Published by the Hill
Country Sun
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November 2015
It’s all about music at Hudson’s on Mercer
By Laurel Robertson
hey’ve been harmonizing together for more than a generation nowso when the most recent offshoot of the musical Kyle Family decided to open a live-music venue in downtown Dripping Springs, it quickly became a family affair. Chad Hudson — whose mother, aunts and uncles famously perform all over the Hill Country as the Kyle Family — is the owner (along with wife, Natasha) of Dripping Springs’ newest music hall, Hudson’s on Mercer. With live music, food and drink, a recording studio, and music instruction, there’s “a little something for everyone at Hud’s.” There’s also a lot of everyone involved in the whole operation. “When Chad told us he was going to open a music place on Mercer, we were all excited. Now it’s the family’s new home,”
says Chad’s mother Bodi (Kyle) Hudson. Chad spent his childhood in Oak Hill and Dripping Springs, learning to sing and play instruments alongside his mother and her musical sisters and brothers. The five siblings had learned to sing and harmonize on long car trips with their father, a traveling (and singing) preacher. “He’d tell us, ‘Kids, pick a part and sing along,’” recalls Chad’s Aunt Mary Margaret (Kyle) Dement. When he was in his 20s, Chad left for Nashville and the singer/songwriter circuit. He found success writing and cowriting songs and was hired as a staff songwriter for major record companies. He met wife, Natasha, in Nashville, and brought her home to Dripping Springs, where they became lead singers and musicians in the popular band, People’s Choice. See HUDSON’S ON MERCER, page 2
Chad and Natasha Hudson, owners of Dripping Springs’ newest music hall, Hudson’s on Mercer. With live music, food and drink, a recording studio, and music instruction, there’s a little something for everyone. Photo courtesy Clinton Holtzendorf Photography.
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HUDSON’S ON MERCER, from page 1
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A crowd gathers at Hudson’s on Mercer during the Gospel Brunch at the recent Dripping Springs Songwriters Festival. Photo courtesy Clinton Holtzendorf Photography. Chad and Natasha plan to book both Texas and Nashville performing artists on their new stage on Mercer. From small concert-style performances by touring artists to jams with popular local bands, the musical lineup will bring a variety of musical talent to Dripping Springs. Outside on Hudson’s large patio, Angel’s Food Truck serves their “Sexy Texas Fusion” food Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Other days, there are pre-made sandwiches available inside, so
no one goes hungry. Monday nights are Karaoke at 7:30 pm. Tuesdays are Open “Mike” night with host Mike Waite. Signups start at 6:30 pm; the show at 7:30 pm. Each artist performs up to three songs. Many of the promising young students from Hudson House of Music will “get their performance chops up” on Hud’s open mic stage, says Chad. Hudson House of Music offers private and group lessons in classroom See HUDSON’S ON MERCER, page 3
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Music, food, drink and more at Dripping Springs’ newest venue, Hudson’s on Mercer. Photo courtesy Clinton Holtzendorf Photography.
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Welcoming exterior of Hudson’s on Mercer, located at 381 West Mercer Street, next to Robin’s at Rippy’s. Photo courtesy Clinton Holtzendorf Photography.
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Chad Hudson. Photo courtesy Clinton Holtzendorf Photography.
