The Senior Learning Community is the final stage of education within Hillcrest Christian College, and involves a journey of significant emotional and physical growth in a student’s life. These years can have a profound impact on students, as their identity becomes more defined, and they approach maturity and adulthood.
Hillcrest offers many opportunities for students to explore their personal talents and interests, while preparing them for the rigours of tertiary education and life beyond Hillcrest. Students are guided through the art of goal setting, and reaching the higher expectations of independence, personal responsibility and self-motivation.
Our focus throughout Years 7 - 12 is on instilling the values of integrity, cooperation, respect, confidence, outstanding personal morals, and a deeper personal relationship with Jesus. Our aspiration is for graduates to leave our school as confident, caring and well-balanced young adults who are well equipped to thrive and make a meaningful contribution to society.
We offer an extensive range of subjects and guarantee to offer every subject in the timetable, irrespective of the number of students who choose it. This helps students plan their Senior Years with confidence, and means that whether they intend to pursue further study through an ATAR, Rank Pathway, Vocational Education or employment, every student can succeed.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14
SENIOR YEARS Our students are equipped to shape their personal
characteristics and Christian faith through our focus
Our mission at Hillcrest is to meet every child’s individual learning needs, and we recognise that while many students thrive within an enriched curriculum, others need more support and encouragement to reach their full potential.
activities, and through our collaborative projects,
In the Senior Learning Community, students are nurtured and guided to grow academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. They are exposed to a wide variety of cocurricular activities at Hillcrest, to identify their strengths and make the steady transition from adolescence to adulthood.
on community service, Life Groups, and leadership career counselling service and innovative teaching, Hillcrest graduates become confident, well-balanced young adults who are able to thrive in a rapidlychanging world.
INFORMATION CL A SSROOM HOURS Our daily academic timetable runs from 8.20am - 3.00pm, Monday to Friday, during term time.
ENROLMENT & SCHOOL FEES Information regarding Hillcrest enrolment and school fees, is provided in the College Prospectus, or on our website at hillcrest.qld.edu.au/enrolment.
8.25am - 8.50am
Period 1
8.50am - 9.30am
Period 2
9.30am - 10.20am
Morning Tea
10.20am - 11.00am
Period 3
11.00am - 11.50pm
Period 4
11.50pm - 12.40pm
12.40pm - 1.20pm
Period 5
1.20pm - 2.10pm
Period 6
2.10pm - 3.00pm
UNIFORMS The Senior Learning Community attire includes a formal and sports uniform, and more information on our uniform specifications, costs and purchasing, is available at our uniform shop from 7.30am – 9.15am, Monday - Friday (during school term), located in Room 9 in the Junior Learning Community. To find out more, please visit www.hillcrest.qld.edu.au/about/uniform.
OUR PROGRAM We are one of only a few Queensland schools that commence senior studies in Year 10 rather than Year 11, giving our Year 10 students a unique opportunity to undertake higher level subjects. Our Pathways Program helps every student identify their strengths and weaknesses, their future plans and goals, and guides them towards subject choices that offer the best opportunity for personal success.
Our Senior Learning Community facilities have recently been renovated to offer a range of specialised and innovative learning spaces for our students. These include art rooms, science laboratories, a large commercial grade kitchen for Nutrition Studies, ESTEAM labs, innovative and collaborative spaces and an Engineering workshop.
VALUES We are a Christian school that inspires students to reflect on their own spiritual and ethical values, and our hope is that Hillcrest students will experience the love and joy of knowing Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Saviour. We foster a community where all students are encouraged to achieve their personal best, as they uphold the highest standards of behaviour and respect, reflecting the values of our College.
At Hillcrest, we strive for excellence in a learning environment where effort is rewarded and success is celebrated. We provide an innovative education and outstanding teachers to help students develop intellectual strength and achieve their full potential. Our dedicated staff get to know every student so that they can identify talent, and provide extra support where required. At every stage of learning, students are expected to fully engage in the classroom, and to take advantage of the extensive range of subject choices available to suit their interests and career aspirations.
SUPPORT Our supportive College culture ensures that every student who joins Hillcrest, joins a welcoming and inclusive community. We believe if a student feels secure, valued, inspired and challenged in their learning, and comfortable in their environment, they will ultimately succeed. Our Life Groups shape everything we do, and our House Leaders support each student’s personal goals as we personally monitor and nurture their academic, social, and emotional development.
