@the Helm - February 2025

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Hillfield Strathallan College - Middle School Student Newspaper


@theHelm Issue 3: Jan-Feb 2025


2025 = the year of the wood snake


Try to make those New Year’s Resolutions last!


Using AI to make custom images? Read more here


03 Les galettes des rois

03 Middle School Musical - behind the scenes

10 Benefits of Plants in Schools

10 Opposite Day

10 NY Resolutions

10 Local Travel Guide

14 Podcast Pros/Cons

14 Flute Tips

15 How to: Canva Animation, Slime Recipe

16 Disability in the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

17 Survey results: the happiest colours!

24 Game to try: Block Blast

25 The Science of Handwriting


02 January & February calendars

05 Student Spotlight

06-9 Sports News and Spotlights

16 2SLGBTQIA+ Vocab Corner

17 Mental Health Corner: What is Depression?

22 Science & Geography Corners

25 Did You Know?

28, 31 Game Reviews

28-33 Books & Music Spotlight (for Grades 7-8)

34-37 Recipes

38 Pet Corner & Survey Results


22 Guess the Country

23 Math Corner

24 Chess Puzzle

39-40 Bingo & Word Searches


25-27 Poetry & Short Fiction

39 HSC’s Got Artistic Talent

Photo on cover by Charlie Chou 703


DES ROIS Les galettes

Cooking and baking are always on the menu in Middle School French classes! Recently, Grade 7 students learned about the galettes des rois tradition and made their own pastries in class.

Celui qui trouve la fève est le roi ou la reine !

here tickets

OnstageFeb 27&28@7pm, Mar 1@2pm

Student Spotlight: Elaine Zhu

Elaine is a student in 802 who is from London, England and lived there for seven years. Her favourite colour is black, and her favourite food is sushi.

She is the biggest Sabrina Carpenter fan and even went to a concert for her most recent tour. Another concert she attended was The Eras Tour in Vancouver...

Crafting Spotlight


Elaine’s favourite recent movie is Wicked. She also loves Ariana Grande!


Catey Chan 801

Chinese New Year

Year of the Wood Snake JANUARY 29. 2025

What is Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year. This festival takes place from Chinese New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year.


Long ago, the Jade Emperor in China decided there should be a way to measure time. He told the animals that there was to be a swimming race on his birthday. The first twelve animals to cross the fast-flowing river would be the winners, and they would each have a year of the zodiac named after them. The order in which they arrived, determined their place in the cycle.


The five elements are set in a specific order: wood makes fire burn, fire creates earth, earth bears metal, metal runs water and water makes wood grow.


ViniciusJrisafamousBraziliansoccer playerHewasbornonJuly12,2000,in SaoGoncalo,BrazilViniciusstarted playingsoccerwhenhewasveryyoung. HejoinedtheyouthteamofFlamengo,a bigsoccerclubinBrazilwhenhewasjust sixyearsold

In2017,at16,ViniciusJrmadehis professionaldebutforFlamengo.He playedverywellandcaughtthe attentionofmanybigEuropeanclubsIn 2018,hesignedwithRealMadrid,oneof themostfamoussoccerclubsinthe world.Thetransferwasworthalotof money,makinghimoneofthemost expensiveyoungplayersever

HassaanAlexis 602

ViniciusJrisknownforhisspeedand dribblingskillsHeplaysasastriker/left wing,whichmeansheisresponsiblefor scoringgoalsandhelpinghisteamwin matches.HehashelpedRealMadridwin manyimportantgamesand tournaments ViníciusalsoplaysfortheBrazilian nationalteam.

HehasrepresentedBrazilinseveral internationalcompetitions,including theCopaAmericaandtheFIFAWorld Cup

ViniciusJrisconsideredoneofthebest youngsoccerplayersintheworld.He continuestoworkhardandimprovehis skills,makingfansexcitedtoseewhathe willwininthefuture


Kobbie Mainoo

Kobbie Mainoo is a young and talented football player from England. He was born on April 19, 2005, and plays as a midfielder. Mainoo currently plays for Manchester United and is one of their best players. He joined their youth academy when he was very young and worked hard to make it to the first team. Mainoo is known for his excellent passing, ball control, and vision on the pitch. In 2023, he made his debut for Manchester United's first team, a big achievement for a 16 year old. Many people believe he has a bright future in football because of his hard work and talent.

I enjoy watching him play and am excited to see how his career grows.

Sources: Man Utd Web and Premier League Web JawaadJaffer602

T h e d e b a t e c a n f i n a l l y b e s e t t l e d . H S C M i d d l e S c h o o l v o t e d , a n d M i c h a e l J o r d a n w o n b y a l a n d s l i d e !

M i c h a e l J o r d a n g o t 6 2 . 7 % a n d L e b r o n g o t 3 7 . 3 % ! T h a n k y o u f o r v o t i n g !

L e a g u e i n L i v e r p o o l-n o t t o m e n t i o n t h e c o v e t e d D e r b y v i c t o r y a g a i n s t M a n c h e s t e r C i t y , t h e i r f i e r c e r i v a l s , w h e r e a m i s t a k e f r o m C D M N u n e s g a v e B r u n o F e r n a n d e s a p e n a l t y . T h e n 1 1 5 s e c o n d s l a t e r , A m a d D i a l l o c h i p p e d i t o v e r E d e r s o n a n d t a p p e d i t i n ( p r e t t y e m b a r r a s s i n g ! ) f o r M a n c h e s t e r C i t y .

m o v e d t o P e n n s y l v a n i a w h e n h e w a s y o u n g . S a q u o n l o v e d s p o r t s a n d p l a y e d f o o t b a l l , b a s k e t b a l l , a n d t r a c k i n h i g h s c h o o l . H e w e n t t o P e n n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , w h e r e h e b e c a m e a s t a r r u n n i n g b a c k I n 2 0 1 8 , h e w a s d r a f t e d b y t h e N e w Y o r k G i a n t s i n t h e N F L . S a q u o n q u i c k l y b e c a m e o n e o f t h e b e s t p l a y e r s i n t h e l e a g u e , k n o w n f o r h i s s p e e d a n d s t r e n g t h . D e s p i t e s o m e i n j u r i e s , h e w o r k e d h a r d a n d c o n t i n u e d t o s u c c e e d . N o w , h e p l a y s f o r t h e P h i l a d e l p h i a E a g l e s a n d i s s t i l l o n e o f t h e t o p r u n n i n g b a c k s i n t h e N F L . S o u r c e : P h i l a d e l p h i a E a g l e s H a s s a a n A l e x i s 6 0 2 6 0 1