Wanting to keep a warm, gracious, loving, joy filled, peaceful heart? Want more patience? Want a more peaceful, loving heart? Negative states are less likely to come when you are able to move your body, manage your breath and relax! Yoga hasn’t gotten this popular for no good reasons! Try it! You might just be amazed. We have a class for everyone. The Kyle Family performs at the Dripping Springs Songwriters Festival Gospel Brunch at Hudson’s on Mercer. Photo courtesy DorRae Stevens. space at the back of Hudson’s on Mercer. Chad and Natasha, with six other teachers (including Jack Rogers who previously owned a music store in the same building), teach guitar, voice, bass, drums, piano, fiddle and violin, mandolin and ukulele to adults and kids. For Chad, the most rewarding part of teaching a kid to play an instrument is seeing the change in their level of selfconfidence. “Their shoulders straighten and they feel as important as the star athlete at school,” he says. He shows kids that there are many ways to be part of the music world - being a performer, a producer, a technician, or a teacher. “Even a bar owner,” he adds with a grin. Tuesday nights are community choir night, with separate sessions for kids, young adult and adult choirs. “Mommy and Me” preschool music classes are offered Monday and Wednesday mornings. Beween the music school and the music venue is the recording studio,
where professional sound engineers are available to record anything from song demos to full acoustic/vocal productions - priced by the hour or by the project. When Chad and the rest of the Kyle Family filled the stage of Hudson’s on Mercer for the Sunday morning Gospel Brunch during the Dripping Springs Songwriters Festival, you could hear every harmony resonate in the packed but silent house. After their performance, applause erupted from the audience like thunder. “Rumor has it that you might see a monthly Gospel Brunch here in the future,” hints the Hudson’s on Mercer website. “More on that to come....” FYI • Hudson’s on Mercer Street and Hudson’s House of Music are located at 381 West Mercer Street in Dripping Springs. Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday from noon to 11 pm, Friday noon to midnight, Saturday 11 am to 12 midnight, and Sunday noon to 11 pm. For more information and a schedule of performances, visit the web site at, find their Facebook page or call 512-894-2075.
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96” rustic table with 8 leather chairs Hudson House of Music offers private and group lessons in classroom space at the back of Hudson’s on Mercer. Photo courtesy Clinton Holtzendorf Photography.
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Christmas Open House Santa, Food & Christmas Shopping
By Laurel Robertson
he newest stars on Mercer Street are the Starr sisters, Sarah Starr Sahs and Melissa Starr Oehler, and their unique business venture — Starrs on Mercer. Behind the bright turquoise door lies an imaginative shopping experience that the duo call "a modern day department store.” The sisters grew up in a small town in south Texas where everyone bought everything they needed at the two department stores in town. "That's all we knew," recalls Melissa. "They carried things for everyone in the family and everyone in there knew you." The sisters designed Starrs on Mercer to offer that hometown shopping experience to folks in Dripping Springs. For 10 years, the two worked together as marketers in the Fortune 300 corporate world, and spent a lot of time away from their families, traveling. "That craziness wasn't what we wanted to be doing in the long run," says Melissa. She quit that life and moved from Georgetown to Dripping Springs to be near Sarah and their mother, and soon fell in love with the look and feel of the growing Mercer Street Historic District. After friends pointed out that the historic Goslin Building was for rent, the pair of self-professed "professional shoppers" took the opportunity to create their own version of their memorable small town department stores. "Now we shop for other people and love it!" say the pair, who travel to markets around the U.S. in their quest for the best merchandise for their "boutique with a twist." In addition to an ample selection of women's and junior's clothing, their store carries men's clothes (including shirts, pants, belts, wallets, and boxers); clothing and toys for babies and children; gifts for Christmas, weddings and all occasions; a large selection of robes, slippers and lingerie; and accessories - jewelry, purses, scarves and more. There's also some vintage furniture and select housewares, along with several items of pure whimsy. Just through the east door and out into the side yard sits maybe the most unexpected addition to a department store: Sisters Alley. Part BYO-wine patio, part kids playground, the total relaxation zone is open for community use during store hours. Tables shaded by large umbrellas sit adjacent to a small play area with a giant Jenga game and boards/bags for cornhole toss. With its small side bar, Sisters Alley is ideal for book club meetings, women's groups, wine tastings, birthday parties and just taking a break during a day on Mercer Street.
