@THEHELM Vol. 4, Issue 1

Page 10


OCTOBER 2022 | VOL 4 | ISSUE 1 EWeekthisyearwasafuntimefor everyone.Butwhatwerepeople’s favouriteandleastfavouriteparts?We sharedaGoogleform,askingMiddle Schoolstudentsabouttheirfavourite partofEWeek.Asitturnedout,agrand totalof103studentsfilledouttheform, comparedto97fromasimilarform lastyear!Theresultswereevenly dividedbetweenGrades5,6,7,and8 by Jimmy Li, 803 @THEHELM is the HSC Middle School paper A big THANK YOU to the @theHelm Creative Team and to all other contributors! If you would like to be featured in the next issue, please share your original work via the Google Submission Form Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee HillfieldStrathallanCollege-MiddleSchoolStudentNewspaper



MostoftherespondentswenttoCamp TimberlaneforEWeek.

WhatpeoplelikedthemostaboutEWeek: 36outof103participantsvotedfortheirfriends astheirfavouritepartofEWeek Oneanonymous studentsaidthattheywere“abletomakemany morefriends”and“spendtimewiththem”Thisis notsurprising,aseveryonelikestohangoutwith theirfriends.

Otherthingsthatpeoplereallyliked:camprelatedactivities(suchasswimmingand hiking),thestaff,communitygames,andthe campfire.

WhatpeopleliketheleastaboutEWeek: Thetwomainthingsthatpeopledidnotlike aboutEWeekwerethewashroomsatcampand thebusride.Accordingtooneanonymous student,thebusridewas“toolongandhotandI justwanttoget[tocamp]andback”Another studentwasn'tafanofthebeachpartyorthe PolarBearDipatthattimeofyear,saying,"I didn'tliketheswimmingbecausethewaterwas freezingandIjustwantedtobeinsidethecabin"

Allinall,mostpeoplereallyhadagreattimeat EWeek,whetheritwasTimberlane,CedarGlen, ortheRBG.Somepeopleevenreachedoutof theircomfortzoneandtriedsomething completelynew!


CONTENTS @theHelm—Issue 1: October 2022 Photo on front cover: "Nature's Beauty" by Aria Rogers, 703 4 ReflectionsonEWeek See what these students had to say about the week 8 TheHistoryofHalloween Learn about its interesting origins! 25 HomeworkHelp These tips might help you feel less stressed SPECIALFEATURES 05 Halloween Music Review 06 @theHelm Costume Contest 06 Halloween Quotes 07 Halloween Riddles 07 Halloween Bake off Contest 08 Halloween Decorating Ideas 11 Meet Principal Kniaz! 25 27 Book Reviews
04 Insiders Podcast 08 Recipe 12 Sports 13 Cartoon Corner 14 Dad Jokes 15 "Coffee 'n' Questions" Interview 17 19 Game Reviews 20 22 French Corner 23 Riddles
09 Geography Corner 10 Math Corner 11 Coding Competition ARTANDCREATIVEWRITING 05 Art and Photos 07 The Legend of HSC Hollow (Ella's story) 16 Rosiela's Photo Gallery 23 Poetry by Maddie and Maia 36 "6 minutes and 47 seconds" (Valeria's story)


EWeek Overview - Solomon Bulley, 702

Each September, the Grade 7 and 8 students experience enrichment and unique experiences. The Grade 7 and 8 experience takes place in Camp Timberlane. EWeek is designed to foster leadership, encourage collaboration and create new opportunities. This program encourages students to step out of their comfort zones, and focus on their collaboration and independence. EWeek promotes community building and understanding the foundation of a strong community.

Work cited (New Student EWeek Overview).

