and, together with David Buffum, the panel works to determine the appropriate consequences. The Honor Council follows what Anne refers to as a “Growth Model”: rather than a punitive committee that doles out harsh punishment to students accused of academic dishonesty, the Council works very hard to figure out why individual students may cheat and how to prevent it in the future. “Having students present throughout this process helps the student at fault to open up more,” explains Gideon Blum, class of 2015. “They’re more comfortable knowing that there are people their age who really care about what happens to them in the future and want to make sure they succeed.”

“I think it’s really important for the Council to be made up of people who are on the ground, who experience the ups and downs and the stresses of being a student. As adults, we don’t know what it’s like to be a student— they do. And they take it very seriously.” David Buffum

On the flip side of the academic support coin is Peer Tutoring. Twelve dedicated student

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“There’s a real sense of trust—on both sides of the coin. We trust them to tackle these tough issues, and they trust that we’re here as their safety net, ready to catch them if they fall. But they never hesitate to walk that tightrope. They’re fearless.” Desmond Beach, Multicultural Coordinator and co-faculty sponsor of A.W.A.R.E ]

leaders manage the day-to-day running of the Peer Tutoring Center—a strong and cohesive tutoring platform created by merging floundering programs like Math Squad, the Writing Center, and Language Lab. Together, these twelve students train, schedule and oversee daily tutors, spread the word about the center, and work with teachers to review specific assignments and create plans for helping individual students. In addition to helping students succeed in their classes, peer tutors are becoming more selfaware as both learners and instructors. “They may know a subject intrinsically,” explains Laura Gill, faculty sponsor, “but they have to learn how to teach—and that’s hard. They are also placed in a position of unbelievable responsibility, and they learn to step up and become strong leaders.”

Rebels, Having Fun Not all student leadership at Field is causedriven or academic. Some of it is just plain fun. Through our student-run activities program, students of all ages are given the opportunity to flourish as leaders by creating a club that reflects their interests. Maybe it’s Top Gear club, Seinfeld club, or Texas Hold ‘Em club. No matter the activity, for a 40-minute block between Lunch and 5th period once a week, our students take the wheel, and drive their own experience. Last year, the love of baseball thrust one of the youngest members of our Field community into a large leadership role. At the beginning of the 2013-14 school year, then-7th grader Adam Bressler proposed Sabermetrics—the empirical analysis of baseball. Sabermetrics met once a week all year long, and with help from his faculty advisor, Adam designed the curriculum and managed every aspect of the experience for students his own age and older. In one Sabermetrics class, Adam split the middle school and high school students into teams and asked them to choose a team name, players, and even the food served at the

GSA leaders, Clare Hunter ’15, Jack Tobe ’15, and Maya Nagan encourage club participation at this year’s activities fair.

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Adam Bressler ’19 (right) spearheads his Sabermetrics club once a week, all year long.



or some, leadership manifests itself as a strong expression of individuality—taking complete responsibility of your own schoolwork, studies, and actions. Our World Cultures class—new this year—nurtures this idea of individual leadership, challenging each student to choose their own topic of research for the year. These topics include the history of mythical sea creatures, Asian fairy tales, the consequences and decline of the United Fruit Company, traditions of Japanese food, and more!

“Activities are a hallmark of student leadership built into our curriculum. These student leaders are supported to take risks in leadership that are unmatched in many other areas of our school’s programming.” Ryan Reese, Director of Student Activities Meet the leaders of Peer Tutoring! (L to R) Jonah Antonelli ’16, Eli Weissler ’15, John Williamson ’16, Hannah Weissler ’15, Dan Englund ’16, Amira Dorsey ’15, Sophie Lavine ’17, Mira Michels-Gualtieri ’17, Celia Boltansky ’15. Not pictured: Wynne Ebner ’15 and Ana Robinson ’15.

ballpark. These teams were then pitted against each other in online simulated games. “It’s pretty fun to get to plan this stuff,” Adam explains. “I try to make it fun and interactive so every single class is interesting.” Student leadership at Field isn’t a popularity contest—it’s not about being appointed ‘the face

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of the school’ or ‘the best of the best.’ It’s about students taking control of their experience, being a rebel. It’s about kids sharing knowledge with their peers. It’s about harnessing the power of community to impact change, about helping each other succeed academically, and about creating something out of nothing. It’s leadership— Field style. F

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THE SMALL SCHOOL THAT PLAYS BIG BE TRUE. FLY HIGH. GO FIELD! “Field values sports because they provide another outlet for students to learn about themselves— they learn how to be part of a team, confront challenges and work towards goals.” Bridget McKeogh, Athletic Director

hen you walk down the stairs into the gym, your eye immediately goes to the far wall where row upon row of PVAC championship banners are proudly displayed. Fifty-nine flags, each representing an athletic program that challenges everyone to give it their all, and athletes who accept that challenge with sweat, with confidence, and with unbelievable generosity of heart. At Field, everyone plays. This results in teams that run the whole gamut, from kids who compete at the highest levels to kids who, until Field, have never touched a ball or run a mile. But lack of experience doesn’t hold our student athletes back—they grab the ball, and run fearlessly into the fray. ‘Field Celebrates Individuals’—and yes, there are individuals at Field who have reached the highest levels in athletics. But these individuals are no more highly exalted in our community than any others. Our athletic successes are defined, not by the might of the individual, but by the strength of the team, the power of the whole.

Twenty-five Years and Still Running Strong

Wells Dwiggins-Thomason ’17 (left) and Sami King ’16 (right) are two strong leaders of our amazingly talented 2014 Cross Country team.

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Last year marked twenty-five years since our Boys Track Team brought home our first PVAC Championship banner—and today, Field Running is still a force to be reckoned with. Since 2010, Field Running has brought home eight of the thirteen PVAC championship banners that adorn that far wall in the gym. Last year, they famously— well, famously around campus—dug a path in the snow to run in the dead of winter. They are intense, dedicated, and take running very seriously.

Here’s what Field Running coach, Jesse Gaylord, says about this small team that competes at a big level: “We don’t think that having a small pool and a wide range of abilities is a detriment to our ability to compete with the biggest private and public schools in the area—we think it’s an advantage. We also believe in track and XC that ‘hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.’ Even though some kids may go to Gonzaga and Visitation for sports, that doesn’t mean that they are training or racing to their potential. On our teams, we believe that if we get the best out of all of our runners, then we can be confident going against any team that can compete.” As a result, we have won big public school invitationals—despite, in some cases, having 2000 fewer students to pull from. One of our relay teams was top 30 in the country in 2013 and Sami King ‘17 is one of the top 100 female distance runners in the country. In the past four years, we have never been ranked out of the top 5 in the city—amongst both public and private schools— in track and field.

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Ahmani Clark ‘15 takes on the long jump at Sidwell Friends in April 2014.




he achievements of one team do not dilute the successes of another—and our athletics program is full of successes, both big and small. Here are a few highlights from our 2014 sports seasons: Fall 2014: This fall, 338 of 369 students are participating in the athletic program—that’s 92%!


Spring 2014: After an exciting and hard-fought season—our Boys Varsity Tennis Team destroyed their opponents in four of five PVAC championship matches, bringing home another banner!

Our success lies in the fact that we believe everyone has a role on the team, that we meet our athletes where they are, and that we expect our kids to compete with the best. When our kids put on our jerseys with the Field “F” on the front, they believe that they can go toe-to-toe with anyone.” F

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Winter 2014: In a historymaking win, our Middle School Girls Gold Basketball Team (there are two MS Girls Basketball teams because interest is so high!) defeated Covenant Life 28-11. It was the first time in Field School history that a middle school team defeated Covenant Life. Fall 2014 is a great season for Ferris Garel ’15 and the rest of our Boys Varsity Soccer Team!

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ield’s alumni program is thriving with events both on campus and around the country. Already this year, alumni have reunited for the DC and Chicago Alumni Gatherings, Homecoming, our “Dare to Be” Sculpture Dedication... and we hope to see more on campus for our Dedication Weekend, November 7th & 8th! Take a look at our Events Calendar (right) for more great chances to connect with your alumni community.

ALUMNI ADVISORY COUNCIL Tom Wackman ’95 (Chair) Ned Sherburne ‘78 Kate Barnes ‘84 Jeremy Sher ‘84 Jonathan Watson ‘85 Amanda MacKaye ‘89 Alex Buffington ‘92

Mike Bowers ‘94 Myra McGovern ‘94 Anne Foley ‘96 Shannon Stark ‘99 David Marimon ‘02 Dannia Hakki ‘03

Events Calendar October 17:

January 31:

CHICAGO Alumni Gathering

PORTLAND Alumni Gathering

November 7&8:

February 26:


PHILLY Alumni Gathering

November 26:

March 13:

Thanksgiving Alumni Basketball Game

NYC Alumni Gathering

December 6:

BOSTON Alumni Gathering

NY/NJ Alumni Event – NHL Devils vs. Capitals


January 7: Senior-Alumni Lunch

January 28: LOS ANGELES Alumni Gathering

April 17:

April 27: CAREER DAY


May 2015 GROUP Reunions (Classes of ‘75, ‘80, ‘85, ‘90, ‘95, ‘00, ‘05, ‘10)

January 30: SAN FRANCISCO Alumni Gathering

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ALUMNI NEWS 1978 Lyndon Abell ’78 continues to live in the DC area and is planning another cross country motorcycle trip this Fall. We need to add a short highlight (with no photo) for Martin Brossman ’78 (if you leave the space for 6 lines, I can fill it in) We need to add a short highlight (with no photo) for Martin Brossman ’78 (if you leave the space for 6 lines, I can fill it in) We need to add a short highlight (with no photo) for Martin.

1982 This year, Jace Alexander ’82 directed Agatha, a pilot for ABC, as well as episodes of Backstrom and Forever, both of which debuts this season. He is currently developing And We’re Out of Time, a new half hour comedy for Direct TV. He says, “his 15 year old daughter and 10 year old twin boys ensure delicious chaos at all times!”

the farmers’ market and taking hikes on Mt. Tam. This summer she completed her second Avon Walk for Breast Cancer which was nearly 40 miles in two days! Great job Lauren! For the past 14 years, Hugh Beshers ’84 has been teaching English to adult immigrants at one of the only public schools in the country that is primarily designed to help adult immigrants. His school also teaches GED in English and offers culinary and technology classes to anybody who lives in DC. Most of his students are from El Salvador and Ethiopia but he’s taught students from many countries including: Haiti, Morocco, Chile, Brazil, China, Vietnam and Bangladesh. He says that “he’s never encountered this wide a range of cultures, languages, ages, and educational backgrounds in one place.” He likes his job, but his 2 year old son, James, and his wife Anne fills his time with joy.”

Katya Cerar ’88 continues to work in the social work field directing a program that provides outreach and support to young adults with chronic and persistent mental illness. After receiving her Ph.D. in Social Work in November of 2012, she’s been working toward shifting her career to academia and a tenure track position. This fall, she began teaching at Westfield State University as an adjunct professor and will continue to work as a Field Faculty Adviser for the Smith College School for Social Work. Additionally, she’s fallen in love with western MA would like to stay local. Her son Evan is now 5 years old and has just started kindergarten! She also finds yoga enormously rewarding and useful in her busy life.


1984 Jeremy Sher ’84 and his wife Dena welcomed a baby boy, Benjamin Nicholas Sher, into their family on April 1.

Oscar nominee and award-winning filmmaker, Courtney Hunt ’82, is currently directing a feature film written by Nicholas Kazan titled The Whole Truth. This upcoming crime thriller stars Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Keanu Reeves, Gabriel Basso, Renée Zellweger and Jim Belushi and will hit theaters in 2015! New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio named Maya Wiley ’82 as his chief legal adviser, giving her a forceful role in addressing what he called an “inequality crisis.” Ms. Wiley, a longtime advocate for racial and social justice, is a civil rights lawyer, and a co-founder of The Center for Social Inclusion, which advocates for racial equality. The mayor said, that Ms. Wiley fits his vision and described her as someone who spent a career -taking social values and putting them into action.”


1985 Jonathan Watson ’85 got married in July to Michele Duchin. The two live in the Washington DC area.

1987 Field Alum, Zoe Rosenfeld ’87, has published a short story called “Owl in Darkness” as an e-book.

Teaching 8th grade science at Leesville Road Middle School in Wake County, North Carolina, Chris Barth ’89, is really happy to be in the classroom. He recently attended his 25th class reunion at Field and saw many of his old classmates. “”It was a great time to reconnect and see everyone again!

1984 Ian Fischer ’90 has a new movie in post production called Rude Dude. He’s also getting married in Mexico City this Fall.

1983 Lauren Asher ’83 runs a small, non-profit focused on improving federal and state financial aid policy so that more low-income students can complete college without burdensome debt. She’s married to a techie and loves living in San Francisco with their 7-year-old son. She also doesn’t mind the cold summers and loves getting local honey from

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After celebrating the 1 year anniversary of his restaurant, Arcuri, in June, Adam Hiltebeitel ’87 recently hosted Field’s DC Alumni Event! Additionally, he and his wife Rachel just welcomed their first baby, a son named Liam. Congratulations to the Hiltebeitel family!

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1996 Gabrielle Hecker Conecker ’96 and her family have started an effort to raise awareness for a debilitating neurological disorder that her son, Elliott, was born with. They only recently identified the disorder through genetic testing. The organization, Wishes for Elliott, was established to push forward the research and to try and get answers for her family. If anyone is interested in getting more information or donating to the organization, you can visit their website at www.

Living in the DC area, Garner Woodall ’92 continues to be in touch with many of his Field friends especially Laura Wackman Hogan ’92 and Paul Cymrot ’92. In fact, the group threw a surprise bday party for Garner’s 40th birthday this summer. Garner continues to love cycling and thinks nothing of an 88+ mile ride on a random Sunday afternoon. He and his wife, Lana, have two beautiful girls who attend elementary school. Laura Wackman Hogan ’92 recently left her job at the Discovery Channel to take a job at the National Geographic Society as VP of Operations Strategy. She works for their studio which produces all the video content for the Society— everything from iPhone to IMAX. She and her husband, Michael have two children and live in DC.”


