1 minute read


byMaiaEmbuldeniya-Fernando, 504

Roald Dahl is an English author whose work is well-known by many people around the world. His books are known to be funny as well as creative. Some books he wrote are JamesandtheGiantPeach,Charlieandthe ChocolateFactory,CharlieandtheGreatGlassElevator,TheBFG,TheTwits, TheWitchesand my personal favourite, Matilda

Recently, Roald Dahl's work has undergone a significant change. Dahl died in 1990, but the Dahl estate suggested changes to his work so it is more "relevant." Editors have gone through Dahl's work changing and getting rid of things This was done to make his work more inclusive Characters have either been rewritten or their description has been changed so it doesn't include words like fat or thin. Changes that affect the characters' gender have been made too.

Here are some examples of what has been changed.

"Cloud Men"are now "Cloud People" (JamesandtheGiantPeach)

Oompa Loompas, once all male,are now gender neutral (CharlieandtheChocolateFactory)

Miss Trunchbull is now a "most formidable woman" instead of a "most formidable female" (Matilda)

"She looked as though she was going to faint," "Old screechy voice" and " 'That’s what happens to you if you’re grumpy and bad-tempered,’ said Mr. Kranky"have been removed (George'sMarvellousMedicine)

" 'She wants a good kick in the pants,' whispered Grandpa Joe" is now " 'She needs to learn some manners,' whispered Grandpa Joe" (CharlieandtheChocolateFactory)

Here is a limerick from James and the Giant Peach:

Aunt Spiker was thin as a wire, And dry as a bone, only drier. She was so long and thin

If you carried her in You could use her for poking the fire!

Here is what it was changed to:






Ifonlysheknew, Howtheabsenceofcharm





These are only a few changes out of the hundreds that were made Source


Doyouagreewiththe changes?

Here'swhatasampleofMiddleSchoolstudents(14)thinkaboutthechangesmade: Iagreewithsomebutnotothers No Yes Mabye



"Now it is more inclusive "

"This will mean that people will not get offended by Roald Dahl, and his books can still be sold around the world."

"I would change most formidable woman to most formidable person."

"Honestly I love his work but making some changes are needed especially with this day and age."


"I feel this way because it was Roald Dahl's work and they should not change it even if they thought he would agree with them."

"I think we should keep old books the same."

"I think that the ways Roald Dahl wrote his story are interesting and unique."

"The lyrics of Roald Dahl are perfect the way they are."

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