S a q u o n B a r k l e y w a s b o r n o n F e b r u a r y 9 , 1 9 9 7 , i n N e w Y o r k . H e g r e w u p i n a b i g f a m i l y a n d

The Benefit Plants in Sch

Hello, travellers. My destination suggestion today is Niagara Falls! You may wonder, “Why would I want to go to Niagara Falls?” I’ll tell you why. Niagara Falls has a tonne of interesting things to do. First of all, there is the actual waterfall itself - amazing! There are also many activities related to Niagara Falls. It’s up to you to choose which ones you do. My next recommendation would be to get a Clifton Hill fun pass. At Clifton Hill, there are many attractions that I find very fun. Additionally, there are many restaurants which offer a variety of foods. Happy travels!

Restaurants found on Google Maps



Physical activity not only improves physical health but also enhances mental clarity and reduces stress Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve concentration, mood, and overall academic performance. It also helps students manage stress and maintain a positive attitude towards learning.



Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function, memory consolidation, and overall well-being. Establishing a regular bedtime routine helps regulate the body's

internal clock, promoting better sleep quality and ensuring students feel refreshed and alert during the day.

Regular breaks during study sessions prevent mental fatigue and improve productivity. Short breaks allow the brain to rest and recharge, enhancing focus and retention of information.

Activities such as stretching, walking, or deep breathing can refresh the mind and increase overall efficiency when studying


Stress management is essential for academic success. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, help reduce anxiety, improve concentration, and promote emotional resilience

These techniques can empower students to stay calm under pressure and maintain a balanced perspective during challenging academic periods.


Engaging in hobbies or activities outside of academics promotes overall happiness and reduces stress.

Hobbies provide opportunities for relaxation, self-expression, and personal growth They offer a healthy outlet for stress and enhance overall well-being, contributing to a positive mindset and academic success.

Canva Image AI

William D’Hondt 805

Lately, a new form of digital technology has been popping up all over the internet. That technology is AI.

What you might not know, however is that Canva has it’s own built-in AI image generator But how does it work? Well, it’s easy to use. First, you download the Magic Media app onto Canva. Second, enter a specific prompt for the image your looking for. Lastly, wait for Canva to generate 4 images that fit your prompt.

When you click on an image, not only will it place the image on your page, it will also save the image to your Canva uploads. Although this may seem very useful, there are some downsides to using AI Since AI learns from the internet, some images may be inaccurate or include discrimination One example is the image on the right I asked AI for a chess board, but I got an illegible mess of blobs. Overall, Canva’s image AI might be a useful tool, but make sure to look out for inaccuracies caused by this tool.

-NOTEIownallthese images.

AI Images AI Images


OAlbarr 8gunbo 02

FuturisticHarmony NeonCity



I personally enjoy listening to podcast, I find them humorous, educational and entertaining, but many don’t feel that way Here’s a look at the pros and cons of listening to podcasts:


Diverse Topics: There are podcasts for almost any topic. Whether you like video games, politics, music or sports, there’s an option for everyone.

Information with Entertainment: Podcasting brings the information through an entertaining lens.

Background Listening: They can be background noise to other activities and don’t require full attention.

Portability: Podcasts are accessible on-the-go, offering flexibility in when and where you can listen.

Mental Effort: Listening to podcasts requires mental effort to absorb information and stay engaged with the discussion. Some find it challenging to multitask effectively while listening.

Lengthy Episodes: Many podcasts extend beyond an hour, demanding a significant time commitment. This might deter individuals looking for shorter, more concise content.

Information Overload: With podcasts made for education, you can often get overloaded with important information before you have the time to process it. For some this makes listening stressful.



This is low C. Sometimes, it’s a bit tricky to play. Here are some tips!

Angle your air low towards the ground. Think of the vowel sound ‘AWWW’ as you play to create a nice ringing resonance

Your aperture (The opening in our lips) size should be relatively larger than the higher registers, but still elliptical in shape

Overall the embouchure should feel relaxed and not pinched.

The Flute Coach


in Wien


Canvahasarangeofanimationoptionsfordocuments.I wanttotalkabouttheirfunctionsanduses.

Theanimationbuttonislocatedinthetoolbaraboveyour page.Theseanimationscanbeappliedbroadlytoentire pagesorspecificallytographicsandtextboxes.When useddigitally,theyserveastransitionsoraddinterestto yourcontent.InCanvaslideshows,youalsohavevarious transitionoptionsbetweenslides.Allanimationoptions includetheabilitytoadjustdurationandspeedtosuit yourpresentationstyle.

Formoreanimations,youcanutilizethe"Createan Animation"feature Thisoptionallowsyoutocraft uniqueanimations.Simplydragyourelementsacrossthe canvastocreateapersonalizedpathway Thisfeature empowersyoutocreatedynamicvisualexperiences tailoredtoyourspecificneedsandcreativevision.

Lesbian: Describes women who are primarily attracted to other women.

Gay: Refers to individuals who are primarily attracted to people of the same gender

Agender: Refers to individuals who do not identify with any gender or who experience their gender as neutral or having no gender at all.

Demisexual: A sexual orientation where individuals only experience sexual attraction after forming a strong emotional connection with someone.