1997 A doctor in clinical psychology, Peter Colvin ’97, specializes in post traumatic stress disorder and substance disorders in returning veterans. He spends his free time training for triathlons, cooking with his lovely wife, and playing at the ocean. Elizabeth Alsop ’97 and Tony Plunkett are pleased to announce the arrival of Lucinda Marie Plunkett in the early hours of Tuesday, June 17th!

1998 Brandon Skall ’98, co-owner of DC BRAU brought home the gold at the U.S. Open Beer Championship in July. After competing with some of the best breweries across the globe in 81 different categories, DC Brau was awarded two gold medals for The Public (American Pale Ale category) and The Citizen (Belgian Style Ale category). Brandon is also the proud father of two year-old Eben and he and his wife are expecting their second child this year!

Jonathan Hayes ’93 and Wendy Applebaum were married in April. Congratulations!

1995 Tom Wackman ’95 and his family spent a few weeks this summer in Hungary on a quest to find the best goulash! Tom continues to serve as Chair of Field’s Alumni Advisory Committee.

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This summer, in a beautiful ceremony at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania, Rebecca Mann ’98 married long-time Field Teacher, Gil Gallagher. There was a huge Field presence at the wedding! Check them out: Karen and Jim McManus (parents of Jeff and Jackie), Lily Phillips (mother of Caroline), Matthew Shannon-Browne, Ann Hopkins

(mother of Peter and Gil Gallagher), Shannon Stark, Eric Porges, Rebecca Edge Mann, Me, Tom Gallagher (father of Peter and Gil Gallagher), Caroline Phillips, Will Lang, Roya Sabrina Koczak, Neal Mann (father of Rebecca and Sarah Edge Mann), Sarah Mann, Deborah Edge (mother of Sarah and Rebecca), Jackie McManus, Rebecca Fasman, Elizabeth “Bean” Hutchens, Anne Foley, Maureen Meismer, Will Layman, Martha Cohen, Tim Lyons, Maddy O’Donnel, Tim Lyons, Marques Darcelin, Wendy Wisnieski (mother of Shannon Stark).

1999 Meg Foley ’99 is a Philadelphia-based performer, dancer, choreographer, and director of Moving Parts. Foley received a 2014 grant from The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage and will present an exhibition of improvisational research and performance dance, to be installed at the Crane Arts Building’s Icebox space in 2016. Centering on Foley’s improvisational performance practice, the exhibition will feature photographic, moving-image, sonic, and written documentation of up to 750 dances, which Foley performs on a daily basis, wherever she might be, at 3:15 pm. Additionally, Foley will train three fellow dancers in her improvisational practice, so that they may also perform “3:15 dances” and document their work. Currently living in Baltimore, MD, Carrie Hubbard ’99 is loving everything the city has to offer. She is the Director of Clinical Services for a non-profit serving adults with autism. Last October, she travelled to Nairobi, Kenya with the Global Autism Project where they went into a special education school and helped to train professionals on best practices in the field. After volunteering for two weeks, Carrie travelled for another two weeks in Masai Mara where she went on a safari and saw “the big 5” up close and personal! All in all, she says “it was an unbelievable time!”

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2000 John Graeter ’00 is currently living in Portland OR and working at Levitate Media as Project Manager and will be working with their new B2C Video Production branch, called MAKO. The company is the #14 fastest growing company in San Francisco and develops video for some of the largest and most rapidly growing technologyˇcompanies in the world. How exciting! Danielle Naeve ’00 married Josh Labat in August 2014!

2001 Marcus Epstein ’01 graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in May and is now working in DC.

non-profit organization called Facing History and Ourselves. Lizzie was a host at our Field Chicago Alumni Gathering last month in the Windy City! Field alum Liam Mulshine ’03 and his theatre company have done two performances of their show “”Love Letter Lost”” at the Capital Fringe Festival in DC this past summer. They got fantastic reviews and a mention in the Washington City Paper, that said “if you_re looking for contenders for the best comedy Fringe has to offer, I think we may have just got beaten on our home turf by a gang of out-oftowners.” He’s a DC boy at heart but now lives in LA. Charlie Lefkowitz ’03 and Shane Crowley got married in August of this year. Congratulations!


James Douglass ’01 resigned from his position with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) at the end of May, where spent the last two years working in their leadership and training division. He now works full-time with his family’s property management business, Douglass Management, Inc.

2002 Patrick McDermott ’02 continues to work as a photojournalist and recently got engaged to Kristy Robb! We’re all so excited for him. Phillips ’02 recently moved from Brooklyn, NY to New Haven, CT, where she began her doctoral studies in art history. Prior to this, she was completing a dual masters in art history and library science and working for Magnum Photos. Spending most of his time on the west coast these days, Leo Buc ’02, runs a program called Common Vision which works with volunteers to plant and maintain fruit tree orchards on the properties of low income schools across California. Earle Douglass ’02 has begun attending law school at the American University Washington College of Law.

2003 Lizzie Cohen ’03 graduated from Georgetown Law in May 2013 and moved to Chicago where she is now working as a development staffer for a

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Hannah Klausner Wayne ’04 married Joseph Wayne ’04 in May of this year and is now working at Kennedy Krieger Institute with children with autism spectrum disorders. The Baltimore based school is dedicated to helping children and adolescents with disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and musculoskeletal system achieve their potential and participate as fully as possible in family, school and community life. She’s a lead teacher at the school and has eight fantastic boys in her class. She “absolutely loves working with this population!” Mike Lenard’s ’04 restaurant, TaKorean, had it’s official grand opening this Fall in Washington DC. Starting years ago as DC’s very first and most popular Korean Taco truck, Mike combines Korean flavors with a Mexican twist all made from scratch. Congrats Mike!

2005 After leaving her job earlier this summer, Alex Niemczewski ’05 started a qualitative research practice in Chicago. The research focuses on work, family, and community life, and will study the role money plays in the lives of young adults. She

and her business partner have done interviews, analysis and are now in the process of looking for organizations to partner with to take the research deeper. Alex says, “”I’ve found my calling. This work is so fun and interesting, and I feel so happy!”” In her spare time, she’s busy creating a website that helps people in Chicago vote for elected officials.”

2006 Guess who was named in The New York Times Style Section as one of the 5 Best Men’s Collections Not Showing at Fashion Week? Daniel DuGoff ’06 says, “I want to make essential clothing that isn’t ordinary.” Daniel’s clothing line DDUGOFF, launched last season and is already getting rave reviews. Check out his website at

2007 Married to a world famous drummer, Valeka Nichols Holt ’07, has recently been cast as the title role in “”Sunset Baby”” which is being produced by Rep Stage at Howard Community College. Valeka is also the owner of an acting studio called V Studio, a licensed real estate agent and teaches an artistsin-residency program at the Folger Shakespere on Capitol Hill. Wow! She’s a busy lady! Valeka came by Field to spend Diversity Day with students and teachers.” Bill Young ’07 recently moved to GA to start graduate school at Mercer University. He’s persuing a Psy.D. in Pychology. Kaely Michels-Gualtieri ’07 just returned from Mumbai, India where she had the pleasure to perform in the Star Parivaar Awards. She is very excited about her next year because she recently signed on to do a solo swinging trapeze act with Ringling Brothers Circus! Her webpage is if you’d like to see her performances. We’re proud of you Kaely, but please be careful up there! Kyle Kelly Yahner ’07 continues to live in San Francisco and spends his spare time with his band, Split Screens. They just dropped their second album “Before The Storm”. Google it and take a listen. Congrats Kyle!

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ALUMNI NEWS 2008 Jack McDermott ’08 started working at The Field School in September 2014 as a ceramics teacher. Welcome back to Field Jack! Rachel Boylan ’08 continues to work as a costume designer at the Mercury Theater in Chicago where Avenue Q has been running and will continue through the Fall. She says, “It’s a fun show so if you’re in the area, come out and see it!” The show has been nominated for four Jeff awards, including outstanding musical production! Rachel continues to do freelance costume design and costume stitching around the city of Chicago. She’s quite talented! Currently at Howard University attending classes, Sheika Reid ’08 has been devoting most of her spare time to a project in El Salvador with Engineers Without Borders. She says, “So far, it’s been amazing!” In her down time, Sheika loves to do yoga. Check out the Doozies and Flower Girl’s lastest LP with Field alums Henry Van Dusen ’11, Dave Van Dusen ’08, Sally Rizzoli ’08 and Nick Morris ’08. It has been getting great reviews. Keep up the great work!

impact of the war on Israel’s citizens and leaders. Despite the serious work, a true highlight was meeting with President Shimon Peres, in his last days in office, and with then President-Elect Ruby Rivlin.

2009 Miranda Seitz-McLeese ’09 is living in Northern Virginia, where she is a Software Engineer working on machine learning and artificial intelligence. She is currently trying to decide what she wants to study in graduate school.” John Feffer ’09 graduated from Tulane in May with a major in Latin American Studies and a minor in Spanish. He is currently working as an Associate Teacher at Beauvoir and living in the Washington DC area.

2010 Lindsey Scherer ’10 is preparing to run in the Chicago Marathon this Fall. Way to go Lindsey! After graduating from Hamilton College in May, John Angarola ’10, spent the summer teaching in China. Elliot Carter ’10 studied politics at Cornell College and has moved back to DC to pursue a career on Capitol Hill. This summer he worked as an intern in the House of Representatives and is now looking for work as a staffer. He’s passionate about foreign affairs.

Sam Schear ’08 works at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in NYC. Recently, on very short notice, the Conference mobilized an emergency solidarity mission to Israel at the beginning of the Gaza conflict. Sam traveled with more than 30 organizational leaders for two days of briefings in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with senior Israeli government and military leaders. “We traveled to Israel’s south in the midst of heavy rocket fire to stand with local officials and residents of Sderot and Ashkelon, and show solidarity with the residents of communities living under rocket fire.” Sam experienced first-hand the

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with a degree in Classical Languages and Near Eastern Archaeology. This fall, she started a Ph.D. program in the Classics at UCLA.”

Georgina Warren ’10 has graduated from Christopher Newport University with a BA in French. This summer she taught TEFL beginners classes at the LADO International Institute parttime. She has also worked as a stagehand at the Theatre Lab where she helped construct and paint sets for teen productions of West Side Story and Evita. Her primary goal is to gain enough teaching experience for a full-time position and begin the next stage of her life. Other part-time jobs include administrative tasks and volunteering at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Jocienne Nelson ’10 recently started a PhD program at Cornell University studying experimental condensed matter physics.

In mid-May, Sophie Howard ’10 graduated from Pitzer College in Claremont, CA with a degree in Psychology and Africana Studies. This summer she moved to Phang Nga, Thailand on a Princeton in Asia scholarship as a middle and high school EFL (English as a foreign language) teacher. She’s about to finish up her fifth month as a teacher, and says, “Every day is quite the adventure!” Sophie’s future plans include a career in university administration and a Master’s degree. Alum Brendan Young ’10 received great accolades from Vimeo and The Atlantic for his work on his senior thesis, Barkley 100, which was a short documentary about one of the toughest footraces in the world, an ultramarathon in Frozen Head State Park in Tennessee. Check it out! There’s some great footage. Brendan is now working to start a creative agency in Denver that will be focused on short documentary films and story-based branded content. Lilly Vamberi ’10 won 1st place in an amateur hotdog cook off over the summer in Philadelphia. The Philly Inquirer covered the story and raved about her “Lilly’s Philly Dog,” which was made with coffee BBQ sauce, battered onion rings and roasted hot relish. Sounds yummy! Lilly works in the food industry in Philly and is an aspiring food critic. Way to go Lilly!

2011 Casey Feffer ’11 just started his senior year at Wake Forest where he is majoring in Art History and has a minor in Religion.

Zoe Fox graduated from Bryn Mawr ’10 in May

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Grant Tanenbaum ’11 is entering his senior year at Wesleyan University and was elected Student Body President. Congrats, Grant! The “Collegiate Ginger” is a fashion and lifestyle blog created by Emma Gotbaum ’11, and Field alum and student at Rhodes College. Recently, she began covering her study abroad experience in the UK where she will be focusing on religion, literature, and art history. Emma looks forward to sharing her journey with those across the pond!

Quintus Cunningham ’11 is currently at American University studying American Studies but finds time to coach soccer, basketball and baseball at The Field School. He also plays basketball each week with his fellow Field alums and serves on Field’s Alumni Advisory Council. You rock Q-man!”

they thrive together as a community and have accepted apologies from offenders.” She believes that “they’ve set an example for other parts of the world going through ethnic and religious conflicts.” Additionally, Maggie spent time in South Africa were she and her mom volunteered with lions ranging in age from 1 day old to 9 months old. “The trip was a life changing experience, especially working with the young orphans.” Maggie is now back at the Unviersity of Southern California for her senior year. This summer, TuckerˇKelleher-Brozost ’11, was working at a youth center doing a sustainable development internship in the villages around Udaipur, in western India. There he worked to develop a model UN type program for three villages which mimics and teaches kids about their local governance system. During this time, Tucker also received partial funding from a grant proposal in which he used to build a small library in the community center. It was a two month internship, which he found to be a challenging, but also an “incredibly valuable cultural experience.” This summer Alex Steinwald ’11 worked for GE Aviation in Cincinnati as an engineering design intern. He conducted various analyses needed for FAA certification of the Passport 20 engine. He’s now finishing his senior year at Northwestern University while studying mechanical engineering. Alex is also President of the Men’s Club Lacrosse team and Treasurer of Project SOAR which is a mentoring program for at risk local kids.

2012 Kylie Toscano ’12 is completing a semester abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, where she is studying British literature. Janine has photo. Kylie in Scotland This summer, Dorean Collins ’12 worked as an intern with ABC7 News in Rosslyn, VA and plans to study abroad in Brazil next summer. Sarah Sapirstein ’12 had an internship this summer with Senator Leahy (D-VT). She recently returned to the University of Vermont for her junior year. Sonya Boltansky ’12 interned at The Lab School this summer as a group leader to get hands on experience working with kids with learning differences. Majoring in Occupational Therapy at Ithaca Collage, she is trying to implement a lot of what she learned this summer from her students and by watching other Lab teachers. The internship definitely confirmed her passion for working with children with disabilities and she’s eager to become an OT!

