Music at hillcrest

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Director of Performing Arts

Music Teacher

Head of Music

Music Teacher

CO-CURRICULAR TUTORS MR WARREN DORR Curriculum Music, Trumpet, Lower Brass MRS VERA HARDMAN Flute, theory MISS AMELIA SWIFT Clarinet, Saxophone MR AARON DAMIANOPOLOUS Guitar, Bass Guitar MR GREG THOMAS Drum Kit, Percussion MISS CHLOE RICHARDSON Violin, Viola, Theory



Head of Choral and Vocal Studies


Performing Arts Administrator

COCURRICULAR MUSIC PROGRAM As part of our Co-curricular program, Hillcrest Christian College provides specialised tuition in areas of Music and the Arts that are outside the normal school curriculum. This program is available to all students and is mostly administered during normal school hours at the College for your convenience. The Co-curricular Music program is designed to complement the curriculum Music education of your child. The benefits of learning Music this way are enormous and research tells us that: •

Students who learn an instrument can have greater academic success and gain increased pathways towards University entrance

Learning an instrument can provide students with greater social inclusion and positive experiences with others

Students who learn an instrument are engaging in rich learning experiences and gain lifelong skills that will stay with them and allow them the opportunity to express themselves in a creative way.


LESSON LENGTH AND FEES The College has a number of tutors who work onsite giving co-curricular music and tuition. There are 32 weeks of tuition per year with 8 weeks in each Term. Once application for lessons is made to the College; tutors are given parent contact details to arrange lessons. All lesson arrangements are arranged directly between tutors and families. Private lessons: $34 Paired lessons: $20 Group lessons: $12 Piano and voice are the only instruments that are not eligible for group lessons.

THE ENROLMENT PROCESS The online enrolment form can be found in the Performing Arts section of the College website. It is also located in the Co-curricular section of the Family Portal. Registration for enrolment for Semester 1, 2016 is due by Monday February 1. Positions in tutors timetables to fill up fast and cannot be guaranteed after this date.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS One term’s fees (8 weeks) will be paid in full on registration directly to the tutor. Under normal circumstances, no refund of fees will be paid for students withdrawing from the program during the Term.

ABSENCES It is the responsibility of the student or parent to notify the tutor prior to 7.30 am on the day of the lesson if the student is going to be absent due to illness. This is in addition to ringing the school absentee line. Tutors may be contacted via their College email address. 24 hour’s notice must be given for any other absence. In the case of school excursions and camps that are on the College calendar, these lessons will be made up throughout the semester. Lessons that are missed without notice will not be made up. Whilst our tutors will make every attempt to locate students who fail to attend lessons, if a student is at school and does not attend their lesson it is not the responsibility of the tutor to make up these lessons.

EXTENDED ABSENCES The Head of Music must be notified, in writing, of an extended absence (e.g. overseas holiday) so that arrangements can be made concerning fees.

EXAMINATIONS AND CONCERTS Regular feedback regarding the progress of students is essential for sustaining development in Music. The most common communication method between tutor and parents/students is through the use of a practice journal. Tutors will also provide the opportunity for students to perform in a studio concert throughout the year. Students at an appropriate level are encouraged to sit external examinations through Music examination boards such as the AMEB or Trinity-Guildhall in addition to participating in competitions and festivals.

MUSIC THEORY As students progress in their Music tuition, it becomes vital that they study Music theory to complement the practical elements. We have a number of experienced theory tutors and enrolment to study Music theory is the same as for instrumental/vocal lessons.





Year 4 Strings

Chloe Richardson

Classroom music time


Year 5 Strings

Chloe Richardson

Classroom music time


Year 6 Strings

Chloe Richardson

Classroom music time


Hillcrest String Orchestra Chloe Richardson

Thursday 7:30-8:20am

Snr Music Room

Senior String Quartet

Matthew Liao

Thursday 3:15-4:05pm

Snr Music Room

Year 5 Band

Jeremy Williamson

Classroom music time


Year 6 Band

Nerida Rienecker

Classroom music time


Senior Band

Jeremy Williamson

Thursday 7:30-8:20am


Flute Ensemble

Vera Hardman

Friday Break 1



Greg Thomas

Thursday 3:15-4:05pm

Terrace Hall

INSTRUMENT STORAGE Students may store their instrument in the storage room in the Performing Arts building during the day. Instruments are to be kept neatly on the shelves. It is expected that instruments will go home with students at the end of the day so that daily practice routines can be maintained.