Sisters Sarah Starr Sahs and Melissa Starr Oehler. Photo courtesy Starrs on Mercer. Starrs on Mercer plans a semi-annual vintage furniture sale in Sisters Alley, along with regular Trunk Shows featuring the works of local artists such as jewelry designers Liz James and David Hodges. "We carry as many locally produced items as we can," says Melissa. See STARRS ON MERCER, page 5
Look for the turquoise door at Starrs on Mercer. Photo by Laurel Robertson.
Jewelry and accessories. Photo by Laurel Robertson.
NOVEMBER 2015 STARRS ON MERCER, from page 4 From the nationally marketed Consuela Handbags (produced locally) to the works of local succulent artist Jennifer Ziegler and t-shirts by Thorne Wall (owned by two Dripping Springs women), Melissa says they are amazed at how much talent there is to choose from here. The sisters became local history buffs through the process of remodeling the old Goslin Building into Starrs on Mercer. Melissa researched the history of the
old stone structure, which was built in 1941 to accommodate the expansion of W.C. Goslin's drugstore. Over the years, she reports, it has served as a general store with a soda fountain and burger bar, a pharmacy with a meat market in the rear, and an insurance agency. From the 1980s until last year it was the home of Bassett machine shop. Their extensive remodeling included replacing all the wiring, installing cen-
tral air conditioning and constructing two spacious fitting rooms towards the back. "Basically, we took it down to the stone walls and rebuilt the entire interior," Melissa says. The side yard (now Sisters Alley) was totally hidden by weeds, she says. The sisters' credo for their customer service is to have someone available to help, if the customer wants it, or to leave them alone and let them shop, if that's what they prefer. "And when you try on clothing here — you're gonna get honesty from us," Melissa promises. "We never tell someone something looks good on them unless it does! We care more about you looking good than we do about making that sale. If you leave here with something that really works for you, that makes us happy." Starrs on Mercer plans a Grand Opening celebration the weekend before Thanksgiving, and jumps right into the Dripping Springs merchants' activities by participating in First Thursdays, DS Women's Club Holiday Bazaar (November 18), and Christmas on Mercer and the Christmas Gift Tour (December 5). FYI • Starrs on Mercer is located at 209 Mercer Street in Dripping Springs, between the Barbershop Bar and The Mercantile. Hours are Monday through Friday, 10 am to 7 pm; Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm and Sunday from noon to 5 pm. For more information, visit the web site at, find them on Facebook or call 512-858-4100.
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Sarah and Melissa designed Starrs on Mercer to offer that hometown department store shopping experience to folks in Dripping Springs. In addition to women’s and junior clothing and accessories, Starrs also carries men’s clothing, gifts, even vintage furniture and select housewares. Photos by Laurel Robertson.
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Calendar EVERY SUNDAY • Live Jazz Brunch Buffet at the Nutty Brown Cafe. EVERY MONDAY • Rotary Club Meets. 11:45 am at Flores Restaurant, 2440 East Highway 290. 11:45 am. • Boy Scout Troop 280 meets at St. Martin de Porres Church Hall. 512-904-0444, • Karaoke Night at Hudson’s on Mercer. 7:30 pm. FIRST and THIRD MONDAYS • Dripping Springs Lions Club meets. 6:30 pm at Dripping Springs Ranch Park. Sharon at 512-923-8360. SECOND MONDAYS • Group of Dripping Springs (GODS) Moms meets. Dripping Springs Methodist Church 9 am to 11:15 am. 512-894-0581. FOURTH MONDAYS • Artists of Dripping Springs. Gatherings at area studios. 512-894-0394. • Gen. Ben McCulloch 2435, UDC meets at the Veterans Hall, 27500 Ranch Road 12 at 7 pm. Sharon Hudson at 512-858-7177. EVERY TUESDAY • Dripping Springs Toastmasters. 6:30 pm at Pioneer Bank, 100 Creek Road. Visitors welcome. EVERY TUESDAY • Dripping Springs Property Tour. 512579-7711, • Hill Country Community Band Rehearses at Chapel in the Hills, Wimberley. 7 pm to 8:30 pm. 512-517-3111. • Open “Mike” Night with your host Mike Waits at Hudson’s on Mercer. Sign ups at 6:30 pm, show starts by 7:30 pm. Each artists can perform up to three songs (time permitting.) SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH TUESDAYS • Dripping Springs Boy Scout Troop 101
