Our Junior Learning Community (JLC) strengthens your child’s educational foundation, by providing a caring environment where they will embark on a journey of social, emotional, spiritual, physical and academic development. Every child has been uniquely and wonderfully made, filled with the potential to succeed in their personal pursuits, and to make a significant difference in our world. We believe children have a far greater capacity to learn and succeed if their strengths and needs are identified, and so our teachers are committed to knowing your child’s individual character, and providing a learning environment that is best suited to their needs and interests.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14
The Junior Learning Community provides a rich and diverse curricular and co-curricular program. Along with our core learning areas, students from Prep Year 6 have specialised Music, Art, French (Years 3-6) and Physical Education lessons. They can also engage in additional programs such as Chess, Speech and Drama, and other interest areas.
INFORMATION CLASSROOM HOURS School runs from 8.20am - 3.00pm (2.40pm for Prep only), Monday to Friday during term time.
DAILY STRUC TURE Our Junior Learning Community classrooms provide great diversity to incorporate a range of exciting topics and activities, while following this general daily timetable: Life Group
8.20am - 9.00am
9.00am - 10.20am
10.20am - 11.00am
Middle Session
11.00am - 1.00pm
1.00pm - 1.40pm
Afternoon Session 1.40pm - 3.00pm
GENERAL BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE We understand that various family and work commitments mean your Prep – Year 6 children may require additional care beyond our general College class times. We run a professional Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) service at the Reedy Creek Baptist Church on Gemvale Road, where your child will be cared for in a childcentred learning environment. We provide a free bus service that shuttles our students to and from Hillcrest for our OSHC programs. We offer Before School Care from 6.30am – 8.20am, and After School Care from 3.00pm – 6.00pm, as well as Vacation Care during the school holidays. More information about our OSHC program, including fees, is provided on our Hillcrest website. Our OSHC program is a government-funded service, and therefore eligible families are able to claim the CCS (Child Care Subsidy).
We offer Before School Care from 6.30am – 8.20am and After School Care from 3.00pm – 6.00pm
ENROLMENT & FEES Information regarding Hillcrest enrolment and College fees, is provided in the College Prospectus, or on our website at www.hillcrest.qld.edu.au/enrolment.
UNIFORMS The Junior Learning Community attire includes a formal uniform and sports uniform, and more information on our uniform specifications, costs and purchasing, can be found at our uniform shop from 7.30am – 9.15am, Monday - Friday (during school term), located in Room 9 in the Junior Learning Community. Alternatively, please visit www.hillcrest.qld.edu.au/about/uniform to find out more.
OUR STAFF Our teaching and administrative staff are all committed Christians with a heart to lead our students on their unique academic, spiritual and cocurricular journeys. They see their role as much more than just a job, but as an opportunity to use their gifts and talents to fulfil their God-given purpose. Our Hillcrest staff consistently go above and beyond the expectations of their role because they are passionate about creating the best possible place for your child to learn and grow.
Our new, purpose-built Prep Year 2 Precinct consists of twelve state-of-the-art learning spaces in the design of a castle, with flexible indoor and outdoor learning areas. Retractable doors, break-out spaces, modern furniture, innovative technology, and engaging play equipment, all create an environment which inspires curiosity and creativity.
Our supportive community ensures that every student who joins Hillcrest, joins a welcoming and inclusive community. We believe if a student feels secure and valued, is inspired and challenged in their learning, and comfortable in their environment, they will ultimately succeed.
Our Years 3 - 4 learning facilities will also undergo a refurbishment this year to create more flexible teaching spaces and break out areas for personalised learning. The modern ‘Years 5 and 6 Precinct’ caters for the older students in our Junior Learning Community and provides an innovative, open-plan environment that fosters selfdirected learning and greater student engagement. The Precinct features an expansive open learning area and breakout rooms including a sound studio, green-room, Skype room, Maker Space, media room, café and quiet study area.
At Hillcrest we promote a culture of excellence where all students can achieve their full potential, and where effort is rewarded and success is celebrated. We provide an innovative education and outstanding teachers to help students develop intellectual strength. Our dedicated staff get to know every student and identify talent, while providing support where required.
CURRICULUM Hillcrest Christian College follows the State and National guidelines for the development of curriculum. As a Christian school, we integrate a biblical worldview in all of our subjects with the Christian Living subject solely dedicated to teaching students about Jesus, biblical principles, and living a God-honouring life.
I LOVE READING PROGRAM I Love Reading (ILR) is a unique literacy program taught in our JLC, which has been designed to facilitate the rapid learning of reading. This comprehensive program aims to remove the complexities from reading, empowering early learners to grasp literacy concepts from a younger age. ILR combines proven literacy methodologies with an innovative approach to learning. This fresh model for literacy learning assists early readers to learn every sound, of every word of the English language through a multi-faceted, yet simple phonetic coding system. The aim is to equip children as they move from ‘Learning to Read’ to ‘Reading to Learn’ and foster a love for reading along the way.