Experience - Abdullah Tahir, 704

I am incredibly grateful that I had the chance to attend Camp Timberlane Our counsellors were considerate and respectful I would also like to mention the opportunities we had for activities like canoeing, hiking, and rock climbing Another thing we enjoyed was that we could participate in the Polar Bear Dip at least twice a day and that our food was always served hot and fresh Last but not least, I want to thank our staff for taking us on such beautiful hikes at Camp Timberlane


It has been a few years since the last time Timberlane was open for EWeek Although I just came to HSC last year, we all know what we have missed during the pandemic. This year, finally, Timberlane was open for the EWeek trip! Grade 8 students went to Timberlane with the Grade 7s, and we all enjoyed the beach parties and the night dance with our classmates. I loved the activity rotations this year, such as fire building, archery tag, music

from nature, and lots more! There was also some free time during which we could choose whatever we wanted to do for an hour. I picked the jump tower at the beach it was so tall (5 metres)! Anyway, I had a lot of fun during this EWeek trip, and I wonder what is next!


Episode: 1 - Transcript

Elina: Hello Middle School and welcome to “The Insiders: Middle School Edition”!

Willow: “The Insiders: Middle School Edition” podcast is all about sharing the hidden thoughts in the brains of HSC Middle Schoolers. Whether that be their opinions on lunches, what’s going on with friends, or even just info on day-to-day life in the Middle School; it will all be on this podcast.

Elina: The first minute will consist of recaps, Middle School news and upcoming events, and just general updates, but the next two minutes will be saved for fun! Every week we will spin The Wheel of Questions and we will ask about six of those questions. However, for some extra fun, some of these questions could actually be dares!

Willow: We are all super excited for this new podcast and we hope you are too. Now, without further ado, let’s begin our first episode!

Elina: Recently, we had our House cross-country run where students competed against each other for House points. We are all so grateful we were able to appreciate the beautiful weather and nature at Dundas Valley. Congratulations to the winners, Cedar More!

Willow: I’m sure we’re all excited for Halloween season and all of the fun events planned for us! On Halloween, the Middle School is welcome to dress up in their costumes. There will be competitions for groups, pairs, and singles! For more information on the costume contest check the myHSC Middle School Life page!

Elina: We're going to be sending out a Google form, for you to fill out if you are interested in being on the podcast!

@theHelm-page4 (805) (801) (804)

Art and Photos


Halloween Music Review

by Viann Whatley, 704

Ah, October, the month of spooks and creeps Get ready to have chills sent up your back, with these 5 spooky songs First up we have a Halloween song from the movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas”

Next up, Drumroll, please “Thriller” by the famous Michael Jackson

This song is about the dancing feel, perfect for any creepy costume dance partyYou cannot have any good Halloween event without “Monster Mash” by Bobby “Boris” Pickett, and it just so happens that it’s the third song on our list HSC even named their Halloween school party after it!

Woah, Woah, Woah, hold it right there we aren't done yet second last but not least “GHOSTBUSTERS!” They say save the best for last, but honestly, this song can not be topped The main song for the four movie franchise Ghostbusters has earned its way into @TheHelm and for good reason

Save the funniest for last, here comes "Spooky Scary skeletons", though mostly unknown, this song has a great Halloween feel It has an upbeat tune and rhythm along with a story that you can follow while you dance away!

Halloween Quotes collectedbyMariaTitov,803


@theHelm Costume Contest by Zack Fergani, 702

Hello HSC,

I am so excited to see all the SPOOKtacular Halloween costumes this year at hsc. if you would like to share a photo of you in your costume with the school in the November Issue, please send your photos to the November @thehelm submission link and we will pick the top 5 to be the newspaper. the top costumes will win some candy!

I am so excited to see your BOOtiful costumes this year!

Photo selected by Catie Murphy, 602 - Image Link

"Wemakeuphorrorstohelpuscopewiththerealones" StephenKing
"Nevertrustanythingthatcanthinkforitselfifyoucan'tsee whereitkeepsitsbrain" J K Rowling

Brainpop Source

French recipe

by Vishnu Gupta, James L (804) and Ibrahim Alhaidari,
803 @theHelm-page9

Please send

your answers to Jimmy and the first one in each category will be featured next issue!

by Ella Adams, 604

orholdthedoorsforothers. Mrs.Kniazalsodoesnotlikeit whenstudentsarenottruthful.

