@theHelm | November 2022 | Vol 4 | Issue 2

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@THEHELM HSCMiddleSchool's QUOTE OF THE MONTH NOVEMBER 2022 | VOL 4 | ISSUE 2 Shared by Maria Titov, 803 @THEHELM is the HSC Middle School paper A big THANK YOU to the @theHelm Creative Team and to all other contributors! If you would like to be featured in the next issue, please share your original work via the Google Submission Form Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee HillfieldStrathallanCollege-MiddleSchoolStudentNewspaper "Snowbringsaspecial qualitywithitthepowerto stoplifeasyouknowitdead initstracks."
Hatch Woodward
The form CONTENTS @theHelm Issue 2: November 2022 Photo on front cover: Meleesa Hamzehian, 701 4 WorldCupinQatar Read some fun FIFA facts! 5 TheHistoryofVimyRidge Learn more about this important Canadian battle 24 Geocaching All about it! How to get outside and get started... SPECIALFEATURES 03 Halloween Survey Results 10 "Weird Survey" Results 16 "Did You Know ?" by Inclusivity+ 20 Student Spotlight: Selin Halil, Team Canada 26 Vexcode VR Creations 27 Pets Gallery 33 34 Winter Community Time Review REGULARFEATURES 09 Movie Reviews 17 "Coffee 'n' Questions" Interview 18 19 Jokes 20 Riddles 21 23 Game Reviews 25 Recipe: Gingerbread Cookies! MONTHLYCHALLENGES 11 Geography Corner 12 Math Corner 13 Coding Competition 14 15 French Corner ARTANDCREATIVEWRITING 06 Poem and Sentence Starter Prompt 07 08 Art and Photos 28 29 Artist of the Month 30 Creative Writing Prompt 31 32 "Ice Horse" Chapter 1 by Viann Whatley @theHelm-page2 Chou,byCharlie 503

FIFAWorldCup Qatar2022

A Brief History

So, who started the World Cup? The World Cup was started when the FIFA president Jules Rimet decided it would be a good idea to stage an international men's soccer tournament. In 1930, thirteen teams were invited and marked the inaugural World Cup.

How Does It Work?

The current World Cup starts with a 2-year qualifying phase that includes over 200 international teams. Of these 200, only 32 can qualify. These 32 teams are then put into groups, and the top 2 from the group proceed to the knockout stage. In the knockout stage, the winner proceeds, and the runner-up is eliminated. The last teams go to the final, and the winner of that game is the winner of the tournament.

Fun Facts:

Canada is finally competing in the tournament for the first time since 1986.

This is the first ever Winter World Cup

It is also the most expensive World Cup at $220 billion US

So, who will you cheer on?

by Ibrahim Alhaidari, 801
Source link 1 Source Link 2

Battle of Vimy Ridge

The Battle of Vimy Ridge is a major battle in Canadian history. The Battle of Vimy Ridge started in 1917. Because of the location, it was the perfect military base. Vimy Ridge is located in northern France. There were previous tries to take Vimy Ridge but these tries resulted in a lot of casualties. To capture Vimy, Canada had to spend a long time planning. They trained in special roles like machine gunners, rifle men and grenade-throwers. They also had miners. These miners dug tunnels secretly, under enemy positions. This was not their favourite job, some of them even said they’d rather be on the front lines. Mining was a very dusty job. Since the rock the miners dug through was so full of gypsum (Chalk) any stray bullets that hit the bags of soil from the mine could spoil the mission with a puff of chalk dust. The bags were covered in mud to hide them. On April 9, 1917, Canadian and British artillery pounded the enemy positions on the ridge. Then they attacked, with all the divisions attacking at once. More than 15,000 Canadian soldiers attacked that morning. 3,598 died and 7,000 were wounded. This is an important battle because it was the first time all Canadian divisions worked together. The monument is rather large, and there was more than one design for the monument.

