ISSUE 6, FRIDAY, 31 JULY 2015 As such, schools in the 21st century are creating students who do not have the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century working environment. We need to have a much more creative view of schooling to ensure that students, who start at Prep, develop skills which will enhance their adult life experiences even though that may be more than a decade away.
Education in the 21st Century has evolved considerably. Some schools, however, have failed to harness the learning potential provided by the advent of digital technology. In addition, there is a collaborative synergy that can be achieved through individuals and the school working together to create learning environments that facilitate incredible opportunities for all students. Education, as a universally accepted right, only came into vogue less than 300 years ago. Prior to this time, education was seen as an opportunity for the elite, with general citizens being able to access education of a basic standard. The advent of the industrial revolution resulted in schools being established by wealthy churches to support the improvement of educational understanding throughout society. The concepts that were the premise of the construction of these school still remain with students lining up in rows, being given information, and then being tested on their retention of such information. This form of learning is, at best, of a very low standard and does not resemble the experiences that these students will have when they enter the adult workforce.
One of the difficulties school leadership teams face is the held perception of what schooling should look like by parents and others within our community. I am often challenged about whether I would be happy to visit a surgeon from the 1950s in parallel to a physician in today's time, who could use keyhole surgery for even the most complex of operations, significantly reducing possible complications within these complex procedures. Schools need to understand the benefits that can be gained by iterating the education process to ensure that student engagement and mastery of skills remains at the forefront of the education intent. This is difficult to achieve as preconceived ideas, that failure is not an acceptable part of the educational paradigm, need to be challenged. It is often said that we learn little by success but much more by failure. Therefore, we need to create learning experiences, where students experience both success and failure so they can understand both and develop the ideals that hard work can create success opportunities. Hillcrest Christian College is undergoing some of this transformation at this point in time. Many of you will have read about the developments that are currently being planned which include the new Prep-Year 2 Campus and fullsize oval construction, which is due to commence later this year. As previously announced, we are also planning for the complete renovation of our aging facilities. This will make them better-suited
to create an educational learning environment for your children to experience and develop a complex range of skills needed in adult life. This will take place over the next two years and, by that time, Hillcrest will boast some of the most modern and highlydeveloped learning environments on the Gold Coast. Even though we have not publicised these changes to the external Gold Coast community, Hillcrest has been inundated with a large amount of enrolment enquiries, which has resulted in some classes currently being run above the numbers that we would normally expect. The current growth is well beyond what we had anticipated and we are finding ourselves in a reactive position rather than taking a proactive approach, which would be our preferred option in this situation. I want to assure parents that the current large class sizes, in some year levels, are being catered for effectively through strategies other than reducing the number of students by one or two in each class. The strategies we are using are listed below. 1. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT for teachers in all classes is being provided in 2015 to support differentiation. This support will ensure the development of each child is maximised through this support program. 2. CLASS SIZES in 2016 will return to normal with the addition of extra classes throughout the primary school. 3. THE NEW FACILITIES IN THE PREP-YEAR 2 CAMPUS are expected to be open in June 2016, which will provide students with the most modern and up-to-date learning environment on the Gold Coast. 4. EXISTING JLC FACILITIES WILL BE UPGRADED to cater for the growth (including playgrounds).
5. CONSTANT MONITORING OF ALL STUDENTS is taking place to ensure their own personal learning journey is not compromised this year. It is also important to note that Hillcrest provides genuine full-time Teacher Aides in the classroom across all Prep classes, as well as the provision of intervention specialists in Prep to Year 3 classes to ensure that each child is monitored carefully and effectively. We are expecting enrolments at Hillcrest to peak between 1250 and 1300 students in the next 2-3 years. At that point in time, we will have incredible facilities, new playgrounds, state of the art sporting facilities, and a broad range of subjects that will match anything offered by other public and private schools. We will be announcing a number of significant new initiatives that will establish Hillcrest as a leader in the educational field, not only on the Gold Coast, but also in Australia. I wish to assure all in our community that, as an administration, we are well aware of the difficulties that growth produces. I am aware that some families may be upset by the changes that are occurring in this period of growth, but please understand that our desire is to provide your children with the most comprehensive and modern learning platform available. Please feel free to come along to my parent forums, further dates of which are listed below, or contact me to arrange a personal meeting to discuss any issues that you feel need to be addressed. PARENT FORUMS ď‚Ž Mon 3 August 2015, 8:45am Wed 5 August 2015, 5.30pm* Fri 14 August 2015, 8.45am Thurs 27 August 2015, 2.30pm Wed 2 September 2015, 5.30pm* Wed 16 September 2015, 2.30pm *All forums at The Hub unless indicated, otherwise Main Reception.