Disability in the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

A survey revealed that LGBTQ+ adults are more likely than non-LGBTQ+ adults to report having a disability. Specifically, 36% of LGBTQ+ adults reported having a disability 35% of cisgender LGBQ+ individuals and 52% of transgender individuals reported having a disability Additionally, 15% of LGBTQ+ youth reported having a disability These statistics highlight the large amount of disabled individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, yet we often don’t hear of them (HRC CDC)

This is bad Despite having a lot more awareness for disability and queer identities, it seems like to most, they don’t overlap That‘s why it's crucial to recognize the intersectionality of diversity and acknowledge that everyone embodies multiple forms of identity. Often, discussions focus on singular aspects, such as gender, sexuality, disability, misogyny, or racism, but they frequently overlook the intersections and interactions between these identities

But why are so many queer people also disabled? There’s not just one answer. Disabilities come in many forms, and while some people are born with their disabilities, others develop them at other stages in life One reason for the overlap may be that disabled individuals are often more open about their identities Many LGBTQ+ people may not openly discuss their sexualities or gender identities due to various reasons---no one should feel pressured to do so---but some people with disabilities feel that since they constantly have to explain and advocate for their disabilities, they feel comfortable also discussing their sexualities and gender identities

Another factor might be discrimination. Many LGBTQ+ people face issues like a lack of housing or appropriate health care. These things could lead to LGBTQ+ people developing disabilities later in life. People might also not receive care for their disabilities because of how they identify

I hope this article raises awareness about disability within the LGBTQ+ community, highlighting the unique challenges faced by those navigating both identities Recognizing these intersectional experiences is crucial for fostering inclusivity and support within our community

To further explore more, here is an amazing PDF article from the Trevor Project, an amazing organization supporting LGBTQ+ youth It details ways to be an ally and how to support disabled and queer youth Additionally, there are informative videos of disabled and queer content, which offer alternative ways to engage with this important topic: Jessica Kellgren-Fozard Zara Beth Ted Talk

Spotlight on Mental Health

What is Depression?

Catey Chan 801 - WHO NHS

What is depression?

Depression is a common disorder that involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Feeling sad

Irritable empty

Loss of pleasure or interest in activities.

Poor concentration

Feelings of excessive guilt or low self-worth

Hopelessness about the future

Thoughts about dying or suicide

Disrupted sleep

Changes in appetite or weight

Feeling very tired or low in energy

What are the treatments for depression?

Psychological treatments are often treatments for depression. Different therapies and treatments can help differently. In moderate and severe depression, antidepressant medications may be used.


Keep doing activities you used to enjoy

Stay connected to friends and family

Exercise regularly

Stick to regular eating and sleeping habits

Talk to someone you trust

Seek help from a healthcare provider

Causes of Depression:

Stressful events

Family history



Where to get help: Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Iwaswonderingwhatcolourmakes thestudentsatHSCthehappiest,so Igavetheoptionsofthecoloursof therainbow,aswellasgrey,black, andan“other”sectionforstudents toaddtheiruniquepreferences.

Asyoucanseebelow,bluewasthe colourthatmadethemoststudents happy,withpinkcominginsecond.


Some jellyfish can only live for up to a few hours

Jellyfish have been on Earth longer than dinosaurs

Some jellyfish are immortal They turn into their baby forms when they’re in danger or d

Jellyfish are 95% wa

Jellyfish can grow up metres long


There are 1,100 bat species in the world, with only 40 of them in the U.S.A.

Some bats can fly up to 60 miles per hour.


Frogs have been on earth for over 200 million years

The world's largest frog can grow up to 15 inches long

One of The world's smallest frogs can grow up to 1 5 inches long

Frogs in captivity can live up to 20 years long

There are over 6,000 species of frogs in the world


Bats can eat up to 1200 mosquitos per hour.

Pallid bats eat scorpions.

Baby bats are called pups



There are over 300,000 species of them in the world,

Fireflies are also beetles They control their lights to communicate with each other, like using the Morse code

The family Scarabaeidae is the family name of the beetles that have hard shells like Rhino beetles, Dung beetles, and the Hercules beetle


Dogs Dogs=

ThreeCommon CatHabits



A cat's purring has many different meanings

Purring is frequently mistaken for relaxation; however, cats may also purr to self-soothe if they are feeling stressed or injured

Showing its belly

Often a cat will show its belly; however, once you pet your cat's belly, they might bite or scratch

you This is because when a cat shows its belly, it is a physical sign of trust and less than an invitation for petting.

Wagging tail

When a cat wags its tail, it's not a joyful sign In fact, it may mean the opposite The tail wag is a sign of heightened excitement, annoyance, or frustration.

In this series, we talk about five fun facts on various topics each @theHelm issue.

Cows can sleep while standing up Cows almost have 360 degrees of vision

More than 800 different breeds of cows exist

Cows are very social animals Cows have no upper front teeth

Article by Parnika Karthick 503

S l o t h 

Q u e t z a l c o a t l u s





S l o t h s a r e b l i n d S l o t h s l i v e f o r a b o u t 2 0 y e a r s S l o t h s d o n o t l i k e t o b e t o u c h e d W e i g h t : b e t w e e n 9 a n d 1 7 p o u n d s H e i g h t : 2 . 5 F e e t

L E A V E S T W I G S B U D S T H A M E R I C A , R A Z I L A N D , C O S T A R I C A F u n F a c t s R P Y E A G L E S , E L O T S , A N D J A G U A R S W i t h o u t s l o t h s , t h e r e w o u l d b e n o a v o c a d o s S l o t h s a r e f a s t e r i n w a t e r t h a n o n l a n d F o r a s l o t h , i t t a k e s 3 0 d a y s t o d i g e s t a l e a f

Q u e t z a l c o a t l u s w a s t h e l a r g e s t f l y i n g d i n o s a u r w h o o u tw e i g h e d t h e f a m o u s

P t e r o d a c t y l o v e r 6 6 m i l l i o n y e a r s a g o . I t w a s a s t a l l a s a g i r a f f e a n d f l e w o v e r t h e

l i k e s o f T y r a n n o s a u r u s a n d T r i c e r a t o p s s p e c i e s w i t h p r i d e . A l s o , t h e y w e r e a r o u n d

f o r o n l y t h e C r e t a c e o u s p e r i o d , t h e t i m e b e t w e e n 1 4 4 a n d 6 6 m i l l i o n y e a r s a g o ,

b u t w e r e d o m i n a t e d t h r o u g h n o n t h e l e s s .