OUR CURRICULUM Our enthusiastic and experienced teachers at Hillcrest are all well-trained professionals. They come to our College with a wide range of academic qualifications, practical experience of contemporary teaching and essential personal qualities of dedication, personal faith, and integrity. Although we are a non-selective school, our students achieve consistently high academic results. More than 70% of our students continue their studies at university, with the majority gaining entry to their first choice university program. We also provide opportunities for students to undertake TAFE, vocational training or traineeships, while studying in the Senior Learning Community. Since 2014, an average of 60% of Hillcrest’s Year 12 students achieved an O.P. in the 1 – 10 range, while 95% achieved an O.P. between 1 - 15, placing them in the top 5% of the State. These significant achievements are testament to our culture of excellence, and provide our graduates with greater access to the university courses of their choice. We offer our renowned New Horizons Program for very high-achieving senior students in Years 7 - 9, to help them accelerate their learning. Years 10 - 12 students can also gain real-world experience through traineeships, school-based apprenticeships and first year university subjects.
YEAR 10 - 12 PATHWAYS Hillcrest Christian College offers a range of learning options in the Senior Learning Community, and students can combine a selection of programs to create a personalised learning pathway. These include: • Guaranteed subject offerings • H onours programs • University studies on and off campus • Enhanced university options • TAFE and Vocational Pathways. We also offer a flexible learning environment to cater for the unique and varying learning styles of our students, which include: • A flexible timetable, allowing study in a combination of Year 10, 11 and 12 subjects
ONE2ONE DEVICE PROGRAM Hillcrest Christian College offers a comprehensive and innovative digital curriculum, equipping our students to be responsible and successful in our technologically-advanced world. Our one2one Device Program launched in 2018 to align our teaching on one device, and provides every Year 7 and 10 student with a Microsoft Surface Book 2, Surface pen and relevant software. The device is leased to students for a three-year term for a nominal fee, which is added to their College fees each term.
• Study blocks in the Senior Library for students who are doing alternative programs • Workplace apprenticeship placements • After school tutorial programs.
DISCIPLINE Young adults can make mistakes or errors in judgement sometimes, and we prefer to view these as learning opportunities. However, we will not tolerate behaviour that adversely impacts another student’s wellbeing. When a student’s behaviour goes beyond classroom expectations, the Head of House will meet with the student to discuss the issues, while guiding them on an appropriate outcome or behavioural change. Our approach to discipline is sensitive to the age and needs of the students involved, and includes strategies to ensure students take responsibility for their actions, and make wiser choices in the future.
Students in their senior phase of learning (Years 10 – 12) can choose from over 30 different subjects, and usually choose six subjects each per year. Students must undertake English and a Mathematics subject, and can choose up to four additional subjects from our academic offerings, including:
• DESIGN [Incorporating Graphics, Design Technology and Textiles]
SPORT & COCURRICULAR PROGRAMS Education at Hillcrest continues beyond the classroom and encompasses a wide choice of cocurricular opportunities across a broad range of interests from sport, music, drama and debating, to community service, leadership activities, mission trips and outdoor pursuits, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. These cocurricular activities complement our students’ academic pursuits, providing a robust and wellrounded education.
Our Sport and Cocurricular program at Hillcrest is seen as central to the holistic education of students, and is integrated throughout our curriculum. This program is consistent with the educational aims of the College and provides experiences at all levels in a supportive and Christ-centred environment.
SPORT & COCURRICULAR Our engaging and inclusive Sport and Cocurricular program provides students with a variety of skills and experiences that may not be gleaned from inside the classroom, and promotes a healthy lifestyle and a wellrounded approach to education. We foster a love of sport by providing an engaging ‘housebased’ culture, and broad exposure to various sports. These include netball, basketball, tennis, futsal and athletics, and are led by experienced coaches both during and after school.
Our senior students have the opportunity to participate in basketball, netball, futsal and other programs. Hillcrest also provides opportunities for excellence in a variety of sporting contexts, and students who display individual excellence for a team sport can trial to represent the College at both State and National levels.
Students may also participate in our Basketball Excellence Program, where Hillcrest teams are ranked among the best in Queensland and Australia. Other opportunities for team-based excellence exist within our futsal and netball programs, where Hillcrest competes at a State Championship level each year.
Achieving excellence in sporting and cocurricular pursuits may signal success in its own context, but we believe students need a balance across all areas of education. This philosophy means our students can enjoy success in their natural talent and primary interest, while also receiving a solid educational platform to succeed in all other areas of their life.
Our Chess, Debating, Public Speaking, Mooting and Art Club programs complement the academic progress of students, while engaging with the broader community through formal competitions.
The Duke of Edinburgh award program also provides an opportunity for eligible students to engage in Bridge, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards, exposing them to adventurous journeys that challenge them personally, physically and socially.