21 Bridgman Drive, Reedy Creek Q 4227 | PO Box 2503, Burleigh Waters Q 4220 | 07 5593 4226 | | ACN 010381334 ABN 68 947 459 366 CRICOS 01043C Hillcrest Christian College is an interdenominational ministry of Reedy Creek Baptist Church and is operated by Hillcrest Christian College Ltd.
COLLEGE NEWS P&F MEETING 7PM, MON 3 AUGUST WIN FETE RIDE PASSES Chance to WIN 2 RIDE PASSES to the Hillcrest Family Fun Day! We also have child-minding available for parents. You can book in here:
2016 term dates announced The Executive Team have approved the 2016 term dates. Please see the following document for a full listing of public holidays and term dates. This is also available on our College Website.
uploads/documents/Term_ Dates_2016_-_for_Community.pdf
Karen teachers in the Thailand and Myanmar schools for displaced and disadvantaged children are in desperate need of laptops that are WiFi compatible. The Thailand Mission Team would like to take over as many laptops as possible on our upcoming Mission Trip. If you have a laptop you would like to donate, you can drop it into the Main Reception or the Senior Learning Community Reception by week 7. Our IT Team will erase them and install all necessary software. Thank you for your support of this endeavour.
Place your stickers in the boxes available outside Woolworths Reedy Creek and Robina (the new Woolworths closest to Robina Town Centre Drive), or send them into school and place them in the box at Main Reception. Last year, Hillcrest Christian College P&F used points to buy resources for learning support in Secondary.
Do you have a laptop that isn’t needed anymore?
Woolworths Earn and Learn is back, and we are collecting stickers!
ABSENTEE LINE 07 5593 8130
Over the past 12 months we have experienced a significant increase in the costs to manufacture your uniforms. During the same time we have maintained pricing to ensure that you have not been impacted at the register. We have also introduced a range of internal measures to cushion the impact without impacting on the quality or consistency of your uniforms.
MAIN RECEPTION 07 5593 4226 ENROLMENTS 07 5593 4226 FIRST AID 07 5593 4226 KINDY 07 5655 0910
Whilst we have absorbed some of the impact, we have no choice but to introduce a revised pricelist effective 1 September 2015.
We encourage you to purchase or Lay by uniforms before this date to beat the price rise.
The library has some old Year 8, 9 & 10 Maths text books that they would like to offer to families as resources to help assist in your children’s learning. If you are interested, please collect them from the library before 14 August 2015.
We thank you for understanding and hope you continue to enjoy your experience with Alinta Apparel.
WOW (Women of the word) women's BIBLE STUDY reedy creek baptist church
PERFORMING ARTS 07 5655 0940
Ladies of Hillcrest, you are invited to a women's bible study group on Thursday mornings at Reedy Creek Baptist Church. We meet each Thursday during the school term from 9-11am. Child minding also available.
Attached is a survey for current Year 8 parents from the Gold Coast Public Health Unit who are taking over from the Gold Coast City Council for the delivery of the vaccination program for Year 8s and Year 10s in schools as of 2016. Please complete by clicking the links provided in the letter. (This takeover does not affect the final vaccinations for Year 8 and Year 10 scheduled for October 2015.)
Drop on by 7-Eleven Robina (253 Scottsdale Drive, Robina) for your bread and milk and you will be supporting Hillcrest Christian College. 50c from each sale will be donated to our College. Don't forget to drop your token in the box provided. 2 | HILLCREST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE NEWSLETTER
For more information, please contact Brony Monk on 0402 288 781.