meets. Dripping Springs United Methodist Church. 7 pm. Tom Chenault, 512-707-7488. SECOND TUESDAYS • Friends of the Dripping Springs Community Library. 11 am. 512-771-3217 or for information and volunteer opportunities. EVERY WEDNESDAY • Dripping Springs Farmers Market. The Triangle (Highway 290/ Ranch Road 12) 3 pm to 7 pm. • Open Mic at Mercer Street Dance Hall hosted by Nick Gatewood. www. • Awana. Wednesday. Henly Baptist Church. SECOND WEDNESDAY • Free Alzheimer’s Support Group meets at Arveda Alzheimer’s Family Care. RSVP to 512-637-5400. EVERY THURSDAY • Hill Country Jam at Mercer Street Dance Hall with Doug Moreland. Free admission. 7:30 pm. • Thyme and Dough Bistro Nights with live music, dinners and decadent desserts. 6 pm to 9 pm. 512-894-0001. • Henly Baptist Church JOY (Just Older Youth) Club. 9:30 am . www. FIRST THURSDAYS • Dripping Springs American Legion 7 pm. 512-858-5637. • Nonfiction Addiction Book Club meets at the Dripping Springs Community Library from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. New members welcome., 512-858-7825. • First Thursday. Participating businesses offer special events such as artisans, food and music plus sale items. 5 pm to 9 pm. FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY • Lions Club meets at 131 East Mercer
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Street. 512-858-5159. SECOND THURSDAYS • Knights of Columbus, Council 11695, meets at the St Martin de Porres Parrish Hall on Post Oak Road, at 7:30 pm. Preceded by a pot luck dinner. THIRD THURSDAYS • Dripping Springs Cookoff Club. 6:30 pm in the VFW Hall in Dripping Springs. • Dripping Springs VFW meets. 27500 Ranch Road 12. 7 pm. 512-858-5637. • Thirsty Thursday. Poets, musicians, songwriters, storytellers share work. Sponsored by City of Dripping Springs and New Life Lutheran Church. 7 pm, Dripping Springs Ranch Park. 512-858-2024. FOURTH THURSDAY • Photographers of Dripping Springs (PODS). Dripping Springs Community Library. 6:30 pm. 512-524-7897. EVERY FRIDAY • Men’s Breakfast at Fitzhugh Baptist Church. 6:30 am. 512-913-4808. • Free wine tasting and art gallery. 5 pm to 8 pm. EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY • Dance Lessons at Mercer Street Dance Hall. 7:30 pm. SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAY • Pet Adoption Sponsored by Thundering Paws Animal Sanctuary. Tractor Supply. 512-402-9725. NOVEMBER 1 • 18th Annual Empty Bowls Project at Mercer Street Dancehall, 332 Mercer Street (See story, page 1.) 11 am to 4 pm. NOVEMBER 5 • R e l a y f o r L i f e K i c k - O f f . w w w. NOVEMBER 6 • Lost Sound of Texas Honky Tonk. Live music at Mercer Street Dancehall. www. NOVEMBER 7 • Rainwater Revival. A Hill Country Alliance event at Dripping Springs Ranch Park and Events Center. Speakers, vendors, demos, kids’ crafts, music and food. • Free Outdoor Concert. Live music from 1 pm to 6 pm at New Life Lutheran Church. 121 Buffalo Canyon Drive. www. • Michael Myers. Live at Mercer Street Dancehall. NOVEMBER 11 • Dripping Springs Rotary Club Veterans Day Tribute at Mercer Street Dancehall. 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm. More information at NOVEMBER 11 • Gary P. Nunn. Live music from the legend at Mercer Street Dancehall. www. NOVEMBER 11 • Christmas Open House at Cowgirls and Lace. Santa, food and Christmas shopping. NOVEMBER 15 • Dripping Springs United Methodist Church hosts a GriefShare seminar called