SUBJECTS Each Prep class operates with a core Teacher and a Teacher Aide, in a child-focussed environment where the foundations for learning are quickly established. Prep students develop literacy and numeracy skills from the beginning, and many of our Prep children are reading and writing during their first semester, as well as developing an understanding of foundational mathematical concepts. We use the I Love Reading (ILR) program as our foundational basis for teaching our young students to read, and our Prep and Year 1 students have achieved levels of reading that well exceed the standard for Australian students.
Our skills-based curriculum is embedded throughout the Junior Learning Community, and uses the SECRET Skills framework to teach students how to become Self-Managers, Effective Participators, Creative ProblemSolvers, Reflective Learners, Enquirers and Team-Workers. SECRET Skills are developed through participation in design-centred tasks that require grit, perseverance and collaboration, and where the process of learning is valued as much as the final outcome. Students reflect on their growth, and assess themselves and their peers based on visible evidence of their progress. All JLC classes from Prep - Year 6 undertake the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, HASS, Technologies, Health, the Arts and Christian Living, and also enjoy lessons with specialist teachers for Music and Physical Education. Years 3 - 6 also have specialist French lessons.
Our students live in a digital age and we are cognisant of the need to educate students how to successfully and responsibly operate electronic devices. Students in Years 5 and 6 can bring their own device from home for classroom work purposes, but must ensure that the device has Microsoft Office software installed, and is stylus-enabled.
GIFTED & TALENTED PROGRAMS Our Gifted and Talented extension programs in the Junior Learning Community consist of a full time Gifted and Talented program, and a selection of short courses for gifted students, across various subject areas. Highly gifted students have the capacity for higher-level learning and require a more challenging program, which is provided through our full-time gifted and talented program for Years 3-6 students. Consideration for the full-time program begins in the preparatory years, and continues through Years 1 and 2. Our short courses are condensed units of work where students seeking extension and enrichment in a particular area of interest or ability, can participate.
COCURRICULAR ASSEMBLIES Prep - Year 6 students attend a weekly assembly/chapel service called Hilly Kids. During Hilly Kids students celebrate each other’s achievements and enjoy devotions, bible teachings and a time of singing and worship.
MUSIC Learning music from a young age teaches valuable skills and assists children in the development of literacy, numeracy, hand-eye coordination and aural/listening skills, as well as providing opportunities to teach cooperation with others, and positive social skills. Our music program at Hillcrest is informed by research relating to child development, and our young students all have the chance to develop a strong foundation for musical learning through the concepts of beat, rhythm, inner hearing, timbre, pitch and singing. Hillcrest students in the JLC have the following opportunities in music:
AC A D E M I C M U S I C • Prep - Year 1 (40 minutes) • Years 2 - 4 (40 minutes) • Years 4 and 5 String Immersion Program • Year 5 Instrumental program – Band and Strings • Year 6 (40 minutes)
COCURRICULAR I N ST R U M E N T S • E nsembles • Violin and Piano (from Prep) • G uitar (from Year 3) • Band (Year 5) • S tring Beans (Year 5) • I ntermediate Band (from Year 6) • J unior Orchestra (from Year 6) • I ndividual Vocal and Instrumental Instruction
CHORAL COCURRICULAR • Chorus (Year 2) • Hillcrest Blokes (Years 2 – 6) Boys Only • Choir Junior Singers and Primary Voices (Years 3/4) • V oice and other instruments (from Year 4) • Chorale (Years 5/6) • C horal Excellence Program: Poco Voce (Year 5/6) Bella Voce (Years 6 – 9)
FRENCH In our Junior French lessons, students from Years 3 - 6 will: • Engage with a variety of spoken, visual and written texts with high levels of support • Join in with French stories, songs, imaginative play, and simple conversations • Participate in intercultural experiences, to develop new ways of understanding the world • Write and create digital texts in French including stories, songs, online games and ICT programs.
(SENSORY MOTOR INTEGRATION LEARNING EXPERIENCES) Prep – Year 3 students have a weekly S.M.I.L.E lesson to practise: Gross and fine motor skills, body awareness, body control, integrating movements and manipulating equipment, social skills, interaction with others, effort, behaviour, engagement in activities, introduction to sport specific skills - throwing, catching, ball control, tracking and trapping, kicking, striking.
AQUATICS & SPORT EDUCATION PROGRAM • Prep – Year 4: Learn to Swim and Stroke Correction • Years 3 and 4: Sport Development Program • Years 5 and 6: Surf Smart Program • Inter-house Carnivals: Prep – Year 3 Sports Day • Years 4 – 6: Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals • Years 5 and 6: Interschool Sport Competition
PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Years 4 – 6 students will have a weekly PE lesson to practise: Progressive development of all fundamental and specialised movement skills and techniques; improvement in physical performance in fitness elements [cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility] for health and wellbeing; refining of teamwork, tactics, strategies and enhancing participation in physical activity.