SPORT 07 5593 4226 DANCE ACADEMY 0406 598 112 THE HUB (CANTEEN) 07 5522 0511 UNIFORM SHOP 07 5522 0629 OSHC 0400 212 656 If your DETAILS CHANGE please ensure you make contact with our College Registrar. For more information on the College’s PRIVACY POLICY, please refer to our website.
In the last week of the July break, staff returned to school to focus on professional learning in a number of areas related to working at Hillcrest. Part of our plan to further develop the learning environment is to make a concerted effort to ensure that all staff are better equipped to support students in their learning from a pastoral care perspective. A number of guest presenters were invited to Hillcrest Christian College to work with staff during this week including Daniel Pampuch, Andrew Taylor and numerous IT experts. One of these was Brad Huddleston, an American expert of the dangers of digital technology for our students. His latest book, Digital Cocaine, highlights the incredible dangers that our children are subjected to with unrestricted access to digital technologies. His presentation to staff had them pleading with me to have Brad come to school to address students. We have been fortunate to book Brad to speak with Senior students in the last week of this term, after he returns from South Africa, where he is speaking in many schools and churches. I have known Brad, and his wife Beth, for a number of years. We are both keen users of IT and see the
advantages that technology brings to many parts of life. Brad is a qualified computer scientist and over the last decade has become increasingly concerned with the uncontrolled digital environment within which some of our children often live. To many, most would think that Brad and I are totally opposed in our thoughts about digital technology, but in fact the opposite is true. Digital technology provides incredible advantages to learning but, as with many things, the over use of technology has serious consequences that cannot be ignored. The addictive nature of technology is destroying families and friendships as the lure of virtual spaces shield many adolescents from having to develop robust and resilient social skills. While in past eras, parents knew the traps their children may fall into, digital technology is pervasive and unseen to only the most inquisitive eye. What is of greatest concern is that we are currently seeing digital detox centres being opened at alarming rates all around the world. Even Australia has recently opened digital detox centres specifically designed to support people who find themselves totally addicted to technology. Our brains cannot cope with the overstimulation that results from unrestricted access to digital technology.
In his book, Digital Cocaine, Brad states that 1 hour of game-based technology is equivalent to half a line of cocaine in terms of brain stimulation. His well-researched book points out that the behaviour of many of our adolescents can be attributed back to uncontrolled access to digital technology. God made us as wonderful beings to have a personal relationship with Him. "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Gen 1:26-27 As we develop as humans, we are also providing other stimulus to engage our minds. These include the current fascination with celebrities, over emphasis on sporting competitions and events and the desire to have the latest technology available. In reading the scriptures, there is a peace and understanding that is quite surreal It is almost as if it is written on our hearts before we even read it. This peace surpasses any of the distractions and curveballs that life throws at us, and most importantly provides a base for all of us to connect with God, something
that we were uniquely created to do. I would ask all parents and carers to consider coming to the parent forum that Brad will run later this term. More information will be published on this event in the coming weeks. The message he brings will enlighten each of you and provide the necessary information you need to consider setting boundaries for the use of technology within your home. I know from personal experience that Brad’s message will profoundly change how you use technology at home, but most importantly it will empower you to take control of the potential damage that could be occurring within your child through the inappropriate use of technology. Once addressed and continually monitored, research shows the results with child behaviour and attitude are greatly improved as they rely less and less on digital technology to stimulate and live their lives.
BRAD HUDDLESTON 17 September 2015 More info to come...
MICROSOFT SURFACE 3 EDUCATION BUNDLE Now available at Accounts Office for Hillcrest Students
$960 Microsoft Surface 3 Hillcrest Education Bundle 128GB Surface 3 Black Surface 3 type cover keyboard Surface pen CLICK IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY VIDEO WHEN ONLINE
RRP: $1,078.98 or Student $971.08 as at 22/4/15 (with expected rise by 18% due soon)
Payment in full at Accounts via Cash, Credit or Bank Transfer.
* Image is indicator only. Keyboard colour included in package is black.