Donattrip.Sheisalsolooking forwardtoworkingwith studentleadersandthe Principal'sCouncil.Although therearemanythingstolook forwardto,Mrs Kniazalsohas somepetpeevesthatcan sometimeshappeninthe MiddleSchool Shereallydoes notlikeitwhenpeoplerush outofdoorsanddonotwait

ThisyearatHSC,Principal Kniazishopingtohelpcapture someofthegreatthingsthat happenatHSCandmake themmoreaccessibleand apparenttotheHSC community.Sheloveshelping othersachievetheirgoalsand findsthistobeveryrewarding Mrs Kniazlovesthewarm, communitycultureinthe MiddleSchoolandwantsto keepthejoyofstudent learningmovingforward!

WelcometotheMiddleSchoolcodingchallenge!Inthischallenge,yougettoshowoff yourcodingskillstothewholeofMiddleSchool! Herearetherules: Rule1)SinceIonlyhaveinterpretersforRuby,Javascript,andPython,andIamalsoonly abletounderstandthesecodinglanguages,thesearetheonlycodinglanguagesyou canuseforyourscript. Rule2)Youmaynotcopyanothercreator’spieceofcode.Yourworkmustbeentirely original.However,youmaysearchsnippetsofcode.However,mostofthecodemustbe original.Also,yourcodehastobestartedonOctober22,2022.Noenteringin/copying scriptsthatyoucreatedatadifferentpointintime. Rule3)Youmaynotentermorethan1script. DueDate YouwillstartthischallengeonOct22,2022andendonNov4,2022 PutyourcodeintoaGoogleDocbeforeentering(permissionmustbesetto“anyonewithlinkcanview”) SubmityourcodebyclickingonTHISFORM Thankyouforparticipating! MIDDLE SCHOOL CODING COMPETITION byAravKulkarni,503 HelloMiddleSchool!Forthis month's@THEHELM,I interviewedthenewMiddle SchoolPrincipal,Ms.Kniaz. Hereareacoupleoffunfacts Ifoundoutabouther. Ms.Kniazlikeshercoffee regularwithmilk.Ialsofound outthatherfavouritecolouris navyblue.Mrs.Kniaz’s favouritethingtoeatin LawsonHallischickenstrips andsalad BothHSCand PrincipalKniaz’slastschool, BranksomeHall,are independentschools Didyou knowthatMrs Kniazwasa gymteacher?Shehas New Middle School Principal: Mrs. Kniaz coachedbasketball,rugby, badmintonandtrackand field. ThisyearatHSC,Mrs.Kniazis lookingforwardtoHalloween, CarolService,andtheSt.

SimonaHalep TheTennisPlayer


Simona was born in 1991 in Constanta, Romania She started playing tennisattheageoffour.ShehasabrothercalledNicolaeHalep.When shewassixteen,shemovedtoBucharestbytrain

When she was four, she practised two times a week. When she was growing up, she practiced playing football and handball. When she grewupinConstanta,shetrainedonthebeachesandinthewaterof theBlackSea.Whenshewasateenager,shewassponsoredby CorneliuIdu,whichistheownerofatennisclubinConstanta.


For seven years she ranked no lower than No 4 in tennis Simona Halep was ranked world No 1 in singles twice between 2017 and 2019foratotalof64weeks Sherankseleventhinthehistoryofthe Women'sTennisAssociationrankings

"Halep was the year-end No. 1 in 2017 and 2018. She has won two Grand Slam singles titles: the 2018 French Open and the 2019 Wimbledon." Halep was ranked in the top 10 for 373 consecutive weeks, the eighth-longest streak in WTA history. In these seven years, she finished each year ranked no lower than No. 4. In 2022, she won 1st place in the Toronto Rogers Cup.

