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Each phase of learning is underpinned by a combination of the following elements of learning with a view to help foster meaningful experiences for students:
Personal Interests And Strengths
Hillcrest connects with personal strengths to drive engagement for students to achieve academic and personal growth. By leveraging personal interests in the classroom, students fuse existing knowledge with new information to form authentic and lasting connections.

Social And Emotional Skills
Hillcrest believes that social and emotional skills are critical to the development of a child's academic outcomes, skills for success, and mental health and wellbeing. Social and emotional skills, including resilience, self-efficacy, critical thinking, and self-regulation, have been shown to be malleable and highly predictive of success in a wide range of important life outcomes.
Literacy And Numeracy Skills
Hillcrest understands the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills are the responsibility of all as they form the basis of our learning in everyday life, and underpin the acquisition of more complex skills such as critical and creative thinking.
Secret Skills
The SECRET Skills framework comprises 24 essential skills that have been identified through research as critical to driving personal growth. Comprised of six skill domains: Self-Manager, Effective Participator, Creative Thinker, Reflective Learner, Enquirer, and Team Worker. This framework is self and peer-assessed; while teachers facilitate and encourage students to achieve their goals.
Entrepreneurial Skills
Entrepreneurial skills responds to the growing need to enhance student capabilities to adapt and apply knowledge to solve problems in unique ways. The skills that are developed through this style of problem solving allow students to meet everyday challenges, and experience growth as they apply their knowledge in new ways.