PERFORMING ARTS Hillcrest students can participate in an exciting variety of Performing Arts curriculum and cocurricular programs, across the scope of Music, Drama and Dance. Our Performing Arts facilities consist of a 260-seat performance theatre with professional sound and lighting, two dance studios equipped with barres and sprung floors, music classrooms with the latest in teaching technology, a black-box acting theatre, a film and television studio with editing suite, and multiple practice studios.
Our renowned Performing Arts program features 14 choirs, with specialist vocal staff, and the Choral Excellence Program, who have enjoyed recent tours to national and international festivals. Our Instrumental Program has over 320 musicians from Years 4 - 12, including numerous band ensembles and orchestras. Students can also access private tuition from our team of highly accomplished instrumental tutors. We host many community events, including our annual Choral and Art Extravaganza, giving our students the chance to showcase their talents in front of an audience. We also have over 250 students enrolled in our Hillcrest Dance Academy, run in partnership with the Currumbin Academy of Performing Arts (CAPA) and offering classes in all forms of dance up to Year 12. Our annual College musicals are a highlight of our College calendar with recent productions including Thoroughly Modern Millie (2017), Seussical (2016), Jesus Christ Superstar (2015) and Wonderland (2014).
Participation in Performing Arts provides many benefits for students, and recent studies have shown that involvement in Performing Arts can help facilitate proficiency in mathematics, reading, cognitive development, verbal scores, and skills for second-language development. Performing Arts is also an enriching experience for all participants, and improves a student’s confidence and ability to collaborate, communicate and express themselves. We encourage every Hillcrest student to become involved in an area of Performing Arts, to reap the many benefits of this supportive program, and express their artistic gifts as an act of worship to God.
We understand that after school hours can be a busy time for families and so our intention is to set homework tasks which are enriching and beneficial, and are not adding additional stress into the evening routine. Senior students are expected to selfmanage their homework tasks and should schedule about two hours of homework each night. This will ensure they are on track to complete their assignments, or undertake revision of subject content in preparation for regular assessments.
All of our classes at Hillcrest embark on a range of school excursions throughout the year, designed to bring our curriculum to life outside of the classroom, and ultimately deepen our students’ understanding of a current topic. Excursion costs are generally included in school fees, and often include visits to theme parks, museums, galleries, technology centres, law courts, universities and more.
Our camps are the highlight of the school calendar for many students, and provide a wonderful way for them to connect with their College peers, as they learn things about themselves that they may not have discovered in the classroom. Students often grow in self-confidence during our exciting College camps, as they extend their boundaries, overcome fears, create lasting memories and develop friendships that carry them throughout their senior years. Camps are a compulsory part of our College curriculum, and vary in length and destination. The cost of our College camps are generally included in College fees, with the exception of the Year 9 Sydney Canberra trip.
Homework provides a valuable means for developing life skills in organisation, time management and self-regulation, and we see a strong correlation between those who undertake regular homework and those who excel academically.
LEADERSHIP & SERVICE Our Senior Leadership Program starts in Year 9 and continues throughout Year 12, providing students with many opportunities to develop their skills through leadership roles, practical workshops, assistance at College events, and service to others. This program prepares students to undertake leadership responsibilities at our College, in the broader community and in life beyond Hillcrest.
C APTAINS & PREFEC TS Hillcrest’s Captain and Prefect System encompasses the leadership roles of Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects, and has been refined over many years. Two College Captains, two Vice Captains, House Prefects, House Leaders and International Captains are elected to carry out leadership duties in Year 12. These roles provide a special avenue for students to demonstrate their leadership skills and serve the College and community, as they lead their peers.
During Term 3, all Year 11 leadership applicants are expected to attend a number of workshops organised by the Head of Community, and Deputy Head of Community, to ensure they are prepared for the role, if selected.
We host a general information session for students prior to leadership nominations, outlining the different opportunities, and our expectations as College role models. We encourage all aspiring Year 11 Prefects to nominate themselves for leadership positions, and all applicants are then interviewed to ensure they understand the demands of the role.
Captains and Prefects are expected to carry out their duties promptly and efficiently and may be called on to assist at special events such as the Fete, Celebration Nights and Junior Learning Community functions. The rewards for being a Captain or a Prefect are often intangible but very valuable, and will serve the students for the rest of their lives. Students often learn much about themselves and develop many important skills including leadership, team cooperation, taking initiative, public speaking, organisation, time management, self-motivation and accountability.
College Captains, International Captains and House Captains have very important leadership responsibilities, and our College Executive determines the students for these positions.
MISSION OPPORTUNITIES Hillcrest students are invited to participate in a range of mission trips and activities, which provide them with authentic and life-changing experiences.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Hillcrest’s Community Service programs raise awareness of social issues and provide students with a rich diversity of activities to help them contribute to the College, and broader community. Students who are involved with serving others often grow in confidence, empathy, resilience and optimism, and an overall sense of social responsibility.