YEAR 4P VISIT NUMINBAH VALLEY Year 4P set off to Numinbah Valley on Thursday 16 July in a quest to gain knowledge about the local Kombumerri Aboriginal tribe’s culture and customs. The day proved to be full of hands on experiences with Australia’s native plants and animals. They held pink tongue lizards, stick insects and a snake as a part of a Creature Feature session, participated in a treasure hunt to find and taste Bush Tucker plants used by the aboriginal people and, thirdly, played Indigenous Games in the bush. Seeds were collected for planting in their school garden project this term. The Education Centre’s use of solar electricity, rainwater, composting bins and toilets modelled sustainability for future generations. The day ended in hilarity as they contemplated the double meanings of the signs posted in the toilet block that read; “Watch every drop” and “No butts in here.”
are being received. There are four sections being landscape, portrait/ figures, still life and juniors. This year saw over 30 junior entries from 5 years of age to 17 years of age. TIKARA submitted a piece of her artwork at the recommendation of her tutor. It was judged from a totally independent judge and was awarded First Place. Congratulations Tikara on your success and we look forward to seeing more of your artwork develop over the years. It is truly inspirational!
JLC SNOWSKIING CHAMPIONS ARIMASA (Year 5) and MOMONE UCHIDA (Year 4) recently competed in the Knox-Pymble Snow Sports and Interschools Championships held at Perisher representing Hillcrest Christian College. The conditions and amount of snow meant that Arimasa and Momone had to adjust the way they skied on the day but had wonderful successes in the divisions they competed in coming away with three 1st's, a 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 19th. Due to the wonderful success at these championships, Arimasa and Momone received invitations to compete in the National Championships at Mt Buller in Victoria in September.
The D'Arcy Doyle Art awards was established in 2004 after the wellknown local artist D'Arcy Doyle himself. Winners of this prestigious event have been able to use this as a platform to advance their careers in the industry, or have gone on to become full time artists in their own right. The Awards attract artists from throughout Australia and, now, even international entries
Congratulations Arimasa and Momone!! You have represented Hillcrest well and we are so proud of you.
LITERACY PLANET Literacy Planet’s Word Mania competition began on Monday for all students in Prep to Year 7. There are student and school prizes up for grabs. To play the game, simply log on and make as many words as you can in 3 minutes.
Last term, our Years 2-4 students were very excited when they had a visit from Literacy Planet’s Word Mania Monster to promote participation in the Literacy Planet Word Mania 2015 competition. Our students regularly enjoy the many benefits of this flexible and engaging online learning website and were thrilled to meet the Word Mania Monster in person.
NEWS FROM PREP PHOTOS AVAILABLE ON PORTAL What an amazing couple of days in the wonderful world of Prep! Firstly, on Thursday all prep students and teachers got to wear their pyjamas to school and bring along their favourite teddy. It was a drizzly day outside but plenty of fun inside as students got to have tea parties, eat porridge, snuggle their teddies and even go on a teddy bear hunt. It was a special day for everyone involved and many snuggly memories made. On Friday the clouds parted for an amazing adventure to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. The day included a pat and chat education session where students got to get up close to some of God’s beautiful creatures including a Tawny Frogmouth, Shingleback Lizard, Spotted Python, Goliath Stick Insect and a Spiny Leaf Insect! The adventure continued with a ride on the train, picnic lunch and exploration of the park. Although exhausted, students loved the bus trip home with many little conversations reflecting on the amazing day (plus a few who enjoyed a little nap). After an incredible two days, students were so excited to come to school this week and write about their experiences and share their favourite part of each day. The wonderful world of Prep is always exciting and we are so blessed to have these real life experiences.
2018 commonwealth games 'design the mascot' competition The 2018 Commonwealth Games is only 3 years away. Last week students in Year 3 entered the ‘Design the Mascot’ competition. They were very excited and created some incredible ideas for the mascot. There were numerous superheroes such as Banana Man, Surfy Man, Sunny Girl and Sporty Man. Plenty of Australian animals made an appearance as well such as the bilby, possum, dingo and crocodile. Then there was the fantastic imaginary creatures that have never been thought of before! The students can’t wait to find out who the chosen mascot will be for our Games, maybe it will be designed by one of them.