Simona Halep when she was 25


The Cartoon Corner


Jack’s Jokes! - Dad edition

by Jack Clifford, 804

What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?

They are both Paris sites.

I’m afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered

My friend said I should do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward. Math, just grow up and solve your own problems!

What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies!

Wanna hear my joke about pizza? Never mind, it's too cheesy.

I don’t trust stairs. They're always up to something.

I keep all my Dad jokes in the Dadabase

Why are elevator jokes so good? They work on so many levels

What happens when a strawberry gets run over while crossing the street? Traffic jam

What has more letters than the alphabet? The post office!

What did one hat say to another? Stay here; I'm going on ahead

Why can't a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.

What does a lemon say when it answers the phone? Yellow!

This graveyard looks overcrowded. People must be dying to get in

What kind of car does an egg drive? A yolkswagen

Dad, can you put the cat out? I didn't know it was on fire

How do you make 7 even? Take away the s

How does a taco say grace? Lettuce pray

What time did the man go to the dentist? Tooth hurt y

Why didn't the skeleton climb the mountain? It didn't have the guts.

What do you call it when a snowman throws a tantrum? A meltdown

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles

I have a joke about chemistry, but I don't think it will get a reaction

What concert costs just 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback!

What does a bee use to brush its hair? A honeycomb!


Filloutthisformtogivesomefeedback;thiswouldreallyhelpmegiveyoumore(Not)hilariousjokes! @theHelm-page14


by Alisha Hemani, 802 & Esme Vedelago, 806

Welcome to Coffee N’ Questions!

No, we don’t really serve coffee but there are lots of questions! How does it work? We randomly chose a teacher and a student in the Middle School; maybe next time it'll be you!

What’s the point of Coffee N’ Questions?

We ask both the teacher and student the same list of questions so you can see their different perspectives. This month, the student chosen was Taylor Wang (Grade 8) and the teacher chosen was Mrs. Brunberg (Grade 7). Let’s get into it!

How are you liking HSC this year?

Taylor: “It’s all right The school has great food, great teachers, good extracurriculars and provides a good education. I can’t really think of anything bad about this school ”

Mrs. Brunberg: “I think it’s great It’s been better since we’ve come back to our regular classes I also love how all the after school activities are back on. Personally, I both love and hate that there are only 4 home forms, like it’s nice that it's not as crazy, but it’s hectic in a different way, like how everyone has sort of forgotten social behaviours ”

What is something you would like to improve at HSC if you could?

Taylor: “[The experience at] Camp Timberlane, the camp the grade 7/8s stayed at during EWeek " Mrs. Brunberg: “New buildings would be awesome. Or a slower school day with fewer classes but longer classes like in the high school ”

What is your favourite place here?

Taylor: “The Paikin music room! I love playing the grand piano they have there.”

Mrs. Brunberg: “Hm, well I love the forested area between Lawson Hall and Young building (the PBL pumpkin project area/The Carolinian Forest) I love just relaxing on the picnic benches outside.”

If you could add something to the cafeteria menu, what would it be?

Taylor: “I would like there to be beef hot dogs more often.”

Mrs. Brunberg: “I would love a sushi bar”

Alisha totally agrees

Are you a part of some extracurriculars? If so, which ones?

Taylor: “Yes I’m a part of @theHelm, soccer, and the chess club ”

Mrs Brunberg: “This year I’m working on the yearbook, and will be part of the stage crew for Oliver!”

Are you excited for the Spooky Carnival/Monster Mash which happens every other year?

Taylor: “Definitely I can’t wait to do the activities and try the food since I’ve heard such good things about it ” Mrs. Brunberg: “I’m excited for the kids to have fun, but personally I’m not going Instead, I’ll be dropping my daughter off in Toronto, where she’ll be seeing The Cursed Child play ”

What's your favourite part about Halloween?

Taylor: “Getting candy!”

Mrs. Brunberg: “Everything. The costumes, the candy, the spookiness, the pumpkins, the horror movies: absolutely everything!”