PRACTICE Tutors will give advice surrounding how much practice is to be done and what sorts of things need to be worked on between lessons. As a guideline, beginners should practice 20 minutes per day for 5 days a week. More advanced students should do no less than 30 minutes and often up to an hour or more. To make the most progress, individual practice time should be organised and should include goal setting, warm ups/ fundamentals, technical work, repertoire and ensemble music.

DRESS STANDARDS The professional appearance of our performance groups is highly important. The standard dress for Music Ensembles is the College’s full school uniform including navy stockings for girls and blazers for Senior students. The Drumline wears a performance uniform including polo shirt and black pants.

ATTENDANCE EXPECTATIONS Being a member of a music ensemble means being committed to the group for the full year. We recognise that each person in a group like this has an important role to play and as such, the whole group relies upon the 100% commitment of every individual. This is collaboration at its best. As such, students are asked to carefully consider their commitment to music groups as withdrawals are generally not accepted throughout the year. Missing rehearsals or performances is not acceptable without written notification from parents.

INSTRUMENT HIRE Instruments for Year 4 and 5 are provided free of charge to students in our Instrumental program. Beyond this, parents need to source an instrument for their child. We can provide advice about purchasing instruments and can also organise instrument hire. Hire charges for 2016 are as follows: Band instruments: $250 String instruments: $200

STRINGS AND BAND PROGRAM Students can begin their instrumental journey as part of Music curriculum. We believe in an all-inclusive program and aim to give everyone an opportunity to try playing an instrument. STRINGS Year 4 students can choose this option. The instruments available are violin, viola and cello. This program runs during Music curriculum time and students have a group lesson with our String Tutors. The College provides the instrument to the student for 2 years without charge and group lessons are provided free of charge. Students also attend string ensemble rehearsals. This option for Music study is a 3 year commitment throughout Years 4-6. It is important that students weigh up all the options before committing to this program. BAND Students in Year 5 either continue with their string instrument or begin their instrumental journey with a concert band instrument including flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, bass guitar or percussion. The College provides the instrument to the student for 1 year without charge and group lessons are also provided free of charge. Student also attend Year 5 Band rehearsals during school time. This forms the basis of their Music curriculum lesson. Students in the band program are encouraged to continue on their instrument into Year 6. In Year 6, students are required to purchase or hire their own instrument. However, the College will continue to provide small group tutorials to students in the Strings and Band programs free of charge.

CHORAL PROGRAM Singing is the instinctive language of the child. —ZOLTÁN KODALY SINGING GAMES (1937) Hillcrest has established itself as a leading Choral School and proudly offers every student from Years 2 – 12 the opportunity to sing in one of the College’s 12 choirs. We offer three strands within the Choral department; all-inclusive choirs, specialist choirs and auditioned choirs. There is no cost for students involved in all-inclusive or specialist choirs ALL-INCLUSIVE CHOIRS: The following choirs are open to any student wanting to sing with no audition required. These choirs rehearse during school time (with the exception of 5/6 Chorale which commences at 8:10am on Friday’s). Students will be notified in Week 1 2016 of rehearsal times and venues. Year 2


Year 3


Year 4

Junior Singers and Primary Voices

Year 5/6


Year 7 to 9

Middle Years Choir

Year 10 to 12

Senior Choir

SPECIALIST CHOIRS: These choirs (non-auditioned) are offered to the young men in our community. They rehearse one morning a week before school Year 3 to 7

Hillcrest Blokes

Boys (unchanged voices)

Wed 7:40 – 8:20am

Year 8 to 12


Boys (changed voices)

Mon 7:30 – 8:20am

EXCELLENCE CHOIRS In 2009, Hillcrest commenced a Choral Excellence Program with an aim to provide an opportunity for talented choristers to achieve a level of advanced choral and performance skills, which will enable them to perform at a premier grade and international standard. In addition to weekly out of school-hours rehearsals the Choral Excellence Program encompasses and pivots upon vocal coaching tutorials held during school hours. Vocal coaching classes are designed to help choristers develop confidence, aural and reading skills and further their vocal technique. 
Vocal coaching tutorials consist of 4 students and run for 30 minutes once a week. The cost for this program is $96/term. In 2016 there are two Excellence Choirs and a Pathways Program to Excellence Bella Voce (Yr 7 – 9 treble voices)

Tuesday morning (7:30 – 8:40am)

Bel Canto (Yr 10 – 12 girls)

Monday afternoon (3:00 – 4:30pm)

Pathways (Yr 5 and 6) vocal coaching and membership of 5/6 Chorale Entry into the Choral Excellence Program is via audition. Detailed information about these three programs are available via the College website.

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