ADDITIONAL SPORTS DEVELOPMENT We offer a range of programs to ensure students can develop their sporting abilities, including: • Prep - Year 6: Our Sparks, Flames and Explosions programs offer a range of sports development and extracurricular opportunities before and after school, at minimal cost. • Years 4 - 6: Sport Season Training includes running and athletics, AFL, netball, hockey, soccer, rugby league, basketball, cricket, baseball / softball, touch football • Representative Pathways for 10, 11 and 12 year olds who wish to complete in District, Regional and National Sport Trials and Championships • Afterschool Sport Clinics (sport-specific organisations) include Viva Soccer, Heat Mini Ball basketball, AFL Auskick, tennis, and netball
BANKING Our students are able to participate in the school banking program that is run in conjunction with the Commonwealth Bank. The JLC Administration Office has School Banking Program packs for parents and includes information on the program and details on how to set up your child’s bank account. Once their account has been set up, your child will be able to start the banking program. Collection of banking is received every Tuesday, and students can bring their savings in on a Tuesday, as often as they wish.
HOMEWORK The intention of our homework routine at Hillcrest is to promote a love of literature in young children, which is why we encourage nightly reading. Research has shown that formal homework tasks at a junior school level have little to no measurable benefits, so we do not set compulsory homework tasks, but rather foster a love of learning through home enrichment activities, where students can take responsibility for managing a variety of tasks, and learn self-management skills. Enrichment tasks are hands-on activities that extend our students’ passions. By engaging in these reallife tasks, students are provided with opportunities to apply their learning and develop their interests in a meaningful context. Activities such as learning multiplication tables, completing unfinished work or working on academic goals, in consultation with the teacher, are encouraged and negotiated with each student.
EXCURSIONS Learning at Hillcrest is not confined to the four walls of a classroom, and all of our classes at Hillcrest embark on a range of excursions throughout the year. Our College excursions are designed to enrich our curriculum and ultimately deepen our students’ understanding of the world around them. Excursion costs are generally included in College fees, and often include visits to theme parks, museums, galleries, technology centres, wildlife parks and much more.
We know that after school can be a busy time for families, so our goal is to set homework tasks which are inspire a love of learning, and not adding additional stress onto the evening routine.
YEAR LEVEL CAMP PROGRAM Our year level camps are the highlight of the College calendar for many students, and provide a wonderful way to connect with peers, as they learn about themselves and build experiences beyond the classroom. Students often grow in self-confidence during our exciting College camps, as they extend their boundaries, overcome fears, create lasting memories and develop friendships that carry them throughout their College years.
Year 4 Camp Overnight camp Year 5 Camp Two-night camp Year 6 Camp Two-night camp
Camps are a compulsory part of our College curriculum and begin from Year 4, with an overnight camp, and increase in duration through the year levels.
LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Every child is born with the potential to impact the lives of others, and we believe it is important to equip our young people with the skills to influence others in a positive and Godhonouring way. The Hillcrest Way is our comprehensive framework for developing our pastoral care processes and leadership skills within our Junior Learning Community. It is based on a biblical world view and on extensive research, and is aligned to the four commitments our students make toward each other of Safety, Acceptance, Justice and Opportunity to Learn (SAJO). We offer a number of programs designed to foster specific leadership and interpersonal skills, and empower our students to have a positive influence within our College community. Our successful Class Buddy Program promotes peer mentoring and unity across the year levels, as younger students are paired with older students, for a range of classroom activities. Our Year 2 students have the opportunity to volunteer for our Castle Leaders program, and are responsible for helping to build community in the Castle Precinct, roaming the Junior playgrounds, and caring for younger students.
Our Year 6 students are all regarded as leaders in the Junior Learning Community, and are expected to act as positive role models. We offer a number of specific Year 6 leadership roles including Captains, Vice Captains, House Captains and Prefects, and students are selected for these positions. Our Junior Learning Community leaders and are expected to display exemplary behaviour and take on higher responsibilities as Hillcrest ambassadors. Our Year 6 Mediation Team also play an important role in exercising pastoral care for the Prep – Year 5 students, as they are empowered to foster a harmonious community within the playground or classroom. Students are chosen for these roles based on their suitability to interact with younger students, and all receive training in peer mediation.
21 Bridgman Drive, Reedy Creek Qld 4227
PO Box 2503, Burleigh Waters Qld 4220
07 5593 4226
E jlc@hillcrest.qld.edu.au W hillcrest.qld.edu.au
The information contained in this booklet is correct at the time of printing - March 2018. Hillcrest Christian College is an interdenominational ministry of Reedy Creek Baptist Church and is operated by Hillcrest Christian College Ltd. CRICOS No. 01043C | ACN 010381334 | ABN 68 947 459 366