Ryan McCartney ’11 is entering her senior year at Simmons College in Boston, MA where she will graduate summa cum laude with honors in Philosophy. She is currently working on her senior thesis and preparing for an internship with Judge Mark Wolf at the federal district courthouse in Boston. Next year, she will be pursuing a master’s degree in English literature in Ireland before continuing on to law school. This summer, Maggie Raber ’11, worked as a volunteer at an orphanage in Rwanda. She encountered people of all ages and those who have gone through difficult hardships. “As a political science and international security conflict resolution major, Rwanda stood out as a place for me to visit because it had one of the most atrocious genocides in my generation. And, yet now, just 20 years after,

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Alyssa Silver ’11 will be doing her Birthright Trip to Israel and then studying abroad in Cusco, Peru next semester. After graduating with a BS in Information Sciences and a certificate in Latin American Studies from the University of Pittsburgh, Aly will apply for jobs in hopes to work with a startup or tech company on the west coast!

Congratulations to Field Alum, Yoni River Kalin ’12! He is one of fifteen recipients of this year’s Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award which recognizes socially conscious Jewish youth across the country. The $36,000 award will support the nonprofit organization, Color My World, which he founded

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as a Field student. The organization donates recycled crayons to schools, shelters and refugee camps around the world. To date, his nonprofit has donated over 300,000 crayons and 800 coloring books in 5 foreign countries. Yoni is a sophomore at the University of Michigan. Continue the great work Yoni! After an amazing summer internship as a Corporate Relations intern for the United States Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, Charlotte Davis ’12 finds fundraising and development work both exciting and challenging. In the course of her work, she learned a lot about corporate economics and the importance of research in making a good argument. Charlotte looks forward to going back to work during her winter break from Sweet Briar College. Daniel Allen ’12 is currently a junior at Stanford majoring in Mathematical and Computational Science! He came to Field last month to help with a math lesson called “thinking like a computer” where students wrote out the steps to making a PB&J sandwich. They then carried out their steps highlighting where the program would have crashed. It was great to have an alum on campus again especially since he was able to answer questions from students about internship opportunities and the startup culture in California. Thanks again Daniel!

This summer, Elan Timmons ’12 enlisted the help of five Field alums, Daniel Allen ’12, Adam Banker ’12, Ben Berliner ’12, Chris Sener ’12 and Matt Witkin ’12 to join him in California on a new and “still developing” project. The team of alums along with a team of coders, writers, and graphic designers from colleges all around the country worked day in and day out committed to making the idea a reality. Elan says, “We’ve decided to keep the concept undisclosed until launch, but my Field colleagues have been instrumental in creating a website we believe may have the potential to change the world.”

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2013 Maddie Palmer ’13 is studying education at the University of Mary Washington and substituting at Mount Olive preschool in Arlington when on break from college. Katie Villanueva ’13 will continue studying at Colorado College this year. After finishing his freshman year at Duke, Steven Brenner ’13 spent some time in Northern Ireland as part of DukeEngage. The program sends Duke students on civic engagement projects all over the world. He chose to do policy and journalism work with an organization that supports victims of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. Steven says, “”the highlight was definitely meeting lead negotiator for the Irish Republicans, Martin McGuinness! What a great opportunity Steven. Congrats!

University of Vermont. Jules says, “I would absolutely recommend a gap year, but it’s up to each individual to be audacious and learn from those months of independence.”

2014 Andrew DeFrank ’14 worked at Vineyard Vines over the summer and just started his freshman year at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY. A big shout out for recent alum, Daniel Antebi ’14, who started a Kickstarter campaign for his film LAURA POINT! Daniel says, “I don’t think I could have created such a great project if it weren’t for what I learned at Field.” The short film is already creating a lot of buzz…so check it out Field alums.

After deciding to do a gap year before heading to college, Nellie Gold-Pastor ’14 is traveling for the next 11 months in southeast Asia and Australia. Most recently, she is doing an internship with Tour d’Afrique on the Trans-Oceania 2014 cycling expedition through Indonesia to Australia (from Medan to Sydney)! So far she says, “it’s been extremely challenging but an exciting way to learn about Indonesia!” It’s a five month expedition and she’ll cover about 11,050 km by bike! Her blog: records her travels. Good luck Nellie!

Jules Feeney ’13 took an amazing gap year. He was teaching a local ecology course in Jaisalmer, India and then worked for a small non-profit organization called Folk Arts Rajasthan - www. He also spent a month in Nepal trekking and helping at a community project near Kathmandu. This summer he volunteered at a local, organic youth farm project in Pisaq, Perú which is called Kusi Ñan. Now, he’s back in the states and started his first year of college at the

Former Field faculty members, Bear Paul and Susanne Fogt Paul welcomed a new baby into their family on May 9th. Caroline White Paul (nicknamed Charlie in honor of her paternal grandfather) was 8.3lbs and 21 inches.

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n a year of change and growth, our community rose to the challenge with a spirit of generosity that was inspirational. During 2012-2013, Field embarked on an ambitious undertaking—expanding our campus through the public launch of an $8 million dollar capital campaign while increasing our annual fund drive in support of today’s students and teachers. Members from every area of our community came together in support of Field and not only met these goals, but also exceeded them! Your generosity allows us to run the school each day and to advance Field’s mission for the future. This community, embodied in the many long lists of names in the following pages, believes that Field is a rare thing: a school that inspires

The Sapere Group

Ro et essi quam, consequ iamenit re susapiciis aut as asiti dis aut antiand aessitas autem etureru mquatem quam quistectem et endiam sapitiberi corrorio quiam, sumquia providem lit omnist, aspidellaut voluptatinus autem di omnitate venet, volor re, nimilis sequiatis aditium et acculpa dignam autae doluptate volor ressequ idenimporist untis int voluptus sime entiatecea cusda niene aspider ferchil ium nonseque non est, ut ut maximped quatibu strupientum il inctur? Ignat. Aximusam estiorro dolupta volecum qui consecturia quiatestem nihictecto officipisci apidis ut mint re vel id quae voluptus suntiandia nobis eossimus endae. Olo te noneste que et perion natustrum voles atia expedipidit, as asi odis aliquam, occulparum reiciis quam quo tenimuscime perat omnim nobis repratatur repudita de nonem ipicius parchil molutempos et pore volumenti cor sapite net aut ommo derovit aut voluptae nonseque et venis sitatio. Nam, nonsequi voluptatur, vel Young people to love learning and to understand themselves in an authentic way. The Field School is more than a school—it is a cause and an ideal. To everyone who gave of their time and treasure: we are deeply grateful! Sincerely,

JoAnne Scriber Director of Development

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JoAnne Scribner Director of Development Will Layman Director of Institutional Advancement Suzanne Brown Director of Annual Giving Janine Werkman Director of Alumni and Community Relations Kate Barnes Director of Individual Giving Greg Hamlin Database Manager Whitney Bell Development Associate

Inspired by the school motto, Aude Sapere, “Dare to be Wise,” we proudly recognize the Sapere Group. These wise and generous donors—including several current and former board members, alumni parents, and the Head of School—have included Field in their estate plans. We invite you to join them by making a bequest or other planned gift that will impact Field far into the future. Please contact us to learn about easy ways to make a legacy gift to Field—or to inform us if you have already made such arrangements. We would love to thank you directly! JoAnne Scribner (202-295-5814) and Suanne Brown (202-295-5894) are ready to help.

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LEADERSHIP CIRCLE Anonymous (4) Doyle Bartlett and Leslie Woolley Jean and Steve Case Ron and Beth Dozoretz David DuGoff and Victoria Bor Josh Harris ’82 and Marjorie Harris Ricki T. and Michael S. Helfer Colonel and Mrs. Freeman E. Jones Claudia O’Brien and Lee Okster Robert Pincus and Roxanne Little Bob and Tricia Pinkard Craig Schultz and Christy Concannon Bob and Liz Shorb The Tenhula Family Julia and Victor Tolkan Katharine Weymouth Mike and Missy Young

TRUSTEES (PAST AND PRESENT) Kent and Karen Allen Robert and Christine Baskin Dean Brenner and Robin Shaffert Larry Buc and Leigh Houck Lynn and Jonathan Cottin Ron and Beth Dozoretz David DuGoff and Victoria Bor Jerry Feffer= and Monique Yingling Martha Finlator Michael and Risa Freedman Paul and Ann Friedman Kenneth and Yasmin Fuller Renee and Steve Gardner Ellen Ginsberg and George Schutzer Matthew Gould ’86 and Charlotte Hartley Gould Josh Harris ’82 and Marjorie Harris Ricki T. and Michael S. Helfer Henry Howard and Jessica Hirschhorn William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin Dale and Carrie Johnson Thomas and Patricia Johnson Kevin and Lee Kelley Camille Larson and George Ruttinger Amanda MacKaye ’89

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Ajay and Allison Madan Bernard and Barbara McDermott Louise Millikan David Monaco ’87 and Ellen Harris James Neill and Amy McNamer Claudia O’Brien and Lee Okster Michael and Jill Phillips Bob and Tricia Pinkard Bronwen Deubner Rankin ’93 and Andrew Rankin Cindy and Jaime Sanchez Mitchell Schear Bob and Liz Shorb Paul and Helen Steinberg Bruce and Veronica Steinwald Ben and Lisa Van Dusen Mark Wagner and Danie Roden Mike and Missy Young CURRENT PARENTS Anonymous (6) Lynn and Richmond Abbe Mark and Michele Abdow Hamid Afshar Savojbolaghi and Mahshid Samiei-Afshar Adel Al-Jubeir and Farah Al-Fayez Gordy and Terri Anomnachi Terry and Karen Banks Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty

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Doyle Bartlett and Leslie Woolley Susan and Clarence Baskin Robert and Christine Baskin Catherine and Scott Baytosh Kirk Beatley and Lisa Holden Shawn= and Viviana Bernstein James and Beth Berquist Amar Bhat and Anita Balachandra Jack and Foree Biddle Peter and Debbie Bisio Jared Blum and Katherine Kiggins Howard Boltansky and Merrill Lavine Robert Boorstin Phillip and Valerie Brown Jon and Susannah Budington Renee and Tony Bullock Laura Hills and Steve Bunnell Paul and Debra Butler Daniel Cantor and Amanda Waugh Margaret and Michael Carvin Francisco Catalan-Sanchez and Alejandra Cruz-Catalan Grady and Penny Catterall Cathi Cohen and Sean Caldwell Kenneth Cox and Alison Vest John Coyle and Cheryl Gannon Drury and Anne Crawley Anthony and Robyn Credico Jonathan and Mara Cuneo Tom Dabney Jamie Dahlberg and Deirdre Donahue Terrance Day and Carolyn Hammonds Leon Dayan and Deborah Lewis Abraham Debose Douglass Delano and Elizabeth Hannold Juliet Drake and Bill McClure Jules and Catherine Duval David and Katherine Ebner Sarah Eilers Moataz El Said and Perrihan Al Riffai Stephen and Deborah Ellick John and Courtney Elwood Sunday Eme and Racheal Ifeta Steve and Roxanne Englund Tom and Nancy Erickson Andrew and Tracey Friedlander Kenneth and Yasmin Fuller William Gallagher and Anne Favret Joe and Shelly Galli Jared Garelick and Ellen Kramarow Robert and Linda Geen Mark and Laurie Gillman Kirsten Goldberg Scott Golden and Stephanie Cohen Ted Goldman David Gordon and Sarah Kilmer Jill and William Greaney Lawrence and Melanie Greenberg Tony Gualtieri and Dia Michels James Guerra and Nikki Vanasse Jeffrey Gutman and Stacy Brustin Andreas Gutzeit and Kakali Banerjee Robert and Sandi Hallmark

Sara Jane and Brian Harris Ricki T. and Michael S. Helfer Bradley Holmes and Loretta Polk Horace and Ivy Howells Susan and David Hutner William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin John and Lisa Jensen Cynthia Johnson Dale and Carrie Johnson Jeh Johnson and Susan DiMarco Sherry and Brian Jones Colonel and Mrs. Freeman E. Jones George and Carol Jones David and Rachel Katz Rachel Friedman Katz Michael and Pat Kaunitz Douglas Kendall and Juliet McKenna Ledyard King and Audrey Ross Steve and Judy Kirkpatrick Ben and Jacquelyn Kittredge Mark and Lynn Klaiman Peter and Mary Klarfeld Cal and Barbara Klausner Jeffrey and Lisa Kopchik Jeff Kurtz and Linda Alder Jennifer Treat and Dawn Laguens Scott Lassman and Tracy Zorpette Phyllis and Jeffrey Lavine Glenn Lebowitz Michael and Jodee Lichtenstein

Peter Lustig Joseph Lynch and Susan Dunlap Bruce and Susan Machanic Tom and Amy MacIsaac Jodi and Rodd Macklin Ajay and Allison Madan Forrest Maltzman and Sarah Binder Alison Merow and Athan Manuel Roberta Mathews Susan Mathis and Lisa Henderson Joseph Melrod David and Dana Mermelstein Joe and Louise Micallef Lorris Mizrahi John Monahan and Annie Burns Kim and Jim Morgan Sidney and Linda Moskowitz Lisa Munsat Michael and Claudia Nagan Guy and Kathy Neal Joseph Neale and Marcy Oppenheimer Cheryl Numark Claudia O’Brien and Lee Okster Ronald and Nancie Oleynik Alberto and Ivanna Omeechevarria Gonzalo Pastor and Judith Gold Robert Pincus and Roxanne Little Mark and Nancy Plumer Martin Prosky and Ellen Snyder Robert and Melanie Putch

Dan and Irina Rapoport Salomon Gruenberg Reisner and Jasmin Reisner Curtis and Nancy Renner John M. Richardson Vivian Riefberg Nissen Ritter and Steve Cohen Colleen and Jeffrey Robertson William and Marcia Rock Thomas and Kristin Roesser Garth Ross and Christy Halvorson Ross Victoria Rostow Barton and Shereen Rubenstein Lee and Whitney Sachs Robert and Juanita Salerno Cindy and Jaime Sanchez Julio and Martha Sanchez Craig Schultz and Christy Concannon Monica and Sam Sharata Bob and Liz Shorb Greg and Melinda Sidak Seth and Stacy Silber Stephen and Michela Silvia Cal and Sally Simmons Linda Singer and Joseph Sternlieb William and Maral Skelsey Daniel and Julia Small Derek and Karen Smith Jayne Jerkins and Mark Srere Woody Stanley and Sezin Tokar


BRAD HOLMES & LORETTA POLK CURRENT FIELD PARENTS What makes the Annual Fund a priority for you? The Annual Fund is a priority for our family because, quite simply, it enables Field to provide a truly unique, high quality education for its students. What is one crucial Field moment that sticks out in your mind? Seeing our son deliver an amazing lead performance in the high school musical—as a 9th grader—was a moment we will always cherish. Field gave him the opportunity to show his strengths—and shine.