F e e d i n g A d a p t a t i o n s

D e s p i t e i t s m a s s i v e s i z e , i t p r e d o m i n a n t l y

h u n t e d f i s h , h o w e v e r i t w o u l d a l s o f e a s t o n t h e

c a r c a s s e s o f d e a d d i n o s a u r s i f t h e o p p o r t u n i t y

a r o s e D u e t o i t s l o n g b e a k n o t h o u s i n g a n y

t e e t h , i t w o u l d s w a l l o w i t s p r e y w h o l e . W h e r e a n d w h o d i s c o v e r e d i t ?

O t h e r s h a v e d i s c o v e r e d f o s s i l s a l l

t h r o u g h o u t t h e N o r t h A m e r i c a n r e g i o n

s o a Q u e t z a l c o a t l u s m i g h t h a v e e v e n b e e n l i v i n g n e a r y o u r o w n h o u s e !

I n 1 9 7 1 D o u g l a s A . L a w s o n d i s c o v e r e d

t h e f i r s t Q u e t z a l c o a t l u s f o s s i l s f r o m

t h e J a v e l i n a F o r m a t i o n i n B i g B e n d

N a t i o n a l P a r k . T h e s e f o s s i l s c o n s i s t e d

o f b o n e s f r o m a p a r t i a l w i n g o f a

g i g a n t i c f l y i n g r e p t i l e o r p t e r o s a u r .

P h y s i c a l

C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

S a u r o p o d o m o r p h s h a d s u p e r l o n g n e c k s a n d a

w i n g s p a n o f 1 1 t o 1 2 m t h e

l o n g e s t w i n g s p a n e v e r r e c o r e d !

v e r e t t U z e l a c 8 0 1

We sent out a survey to see what you guys thought about who would win the fight! These are the results!


T h e c h a n c e s o f t h i s h a p p e n i n g i n t h e w i l d a r e a l m o s t z e r o s i n c e t h e G r i z z l y l i v e s i n N o r t h A m e r i c a , w h i l e t h e S i l v e r b a c k l i v e s i n C e n t r a l A f r i c a . M a y b e h u m a n s c o u l d c a p t u r e b o t h t h e a n i m a l s a n d b r i n g t h e m t o t h e s a m e p l a c e t o f i g h t-t h i s w o u l d n o t o n l y b e c r u e l , b u t t h e S i l v e r b a c k i s e n d a n g e r e d a n d t h e g o v e r n m e n t i n A f r i c a h a s s t r i c t r e g u l a t i o n s E v e n i f t h e s e t w o a n i m a l s d i d s o m e h o w m e e t e a c h o t h e r i n t h e w i l d , t h e y w o u l d m o s t l i k e l y n e v e r h a v e t o f i g h t o v e r a n y t h i n g a s g o r i l l a s a r e h e r b i v o r e s ( w h i c h m e a n s t h e y o n l y e a t p l a n t s ) a n d w o u l d p r o b a b l y n o t a t t a c k a b e a r .

c k ’ s s

t h e S i

r e n g t h a n d a b i l i t i e s . T h e G r i z z l y ’ s i n c r e d i b l e s p e e d a n d a g i l i t y w o u l d b e a b l e t o d o d g e m a n y o f t h e S i l v e r b a c k ’ s a t t a c k s . I n a q u i c k s u m m a r y , t h e

G r i z z l y w o u l d t a k e t h e c r o w n i n t h i s b a t t l e b e c a u s e o f i t s s u p e r i o r s p e e d ,

s t r e n g t h , a n d e n d u r a n c e a l o n g w i t h i t s

u n b e a t a b l e c l a w s a n d s i z e .


Physics is the study of the universe and the laws that govern it


1. Scalers and vectors

A scaler quantity only has a magnitude (number) and a vector has a number and a direction

3. Work and Energy

Work is energy times distance, and energy is how much work an object can do.

5. E=mc2

E is energy M is mass and C is the speed of light

This equation was used to build the first atomic bomb

7. Photons

2. Refraction

Refraction is when a wave of light or sound changes from one medium (water or air) to another, bending the wave

4. Ohm’s Law

Ohm’s Law is that current is voltage divided by resistance, and that if you know two of these principles, you can find the third

6. Black Holes

Black holes form when a star dies and are so dense that not even light can escape

Source: Ducksters

Photons are the particles that make up light. They are not made of matter, have no mass, and can be created and destroyed, among other things.


MarieCuriewasbornonNovember7,1867. ShestudiedchemistryandphysicsinPoland whereshegraduatedfirstinherclass.Marie wasthefirstfemaleprofessoratTheSorbonne UniversityinParis.Shededicatedherlifeto workinginpioneeringresearchofradioactivity. MariesadlydiedonJuly4,1934,duetodecades ofexposuretoradiation


Mariefoundtwonew elementsradiumand polonium

Shealsoinventedthe word“radioactivity” forenergyrays Mariewon2Nobel Prizes.

The Who Was? show

Antarctica is the continent located in the southernmost part of the Southern Hemisphere and includes the South Pole It is the only continent to the south of Africa and Oceania and does not contain a country


The Antarctic Treaty

The Antarctic Treaty was signed by the countries of the world to not recognize any claims of land in Antarctica and to not have any commercial, residential or industrial districts on the ice.

Why was



The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 for the intention to reduce nuclear waste dumping and testing in the region. Secondly, to reduce military operations, and prevent resource harvesting like oil to protect the natural landscape.


TherearerulesthatallvisitorsofAntarcticasuchyoumusthavemeetingwith thedesignatedobserversonwhattheredoingintheareaandhowlongare theygoingtobe.


