@TheHelm | Vol 5 | Issue 2

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HSC Middle School's


Sunset in Ontario on the lake - photo by Emma Minetti, 605

@THEHELM - HSC’s Middle School paper Congratulations to all of the contributors to the December issue! A special thanks to Mme Cheikh-Ali and Groupe Vitesse for all of the French submissions this month. For the January/February issue, any students who are not in the @theHelm club are still welcome to share their work with this Google Form Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee Hillfield Strathallan College - Middle School Student Newspaper

CONTENTS @theHelm—Issue 2: December 2023

7 What is Neurodiversity? Get brainy with this hot topic!

8 Trans Awareness Week Learn how human rights are on the line

25 Tips for School Be the best version of yourself with these tips

SPECIAL FEATURES 03 All About Hanukkah 04 Christmas: a time to help those in need 05 Internet Safety 09 Escape Rooms 2.0 10 A Brief History of British Airways 13-14 Birthstones 33 HSC’s Favourites: survey results 34 Taylor Swift: reviews & survey results 41 AI Today

REGULAR FEATURES 04 Jokes 06 Sports Corner: Volleyball 11-12 The Pet Corner (is back!) 20-23 Book Reviews 23-24 Music & Game Reviews 26-30 Recipes 35 The Climate Corner 36-40 Le coin français par Groupe Vitesse

COUNTRYJOKES Collected by Ishan Rajput, 704

Why do the French eat snails?

Why do all Swedish military ships have bar codes on them?

What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus

So when the come to port, they can just Scan-da-navy-in

In which country is Prague located? Hold on - let me Czech

16 Writing Contest Winner 18 Short story: “Meet Cute” 19 Poem: “The Tears of a Silent Night” 31-32 Featured Visual Artists

What kind of birds can you find in Portugal?

He pasta way


Did you hear about the Italian chef that died?


15 Deductive Reasoning Puzzle 17 English Corner: writing prompts 25 Gingerbread House Contest 41 Ripple Foundation Creative Writing Contest

Because they don’t like fast food


What do you call a vegan Viking? A Norvegan

42 Word Search 43 The Cartoon Corner

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Hanukkah EVIE DAWN 604


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Christmas Jokes by Isabella Zeng, 602

1. Why does Scrooge love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Because every buck is dear to him! 2. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite 3. Why do reindeer love Beyonce so much? She sleighs 4. What is Santa’s favourite type of candy? Jolly Ranchers 5. How do elves clean Santa’s sleigh after Christmas? They use Santa-tizer 6. Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past? Because the present is beneath them Source @theHelm - page 4

e n i l n O r o f s Tip y t e f Sa 1. Don’t talk to strangers in online gaming. 2. Only meet with people you already know online. 3. Don’t be toxic or rude. This can hurt people’s feelings. 4. Don’t share personal information. People can use it against you. 5. In online gaming, report people if they are going against the TOS/rules. If that does not work, leave the game and tell your parents (Especially in Roblox; the report system is broken!).

by Bukayo Tiamiyu 502 502

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Volleyball By Ainsley Douglas 605 Hello! This issue I am going to be talking about volleyball Are you confused about how to make a good set? Hopefully, this article helps!


Pass The term “pass” is also known as “bump.” The ball contacts the forearm part of your arm, and you push up using your legs. Your platform is made by placing your hands on top of one another, placing your thumbs together, and pushing down.

The term “set” is also known as a “volley.” You make your hands ballshaped as the ball contacts your fingers, and you should hardly hear a sound.

Overhand serve

Hit The term “hit” is also known as a “spike.” The ball contacts the lower palm of your hand and you hit it over.

For the overhand serve, you put whatever hand you’re hitting forward, throw the ball up high in front of you, take a step with your other foot, and hit the ball over the net.

Underhand serve

Ready position

For the underhand serve, you put your right foot forward, hold the ball in your right hand, bend down a tiny bit, step forward with your left foot, and hit the ball. You can have your hand in a fist or open (heel of the palm).

The ready position is the most important thing. You place your feet shoulder-length apart, you bend at the waist, and your hands are apart, ready to pass or set the ball.

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What is Neurodiversity? by Isabella Zeng, 602

What is it? First off, diversity means variety. Neuro means relating to the nervous system or the brain. So neurodiversity is the differences in our brains; it's the unique way our brains develop. However, sometimes neurodiversity can be stressful and affect our mental health.