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Harold and Leslie Summey The Tenhula Family Dave and Laurie Thomas Rodney Thomas and Kisha Poole Clarke Thomason and Hollin Dwiggins Victor and Julia Tolkan Stuart Tomares Jose Trigo and Sandra De La O Barrie Tron and Alexandra Thomson Linda Blumberg and Steve Turow Peter and Laura Unger Michael Van Arsdall and Alicia Clark Paul and Elizabeth Varela Dita Verheij Geetha and Keith Waehrer Amy Weiss and Peter Kadzik Robert Weissler and Carol Miaskoff Edward and Tina West Katharine Weymouth David and Rebecca Williamson Elizabeth Curren and Dwain Winters David and Suzannah Yardas Angus and Sissy Yates Matthew Yeo and Karen Spangler ALUMNI PARENTS Kent and Karen Allen Reid and Annette Alsop Gordy and Terri Anomnachi Mallory and Beverly Baker Lawrence Banker and Amy Schmidt Bart Barnes Robert Beisner and Valerie French

Ralph and Anita Blackman Howard Boltansky and Merrill Lavine Dean Brenner and Robin Shaffert Kim Bruno and Wendy Clark Larry Buc and Leigh Houck Laura Hills and Steve Bunnell Conrad Cafritz Jean and Steve Case Malcolm Catt and Lauren Stempler Lorena Checa Elizabeth Clemmer Lynn and Jonathan Cottin John Coyle and Cheryl Gannon Charles Davidson Ron and Beth Dozoretz David DuGoff and Victoria Bor Ricardo Edwards Peter Ames Eveleth Robert and Barbara Fallon Jerry Feffer= and Monique Yingling Herbert Fingerhut and Amy Kesselman Fingerhut Martha Finlator Molly and Frank Fitzmaurice Geoffrey Forman and Elizabeth Lee Michael and Risa Freedman Paul and Ann Friedman Jessica Gajardo William Gale Renee and Steve Gardner Fariborz and Lis Ghadar Ellen Ginsberg and George Schutzer Scott Golden and Stephanie Cohen

Joshua Gotbaum and Joyce Thornhill Tony Gualtieri and Dia Michels Michael Hanrahan and Jeanne Bakker Alison Hardwick and John Via Mark Herlihy and Ann Kappler Michael and Kathy Hill Henry Howard and Jessica Hirschhorn William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin Jeh Johnson and Susan DiMarco Thomas and Patricia Johnson Joey Kaempfer Martin and Andrea Kalin Kevin and Lee Kelley Mark and Lynn Klaiman Peter and Mary Klarfeld Cal and Barbara Klausner Chiswell and Barbara Langhorne Camille Larson and George Ruttinger Will Layman and Lorraine Driscoll Jeff Lesher and Amy Bess Steven Levin and Rondi Pillette Eileen Lyons and Mark Wolf David and Janice MacKinnon Bernard and Barbara McDermott Tracy and David McPherson Louise Millikan Timothy and Mary Kate O’Neill Henry Otto and Judy Whalley Michael and Jill Phillips Jan Piercy Bob and Tricia Pinkard

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Robert Pomerance and Betty Ferber Wendy Ponvert Alan Porter and Wendy Erlanger Charles Posner and Kathleen Nixon Blair and Stephen Raber Franklin Raines and Denise Grant Frank and Elizabeth Record Gerd and Duncan Ritchie William and Marcia Rock Sang and Tae Ryu Robert and Juanita Salerno Cindy and Jaime Sanchez Michael and Helen Saxenian Amy Schear Mitchell Schear Craig Scherer and Laureen Andrews John Sener Kenneth Simon and Janet Hahn Daniel and Julia Small Jackson and Elizabeth Smith Daniel and Janet Snyder Paul and Helen Steinberg Bruce and Veronica Steinwald Lee and Joyce Stern Nye and Katherine Stevens Susan Talarico and Michael Sundermeyer The Tenhula Family Michael and Linda Trageser Barrie Tron and Alexandra Thomson Timur Tunador and Christiana Jaeger Patrick and Betsy Turley James Turner and Marcia Miller Ben and Lisa Van Dusen Dita Verheij David and Lori Vise Harold and Elisabeth Wackman Joseph Wahler and Lynn Levine Rondi Walker John Walsh and Linda Jewell Matthew and Marjorie Watson Gerald Wedren David and Rebecca Williamson Scott and Noreen Winkelman Amy and Jeff Winton John Wolosky and Miriam Camino-Wolosky Mike and Missy Young ALUMNI Josh Harris ’82 and Marjorie Harris Holly Hobbs Rowe ’83 and Keith Rowe Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty Andrew Harris ’84 and Mary Harris Ragan Blum Davis Gankendorff ’85 Bill Harris ’85 and Allyson Harris Andrew Diamond ’86 Matthew Gould ’86 and Charlotte Hartley Gould David Monaco ’87 and Ellen Harris Scott Alprin ’88 Elena Hardy Allbritton ’89 and Robert Allbritton Amanda MacKaye ’89 Shelby Grant ’92

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Laura Wackman Hogan ’92 Penn Ketcham Amaya ’93 Marianne Yeung-Kopcsak ’93 and Michael Kopcsak Bronwen Deubner Rankin ’93 and Andrew Rankin Myra McGovern ’94 Helen Cymrot ’95 and Todd Ziegler Cymrot Nathan Friedman ’95 Tom Wackman ’95 and Tunde Wackman Evan Rick Center ’97 and Daniel Center Emre Ersenkal ’97 and Rupa Parekh Stacey Wirt Taylor ’99 John Scott Johnson ’00 Jane Caflisch ’01 Joanna Navarro ’01 Oliver Nicholas ’01 Rachel Small ’03 Lisa Otto ’06 Amanda Winer ’07 Jack McDermott ’08

Sally Rizzoli ’08 Cal Silcox ’08 Adelle Yin ’08 Rebecca Bernhard ’09 Hollie Cunningham ’10 Jessica Darby ’10 Quintus Cunningham ’11 Paul Gould ’11 Anna Rock ’11 Dorean Collins ’12 Erik Lund ’12 Steven Brenner ’13 Kendall Close ’13 Jennifer Vise ’13 FACULTY AND STAFF (PAST AND PRESENT) Kent and Karen Allen Nancy Anderson Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty Whitney Bell Suzanne and Geoffrey Brown David Buffum and Susan Greenspan

Evan Rick Center ’97 and Daniel Center Andrea Chambers Emre Ersenkal ’97 and Rupa Parekh Jake Fauver Joe Finelli Margaret Bloom Frazier Alex Gnafakis Alison Hardwick and John Via Dale and Carrie Johnson Karen and Geoff Keating Emily Kleinman Natalia and Lubomyr Kormeluk Jeff Kurtz and Linda Alder Carolyn Law Will Layman and Lorraine Driscoll Sky Lesnick Amy Martin Cummings and Drew Cummings Bridget McKeogh Maureen Miesmer Louise Millikan Maddy O’Donnell Henry Otto and Judy Whalley

Wendy Ponvert Chay Rao Dominic Redd and Jennifer Graham Redd Ryan Reese Leah and Richard Schroeder JoAnne and Bob Scribner Kata Solow Nye and Katherine Stevens Mark Wagner and Danie Roden Janine Werkman Chris Yator GRANDPARENTS Anonymous (3) Bart Barnes Ronald and Joyce Baroody Phyllis Bialek Verna Clayborne Rosemary Crockett Lita Gray Joe and Lynne Horning Dean and Christina Howells Orville and Kathleen Johnson Molly Mastrangelo Jim and Marge O’Brien Barbara Shocket Linda and Bob Walker Durwood Zaelke Joseph Zylinski CURRENT STUDENTS Liam Butler ’16 INCOMING PARENTS Bernadine Bacon-Irwin and Steve Irwin Heather Barr Andrew Glickman and Julie Cohen Kim Kendall and Murray Liebman Patricia and Hans Manzke Tammy and Clifford Mendelson Frank and Anita Pandolfe Amy Wind and Douglas Huron FRIENDS Anonymous Beth Baroody Nancy Buc Bruce Gaylord and Gail Kelly Phil and Miriam Greenspan Dudley and Marian Lacy Margie and Jim McKeogh FOUNDATIONS, MATCHING GIFT PROGRAMS, AND CORPORATIONS American Endowment Foundation ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts Program Bunge North America Matching Gifts Computer Associates Matching Gifts Program Hillary Reilly Design LaSalle Hotel Lessee, Inc. LMG Foundation =

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WONDER GIFTS ($25,000+) Elena Hardy Allbritton ’89 and Robert Allbritton *Josh Harris ’82 and Marjorie Harris *William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin DISCOVERY GIFTS ($14,000-$24,999) Jon and Susannah Budington Ricki T. and Michael S. Helfer Harry and Maria Hopper Vivian Riefberg Michele Shannon *Robert Tanenbaum and Marla Lerner Tanenbaum Julia and Victor Tolkan PILLAR GIFTS ($7,000-$13,999) Anonymous (3) Brett and Marjan Anthony Adel Al-Jubeir and Farah Al-Fayez Doyle Bartlett and Leslie Woolley Peter and Deborah Bisio *Larry Buc and Leigh Houck *Laura Hills and Steve Bunnell *Jean and Steve Case

Tom Dabney *Ron and Beth Dozoretz *Scott Golden and Stephanie Cohen *James Guerra and Nikki Vanasse *Dale and Carrie Johnson *Bernard and Barbara McDermott *Claudia O’Brien and Lee Okster *Lee and Whitney Sachs Craig Schultz and Christy Concannon Bob and Liz Shorb *The Tenhula Family Peter and Laura Unger BRIDGE GIFTS ($3,500-$6,999) Anonymous (3) *Mark and Michele Abdow Stephan Barth Jack and Foree Biddle *Howard Boltansky and Merrill Lavine *Dean Brenner and Robin Shaffert Jamie Dahlberg and Deirdre Donahue Nora and Steven Davison *David DuGoff and Victoria Bor *Paul and Ann Friedman Kenneth and Yasmin Fuller Joe and Shelly Galli John and Julie Garel Mark and Laurie Gillman

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Jonathan and Laura Ginns *Ellen Ginsberg and George Schutzer Gary and Nancy Gutzler Sara Jane and Brian Harris Bradley Holmes and Loretta Polk *Henry Howard and Jessica Hirschhorn William and Beth Hunter *Jeh Johnson and Susan DiMarco Colonel and Mrs. Freeman E. Jones *Jeffrey and Lisa Kopchik Bradley Lerman and Rita Conroy Peter Lustig Macklin Family Fund *Sidney and Linda Moskowitz Alberto and Ivanna Omeechevarria Henry Otto and Judy Whalley Robert Pincus and Roxanne Little *Bob and Tricia Pinkard Thomas and Kristin Roesser *Susan Talarico and Michael Sundermeyer *Timur Tunador and Christiana Jaeger Linda and Bob Walker Katharine Weymouth *Scott and Noreen Winkelman

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FOUNDING GIFTS ($1,972-$3,499) Anonymous (2) *Susan Agger Edward An and PJ McCann *Robert and Christine Baskin Andy and Shellie Bressler Phillip and Valerie Brown Paul and Debra Butler Eric Candelori and Heather Evans Kenneth Cox and Alison Vest Robyn and Tony Credico Joseph and Ali Cudby Jonathan and Mara Cuneo Mitchell and Monica Dolin Stephen and Deborah Ellick John and Courtney Elwood Steve and Roxanne Englund Sarah C. Epstein and Joseph Junkin William Gallagher and Anne Favret Jill and William Greaney Kathleen and Eric Greenberg Robert and Sandi Hallmark Andrew Harris ’84 and Mary Harris John and Lisa Jensen *Martin and Andrea Kalin Ledyard King and Audrey Ross *Cal and Barbara Klausner Scott Lassman and Tracy Zorpette Anne Livingston *Roy McLeese and Virginia Seitz

Joseph Melrod *David Monaco ’87 and Ellen Harris Joseph Neale and Marcy Oppenheimer Oliver Nicholas ’01 Ronald and Nancie Oleynik *Martin Prosky and Ellen Snyder Robert and Melanie Putch John M. Richardson Sonja Ritchie-Rife ’90 Colleen and Jeffrey Robertson *Scott and Stephanie Rostan *Eric Sapirstein and Karen Fenderson *Amy Schear Greg and Melinda Sidak William and Maral Skelsey Jayne Jerkins and Mark Srere Woody Stanley and Sezin Tokar *Barrie Tron and Alexandra Thomson *Ben and Lisa Van Dusen Edward and Tina West “STRONG ROOTS (<$1,972) Anonymous (1) *Michael Abate ’89 and Laura Abate Lynn and Richmond Abbe Mark Abdow ’14 Lyndon Abell ’78 and Debra Abell Tyler and Elizabeth Abell LaVonne Acty

