Expressions Performing Arts Series Sponsorship Opportunity

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| 2019–20 visual arts




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2019–20 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE Guys and Dolls (Senior School musical) November 28 and 29: 7:30 p.m. November 30: 2:00 pm Senior Fall Music Night December 3: 7:00 p.m. Middle School Winter Music Night December 5: 6:00 p.m. Hot Jazz on a Cold Night February 6: 7:00 p.m. Mary Poppins Jr. (Middle School musical) March 5 and 6: 7:30 p.m. March 7: 1:00 pm Senior Play - TBA April 30 and May 1: 7:30 p.m. Music Showcase May 5: 6:00 pm Grad Recital June 3: 7:00 pm

ncouraged me e d n a d e rt o p p llan College su e. My school g a g n u o y Hillfield Stratha a m s fro and in the visual art ts s re te at has support in th y m m ra e g ro p s rt to pursu ed a as. ly well-develop r academic are e ib d th o re c ll a in t n u a o s h a g h u integration thro Scholar Mercer – Arts Brynn

am I believe that I ileged incredibly priv t to be a studen at HSC.

THE OPPORTUNITY Sponsorship Level



n Acknowledgement as a major event sponsor with prominent recognition MAESTRO $8,000 n Twelve tickets to each event n Preferred seating at Carol Service, Remembrance Day and ticketed events n Reserved seating at free events n Recognition on event poster boards and program inserts n Listing on myHSC resource board n Five tickets to each event VIRTUOSO $3,500 n Preferred seating at ticketed events n Reserved seating at free events n Recognition on event poster boards and program inserts n Listing on myHSC resource board n Two tickets to each event ENCORE $1,500 n Preferred seating at ticketed events n Reserved seating at free events n Recognition on event poster boards and program inserts n One ticket to each event PREMIERE $200 n Reserved seating at free events

most I have had the d supportive an ers creative teach enced who have influ the person I am today.

, art has always e g e ll o C n a ll a trath been lucky to ear at Hillfield S y e v t a rs h fi I . y fe m li e y c a in S eryd l arts ce within my ev n e s re p g sical arts, visua n u o m tr s g in d lu had a c in , ore f art , I gravitated m ifferent types o e d c ll n a e ri e e c p n x e e ri e d p n x e on a g further educati nt while creatin h te it n o W c . t s re o tu m ra l e te t I fe and li rts, as I find tha artistic journey, a l is a th u is n v o e e il th h s W . toward and designing ent ng – Visual Ar

Daniela DeJo

ts Stud

FROM THE DIRECTOR OF ARTS FROM THE HEAD OF COLLEGE On behalf of the Hillfield Strathallan College community, it is my pleasure to introduce the HSC Expressions Performing Arts Series for 2019–20. This season features an incredible series of student performances in visual arts, theatrics and music. Expressions has grown from the pre-existing Crescendo Series and is organized by a dedicated committee of volunteers, who demonstrate our commitment to the arts and to the greater community by providing MARC AYOTTE enrichment opportunities to our students. I do hope you take this opportunity to help us grow the HSC Arts Program.

We are thrilled at the opportunity to showcase our exceptional student talent in the visual and performing arts. It is our hope that, through the Expressions Performing Arts Series, we will continue to expand the HSC Arts Program and fund enrichment opportunities that will enhance the student experience. With funds raised through Expressions, we can offer students more opportunities for extension and professional engagement, including additional field trips and retreats — experiences that shape and evolve our ALLAN GAUMOND students’ passion for the arts.

If you wish to support the HSC Expressions Performing Arts Series, please contact: Rebecca Llewellyn, Associate Director of Advancement 905-389-1367, ext. 107

299 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton, ON. L9C 1G3

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