Examples of it? Bipolar disorder, anxiety, autism, Down Syndrome, dyslexia, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, Prader-Willi syndrome, and many more are examples of it. Neurodiverse people, such as Kim Peek, can be capable of amazing things.

How can we be aware? You can educate yourself about neurodiversity by doing research or asking someone questions (if they feel comfortable answering); but if they don’t want to share, respect their boundaries and don’t judge them. Neurodivergent people are all around us and can be amazing friends, too.

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by Catey Chan, 702

What is transgender awareness week? (Definition from the Glaad website)

Transgender Awareness Week is a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the trans community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community.

Transgender History Spotlight:

Sylvia Rivera Sylvia Rivera was a Latina trans woman, who was a trans rights activist in New York City. She was just 17 years old when she helped lead the Stonewall Riots. Sylvia believed that the gay liberation movement, while revolutionary, was too centered around gay and lesbian, middle-class white people. She advocated for the movement to be inclusive of all races, all genders, and the poor and homeless. Her efforts live on in today’s efforts and fights for trans rights.

Source: 1, 2 @theHelm - page 8

e p a c s E s m Roo

TIPS: Don’t be too proud to take the hints if they’re needed.

If you’re stressed with a puzzle, and are in a group, you can ask someone to switch roles. Make sure to follow the puzzles in order.

Burlington BurlingtonRecommendations: Recommendations: https://confundrumescaperooms.co https://confundrumescaperooms.com/ m/rating: rating:4.9, 4.9,933 933reviews reviews https://www.ruzeescaperooms.com/ https://www.ruzeescaperooms.com/ rating:5.0, 5.0, 394 394 reviews reviews rating:

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d an 4 n W , 80 n a Vi e CM y b hi p So

A quick history of British Airways by Jawaad Jaffer, 503

British Airways is the second largest UKbased carrier, based on fleet size and passengers carried, behind easyJet. In January 2011, BA merged with Iberia to make the International Airlines Group, which is the world's third-largest airline group (in terms of annual revenue) and the second-largest in Europe. BA was created in 1974 after the British government established a British Airways Board to manage the two nationalized airline corporations— British Overseas Airways Corporation and British European Airways—and two regional airlines: Cambrian Airways and Northeast Airlines. On March 31, 1974, all four companies were merged to form British Airways.

Following two years of fierce competition with British Caledonian, the second-largest airline in the United Kingdom at the time, the government changed its aviation policy in 1976 so that the two carriers would no longer compete on longhaul routes.

Credit: Britannica, DK Dictionary

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Pet Corner BY ISHAN RAJPUT, 704

Peggy Tessa Tierney 604

Peanut Alexander Matos 501

Penny Avery Ferris 703

Daisy Catey Chan 702

Basil Claire Mitchell 603

Coco Aarohi Banerjee 602

Kenny Jia Yoon 601

Olly Neil Gupta 706

Lilu Arav Kulkarni 601

Twister Jackson Guy 803

Islie Emilia McCann 602

Pizza Victoria & Emma Minetti 804/605

Mavie Kayla Ciancone 605

Mario & Yoshi Ginny Grigg 605 Spark Elizabeth Lerner 704

Stella Ollie 704

Rex Ruby Fraser-Underhill 703 Bentley Tiara Mishra 703

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Pet Corner continued...

Obi Gabriel Reda 701

Leo Yahya Naas 803

Keanu Kingka Hu 602

Dozer Avery Campbell 604

Ziggy Talia El-Fouly 602

Milo Ishan Rajput 704

Chicken Ahana Kulkarni 803

Maple Nathan Yuan 503

Biscuit & Chocolate Evie Dawn 604

Egg Shell Shawn Zheng 603

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Toby Isabella Zeng 602

Beautiful Birthstones January Garnet

February March Amethyst Aquamarine

May Emerald

June Pearl

September Sapphire

October November Topaz` Opal

July Ruby

by Tiara Mishra, 703

April Diamond

August Peridot

December Turquoise

Click on your birthstone for more cool info! @theHelm - page 13

Birthstone Facts BY TALIA EL-FOULY 602

February Amethyst

January Garnet

Did you know Garnet dates back to the ancient Egyptians?

Did you know according to Greek mythology, amethyst is believed to keep its wearer clear of mind?

May Emerald

One of the most iconic sapphires in modern history was the 12 carat blue gem in Princess Diana’s engagement ring.