Lily Adelstein ’12 Hamid Afshar Savojbolaghi and Mahshid Samiei-Afshar Felicia Aikens Kara Aledort Jace Alexander ’82 and Madeleine Alexander Arif and Salma Ali Saanya Ali ’14 *Kent and Karen Allen *Mark and Elizabeth Allen Elizabeth Alsop ’97 *Reid and Annette Alsop Yung and Si An Bryan Anderson *Nancy Anderson Mollie Andron *Jane Angarola John Angarola ’10 *Gordy and Terri Anomnachi Nnamdi Anomnachi ’14 Daniel Antebi ’14 Jacques and Susana Antebi Jarrett Arnold John Ayers and Anna Callon Aaron Bachmann Brendan Bailes ’01 *Lawrence Banker and Amy Schmidt Terry and Karen Banks Bart Barnes

Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty Susan Barocas Sarah Baron ’86 Miguel Barrera Catherine and Scott Baytosh Desmond Beach Julia Beatley ’14 *Kirk Beatley and Lisa Holden Julia Beck and Robert Mazer Alice Bell ’11 Whitney Bell Ann Bennett *David Berk ’83 and Michelle Cohen Benjamin Berliner ’12 *Uri Berliner and MaryElizabeth Gifford Joel Bernard ’84 and Julie Bernard Shawn= and Viviana Bernstein Beth and Jay Berquist Hugh Beshers ’84 *Amar Bhat and Anita Balachandra Tara Bhat ’14 Phyllis Bialek Attilio and Rosemary Bisio Fenton Blake Jeffrey Blattner *Peter Bleakley and Mary DeRosa Jared Blum and Katherine Kiggins Linda Blumberg and Stephen Turow Sandy and Stanley Bobb Max Bodnar ’97 Sonya Boltansky ’12 Wolf Boltansky ’09 David Bonner Robert Boorstin Sandra Hulnick Borgerson ’85 Erik Borresen *Michael Bowers ’94 *Suzanne and Geoffrey Brown Tyler Brown and Kathryn Peyton Kim Bruno and Wendy Clark Zachary Bruno ’09 Alex Buc ’98 Leo Buc ’02 *David Buffum and Susan Greenspan *Richard Buik and Patricia Sweeney Renee and Tony Bullock Lawrence and Karen Buster Tim Caflisch ’04 Elizabeth Malia Calhoun Sonatta Camara and Tom Davis Thomas Canick ’82 and Michelle Canick Daniel Cantor and Amanada Waugh *James Cantor and Linda Gilbert Eric and Elise Caplan Hana Carey Linda Carlson Margaret and Michael Carvin Peter Castaldi ’78 Francisco Catalan-Sanchez and Alejandra Cruz-Catalan *Malcolm Catt and Lauren Stempler *Grady and Penny Catterall =

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* 5+ consecutive years

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Jamie Catterall ’14 *Doris Celarier H. Perry Chapman *Liz Chausse Pam Chewning-Bravard ’76 Michael Chickinell ’07 John Cichello Dorothy Clarke ’82 and Cliff Westfall Samantha Clarke ’14 Brooke Clayborne Kendall Close ’13 *Arthur Cohen and Elizabeth Karcher Cathi Cohen and Sean Caldwell Julia Cohen Lawrence and Jane Cohen Lizzie Cohen ’03 *Martha Cohen Theo Cohen ’11 Joshua Cohn ’13 Tait Colberg Sara and Tom Collina Dorean Collins ’12 Gabe Colman ’14 *Jeffrey Colman and Ellen Nissenbaum Nora Colman ’11 Derek Concicello Maudine Cooper Ashley Cooper Hair ’84 Lynn and Jonathan Cottin *Elizabeth Craig ’84 and Michael Yeager Kyle Craver ’13 Samuel Craver ’14 Drury and Anne Crawley

*Thomas and Elizabeth Crocker Hollie Cunningham ’10 Quintus Cunningham ’11 Robert Curtis Helen Cymrot ’95 and Todd Ziegler Cymrot Tony D’Alessio ’94 Nora Dahlberg ’14 Hong Tong and Que Dang Jessica Darby ’10 Marques Darcelin Smith and Sandy Davis Victoria Davis ’14 *Terrance Day and Carolyn Hammonds Leon Dayan and Deborah Lewis Niko De Leon ’10 Pasquale and Nikki De Pandi Abraham DeBose Andrew DeFrank ’14 Thomas and Melanie DeFrank *Matthew DeGurse ’85 Douglass Delano and Elizabeth Hannold Rebecca Dennett ’11 *Stephen Dennett and Kirby Heller Josephine I. Diemond Joseph Dominguez ’05 Joshua Dozoretz ’13 Juliet Drake and Bill McClure Caila Driscoll Katherine Eskin Duckworth ’85 *Daniel DuGoff ’06 Duane and Caroline Duncan Josh Durant ’97

Jules and Catherine Duval *Samuel and Barbara Dyer Johannes and Deena Dzidzienyo David and Katherine Ebner *Nate Edmunds Ricardo Edwards Sarah Eilers Moataz El Said and Perrihan Al Riffai William Ellick ’14 Ermira Elmazaj Sunday Eme and Racheal Ifeta Brittany Ensing Joe Enten ’05 *Jim Epstein Tom and Nancy Erickson Emre Ersenkal ’97 and Rupa Parekh Peter Ames Eveleth Betty and Chuck Ewing *Herbert Faling and Ann Marie Koshuta Robert and Barbara Fallon Wendy Farrow Jake Fauver Michael Fedoruk ’87 *David Fegan *Alison and Peter Fenn Kristina Fenn Silver ’01 Phil and Marcia Feola Ana Ferreira *Joe Finelli Alexandra Fingerhut ’11 Martha Finlator Ian Fischer ’90 Molly and Frank Fitzmaurice Bernard Fitzmorris and

Krys Kornmeier Kayt Fitzmorris ’06 *Matt Fitzsimmons Barry Flax and Susan Kay *Anne Foley ’96 and Geoffrey Sparks Lenka Folger Anthony Freedman Elizabeth Freedman ’14 Charles Freeman Andrew and Tracey Friedlander Stephen and Arlie Friedlander Nathan Friedman ’95 William Friedman ’13 Hakan Friman and Karin Hoglund Jonathan Fromowitz ’02 *William Gale *Gil Gallagher Peter Gallagher Basketball Tournament *Harvey and Alice Galper Kevin Gardner ’12 *Renee and Steve Gardner Jared Garelick and Ellen Kramarow Jackie Garlock ’06 *Michael Gassmann and Cynthia Lewis *Jesse and Julia Gaylord Sibhat Gebremedhin and Asgedech Merid Robert and Linda Geen John Gerdes ’07 *Fariborz and Lis Ghadar John Gibson and Gloria Gould Gibson *Robert and Catharine Gibson Sidney and Doris Gibson


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* 5+ consecutive years

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Verna Gibson ’12 Jenny Gilbert ’83 Paul Gilbert ’83 and Laura Gilbert Janice Gilman ’07 Robert Giloth and Kari Moe Robert Glass ’85 *Laurel Glassman *Robert and Emily Glicksman Alex Gnafakis Nellie Gold-Pastor ’14 Kirsten Goldberg Paul Goldberg Ted Goldman Johanna Goldstein ’99 Ashaki Goodall David Gordon and Sarah Kilmer Susan Gordon Emma Gotbaum ’11 Katie Gottfried ’06 *Matthew Gould ’86 and Charlotte Hartley Gould Paul Gould ’11 Tom Gould ’89 Shelby Grant ’92 Eva Greenberg ’06 Lawrence and Melanie Greenberg Lloyd Greenberg and Gail Harris Nora Greenstein ’11 *Seth Greenstein

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Lila Greenwood ’14 Mario Greszes and Lucy Grantham Madeline Gross ’14 Rick and Meredith Gross Tony Gualtieri and Dia Michels Mark Gulezian and Frederica Adelman Jeffrey Gutman and Stacy Brustin Andreas Gutzeit and Kakali Banerjee *Robert Lyford and Jean Gwaltney Greg Hamlin *Tara Hanlon Colin Hanrahan ’08 Beth Hansen Cary Hardwick ’84 *Jack and Tucker Harris Nancy and John Harris Bill Harris ’85 and Allyson Harris *Stephanie Havenstein Jonathan Hayes ’93 and Wendy Raynor-Hayes Clarion Heard Allie Heiman John and Willia Hennigan Carleton and Mickey Herbert Hannah Hessel Ratner ’99 Andrea Hill ’07 Grant Hill ’05 Cecilia Hirsch ’86 and Robert Savage Jake Hirsch

*Charles and Harriette = Hobbs Holly Hobbs Rowe ’83 and Keith Rowe William Hoffman Kathy and Matt Hoganbruen Valeka Nichols Holt ’00 Sophie Howard ’10 Campbell Howe ’07 Horace and Ivy Howells Dean and Christina Howells Carrie Hubbard ’99 Arthur and Eileen Hulnick Susan and David Hutner Timothy and Suzanne Hyde Alexandra Ince ’87 Campbell Jackson ’12 *Sidrowe and Phronie Jackson Eric Jean-Baptiste Charles and Deborah Jefferson *John Jenkins and Susan Raleigh Jenkins Precious Jenkins ’08 Courtney Johnson Cynthia Johnson Dillian Johnson Elizabeth Johnson ’14 Jeffrey Johnson and Beth Millemann *John Scott Johnson ’00 Natalie Johnson ’14 Scott and Margaret Johnson

Sherry and Brian Jones Chuck Jones ’89 Malcolm Jones ’14 Jaye Jones Muhammad and Ali Muhammad *Christina Kalavritinos *Dr. John Kalil Yoni Kalin ’12 David and Rachel Katz *Rachel Friedman Katz Michael and Pat Kaunitz *Karen and Geoff Keating *Barbara Keeling Christine Kelley *Kevin and Lee Kelley Amir and Marci Kende Chuck Kenner Rob and Caroline Ketcham Arthur Keys and Jasna Basaric Keys Barkev and Mary Ann Kibarian Tomar Kingsland Karen Kinser and Michael Mason Jeff Kirkman *Steve and Judy Kirkpatrick Ben and Jacquelyn Kittredge *Mark and Lynn Klaiman Zach Klaiman ’12 Peter and Mary Klarfeld *Hannah Klausner ’04

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Sam Klausner ’07 Lindsey Knowles ’04 Dahveed Kolodny-Nagy ’93 Marianne Yeung-Kopcsak ’93 and Michael Kopcsak Natalia and Lubomyr Kormeluk Hannah Kroll ’07 Jeff Kurtz and Linda Alder Dudley and Marian Lacy Jennifer Treat and Dawn Laguens Chiswell and Barbara Langhorne Wes Lanich *Camille Larson and George Ruttinger Chloe Lassman ’14 Olivia Lassman ’14 Phyllis and Jeffrey Lavine *Will Layman and Lorraine Driscoll *Rick Leavy and Cynthia Jorgensen Andrew and Julie Lees Ken Leffler and Carole Bean Sky Lesnick *Carl Leubsdorf and Susan Page Ethan Levin ’14 Joshua Levin and Debra Fried Levin *Steven Levin and Rondi Pillette Michael and Jodee Lichtenstein Filomena Lococo Pamela and Bryan London Sawyer London ’20 Jermaine Long *Gabrielle Loperfido *Chris and Dean Lopez *Chris Lorrain and Moira Shea Marco Luzuriaga and Veronica Luzuriaga Eileen Lyons and Mark Wolf *Tim Lyons and Moira McLaughlin Ellen and Ken Mac Garrigle Bruce and Susan Machanic Tom and Amy MacIsaac Amanda MacKaye ’89 David and Janice MacKinnon Connor Madan ’15 Russell and Katie Magnuson Caroline Ketcham Mahan ’83 Alex Malison and Lisa Wilson Forrest Maltzman and Sarah Binder Noa Maltzman ’14 *Neal Mann and Deborah Edge Alison Merow and Athan Manuel *Mary Manzari David Marimon ’02 James Martin *Arthur and Jane Mason

Kent Mason and Susan Adams Sam Mason ’11 Susan Mathis and Lisa Henderson Ioanna Mattke ’13 Rebecca Maury ’88 *Melissa Maxman Cahlan Mazur Yana Mazurkevich ’14 *Bobbie McCartney and Bob Johnson Katherine McClintic ’06 Hugh McElroy Will McFadden ’97 *Myra McGovern ’94 Dylan McGuire ’11 Raymond and Roberta McGuire Michelle McIlwain Bill McInturff *Bridget McKeogh *Jim and Karen McManus *Tracy and David McPherson Camilla Mecagni ’14 *Mauro Mecagni and Laura O’Connor Mecagni *Judy and Harry Melamed Sam Melrod ’14 Tracy Melton and Pam Krulitz *Robert Meltz and Madeleine McElveen Norma and Kenneth Mendelson *David and Dana Mermelstein Jeff and Marcie Merriweather Murjoni Merriweather ’14 *Alden and Connie Meyer Joe and Louise Micallef *Maureen Miesmer Louise Millikan Clayton Mills and Kim King Victor and Jennifer Mizrahi Toby and Myra Moffett Peter Monaco ’92 John Monahan and Annie Burns “Kirk Monroe, Sr.” Kirk Monroe ’02 James and Janice Morgan Kim and Jim Morgan *Paul and Amy Moroney Ari Moskowitz ’14 Rachel Moskowitz ’08 Eleanor Mulshine ’06 Liam Mulshine ’03 Braden Murphy ’89 James and Leanne Myers Michael and Claudia Nagan Joanna Navarro ’01