Favourite candy/chocolate and which is better?

Taylor: “Candies are better My favourite is Sour Patch Kids ”

Mrs. Brunberg: “Candy is definitely better than chocolate, and I would choose sour keys, sour jujubes, sour Skittles, sour Mike‘n’Ikes, anything sour, but I wouldn’t say no to chocolate!”

How was EWeek and what was your favourite part?

Taylor: “The activities were fun but the cabins weren’t the best On the other hand, I really enjoyed the game Stones ”

Mrs. Brunberg: “EWeek was amazing! I love Camp Timberlane and was glad we could go back! I even bought the Camp Timberlane hoodie with Mrs Setzkorn. The only part that wasn’t great was the bad weather, which was unfortunate.”






Top 3 steam games you should buy!

Astroneer Finn Iffe Wallace

Astroneer starts (after you make a new save) with you in a little pod plummeting down onto the first planet (Sylva), where you start your journey You use your collector vacuum thing to collect resources to build more things You can build shuttles, thrusters, printers (to make all this), and you use these things to get to more planets to get more materials On each planet, there is a glowing core that you need to go to Each core has a prominent structure in the middle you need to get to, and inside of this structure, there is a platform where you need to place a specific item (varying between planets) Whenever this item is absorbed by the structure, you get a brick that has the symbol of the planet on it You must collect these bricks and bring them to a giant satellite when all these are put in order by what ring they're in the solar system It then activates a cool cutscene where I am going to let you find out! (You can buy it for $29 99!) Source Link

Mod Oliver Wojciechowski

Garry's Mod is a sandbox game that encourages players to create their own stories and play with friends online on Discord This game has been praised for its flexible gameplay and modding community This game is based on the popular Source engine, initially created as a mod for Half Life 2 This game is known for its user friendly interface and modding community. There are also Nikos's following bots in the game, which is a game where you are trapped in a mall and trying to survive the png monsters known as the following bots. The objective is to stay from these following bots who will be chasing you to no end for as long as possible there is also a prop hunt where you are chased around a house or anywhere else, and you turn into objects to hide from the person tracking you. This game costs $10.99. Source Link


Subnautica is a survival adventure game centred in an open ocean world called 4546B The main objective is to explore the ocean and survive its dangers while completing tasks to advance the plot Players can collect resources, construct tools, bases, and submersibles, and interact with the planet's wildlife The game is set nearly entirely inside the water and features a day/night cycle which creates limited or more visibility The game consists of Survival mode (regular gameplay), Freedom (no hunger or thirst), Hardcore (Death means your save gets deleted), and Creative (No depleting factors, all blueprints discovered, no need for energy or resources) Source Link

#2 Garry’s
704 #1 Subnautica Nathan

Bonus: Game Help Wanted!

Nathan Chan and Nicholas Szpakowski are looking for DWARVES! Before you grab your pitchforks, we are not looking for real dwarves; we are looking for people to join us in Deep Rock Galactic! We are looking for two people to join us in our spelunking adventures in Hoxxes IV, a beautiful planet rich in resources and danger, hehe*. If you have discord and are interested in joining the game and by extension, please email Nathan Chan your user name.

(You can buy the game on Steam for $40 if the price is reasonable for you)

See you in the caves!


Geometry Dash is one of the most popular games of all time and is very cheap as well On Steam, the app store for Windows, the game is $5

Geometry Dash is basically a game full of obstacles and you as the player have to avoid those obstacles by jumping over them. You click the spacebar or the arrow keys to jump There are portals in the game that transform your character and may do mysterious things

Geometry Dash is a very difficult game most of the time, especially if you are a new player The difficulty varies from easy to difficult depending on the level and your skill level as well The easiest levels may be the hardest for inexperienced players

Many games on Steam can be violent but Geometry dash does not have any sort of violence and is family friendly for everyone There is also no foul language because of the lack of dialogue

Geometry Dash is an infinite game with limitless possibilities We call these types of games sandbox games There is no end to the game Geometry Dash and you can change your playstyle and experiment with new things in the game. That is what makes a sandbox game a sandbox.