April Diamond

In 1936, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt received a gorgeous dark blue step cut aquamarine

Diamonds are incredibly strong. The word “diamond” is derived from Greek word “adamus”, meaning “unbreakable.”

June Pearl

For thousands of years, emeralds have been treasured all across the world, and many believed the stone contained magical powers.

September Sapphire

March Aquamarine

For centuries, pearls perplexed those lucky enough to possess them in the Middle East.

October Opal

For many centuries, the opal was viewed as a sign of truth and purity by Europeans.

July Ruby

Rubies have historically been symbolic of youthful energy and power in Indian jewelry.

November Topaz

For more than two centuries, the world’s finest topaz was mined in Brazil.

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August Peridot

Peridot can be found in various countries around the world.

December Blue topaz

Blue topaz has historically been prized by America’s indigenous people, including the Apache.



by Catey Chan, 702


Pet Name



Pet Name

Cat Dog Fish Rabbit Horse Bentley Daisy Lily Juniper Sunny



Jamie Tiara Priya Grace Emily Bentley Daisy Lily Juniper Sunny

1. Priya’s pet lives in water 2. The dog’s name is a flower 3. Grace has a big animal

4. Emily’s pet likes carrots 5. Tiara’s animal has nine lives 6. Juniper goes clip-clop 7. Sunny has gills

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Thanksgiving Writing Contest Winner Tessa Tierney 604

Hello Middle School! You may remember seeing a thanksgiving writing contest in @thehelm last month. Here is the winner!

Congrats to Chime Kanu in 801! In a small town surrounded by the beauty of nature, there lived a family of four a father, a mother, and their two children, a boy and a girl. They were known for their close-knit bond and love for each other. As the leaves turned orange and the air grew crisp, the family knew Thanksgiving was upon them. The mother, a culinary enthusiast, woke up early that day. She tied her apron and started preparing the much-anticipated turkey dinner. The aroma of the roasting turkey filled their home, its scent wafting through each room, signalling the start of their Thanksgiving celebration. The father and children took on the task of setting up the dining table. They carefully placed the china that they used only on special occasions. The clinking sound of cutlery and the rustling of autumn leaves outside created a symphony that echoed the warmth of the occasion. As the golden-brown turkey was finally placed at the center of the table, everyone took their seats. The father carved the turkey with precision, revealing the juicy meat inside. The sight of the well-cooked turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie made their mouths water. Before they began their feast, they held hands around the table. One by one, they shared what they were thankful for. The father expressed his gratitude for his loving family and stable job in these uncertain times. The mother was thankful for their good health and happiness. The children were grateful for their parents’ love and support, their friends, and even their pet dog, who was wagging his tail under the table. @theHelm @theHelm--page page14 16

English Corner

by Evie Dawn and Tessa Tierney, 604 1. Write about something based on what you have experienced before OR want to experience. 2. Write about something you love, like a favourite animal or food. 3. Write a poem! Haikus are a good option. 4. Use a random word generator. Use it three times and write a story connecting those three words. This is very good when you have writer’s block. 5. Write about a person who lives on a fantasy planet. 6. Write the backstory of the “royalty” from one of your favourite places. 7. Write about something that usually can’t talk but is talking (anthropomorphism). 8. Rewrite your favourite fairy tale as though it is taking place in 2023. 9. Imagine you are a reporter and write your next big news story. 10. Write about a make-believe holiday you wish were real.

500 Writing Prompts @theHelm - page 17

SHORT STORY “Meet Cute” Once upon a time, a shy young girl unexpectedly bumped into her soulmate (literally bumped into him). In films, this is called "meet cute." One day, the girl was in a good mood, so she packed her stuff and left to get a coffee at her favourite coffee shop. Then she bumped into this boy who was working at the coffee shop because his dad had to pay rent at his little apartment in Vietnam. Then he put his coffee down and helped her up and said, "Uh, sorry.” The girl picked up her stuff with his help and sat at a table where, conveniently, he was also the waiter. When he asked what she wanted, she said, "Plain coffee, please,” and he left her studying for her exam. However, she could not focus because she was thinking about him. After he had her order ready, he came to her table, and on the top of her coffee, there was a heart in the foam. A thought popped into her head, and she blurted it out loud: "When is your shift over?” Everybody in the coffee shop looked at her, and suddenly, she felt shy again. But then he answered. "At three.” “I will meet you here,” she replied. Five hours later, they met up again, and the boy took her to dinner. Finally, they left and went to the park to talk for a while before saying goodbye. She has met up with him every day since. The end

by Chloe Da Costa Morrison, 605

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The Tears of a Silent Night:

Part 1

The Redemption of the Mourning Soul In the silence of the night, a soul mourns, A loss so deep, it leaves you torn. Tears flow like a river, a testament of pain, Yet, amidst the sorrow, hope remains. “Let go,” they advise, their words cold as ice, But how do you let go, when the loss is the price? The world moves on, the moon takes the sky, Yet all you feel is the emptiness and the silent cry. In the darkness of the night, a single star gleams, A symbol of hope, in a world that screams. “Move on,” it urges, its voice a gentle sigh, “Embrace the future, let the past lie.” The path is steep, the journey is tough, Every step you take, feels rough. But with each stride, you’re moving forward, Leaving behind the past, and the tears you’ve poured. Being human is a challenge, they claim, But is being a survivor just a game? If only crying is a sign of hurt, Then is moving on just a flirt? Boys and girls, old and young, We all have tales, yet to be sung. We are the foundation on which the world stands, Our trials and tribulations, a story that expands.

If we are the first to always fight, Then somewhere, sometime in this world, A human may ignite. In the face of loss, we discover our might, In the face of despair, we find the light. To rebuild, to embark on a new journey, To find the strength, to set us free. The hurt is intense, the scar is wide, Yet, in our souls, faith resides. For every sunset, there’s a sunrise, In every loss, a prize lies. So, here’s to the courageous, who dare to dream, Who dare to fall, who dare to redeem. Here’s to the resilient, who dare to weep, Who dare to wake, who dare to leap. For in the end, it’s not about the stumble, It’s about the climb, it’s about the rumble. To move ahead, to march on, To find the light, after the dawn is gone. So, let the tears flow, let the soul ache, For it’s through loss, that we awake. And remember, in the face of any strife, Loss is not the end, it’s the rhythm of life.

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by Chime Kanu, 801


CLASS: 604

BOOK TITLE: A MANGO-SHAPED SPACE AUTHOR: WENDY MASS SUMMARY 13-year-old Mia Winchell is different from everyone else. She sees words, sounds, and letters in colour; it’s been like this her whole life. She keeps it a secret until one day, she decides to tell her parents. After that, Mia’s life becomes very busy. On the way, she gets accused of having Middle-Child Syndrome, bombarded with questions at lunchtime, and witnesses the death of her classmate’s dog, but eventually, she goes to see a professional named Jerry, who tells her that she has what’s called synesthesia, a mingling of the senses. What follows is heartbreak, trauma, and so much more.

HOW I FELT ABOUT THE BOOK I often found myself with my jaw dropped while reading this book. I would read this book again. Wendy Mass did an amazing job explaining the perspective of a synesthete (a person with synesthesia), and I was not disappointed with the outcome of this book. I have no complaints. MY FAVOURITE PART The book describes Mia’s cat(Mango)’s meows to look like a little mangocoloured puff (hence the title of the book), so I would say that whenever Mango meows is my favourite part.


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Book Review I give the series a rating of... 6/10.

Catey Chan 702

The Inheritance Games Series


The Inheritance Games, The Hawthorne Legacy, and The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes are the books that make up this series that’s taking the readingworld by storm. This mysterious puzzle-solving series follows the main character, Avery Kylie Grambs, on her journey inheriting billions from Tobias Hawthorne. Over the summer, I read all three books, and I’m here to give a review. My main criticism of this series is the genre. I expected a mystery and a thriller, whereas the books became more focused on the love triangle between Avery and two of the Hawthorne brothers. The story was heavily marketed towards the mystery genre, but for me, it was very focused on Avery’s love life. They definitely were mystery books, and they were suspenseful, but they ended up focusing a lot more on romance, love triangles, and some very confusing family trees.

The first book was the best, closely followed by the second. The fresh mysteries of Tobias Hawthorne kept me on the edge of my seat and was overall the most exciting. The second book was just okay and exciting but was losing its steam. By the third book, I felt like the author was only trying to milk the popularity of the first and second books. She threw in a lot of new characters, twists, and plots to keep it exciting, but the story became confusing and extra as the author struggled to connect the threads into one story. To me, these books would’ve been much better off as just a series of two and would make more sense.