Guy and Kathy Neal *Stephen and Kathy Nelick Dave Nelson *Donald Nelson and Penny Fovall Jay Nemeyer ’05 Michael Nemeyer ’07 Madeline Neuberger ’14 *Neal Neuberger and Mary Ella Payne KimAnh Ngo Ahh-Tai Nguyen Adrienne Nicholson *Link Nicoll Alexandra Niemczewski ’05 Agnes Nixon *Anthony Nuland and Alexa Simmonds *Jane Nuland Cheryl Numark Neil Numark Frank and Rindy O’Brien Dylan O’Brien Okster ’14 William and Marianne O’Connell Maddy O’Donnell Timothy and Mary Kate O’Neill David and Barbara Ochmanek Nina Oleynik ’14 Kermit Oliver *Beale and Linn Ong Brian Orzechowski Lisa Otto ’06 Richard Paisner and Christie Weiner “Nigel Parkinson, Jr. ’99” Gonzalo Pastor and Judith Gold Greg Phillips ’09 Katie Phillips ’02 *Michael and Jill Phillips Molly Phillips ’04 Liz Spurgin and Joe Piacentini Humphrey Sona Walla and Betty PierreSaint-Walla John and Hope Pinkerton Sam Pinkerton ’14 Russell and Michelle Pitcher Mark and Nancy Plumer Richard and Dorothy Podgorny *Russ and Barbara Pommer Wendy Ponvert Seth Porges ’01 *Alan Porter and Wendy Erlanger Christopher and Rosalyn Porter Jacqueline Prosky ’14 Alison Quinn Vanderpoel ’89 *Blair and Stephen Raber *Bronwen Deubner Rankin

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’93 and Andrew Rankin Marc Rankin ’88 Katherine Ransom-Silliman ’87 and Craig Silliman Dan and Irina Rapoport Marissa Rauch *Dominic Redd and Jennifer Graham Redd Fred Rednor and Elana Wolin Patrick Rees ’01 Ryan Reese Salomon Gruenberg Reisner and Jasmin Reisner Curtis and Nancy Renner Nate Renner ’14 Stuart D. Rick Forrest Rilling ’07 David Risk *Gerd and Duncan Ritchie Nissen Ritter and Steve Cohen Meg Kelly Rizzoli ’78 and Anthony Rizzoli Sally Rizzoli ’08 Tommy Rizzoli ’14 Bill Roberts Jody Robertson ’95 Marcus Robinson ’14 Michaela and Robert Robinson Anna Rock ’11 *William and Marcia Rock *Clarke Rodgers ’91 and Maria Rodgers Alex Roppolo ’09 Zoe Rosenfeld ’87 Garth Ross and Christy Halvorson Ross Sheila Ross *Richard and Lisa Rossi Tobias Roy and Birgit Maier de Roy Barton and Shereen Rubenstein Ben Rubenstein ’14 Lee and Trina Rubenstein Catherine Ryan Wan Ryu ’93 Julia Sachs ’14 Mark and Sarah Sagarese *Robert and Juanita Salerno *Daniel Salkovitz ’76 Daniel Sallick and Elizabeth Miller *Kate Samuel *Cindy and Jaime Sanchez Julio and Martha Sanchez JD Sand ’01 Louisa Santarelli Koplan ’89

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Mollie Schear ’12 Sam Schear ’08 Casey Scherer ’06 Craig Scherer and Laureen Andrews Lindsey Scherer ’10 Jonathan and Scarlett Schmidt Leah and Richard Schroeder Frank and Carolyn Schugar Harrison Schutzer ’11 Thomas and Cathryn Scoville JoAnne and Bob Scribner *Perry and Dianne Seiffert Roy Seitz-McLeese ’13 Chris Sener ’12 *John Sener Monica and Sam Sharata “*Donnie Shaw, Jr. and Sonya Tynes-Shaw” Donnie Shaw ’13 Robert and Eva Shea *Jeremy Sher ’84 and Dena Sher Alison and Thomas Shipman David and Patricia Shocket Andrew and Paula Shoyer Eva Shuman ’14 Ruth Shuman Seth and Stacy Silber Cal Silcox ’08 Clark and Marcia Silcox Sasha Silcox ’04 Nathan Silver ’06 Stephen and Michela Silvia Cal and Sally Simmons Kenneth Simon and Janet Hahn Linda Singer and Joseph Sternlieb Annie Small ’13 *Daniel and Julia Small Sarah Small ’97 Derek and Karen Smith Peggy Smith Celestine and Ricardo Smith Richard and Neone Smith Stanley Sobel and Elizabeth Nicholas Kata Solow Mollie Soloway ’00 Peter Sonnenriech ’82 and Debbie Sonnenriech *Jack and Sheila Sontag *Carol and Robert Star Paul Stares and Sonni Efron Shannon Stark ’99 Mark and Jessica Steele Meg and Ben Barker Alexandra Stein ’07 =

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* 5+ consecutive years

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*Stephen Stein and Lisa Happ *Paul and Helen Steinberg Bruce and Veronica Steinwald Betsi Stephen Lee and Joyce Stern Jonathan Stern ’85 and Joanne Belonsky Jess Summerhill Harold and Leslie Summey Florence Sun Peter and Jodi Susser Lauren Svestka ’07 Grant Tanenbaum ’11 Barbara Seligman and Robert Tate Charles and Mary Ellen Taylor J.S. Taylor ’02 Molly Teas Blythe Thomas ’11 Bonnie Thomas Emma Thomas ’14 Dave and Laurie Thomas Rodney Thomas and Kisha Poole *Peter Timmons and Tracey Orloff John Tobe Daniel Tomares ’14 *Stuart Tomares Nelson Torres and Melanie Stutz Elena Toscano ’10 *Joseph Toscano

Kylie Toscano ’12 Megan Totzke Ly Tran Jose Trigo and Sandra De La O Frank and Margaret Trinity Joshua Tuerk ’86 and John Coon *James Turner and Marcia Miller Fred and Lee Tyner Emily Unger Tanya Uyeda ’84 and Mark Bousek Julie Burka-Slaughter Valliancourt ’95 Michael Van Arsdall and Alicia Clark Brett Vanderlaan Paul and Elizabeth Varela Eduardo Gerlein and Cristina Vaughan Kate Venditti ’14 Dita Verheij *Francisco Villagran and Donna Eberwine-Villagran Jennifer Vise ’13 Tom Wackman ’95 and Tunde Wackman Geetha and Keith Waehrer *Pat Wagner Michael Wainwright ’82 and Leslie Wainwright Eric Wakefield ’90 Jaime and David Wales Adin Walker ’12

*Robert and Carolee Walker Stephen Walsh and Marianne Robb Jun Wang and Li Liang Georgia Warner Ethan Warsh ’03 William Wasserman and Karen Sherman *Gregory Watson ’88 Jonathan Watson ’85 Matthew and Marjorie Watson Gerald Wedren Alex Weiner ’82 Lisa Munsat Amy Weiss and Peter Kadzik *Robert Weissler and Carol Miaskoff *Bob and Anita Wellen Eric Wentworth Janine Werkman Harriet and Nicholas Werkman Esther Werner ’12 *Jan White Jeff and Gina White *Damon Green and Sherica White Mark Williams and Elizabeth Workman Terrence and Tina Williams *David and Rebecca Williamson Amanda Winer ’07 Michael Winer and Carol

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Gildenhorn Winer Jay Winkelman ’11 Elizabeth Curren and Dwain Winters Stacey Wirt Taylor ’99 Matthew Witkin ’12 Daniel Wolk ’06 *John Wolosky and Miriam Camino-Wolosky Garner Woodall ’92 and Lana Moriarty Josh Wulkan ’90 David and Suzannah Yardas Nico Yardas ’14 Mark Yarish *Angus and Sissy Yates Chris Yator Matthew Yeo and Karen Spangler Brendan Young ’10 *Mike and Missy Young Reed Young ’12 Rick Young and Linda Fink *W. Michael Young Ivan Zhang Katherine Zill ’82 Persephone Zill ’82 and Michael Kushner Theodore and C. DeAnne Zwicker Barbara Zylinski and Natasha Matic

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TRUSTEE (PAST AND PRESENT) Lyndon Abell ’78 and Debra Abell *Kent and Karen Allen *Robert and Christine Baskin *Dean Brenner and Robin Shaffert *Larry Buc and Leigh Houck Lynn and Jonathan Cottin *Ron and Beth Dozoretz *David DuGoff and Victoria Bor *Alison and Peter Fenn Martha Finlator *Paul and Ann Friedman Kenneth and Yasmin Fuller *Renee and Steve Gardner *Ellen Ginsberg and George Schutzer *Matthew Gould ’86 and Charlotte Hartley Gould *Josh Harris ’82 and Marjorie Harris Ricki T. and Michael S. Helfer *Henry Howard and Jessica Hirschhorn *William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin *Dale and Carrie Johnson *Kevin and Lee Kelley *Camille Larson and George Ruttinger Amanda MacKaye ’89 *Ajay and Allison Madan *Bernard and Barbara McDermott *Jim and Karen McManus Louise Millikan *David Monaco ’87 and Ellen Harris *Claudia O’Brien and Lee Okster *Michael and Jill Phillips *Bob and Tricia Pinkard *Bronwen Deubner Rankin ’93 and Andrew Rankin *Cindy and Jaime Sanchez Thomas and Cathryn Scoville Bob and Liz Shorb *Paul and Helen Steinberg Bruce and Veronica Steinwald *Ben and Lisa Van Dusen *Mike and Missy Young CURRENT PARENTS Anonymous (1) Lynn and Richmond Abbe *Mark and Michele Abdow Hamid Afshar Savojbolaghi and Mahshid Samiei-Afshar Adel Al-Jubeir and Farah Al-Fayez Arif and Salma Ali

Edward An and PJ McCann *Gordy and Terri Anomnachi Jacques and Susana Antebi Brett and Marjan Anthony John Ayers and Anna Callon Terry and Karen Banks Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty Susan Barocas Stephan Barth Doyle Bartlett and Leslie Woolley *Robert and Christine Baskin Catherine and Scott Baytosh *Kirk Beatley and Lisa Holden Julia Beck and Robert Mazer Eric Bendickson and Teresa Mastrangelo Ann Bennett Shawn= and Viviana Bernstein Beth and Jay Berquist *Amar Bhat and Anita Balachandra Jack and Foree Biddle Peter and Deborah Bisio Jeffrey Blattner Jared Blum and Katherine Kiggins Linda Blumberg and Stephen Turow Andrey Bogoslowsky and Kathy Ryan *Howard Boltansky and Merrill Lavine Robert Boorstin Andy and Shellie Bressler Phillip and Valerie Brown *Suzanne and Geoffrey Brown Jon and Susannah Budington Renee and Tony Bullock *Laura Hills and Steve Bunnell Paul and Debra Butler Sonatta Camara and Tom Davis Eric Candelori and Heather Evans Daniel Cantor and Amanada Waugh Eric and Elise Caplan Margaret and Michael Carvin Francisco Catalan-Sanchez and Alejandra Cruz-Catalan *Grady and Penny Catterall Brooke Clayborne Cathi Cohen and Sean Caldwell Sara and Tom Collina *Jeffrey Colman and Ellen Nissenbaum Kenneth Cox and Alison Vest Drury and Anne Crawley Robyn and Tony Credico Joseph and Ali Cudby Jonathan and Mara Cuneo Tom Dabney

Jamie Dahlberg and Deirdre Donahue Smith and Sandy Davis Nora and Steven Davison *Terrance Day and Carolyn Hammonds Leon Dayan and Deborah Lewis Abraham DeBose Thomas and Melanie DeFrank Douglass Delano and Elizabeth Hannold Mitchell and Monica Dolin Juliet Drake and Bill McClure Duane and Caroline Duncan Jules and Catherine Duval Johannes and Deena Dzidzienyo David and Katherine Ebner Sarah Eilers Moataz El Said and Perrihan Al Riffai Stephen and Deborah Ellick John and Courtney Elwood Sunday Eme and Racheal Ifeta Steve and Roxanne Englund Sarah C. Epstein and Joseph Junkin Tom and Nancy Erickson Ana Ferreira Anthony Freedman Charles Freeman Andrew and Tracey Friedlander Hakan Friman and Karin Hoglund Kenneth and Yasmin Fuller William Gallagher and Anne Favret Joe and Shelly Galli John and Julie Garel Jared Garelick and Ellen Kramarow Sibhat Gebremedhin and Asgedech Merid Robert and Linda Geen Mark and Laurie Gillman Robert Giloth and Kari Moe Jonathan and Laura Ginns *Robert and Emily Glicksman Kirsten Goldberg Paul Goldberg *Scott Golden and Stephanie Cohen Ted Goldman Ashaki Goodall David Gordon and Sarah Kilmer Jill and William Greaney Kathleen and Eric Greenberg Lawrence and Melanie Greenberg Rick and Meredith Gross Tony Gualtieri and Dia Michels *James Guerra and Nikki Vanasse Mark Gulezian and Frederica Adelman =

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* 5+ consecutive years

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Jeffrey Gutman and Stacy Brustin Andreas Gutzeit and Kakali Banerjee Gary and Nancy Gutzler Robert and Sandi Hallmark Sara Jane and Brian Harris Ricki T. and Michael S. Helfer Kathy and Matt Hoganbruen Bradley Holmes and Loretta Polk Harry and Maria Hopper Horace and Ivy Howells William and Beth Hunter Susan and David Hutner *William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin *Sidrowe and Phronie Jackson John and Lisa Jensen Cynthia Johnson *Dale and Carrie Johnson Jeffrey Johnson and Beth Millemann *Jeh Johnson and Susan DiMarco Scott and Margaret Johnson Sherry and Brian Jones Colonel and Mrs. Freeman E. Jones Jaye Jones Muhammad and Ali Muhammad David and Rachel Katz *Rachel Friedman Katz Michael and Pat Kaunitz Amir and Marci Kende Ledyard King and Audrey Ross *Steve and Judy Kirkpatrick Ben and Jacquelyn Kittredge *Mark and Lynn Klaiman Peter and Mary Klarfeld *Cal and Barbara Klausner *Jeffrey and Lisa Kopchik Jeff Kurtz and Linda Alder Jennifer Treat and Dawn Laguens

Scott Lassman and Tracy Zorpette Phyllis and Jeffrey Lavine Ken Leffler and Carole Bean Bradley Lerman and Rita Conroy Joshua Levin and Debra Fried Levin Michael and Jodee Lichtenstein Reid and Nancy Liffmann Anne Livingston Pamela and Bryan London Peter Lustig Marco Luzuriaga and Veronica Luzuriaga Bruce and Susan Machanic Tom and Amy MacIsaac Macklin Family Fund *Ajay and Allison Madan Russell and Katie Magnuson Forrest Maltzman and Sarah Binder Alison Merow and Athan Manuel James Martin Susan Mathis and Lisa Henderson Michelle McIlwain *Mauro Mecagni and Laura O’Connor Mecagni Joseph Melrod Tracy Melton and Pam Krulitz Norma and Kenneth Mendelson *David and Dana Mermelstein Jeff and Marcie Merriweather Joe and Louise Micallef Clayton Mills and Kim King John Monahan and Annie Burns Kim and Jim Morgan *Sidney and Linda Moskowitz Lisa Munsat James and Leanne Myers Michael and Claudia Nagan Guy and Kathy Neal