When I saw Vimy Ridge this past summer, I was shocked at how many names are on the monument. If you go there you will realize that the no-mans-land was surprisingly small. In some places, it is about as wide as Foxcroft Circle. You can go into the tunnels under Vimy if you have a tour guide. The guides are all Canadian University students. You do not need to have a tour guide to tour the Canadian or German trenches. In Vimy, you MUST pay attention to the wire fencing because there are bombs, grenades, and shells that have not exploded and it is for YOUR SAFETY! Because of this danger, people can’t walk in the forests or mow the lawns so. . . sheep do it! I’m not kidding! SHEEP! The people take care of the sheep, and the sheep eat the grass to keep it trimmed down. The water at Vimy still tastes like chalk, due to the gypsum in the soil.

This information was taken from The Canadian War Museum and my tour guide at Vimy



Prompt by Alisha Hemani, 802


Come to my trivia contest, where you can prove your knowledge! Every month, I will publish a Trivia Corner, each time with a different theme. So click this link to enter in your own answer to the questions I've cooked up for you.

“Hello!”Isaytome Ifinallyamfree! SadeyesIsee Lookbetter,Iplea Ahh!Thenicefreshair ButIamstillindespair Whereismyfamily? Myheadpoundswithagony Imissthemdearmuch Theirsoftwarmtouch WillIeverseethemagain? Mybrother,Ben? Mysister,Tally? Mymother,Everly? IthoughtIwasfree! Butwithoutfamily Myheartisnotfull It'sactuallyquitedull Iguesslovemattersmorethanthepleasoftheheart Becauseonedaywithoutmylovedonesfeelslikeaneternityapart. Click here to use the form

@theHelm-page6 PoembyValeriaCaruana,702

Art and Photos

"Lest We Forget"

"Torn Apart" by Meleesa Hamzehian, 701 Photo by Meleesa Hamzehian, 701

Art and Photos

Photos by Meleesa Hamzehian, 701 "Times Square, NYC" by Victoria Minetti, 701 Photo by Aria Rogers, 703




Walt Disney Animation's Luck is a great movie for families to watch together. The main character Sam is a very unlucky girl. She is an 18-year-old orphan who got forced out of her foster home because of her age. She is given an apartment, has to do online classes, and gets a job to pay the rent. One night Sam is eating her dinner when she spots a black cat. When the cat leaves, she finds a lucky penny, and she magically becomes lucky! Unfortunately, the next day she promptly flushes it down the toilet. She finds the black cat again and follows it through a portal to the Land of Luck. But lots of damage can be done when an unlucky girl is in the the luckiest place in the universe. Rated 4.3/5 stars


Minions: The Rise of Gru was one of the most popular movies in theatres when it came out. Owned by Illumination Studios and rated 4.5/5 stars, this prequel to Despicable Me is great for families. There is a group of villains called the Vicious 6 (Gru's idols) and he always dreamed of joining their group, so when he found out there were tryouts to be a part of their group, he was super excited. Unfortunately, when he got there, they laughed at him because he was just a little kid. Gru is offended by this, and that results in issues for him.


Pixar's classic series of movies, Toy Story, now has a new movie about the courageous Buzz Lightyear! We both think that this movie is very underrated with only 3.5/5 stars. Buzz Lightyear is very determined to get to hyperspeed in space. As he's flying, he does not realize that time is going slower than it feels in space. By the time he's finished one test of hyperspeed, four years have gone by on T'kani Prime (the planet he lives on). After trying over and over again to reach hyperspeed, he finally does it, only to come back to T'kani Prime after 62 years have passed and robots have taken over the planet. Now Buzz has to work with a new generation of amateurs, and his robotic pet cat Sox, to destroy all robots.