In conclusion, while these aren't my favourite books by far, I enjoyed reading them. They kept me on my toes, and I did become invested in the characters (mainly Nash and Xander) and the story. Despite their flaws, I would definitely recommend these books to anyone 11-13. They keep you excited and they are well-written. As mentioned before, these books are for people who like mysteries, a love triangle, and lots plot twists! @theHelm - page 21

A Captivating Adventure: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Book Review The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott is an enchanting book series that effortlessly combines the realms of fantasy and history. It takes readers on a thrilling journey alongside the legendary alchemist, Nicholas Flamel, and two courageous teenagers, Josh and Sophie. Throughout the series, the trio faces off against dark forces while also discovering their own magical abilities and unravelling ancient mysteries. One of the standout features of this series is its welldeveloped and relatable characters. Each character possesses their own unique personality and backstory, making them truly come alive on the pages. Nicholas Flamel, with his centuries of wisdom and immense power, is a fascinating mentor figure. Josh and Sophie, on the other hand, are ordinary teenagers who find themselves thrust into an extraordinary world. Their growth and transformation throughout the series is both inspiring and captivating. The plot of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is nothing short of exhilarating. It moves at a rapid pace, keeping readers on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists and turns. Mythical creatures and famous figures from history make appearances, adding an extra layer of excitement and intrigue. The seamless integration of fantasy elements with real historical events and characters is a testament to the author's skill and creativity.

Additionally, the series explores the power of knowledge and the consequences of seeking immortality. These themes add depth and substance, elevating the series beyond a mere action-packed fantasy. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is a must-read for fantasy and historical fiction lovers. It effortlessly transports readers to a world filled with adventure, mystery, and magic. The series is suitable for readers in grades 8 or 9, as it perfectly balances complexity and accessibility. Whether you're a fan of mythical creatures historical figures, or simply enjoy a captivating page-turner, this series is sure to captivate your imagination. So grab a copy, buckle up, and prepare for an unforgettable journey alongside Nicholas Flamel, Josh, and Sophie. by Chime Kanu, 801 (This is a book I hold in high regard! I hope you decide to read it!)

Beyond the thrilling adventures and magical encounters, the series delves into thought-provoking themes. Friendship and loyalty play a central role as the characters navigate complex relationships and rely on each other's strengths. @theHelm - page 22

In Case I Make it The best album you’ve never heard of

Isabella Zeng, 602

SERIES REVIEW I recommend Greystone Secrets for 9-12-yearolds who like science fiction adventure. The first book is amazing, and so is the second book. The last book, however, was a bit dry but still a good read. The series focuses on mysteries and parallel worlds, which I think is pretty cool. Overall, the series was pretty good, and I would give it a 4.5. Greystone Secrets by Margret Peterson Haddix

Will Wood‘s In Case I Make It album is truly a work of art. The songs are a commentary on mental health, social media, and other significant topics. It contains some of my favourite music for their lyrics and slow, folksy sounds. This album provides a lot of catharsis for me personally, and I know that many audiences can enjoy it for the more relaxing melodies as opposed to the energetic, over-the-top songs that Will Wood has come to be famous for.

GENSHIN IMPACT REVIEW by Aarohi Banerjee & Isabella Zeng, 602

Genshin Impact is an amazing action and roleplaying game. It was made in 2020, with 16 million playing the game monthly at the time. Now as of 2023, 66 million people play it, and it has gotten very good reviews: 4.5/5 and 9/10. Overall the RPG is pretty good, and the vast world and storyline are exciting and fun. The gacha system (in-game purchases) is cool, and the characters have good backstory and outfits.

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Game Review by Yahya Naas, 803

A NEW BREED OF GAME The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom put me in absolute awe when I bought it on day one in May. As a fan who put over 200 hours into the previous game, Breath of the Wild, I was part of a community with high expectations. After loading the game, within the first five minutes I was filled with wonder. The opening scene pictured above showed me the sheer scale and detail Nintendo put in. From the story, visuals, massive open world, soundtrack and more, this game sucked me into a world I never could have imagined, making me put 1000+ hours into this game. Today, I’m here to explain why The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the most massive, highly anticipated, astounding game of the last decade.

The first area of the game, known as the Great Sky Island, catapults you into a world where the sky is the limit. **But you're in the sky.** Cra--- Anyways, the archipelago is massive, with puzzles and situations galore to explore the game's main mechanics, which I won't spoil. These mechanics help you create incredible things; anything is possible, from building flying machines to LITERAL TANKS. The Sky Island captivates in a way not many tutorials can.