Geometry Dash is a very addictive game as well. It can induce rage in the player because of the frustration of playing at a difficult level Once you get into the cycle of geometry, it is impossible to escape it without lots of willpower.

People make jokes about it, saying that a Geometry Dash player never goes outside because of the addiction that this game induces in their head This game is a very frustrating game at the same time.

https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/geometry dash levels hardest demons 1762209/ The hardest levels of the game include Deadlocked, Kenos, Bloodbath, Slaughterhouse, Tartarus, Sonic Wave Infinity, Sakupen Circles, etc

I rate this game a 10/10; best family friendly game ever!


Veronica Taranu-Smith, S803 ean Qin, 801

Amira Nwalia, 805


Jane,WhoBrokeaWindow andSufferedaTerribleOrdeal

There was a girl whose name was Jane Who threw a ball at a windowpane

She had been told by Granny Ping Not to break a single thing

But she played ball indoors one day And that was the end, I’m sad to say

Glass went flying everywhere

And when a piece flew through her hair, Poor little Jane dropped down dead

With a big hole in her vast forehead

Granny Ping hadn’t time to gape Before she suffered a similar fate

Blood was oozing everywhere

And a cracking sound filled the air Cries of “Help!” echoed ‘round the room

As people fell to their certain doom

And when the chaos finally ceased Most of the guests were found deceased

At her funeral, Jane was acknowledged, Not as a sweet little girl, full of knowledge, But rather as a girl of very little brain, Who liked to throw balls at windowpanes

As the old undertaker dressed in black said, “Jane is a girl who deserves to be dead!”

This poem was inspired by Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes.

RIDDLES - collected by Liam McKnight, 801

Riddle: A man dies of old age on his 25 birthday How is this possible?

Answer: He was born on February 29

Riddle: What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to?

Answer: An echo

Riddle: Where does today come before yesterday?

Answer: The dictionary

Riddle: What has a head and a tail but no body?

Answer: A coin

Riddle: What building has the most stories?

Answer: The library

Riddle: What has 13 hearts, but no other organs?

Answer: A deck of cards

Riddle: Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother. How many children does Mary have?

Answer: Five each daughter has the same brother

Riddle: Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Answer: Neither they both weigh a ton

Riddle: What begins with an "e" and only contains one letter?

Answer: An envelope


6 minutes and 47 seconds

Short story by Valeria Caruana, 702

I stared at the amaranth-coloured ceiling. I chuckled to myself. I love the word amaranth. I got it from my sister's book called Know One Knows. Amaranth is a rare colour that is kind of a reddish rose. Now that I think about it I should give her her book back. I brushed my hand over the spine of the book. The flattering lettering caught anyone's eye. I jumped out of my new queen sized bed and went over to Carmen's room. Her room was down the hall near mother and father's room. Her room looked exactly like mine but it was purple. Since we're identical twins, I guess we match a lot.

I arrived at her pale purple door. A new sign was put up. It read, “NO ONE BUT FAWN CAN COME IN” Aww my 13 minute younger sister actually is going to let me in her room! I opened the door and expected her to be on her bed watching Anime on her brand new phone. Well our brand new phone. We just turned 12 and that's when mother and father finally let us have a phone that we can share.

Carmen was not there though! Where was the familiar sound of a character screaming something in Japanese? I will never understand Anime or what I call Amine. I wonder where she was? I looked at her messy bed and dirty food bowls scattered around her room. That's one thing that is not the same for us. I actually clean my room and actually make my bed like a normal pre-teen! Carmen never ever leaves her filthy room! Where could she be?

I stepped outside of her room and went to mine. I picked up my iPad and called our phone. RING! RING! RING! I ran back to Carmen's room. Right on her desk hid slightly behind her pile of books was our phone. 14 miss calls from her boyfriend and 8 messages from her friend. Where was she?