Joseph Neale and Marcy Oppenheimer *Neal Neuberger and Mary Ella Payne KimAnh Ngo *Link Nicoll Cheryl Numark Neil Numark *Claudia O’Brien and Lee Okster Ronald and Nancie Oleynik Alberto and Ivanna Omeechevarria Gonzalo Pastor and Judith Gold Liz Spurgin and Joe Piacentini Humphrey Sona Walla and Betty PierreSaint-Walla Robert Pincus and Roxanne Little John and Hope Pinkerton Russell and Michelle Pitcher Mark and Nancy Plumer Christopher and Rosalyn Porter *Martin Prosky and Ellen Snyder Robert and Melanie Putch Dan and Irina Rapoport Salomon Gruenberg Reisner and Jasmin Reisner Curtis and Nancy Renner John M. Richardson Vivian Riefberg Nissen Ritter and Steve Cohen Meg Kelly Rizzoli ’78 and Anthony Rizzoli Colleen and Jeffrey Robertson Michaela and Robert Robinson *William and Marcia Rock Thomas and Kristin Roesser Garth Ross and Christy Halvorson Ross *Richard and Lisa Rossi Tobias Roy and Birgit Maier de Roy

Barton and Shereen Rubenstein *Lee and Whitney Sachs Mark and Sarah Sagarese *Robert and Juanita Salerno Daniel Sallick and Elizabeth Miller *Cindy and Jaime Sanchez Julio and Martha Sanchez *Eric Sapirstein and Karen Fenderson Frank and Carolyn Schugar Craig Schultz and Christy Concannon Michele Shannon Monica and Sam Sharata “*Donnie Shaw, Jr. and Sonya Tynes-Shaw” Robert and Eva Shea Alison and Thomas Shipman David and Patricia Shocket Bob and Liz Shorb Andrew and Paula Shoyer Ruth Shuman Greg and Melinda Sidak Seth and Stacy Silber Stephen and Michela Silvia Cal and Sally Simmons Linda Singer and Joseph Sternlieb William and Maral Skelsey *Daniel and Julia Small Derek and Karen Smith Celestine and Ricardo Smith Richard and Neone Smith Jayne Jerkins and Mark Srere Woody Stanley and Sezin Tokar *Carol and Robert Star Paul Stares and Sonni Efron Harold and Leslie Summey Barbara Seligman and Robert Tate Molly Teas *The Tenhula Family Bonnie Thomas Dave and Laurie Thomas Rodney Thomas and Kisha Poole John Tobe Julia and Victor Tolkan *Stuart Tomares Nelson Torres and Melanie Stutz Jose Trigo and Sandra De La O Frank and Margaret Trinity *Barrie Tron and Alexandra Thomson Peter and Laura Unger Michael Van Arsdall and Alicia Clark Paul and Elizabeth Varela Eduardo Gerlein and Cristina Vaughan Dita Verheij Geetha and Keith Waehrer Jaime and David Wales William Wasserman and Karen Sherman Amy Weiss and Peter Kadzik *Robert Weissler and Carol Miaskoff Edward and Tina West Katharine Weymouth Jeff and Gina White Mark Williams and Elizabeth Workman =

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* 5+ consecutive years

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Terrence and Tina Williams *David and Rebecca Williamson Elizabeth Curren and Dwain Winters David and Suzannah Yardas Mark Yarish *Angus and Sissy Yates Matthew Yeo and Karen Spangler Rick Young and Linda Fink Theodore and C. DeAnne Zwicker Barbara Zylinski and Natasha Matic ALUMNI PARENTS Tyler and Elizabeth Abell LaVonne Acty *Kent and Karen Allen *Mark and Elizabeth Allen *Reid and Annette Alsop *Jane Angarola *Gordy and Terri Anomnachi *Lawrence Banker and Amy Schmidt Bart Barnes Stephan Barth *Uri Berliner and MaryElizabeth Gifford *Amar Bhat and Anita Balachandra *Peter Bleakley and Mary DeRosa *Howard Boltansky and Merrill Lavine *Dean Brenner and Robin Shaffert Tyler Brown and Kathryn Peyton Kim Bruno and Wendy Clark *Larry Buc and Leigh Houck *Laura Hills and Steve Bunnell Lawrence and Karen Buster *James Cantor and Linda Gilbert Linda Carlson *Jean and Steve Case *Malcolm Catt and Lauren Stempler *Doris Celarier H. Perry Chapman *Arthur Cohen and Elizabeth Karcher *Martha Cohen *Jeffrey Colman and Ellen Nissenbaum Maudine Cooper Lynn and Jonathan Cottin *Thomas and Elizabeth Crocker Joseph and Ali Cudby Smith and Sandy Davis Pasquale and Nikki De Pandi *Stephen Dennett and Kirby Heller *Ron and Beth Dozoretz *David DuGoff and Victoria Bor *Samuel and Barbara Dyer Ricardo Edwards *Jim Epstein Peter Ames Eveleth *Herbert Faling and Ann Marie Koshuta Robert and Barbara Fallon Wendy Farrow *David Fegan *Alison and Peter Fenn Martha Finlator Molly and Frank Fitzmaurice Bernard Fitzmorris and

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Krys Kornmeier Barry Flax and Susan Kay *Paul and Ann Friedman *William Gale *Harvey and Alice Galper *Renee and Steve Gardner *Michael Gassmann and Cynthia Lewis *Fariborz and Lis Ghadar *Robert and Catharine Gibson Sidney and Doris Gibson *Ellen Ginsberg and George Schutzer *Laurel Glassman *Scott Golden and Stephanie Cohen Susan Gordon Lloyd Greenberg and Gail Harris *Seth Greenstein Tony Gualtieri and Dia Michels *Robert Lyford and Jean Gwaltney *Jack and Tucker Harris John and Willia Hennigan Carleton and Mickey Herbert *Charles and Harriette = Hobbs *Henry Howard and Jessica Hirschhorn Arthur and Eileen Hulnick Timothy and Suzanne Hyde *William Isaacson and Sophia McCrocklin *Sidrowe and Phronie Jackson *John Jenkins and Susan Raleigh Jenkins *Jeh Johnson and Susan DiMarco *Christina Kalavritinos *Martin and Andrea Kalin *Barbara Keeling

*Kevin and Lee Kelley Rob and Caroline Ketcham Arthur Keys and Jasna Basaric Keys *Mark and Lynn Klaiman Peter and Mary Klarfeld *Cal and Barbara Klausner Chiswell and Barbara Langhorne *Camille Larson and George Ruttinger *Will Layman and Lorraine Driscoll *Rick Leavy and Cynthia Jorgensen Andrew and Julie Lees *Carl Leubsdorf and Susan Page Joshua Levin and Debra Fried Levin *Steven Levin and Rondi Pillette Anne Livingston *Chris and Dean Lopez Eileen Lyons and Mark Wolf David and Janice MacKinnon *Neal Mann and Deborah Edge *Mary Manzari Kent Mason and Susan Adams *Melissa Maxman *Bobbie McCartney and Bob Johnson *Bernard and Barbara McDermott Bill McInturff *Roy McLeese and Virginia Seitz *Jim and Karen McManus *Tracy and David McPherson *Judy and Harry Melamed Joseph Melrod *Robert Meltz and Madeleine McElveen Jeff and Marcie Merriweather *Alden and Connie Meyer Louise Millikan Clayton Mills and Kim King

Toby and Myra Moffett “Kirk Monroe, Sr.” *Paul and Amy Moroney *Sidney and Linda Moskowitz *Stephen and Kathy Nelick *Donald Nelson and Penny Fovall *Anthony Nuland and Alexa Simmonds *Jane Nuland Frank and Rindy O’Brien William and Marianne O’Connell Timothy and Mary Kate O’Neill David and Barbara Ochmanek *Beale and Linn Ong Henry Otto and Judy Whalley Richard Paisner and Christie Weiner *Michael and Jill Phillips *Bob and Tricia Pinkard Richard and Dorothy Podgorny *Russ and Barbara Pommer Wendy Ponvert *Alan Porter and Wendy Erlanger *Blair and Stephen Raber Fred Rednor and Elana Wolin Stuart D. Rick *Gerd and Duncan Ritchie Meg Kelly Rizzoli ’78 and Anthony Rizzoli *William and Marcia Rock *Richard and Lisa Rossi *Robert and Juanita Salerno *Cindy and Jaime Sanchez *Eric Sapirstein and Karen Fenderson *Amy Schear Craig Scherer and Laureen Andrews Thomas and Cathryn Scoville

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*Perry and Dianne Seiffert *John Sener “*Donnie Shaw, Jr. and Sonya Tynes-Shaw” Clark and Marcia Silcox Kenneth Simon and Janet Hahn *Daniel and Julia Small Stanley Sobel and Elizabeth Nicholas *Jack and Sheila Sontag Mark and Jessica Steele *Stephen Stein and Lisa Happ *Paul and Helen Steinberg Bruce and Veronica Steinwald Betsi Stephen Lee and Joyce Stern *Susan Talarico and Michael Sundermeyer Peter and Jodi Susser *Robert Tanenbaum and Marla Lerner Tanenbaum Charles and Mary Ellen Taylor *The Tenhula Family *Peter Timmons and Tracey Orloff *Joseph Toscano *Barrie Tron and Alexandra Thomson *Timur Tunador and Christiana Jaeger *James Turner and Marcia Miller Fred and Lee Tyner *Ben and Lisa Van Dusen Dita Verheij *Francisco Villagran and Donna Eberwine-Villagran *Robert and Carolee Walker Stephen Walsh and Marianne Robb Jun Wang and Li Liang Matthew and Marjorie Watson Gerald Wedren *Bob and Anita Wellen *Jan White *Damon Green and Sherica White *David and Rebecca Williamson Michael Winer and Carol Gildenhorn Winer *Scott and Noreen Winkelman *John Wolosky and Miriam Camino-Wolosky *Mike and Missy Young *W. Michael Young ALUMNI Pam Chewning-Bravard ’76 *Daniel Salkovitz ’76 Lyndon Abell ’78 and Debra Abell Peter Castaldi ’78 Meg Kelly Rizzoli ’78 and Anthony Rizzoli Jace Alexander ’82 and Madeleine Alexander Thomas Canick ’82 and Michelle Canick Dorothy Clarke ’82 and Cliff Westfall *Josh Harris ’82 and Marjorie Harris Peter Sonnenriech ’82 and Debbie Sonnenriech

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Michael Wainwright ’82 and Leslie Wainwright Alex Weiner ’82 Katherine Zill ’82 Persephone Zill ’82 and Michael Kushner *David Berk ’83 and Michelle Cohen Jenny Gilbert ’83 Paul Gilbert ’83 and Laura Gilbert Holly Hobbs Rowe ’83 and Keith Rowe Caroline Ketcham Mahan ’83 Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty Joel Bernard ’84 and Julie Bernard Hugh Beshers ’84 Ashley Cooper Hair ’84 *Elizabeth Craig ’84 and Michael Yeager Cary Hardwick ’84 Andrew Harris ’84 and Mary Harris *Jeremy Sher ’84 and Dena Sher Tanya Uyeda ’84 and Mark Bousek Sandra Hulnick Borgerson ’85 *Matthew DeGurse ’85 Katherine Eskin Duckworth ’85 Robert Glass ’85 Bill Harris ’85 and Allyson Harris Jonathan Stern ’85 and Joanne Belonsky Jonathan Watson ’85 Sarah Baron ’86 *Matthew Gould ’86 and Charlotte Hartley Gould Cecilia Hirsch ’86 and Robert Savage Joshua Tuerk ’86 and John Coon Michael Fedoruk ’87 Alexandra Ince ’87 *David Monaco ’87 and Ellen Harris Katherine Ransom-Silliman ’87 and Craig Silliman Zoe Rosenfeld ’87 Rebecca Maury ’88 Marc Rankin ’88 *Gregory Watson ’88 *Michael Abate ’89 and Laura Abate Tom Gould ’89 Elena Hardy Allbritton ’89 and Robert Allbritton Chuck Jones ’89 Amanda MacKaye ’89 Braden Murphy ’89 Alison Quinn Vanderpoel ’89 Louisa Santarelli Koplan ’89 Ian Fischer ’90 Sonja Ritchie-Rife ’90 Eric Wakefield ’90 Josh Wulkan ’90 *Clarke Rodgers ’91 and Maria Rodgers Shelby Grant ’92 *Peter Monaco ’92 Garner Woodall ’92 and Lana Moriarty Jonathan Hayes ’93 and Wendy Raynor-Hayes Dahveed Kolodny-Nagy ’93

Marianne Yeung-Kopcsak ’93 and Michael Kopcsak *Bronwen Deubner Rankin ’93 and Andrew Rankin Wan Ryu ’93 *Michael Bowers ’94 Tony D’Alessio ’94 *Myra McGovern ’94 Helen Cymrot ’95 and Todd Ziegler Cymrot Nathan Friedman ’95 Jody Robertson ’95 Julie Burka-Slaughter Valliancourt ’95 Tom Wackman ’95 and Tunde Wackman *Anne Foley ’96 and Geoffrey Sparks Elizabeth Alsop ’97 Max Bodnar ’97 Josh Durant ’97 Emre Ersenkal ’97 and Rupa Parekh Will McFadden ’97 Sarah Small ’97 Alex Buc ’98 Brandon Skall ’98 Johanna Goldstein ’99 Hannah Hessel Ratner ’99 Carrie Hubbard ’99 “Nigel Parkinson, Jr. ’99” Shannon Stark ’99 Stacey Wirt Taylor ’99 Valeka Nichols Holt ’00 *John Scott Johnson ’00 Mollie Soloway ’00 Brendan Bailes ’01