M A T H C O R N E R T e s s a T i e r n e y 7 0 1

G r a d e 5 U s e


N o v / D e c A n s w e r s

C o m p o n e n t s : T h e c o e f f i c i e n t i s a n u m b e r g r e a t e r t h a n o r e q u a l t o 1 a n d l e s s t h a n 1 0 ( 3 5 )

T h e e x p o n e n t o f 1 0 ( 4 i n t h e e x a m p l e ) i n d i c a t e s h o w m a n y p l a c e s t h e d e c i m a l p o i n t s h o u l d b e m o v e d I f t h e e x p o n e n t i s p o s i t i v e , m o v e t h e d e c i m a l p o i n t t o t h e r i g h t .

I f t h e e x p o n e n t i s n e g a t i v e , m o v e t h e d e c i m a l p o i n t t o t h e l e f t L a r g e : 6 2 × 1 0 ⁷ r e p r e s e n t s 6 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 S m a l l :

T h i s i s g o i n g t o b e a r e c u r r i n g s e r i e s a b o u t d i f f e r e n t c o n c e p t s i n m a t h b e c a u s e ‘ m a t h m a t t e r s ’ . S c i e n t i f i c N o t a t i o n : U n d e r s t

v e r y s m a l l q u a n t i t i e s . C a t e y C h a n 8 0 1

h e s s P u z z l e

AshortstorybyEvieDawn Hereisashortpart ClickHEREtoreadmore

Chapter 1

The Orphanage

“Hello, I’m Lydia,” exclaimed one of the very excited orphans.

“Uhhhhhhh…” Juliette replied. “ ... And you are?” Lydia continued.

“Juliette,” Juliette replied “Well… welcome to the orphanage then, Juliette.” “Get up, children, get up!” screamed Matron. “That is Matron, just ignore her, and you will be fine. Don’t speak unless spoken to, and stay as quiet as possible.” Lydia whispered.

“Chores, children! Chores! Get to work fast. The floors need to be scrubbed, my bathroom has perfume all over the floor, and someone needs to cook my breakfast.” Matron continued, “You! New girl, get over here. I need someone to cook my breakfast, and you are going to do it. Juliette nodded and said, “Of course. ” ...

The Science of Handwriting

Whether messy or neat, small or large, legible or illegible, anyone who can write, will have their own style of handwriting

But what causes one’s handwriting to look so different from the next?

Handwriting varies widely among individuals, influenced by a lot of factors Physiologically, differences in fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and muscle memory influence how individuals form letters and shapes Cognitively, the planning and execution of writing movements vary based on individual learning processes, linguistic abilities, and attention to detail External conditions such as writing instruments, surfaces, and environmental factors like temperature and lighting further impact handwriting appearance

Catey Chan 801 - Wonderopolis

Additionally, personal habits and preferences, developed over time, contribute to distinct styles including letter size, spacing, and overall neatness or messiness Cultural and developmental influences also play a role, reflecting educational backgrounds, regional norms, and cultural practices related to writing Together, these elements create the diversity of handwriting styles that make each person's writing uniquely their own

Graphology is a field dedicated to handwriting analysis and examines stroke shapes to understand personality traits. Despite its controversial nature, graphologists assert they can discern insights into a person’s character through handwriting











IthinkGenshinImpactisaprettygoodand enjoyablegameforpeopleages10andupGenshin Impacthasalotofgoodcharacters,includingHu TaoandAmber

IlikeGenshinImpactbecauseithasagoodanime openbackground.Italsohasareallygoodcombat andagoodstoryifyouarelookingforagametoplay whenyouarebored.


7 & 8s ONLY

Shadow Milk Cookie

Shadow Milk Cookie is a beast rarity cookie His position in the team is middle, as his type is magic His personality is a silly and also quite the liar as a jester!

Shadow’s cookie’s best toppings

This page will teach you on how to build him into your team!

Shadow’s best beascuits

Deceitful Chocolate Decreases cooldown Swift Chocolate Decreases cooldown Legendary Zesty Beascuit Cooldown is best!!

The Scorpion Rules



The Scorpion Rules follows our protagonist, Greta who has lived in the Precepture since she was 5. She’s only known the rules of the Preceptures and waiting for her death. Until one day she meets

Elian, the hostage from the Cumberland Alliance and he turns her world upside down..

I loved this book! It was so heartfelt and the banter felt so real I really enjoyed this and cannot stop thinking about it. It captured my attention and the chemistry between Da-Xia and Greta was something else. I would definitely recommend this book to lovers of fantasy, teen fiction, action and royalty with a sci-fi twist.

Overall I would give it a 9/10 with a point because of the slow start and that this book is suitable for grades 7 and 8.

I n 2 0 1 2, T a ly o r S w i f t m da e a b o l d c h o i c e a n d w e n t a gia n s t e v e htry i n g h e r r e c o r d la b le w a s t le l i n g h e r . S h e r le e a s e d h e r f ir s t c r o s s o v e r p o p

la b u m, R e d, a n d i t w a s a m a s s i v e s u c c e s s ! I n 2 0 1 2, T a ly o ’r s n e t w o r t h w a s $ 1 4 0, 2 1 3, 5 7 7 ( C A D 1 9 6, 9 3 6, 0 9 6 ) . F o l l o w i n g t h e r le e a s e o f R e d, i n

2 0 1 3, i t s ky r o c k e t e d la l t h e w a y t o $ 2 0 1, 6 2 1, 0 6 8 ( C A D 2 8 3, 1 6 6, 7 0 9 ) ! T h a t ’s a n i n c r e a s e o f o v e r 6 0m i l l i o n U S D ! ( $ 8 0 M C A D ) T h e p u b l i c l o v e d h e r h la fp o p , h la fc o u n try c r o s s o v e r, a n d t h i s s e t T a ly o r o n t h e p a t h t o g e t w h e r e s h e i s t o day . R le e a s e d i n 2 0 1 4, 1 9 8 9 w a s T a ly o ’r s f ir s

2 0 1 7, a n d i t w a s c e r t ia lny a s h o c k t o f a n s. A s n o t e d i n “L o o k W h a t Y o u Ma d e M e D ”o, t h e o l d T a ly o r w a s d e da, a n d w i t h h e r w e n t t h e u bp e a t, p o s i t i v e

s o n g s a n d f a s h i o n o f 1 9 8 9. T h i s n e w T a ly o r r o c k e d

b la c k a n d r e d b o dy s u i ts, t h e m o t i f o f s n a k e s, a n d m o o dy s o n g s. S o u r c e

H le l o S w i f t i e s ! O u r n a m e s a r e

E v i e a n d T e s s a a n d w e a r e g o i n g

t o b e t la k i n g i n d e t lia a b o u t la l o f T a ly o r S w i f t ’s la b u m s o v e r t h e

s p a n o f t h e n e x t f e w m o n t h s.