“Mother? Father? Can I come in?” I yelled through the door to their master bedroom.

“Yes!!!!” yelled mother.

I stepped into the grand room. Three T.V.s sat on the wall all projecting different shows. One of them was playing Stranger Things. Yes, my favourite. One humongous couch sat at the back of the room and four sinks sat in the ensuite. I loved their room! Mother was on her phone on the bed. Father was sleeping beside her.

“Do you know where Carmen is?” I asked frantically to my mother.

Mother looked at me with her big hazelnut eyes and long dark eyelashes. Freckles were all over her face. I wish I had her beauty. She answered, “I thought Carmen was in her room sweetheart. I wonder where else she would be?”

I shrugged. I showed my mother our phone.

She gasped, “Carmen never misses a call from Brady, but 8 messages from her bestie? That's insane! Fawn I don't know what could have happened to her! Go to the park and check if she's there and call some of her friends to know if she's at a party or something. If you don't find her we will wait till curfew at 8pm and then call the police.”

I nodded and stepped out. The park was only 5 minutes away. So I skateboarded there. The swing was empty. The equipment was deserted and most important of all, Carmen was not to be seen. Every second worried me, so I called her friends and crossed my fingers and toes.

No one knew where she was. Tears were welling in my eyes, and I ran home. Boomer greeted me at the door. The touch of his soft fur made me feel the tiniest better. I cooed over him and then decided to watch something on Netflix. No sense in worrying about it now. I checked my Apple Watch. 6:47 pm. Only one hour or so till I should actually worry. I scrolled through the “Continue Watching for Fawn” section. I saw lots of shows and some movies I forgot I was still watching. I clicked on Uncharted.

6 minutes and 47 seconds left in the movie. How strange.

I heard Tom Holland's voice and saw his face. Or a blond lady with green eyes?

I turned around to see whose face was reflecting on my T.V screen. Behind me was a dark figure. A pointed witch hat pierced in the light. A nose twitched and a snake hissed.

A witch was inside my house and all I was doing was gawking at it. What happened to my voice?


Homework Help

If you are reading this, you probably have had trouble concentrating on work at some point But don’t worry, I've got you Here are my top tips for studying and doing homework

Tip 1: Prioritize!

If you have too many things to do, list them in order of priority If you only accomplish ONE thing today, what should it be? Complete that first, then the next important thing For example, if I had to do math homework and the deadline is extremely soon, I would probably complete it before a project that is due in two weeks This DOES NOT mean ignoring “less immediately important” things It just means saving them for later

Tip 2: Pomodoro Debunked!

A popular study method is the Pomodoro Technique It says to study for 30 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes, then study for 30 minutes again until you have completed your work I just don’t think these numbers add up! 30 minutes for me, personally, is too little time to work, and 5 minutes is just not enough time to recharge I would recommend altering the numbers to fit your work style I like to study for 1 hour, take a break for 15 minutes, then repeat, but you can change the numbers however you like It’s good to have a timer to remind you when to stop going down a YouTube spiral and get back to work

Tip 3: Just Start

For my final tip, all I have to say is two words: just start A lot of times you might be surprised to find how easy an assignment is and realize you have been procrastinating because you were afraid of starting The hardest part of doing schoolwork and studying is actually opening up your book or laptop and getting started If something feels daunting, break it up into steps Instead of writing down “Write Essay” on your to do list, write “Open laptop and write title,” then “Write first paragraph ” Because the steps seem easier, it gets easier to JUST START

Those are my tips for you, hopefully they will help!

Aru Shah and the End of Time Book Review by Esme Vedelago, 806

Book by: Roshani Chokshi Genre: Fantasy Fiction

Remember Percy Jackson? Ya, that guy. Remember who created him? Rick Riordan. While this may not be a book written by Rick Riordan, it is one that he approved of.