@theHelm-page10 fromtheform! Results aThankyoutowllthepeople thocompleted heform! Wewerereallysurprisedtosee that"Actor"and"Vet"were reallypopularchoices.Bothhad 5votesoutof19people! out of 19 people, 9 chose that they know 1 language and 4 people chose 2 languages. there were also 4 people that chose 3 languages. only 2 people chose 4 languages. We were surprised that there were people that even chose 4! turnsoutwehavealotofAsianstudentsin grade5!themostcommonplacesoffamily originwereAsia,NorthAmerica(families thathavebeenhereawhile),andAfrica. sTheseare fomeofourqavourite uestions! Wewonderedwhoput8...maybetheydo have8pets!themajorityofresponses were1pet(11peoplechosethis) Grade5 RachaelandEmma Wewereinterestedinaskingsome questionsingrade5! Thesecharts showwhatsomegrade5wantto do,are,andhave. byEmmaMinettiand RachaelXu(502)

Imposter Country (Hard)

countries with the exact same area sit right next to each other. But there is an imposter among them. The imposter country (or the New Republic) decides to invade the Neutral Zone (an area in between the four countries not occupied by anyone). What is the ratio between the area of the New Republic (that has invaded the Neutral Zone) to the one of the other countries, represented in a fraction? Hint: assume the radius to be r and keep pi as pi instead of 3 14

Four exactly

G5and6 October Answers!
Put the digits 1 9 into the circles, without any numbers repeating, so that every 3 horizontal, vertical, and diagonal circles have the exact same sum.
https://cemc.uwaterloo.ca/events/mathcircles/2015 16/Winter/Junior78 Feb3 Solns pdf Sequence Blanks Ooxford Halloween! Answer: 30 minutes 13 41 366 1. 2. 3. 4. 5040 5. 823543 Didyouknow? Did you know that the "Nov" in November means 9? The reason is that the Roman calendar used to start in March, which means November used to be the 9th month instead of the 11th!
Equal Circles (Medium)
by Jimmy Li 803 Email me
answers at 038974@hsc.on.ca!

Middle School Coding Competition

Welcome to the November Middle School coding challenge!

In this challenge, you get to show off your coding skills to the whole of Middle School!

Here are the rules:

Rule 1) Since I only have interpreters for C++, Javascript, and Python, and I am also only able to understand these coding languages, these are the only coding languages you can use for your script.

Rule 2) You may not copy another creator’s piece of code. Your work must be entirely original. However, you may search for snippets of code. However, most of the code must be original. Also, your code has to be started on October 22, 2022, no entering in\copying scripts that you created at a different point in time.

Rule 3) You may not enter more than 1 script.

Due Date You can start this challenge on Nov. 24, 2022 and finish on Dec. 4, 2022.

Put your code into a Google Doc before entering (permission must be set to “anyone with the link can view”).

Submit your code by clicking on THIS FORM

Thank you for participating!


From the Middle School Inclusivity+ club...




This Month’s Interviewees:

Student: Olivia Mattatall, 703

Teacher: Mme Cheikh Ali, 805

How do you feel HSC has been so far?

OM: Pretty good! It's been a good year for me so far I’ve been at HSC since Grade 4, and it’s a good school

CA: Busy, but very exciting It’s exciting because we get to experience post COVID activities like EWeek trips, weekly Chapel in person, the Halloween festival, and lots more

If you could improve something about HSC, what would it be?

OM: I would change where we sit at lunch. Instead of sitting in houses, we should sit with our friends.

CA: I would like to be able to spend more time with my home form.

If you could add something to the cafeteria menu, what would it be?

OM: Ice cream!

CA: A pasta bar Make your own pasta!

Which winter extracurriculars are you going to join?

OM: I’ll be joining the musical, where I’ll play the character Bet.

CA: I’m doing U12 girls volleyball.

Do you have any pets?

OM: I have one pet, a fox bred lab named David. But I totally want more!

CA: Not at the moment, but maybe in the future. If I were to get a pet, it would be a parrot.

Do you do any activities outside of school?

OM: This year I’m starting Jiu Jitsu, dance and horseback riding.