coming up 19 AUG K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews (1) 28 AUG Gold Coast Show Day 02 SEP P & F Father's Day Stall 02 SEP Prep Father's Day Night 03 - 04 SEP Year 4 Camp 04 SEP Prep to Year 3 Sports Day 08 - 10 SEP Year 4 Bike Education 09 SEP K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews (2) 15 SEP JLC Showcase Concert 16 SEP Year 2 to Year 12 Chess Chalice 16 SEP KP1 Storybook Day
MOCK PARLIAMENT WITH HON BRONWYN BISHOP PHOTOS AVAILABLE ON PORTAL Federal Member for McPherson Karen Andrews brought Parliament to the Gold Coast when Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bronwyn Bishop presided over a Mock Parliament with students at Hillcrest Christian College on the first day of term. Students enthusiastically engaged in role play and simulation of the process that takes place for a piece of legislation to pass the House of Representatives before being referred to the Senate. Students were given the opportunity to take part in lively parliamentary debate on a Bill in a House of Representatives chamber scenario. Mrs Andrews said the students found the Mock Parliament not only educational but interesting and fun. “Today’s Mock Parliament allowed students to take part in the Parliamentary process with many holding different positions including that of Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, the Clerk, the Sergeant-at-Arms, Ministers, Whips and other Members of Parliament”. “Australia has one of the strongest democracies in the world and engaging our young people in our parliamentary process is vital to ensure our system of government remains effective and relevant”.
Speaker Bishop said, “Our uniquelyAustralian system of parliamentary democracy is crucial to our country’s stable government and robust political process. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the highly intelligent debate by students today at Hillcrest Christian College”. “Every year we have more than 1500 school groups, comprising of approximately 114,000 students visit Parliament House in Canberra and whilst this is an impressive number, we want to make sure we can take democracy out into the community, which we have been able to do today”. “I hope as a result of student participation today, we are able to spark the interest in our young leaders to contemplate representing their community, whether it be at federal, state or local government level,” Mrs Bishop said. Hillcrest was the first school to hold a Mock Parliament with the Speaker of the House. The Speaker was so impressed with the students that they have asked for our resources and video to use as an exemplar for other schools. Congratulations to all the students who participated and created a great learning opportunity for our year 9 students. The legal studies students received a certificate from the Speaker of the House in the assembly this week.
Year 9 Sydney & Canberra 2015
YEARS 4, 5 AND 6 (MONDAY AFTERNOON) YEARS 7- 12 (THURSDAY AFTERNOON) MPC DRAMA STUDIO Students are taught skills in Acting, Speech and Communication, Mime and ‘Clown’ and are better equipped to use their bodies (their ‘instrument’) to communicate confidently and truthfully. These classes can be used as preparation for local Eisteddfods, Drama Festivals and AMEB Examinations ENROL NOW
clown classes for adults
Congratulations to Year 11 dance student DANIELLE ARCHER for her recent success at the Murwillumbah Festival of Performing Arts, where amongst many placings in group sections, Danielle was awarded a very strong 3rd place in the solo 15 years and under lyrical section.
bella voce choral workshop day with julie christiansen oam The Performing Arts Drama Department would like to offer adult Clown classes and is seeking expressions of interest from our community, who may be interested in pursuing this art form. Classes will be held every Thursday evening (term time) from 6:00-8:00pm in the MPC Drama Studio commencing Thursday 11 June. Maximum class size is 12. There is NO COST for the classes. Based on the teaching of 'clown' by Jacque Le Coq and Philippe Gaulier, which explores the creative potential of 'play' in performance, classes will teach the rules of clown and enable participants to develop their own clown and present a clown act to an audience. To confirm attendance or for futher information about classes email:
What a blessing it was for our Bella Voce students in Years 6 to 9 to experience two hours of workshopping with MRS JULIE CHRISTIANSEN. Mrs Christiansen is the Artistic Director of the Voices of Birralee; a Brisbane based organization comprised of many choirs including the Birralee Blokes who were recently crowned best Choir in the world.
In May this year CHELSEA LUM competed at the Wynnum Dance Eisteddfod where among other awards, Chelsea was awarded the overall Junior Tap Champion and also took out Junior Modern Jazz Champion. Just before school holidays Chelsea competed at the Brisbane Performing Arts Competition hoping to win a tap scholarship. First she had to complete a workshop with original Tap Dog, Darren Disney, then had to perform a tap solo. Out of 20 girls, Chelsea was awarded the 2015 BPAC Junior Tap Scholarship. Also over the school break Chelsea competed in the Dance section of Murwillumbah Eisteddfod where she won 1st in Tap, 1st Song n Tap, 2nd contemporary, 3rd Musical Theatre, 3rd Lyrical, 3rd Jazz, Highly Commended for Waltz Tap. Chelsea also competed in championships at Murwillumbah and was the winner of the 2015 Song n Dance 10 & under Champion, Runner-Up Tap Champion, Runner-Up Jazz Champion. Congratulations Chelsea on these phenomenal achievements.