Aru Shah is really great at one thing: lying. It’s the only way she knows how to fit it. But one day, those lies go too far. Now Aru’s facing the end of the world in her Spiderman pajamas. Guess that’s a lesson on not lighting cursed lamps, especially when an angry pigeon named Boo comes to yell at you: maybe not a great idea after all

Now Aru has to go on a quest to save the world with her new sister Mini What fun! Why not throw in some scary girl eating monsters and make it a real party? I’m not joking

Aru’s got to fight off monsters, doubts, and the occasional bolt of lightning if she’s going to save the world. You know, all the usual things a teenager does!


Harry Potter Book Review

Welcome Wizards, Witches, and Muggles!

Today we will be covering the entire series of Harry Potter!

Fun Facts: Let's start off with some fun facts about Harry Potter.

Did you know Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling have the same Birthday!

The actor Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) went through 70 wands and 160 pairs of glasses!

J.K. Rowling was offered the role of Lily Potter in the movies but rejected the offer because she didn’t think she’d be a good actress.

Voldemort’s name when split into three pieces (Vol De Mort) means “Flight of Death” in French

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets shows well how poisonous fame can be, while simultaneously being an amazing mystery. It demonstrates Harry’s bravery, loyalty, and trust when he fights the Basilisk to free Ginny Weasley. This book truly has something for everyone. At a slight disagreement of 0.6, our ratings are.... Charlie: 8.6/10, Arav: 8/10

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a highly important book in the series, revealing some main characters and plot points. It includes some mystery, amazing twists, and an important story point. Overall it is a great book, and definitely a fan favourite. With an even slighter disagreement of 0.2, Our ratings are... Charlie: 8.3/10, Arav: 8.5/10

This book is a great introduction to the whole series and the characters I’m not going to spoil the rest of the book to those who haven’t read the 1st book but overall it’s a great read and one of my favorite books in the series It showed all major characteristics and established the basics of the wizarding world We’ve agreed on the rating here, and our decision is 9 5/10!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was an interesting book, containing one of the most important plot points: Voldemort returning to (almost) full power. It showcases many of Harry’s qualities once again and leaves you excited for more. It is a very intriguing read. However, at times it becomes dull. With the slightest disagreement yet, Our ratings are...

Charlie: 8.9/10, Arav: 9/10

HarryPotterandtheChamberofSecrets HarryPotterandthePrisonerofAzkaban HarryPotterandtheGobletofFire HarryPotterandthePhilosopher’sStone

Harry Potter Book Review, Cont'd


The Order of the Phoenix was exciting with the Umbridge and the McGonagall conflict and the revelation of Occlumency which leads up to the climax: The fight in the department of mysteries causes an important character to meet his demise. However, it was unexciting for most of the book, hitting you with exposition dump after exposition dump and never giving you time to rest. We’ve agreed on this book's fate. Our rating is... 7/10

I’ll get right to the point This book was bad There was too much exposition too fast, and a lot of it wasn't useful Then, while you're trying to recover, you get a hit in the head by the death of arguably the 2’nd most important character’s death, Dumbledore. This was my least favourite book in the series. The punishment for this book is...

Charlie: 4/10, Arav: 3.5/10

Admitedly, it’s not my favourite book even though it is arguably one of the most important books of the series. It’s not exactly dull. Actually: the opposite. It was way too fast paced and never gave you much time to think. I would change a lot of things about this book. Our ratings are...

Charlie: 6.5/10, Arav: 4.5/10

Overall, this is an excellent series It had amazing characters, character arches, and backstories, an amazing villain, and an amazing storyline Harry Potter is known around the world, with over 400000000 copies sold and translated into over 60 languages

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Our rating of the whole series is... 10\10!

Extra thanks to our editor and source of two facts, Ahana Kulkarni

This brings us to the end of this book review. We do hope you enjoyed reading this review, and to read the books if you haven't already.

By: Charlie C and Arav K

Edited by: Ahana K and Arav K

HarryPotterandtheOrderofthePhoenix HarryPotterandtheHalf BloodPrince HarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows Link for Question #1 CBC article

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