From sound design, dungeons, bosses, story and more, TOTK’s open world has so much to offer. Shown in the above images are some of these experiences, which I must say are astounding on their own. This game blows scale out of the water, with three whole worlds full of content. I implore you to go into this game blind, as I did, to truly grasp the scale of it all. So, go play! @theHelm - page 22 @theHelm - page 24

TIPS FOR SCHOOL by Ahana Kulkarni, 803

Teach what you are learning to someone else. They can ask questions to help identify your knowledge gaps.

Use practice tests to oberve trends in the questions you tend to get wrong.

Listen to your notes/lessons while on walks or the bus.

Create a study group with friends.

Work in the early morning for more focus and energy.

Maintain a consisten sleep schedule even if you have stuff to do.

Participate! Make a goal of how many times you want to raise your hand per class.

Go to the SSC during academic flex.

Download MyBib Chrome Extension. It creates easy citations.

Use an Eisenhower Matrix.

Have a calendar to track new habits. The fear of breaking the cycle will keep you consistent.

by Talia El-Fouly, 602 @theHelm - page 25

Christmas Pinwheel by Evie Dawn & Tessa Tierney Cookies 604

Ingredients 2 ¼ cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp kosher salt 1 cup softened butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 large egg

¾ teaspoon almond extract red food colouring

Method 1. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt. In a large bowl, using a hand mixer (or in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment), beat butter and sugar together. Add egg and beat until incorporated, then add extract. Add dry ingredients and beat until just combined. 2. Divide dough in half, keeping one half in a mixing bowl. Add red food colouring and mix until the desired colour is reached. Shape each dough into a square that is roughly ½-inch thick. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes. 3. Place red dough between two sheets of parchment paper and roll it into a rectangle that’s about 1/4 inch thick. Repeat with white dough. Take the top sheet of parchment paper off of each dough. Place red dough on top of white dough, with the dough sides facing each other. Gently press on top of the dough to help seal together. 4. Remove the top parchment paper and trim the sides to match up evenly. Starting on the long side, use the bottom parchment paper to help roll the dough tightly into a log. Roll the log on the counter a few times to help seal the edge. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour (or overnight). 5. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Place sprinkles on a medium plate. Using a sharp knife, slice cookies 1/2-inch thick and roll edges in sprinkles. Place on baking sheets two inches apart. 6. Bake until the edges are set and just starting to turn golden, or 10 minutes. Best Pinwheel Cookies Recipe - How To Make Christmas Pinwheel Cookies

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POPPYSEED LEMON LOAF Ingredients butter, for greasing pan 1¾ cup all-purpose flour zest of 2 lemons 1 cup sugar ½ cup buttermilk 3 tablespoons plus 4 teaspoons lemon juice 3 large eggs 1½ teaspoons baking powder ¼ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt ⅔ cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon poppyseeds (optional) ½ cup confectioners’ sugar

by Catey Chan, 702


Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter and flour an 8-inch loaf pan. 2. Combine lemon zest and sugar and rub with your fingers until it looks like wet sand. Whisk in buttermilk, three tablespoons lemon juice and eggs. Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a separate bowl. Whisk dry ingredients into the batter, then whisk in oil and poppyseeds. 3. Pour batter into pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center emerges clean, about one hour. Let cool in a pan, then turn it out onto a baking rack. Turn the cake right-side up. 4. Whisk together the remaining four teaspoons of lemon juice and the confectioners’ sugar. Use a pastry brush to spread the glaze evenly over the top and sides of the cake. Cool completely before slicing.

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Peppermint Bark BY KINGKA HU & ISABELLA ZENG, 602

INGREDIENTS 12 oz semi-sweet chocolate, chopped 12 oz white chocolate, chopped 1 teaspoon peppermint extract crushed candy canes

DIRECTIONS Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Melt semisweet chocolate in a heatproof bowl over simmering water or in the microwave, stirring until smooth. Pour the melted chocolate onto the prepared baking sheet, spread evenly, and refrigerate until set (about 30 mins). Melt white chocolate with peppermint extract similar to semisweet chocolate. Pour the white chocolate over the semisweet layer and spread evenly. Sprinkle crushed candy canes on top and refrigerate until firm. Once set, break into pieces and serve.