BAND AND CHORAL RETREATS On Saturday, 25 July 2015, Hillcrest's musicians gathered for our first ever Band Retreat day for the Year 5 Band and Intermediate band. All up around 65 children practiced hard and had a BBQ lunch together – the musical results at the end of the day were brilliant. Both bands are sounding fantastic. Thank you MRS NERIDA REINECKER and and MR WARREN DORR for organising this event. Again this Saturday – we have another music retreat day but this time for choirs in the Secondary school. MS JENNY MOON is planning some great activities even a sleep over at school for the Bel Canto girls! Students will be working with world-renowned choral conductor Paul Holley.
GOLD COAST EISTEDDFOD The bands, dancers and choristers have all been working hard in preparation for the renowned Gold Coast Eisteddfod, which begins in August. Here are some facts about the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. •
It is the largest Arts Competition in the Southern Hemisphere including music, drama and dance students
Over 10 000 students compete each year in hundreds of different sections.
Some events attract audience numbers of up to 1000 – literally tens of thousands of people attend the eisteddfod as audience members
There are 57 music sections alone to enter
Hillcrest Christian College competes strongly and wins a number of sections.
We wish our students and staff all the best as they continue to prepare and as they enter the very busy eisteddfod season. We look forward to cheering you on!
Congratulations to MONIQUE BITZIOS who represented Hillcrest at the South Queensland Rowing Regatta. Despite being sick, she received a Silver in the U16 Single and a Bronze in the U17 Single. This is an outstanding effort and her performance has put Hillcrest on the map within the Rowing community.
Vicki Wilson cups, with our Primary and Secondary teams to compete in the Southport Carrara Netball Carnival. All students should have received their permission notes for these carnivals and are reminded to return them by the due dates. Extra notes can be found of Mrs Stephen on HILLCREST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE NETBALL EXCELLENCE TEAMS are proudly sponsored by Clear Smiles Orthodontics.
boots and returned their signed permission notes. Spare permission notes can be obtained from
AFL AUSKICK SIGN ON & 1ST SESSION Tuesday 4th August TIME: 3:10pm-4:10pm VENUE: Hillcrest Sports Oval DURATION: 6 Weeks COST: $70
gold coast all schools oztag tournament On Monday 24th August students in Years 7-9 will be competing in the Gold Coast All Schools Oztag Tournament. Students are to make up their own teams and submit their nominations to Mr Pauly by Friday 7th August. Nomination forms are found in the Sport's Office.
NETBALL EXCELLENCE The representative Netball season is well underway, with four squads from Years 5-12 training for a variety of tournaments. Our Open Primary and Secondary Teams are working towards the Mission Foods and
With the start of Season Two of the AGCC competition, all teams are anticipating a exciting start to the season. In particular Rugby League, with this being the first year in recent memory where Rugby League has been offered to our Secondary Students. Students are reminded that training runs on the Hillcrest Oval from 3:154:30pm on Mondays during the season. In order to train and play Rugby League, all students are to have their own mouthguard, rugby
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: (07) 5594 5722 or visit Participants receive benefits which includes, Hat, Football, Back pack and much more. TO REGISTER: Register online & pay online at Please print your receipt and bring to the first session.