A n d s i n c e w ’e r e g o i n g i n o r d e r o f r le e a s e, t h e f ir s t t h r e e a r e T a ly o r

S w i f t ( h e r d e b u t la b u m ) , F e a lr e s s, a n d Sp e a k N o w ! E n j o !y *D o ’n t b e la a r m e d by t h e n o nT a ly o ’r s V e r s i o n la b u m c o v e r s ; w ’e l l t la k a b o u t t h o s e i n a f u t u r e i s s u e !

7 0 1

T i e r n e y

E v i e Da w n a n d T e s s a

I n 2 0 0 6 a t t h e y o u n g a g e o f 1 6, T a ly o r

s t a r t e d h e r c a r e e r w i t h a c o u n try la b u m

r le e a s e d a b o u t f o u r m o n t h s a f t e r h e r h i t

s i n lg e, “ T i m M c G r a ”w. T h e f a s h i o n i n t h e

T a ly o r S w i f t ( D e b u t ) e r a i n c lu d e d t w o m ia n

t h i n g s : c o w b o y b o o t s a n d a s u n d r e s s. By w e a ir n g t h e s e t h i n g s, s h e e s t a b l i s h e d h e r s le f a s a n “i n n o c e n t c o u n try ig lr ” By n o t w e a ir n g big pir n c e s s d r e s s e s a n d p o o fy s k ir t s i n h e r f ir s t

la b u m, s h e h lep e d p e o lp e r le a t e t o h e r . T h e y

s a w h e r a s a ig lr t h e y w o lu d w a n t t o h a n g

o u t w i t h o n t h e w e e k e n d a n d g o s s ip w i t h

a b o u t c u t e b o y s. R hig t a w a y , T a ly o r S w i f t

s t a r t e d e a r n i n g t h e a t t e n t i o n o f t h e p u b l i c

I n 2 0 0 8, T a ly o r r le e a s e d h e r s e c o n d s t u d i o la b u m,

F e a lr e s s. T h i s la b u m k e tp i n l i n e w i t h b e i n g

r le a t a b le . I n “ Y o u B le o n g W i t h M ”e, T a ly o r t la k s

a b o u t f a s h i o n, t h e c o m m o n t h i n g s t h a t e v e ry o n e

h a s ly i n g a r o u n d s o m e w h e r e ( ts h ir ts, s n e a k e r s ) , a n d

c o m p a r e s t h e m t o t h i n g s t h a t m a by e o lny s o m e p e o lp e h a v e / w e a r ( s h o r t s k ir ts, h high e le s ) .

S o u r c e : “ S ty le ” by S a r a h C h a ple le

F e a lr e s s, i t w a s Sp e a k N o w. T h i s la b u m w a s la l

A f t e r

a b o u t e x p r e s s i n g h o w y o u f e le . I n t h e s o n g “ Sp e a k N o ”w, T a ly o r d e s c ir b e s t h e f e le i n g o f w i s h i n g s h e h da t h e

c o u r a g e t o s a y h o w s h e f e les, a n d w h e n s h e f i n la ly d o e s

s a y i t, s h ’e s lgda t h a t s h e ‘sp o k e n o ’w b e c a u s e i t la l t u r n e d o u t t o b e h o w s h e w a n t e d. I n “ B a c k t o

D e c e m b e ”r, s h e s i n g s a b o u t h o w s h e m da e a m i s t a k e a n d

w i s h e s s h e c o lu d g o ‘ b a c k t o D e c e m b e ’r a n d f i x i t; a gian, t h i s i s k e e ip n g w i t h t h e t h e m e o f w a n t i n g t o e x p r e s s h o w y o u f e le . T a y l o r S w i f t : O n e E r a a t a T i m e



Which Demon Slayer HASHIRA are you?

How do you describe your personality?

A) Calm and composed

B) Passionate and fiery

C) Fierce and sharp-tongued

D) Quiet and introspective

E) Compassionate and spiritual

F) Flashy and bold

G) Cheerful and loving

H) Reserved and loyal

I) Intelligent and resourceful

4. What’s your biggest flaw?

A) Struggling to connect emotionally

B) Overconfidence

C) A short temper

D) Forgetfulness or aloofness

E) Being overly sensitive

F) Being a bit too flashy

G) Falling too hard, too fast

H) Struggling to open up

I) Holding grudges

7. What weapon would you wield?

A) A simple but refined sword

B) A flame-like blade

C) A jagged, wild weapon

D) A mysterious, cloudlike sword

E) A massive and solid weapon

F) Dual blades connected by chains

G) A flexible, heart-shaped blade

H) A snake-like curved sword

I) A sword that delivers poison

2. What drives you in life?

A) Maintaining balance and discipline

B) Protecting others with passion

C) Fighting fiercely for what’s right

D) Finding clarity and peace

E) Serving others with strength and faith

F) Living life with excitement and flair

G) Spreading love and positivity

H) Protecting loved ones with devotion

I) Outsmarting obstacles with strategy

5. Which natural element resonates with you most?

A) Water

B) Fire

C) Wind

D) Mist

E) Stone

F) Sound

G) Love

H) Serpent

I) Insect

10. How do others describe you?

A) Calm and reliable

B) Fiery and inspiring

C) Intense and intimidating

D) Quiet and mysterious

E) Warm and nurturing

F) Flamboyant and energetic

G) Sweet and caring

H) Quiet but protective

I) Sharp and witty

3. What’s your biggest strength?

A) Patience and focus

B) Determination and courage

C) Raw power and endurance

D) Adaptability and calmness

E) Kindness and empathy

F) Confidence and creativity

G) Optimism and emotional connection

H) Loyalty and persistence

I) Intelligence and precision

6. How do you approach combat?

A) Precise and fluid movements

B) Aggressive and overwhelming strikes

C) Wild and chaotic, but effective

D) Quiet, controlled, and adaptive

E) Solid and unyielding defense

F) Flashy and coordinated attacks

G) Flexible and elegant maneuvers

H) Stealthy and calculated strikes

I) Smart and efficient, with poison if necessary

9. What’s your favourite type of food?

A) Simple, refreshing dishes

B) Spicy and hearty meals

C) Savory snacks with bold flavours

D) Light, subtle-tasting foods

E) Nourishing and filling meals

F) Anything extravagant and delicious

G) Sweet and comforting treats

H) Small but fancy meals

I) Something delicate but satisfying

Demon Slayer matching results:

(A) Giyu Tomioka (Water): Calm, disciplined, and a natural protector who values peace and balance.


Kyojuro Rengoku (Flame): Passionate, courageous, and endlessly optimistic, always burning brightly.

(C) Sanemi Shinazugawa (Wind): Fierce, strong-willed, and driven by a tough love for those he protects.


Muichiro Tokito (Mist): Quiet, introspective, and deeply focused, with a dreamy quality.


Gyomei Himejima (Stone): Compassionate, spiritual, and deeply protective of others.

(G) Mitsuri Kanroji (Love): Sweet, cheerful, and endlessly kind, with a deep emotional connection to others.

(H) Obanai Iguro (Serpent): Quiet, intensely loyal, and highly perceptive, with a sharp sense of duty.

(F) Tengen Uzui (Sound): Bold, flamboyant, and energetic, with a love for the dramatic.

(I) Shinobu Kocho (Insect): Clever, graceful, and resourceful, with a subtle but sharp edge.


TheSecretofUsisthesecondalbumbyAmericansingersongwriterGracieAbrams,releasedonJune21,2024and consistsof13tracks TheSecretofUshasbeenlabeledas countrypop,indiepop,andfolkalbum TheSecretofUstopp thechartsinAustralia,Canada,theNetherlands,Scotland,a theUnitedKingdom IntheUnitedStates,thealbumdebuted numbertwoontheBillboard200,becomingherfirsttop10 album Tosupportthealbum,AbramsembarkedonTheSec ofUsTour,inSeptember2024 Shehasalsoperformedat severaleventsandtelevisionprograms,andaddedcertain trackstohersetlistofTheErasTour AdeluxeeditionofTh SecretofUswasreleasedonOctober18,2024,alongsideth single"That'sSoTrue",whichtoppedtheUKSinglesChart

Sources: https://chscommunicator.com/97469/a-and e/2024/11/the-secret-of-us-album-review/ ByElaineZhu802


Hit Me Hard and Soft is the third album by American singer-songwriter Billie Eilish, released on May 17, 2024. It topped the charts in over 20 countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. In the United States, Hit Me Hard and Soft debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 and charted all 10 of its songs in the top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100. At the 67th Annual Grammy Awards, the album and its songs received a total of seven nominations, including Album of the Year, Best Pop Vocal Album, Song of the Year and Record of the Year.

To support the album, Eilish has embarked on her seventh concert tour, Hit Me Hard and Soft: The Tour, which commenced on September 29, 2024.

Source: https://www.spe ctrumpulse.ca/blog/alb um-review-hitme-hard-andsoft-by-billieeilish

BRATisthesixthalbumbyEnglishsinger CharliXCX,whichwasreleasedonJune 7,2024 BRAThaspeakedatnumber oneintheUK,Australia,andIreland.It alsoreachedthetoptenin12other countries,includingtheUnitedStates, whereitmarkedCharliXCX'shighest debutontheBillboard200(number three).Adeluxeeditionwiththree additionaltrackswasreleasedonJune 10,2024andaremixalbumtitled,Brat andIt'sCompletelyDifferentbutAlsoStill Brat,featuring20guestartists,was releasedonOctober11,2024



Q u e e r M u s i c i a n s

B o y G e n i u s B o y G e n i u s B o y G e n i u s

Supporting queer artists is a fantastic way to uplift the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and by listening to their work, you can gain valuable insights and learn from their diverse experiences.

Boygenius is an American indie rock supergroup of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus Their debut studio album, The Record, was a success, winning the members three Grammy Awards.

Boygenius is often considered a queer band because all three members identify as queer. Each member has been open about their queer identities in interviews and through their music.

Their music and collective identity are influenced by queer experiences, themes, and perspectives. The band has been celebrated for its representation of queer voices within the indie rock and alternative music scenes, contributing to more visibility and inclusivity in the industry

Boy Genius is a talented and amazing band, and I highly recommend listening to them if you wish to help support the queer community through music.

Pistachio rice Krispies



200gpistachiocream 50gbutter





Melt the butter with the pistachio cream and blend together. 1.

Add the marshmallows and mix together. 2.

Next, add the Rice Krispies and mix till combined. 3.

Pour the mixture into a tin and press flat. 4.

Melt the dark or milk chocolate and pour it on top of the Rice Krispies 5.

Melt the white chocolate and drizzle on top 6

Cut up into squares and enjoy. 7.


Millionaire Shortbread Recipe




250gplainflour 75gcastersugar 175gbutter softened


100gbutter ormargarine


200gplainormilkchocolate brokenintopieces

100glightmuscovadosugar 397gcancondensedmilk

Heattheovento350F.Lightlygreaseandlinea20-22cmsquareorrectangular bakingtinwithalipofatleast3cm.

Tomaketheshortbread,mix250gplainflourand75gcastersugarinabowl.Rubin 175gsoftenedbutteruntilthemixtureresemblesfinebreadcrumbs

Kneadthemixturetogetheruntilitformsadough,thenpressintothebaseofthe preparedtin. Pricktheshortbreadlightlywithaforkandbakefor20minutesoruntilfirmtothe touchandverylightlybrownedLeavetocoolinthetin.