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by Sarah Deline (803) & Marco Mayens (805)

3 HOLIDAY RECIPIES For different skill levels


SHORTBREAD INGREDIENTS 340 g (2 ¾ cups) all-purpose flour 113 g (1/2 cup) sugar 227 g salted butter (2 sticks) softened (you can use unsalted, which is the norm for baking, but then you should add a good pinch of salt) (extra sugar to sprinkle on top) RECIPE LINK (FOR PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS)


SUGAR COOKIES 6 ounces powdered sugar 4 ounces margarine or butter 4 ounces unsalted butter softened 1 large egg room temperature 13 ounces cake flour 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon cream of tartar


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1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract or real extract is ok ¼ teaspoon almond extract ¼ teaspoon salt Buttercream Frosting 8 ounces unsalted butter softened 16 ounces powdered sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 4 ounces milk ½ teaspoon food dye (pink or blue) 2 Tablespoons rainbow sprinkles ¼ teaspoon salt

by Sarah Deline (803) & Marco Mayens (805)


BUTTER TARTS Pastry Dough 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour, plus a bit more for dusting a pinch of fine sea salt 1/2 a cup of cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes 1/4 cup of ice water 1 large egg yolk 1 tsp of white vinegar Filling 1 cup of light brown sugar, firmly packed 1/2 tsp of fine sea salt 1/4 cup of unsalted butter, softened 1 tsp of vanilla extract 1 large egg


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Zoey Dam, 503

Alysa Chen, 601

November 2023 Feature Artists Photos by Sam Morris, 802

Jackson Murphy, 701

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Artists of the Month Aaliya Bali, 501

Isabella Zeng, 602 Thomas Zakhareuski, 706

Viann Whatley, 804

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HSC’s favourites by James Fong, 503

How do you like to get to school?

What is your favourite community time activity?

What is your favourite subject?

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Taylor Swift - Middle School Survey Results Taylor Swift’s age

Taylor Swift’s favourite colour

Least favourite Taylor Swift song

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The Climate Corner by The Green Team

Climate change's future effects, according to NASA Hello and welcome back to the Climate Corner. This month I will be talking about climate change's future effects.

Sea Level likely to rise 1 to 6.6 feet by 2100

The Arctic is very likely to become iceless

Around the world, the sea level has risen about 8 inches since recordkeeping began in 1880. Rapid ice-sheet collapse could raise the sea level to 6.6 feet by 2100.

The ice in the Arctic is continuing to decrease and is excepted to continue decreasing. There may not be any ice in the Arctic in late summer. This big change is expected to occur by 2050!

Hurricanes will become stronger and more intense Scientists think that rainfall and hurricanes will get more dangerous. With rising sea levels, storm surges will become more intense and destructive.

Resource: https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/

by Ainsley Douglas, 605 @theHelm - page 29 @theHelm - page 35

Groupe Vitesse - le coin français par Zack Fergani & Ella Shcherbatykh

par Zoey

par Aidan Gill & Abdullah Tahir

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par Ahana Kulkarni & Evangeline Morrison

par Ayanna & Ana

Groupe Vitesse - le coin français @theHelm - page 37

Groupe Vitesse - le coin français -

par Tab et Oliver

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par Mia Bhandal & Jenna Jahshan @theHelm - page 40

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Laquelle préférez vous?

par Jeeya & Nika

AI TODAY By: Arav Kulkarni (601) & Shawn Zheng (603)


Capabilities of AI

Hello @theHelm readers! Today we will be talking about AI. Some of you may be confused as to what AI is. Simply put, AI is a machine that can give different outputs based on past inputs. For example, a calculator cannot input a different answer no matter what you have already calculated. It will always say 1+1=2. But AI can generate new answers based on its continuous and rapid learning.

Currently, AI is amazingly good, as I’m sure you’ve heard or seen firsthand. The most widely-used AI is Chat GPT, the general AI. While Chat GPT is good, what amazes me the most is the specialized AI, which can do some insane things. These are amazing and will only improve with time, which segues nicely into the section below.

Future of AI AI in the future will be even better. Some landmarks for AI are: passing the Turing Test, becoming 100% reliable, and gaining a conscience (an inner feeling of “rightness” or “wrongness”). Scientists believe that AI in the future will be creating world-changing discoveries, as big as gravity or relativity, every 5 seconds.

@theHelm - page 41

Word Search by Tiara Mishra, 703

Source @theHelm - page 42

The Argument by by Mahi Mahi Nathoo, Nathoo, 503 503

@theHelm - page 43

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