We believe in connecting students with communities at a local, national and international level, enabling them to serve others and better appreciate the cultural diversities of the world in which we live. Hillcrest students are invited to participate in mission trips and other mission-based activities, which provide them with an authentic and life-changing experience to help those less fortunate. Our Mission Trips travel to North Queensland and Thailand, and our individual outreach opportunities include community involvement and church programs such as Youth Group leadership.
Our young people involve themselves in a wide range of community service experiences including:
• The Beach to Beach event for cancer awareness • Fundraising for Compassion and other charities • Red Cross blood donations • Community Service • The Red Shield Appeal • Feeding the homeless • Mission trips
CAREER GUIDANCE Hillcrest takes considerable care in providing personalised assistance to our students so that the programs they choose at Hillcrest lead to an effective pathway through their senior studies, and toward their desired post-secondary options.
Our Careers Advisor meets with each student to create a Senior Training and Education Plan (STEP) in Year 9. This plan is continually monitored and updated as students move through their senior years. The College offers a range of careers programs to provide students and parents with the best information, knowledge and skills to plan for their tertiary training and dream career. Individual subject selection advice is offered to all students through our Careers Advisor.
HILLCREST LIFE PROGRAM We provide an educational environment that cares for every student, and our teachers have the primary responsibility for ensuring the wellbeing of students. Our pastoral care and personal development programs promote self-esteem, resilience, appropriate behaviour and positive management of conflict, to create a supportive, respectful and inclusive College community. We also recognise the vital role a supportive family plays in the wellbeing of each student, and encourage active participation by parents, grandparents and friends in our College community.
Heads of House are the most important link to the College for both parents and students, as they work together with Life Group Leaders and academic teachers to monitor student development. They quickly address problems or difficulties that may arise, to ensure they are managed successfully. Students are encouraged to get to know their Head of House, and talk to them if they have a problem.
LIFE GROUPS Hillcrest Christian College has a pastoral care program for Years 7 - 12 that supports the educational, social and spiritual wellbeing of every senior student. Life Groups consist of 18 - 20 students who meet each morning to read the Bible and focus on developing social and emotional resilience. The Life Group Leader oversees the class, monitoring the development and wellbeing of each student as they progress through Senior Learning Community.
UNIVERSITY SUBJECTS ON CAMPUS Hillcrest has collaborated with Griffith University to offer first year university courses that are an extension of Year 11 and 12 subjects. These courses provide the opportunity for students to complete at least one semester of study, and gain possible guaranteed entry to selected Griffith subjects including: • Chemistry • Biology • Engineering • Physical Education
The Student for a Semester program provides Year 11 and 12 students with an opportunity for to complete up to two university subjects, in conjunction with their high school studies. Students can choose from a range of subject offerings and must attend their weekly lecture and tutorial. Students are enrolled into their subject as a Bond University student and can gain university credit on successful completion of their subject. Passing two Student for a Semester subjects gives guaranteed entry into some Bond programs.
The Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies program is designed to give students the opportunity to study a single subject at Griffith University while completing their high school studies. The program provides a sample of university life at Griffith, as students learn from industry leaders and stretch their academic boundaries.
START QUT is an Enhanced Studies Program that offers university experience and preferential entry for Year 12 students undertaking the Queensland Certificate of Education. Passing two START QUT subjects gives guaranteed entry to some QUT courses.
ENHANCED STUDIES PROGRAM The UQ Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) provides an opportunity for high achieving students to enrol in one subject at The University of Queensland, during Semester One of their final year of school. Students attend classes with university students and have the opportunity to study a range of disciplines, including mathematics, history, philosophy, economics, music, psychology, law, languages, literature and political science.
The Head Start Program provides an opportunity for Year 11 and 12 students to gain direct entry and advanced standing into a variety of courses offered at Southern Cross University. It offers students the chance to gain a taste of university life, stimulate interest in academic pursuits, enhance educational performance and develop long term aspirations. This program information is subject to change at the discretion of the university, and we recommend visiting the relevant university’s website for the most up-to-date information.
21 Bridgman Drive, Reedy Creek Qld 4227
PO Box 2503, Burleigh Waters Qld 4220
07 5593 4226
E slc@hillcrest.qld.edu.au W hillcrest.qld.edu.au
The information contained in this booklet is correct at the time of printing - March 2018. Hillcrest Christian College is an interdenominational ministry of Reedy Creek Baptist Church and is operated by Hillcrest Christian College Ltd. CRICOS No. 01043C | ACN 010381334 | ABN 68 947 459 366