Find out what we have been up to over the last few weeks!
Take a look into our Future Friday’s Adventures
Don’t forget to wish these people a Happy Birthday!
Have a go and see how well you do!
Don’t forget to say Happy Birthday to these people!
Goodbye until next time!
Have a go and see how well you do! / 02
Hey guys! Welcome back to the 3rd EMERGE Magazine of 2024! It's the final stretch of the term, and all assignments have been finished and will be handed back over the next few days, if not already.
Week 9 has been memorable, with a large group of students becoming involved with volleyball competitions just out on the sand in front of the Coolangatta campus. Week 10 brings with it the gallery launch for the Humans of Coolangatta project, the SLC Easter Service and the promise of a well-earned two week vacation. Shout out to Mrs O'Gorman for organising the gallery! Some of the students will also be flying off to Korea for a week long student exchange. Don't forget, get ready for a day of house-unity and fun on Wednesday for the SLC Cross Country Carnival.
As good old Dr. Seuss said, 'you have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.'
Let's finish the first term of Grade Nine on a high!
By Cadence Kuchel - RISE Student1 9 : 3 0
So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
Thousands of years ago, Jesus was forced to carry the cross, on which He later died on, over 50 gruelling kilometres up a winding hill. His hands and feet were nailed to the cross and a crown of thorns was embedded in His head. He endured hours of torture and ridicule, just for us. Jesus Christ being crucified changed the world forever because Him dying meant we could all be forgiven for every sin we ever committed. Past, present and future. Jesus washed us free of our sins we hadn’t even committed yet
He was buried in a tomb and covered with a boulder, left to never breathe another breath. At least that’s what the Romans thought.
Some of Jesus’ disciples had their doubts about Him being resurrected, but nevertheless, three days later the boulder had been moved Jesus had been resurrected
Thanks to Jesus, we can all enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but what would life be like if this never happened?
The Bible gives us some ideas, and it’s not pretty If Christ had not died, there would be no atonement for our sins. We all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and the consequence is death (6:23). We were all headed for judgement, condemnation, and eternal death, unless God himself intervened. And God did intervene that is how we are to understand the coming of Jesus into this world and His death on the cross. Jesus Christ saved us, everyone before us and everyone after us.
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
JOHN 14:6
Ever wondered what it's like to be part of the action at a volleyball competition? Well, we caught up with one of the volunteers to spill all the details, Mia Lawford
Main Duties: So, picture this –Mia’s main gig was scooping up stray balls and tidying up the court during breaks. It was all about keeping things running like a well-oiled machine.
Favorite Bits: Now, the juicy stuff Mia couldn't stop raving about rubbing elbows with teams from all over, making new friends, and soaking in the electric vibe of the competition. From chatting with the Vanuatu crew to high-fiving the Aussies, Japanese, and Germans, Mia got a taste of the global volleyball scene.
Recommendation Time: When asked Mia would suggest volunteering to future RISE students, her response was a resounding yes! She reckons it's not just about getting active but also about making memories and feeling like a part of something bigger.
Interview by Lacey Jamieson Interviewee: Mia HoulahanWhat Got Them Going: At first, it was a case of peer pressure – you know how it is But as they got into the swing of things, it became more about discovering new passions and pushing personal boundaries.
Tips for the Newbies: Mia’s advice? Don't just do things because your mates are into it. Do it for yourself, and who knows? You might just uncover a whole new side of yourself in the process.
As the final whistle blows, one thing's for sure –volunteering isn't just about lending a hand; it's about diving headfirst into unforgettable experiences and shaping your own journey.
In week 9 and 10, we have had so many wonderful opportunities. Volleyball competitions, our Humans of Coolangatta gallery launch, and so many engaging experiences both inside the classroom and out in the community. In week 9, we had so many students volunteering their time to help in any way they could for Volleyball Australia in both the youth and adult divisions. In week 10, we are finishing the term with a bang, and memories will be made every action-packed day We have our SLC Easter ceremony to honour Jesus’ sacrifice, our annual cross-country carnival, and a week of celebration, both for Easter, and the upcoming holiday A few select students are about to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to the breathtaking Yeosu, situated in the south of Korea. We had students from Yeodo School in Yeosu visit us at our Reedy Creek campus last year, and now twelve students from 9F are staying with our International friends for a week over Easter.
We are so fortunate to be able to have all these experiences as well as our RISE Program, and we are so grateful to everyone working behind the scenes to make our experience so memorable. Even though we are finishing off one of our longest terms this year, our time at Coolangatta has flown, and I cannot believe we are halfway through our RISE journey already. I’m sure that all RISE students would agree when I say that we are so excited for all the amazing things we will be doing in the next two terms. Thank you so much to all the teachers, staff, and parents that have ensured that every day is a new opportunity. As we head into our two-week holiday, we will use the skills and knowledge we have learnt to make the most of our break, and we will start the next term refreshed and ready to learn. Have a wonderful holiday and remember God’s sacrifice as you feast on chocolate eggs and share a laugh with those around you.