Tomakethecaramel,place100gbutterormargarine,100glightmuscovadosugar andthecanofcondensedmilkinapanandheatgentlyuntilthesugarhas dissolved.Continuallystirwithaspatulatomakesurenosugarstickstothebottom ofthepan(Thiscanleavebrownspecksinthecaramelbutwon’taffectthe flavour.)

Turnuptheheattomediumhigh,stirringallthetime,andbringtotheboil,then lowertheheatbacktolowandstirringcontinuously,forabout5-10minutesor untilthemixturehasthickenedslightly.Pourovertheshortbreadandleavetocool Forthetopping,melt200gplainormilkchocolateslowlyinabowloverapanof hotwater.Pouroverthecoldcaramelandleavetoset.Cutintosquaresorbars withahotknife.

How to Make Mango Lass


Source: https://www.simplyrecipes.com

1 cup chopped very ripe mango , frozen chopped mango, or canned mango pulp

1 cup of plain yogurt

1/2 cup of milk

4 teaspoons of honey or sugar, more or less to taste ground cardamom (optional) ice (optional)


Add the mango chunks, yogurt, milk, honey/sugar, and cardamom (optional) into a blender and blend for 2 minutes

If you want a thicker consistency, either blend in some ice as well or serve over ice cubes

Pour the ingredients into a glass and sprinkle a tiny pinch of ground cardamo

Keep it in a refrig



Meltthecoconutoiltillliquid 1

Meltthechocolateonmedium heat(doubleboiler),thenaddthe meltedcoconutoilandmix.

2. Leavethechocolate,andworkon thekunafa 3

Chopupthekunafa 4

Addatablespoonofbuttertoa pan,addthekunafa,andstirfry untilgolden/onmediumheat.

5. Whenbrownedadditintoabowl andmixwiththepistachiocream 6

7.Addthetahiniandthenstirtill fullymixed.

8.Getachocolatemouldandpour someofthechocolateintoit, coatingitaroundthemould 9 Pouroutanyexcesschocolate, thenputitinthefreezer.

10.Whenchilled,putthekunafa mixtureinthechocolatemould. 11 Pourtherestofthechocolate andchill

12.Whenchilled,removefrom mouldandenjoy!



3 large egg yolks

¼ cup white sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup heavy cream

2 tablespoons white sugar

1 tablespoon brown sugar





Gathertheingredients.Preheattheovento300F.Move anovenracktothelowestposition.

Whiskeggyolks,1/4whitesugar,andvanillatogetherin aheatproofbowluntilsmooth.Bringcreamjusttoa simmerinasaucepanovermedium-lowheat.Gradually whiskhotcreamintoeggyolkmixture(alittleatatime topreventthemixturefromscrambling),whisking continuouslyuntilcombined.


Bringacoupleofinchesofwatertoasimmerina saucepanovermedium-lowheat.Setthebowlwiththe creammixtureoverthesaucepantoformadoubleboiler. Cook,gentlystirringwithawoodenspoon,untilthe creammixturethickensenoughtoeasilycoatthebackof thespoon.

4. Chillintherefrigeratorfor2hours 5


Pourhotcreamintoaheat-proofbakingdishor individualramekinssetonarimmedbakingsheet.Place inthepreheatedoven.Bakeuntilmixturesetsbuthasa slightjiggle,about20to30minutes

Tomakethetopping:Preheattheoven'sbroilerandset theovenrackabout6inchesfromtheheatsource

Combine2tablespoonswhitesugarandbrownsugarina smallbowl Sprinkleevenlyovercoldcrèmebrûlée


Heatunderthepreheatedbroileruntilsugarmeltsand browns,2to3minutes.Returnimmediatelytothe refrigeratorandchilluntilsugarisset,about15minutes.

P e t C o r n e r

D u n c a n H i n e s 5 0 3

O w n e r : C a t e y P e t n a m e : D a i s y

O w n e r : P a t r i c k

O w n e r : B e a t r i c e

P e t n a m e : G e o r g i a

P e t n a m e : Q u i g l e y

P e t a g e : 1 y e a r , 9 m o n t h s

O w n e r : H u d s o n P e t n a m e : L i l l y P e t a g e : 4 y e a r s

P e t a g e : 3 o r 4 y e a r s

A g e : 1 0 m o n t h s

I s h a n

O w n e r :

P e t n a m e : B e n t l y

P e t a g e : 3 m o n t h s

O w n e r : E m i l i a

P e t n a m e : P u m p k i n P e t a g e : 3 y e a r s

S C ’ s G o t A r t i s t i c T a l e n t Aria Day 603

“Winter Serenity” By Michelle Wang 803 June 10, 2024

“Ohio Sigma” By Bukayo Tiamiyu 603 Oct 24, 2024

2 0 2 4 B I N G O

B y S e l e n a Z h a n g 8 0 1

W e n t t o t h e b e a c h G o t a n e w p e t F o u n d a n e w h o b b y R e a d a n e w b o o k

T r a v e l e d t o a n o t h e r c o u n t r y

G o t a h a i r c u t M o v e d h o u s e s F o u n d a n e w r e c i p e t o m a k e

M a d e a n e w f r i e n d

W e n t s k i i n g

A c h i e v e d y o u r N e w Y e a r ’ s R e s o l u t i o n P u l l e d a n a l ln i g h t e r


T r i e d a n e w h a i r s t y l e / h a i r c u t

G o t b r a c e s

W e n t o n a c r u i s e E n j o y e d 2 0 2 4

W e n t o n a r o a d t r i p W e n t s h o p p i n g

W e n t t o t h e m o v i e t h e a t r e

W a t c h e d a n e w s h o w

F o u n d y o u r m u s i c t a s t e

U s e d A I

H u n g o u t w i t h f r i e n d s

F o u n d y o u r c l o t h i n g s t y l e

a l e n t i n e ’ s D a y

c a h i e r s t y l o W o r d S e a r c h


T i a r a M i s h r a 8 0 2

a f f i c h e t a b l e a u b l a n c f e u i l l e d e p a p i e r

l i v r e c r a y o n

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