CA: Right now I’m extremely busy and don’t have lots of time, but I do like shopping, doing puzzles, watching TV, and going for walks.

What’s your favourite holiday?

OM: Christmas! I like spending time with my family, eating food, and giving/receiving gifts.

CA: My favourite holiday is Eid, which comes up after Ramadan

What is your favourite subject to learn/teach?

OM: I'm not sure

CA: I love learning languages and teaching French.

Are you excited about the winter break?

OM: 100%! I’ll be making cookies, spending time with family everything I can possibly do!

CA: I’m excited about spending more time with my daughter. We bought a 12 foot Santa that we’re going to put outside!

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

OM: Two things When people chew with their mouths open, and when they pronounce my last name wrong

CA: Monotone sounds. Repetitive sounds like water dripping from a sink continuously or an alarm clock beeping.

What’s a fun fact about you?

OM: My grandparents were best friends with Tim Horton, and my great grandpa owned the first ever Tim Horton's store.

CA: I come from a big family in Lebanon. I have 16 aunts and uncles, 38 cousins, and 6 siblings


Jack and Liam's Jubilant Jokes - Fall edition

Why are apples so bad in interrogations? They always crumble.

Good luck. I be leaf in you.

What is the cutest season? Aww tumn.

What is it called when a tree doesn’t think it’s autumn? Disbe leaf

I forgot everything, but now it’s fall coming back to me

Why are trees so forgiving? Because every fall they learn to let go.

What do you call a gourd’s family members? Pump kin.

What do the leaves say before they hibernate? Rake me up when September ends.

How do trees get on the Internet? They just log on.

What do Jedi trees say to each other in the fall? May the forest be with you.

What happened when the turkey got in a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him.

Why’s it so easy to trick a leaf in October? They fall for anything.

What’s a fire's least favorite month? No ember.

Why do trees like to try new things? Because every fall, they turn over a new leaf

What is it called when a tree takes some time off work? Paid leaf.

Why is autumn the proudest season? It’s fall of itself.

Why did the coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback.

It's so strange that autumn is so beautiful, but everything is really dying.

What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw berries. What do turkeys eat for dessert? Peach gobbler.

What do farmers wear under their shirt when they’re cold? A har vest.

What is an elephant's favorite vegetable ? Squash.

What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves.

How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!

What time of year do people get injured the most? In the fall.

Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize? He was outstanding in his field.

Jokes from: jokes4us fall autumn jokes fall puns fall jokes fall jokes for kids



Shared by Oliver Wojciechowski, 704

Why was the turkey the drummer in the band? Because he had the drumsticks

Why do turkeys always go, “gobble, gobble”? Because they never learned good table manners.

What key has legs and can’t open doors?

A turkey.

Why did Johnny come to school late on the day after Thanksgiving?

Because it was Black Friday, and he gave himself 50% off the school day.

Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside

Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots

School Life

Middle School Intramurals

Athlete of the Month

October’s athlete of the month is an athlete who has shown great talent and leadership on and off the field They have demonstrated consistent hard work and determination throughout this season This player has been a reliable player all season long Please help us congratulate U13 Boys’ Soccer player Taj Blasse!

Here is the result for Soccer Baseball: Read more about Soccer Baseball here And be sure to bring your HOUSE SHIRT .


Hello and welcome to the riddle base.

Riddle 2: A word I know, contains six letters. Remove one letter and twelve remain. What am I?

Riddle 1: When you need me, you throw me away. When you don’t need me, you bring me back. What am I?

Riddle 3: From the beginning of eternity to the end of time and space, to the beginning of every end, and the end of every place. What am I?


Selin Halil (703) - Competing with Team Canada!

Hi, My name is Selin Halil and in June I auditioned for the Team Canada dance team. It is as close as dancers can get to the Olympics. From November 20th to November 27th we are in Croatia for an international dance competition. I am on the tap team. I have learned 3 dances for the team, which we started learning in August. Every weekend we go to Vaughan, St. Catharines, Mississauga, or Cambridge for practices. My teams will compete Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the week of Nov. 20 26.