BASKETBALL Momentum is growing towards the Queensland Schools Championships (Champ Schools) in the last week of this term. All students have been training exceptionally hard all year and it is exciting to see the fruits of their commitment. 24 FOR 24: HOOP MANIA While all other students were enjoying their first day of holidays, the Hillcrest Basketball community undertook a massive task of continually shooting for 24 hours with the goal of successfully shooting 24000 baskets. This goal
was smashed with the students reaching a total of 38849 baskets. The night was a great opportunity for the students and wider basketball community to bond together in the middle of what has been a very busy year. A big thank you goes out to SHANDELLE SIEVERS and other parents for making this event a success. HILLCREST V CHURCHIE Over the holidays, the Hillcrest Open Boys played the Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie) from Brisbane, another school that has proven to be a formidable force in Queensland Basketball. In a sign of great things to come this year, our Open Boys beat Churchie 82-74 in a very tough encounter. Congratulations to Steve Weiland and the boys for an outstanding effort. HOOPS DOWNUNDER On the weekend of the 24th and 25th July, our Open Boys/Girls and our Development Boys teams all competed in the Hoops Downunder Tournament - an international Tournament attracting teams from around the world. On Sunday night our Open Boys took out the tournament, with Campbell Green being awarded the Tournament MVP. Earlier, the Open Girls took out Bronze place, with SOPHIE JOHNSTON being awarded Tournament MVP. Our Development Boys competed valiantly, but were knocked out before the finals. This is an exceptional effort and reflects the dedication, commitment and focus of our
BREAK 1 10.20-11.05AM
FDP: Future Development Program
students. Special mention goes to PETER HAUCH, STEVE WEILAND (Coach), MEGAN THOMPSON (Coach) and SHANDELLE SIEVERS for all their hard work. We are just at the business end of the season with States and Nationals coming up in the next 5 months. REPRESENTATIVE BASKETBALL Over the holidays, TARA MANUMALEUGA and CHARLI REESE headed off to the USA to represent Queensland in the U15 Queensland Emerging Team at the California Storm National Showcase. FLYN CAMERON won Bronze at U16s Australian Junior Championships in Melbourne over the holidays representing Queensland. Also, we wish all our bballers the best as they trial in the Gold Coast Representative Trials across the coast over the next few weeks. HEAT MINIBALL 5-9 YEARS Ages 5-9 years old Hillcrest MPH (Primary Gymnasium) Tuesdays from 21 July 2015 3-4pm $80.00 The Mini Ball program is an 8 week program run by Skills Trainer and Professional Coach, Former WNBL Player and Current QBL Ladies Rollers Coach, Megan Thompson and also joined by QBL Superstar Brianna Moyes. ALL ENQUIRIES: NADIA HUTTON - GLOBALSKILLZA@GMAIL.COM
INTERNATIONAL WELCOME NEW STUDENTS This semester, Hilllcrest welcomed six long - term International Students. CHRIS, from South Korea, is in Year 7 and has been studying at Browns English Language School on the Gold Coast for 6 months. LEO is in Year 8 and has arrived from China via some local language centres in public schools on the Gold Coast. IAN is the first Taiwanese student we have had in a long time and he has entered Year 9 from studying in the language school at All Saints. ANGUS, FELIX, and SAWYER are the three new boys in Year 10 coming from Hong Kong and China. Each brings with them a rich background to share with the college and we look forward to all that they will contribute over the coming years.
It is such a joy to welcome the International Study Tours to our school. These tours provide us with an injection of culture that many students seem to thrive on! In our otherwise fairly mono-cultural existence, it is wonderful to be reminded of the diverse ways of being human and the challenges of learning cross-culturally. Over the last few weeks we have welcomed 22 students from the Catholic Diocese Schools in Hong Kong and 20 students from Tsushima High School in Japan. Fuji High school from Japan will arrive next week and then there is a break until the Inage School from Japan arrives in October. Many of the homestay families who these students are staying with are from within the Hillcrest Community. Thank you again for opening your homes and your hearts to share a little of what it means to be Australian with these young people! Bless you!
Ok teachers, students and class parents, the fete just got real! Our friends at Air Factory have come on board and want to reward the class that has the most outstanding stall! Judges will be looking at the overall idea, execution and enthusiasm.
Online tickets open 17 August 2015
AIR FACTORY PRIZE - The class voted the most outstanding stall wins a trip to the Factory to jump for free, in class time!
SIBLING PASS: $25ea for 3+ siblings SINGLE PASS: $27 ON THE DAY: $35
Adults and Children one price (no food included). Adults do not need to purchase a ticket unless they wish to ride the major rides. An adult can accompany their young child on a minor ride without a ticket such as the Big Slide.