Gary P. Nunn plays Mercer Street Dance Hall November 13. Photo courtesy Gary P. Nunn. “Surviving the Holidays” in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone who has lost a loved one due to death is welcome to attend. The event is free, free childcare available. 2 pm to 4 pm. Pre-register for comfortable seating, adequate materials and childcare reservations. Video interviews with top Christian experts on grief and recovery topics from Biblical perspective and personal testimonies from people who have experienced holidays after bereavement. Support group discussion presented during the video, those who attend will receive a Survival Guide filled with practical tips, encouraging words, a gospel presentation, journaling ideas, and exercises for daily help through the holiday season. Call Dripping Springs UMC at 512-894-7123 or call Linda Snow at 512-619-9975 for questions and/or reservations. NOVEMBER 18 • Dripping Springs Women’s Club Holiday Marketplace. 1 pm to 5 pm at The Terrace Club. 2600 East Highway 290. Email for more information. NOVEMBER 28 • Hill Country Gift Tour. Shop local at Dripping Springs stores and support local businesses, on Tour featuring more than 25 local merchants and restaurants. For $30, purchase a festive holiday bag with a map to each participating store or eatery. Your bag will be filled to the brim with gifts to keep or give away. Tickets on sale November 2 at the Dripping Springs Chamber at 509 Mercer Street and limited to the first 125 purchasers. 512-858-7000 or DECEMBER 5 • Christmas on Mercer. From 10 am to 5 pm enjoy a special holiday festival with arts and crafts booths, children’s games and activities, live family entertainment, local food vendors, and of course, Santa! Admission is free. Tree lighting is at dusk.
Rotary hosts Veterans Tribute November 11 DRIPPING SPRINGS H The Dripping Springs Rotary Club will host the 2015 Veterans Day Tribute November 11 from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm at Mercer Street Dance Hall. The free, annual event is open to the community and donations to our veterans are accepted. Food and fellowship with local veterans will begin at 5:30 pm, followed by live music from Allen Cunningham from 6 pm to 7 pm. A ceremony and tribute to veterans will be held from 7 pm to 7:30 pm, then Hot Texas Swing Band will round off the night with great live music. In 2014, through community support, the Rotary Club donated more than $5,000 to local Veterans organizations. This year, an anonymous donor has provided the Dripping Springs Rotary Club with a collectible giclee’ print on canvas by nationally known western/wildlife artist Ragan Gennusa whose work raises thousands of dollars for charities. The 16” x 24” giclee’ depicts a whitetail deer and is number two of only three personal artist proofs signed and numbered by the artist. The bidding will start at $100 as a live auction. Proceeds from the auction will benefit the Veterans. Locally, the Rotary Club of Dripping Springs sponsors projects such as updated playground equipment at City playgrounds, multi-year support for a character building program at a local elementary school, construction of concession and restroom facilities at the local sports park, construction of therapeutic gardens at a local assisted living facility, construction of improvements for the Dripping Springs Chamber of Commerce, supporting the local food bank, and helping a local center for disadvantaged youth with repairs and improvements. They meet every Monday at noon at Flores Mexican Restaurant. If you are interested in joining the Dripping Springs Rotary, please visit a weekly meeting. FYI • Proceeds from this year’s Veterans Day Tribute event will benefit VFW Post 2933, American Legion Post 290, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Mercer Street Dancehall is located at 322 Mercer Street, Dripping Springs, Texas 78620. For more information on the 2014 Veterans Day Tribute, please visit the following websites: Rotary Club of Dripping Springs at; Mercer Street Dancehall at Find Rotary of Dripping Springs on (Rotary-Club-of-Dripping-Springs).
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