Answers(Turnupsidedown.) elddiR :1 rohcnA elddiR :2 snezoD elddiR :3 ehT rettel .E

Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time with a total of 240 million sales worldwide as of 2022 There are about 93 million active users worldwide as of 2021 and 131 million active users worldwide as of 2020, which is the peak of active users worldwide. The game is about $40 CAD.

Minecraft is a game where you obviously mine things and craft things because it literally says it in the name of the game Minecraft is a game about exploration and creativity The world is infinite and there are endless possibilities with no “real” end except maybe getting all achievements or beating the final boss of the game. Minecraft is a sandbox game that has many unique features and blocks you can obtain in the game. You can build anything you want, do anything you want, travel wherever you want, and live anywhere you want at any time

When you first spawn into the world, you are greeted with an infinite world with lots of nature surrounding you. There are different biomes that you may spawn in which include jungles, plains, or a mushroom island. You break wood to create a crafting table to create tools to mine blocks and ores in which those ores are used to create more tools with stronger durability and damage depending on which tool it is You can also make armour with these ores which includes diamond armour, iron armour, and leather armour. You can also make stronger tools with these ores, which include wooden tools, stone tools, iron tools, diamond tools, and Netherite tools (with Netherite being found in a dimension called the Nether) Then, you explore the world to find structures such as underwater monuments, caves, mineshafts, mountains, and strongholds. However, these locations are only in the overworld or “Earth”. When you travel to the Nether, you can find structures like Nether fortresses, and bastions I am not going to go too deep into how to play the game because the game can be played however you want it to be played Let's move on

The best part of Minecraft is that you can have multiple games or “worlds”, and as a result, you can have different games or different save files because there is the option to make multiple save files. Those save files do not go to one game; they go to each separate game. For example, if you create a world and then another world, there will be two different worlds, each with their different buildings and terrain With the ability to create different worlds, you can experiment with different things in another world if you do not want to do it in your main world or survival world. Speaking of the topic about game modes, let us talk about these different game modes.

The survival game mode has a health bar, hunger, and is the proper way to play the game because you start off with nothing and get items to progress the game and to find new things and to eventually end the final boss of the game. You have finite resources in this game. The survival game mode is the default game mode. Adventure mode is very similar to survival mode except for one thing: you cannot break blocks or place blocks Because of this, you cannot make a crafting table, cannot place one down or break blocks, which essentially makes the game unplayable and impossible to beat because you cannot craft your tools or blocks to explore the world, obtain materials, and beat the final boss.

Adventure mode is good for just exploring different custom maps by different creators. Hardcore is the exact same game mode as survival except when you die, your world gets deleted, straining your skills Try not to get too frustrated in this game mode

Moving on to the difficulties of the game: they include, peaceful, easy, normal, and hard. Peaceful mode is similar to survival mode except there are no monsters that spawn in and your hunger does not go down either You can still build, break, craft, and place down blocks Easy level is the difficulty where your hunger does not go down as easily, and the mobs do not do as much damage nor do they spawn as often or as big in numbers. Normal is the default game mode where everything is in moderate balance, and hard mode is the hardest difficulty of the game where everything is very chaotic and very difficult if you are a beginner

That wraps up the summary of Minecraft! I have explained the difficulties, different dimensions, worlds, game modes, and how to play and start off the game. Thank you for reading this huge news article if you managed to have time to read it

Note: Go to https://www.businessofapps.com/da ta/minecraft statistics/ for the active users and sales worldwide.

I knew about this game from the top of my head and improvised the entire news article without external links because I already played the game and have knowledge about it

by Taylor

Geocaching: A Global Treasure Hunt

What is geocaching?