Kristina Fenn Silver ’01 Joanna Navarro ’01 Oliver Nicholas ’01 Seth Porges ’01 Patrick Rees ’01 JD Sand ’01 Leo Buc ’02 Jonathan Fromowitz ’02 David Marimon ’02 Kirk Monroe ’02 Katie Phillips ’02 J.S. Taylor ’02 Lizzie Cohen ’03 Liam Mulshine ’03 Ethan Warsh ’03 Tim Caflisch ’04 *Hannah Klausner ’04 Lindsey Knowles ’04 Molly Phillips ’04 Sasha Silcox ’04 Joseph Dominguez ’05 Joe Enten ’05 Grant Hill ’05 Jay Nemeyer ’05 Alexandra Niemczewski ’05 *Daniel DuGoff ’06 Kayt Fitzmorris ’06 Jackie Garlock ’06 Katie Gottfried ’06 Eva Greenberg ’06 Katherine McClintic ’06 Eleanor Mulshine ’06 Lisa Otto ’06 Casey Scherer ’06

Nathan Silver ’06 Daniel Wolk ’06 Michael Chickinell ’07 John Gerdes ’07 Janice Gilman ’07 Andrea Hill ’07 Campbell Howe ’07 Sam Klausner ’07 Hannah Kroll ’07 Michael Nemeyer ’07 Forrest Rilling ’07 Alexandra Stein ’07 Lauren Svestka ’07 Amanda Winer ’07 Colin Hanrahan ’08 Precious Jenkins ’08 Rachel Moskowitz ’08 Sally Rizzoli ’08 Sam Schear ’08 Cal Silcox ’08 Wolf Boltansky ’09 Zachary Bruno ’09 Greg Phillips ’09 Alex Roppolo ’09 John Angarola ’10 Hollie Cunningham ’10 Jessica Darby ’10 Niko De Leon ’10 Sophie Howard ’10 Lindsey Scherer ’10 Elena Toscano ’10 Brendan Young ’10 Alice Bell ’11 Theo Cohen ’11 =

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* 5+ consecutive years

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Nora Colman ’11 Quintus Cunningham ’11 Rebecca Dennett ’11 Alexandra Fingerhut ’11 Emma Gotbaum ’11 Paul Gould ’11 Nora Greenstein ’11 Sam Mason ’11 Dylan McGuire ’11 Anna Rock ’11 Harrison Schutzer ’11 Grant Tanenbaum ’11 Blythe Thomas ’11 Jay Winkelman ’11 Lily Adelstein ’12 Benjamin Berliner ’12 Sonya Boltansky ’12 Dorean Collins ’12 Kevin Gardner ’12 Verna Gibson ’12 Campbell Jackson ’12 Yoni Kalin ’12 Zach Klaiman ’12 Mollie Schear ’12 Chris Sener ’12 Kylie Toscano ’12 Adin Walker ’12 Esther Werner ’12 Matthew Witkin ’12 Reed Young ’12 Kendall Close ’13 Joshua Cohn ’13 Kyle Craver ’13 Joshua Dozoretz ’13 William Friedman ’13 Ioanna Mattke ’13 Roy Seitz-McLeese ’13 Donnie Shaw ’13

Annie Small ’13 Jennifer Vise ’13 Mark Abdow ’14 Saanya Ali ’14 Nnamdi Anomnachi ’14 Daniel Antebi ’14 Julia Beatley ’14 Tara Bhat ’14 Jamie Catterall ’14 Samantha Clarke ’14 Gabe Colman ’14 Samuel Craver ’14 Nora Dahlberg ’14 Victoria Davis ’14 Andrew DeFrank ’14 William Ellick ’14 Elizabeth Freedman ’14 Nellie Gold-Pastor ’14 Lila Greenwood ’14 Madeline Gross ’14 Elizabeth Johnson ’14 Natalie Johnson ’14 Malcolm Jones ’14 Chloe Lassman ’14 Olivia Lassman ’14 Ethan Levin ’14 Noa Maltzman ’14 Yana Mazurkevich ’14 Camilla Mecagni ’14 Sam Melrod ’14 Murjoni Merriweather ’14 Ari Moskowitz ’14 Madeline Neuberger ’14 Dylan O’Brien Okster ’14 Nina Oleynik ’14 Sam Pinkerton ’14 Jacqueline Prosky ’14 Nate Renner ’14

Tommy Rizzoli ’14 Marcus Robinson ’14 Ben Rubenstein ’14 Julia Sachs ’14 Eva Shuman ’14 Emma Thomas ’14 Daniel Tomares ’14 Kate Venditti ’14 Nico Yardas ’14 Connor Madan ’15 CURRENT STUDENTS Connor Madan ’15 Sawyer London ’20 FACULTY AND STAFF (PAST AND PRESENT) Felicia Aikens Kara Aledort *Kent and Karen Allen Bryan Anderson *Nancy Anderson Jarrett Arnold Aaron Bachmann Kate Barnes ’84 and Tom McCarty Miguel Barrera Desmond Beach Whitney Bell Fenton Blake David Bonner Erik Borresen *Suzanne and Geoffrey Brown *David Buffum and Susan Greenspan Elizabeth Malia Calhoun Hana Carey *Liz Chausse John Cichello Julia Cohen

*Martha Cohen Tait Colberg Robert Curtis Hong Tong and Que Dang Marques Darcelin Josephine I. Diemond Caila Driscoll *Nate Edmunds Ermira Elmazaj Brittany Ensing Emre Ersenkal ’97 and Rupa Parekh Jake Fauver *Joe Finelli *Matt Fitzsimmons *Anne Foley ’96 and Geoffrey Sparks Lenka Folger *Gil Gallagher *Jesse and Julia Gaylord Alex Gnafakis Eva Greenberg ’06 *Robert Lyford and Jean Gwaltney Greg Hamlin *Tara Hanlon Beth Hansen *Stephanie Havenstein Clarion Heard Allie Heiman Jake Hirsch Eric Jean-Baptiste Courtney Johnson *Dale and Carrie Johnson Dillian Johnson *Dr. John Kalil *Karen and Geoff Keating Christine Kelley Chuck Kenner Rob and Caroline Ketcham Tomar Kingsland Karen Kinser and Michael Mason Jeff Kirkman Natalia and Lubomyr Kormeluk Jeff Kurtz and Linda Alder Wes Lanich *Will Layman and Lorraine Driscoll Sky Lesnick Filomena Lococo Jermaine Long *Gabrielle Loperfido *Chris and Dean Lopez *Chris Lorrain and Moira Shea *Tim Lyons and Moira McLaughlin Cahlan Mazur Hugh McElroy *Bridget McKeogh *Maureen Miesmer Louise Millikan Dave Nelson Ahh-Tai Nguyen Adrienne Nicholson *Link Nicoll Maddy O’Donnell Kermit Oliver Brian Orzechowski Henry Otto and Judy Whalley =

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* 5+ consecutive years

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Wendy Ponvert *Dominic Redd and Jennifer Graham Redd Ryan Reese Bill Roberts *Scott and Stephanie Rostan Wan Ryu ’93 *Kate Samuel Jonathan and Scarlett Schmidt Leah and Richard Schroeder JoAnne and Bob Scribner Kata Solow Meg and Ben Barker Jess Summerhill Florence Sun Megan Totzke Ly Tran Fred and Lee Tyner Emily Unger Brett Vanderlaan *Pat Wagner Georgia Warner Janine Werkman Chris Yator Ivan Zhang GRANDPARENTS Anonymous (2) Tyler and Elizabeth Abell *Susan Agger Yung and Si An Bart Barnes Phyllis Bialek Attilio and Rosemary Bisio Sandy and Stanley Bobb Lawrence and Jane Cohen Betty and Chuck Ewing

A utumn 2014

Peter and Pat Frechette Stephen and Arlie Friedlander John Gibson and Gloria Gould Gibson Nancy and John Harris Dean and Christina Howells Charles and Deborah Jefferson Barkev and Mary Ann Kibarian *Arthur and Jane Mason Raymond and Roberta McGuire James and Janice Morgan Agnes Nixon Sheila Ross Lee and Trina Rubenstein Catherine Ryan Peggy Smith Linda and Bob Walker Eric Wentworth FRIENDS Anonymous (1) Mollie Andron Derek Concicello Phil and Marcia Feola Mario Greszes and Lucy Grantham William Hoffman Dudley and Marian Lacy Ellen and Ken Mac Garrigle Alex Malison and Lisa Wilson Victor and Jennifer Mizrahi Marissa Rauch David Risk JoAnne and Bob Scribner Harriet and Nicholas Werkman

CORPORATIONS Anonymous (3) American Endowment Foundation ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts Program Bank of America Matching Gifts *Bedrock Management Company “Bentley Systems, Inc” Bunge North America Foundation Matching Gifts Community Systems Inc. Computer Associates Matching Gifts Program Cox Graae + Spack Architects Fannie Mae Foundation The Freddie Mac Foundation Matching Gift Program Gannett Foundation The Genworth Foundation *Global Impact- Combined Federal Campaign Independent Charities of America “LaSalle Hotel Lessee, Inc.” Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Peter Gallagher Basketball Tournament PG&E Corporation Campaign For The Community Raytheon Matching Gifts For Education Program Safeway


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THE LAST WORD by Tait Colberg When alumni return to Field for a visit—whether they are graduates, parents, or former faculty—they sometimes ask me worriedly if Field has changed in their absence, fearing that it may have strayed from the mission and character they so loved as its facilities and population have grown. I usually reply, “No, Field is much more the same than different.” The Elizabeth Ely Meeting House is the strongest and most noticeable example today: it is so well integrated physically and philosophically that it does not raise the question, “Is this genuinely Field?” but “How did we ever get along without this?” The need for such a gathering space has always been apparent. The Wyoming Avenue campus—two refurbished townhouses and the tiny carriage houses behind them—offered no place to gather the entire student body. For school-wide assemblies, we walked a few blocks to and from the Friends Meeting House or Our Lady Queen of Americas Parish. Even the informal gathering spaces within our buildings were small, with no more than half a dozen students clustered during breaks between classes. As we planned and executed the move to Foxhall Road, we made deliberate decisions to retain the virtues of the Old Campus. We kept the original Cafritz house largely intact, maintaining its domestic interiors and even their names: the Living Room, the Dining Room, the Club Room (with its light-up dance floor). We wanted Field to continue feeling like home, albeit a more spacious one. The new buildings that we constructed on either side of the house likewise included eccentric classrooms and hangout spots to reduce any institutional feel. For the first time, we had a playing field, a theater, and a gym. Yet we still lacked a gathering space. We managed to hold ordinary assemblies and formal events like graduations and anniversary celebrations in the gym, but it was too large and too utilitarian to host non-athletic events comfortably. Erecting one more building that would contain a lecture hall with a stage and stadium seating—part of the original Foxhall plan—seemed too tacked-on and still inadequate. The new Elizabeth Meeting House that we have begun to enjoy this year finally addresses the need for a school-wide gathering space, casual or formal, without compromising the principles and identity of Field’s past. The Meeting House easily accommodates a quick assembly of the entire student body for nuts-and-bolts announcements and creates a beautiful environment for more

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structured events with guest speakers and visitors. The Meeting House is no lecture hall, however; there is no stage, no rows of hard, fixed chairs. Students sit on the plush, modular furniture, the carpeted floor—or on each other, as Field students always have. The space is equally useful and pleasant as a lunch destination, an extra-classroom activity zone, and an all-weather throughway between the other buildings. Leaning into a couch and gazing out one of the floor-to-ceiling windows at a game in progress on the field, the monuments of the National Mall studding the District’s skyline, and planes tilting their trajectories toward Reagan National Airport might provide the most leisurely justification for the great space. For all of these reasons, the Meeting House is naturally and heavily populated throughout the day: before school, between classes, and after.

The Meeting House easily accommodates a quick assembly of the entire student body for nuts-and-bolts announcements and creates a beautiful environment for more structured events with guest speakers and visitors.

Attaching the name of our founder, the brilliant, brave, and beloved Elizabeth Ely, to this structure is therefore a fitting tribute. I invite alumni of all sorts and eras to visit her and our Meeting House, as well as the other new spaces on campus, for confirmation that the best traditions of Field not only continue, but grow fuller and stronger.



eteran teacher, Tait Colberg began teaching at The Field School in 1997—the year the current seniors were born! Originally Hired as a Latin teacher, Tait has taught in every department except math and science—Latin, History 9, Rational and Non-rational Approaches to Meaning (senior humanities seminar), and art!

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WELCOME TO THE ALUMNI COMMUNITY, CLASS OF 2014! Field alumni attend a wide variety of colleges and universities all over the country. In 2014, alone, our 65 graduates attended 49 different schools! Below you can see all of the great schools where the classes of 2013 and 2014 (in color!) are studying.

Alfred University American University Arcadia University Bates College Berklee College of Music Brock University Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Colby College Colgate University College of Charleston Colorado College Curry College Denison University Dickinson College Drexel University Duke University Elmira College Elon University Emerson College Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts Franklin and Marshall College Full Sail University Goucher College Hamilton College - NY Hampshire College Haverford College Ithaca College James Madison University Juniata College Kenyon College Lafayette College Lawrence University Marist-LdM-Florence Maryland Institute College of Art McDaniel College Merrimack College Miami University, Oxford Muhlenberg College New York University Oberlin College Occidental College Ohio University Ohio Wesleyan University Pitzer College Pomona College Reed College Saint Michael’s College San Francisco Art Institute Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design Scripps College Skidmore College Smith College St. John’s University - Queens Campus St. Mary’s College of Maryland Stanford University Syracuse University The College of New Jersey The College of Wooster The University of Texas, Austin Trinity College Tulane University Union College United States Naval Academy University of Colorado at Boulder University of Denver University of Mary Washington University of Maryland, College Park University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of St. Andrews University of Vermont Ursinus College Villanova University Washington University in St. Louis Wentworth Institute of Technology Wesleyan University Wheaton College MA Whitman College

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