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Hillcrest Christian College is an independent, co-educational College for students form Prep to Year 12 which delivers a world leading, future focused educational experience, underpinned by a biblical world view. The school is a member of ISQ (Independent Schools, Queensland) and CSA (Christian Schools Australia). The College campus is located at 21 Bridgman Drive, Reedy Creek, Queensland. This report has been produced by Hillcrest Christian College to meet the reporting obligations of the Queensland and Australian Governments.

About Hillcrest

The Hillcrest P-12 Campus comprises of two learning communities. Each of these areas have their own Head of School working under the direction of the Executive Head of College. Hillcrest also offers a Kindy (3-5 year olds), outside school hours care, an international department for overseas students, and extra-curricular activities which all operate on campus.

Average Student Attendance

Student’s attendance is recorded each day. In managing student absence, the College requires parents/carers to notify of any student absences by 9.00 am on the day of the absence. If a student is away for an extended period due to illness or other circumstance, the College will endeavour to provide schoolwork if the student is fit to complete it. If a student is absent for an extended period (more than several days) and no notification has been given, then parents are contracted by a School Officer (either Teacher, Year Level Coordinator or Administration Assistant) to validate a reason. Long term absences with little expectation of attendance will usually result in a parent withdrawing the child from the College voluntarily, or a meeting will occur with the Executive Head of College or Head of School to discuss ceasing enrolment in each individual case. The drop in student attendance appears to correlate to the number of students who have contracted COVID-19 or have been isolating as close contacts of those with COVID-19

School Income And Naplan Results

Please refer to the ACNC website for a full breakdown of school income and funding. Visit: http://www.myschool.edu.au/

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