Geocaching is a global treasure hunt in which people around the world look for boxes hidden by other people. To locate the rough area of a geocache, players use an app called Geocaching (see Geocaching com) Geocaches also have a scale of difficulty from 1 being the easiest and 5 being the hardest (and 5s are also very rare) There is also a scale for the difficulty of the terrain These scales help the player know how difficult it is going to be to find the cache.

Each cache is marked with a GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinate, and they often include clues that lead you closer to the actual cache Inside each cache is a log (a paper where you write your name and the date you found the cache) Larger caches also include small toys or trinkets that you can take and replace with other things for future players

There are many different types of geocaches that you can find To start, we have the ordinary geocache it is just a treasure that you find The next one is a multi-cache, which has clues or numbers near the geocache These clues then translate into coordinates The coordinates are normally close and then you can find the cache The final one is the puzzle cache. In this type of geocache, there are normally difficult puzzles and when you solve them they will lead you to the geocache

Why would you want to go geocaching?

Some of you might think that little dollar store toys don’t make you want to go treasure hunting. But the reward is not just finding the geocache it is the adventure you go on You get to see the landscape of the plants and the trees, and it is a great reason to go out for a hike and get some exercise If you are lucky, you may even see some wildlife Overall, geocaching is not all about the treasure, it’s also about the adventure you have when you look for the treasure.

n ry country and continent except for north Korea Geocaches can be hidden everywhere (fake rock, hanging in a tree or a stump, etc ) In Ontario there e than 36,000 geocaches Right here in n, there are over 6,000 geocaches ant to get your exercise in and really enjoy doors, I highly recommend geocaching. It is ing way to burn off some energy and have n as part of an international treasure hunt! : orums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topi 3 caches per population per province/ www geocaching com/about/history aspx www geocaching com/play/map? 827&lng= 79 8644&zoom=12&asc=true&sort e&st=N+43%C2%B0+16 800%27+W+79%C2 673%27&ot=coords&hf=1&nfb=monkeyman 3&ho=1 www geocaching com/play education nationalgeographic org/resource/ ing

@theHelm-page24 re


@theHelm - page 26
A few weeks ago, my teacher, Mr. Scichilone, introduced me to VEXcode VR. Ever since, I have been experimenting with it, especially with the draw tool. I coded a digital robot to draw these. Enjoy!
JustBecause A Bolt Star Settings Winter Tires Wind Generator



Luna - Clara Lam, 804 Pizza - Victoria Minetti, 701 Cali(Bottom)andCharly(Top) Jack Clifford, 804 Bella - Valeria Caruana, 702 Aoyang - Aoji Zhang, 605 Aoji Zhang, 605 Marzi (Bottom) and Nala (Top) Liam McKnight, 801 Luna - Samuel Lee, 602 Gus - Edward Clark, 806 Georgia Declan Hammond, 604 Penny - Avery Ferris, 604 Nova Holly Yates-Krull, 806 Prepared by Jack Clifford 804
ARTISTSOFTHEMONTH NOVEMBER CynthiaCai Grade5 GraceRatcliffe Grade6 GallerydesignbyRosielaChen,804 @theHelm-page28
@theHelm-page29 EasonZhang Grade7 ARTISTSOFTHEMONTH NOVEMBER KaiMacLeod Grade8
CreativeWriting Prompt Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good day! Wherever and whenever you are reading this, it's a good time to start a writing prompt. This month's writing prompt is to consider "The spectrum of colours made into one..." Have fun writing! And for the next issue, you can submit your story if you'd like!

Altaïr, I am an idiot I should have listened to you You, who are always prepared to gallop unbridled, seemed restive, shaking your head and whipping your tail to make me understand that the ground was not safe under this treacherous snow After the great summer drought, this winter has been particularly long and harsh, and on the day I chose to face it, a white zud storm suddenly hit us. Blinded by gusts of snow and sand from Siberia, I dismounted and dragged you along with me. You reared up, snatching the reins from my hands, and suddenly the ground shifted beneath my feet. And now I lie at the bottom of a crevasse of rock and ice, helpless and alone. How am I going to get out of here?

Stop trotting above the crevasse or you’ll end up falling in too! Go find help, go back to the yurts and tell my family You, Altaïr, who won the race for young horses with me at the national Naadam festival You bear the name of the brightest star in the constellation Aquila They will follow you Go on, fly! My stallion lets out a long whinny of distress before turning around and heading back to the camp I pray to Tengri, the eternal blue sky, that help will arrive soon before my body freezes in this icy tomb

I wiggle my toes, protected in boots lined with sheep’s wool I tense my leg muscles; they seem to be in one piece. I try to sit up, but a shooting pain in my chest and my right shoulder prevent me from continuing. I cannot move my right arm; I must have dislocated my shoulder. Oh well, it could have been much worse. I take a deep breath, grit my teeth and transfer my weight to my left side to lift myself before standing up straight. A few chunks of rock tumble down. I hear them ricocheting off the walls of the crevasse before the muffled silence returns. I can hear nothing but the blood throbbing in my temples I look around my icy prison, searching for a way out I am on a small ledge, a good fifteen feet below the next one The rock walls are virtually smooth, veined in places with meltwater now frozen by the cold and hard as glass I cannot see any natural handholds to attempt to climb up anywhere In my fall I lost my bag, of course, which contained extra food, a horsehair rope, matches, binoculars, a bowl and a knife I take off my left glove and search the pockets of my long deel, my long, warm coat, now torn to shreds In one, I find some pieces of aaruul, which I wolf down immediately This dried cheese will provide me with a bit of strength The other pocket gapes open, torn to pieces. I am as helpless as a louse on a bald head...

Ice Horse

Hmm, could I use a sharp piece of rock as an improvised ice axe? I feverishly search the small stone ledge I’m perched on. Nothing but snow and gravel and drops of blood dripping from my nose Furious, I kick the snow and see a snake! I recoil instinctively If it decides to wake from its hibernation, I’d look quite the idiot As it’s my only company in this crevasse, I take a closer look I push it gently with my foot and its skin comes apart slightly, revealing a bronze glow from underneath I nudge the animal again, freeing from the carcass a sort of metal cylinder around eight inches long, not unlike a small rolling pin I crouch down and take hold of it carefully It feels solid and compact I clutch it and test how sturdy it is by hitting it against the ground with increasing force and hope begins to build in me: I might be able to use it as an ice axe!

But first, I need to regain the use of my right arm. I plant my feet, brace myself, rotate my upper body and, in one swift movement, slam my right side against the rock wall. A spike of pain shoots through me from head to toe, causing me to howl like a wild beast. Tears cloud my vision and I fall to my knees, breathless. I slowly return to my senses and try to move my right arm The pain is different, duller but constant, but I can use my arm again I slowly get to my feet and take a deep breath I’m going to do it!

Using my improvised axe, I tap on the channels of frozen water running down the wall to create notches large enough to slide a couple of fingers or toes inside And soon, slowly and methodically, struggling against the pain radiating throughout my arm, I manage to climb the feet separating me from the rocky bulge above I rest here for a moment, crouching down, breathless but proud of this first victory Then I look above me: if I continue at this rate it’s going to take me... Oh no, at least three days without stopping to be able to reach the top! I fight off the waves of despair washing over me. I think of my brave Altaïr. I know that he will find his way back to the yurts. But how long will it be before my saviours find me and hoist me from this precipice?

Chapter 1 of a story by Aoji Zhang, 605

Ice Horse cont'd...

My heartbeat slowly returns to normal while I remain prone on this tiny ledge. But the tingling in my extremities forces me to get up. Doing nothing will cause my body and my mind to go numb, and I will fall asleep without realizing it. Come on! I have to fight, continue to climb, to feel alive, even if I only manage a few feet. But first, I need to drink something. Using the metal cylinder, I break off a few ice cubes and let them melt in my mouth. I scan the wall to choose where to make my notches Hmm, it looks as though there’s a metallic sheen a bit higher up, a sort of icy mirror much larger than the ice veins I’ll use that as a reference point and a place to rest because I might be able to make an artificial ledge there I focus on this goal and, stubborn like a horse scratching the snow with its shoes to unearth a tuft of grass, I continue my ascent It was high time that I reached this mirror den; I feel my muscles starting to seize up Suspended in the air, I hammer on the surface like a madman, sending translucent

crystals flying everywhere. The ice cracks, crackles. My eyelids are almost closed to stop the sharp crystals from scratching my eyes. Suddenly, the sound of my axe on the ice changes, vibrations resonating through my arm. It’s as though I’m hitting a drum. Unless fatigue has caused a ringing in my ears. I open my eyes and begin pounding again: the noise is real!

Intrigued, I make two more notches to haul myself up and almost fall backwards in terror at the vision in front of me In the icy recess, I see a kind of metal ring attached to a leather band I raise my gaze and find myself in front of a gruesome face, staring at me from milky eyes

A horse frozen in the ice!

...to be continued... (in the next issue of @theHelm)

Ask your English teacher for details about how to submit your work

WinterCommunity Time!


Volleyballisoneofthemost popularsportsintheworld,and forgoodreason.It’sfastpaced, hasahighskillceiling,andis generallyanexcitingsportto bothplayandwatch.


Basketballisaverypopular sportandhasanestimatedfour hundredmillionfans!

AlotofpeopleIknowaregoing totryforbasketballandI personallythinkthatit'sagreat option.Iusedtoplaybasketball andit'sprettyfun! Anyway,overallIthink basketballwouldbeagood option.

Hello!Mynameis CharlieChou.In thisarticle,Iwill reviewmostofthe activitiesthatare offeredduring WinterTerm CommunityTime.


annotswimmyself,butI oughlyenjoyeditwhenI could.Ihonestlycan't magineswimminginthe Winterthough.It'san cellentsportoverall.And ifyoucanhandledoingitin thewinter,you'reahero!


It'sawesome...Ifyoucan manageyourtimeproperly. Eventhoughdeadlinescanbe stressful,itcanbefunto writeanarticle,andwhen youseeitprintedit'svery rewarding.



Relaxationreallyhelps whenI'mstresseddoing somethinglikeart,stress balls,andplayinggames. SoIthinkRelaxation Clubwouldbean amazingchoice!


Knittingcanbevery relaxing.Iknowthat becausemyfriendstoldme. Youcanmakegiftsfor yourfriendsandthingsfor yourselfandotherstuff!


Idosometimeshavestress issuesandIdohave troublemanaging stress.StressBusterswill beveryhelpfulforme. Thisisaveryhelpfulclub soIrecommendthisclub.

MiddleSchool Choir

TheMiddleSchoolChoiris awesomeandIknow becauseI'minit!Wellwasin it.It'sawesomehearingthe voicesof everyone.


There'saGrade7band,a Grade8band,andtheJr.Jazz band.Thejazzbandwas awesomewhenIheardthem practisingtheotherday. Ilovejazzmusic.It'smy secondfavouritegenre!


Themusicalisasuperfun andexcitingopportunity.It givespeoplethechanceto worktogetherand collaboratetoputtogether anawesomeshow.This year'sshowisLionelBart's Oliver!Jr


Roboticsisawesome! Yougettobuildthebotand codeit,andwhenyoufinally finishit,it'sreallyrewarding! Seeingthebotmoveand knowingyoudiditis awesome!


Personally,Ithinkthat pickingoutdoorskills wouldbeagreatchoice.I meanifyougotstranded inthewoods,youcouldat leastbuildawooden shelterandsurvive.


Artisreallyfun! Itcantakeinallformsand sizes.Mytwofavouritesare origamiandclay. Yougettorelaxwhile creatingsomething.Itfeels amazingwhenyoufinishit.


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